Timati was dissatisfied with the Muz-TV award ceremony. RU.TV has declared war on competitors: stars are being urged to refuse to participate in the MusicBox award

The MUZ-TV 2018 award ceremony was not without scandals. One of them occurred when Ksenia Sobchak publicly spoke negatively about the rapper Timati and his companion, model Anastasia Reshetova.

Neither the performer nor his charges, members of the Black Star music label, were awarded, and in the end they also received a share of ridicule.

An awkward situation occurred as follows: during the ceremony, presenter Ksenia Sobchak addressed the rapper’s friend with a harsh phrase

“I look at such a woman, you know. I think: “Lord! Poor Simona Yakovlevna!" What should she feel?! She will grow up to be a boy, a small baby, and she will go to the ceremony with this one. Horror,"

Sobchak's ridicule made the audience in the hall laugh, but the girl, in turn, was very embarrassed. The couple remained silent, not parrying Ksenia’s rude remark. The reaction to this incident followed later.

Timati's scandal at the MUZ TV 2018 awards: Timati criticized the organization of the awards

On his Instagram page, he wrote all his thoughts about the MUZ-TV award, warning that he absolutely does not care that he was deprived of the “service.” He called the presenters “shameless”, the action itself “inconsistent” and accused the organizers of the event of not having any idea what the modern music market is like.

Timati, I wanted to convey to the general director of MUZ-TV Arman Davletyarov that the same artists are awarded year after year, and beginning artists do not have a chance to win.

He sided with Grigory Leps, who received the award in the category “ Best Performer”, but stated that he would henceforth refuse to participate in this show.

Timati's scandal at the MUZ TV 2018 awards: the opinion of Anastasia Reshetova

Timati’s friend also gave her vision of the situation on the microblog:

“One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: don’t dwell on troubles, don’t live with grievances, don’t revel in irritation, don’t harbor anger. Don’t drag all sorts of rubbish into your soul,” Anastasia wrote.

Reshetova’s fans supported her in their comments: “Sobchak is an ill-mannered chicken. Her mother took her father away from the family. And she followed in her footsteps. I’m surprised that anyone needed her at all... a terrible woman. They invested so much in her education, but she should have been educated Firstly".

The only thing that confuses the question is: why didn’t the rapper come to the defense of his beloved, as one of the users commented - “in my opinion, this is complete game and disrespect for his woman. He should have immediately grabbed the microphone and interceded.”

Many users have already started talking about Timati’s unmanly behavior. But the girl considers her man’s behavior wise. At first they did not understand what had happened, and then he was able to restrain himself from attacks and did not make the situation worse. Sobchak did not give any comments about her trick.

Timati, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak and a number of other artists were involved in a scandal over the MUZ-TV award. First, the presenter insulted the rapper’s girlfriend, and then the singer spoke unflatteringly about him on her Instagram. Timati did not remain silent.

Last music award MUZ-TV turned out to be very, very hot, not only because of the incendiary compositions that were presented during the ceremony, and are now present on the Ru-Music website in the “Pop” section. The fact is that in the midst of the party and concert, several scandals broke out with A-list stars.

The first one went to war for a prize famous rapper Timati. But observers and many spectators who actively comment on the event on social networks are confident that the performer has a reason to take up arms against the organizers and other participants in the award ceremony. Presenter Ksenia Sobchak spoke very rudely about Timati’s common-law wife Anastasia Reshetova. Scandalous TV presenter called the beauty pageant participant “like that...” and made a significant pause.

Why the rapper didn’t force Sobchak to apologize to his girlfriend is unknown. Perhaps there was an effect of surprise. But then the performer did not mince words, saying that nothing changes at the event from year to year. At the same time, he called Ksenia Sobchak a shameless presenter, and the award itself a get-together. The musician is sure that the organizers have no understanding of the real modern music market, no desire to move forward and make a cool product. But there is “a mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who have “earned their place” over the year or will be useful in the future.”

Following this, the main brawler of this year’s award, Olga Buzova, spoke out against Timati on her Instagram. True, the girl is sure that the singer was simply jealous of the “plate” from MUZ-TV, which Olga received for the best song on the Runet. In her opinion, the performer himself would also like to get one, but he was unlucky. I walked former star"House-2" and personal characteristics guy. On her Instagram account she wrote: “I love smart, faithful and decent MEN. I’m not talking about Timati.”

