Thomas mraz biography. Thomas Mraz - Biography of the rapper, personal life, photo, download

November 27, 2018 no comments yet

Participant's name: Almas Almasovich Gataulin

Age (birthday): 7.12.1992

City Ufa

Education: State Academy of Arts, Ufa Academy of Theater

Job: r"n"b and rap artist

Family: not married

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Almas Gataulin spent his childhood in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The boy's parents have nothing to do with music or show business. From an early age Gataulin dreamed of becoming famous artist, earn a lot of money, bask in the glory. He never parted with a cassette player, in which the tracks “ Linkin Park", "Arias", "Glucose", Eminem.

Talented Dreamer

Observing their son's passion, the parents enrolled Almas in music school. The boy repeatedly took part in various festivals. Having masterfully performed the song “Winged Swings,” Gataulin took first place in one of the city competitions. After graduating from school, the young man entered the State Academy of Arts.

Having received a diploma about higher education, Almas decided to continue his studies at the Ufa Theater Academy. The guy chose the directing department, which, in his opinion, allows him to realize his wildest fantasies. In his future career as a musician, Gataulin’s acting skills came in handy.

First successes in music

Children's passion for hip-hop culture gradually grew into something more - real life. Almas plunged headlong into writing non-trivial tracks and music. The guy recorded his first hits on the same cassette player, listened to them several times, and brought them to perfection. At the same time, Gataulin organized themed parties where real music lovers gathered.

Soon local rapper Asikswan gathered a team of talented like-minded people called creative association"DOPECLVB". The project included the following performers: Golden Phil, FVCKFISH, Basic Boy, Glebasta Spal and Almas himself.

Gataulin immediately took the stage name Thomas Mraz, which he came up with several years ago, while still a graffist and fan of Jason Mraz’s work.

Work in the creative association "DOPECLVB" brought Almas long-awaited popularity and his first fans. In 2014, Thomas presented his debut mixtape “Emotional VIII,” which was highly appreciated not only by Mraz fans, but also by more experienced rappers.

IN next year project "DOPECLVB" presented an original record called "DOP3TARE". Guest rap artists took part in the recording: Jimbo, Pharaoh, Killah Tveth. Thomas performed one of the songs in collaboration with the famous Pharaoh.

2016 was even more successful for Mraz. The rapper presented to fans and colleagues on stage debut video"Mau 13" in which he was not only a performer, but also a music video director. Fans noted high quality visuals, perfect sounding electronic music and text filled with common sense.

A few months after the release, a presentation of Thomas' album of the same name took place. It includes 13 tracks, and it is dedicated to the musician’s father, whose date of birth is May 13, 1972.

At the end of 2016, Thomas recorded an EP of five tracks. In 2017, Mraz signed a contract with concert agency“,” whose leader is a bright, famous person in the world of hip-hop and rap industry.

Following the signing of the cooperation agreement, Thomas presented a non-trivial video for the song “Ultraviolet” (Ultraviolet).

The video collected millions of views on video hosting on YouTube and generous comments from subscribers. Also in 2017, Mraz presented the album “Bla Bla Land”, recorded together with Yanix. To support the new album, the artist went on a tour around the near and far abroad. In between travel and concerts.

Thomas recorded the track “Friend” with the talented experimental project “The Biggest Prime Number”

IN This article is often read with: In 2018, the fourth album “9 Sundays” was released

, in which Oxxxymiron, Markul, May Waves, Ochi Gang, and other members of the Booking Machine concert agency took part. The essence of the collection was to release one track every week for several months. Then the premiere of the “Lono” video took place, which surprised Mraz’s fans with its excessive frankness. Then Thomas Mraz took part in entertainment program Ivan Urgant " Evening Urgant

", where he performed the song "Rolling Stoner". Also, Tomas Mraz, like the rest of the Booking Machine members, became one of the artists who performed at the large-scale summer music festival

And in the fall of 2018, the talented Rʼn’B artist presented new album– HANGOVER and soon released a video for the track “New Balance”.

