A lesson in preparation for an essay-reasoning on the moral and ethical topic “the meaning of life is beauty”

Conscience, perhaps one of key concepts in the formation of a Real Man. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, a famous teacher from Ukraine, who at one time created an original pedagogical system based on the principles of humanism, has these golden words: “A person is what he becomes when left alone with himself. The true human essence is expressed in him when his actions are driven not by someone, but by his own conscience.”.

It is often difficult for many modern children to understand what conscience is. Wise parents resort to the following explanation of its essence: “Conscience, like an invisible person, is constantly watching you. She always knows what to do right, so you should follow her advice. Her advice is your good thoughts.”. By saying this to a child, we invest in him the most important grain of humanity - the desire to follow his good intentions. By the way, it’s interesting that back in the 4th century. BC. Seneca taught: “Do everything as if they were looking at you” .

Teaching your children not just to listen, but to hear the voice of their conscience is one of the main tasks of parents. Therefore, some of them introduce the following phrase into their educational use: “What does your Conscience say?”. Such a question encourages the child to pay attention to his other thoughts, more just, peaceful, benevolent, which will lead him to the right action, decision, action. This question will be relevant when the meaning of the word “conscience” is already clear to the child. The use of this approach is allowed in situations where the child has really done something wrong, is looking for excuses, or, even worse, does not want to admit or even see his mistake.

Aleksandrovich, who devoted his life to raising children, forming real Personalities out of them, believed that it was necessary to give children time to think about their mistake, to feel shame somewhere, repentance somewhere. After all, there is a high probability that, having done something wrong once and having felt a prickly remorse, the child will never think of doing or thinking the same thing again. He will want to quickly replace this awkward feeling with a more harmonious, pleasant, natural one. It is important that the child feels that inner comfort will come when he corrects his mistake: he apologizes, fulfills his promise, admits that he was wrong, comes up with a peaceful solution to the situation, etc. It is at such moments that children learn to make choices in favor of a positive, highly moral way of thinking, which are conductors of goodness and beauty.

About beauty Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky said this: “Understanding and feeling beauty is a powerful source of self-education!” . Over many years of careful and sensitive observation of his students, he came to the conclusion that one of the most important qualities of a Real Man is the ability to see and feel beauty. This ability lies in younger age. It has been noted that children who are able to notice the charm of the world around them show themselves positively both in their studies and in the life of the team. In addition, the ability to sense the beauty around you indicates the revelation of beauty inner world child. And this, in turn, gives him the opportunity to express himself creatively and make his contribution to the development of society.

Vasily Alexandrovich diligently directed the children’s attention to the charm of nature, taking them for walks in the forest and fields, discussing with them the tenderness of flowers, the powerful crowns of trees, the singing of birds, the murmur of streams. Sukhomlinsky raised in children an awareness of the beauty of human action: he read them highly moral fairy tales own composition, told stories about people who showed themselves to be People with capital letters, amazing with their courage, endurance and ability to control their own thoughts and emotions. According to the deep conviction of the great teacher, such conversations and activities with children are extremely necessary for their development as kind, fair, bright individuals. The teacher’s tales can still be read now by finding, for example, the book: V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Tales of the school under the blue sky: fairy tales, parables, stories”, Osvita 1990.

Of course, talking with children about the high and good was only part of V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s educational methodology. He also paid great attention to introducing children to direct activities, the process during which best qualities personalities – collective work.

The great teacher considered labor to be the basis of everything wise and beautiful on earth. And rightfully, education through work, work and the team was one of the main elements of his methodology. Sukhomlinsky wrote about the educational power of the team: “When my children begin to live in a group, my first concern is that the biggest misfortune of each child should be someone else’s misfortune, the most great joy and the consolation was the thought that he had brought joy to another person.”. With these words, Vasily Aleksandrovich, like many other teachers, expresses his deep conviction that education through collective work creates conditions for the child in which his personality, endowed with the best human qualities, is improved, and selfishness and consumer thinking are erased. During the Soviet Union, thanks to such an education system, it became possible to form many truly worthy, highly moral people who became a true pride for society. For such people there are no other people's troubles and no other people's victories. They became true examples of humanity for their future generations.

Sukhomlinsky spoke confidently about work: “True education is unthinkable without life in the world of work. Labor is the basis of moral, aesthetic, and emotional education.” , repeatedly proving this from my own experience. In his books, Vasily Aleksandrovich gives examples of how the team and work changed his students before his eyes, turning from lazy ones into diligent ones, from indifferent ones into those who want to help and care. A reasonable conclusion followed from this: collective work contributes to the formation in a child of a desire to think more about others, rather than about himself, and develops noble human qualities in children: hard work, generosity, gratitude, responsibility, and teaches respect for the work of others. In addition, the teacher noted that collective work in the fields and vineyards unites the children, thanks to which mental work at school also becomes more comfortable and effective for them.