Joseph Prigogine, who has almost never been seen in scandals, commented on the squabble between the artists with their reluctance to seek compromises and be more balanced in their statements. Regarding Timati, Prigozhin said that he largely agrees with the rapper, but if he decided to try on the title of an “adult” artist, who has his own label and independently produces new stars, then he should become somewhat more loyal.

Prigozhin also noted the inconsistency in the judgments of Timati, who sharply changes his point of view if he receives an award. And so on year after year.

This MUZ-TV award ceremony will be remembered as a huge scandal in show business. Two days after the concert Russian celebrities continue to quarrel and sort things out. And the reason for the quarrel was given by Ksenia Sobchak, who humiliated Anastasia Reshetova, Timati’s friend, from the stage.

During the MUZ-TV award ceremony, Sobchak spoke caustically to Timati’s friend, doing this in the presence of his mother.

I look at such a woman, you know. I think: “Lord! Poor Simona Yakovlevna! What should she feel?! He will grow up to be a boy, a small baby, and he will go to the ceremony with this one. Horror", -

Sobchak said on air.

The audience instantly responded with laughter to such a statement, but Reshetova herself did not respond to offensive words and just sat there smiling. Timati also remained silent, and his mother Simona Yakovleva, who was sitting behind the couple, laughed at the joke.

Timati reacted to Sobchak’s statement later - he wrote a post on Instagram. Moreover, it was the award itself that got the most from the rapper.

In fact, apart from the name, nothing changes from year to year: neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless get-togethers, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relations with those who are behind The year has “served itself out”, or it will still come in handy. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange. It’s like receiving shoes as a gift that tighten and rub, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he will definitely notice it and be pleased. Hence the natural question: “Why weren’t you indignant last year when you received the “Artist of the Year”?” – the answer is simple (see paragraph about boots). Literally, I didn’t play by the rules this year,”

stated the musician.

Timati personally turned to the director of the MUZ-TV award, Arman Davletyarov, and stated that he had “gotten moldy in his little imaginary world.” Allegedly, they did not hand him the “plate”, because... all year Timati did not go to events, did not sing for free, and did not participate in the channel’s activities. According to Timati, artists go to the MUZ-TV ceremony because... there is nowhere to go and they cannot say it out loud.

In response to this, Arman Davletyarov also responded to Timati via Instagram and stated that he was humiliating his own colleagues.

“Vomit” is what I call when, when we meet, you hug me, shake my hand, and when you leave, you quietly “shit” because you didn’t get the plate. Regarding the concerts where you have not been for a year, for some reason your friends, colleagues who are higher than you both in status and level, such as Leps, Valeria, Meladze, Kobzon, Creed, Mot, Emin, A-Studio come for these shootings and they arrange them and support the channel. You humiliate them too with these words,”

Arman reported.

Another TV presenter did not stand aside - Olga Buzova, who at the same MUZ-TV award was remembered for her spectacular appearance - on horseback. She suggested that Timati was offended because of her victory in the category “ Best Song Runet" and the fact that he did not get a single plate.

Publication from Olga Buzova(@buzova86) Jun 11, 2018 at 10:09 am PDT

It seems that Timati could not calmly survive this very thing,”

says under the photo in which Olga Buzova receives the award.

It is interesting that the “humiliated” Sobchak Reshetova herself turned to her spiteful critics through social networks and liked the comments that insulted Ksenia Sobchak.

One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: don’t dwell on troubles, don’t live with grievances, don’t revel in irritation, don’t harbor a grudge. You shouldn’t drag all sorts of rubbish into your soul,”

wrote the 22-year-old model.

At the last award, Grigory Leps became best singer year, Timati did not receive a single plate, the artists of Maxim Fadeev’s production center also did not win anything.

Receiving Grand Prize, Leps stated that he would no longer take part in any awards - they say that he had already received all the awards that he wanted to receive. At the same time, Gregory will continue to participate in such events as a guest.

