Timati spoke sharply about the music-TV ceremony at which his girlfriend was humiliated.

MUZ-TV was left behind, and the scandal associated with the TV channel only flared up. This year's award winner Grigory Leps announced from the stage that he wants to give way to young artists and will no longer participate in nominations.

Rapper Timati posted this fragment of the show on Instagram and criticized the channel’s management: “In fact, apart from the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-together, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go go ahead and make a cool product, or a mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who have “earned their place” over the year, or will still be useful. All this is somehow absurd and strange” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

MUZ-TV director Arman Davletyarov could not ignore such an attack from the musician. Super.ru quotes him as saying: “MUZ-TV is the best music channel in the country, and its share is three times higher than that of all music channels combined, and the ratings of the award itself are growing every year, which means: we are doing everything right.” At the same time, Arman noted that Timati’s Black Star brand did not participate in any of the channel’s events, but “but there were calls before the announcement of the nominees.”

The scandal didn't end there! Timati responded to Arman on Instagram: this time the musician spoke even more harshly. “If I were you, I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all, there is a leadership above you that also reads various feeds and news. Imagine if they read the feed of people’s comments and their reviews about the Award?? Not a purged Muz TV account, but real people’s opinions. Shareholders are not fools; they know about your working methods and the internal economics of the channel. As a manager, you can remove all our videos from rotation, no problem. But they can also remove you from your position in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly face the truth, who are you??? What kind of product did you create???”

Arman also responded to this message from Timati, assuring that his comment would be the last: “What I call vomit is when, when we meet, you hug me, shake my hand, and when you leave, you quietly ‘poop’ because you didn’t get the plate.”

The conflict between the star of the Black Star label, rapper Timati and the general director of the Russian national music channel Muz-TV, director of the annual national television award in the field of popular music “Muz-TV Award” Arman Davletyarov, is gaining momentum online.

The reason for the harsh controversy was Timur’s publication on his Instagram, where the musician spoke rather harshly about the entire Muz-TV Prize. “It so happens that you are basically a youth! musical! the channel is probably the largest in terms of coverage in the country, therefore the Prize is the main musical event that should reflect all the realities of today. But in fact, apart from the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-togethers, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relations with those who are behind The year has “served itself out”, or it will still come in handy. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange...”

Evil tongues on the Internet believed that the rapper was unhappy that his work for 2017 was not awarded an award, which is why Timati allowed himself so much criticism of Muz-TV. However, as it turned out, the roots of dissatisfaction lie much deeper: “It’s like receiving boots as a gift that are tight and tread, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he would definitely notice it and be pleased,” said artist. Quite recently, the enchanting project “Songs on TNT” ended, in which Timati, together with Maxim Fadeev, presented the audience with a completely new musical television format. Probably this fact allowed the rapper to express his opinion.

Right after it ended musical event, numerous comments and review videos began to appear on the network that Muz-TV began to resemble a kind of “swamp” in which the same artists, pleasing to the channel’s management, are stewed. For the sake of honor, it is worth recognizing that the Internet, unlike federal channels And official accounts, always reacts sharply and straightforwardly to falsehood, so users analyzed the ceremony itself thoroughly and brought to light many contradictory aspects.

Arman Davletyarov immediately responded to the stellar attack and responded to Timati in an interview with SUPER:

“The head of the award reminded Timati that it was Muz-TV that throughout the year provided strong support to Black Star artists - both promoted and new, however, when the channel needed the support of Timati himself, neither him nor his wards the channel’s events were not visible.” “But there were calls before the announcement of the nominees,” Davletyarov added. In the finale, the channel director wished Timati and Black Star good luck, but without the support of Muz-TV, and in show business they started talking about a new confrontation between “clans”.

Timur Yunusov continued the debate to the key statement of the general director of Muz-TV: “Dear Arman, you have become so moldy in your little self-invented world that you yourself did not understand how in your “interview” you confirmed everything that I wrote earlier above)))” . Timati reproached the media manager for the fact that the Muz-TV Prize was perceived quite harshly on the Internet: “Imagine if they (the founders of Muz-TV) read the feed of people’s comments and their reviews of the Prize?? Not a purged Muz TV account, but real people’s opinions.”

Further, Timur admitted the possibility of excluding artists of the Black Star label from the rotation of the Muz-TV channel for one reason or another: “But they can also remove you from your position in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly face the truth, who are you?? ? What kind of product did you create??? Have you been able to raise the rating of the channel and the Award since the sale of the asset by Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy, when people flew to the Award from all over the CIS and the headliners were: 50 cent, Cristina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, etc. or were you unable???”

Arman Davletyarov’s answer was not long in coming: “You definitely shouldn’t think about my relationship with the shareholders, unlike you, they are interested in the economy, shares and figures of the channel, which suit them, I want to assure you,” the manager wrote. More likely, we're talking about about ratings obtained through research by the TNS group, whose objectivity and accuracy have long been in question.