Many modern teachers and educators agree that the example of the excellent experience of Soviet pedagogy, tested over decades and yielding wonderful results, deserves utmost attention in our time. Implementing it in modern system education – important stage on the path to the formation of a society built on highly moral and cultural principles. Because even though times have changed, the main objective educational activities remained the same - to teach children humanity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Teaching humanity is the most difficult and incredibly difficult thing” . The teacher knew from his own experience how much attention and effort the education of a Real Man requires, and at the same time he was deeply convinced of the indisputable need for such education. Let us not be afraid that we will have to devote a lot of time, apply perseverance and all the diligence of our souls in order to sow and fertilize the seeds of humanity in a child. After all, as Vasily Alexandrovich’s many years of practice proves, it’s worth it!

All the achievements, innovations and ideas of a wise teacher cannot be listed in one article. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky - shining example a person who not only gave his heart to children, but who gave his heart to People! After all, thanks to him scientific works

, developments, and innovative ideas, a huge number of positive changes have occurred not only in education, but also in the value system of society.

Today there is another wave of increased interest in the ideas of Vasily Alexandrovich. More and more teachers and educators are turning to his experience, more and more parents are reading his books: “I Give My Heart to Children”, “How to Raise a Real Person?”, “Parental Pedagogy”. We must admit that the works of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky are truly excellent guides for good in our world, since they help us become better and change the whole world for the better. The words of the teacher are significant: “The idea of ​​good becomes a guideline for life practice and a measure of actions only when the meaning of a person’s life is the pursuit of good!”

. The desire to raise in your child, as well as in yourself, a Real Person striving for good, is very timely at any time. And especially now, because the period has come when society needs to establish itself in highly moral and spiritual values ​​for the benefit of the peaceful development of the future of the entire civilization. It all starts with the individual. After all daily work above oneself presupposes self-improvement, moral, spiritual development person, enriching his inner world. And the inner world is always reflected in. The creative aspiration of everyone is the source of good achievements for many. A person himself sometimes cannot fully understand the magnitude of the results of his actions.

Using the example of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, we see that the bright ideas of one person, brought to life, are truly capable of for long years ignite thousands of human hearts. After all words of wisdom the great teacher still reminds us of what it means to be a real person, inspiring us to good thoughts and deeds: “To be a real person means to give the strength of your soul in order for the people around you to be more beautiful, spiritually richer; so that in every person you come into contact with in life, something good remains from you, from the work of your soul!” .

Anna Dubrovskaya,
participant of the International public organization"LAGODA"

The trouble is precisely that many young people do not go beyond this primitive, wretched labor: picking out a piece of marble and admiring it. He felt sexual desire and is already striving to satisfy it, believing that this is love. If there is nothing but sexual desire, then in married life there will only be the ability to give birth to children - this does not require great wisdom... But children are not chickens, and if they are born by a creature whose wisdom does not extend beyond the wisdom of a hen, they are unhappy.

Remember, girls, that the awakening of the Woman in you (as well as the awakening of the Man in a boy, in a young man) can be compared to the fact that you come to a quarry, where pieces of beautiful marble lie all around. A real woman You will become wise with great human love only when you see a flower in a piece of marble that needs to be obtained, created, sculpted. Remember that you are Human. Man differs from animals in that he raises his head and looks at the stars. A person is different from a beautiful doe - she is also beautiful! - the fact that he is driven not only by the desire to unite with his own kind, but also by the deeply human desire to look into the eyes of his own kind - this desire, which turned out to be inaccessible to God, elevates man above the world of all living things.

Adolescence and early youth are the dawn human life; at dawn, man must create spiritual forces for wise and courageous human love. Think about this, girl: create your own soul powers for love, which must be carried through your whole life, preserved, preserved until the grave, made one and indivisible, avoid mistakes and disappointments. I call love wise and courageous - that’s the only way it should be for a real person. An eighteen-year-old girl writes: “He insults me, he simply mocks me, he condescendingly gives me crumbs of his love, and I, like a dog, look into his eyes - devotedly and tenderly. What should I do with my feeling? Being the master of your feelings is what it is. Spiritual and psychological slavery comes from emotional ignorance,

219 from the primitive lack of culture of feelings. The girl was caught up in a wave of sexual desire, and the girl surrendered to the will of fate - she floats, not knowing where, believing that the feeling she is experiencing is already true love. Love gives happiness and pleasure, each of you, girls, strives for happiness, joy, fullness of spiritual life, but if you float helplessly on a wave carrying you to an unknown destination, if your feeling does not have human wisdom and courage, there will be no happiness, on the contrary, misfortune may befall you. If sexual desire merges with thoughtlessness, with a thirst for fleeting pleasure, this means that you are exposed to terrible danger: a flower that seems beautiful at first glance actually contains a deadly poison.

