Timati (Timur Yunusov) - biography, information, personal life. Career, personal life and parents of Timati: interesting facts Ildar Yunusov, a major businessman, biography

Timati is a stage name. At birth the boy was named Timur. His father, a well-known businessman in Moscow, Ildar Yunusov, moved to Moscow in his youth and achieved everything on his own. In the same spirit, he raised his sons, of whom there are two in the family - Timur has a younger brother who is also a professional musician.

Ildar Yunusov has Tatar roots, therefore, there have always been patriarchal traditions in the family. His wife, a Jew by nationality, devoted herself entirely to her husband and children. From his mother he inherited patience and love for everything beautiful. From my father - masculine charisma and the desire to achieve my goals.

In childhood

But where did the boys come from? musical abilities, No one knows. However, they appeared so early that already in kindergarten Timati was sent to a music school. To his parents' surprise, he chose the violin himself. She seemed to him the most beautiful and the most simple tool. If only he knew then how difficult it is to learn to play the violin beautifully!

However, it didn’t last long. Growing up in a wealthy family and never being denied anything, he early joined the ranks of the “golden teenagers” and began to disappear on the streets, listening to rap and dancing hip-hop. He did this much better than studying at school and playing the violin. Music school he dropped out after 4th grade. Things weren't going too well in the regular one either.

Trying to somehow rectify the situation and awaken his son’s interest in economics, his father sends him to America. But instead of learning the intricacies of business management, Timati actively studies hip-hop and begins to write rap. An angry parent takes him back two years later. But by this time Timati had already firmly decided that he would build a career only in show business.


Being strict and demanding, the father loved his sons infinitely, so the boys always managed to convince him to help in their endeavors. With the support of his father, 15-year-old Timati creates his first band, which begins performing in nightclubs and quickly gains its first fans.

In one of them, he meets the already famous rapper Decl, and he invites him to work as a backing MC - a “voiceover” that further excites the audience at performances. This hit Timati’s ambitions, but he quickly realized that this was an opportunity to see the inner workings of show business and agreed.

A few years later the first team broke up. But this did not upset Timati too much, who was already dreaming of solo career. He recruits new musicians and goes to the casting with his “Gang” fourth season"Star Factories" The guys easily go on live broadcasts.

The team interested not only the audience, but also the producers. The project became not only an excellent school for them, where they learned a lot, but also quick start professional career. Immediately after its completion, a presentation of the video for the composition “Heaven is Crying” took place and Timati’s first disc as part of the “Gang” - “New People” - was released.

On the wave of success, he again turns to his father for help and creates his own studio and production center. Under the brand name “Black Star Inc.” Timati begins to actively promote himself first and foremost. At the same time, he actively promotes this brand on social networks and after a year has a base of almost 10 million subscribers.

During this time, Timati manages to create quite a decent repertoire and begins to actively tour. His project is aimed at a certain circle of young people who listen to rap and dance hip-hop, and that’s it musical materials Timati selects them so that they fall into this stream as much as possible. And achieves tremendous success.

In 2008, he realized that the brand he created was bringing real income and had already become famous among young people. Then he uses it to promote the sports line youth clothing, which is very popular among his fans. The presentation took place at Moscow Fashion Week.

Since Timati writes English-language music and actively collaborates with world-class musicians, he is quickly gaining popularity far beyond the borders of Russia. His albums are very popular in Europe and are listened to in the States. Timati regularly uploads new tracks to the Internet, which constantly fuels interest in his own work.

In 2010 he opens his first clothing store, in honor of which he gives a big a charity concert. After two years there is major scandal between him and the king Russian stage Philip Kirkorov, which resulted in the creation of a composition that gave the name to the new concert program artist "Let's see you", with whom he traveled all over Russia.

Timati currently has seven full-length solo albums in his discography. Many bright videos have been shot on his compositions. He has repeatedly received awards from Muz-TV and the Golden Gramophone award. In 2014 he received the title of Honored Artist of Chechnya. This is one of the richest and most successful rappers in Russia.

Personal life and wife Timati

Timati was always liked by girls, and his first novels began to happen back in school years. Hot oriental blood made itself felt, but he was not in the mood for a serious relationship. Until I fell in love with the young singer Alexa. He met the girl at the Factory, but their relationship lasted after the project.