Like most artists, Thomas Mraz does not advertise his personal life. Based on photographs posted by the artist on social network Instagram can say that he is dating a girl.

Photo by Thomas

The rapper's real name is Almas Almasovich Gataullin. He was born on December 7, 1992 in Ufa. Height – 180 cm, weight – 89 kg. Until 2017, Thomas was a member of the creative association; he is currently busy solo career. In addition to music, he produces, collaborating with many famous performers.

Almas grew up as an ordinary boy, not standing out among his peers. As a child, he often dreamed that he was performing on stage in front of a large hall, full of people. Considering his dreams prophetic, Almas began to take part in school singing competitions and won prizes.

The boy's musical taste took a long time to develop. He listened to songs of different genres: from rock to pop music. At the age of 9 he began studying at a music school, after which he entered the State Academy of Arts and graduated with honors. Almas did not stop at one specialty and entered the Academy of Theater, choosing the direction of “Acting and Directing.”


In his youth, Thomas became interested in hip-hop, which was fashionable at the time. He decided to try creating his own music. Almas recorded the first tracks on a simple home tape recorder. He began performing with his songs at local yard concerts and soon entered the professional stage. He worked in tandem with his friends who were also trying their hand at music. Later, the young performers decided to officially unite into the creative group DOPECLVB and record tracks together.

In 2012, the group already had seven performers. They worked on joint albums and released 2 releases in a year. Music critics noted the high professionalism of the musicians and especially singled out Thomas. His solo track, released a year later, was liked by hip-hop fans. The name Almas became recognizable.

The band's third album was released in 2015. All members of the group recorded tracks for it. They were joined by other rappers, including Pharaoh and Jimbo. Together with Pharaoh, Thomas recorded another track, which was not included in the album and was released separately. In 2015, Almas’s first video was released, and in the spring of 2016 he released his first solo album.

Almas could not decide on a pseudonym for a long time. As a result, he borrowed the surname of the American performer Jason Mraz, and instead of the name he took the American consonant version - Thomas. At the end of 2016, Almas released another album, which the public rated very highly. Taking advantage of the increased popularity, Almas signed a contract with the Booking Machine company. Together with its owner Oksimiron, he recorded joint track and made a video clip. In 2017, after the release of the new album creative group, Almas announced his departure from the team and the start of a solo career.

Family and relationships

Almas's parents encouraged their son's interest in music, but did not see him as a professional musician. They began to take his hobby seriously only after the boy began regularly performing at professional venues. When he decided to enter the Academy, they fully supported their son’s choice.

Almas does not talk about his personal life. But on his Instagram profile he posts photos with a girl whom the singer’s fans consider his favorite. The girl herself does not have an open account, so it is impossible to officially confirm these guesses.

Almas actively uses his pages on social media. networks to communicate with fans. He often posts personal photos and excerpts from new tracks. You can also see the artist’s video clips on his accounts.

ThomasMraz (pronounced Thomas Mraz, real name – Almas Almasovich Gataullin) is a producer, director, Russian rap artist, known, among other things, for his joint composition with Oksimiron “Stereocoma”. Until 2017, he was a member of the Ufa creative association DOPECLVB.


Almas was born on December 7, 1992 in the capital of Bashkortostan, Ufa. Almasansky’s childhood was no different from the life of ordinary children born shortly after the collapse of the USSR.

When the future rapper was a schoolboy, he often had dreams in which he sang on stage in front of a large audience. As a child, Almas participated in music competition and took first place for his performance of the song “Winged Swing”.

During his childhood, he listened to a lot of different genres of music. His playlist included Glucose, and Aria, and LinkinPark.


At the age of 9, Almas entered the first grade of a music school. Successfully completed training at the State Academy of Arts. At the age of 23, he entered the Ufa Academy of Theater to specialize in “Acting and Directing.”