A young man who demands that a girl meet his wishes is often a child in terms of his level of moral development. But this child is not harmless, it is scary. It’s scary precisely because, being a di-tem, it can become a father. It's like giving a baby lying in a cradle a loaded pistol to play with. If only you could understand, girls, how many such babies are around you! The fact that they are not aware of what playing with weapons can lead to is a big problem in our society, a social problem. The roots of this misfortune lie in bad manners of feelings, in emotional ignorance, and from ignorance to meanness in the sphere of love there is not even one step. It is not only the young man who is ignorant who strives to satisfy his sexual desire and is not spiritually ready to become a real Man. The girl is also ignorant, floating limply on the wave of “unaccountable” feeling and justifying her ignorance a thousand times with the well-known “and I don’t know why, but I love her - that’s all.” If a young man with his ignorance causes harm to others, if he is still very far from realizing that his ignorance causes harm to himself, then your ignorance, girls, brings grief to you. You can't be ignorant. Nature itself commands you to be wise and courageous, prudent and cautious, demanding and judicious. Be real women from the moment nature awakened the Woman in you. Be picky and picky - do not be afraid of this, as long as your pickiness is combined with feminine wisdom and masculinity, as long as it does not result in frivolity. In the sphere of spiritual-psychological and moral-aesthetic relations, universal harmony will come if a Woman, who lives wisely and courageously in the soul of a girl, becomes the ruler and master in love. A woman in a girl - this is how you need to create spiritual forces for love in yourself, in order to carry human love throughout your life, to repeat yourself in your children, to face old age and death as a human being.

A woman is a ruler and master in love, she is a powerful, affectionate and gentle force that brings up a real man. The courage and masculinity of a woman creates the spiritual nobility, beauty, devotion, and fidelity of a man. A girl, a girl, a woman, who has absorbed with her mother’s milk the truth that love is responsibility (first of all, responsibility, and then pleasure), becomes demanding of human beauty, intolerant of evil -

220 humiliation of personal dignity, deception, hypocrisy, idleness. Demanding beauty helps her establish a strict law of education in the family - the spirit of responsibility of each family member for the good, happiness, joy, fate, life of another person. Where wise demands for beauty reign, where vigilance for beauty and vulgarity has developed, Small child understands and feels in his heart: his every step, every misdeed is reflected, echoed in the spiritual life of the one who is next to him - a comrade, mother, father, teacher, absolutely stranger. He feels calm and happy only when he has not caused harm, offense, or anxiety to another person. He cannot sleep peacefully, knowing that with a careless touch he brought pain to someone's heart. This is the creation of spiritual forces for love. These forces must be created in a person by another person - stronger and richer spiritually, more generous in heart. But everyone must also be an educator of himself. Only the one who knows how to make himself feel a person next to him, to force himself to respond to the subtlest movements of his soul, knows how to love wisely and demandingly. Only emotionally subtle, sensitive, warm-hearted, a kind person can be truly demanding and irreconcilable, intolerant of evil, merciless towards frivolity, spiritual and mental slavery and meanness.

The spirit of responsibility for a person is a whole sphere of family life... Your heart breaks with pain when you see how irresponsibility in the small gives rise to irresponsibility in the big. Love is children! A timid loving look, hugs, kisses - this is the first step towards creating a new life. The happiness of the child and the fate of the whole depends on how you imagine the happiness of your love, what you look for and find in it. human world. It’s scary to see children of frivolity, pain tears at your soul when you meet their sad, hopeless gaze... That’s right: there was no love, there were no thoughts about the birth of a new life, the child appeared as if by accident. Children of frivolity are unhappy children. I know small child, whose first feeling was anger, and whose first conviction was the thought that there is no truth in the world.

Cloudy autumn day, drizzling rain. Seven-year-old Kolya stands at the gate of the car depot. Why did he come here? He doesn't have a father. From his mother and from people, Kolya learned that his father works here as a driver. People once showed: that man is your father. The boy remembered the features of his father's face, and now he just wants to look at him. Somewhere in the depths of Kolya’s soul there is a glimmer of hope: maybe his father will stop the car, get out of the cab, come up and ask: how are you, son? Or maybe he’ll put you in the cockpit... the child’s heart skips a beat at the thought of this. But the father passes by. Kolya noticed that he recognized his son, but didn’t even show it... The child carries pain and anger in his heart as he goes home. He, a little man, doesn’t believe in anything now. For him there is nothing sacred in the world.