A couple of days later, Timati and Maxim Fadeev made similar statements. In his blog, the rapper wrote that most likely the channel’s management will not understand him, but he still wants to convey this, since he has not been dependent on the television and radio resource for a long time and is not afraid of losing anything. “I don’t want to go into the fairness of the nominations, and my opinion has nothing to do with the lack of service (plates) this year or its quantity or lack for my artists in subsequent years, I’m not offended by anyone, it’s just my personal subjective. So It turns out that you are basically a music channel, probably the largest in terms of coverage in the country, so “Prize” is the main musical event that should reflect all the realities of today. But in fact, nothing changes from year to year except the name. : neither the shamelessness of some presenters, nor the feeling of endless infighting, nor the understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go forward and make a cool product, nor the mechanism for maintaining relationships with those who have either “earned their place” over the year or will still come in handy. it’s absurd and strange. “It’s like receiving shoes as a gift that are tight and rubbing, but wearing them to the person who gave them for their anniversary, so that he will definitely notice it and be pleased.” Hence the natural question: why weren’t you indignant last year when you received “Artist of the Year”? - the answer is simple (see paragraph about boots). Literally, I didn’t play by the rules this year. Literally - a f***ed critic who only talks, but in essence cannot offer anything. I can’t yet, since I am not the owner or manager of the media resource. I can’t yet, but that doesn’t mean at all that it will always be the way it is now.”

Fadeev recorded a video message to the subscribers of his page - the producer decided to tell in detail why MALFA will no longer participate in awards and similar events. “Firstly, I think that the format of the awards itself has long since outlived its usefulness. Either they need to be changed somehow, or it will stop working as soon as next year. Few people are interested in “hodgepodge” teams anymore. And I’m talking now about the main people, MUSIC fans, who, by and large, don’t care how many awards the artist has behind him. Our office has a huge number of awards and we are infinitely grateful to our colleagues and partners for them. But special thanks a lot I would like to say to those who appreciate our music, support us and worry about us. If there is a choice between participating in any nomination or touring - no matter where!, then we will choose the latter. I won’t hide the fact that before we were always in favor of participating in any movement, but the world is changing and with it music industry. We keep up with the times and spend more time on the music itself than on its evaluation. Therefore, those who did not see us at the latest events, please do not be upset. Come to solo concerts“I’m sure you’ll get much more emotions from what’s happening.”

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On June 8, the MUZ-TV 2018 award ceremony took place, all Russian celebrities were present. Timati attended the event in the company of his friend Anastasia Reshetova and his mother. Simona Yunusova tried not to attract attention to herself, and the young people enjoyed each other's company.

Reshetova and Timati at the MUZ-TV Awards 2018

The format of the event welcomes irony towards the guests, which the hosts of the ceremony actively used. Only in relation to Reshetova’s jokes, for the second year in a row, they look more like outright rudeness. Ksenia Sobchak, one of the presenters, conducted a short interview with Timati’s mother. Ksenia said that the musician did not come to the award alone, and pointedly turned away from Reshetova.

Turning to Simone, Sobchak noted: “I’m a mother myself, and how can I imagine that my little son will grow up and go to various awards with this! Nightmare!" By “this” was meant Anastasia Reshetova.

Photo: Instagram @volkonskaya.reshetova

A little later, the model wrote a post on Instagram, in which she noted that she “doesn’t drag any trash into her soul.”

“This is one of my most useful life skills - not holding a grudge. I don't dwell on the bad."

Subscribers suggested that Reshetova was talking about the presenter’s behavior at the awards. There were several dozen comments under the post. Some said that Sobchak is openly jealous of the beauty and success of the model: “Nastya, she is eaten up by envy! You’re young, but you’ve already achieved so much.”

Timati goes out with Anastasia Reshetova

According to others, Ksenia did not behave very civilly, but for some reason Timati, Reshetova’s lover, did not come to her friend’s defense.

“If I were Tima, I would take the microphone from her and also joke about her husband.”

In 2017, the presenter of the award, Lera Kudryavtseva, also made harsh jokes about the famous rapper’s girlfriend. She noticed that Anastasia didn’t look “very good” next to Timati, and asked her to come to the ceremony next time with Alena Shishkova, the mother of his daughter Alisa. Then everyone also did not take this statement seriously and laughed together.

At the MUZ-TV Awards 2017

Let us note that even Simona Yunusova’s personal microblog is filled with bewilderment and requests to “protect Reshetova”: “Why does she tolerate such an attitude? Why is everyone so mad at her? And most importantly they are silent!”

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