A year later, Alexa broke his heart by driving home to prepare for her wedding to a successful businessman. But Timati’s pride did not allow him to retreat. He rushed after him and upset his beloved’s wedding, taking her back to Moscow. But he was never able to forgive her betrayal, and in 2007 he himself decided to break up with Alexa.

However, official version their breakup is another – Alexa’s excessive infatuation plastic surgery, because of which, in just a couple of years, a girl with a previously charming appearance changed beyond recognition. She was often criticized on social media and her career began to crumble.

Timati became interested in models. Despite the fact that he himself is only 168 cm tall, he felt completely free in their company, and even such people could not resist his charm and pressure. socialites like Victoria Bonya and Masha Malinovskaya. There were even more rumors about his fans, but this only pleased the rapper’s male vanity.

In 2012, at one of the social parties, Timati met Vice-Miss Russia, professional model Alena Shishkova. But she has already heard about his adventures and does not want to have anything to do with the womanizer. This only provokes Timati, and just a few months later the couple is already living together.

With Alena Shishkova and daughter

And a year later, Alena gave him a daughter, who is the greatest pride and favorite of her star father. The couple experienced childbirth together, and Timati cut the umbilical cord with his own hands. But it never came to the wedding. Soon after the birth of the baby, the couple broke up, maintaining a friendly relationship.

Currently, Timati's girlfriend is another successful model, Anastasia Reshetova. The couple has been together since 2015, and so far there is no sign of a breakup.

You may like or dislike the young rapper Timur Yunusov, better known as Timati, but it is stupid to deny the fact that it was he who raised domestic hip-hop to a new level. Timati himself admits that a sense of rhythm is in his blood. He sees the explanation for this in his non-Russian roots: Timur’s dad is a Tatar, and his mother is Jewish.


Half Tatar


Timati was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. His father, Ildar Yunusov, is a major businessman. His mother, Simona Yakovlevna, was mostly involved in raising her son and helped her husband in some matters.

Timati does not deny that he grew up in a wealthy family, but emphasizes that he never sat on his parents’ necks.

As soon as he reached adulthood, he began to earn money himself, performing in cafes. Timati received active support from his younger brother Artem. He still helps his brother.

Timati speaks about his musicality without any modesty.

Everything is probably deep in the roots - after all, they are not Russian. Mom is Jewish, dad is Tatar. These peoples initially have a completely different sense of rhythm and beat. So my ears work in a different plane! - says Timati.

Timati's first acquaintance with hip-hop happened at the age of ten. These were songs by MC Hammer and Onyx. Future star Then I realized two things. First: that he loves rap very much, secondly, that he wants to devote his life to this music. Timati did not want to remain just a listener. He decided that he would make music professionally and achieve success. And so it happened.

However real rap Timati heard it not in Russia, but in America, where he went for three whole years as a twelve-year-old child.

There I was able to completely immerse myself in hip-hop culture, literally absorbed it. My friends were Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, African Americans. With their help, I was able to feel and discover for myself the true essence of this music. In Moscow, it was difficult to understand and experience hip-hop: at that time there was practically no movement, no development in this direction. When I returned home from America to Moscow, I became actively interested in where there were parties with music that was close to me, says Timati.

The parents treated their son’s hobby with some distrust, asking what kind of music this was. They valued quality music, by which they meant jazz and classical, but not rap or hip-hop. Moreover, Timati’s grandfather was a famous composer.

But get through big stage, performing rap was very difficult then, so Timati decided to try his hand at the frankly pop project of Channel One “Star Factory-4”. According to the singer, he did not like “Factory” and considered himself outside its format. But when I found out that Igor Krutoy would be the producer of the project, I instantly changed my attitude. It’s not scary to go into battle with such a musician, says Timati.

And indeed: Igor Krutoy played one of the key roles in the birth of Timati as a musician. As a result, after the end of the “Star Factory”, Timati creates his own group, which is called “Gang”. In addition to Timati, it includes other participants of the show - Ratmir Shishkov, Nastya Kochetkova, Dominic Joker. Together, in 2005, they released their debut album “New People” (2005), which sold thousands of copies in a matter of days.

The album “Gangs” is one of the three nominees in the “Debut of the Year” category Annual Award"Record". And in 2006, the group was one of the three nominees for the MUZ-TV Award 2006 in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project”. In addition, the “Gang” shot three videos: “New People”, “Dope” and “Heaven is Crying”, and also took part in the recording of the Winter Olympics anthem.