Do you know, girls, expectant mothers, what a great misfortune it is for society - anger and disbelief in the heart of a child? How painfully difficult it is to raise little man, who, realizing himself, experienced a bitter thought: no one needs me, I appeared in the world by accident, I am grief and punishment for my mother. Our society cannot be completely happy if it has such unhappy sons

221 and daughters. There are things that cannot be replaced by anything and are not compensated for by anything.

Love is a high human culture. By the way a person loves, one can make an unmistakable conclusion about what kind of person he is. Because in love, personal responsibility for the future society, for its moral principles, is most clearly revealed. Every person in our country should be active public figure. In order to fulfill this lofty mission, it is not necessary to hold any position. It's enough to be good father, a good mother, good husband, a good wife - and you stand at the cradle of happiness and good of your people. And for this you need to be able to love - wisely, honestly, demandingly, courageously.

52. BEAUTY IS AN IMPORTANT MEANS OF EDUCATION OF KINDNESS, HARDWORK, HEARTINESS AND LOVE In the world there is not only what is necessary and useful, but also what is beautiful. From the time a man became a man, from the moment when he gazed at the petals of a flower and the evening dawn, he began to peer into himself. Man has realized beauty.

Beauty is deeply human. Beauty exists independently of our consciousness and will, but it is discovered by man or comprehended, lives in his soul; if there were no our consciousness, there would be no beauty. We come into the world in order to comprehend beauty, to affirm it, to create it.

Beauty is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the transparent haze of the steppe expanses, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, blue shadows in the snowdrifts March snow, flock of cranes V blue sky, the reflection of the sun in myriads of drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, walked along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop in amazement at beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart. The joy of life opened up before a man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmuring of a spring brook and the play of silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard, the gentle splashing of waves and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and listens with bated breath hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life. Know how to listen to this music too. Cherish beauty, take care of it.

We repeat these words in those happy moments when a new shade of the beauty of the world around us opens before our children, awakening in them joy, excitement, and amazement. We talk about the silver bells of the lark's song on a hot summer day, when, resting in the shade of an oak grove after a hike or after work, children peer into a trembling bundle of life... Words about beauty come to the

222 a child only when he feels beauty in his heart. Contemplation and listening, experiencing what is heard is the first window into the world of beauty.

I take my pets a thousand times to the origins of beauty - over the years of training in primary school. These are lessons in seeing beauty. Children learn to see, admire, listen to the music of the world around them, and understand it.

Beauty is one of the streams that nourish kindness, warmth, and love. Amazement at a rosehip bush on which red berries and orange leaves glow, a small maple and a slender apple tree with several yellow leaves, a tomato bush scorched by the first night's breath of frost - all this awakens in children's hearts a tender, friendly, caring attitude towards the living and beautiful. The child sympathizes with plants preparing for winter. They become living creatures for him, who will be cold under the piercing winds. The child wants to protect the plant from the cold. When we cover roses and grapes for the winter, children tenderly and carefully bend each branch to the ground so as not to break or damage it. In winter, children talk anxiously about young trees: “Aren’t they cold?” And when we collect snow to accumulate more moisture for the trees, then this work for children is a heartfelt concern for beauty, and not just fulfilling duties.

I see great educational value in the child seeing, understanding, feeling, experiencing, comprehending how great secret awakening life in nature. The first spring flowers and opening buds, the first tender arrows of grass, the first butterfly, the first clucking of a frog, the first swallow, the first thunder, the first spring bath of a sparrow - I reveal all this to children as beauty eternal life. And the more deeply they are inspired by this beauty, the more they strive to create beauty. A real holiday for children is the flowering of the garden. Early in the morning, children come to the garden, admire the white, pink, purple, orange waves, as if floating through the garden, and listen to the bee harp. You can’t sleep for long these days, you have to wake up at dawn, I teach children, you’ll sleep through beauty! And the children rise before sunrise so as not to miss those minutes when the first rays illuminate the flowers, abundantly covered with drops of dew. This is an amazing play of colors and shades, and if a child admires this beauty with bated breath, he will not be a callous, indifferent, heartless person. We develop and enrich the spiritual wealth gained through the contemplation of beauty through work aimed at creating joy for people.

He who creates beauty creates happiness for people. Let him next to you wheat field A chrysanthemum is blooming, next to a sunflower stalk is a rose, next to a potato bush is a lilac bush. By decorating the earth, you create your own beauty.

Beauty ennobles only when a person works, creating bread for life and beauty so that there is no life just for the sake of bread itself. Our educational ideal is for a person to work not only for bread, but also for joy, so that good

223 feelings that arose when contemplating beauty inspired people to work for the sake of happiness.