Music career

From his youth, Thomas Mraz began to show interest in hip-hop. Fascinated by the new fashionable direction, he decided to try himself in freestyle. I recorded my tracks on a simple cassette recorder, which many people had. From that moment Almas's concert life began. At first he performed on the same stage with close friends, and then the idea was born to create the creative association “DOPECLVB”.

In 2012, several talented rap artists joined the creative association: i61, BasicBoy, GoldenPhill, GlebastaSpal, FVCKFISH and, of course, Thomas Mraz. During the year of joint collaboration, they released two albums: “Dopetape” and “Dopetape 2”.

In 2014 music critics They called Thomas Mraz a performer who will have huge success on the Russian stage. The released solo mixtape “EmotionalVIII” (8 in the number of tracks) was liked by fans of hip-hop and R&B songs.

Thomas MrvZ ft.PHARAOH - Ghost

A year later, the third album Dopeclvb was released. Famous Russian young rappers took part in its recording: Jeembo,  KillahTveth And Pharaoh from Dead Dynasty. After joint successful work On his third album with Pharaoh, Thomas Mraz recorded the track “Ghost” with him.

In 2015, Thomas Mraz starred in his first video for the song “May13”. And already in the spring he released the same name music album. It was recorded with the participation of BoulevardDepo, LSP and Krestall/Kidd.

Almas borrowed his pseudonym from the American performer Jason Mraza, and Thomas is in tune with Almas.

In the winter of 2016, Almas Gataullin released a new solo album, “DONOTSHAKETHESPEAR.” Judging by the title, the young rapper drew inspiration for recording five new songs from the work of William Shakespeare, or maybe it’s just a play on words.

Immediately after the release of the album, Almas entered into an agreement with record company BookingMachine, run by a famous rapper Oxxxymiron. Almas has a joint track with him “Stereocoma”.

Real name: Almas Gataullin
Date of birth: 12/07/1992
Place of birth: Ufa
Thomas Mraz is a rap artist representing the creative association from Ufa Dopeclvb. On this moment The artist is 24 years old and is studying at the Ufa Theater Academy with a degree in Acting and Directing. Almas has several high-quality releases to his credit.

The beginning of Thomas Mraz's creativity

Recording the first track

Almas became interested in music when he was early childhood, when my father brought cassettes with songs by various artists: Aria, Eminem, Linkin Park. At the age of 9, Almas went to music school in class choral singing. Even then, the boy began to dream of a career as a famous pop singer.
Over time, Thomas discovered hip-hop and began recording freestyles on audio cassettes. Together with his friends, Almas often organized trap parties. On which a group of like-minded people was formed, which ultimately created the association Dopeclvb. In 2012 Thomas Mrvz records his first full-length track at Fedi i61 studio.

Since 2012, the guys from the association Dopeclvb and Dead Dynasty began to actively communicate and come to each other’s parties. It is thanks to this contact that Thomas has a partnership with the leader of the Grandfather Dynasty Pharaoh Thomas Mrvz, PHARAOH - Ghost.

How the nickname Thomas Mrvz was formed

Back in 2011, Almaz became interested in street graffiti at an amateur level. Then he decided that he definitely needed to come up with a nickname for himself so that he could tag the walls with it. hometown. The word “Scum” came to Almaz’s head. It seemed to the guy that it was quite sonorous and bright, so the choice fell on this nickname. As for the name Thomas, Almaz chose it because it is similar to his real name.

Album releases and first success Thomas Scum

In 2014, Thomas released his first full-length album, Emotional VIII. It is thanks to this work that rap listeners begin to learn about Almaz. But the most popular and high-quality work is considered to be the album by Thomas Mraz - MAY13. Almas even released a video for the track of the same name.

The album MAY13 featured Oleg LSP and Boulevard Depo. The album caused quite a stir in the rap environment. The websites and the-flow posted flattering reviews of Almaz’s work. At the end of 2016, Mrvz released the EP “DO NOT SHAKE THE SPEAR”.
In February 2017, THomas Mraz signed a contract with the Booking Machine concert agency and went on a tour of 15 cities.

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