Next CEO Muz-TV outlined its place in the domestic show business: “Sorry, they (the Founders of Muz-TV) don’t read the comments in your social networks“, they have a different level,” - after these words, many fans of the national music television channel will have to think about how the content of Muz-TV is formed and how much the opinion of an ordinary person, even a devoted fan of the channel, is worth to management.

Arman Davletyarov ended his post proudly and festively: “Over the past three years, the channel’s ratings and share have been the highest for the entire existence of the channel and the Prize.” This information is as valuable as it is relative - the number of views of Timati and Yegor Creed’s video for the song “Gucci” alone on the Internet is more than 29 million, which exceeds the total traffic of the live broadcast of the “Muz-TV Prize 2018” and 22 x videos with individual performances by artists published by the Muz-TV channel on its YouTube channel.

Most likely, the end to the conflict has not yet been reached - it has long been no secret that the television audience is increasingly striving for Internet video hosting and objective commentary, so the process of “scattering galaxies” is irreversible. Thus, the majestic “Transformation” of the music channel once again confirmed how far the opinion of media managers is from what people actually like.

Article “Plate of discord” - Arman Davletyarov harshly responded to Timati “for the Prize” was modified: June 12th, 2018 by resline_onhit

Ksenia Sobchak was one of the presenters of the MUZ-TV award. The star could not resist and decided to approach the couple Timati and Anastasia Reshetova. The blonde’s statements to the musician’s chosen one caused a wave of laughter throughout the hall.

“I look at such a woman, you know. I think: “Lord! Poor Simona Yakovlevna! What should she feel?! He will grow up to be a boy, a small baby, and he will go to the ceremony with this one. Horror,” Sobchak said on air.

The 22-year-old model did not respond to offensive words Sobchak, she simply smiled throughout the host’s entire monologue. Timati also remained silent; his mother Simona Yakovlevna, sitting behind the couple, laughed at everyone passing by. A few days later, the rapper finally wrote a post on Instagram, in which he said that the award “ MUZ TV " was long outdated, and its presenters were incompetent.

“In fact, except for the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-togethers, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who I’ve “earned myself” in a year, or will still be useful. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange. It’s like receiving shoes as a gift that tighten and rub, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he will definitely notice it and be pleased. Hence the natural question: “Why weren’t you indignant last year when you received the “Artist of the Year”?” - the answer is simple (see paragraph about boots). Literally, this year I didn’t play by the rules,” said the musician.

“Dear Arman, you are so moldy in your little fictional world that you yourself did not understand how in the “interview” you confirmed everything that I wrote earlier above. I quote: “Timati did not go to events all year, did not sing for free and did not participate in the channel’s activities. That's why he doesn't get a reward! Who else, after these words, doesn’t understand about this award? If I were you, I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all; there is a management above you that also reads various feeds and news. Imagine if they read people’s comment feed and their reviews of the award?” - the artist is interested.

Next, the musician smashes everything to smithereens. domestic show business, stating that the performers will appear at the MUZ-TV ceremony. “Because there’s nowhere else to go, they just can’t afford to say it out loud!” - notes Timati.

Anastasia Reshetova herself, after public humiliation, published a post on Instagram dedicated to spiteful critics. The girl also liked those Internet users who tried to insult Sobchak with unflattering comments.

“One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: don’t dwell on troubles, don’t live with grievances, don’t revel in irritation, don’t harbor a grudge. You shouldn’t drag all sorts of rubbish into your soul,” the model wrote.

Later, Arman Davletyarov decided to respond to Timati. The producer also chose Instagram for the battles, publishing a post dedicated to the rapper.

“You definitely shouldn’t think about my relationship with shareholders; unlike you, they are interested in the economy, shares and channel figures that suit them, I want to assure you. Sorry, they don’t read comments on your social networks, they are at a different level. “Vomit” is what I call when, when we meet, you hug me, shake my hand, and when you leave, you quietly “shit” because you didn’t get the plate. Regarding the concerts where you have not been for a year, for some reason your friends, colleagues who are higher than you both in status and level, such as Leps, Valeria, Meladze, Kobzon, Creed, Mot, Emin, A-Studio come for these shootings and they arrange them and support the channel. You humiliate them too with these words. Now, regarding the ratings of the channel and the award, over the past three years the ratings and share of the channel are the highest for the entire existence of the channel and the award. Don’t be offended, my friend, it’s not the first time you’ve made a scandal on social networks, this is your strong point, from my side these are purely work moments,” Arman said.