The creation of beauty is especially important at a young age. The work of young children is, first of all, the creation of material values ​​that embody beauty. Spiritualization and inspiration for this work requires a wise, bright, convincing word from the teacher. The word is the first spark that lights the torch that illuminates the world of beauty. In my ethical anthology there are fairy tales designed specifically to help a child understand the essence of beauty and the meaning of the work necessary to create beauty. I tell young children - preschoolers and first-graders the fairy tales “The Flute and the Wind” and “Sergei and Matvey.”

The beautiful elevates, spiritualizes, ennobles a person - this idea is learned by children through many fairy tales and stories that they deeply experience. I think it is important to educate in such a way that from an early age in children’s consciousness the beauty of a woman - a girl, a mother - is surrounded by a poetic aura. A person cannot become spiritually rich, sensitive to the word, the call of the educator, if he does not admire the beauty and greatness of a woman - her purpose, mission, feat. From the fairy tale about the Flute and the Wind to the poetic legend about the Mother cursing her traitorous son, I lead my pets along this path of penetration into the world of beauty. I strive to ensure that every boy discovers with a feeling of delight an important truth for himself: there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a mother who raised a hero son, a son who is a faithful patriot of the Fatherland. During their adolescence, my pets experience a feeling of amazement and admiration when listening to a poetic story about the Mother at the grave of her son.

The image of a happy mother, carefully pressing her sleeping baby to her chest, is a symbol of that beauty that we consider the most powerful force of education. Every day, when entering school, a child sees a picture of Mother and Child. I consider this image to be a symbol of the ideas for which we work, give our souls to children, take the present to heart and think about the future. This is the most vibrant beauty of our existence. Just as the planets revolve around the Sun, so all our concerns about the child are directed towards this beauty, are attracted to it powerfully and forcefully and are illuminated by it. bright light. I am firmly convinced that this light teaches children, teenagers, and young men to see the beauty of a woman, gives rise to a feeling of spirituality by this beauty, and forces them to measure their actions by the highest standard - the standard of true human beauty.

The beauty of a woman is the pinnacle of human beauty. Enthusiastic attitude towards female beauty embodied in immortals artistic images great poets - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Shevchenko, Mitskevitch. The beauty of living women, with whom they themselves were in love, chastely glorified by them, became a measure of morality and purity of feelings of love for many generations. We strive to ensure that, by comprehending this beauty, our young men understand: the beauty of a woman is not generated by sexual instinct and does not represent something inseparable from sexual needs. We are for it-

224 we are careful that everyone thinks about the words of V. G. Belinsky: “Here is a beautiful young woman: in her facial features you do not find any specific expression - this is not the personification of feeling, soul, kindness, love, selflessness, sublimity of thought and aspirations. It is only beautiful, sweet, animated by life - and nothing more, you are not in love with this woman and are alien to the desire to be loved by her; you calmly admire the beauty of her movements, the grace of her manners, and at the same time, in her presence, your heart beats somehow more alive, and the gentle harmony of happiness instantly spills into your soul” (Belinsky V.G. Collected works. Vol. 7 . M., 1959. P. 372). A person goes through a long school of ennobling feelings before he rises to such a high, disinterested vision of beauty. This school begins with the contemplation of the beautiful in nature, with the ability to see and hear the beautiful; it includes wise lessons in understanding human fidelity, devotion, affection, duty, responsibility. Can not for real to be unselfishly in love with beauty is someone who has not suffered, who has not comprehended the beauty of a mother’s soul silently bending over her son’s grave. Moral vision of beauty - important condition what I would call falling in love with the living beauty of a girl, a woman. Morally and aesthetically well-mannered person in love not only with external beauty, not only with anthropological perfection, but also with inner spirituality. The ability to be fascinated by the rich world of thoughts and feelings is a very important feature of moral and aesthetic education.

The center of spiritual life, the mirror of thought, the exponent of feelings - human eyes. The higher the intellectual, aesthetic, moral development and the general level of a person’s spiritual culture, the more clearly the inner spiritual world is reflected in external features. This glow of the soul is increasingly understood and felt modern man. Inner beauty is expressed in outer appearance.

The unity of internal and external beauty is an aesthetic expression of moral dignity. A person strives to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful - this is natural. But the feasibility of this aspiration depends on the moral character - on the extent to which a person’s beauty merges with his creative, active essence. Human beauty manifests itself most clearly when a person is engaged in his favorite activity - appearance as if illuminated by inner inspiration. It is no coincidence that Myron embodied the beauty of the discus thrower at the moment when the tension of internal spiritual forces is combined with the tension of physical forces, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty. In a girl whose thoughts are about creativity, beauty is brighter and deeper than in the same girl languishing from idleness. Idleness is the enemy of beauty. We instill this idea in our pets. A handsome man of work - a combine operator, a tractor driver, a pilot at the helm of his car, a gardener at his favorite tree. Inner spiritual beauty illuminates the face of a scientist, thinker, poet, artist, worker at the moment when the mind is inspired, illuminated by the light of creativity.