In 2006, Timati recorded solo album“Black Star by Timati”, the main song of which is the song “In the Club”. Another hit is the song “When You Are Near,” which was recorded with “Star Factory-4” participant Alexa. The “When You’re Near” video turned out to be one of the most stylish and memorable in the collection of Russian videos of 2006. In addition to these clips, videos for the songs “Dance with me” (duet with Ksenia Sobchak), “Wait” (duet with the group “Uma2rman”), “Heat” (duet with Nastya Kochetkova) and “Don’t go crazy” will appear on television screens. (with TV presenter Victoria Boney).

And already in 2007, the group “Banda” announced its collapse.

In 2007, Timati tries his hand at cinema. He takes part in the filming of the film “Heat”, where he plays one of the main roles. In the same year, Timati voiced the role of Max in the animated film “Arthur and the Minimoys.” In the original version, the role of Max is voiced by a famous rapper Snoop Dogg. Later, Timati recorded the song “Groove On” with Snoop Dogg.

Timati is also a businessman. He owns the Black Star October restaurant (with Arkady Novikov), the Black Star October bar, which he runs with Alexander Sorkin and Arkady Novikov, as well as the Black Star by TIMATI clothing line.

In 2005, the country watched the relationship between Timati and Alexa. The couple met on the project “Star Factory-4”. Many were sure that they were made for each other and would soon get married. But no: very soon a crisis emerged in the relationship between Timati and Alexa, and the young people broke up. After Timati, they noticed him surrounded by other beauties, but Timati always emphasized that there was no one among them. Timati first spoke about the wedding in 2010. He stated that he had had a walk and was ready for serious relationship and perhaps even to children. And in 2011, information appeared in the media that Timati got married. The artist’s chosen one was a girl named Milana. True, they say that not everything is smooth in their relationship either. So, in July 2011, the media wrote that Milana left Timati. According to rumors, they doubted his jealousy.

Timati's main passion is tasty food and travel. The singer admits that his childhood dream is to visit all the cities of the world. Now he has this opportunity. Timati combines business with pleasure: he travels to the countries where he performs. And he performs in many places...

Ildar Yunusov is a major businessman, investor, Tatar by nationality. He leads a secretive lifestyle and tries not to attend social events. Interest in him is fueled by the fact that he is the father of the popular rapper and owner of the Black Star music label.

Childhood and youth

Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov was born in 1960 in Moscow, his exact date of birth is unknown. Ildar’s father, Vakhit Zakirovich, was born in the village of Isergapovo, in Tatarstan. He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1953 he entered the Moscow State Institute international relations USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He worked for 35 years at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, as well as at the USSR embassies. There is no information about Ildar's mother.

In one of his interviews, Timati said that almost all of his paternal relatives are diplomats. And Ildar followed in their footsteps; he entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries. After graduation, he worked as a translator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and later became head of the eastern sector.


Ever since the days of “Star Factory,” it has become clear that Timati’s father is a wealthy man. Timur himself did not hide this, although he clarified that his father raised him in such a way that, despite the family’s wealth, he must achieve everything in life himself.

But what kind of business Ildar Yunusov owns is a mystery. There are no conjectures on this matter. The first thing they started talking about was that the man was connected with the oil business. He is believed to be a member of the board of directors of oil pump manufacturer Art Pumping Technologies. Later information appeared that he owned a dozen restaurants in Moscow.

In one of his interviews, his son Timati said that his father’s field of activity includes working with real estate and securities. But, again, no specifics.

In 2014, Ildar Vakhitovich participated in the annual banking forum Maximus Capital, which was held in Riga. In the program of speeches he was announced as the director of the Swiss investment company Stratus Trade & Finance. According to RBC, he is also a co-owner of this company.

Personal life

Ildar Yunusov with his future wife Simona Yakovlevna Chervomorskaya studied in the same class. He had to woo her for a long time. She was fashionable and was into dancing and music. But he, on the contrary, wore horn-rimmed glasses and was all about studying. Of course, he was not a “nerd,” but he still graduated from school with a gold medal. As Timati says, his passion for music comes from his mother, but his commercial spirit clearly comes from his father.

In the early 80s, Ildar and Simone got married. In 1983, their first child was born, Timur, now better known under the stage name Timati. In 1987, their second son Artem was born.

Simone is a purebred Jew, raised in musical family, energetic by nature and open man. The same cannot be said about her husband. Unlike Ildar, after the birth of her granddaughter Alisa, the woman started Instagram, where she began regularly publishing photos of her life. And not only Timati’s fans began to subscribe to her; today over a million people are interested in her life, and Simona Yunusova’s account is signed succinctly - “Just a grandmother.”