Outfits of celebrity guests and participants of the 15th music award MUZ-TV, it seems, will be discussed for a long time on social networks and beyond. Good looks on the carpet tonight stylish celebrities alternated with fashion failures. Most of the eyewitnesses included the outfit in which Anastasia Reshetova came to the ceremony. The fact is that because of her too revealing neckline, the rapper’s beloved Timati attracted all the attention to herself. In addition, some noticed that this is not the first time they have seen these tight black trousers on Nastya, so there is a feeling that she wears them without taking them off.

After photos and videos of Timati and Reshetova on the carpet of the MUZ TV Awards were published on social networks, critical comments rained down on the rapper’s girlfriend: “E then trash, her breasts fell out the whole way! », « She is, of course, tough...", "With This couple has the most terrible bow!” and so on. In addition, Internet users were outraged by another fact: the fact that Timati said hello to his daughter, who was watching the broadcast of the MUZ TV Prize, but did not make sure that she stood decently next to him at that moment dressed girl. « I also said hello to my daughter against the backdrop of a half-naked girl,” - Timati's fans were extremely dissatisfied.

Let us remind you that other stars also distinguished themselves at the anniversary MUZ TV Awards with their outfits. For example, Ksenia Sobchak appeared in a translucent dress a couple of sizes smaller than needed. In addition, it was too tight on Ksenia’s figure, putting her far from ideal body on public display. Apparently, Sobchak still hasn’t gotten into shape after giving birth. Although some of the eyewitnesses began to say that it seems that Ksenia and her husband Maxim Vitorgan are preparing for the birth of their second child.

However, the aspiring singer Olga Buzova, of course, surpassed everyone. She decided to make a real performance out of her appearance on the carpet. First, pumped-up men in loincloths came out, carrying a huge shell on their shoulders. When the shell opened, it turned out that Buzova was sitting in it. The host of the reality show “Dom-2” was practically naked: the outfit only covered her piquant parts. Olya decided to complement the image of either a mermaid or an oriental princess with a crown that adorned her head. By the way, Buzova became a blonde again: for the MUZ TV anniversary award she wore a wig with long white hair. Olga was met on the carpet by her friend Dmitry Nagiyev. “Well, no, well, no! Olya, are you crazy?! What are you doing, huh?.. Olya, you’re the only one who allowed herself to fit into this shell.”

Timati's beloved eclipsed him at the MUZ TV Awards

At the last award, Grigory Leps became best singer year, Timati did not receive a single plate, the artists of Maxim Fadeev’s production center also did not win anything.

Receiving Grand Prize, Leps said that he would no longer take part in any awards - they say that he had already received all the awards that he wanted to receive. At the same time, Gregory will continue to participate in such events as a guest.

A couple of days later, Timati and Maxim Fadeev made similar statements. In his blog, the rapper wrote that most likely the channel’s management will not understand him, but he still wants to convey this, since he has not been dependent on the television and radio resource for a long time and is not afraid of losing anything. “I don’t want to go into the fairness of the nominations, and my opinion has nothing to do with the lack of service (plates) this year or its quantity or lack for my artists in subsequent years, I’m not offended by anyone, it’s just my personal subjective. So It turns out that you are basically a music channel, probably the largest in terms of coverage in the country, so “Prize” is the main musical event that should reflect all the realities of today. But in fact, nothing changes from year to year except the name. : neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless infighting, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who have either “earned their place” over the year or will still come in handy. it’s absurd and strange. “It’s like receiving shoes as a gift that are tight and rubbing, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he will definitely notice it and be pleased.” Hence the natural question: why weren’t you indignant last year when you received “Artist of the Year”? - the answer is simple (see paragraph about boots). Literally, I didn’t play by the rules this year. Literally - a f***ed critic who only talks, but essentially cannot offer anything. I can’t yet, since I am not the owner or manager of the media resource. I can’t yet, but that doesn’t mean at all that it will always be the way it is now.”

Fadeev recorded a video message to the subscribers of his page - the producer decided to tell in detail why MALFA will no longer participate in awards and similar events. “Firstly, I think that the format of the awards itself has long since outlived its usefulness. Either they need to be changed somehow, or it will stop working as soon as next year. Few people are interested in “hodgepodge” teams anymore. And I’m talking now about the main people, MUSIC fans, who, by and large, don’t care how many awards the artist has behind him. Our office has a huge number of awards and we are infinitely grateful to our colleagues and partners for them. But special thanks a lot I would like to say to those who appreciate our music, support us and worry about us. If there is a choice between participating in any nomination or touring - no matter where!, then we will choose the latter. I won’t hide the fact that before we were always in favor of participating in any movement, but the world is changing and with it music industry. We keep up with the times and spend more time on the music itself than on its evaluation. Therefore, those who did not see us at the latest events, please do not be upset. Come to solo concerts“I’m sure you’ll get much more emotions from what’s happening.”

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