If you want to be beautiful, work until self-forgetfulness, work so that you feel like a creator, a master, a master in your beloved

225 case. Work so that your eyes express spirituality with great human happiness - the happiness of creativity. External beauty has its internal, moral sources. Favorite creativity leaves an imprint on facial features, making them thinner and more expressive.

Beauty is created by anxiety, care - what is usually called the pangs of creativity. Just as grief leaves indelible wrinkles on the face, so creative concerns are the subtlest, most skillful sculptor who makes the face beautiful. The concept of creativity should be considered multifaceted. Internal creative life, which leaves a subtle imprint on external beauty, is not only the creation of new values. It is also the ability to see the beauty of the world around us. He who subtly sees and feels beauty becomes beautiful himself. And vice versa, internal emptiness gives the external facial features an expression of dull indifference and inexpressiveness.

If inner spiritual wealth creates beauty, then inactivity, and especially immoral activity, destroys this beauty. When you come into contact with many young people in a large group, then among the bright, memorable faces you see faces that do not attract attention in any way - they flash, but are not remembered. Spiritual emptiness makes a person’s appearance faceless.

Immoral activities disfigure. The habit of lying and idle talk gradually creates a wandering gaze: a person avoids looking directly into people’s eyes; It’s hard to see the thought in his eyes, he hides it. Toadying and servility give an expression of servility to the eyes and the whole face; envy, selfishness, and suspicion coarse facial features, giving it gloominess and unsociability.

The ideal of human beauty is at the same time an ideal of morality. Harmony of all-round development - in the unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection. It is impossible to make our life beautiful without making a person beautiful in all respects. The pinnacle of human beauty is that each of the millions of members of our society, figuratively speaking, will sparkle with their inner beauty.


Because you were born free citizen the world's first socialist state;

the fact that you possess the greatest human happiness - the happiness of free labor;

the fact that the riches of spiritual life and the paths of spiritual growth, development, and improvement are open to you;

The fact that concerns about a piece of bread, clothes and shelter over your head receded into the background and gave way to first place to concerns about the intellect and feelings, creativity and beauty, books and music, you owe to the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The revolution saved your homeland from the threat of foreign enslavement;

the revolution saved your people, your ancestors, you and your descendants from poverty, vegetation, spiritual wretchedness and ignorance;

The revolution raised your Fatherland to the pinnacle of glory and honor in the face of all mankind.

Cherish the achievements of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Cherish ideas and principles Communist Party, which led your Fatherland to the pinnacle of greatness and happiness. Be true to the ideas, principles, laws, traditions of our Great Revolution and the Communist Party. Be a revolutionary and a communist - this not only places great responsibility on you for the fate of the Fatherland, but also fills your life with deep meaning.

This is one of the most capacious ethical teachings, it covers huge world ideas, events, phenomena, facts - from the first slave revolt Ancient Rome under the leadership of Spartacus to the prophetic words of seventeen-year-old Vladimir Ulyanov, who said “We will go the wrong way” to a grief-stricken mother who received news of the execution of her eldest son Alexander; from the shot of the cruiser "Aurora" to a handful of wheat threshed by pioneers from the ears they collected during harvesting on a collective farm field. What is the most important thing here - in words (and high, spiritual words are the spark that ignites the gunpowder of young hearts), and in the deeds of the collective and each individual? In the intellectual, ideological life of the collective and the individual, the Leninist idea of ​​liberated - free labor should reign. Put into the minds of your pets the idea that work has elevated a person above the world of all living things, from work an ever-flickering light of wisdom flared up in his head, work filled his soul with tremulous feelings, but public life It turned out that labor was used by one person to enslave another person. Take your children by the hand, as it were, lead them along the highways and byways of mankind’s centuries-old path to happiness and convince them that the revolutionary idea and the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed from the very beginning expressed their attitude to work, bread and human dignity. Revolting against oppressors, man has always fought for free labor. To be a revolutionary in our days means to be not only a ruler, but also a creator of something new - free, creative labor. The attitude towards work, bread and human dignity is and will always be a measure of a person’s revolutionary upbringing. The revolution continues in the field, on the livestock farm, at the blast furnace and at the machine tool, at the border post of the borders of the socialist Fatherland.