In 1996, the couple divorced, but remained on friendly terms. Even Timati does not know the reasons for their separation. In an interview with Express Newspaper, which Timur gave in 2010, he said that his mother lives in the Dominican Republic, and his father lives in Switzerland. They have had other families for a long time.

Ildar Yunusov now

Ildar Yunusov is a non-public and even secretive person. He is not in any in social networks, he does not go to public events, he has never even “showed up” on his star son’s Instagram. His photo is quite difficult to find in the public domain. Consequently, there are no news related to his personality. His name “pops up” only when discussing Timati and the rapper’s earnings.

Father: owner of the Crocus Group of companies Araz Iskender oglu Agalarov

The artist’s father, Araz Agalarov, is one of the richest people in Russia. Of course, Emin inherited the family business, and now he holds the post of first vice president of the Crocus Group (Crocus City, VEGAS shopping mall, Your House, Myakinino metro station and housing stock).

Emin graduated from school in Switzerland, then college in the USA, and then returned to Moscow to work in his father’s company. But serious matters are not a reason to step on the throat of your own song.

Since childhood, Agalarov Jr. imitated Elvis Presley and dreamed of the stage. At the age of 18, he first tried himself in the American show Open Mic Night, and in 2006 he released his solo album Still.


Agalarov Sr. did not understand his son’s passion, but was ready to support him.

“He was ready to accept any of my choices, as long as I did the job and achieved success,” says Emin.

Emin, as we know, achieved success. He performed as a guest at Eurovision 2012 in Baku, released 13 albums, and organized the Heat music festival.

“I don't do this for self-affirmation. I truly enjoy singing,” says the singer and entrepreneur.

Timati, 34 years old

Father: investor Ildar Yunusov

Timur Yunusov was born into the family of businessman Ildar Yunusov, a non-public and even secretive man. According to rumors, his business is related to oil. They also say that Yunusov Sr. owns several restaurants. The mother of musician Simona Yunusova is engaged in housekeeping and raising her granddaughter Alisa. Simone is much more open than her serious husband. She leads Instagram and communicates with fans of his son.

At the age of 13, Timur’s parents sent him to the USA to study. But instead of sitting over textbooks, Timati became interested in hip-hop. Returning to his homeland, he created the group VIP77 and began performing with Decl. Timur dropped out of the Higher School of Economics and began organizing parties in Moscow.

At the age of 20, in 2004, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, Timati was cast at the Star Factory, where their group Banda was born. We know the rest of the story.

Entrepreneurial talent helped Timati create his own label, Black Star Inc., as well as several business lines: the clothing brand Black Star Wear, the Black Star Burger burger shop and a barber shop.

Pharaoh, 22 years old

Father: football manager Gennady Golubin

The father of Gleb Golubin (the rapper’s real name) is a celebrity in the world of Russian football. Golubin Sr. served as general manager of the Yuri Konoplev Football Academy, headed FC Dynamo, and worked as a personal sports agent. Now Golubin works at the Isport agency and is involved in the promotion of young football players.

Of course, Golubin Sr. did not see a future for his son outside of football. And for some time everything went according to plan. From 6 to 13 years old, Gleb played for Dynamo, CSKA and Lokomotiv. Unfortunately, the young man did not show good results. Gleb, in his own words, was tired of sitting on the bench and switched to refereeing youth teams, but he became bored.

And yet it didn’t work out with football. At the age of 16, Gleb went to study in the USA, where he finally switched to rap and music. Upon returning, Gleb entered the journalism department of Moscow State University, from which he graduated last year, and began recording tracks.

Egor Creed, 23 years old

Father: owner of the Unitron nut processing company Nikolai Bulatkin

Creed's father is a major Penza businessman, and his mother is her husband's deputy. But the son of entrepreneurs from childhood was not interested in processing nuts, but in music.

At the age of 11, Yegor recorded his first song, “Amnesia,” on a tape recorder. Parents supported their son in his desire to become an artist. At the age of 17, Egor took the pseudonym KreeD and began posting music on the Internet, where he was noticed by the producers of the Black Star label.

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov- rapper, entrepreneur, actor.

Timur was born in Moscow on August 15, 1983. Father - Ildar Yunusov, a very large businessman. Mother - Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova (Chervomorskaya as a girl), also a businessman. Timur has Jewish and Tatar roots. Timur has a younger brother Artem.