  • Comprehension of the pedagogical culture of humanity in 2 volumes


    3. pp. 65–76. 360 Sukhomlinsky V.A. How educatepresentperson(Ethics of communist education). Pedagogical... 1979. P. 186. 366 Sukhomlinsky V.A. How educatepresentperson(Ethics of communist education). Pedagogical...

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    Only humanity, affection, kindness can educatepresentperson... I am trying to ensure that our school... . 2. Pedagogy of cooperation. V.F.Shatalov. M.P. Shchetinin and others V.A. Sukhomlinsky and him pedagogical system. Vasily Alexandrovich...

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    One cannot but agree with V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who claimed that " herebyperson becomes the one who has in his soul... (“I give my heart to the children”, “Thought about person", "How educatepresentperson", "Pavlyshskaya high school"," Letters to my son "...

  • developed sense human dignity Maria D. understood that for spiritual wealth, beauty, completeness family life she needs to be a woman with charm, respectful. She understood that beauty, not inspired by inner wealth, would soon fade in the eyes of her husband. The woman correctly identified the sphere in which growth in which could place her at the center of the spiritual life of the family - the sphere of intellectual interests. Thanks to this, she retained the charm of a woman throughout her life. If you want yours future wife remained your only beloved being for the rest of your life - build your life in such a way that the spiritual wealth of your wife is constantly enriched. I wish you good health and cheerful spirit. I hug and kiss you.

    Your father.

    18. Good afternoon, dear son!

    You encourage me to write entire treatises. First about friendship and love, then about femininity, and now you ask your father to say a word about beauty. Well, well, I’ll say it, just let my words remain in your mind for the rest of your life. From the time man became a man, from the moment when he gazed at the beauty of the evening dawn, he began to gaze into himself. Beauty is deeply human. This is the joy of our life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, the endless distance of the steppes, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a flock of cranes in the blue sky, the reflection of the sun in myriad drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy autumn day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and, amazed, walked along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop in amazement at beauty - and nobility will bloom in your heart. The highest beauty is in man, the pinnacle of human beauty is the beauty of a woman. The great poets Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Shevchenko, Mickiewicz embodied their enthusiastic attitude towards female beauty in immortal artistic images. The chastely praised beauty of the women with whom they themselves were in love became a measure of the morality of the feeling of love for many generations. The beauty of a woman is not generated by sexual instinct and is not something inseparable from sexual needs. Write it down to notebook and remember Belinsky’s words: “Here is a beautiful young woman: you don’t find any definite expression in her facial features - this is not the personification of feeling, soul, kindness, love, self-sacrifice, sublimity of thoughts and aspirations... It is only beautiful, sweet, animated by life - and nothing more; you are not in love with this woman and are alien to the desire to be loved by her, you calmly admire the beauty of her movements, the grace of her manners - and at the same time, in her presence your heart beats somehow more alive, and there is gentle harmony. happiness instantly fills your soul."22. External human beauty embodies our ideas about the ideal of beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and oneself, modesty. The focus of spiritual life, the mirror of thought, the expresser of feelings are human eyes. The higher the moral development and general level of a person’s spiritual culture, the more clearly the inner spiritual world is reflected in external features. The unity of internal and external beauty is an aesthetic expression of a person’s moral dignity. There is nothing shameful in the fact that a person strives to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful. But, it seems to me (what do you think?), one must have a moral right to this desire. The morality of this aspiration is determined by the extent to which this beauty expresses the creative, active essence of man. A person’s beauty manifests itself most clearly when he is engaged in a favorite activity, which by its nature emphasizes something good in him, characteristic of his personality. At the same time, his appearance seems to be illuminated by inner inspiration. It is no coincidence that Miron 23 embodied the beauty of the discus thrower at the moment when the tension of internal spiritual forces is combined with the tension of physical forces, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty. In a girl whose thoughts are about creativity, beauty is brighter and deeper than in the same girl languishing from idleness. Idleness is the enemy of beauty, remember this, son. A handsome man of labor - a combine operator, a tractor driver, a pilot at the helm of his car, a gardener at his favorite tree. Inner spiritual beauty illuminates the face of a scientist, thinker, poet, inventor at the moment when the mind is inspired and illuminated by the light of creativity. If you want to be beautiful, work until you forget yourself, work so that you feel like a creator, a master, a master in what you love. Work so that your eyes express spirituality with great human happiness - the happiness of creativity. Beauty is a companion of inspiration. O. Gonchar has a wonderful short story - “Sunflowers”. It tells the story of a sculptor who was commissioned to sculpt a bust of a girl by a master of high sunflower harvests. The girl's face struck the master as ugliness. It was not inspiring, and the sculptor abandoned the work. On the way to the station he had to drive past a field of blooming sunflowers. Here he saw his heroine - she was working. But now her face looked different. It was illuminated by a feeling of the beauty of work; internal beauty shone in its external features. “She’s beautiful!” exclaimed the artist, in his imagination he was already sculpting the girl’s facial features.