Timati's family is very wealthy, however, the guy's parents taught him to achieve everything in life on his own.

Timur spent his childhood in Moscow. The Yunusov family lived on Mira Avenue. Already with early childhood the boy began to show his creative nature. Timur's parents sent him to study violin at the Music School, where he studied faithfully for four whole years. At the age of 10, the boy first went to summer camp, where his love of love manifested itself: the boy actively began to be interested in girls, much older than himself.

In 1996 At the age of 13, Timur’s parents sent him to America, hoping that there the child would develop an interest in studying. Timati lived in Los Angeles and studied hip-hop culture. The parents' expectations were completely unfulfilled: Timur immediately abandoned his studies, immersing himself in nightclub life.

After living a little in America, Yunusov returned to Moscow with an irresistible desire will definitely join in domestic show business. The guy is hard at breakdancing. He was also one of the first to start promoting the capital’s night hip-hop clubs “Marika” and “Most”.

In 1998 15-year-old Timati with his best friend Pasha is organized by a rap group called “VIP77”. This group includes: Timati, Pasha, Dominic Joker, MC Dynamite, Baby Lee, Leo and Master Spensor. The group sometimes performed and recorded their songs. The group’s most popular compositions are “I need you alone” and “Fiesta”.

In 1999 Timati also works as a back-MC for Decl.

year 2000- Timati appears on television for the first time, starring in Decl’s video “Party”. Timur then had short braids and dreadlocks on his head.

In 2004 group "VIP77" breaks up, but in next year it will be reborn with a new lineup.

In the same year, Timur Yunusov, together with his friends Ratmir Shishkov and Dominic Joker, are casting for participation in the television project “Star Factory-4”, thanks to which they will become famous throughout the country. At the show, the guys record songs and learn from the best teachers in Russia.

In the same year, Timati, Shishkov and Dominic organized a new hip-hop group called “Banda”. They take another participant from “Star Factory-4” - Anastasia Kochetkova - into their group. None of the “Gang” took a prize in the project, but the young performers were noticed by producers who gave them a chance to shoot a video and record their album.

The Banda group records the song “Heaven is Crying” and shoots a video clip for it.

At the Factory, Timati distinguished himself not only with his talent, but also with his high-profile romance with one of the project participants named Alexa. The couple met for a long time, but finally separated in 2007.

In 2005 the group releases the album “New People”. Also this year, all participants of the “Factory” are conducting a large-scale tour of Russia, lasting several months.

At the end of the tour, Timati begins to be very active. The rapper opens his first night club"Black club". And the “Gang” constantly tours and even records the soundtrack for the film “Dope”.

This year Timati is starring in the film “Male Season: The Velvet Revolution.”

In 2006"Black Star" is released - Timati's first solo album. “Black Star inc”, Timati’s production center, was also founded, and over time, the clothing collection “Black Star by TIMATI” appeared, oriented towards Hip-Hop and R&B youth.

In March of the same year, two close friends of Timati, Deema and Ratmir Shishkov, died in an accident, after which the “Gang” disintegrated.

2007- Timati makes videos: “Dance” with Ksenia Sobchak, and with Victoria Boney - “Don’t go crazy.”

At the beginning of the year, the film “Heat” was released, in which Timati plays one of the main roles. In the same year, voice acting for the cartoon “Catch the Wave”. Timati also becomes the official face of the Sprandi brand.

In 2008 together with Dj Smash Timati releases the hit “My Moscow”, which becomes best composition that summer.

In the same year, “TS Timati for Sprandi” was released - the first line of sportswear together with “Sprandi”.

Timati also stars in the comedy “Hitler Kaput!” and in the series "Daddy's Daughters".

In December, Timati becomes the producer of the track “Lazerboy” by singer Sergei Lazarev.

In 2009 Timati plays in the film “Little Red Riding Hood”, and also voices the foreign films “District 13: Ultimatum” and “Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalak”.

His solo album “The Boss” is also released.

In 2010 painting “Like the Cossacks...”.

On June 1 of this year, Timati is hosting a big charity concert, in which Sergey Lazarev, DJ Smash, and the group “Fidgets” take part.

2011- Timati records on the track “Welcome to St. Tropez” DJ Antoine remix, which becomes a club hit in Europe.

In 2012 Timati’s third solo album “SWAGG” is expected to be released.

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