    External beauty has its internal, moral sources. Favorite creativity makes a person beautiful, transforms facial features - makes them subtle and expressive. Beauty is created by anxiety, care - what is usually called "the pangs of creativity." Just as grief leaves indelible wrinkles on the face, so creative worries are the subtlest, most skillful sculptor who makes the face beautiful. And vice versa, internal emptiness gives the external facial features an expression of dull indifference and inexpressiveness. If inner spiritual wealth creates human beauty, then inactivity, and even more so immoral activity, destroys this beauty. When you come into contact with many young people in a large group, among the bright, memorable faces you see faces that do not attract attention in any way - they flash, but are not remembered. Spiritual emptiness makes a person’s appearance faceless. Immoral activities disfigure. The habit of lying, hypocrisy, and idle talk gradually creates a wandering gaze: a person avoids looking directly into the eyes of other people; It’s hard to see the thought in his eyes, he hides it. Toadying and servility not only give an expression of servility to the eyes and face, but leave an imprint on the entire appearance. Being yourself, cherishing your dignity is the living blood of true human beauty. The ideal of human beauty is at the same time an ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection is the harmony that is talked about so much. It is impossible to make our life beautiful without making a person beautiful and one of the noblest human feelings - love. The pinnacle of universal beauty will be when each of the millions of members of our society, figuratively speaking, sparkles with their inner beauty. I firmly believe that under communism all people will be beautiful. It cannot be otherwise, because inner and outer beauty will blossom at the same time. You are the creator of your own spiritual beauty. The beauty of the people living next to you depends on you. I'm sending you Green's Favorites. This book must be read not only with the mind, but also with the heart. Read not only the lines, but also between the lines. I wish you good health and cheerful spirit. I hug and kiss you. Your father.

    19. Good afternoon, dear son!

    I received your letter from the collective farm. In five years you will get to know rural Ukraine well - you will visit at least five regions. You write that in the village where you work, a former policeman was tried - a criminal who tortured

    Soviet people, killed and tortured partisans, old people, women and children. You are surprised: how can it be - a person was born in Soviet country, grew up under socialism, and suddenly he becomes a traitor to the Motherland. After all, life itself educates! - you exclaim. The fact of the matter is that - of this I am firmly convinced - it is not life itself that educates, but the person. Life only helps a person. I’ll tell you one story from which you will understand how apostates are born... In one of the villages of our region, until recently, there lived a man whose fate was terrible and at the same time instructive. This was at the beginning of the war. A bloody tornado scorched Ukraine with its hot breath, a fascist horde was creeping from the west, our troops were retreating across the Dnieper. On a quiet August morning, a column of enemy motorcyclists arrived on the main street of the village where this man lived. People hid in their huts. Silent children timidly looked out the windows. And suddenly people saw the incredible: this man came out of the hut - in an embroidered shirt, in boots polished to a shine, with bread and salt on an embroidered towel. Smiling ingratiatingly at the fascists, he brought them bread and salt and bowed. The little red-haired corporal graciously accepted the bread and salt, patted the traitor on the shoulder, and treated him to a cigarette. The whole village learned about the shameful hospitality. Fierce hatred began to boil in their hearts, and their fists clenched. Then people began to think: who is this man, what brought him to scary way betrayal? We recalled the genealogy of our grandfather and great-grandfather, mentally looking back at his childhood. How can this be, after all, he is a twenty-year-old young man, apparently a Komsomol member. But wait, what is his name? They knew the surname, the person has a parental surname, but no one knew the name. His mother, the collective farm worker Yarina, was well known. And this man was called that way from childhood: Yarina’s son. They began to think: what led the guy to betrayal? But no one could say anything definite about Yarina’s son. The neighbors called him a mama's boy. One son from his father and mother, he lived like cheese in butter: he slept until lunch, and near the bed on the table there was a jug of milk, white roll, sour cream, already carefully prepared by his mother... People from an early age taught children to work, woke them up at dawn, they were sent to the field to work, and Yarina protected her “gold” (that’s what she called it: my little gold, my only beloved), protected from work, from all worries and anxieties. Here's how you bring up life... It all depends on where a person will turn this life, which side it will touch human soul. My son studied at school until the sixth grade, then studying became a burden, and the mother decided: let the child not languish behind a book, the most important thing is health. Until the age of eighteen, my son hung around without anything to do, he already began to go to evening parties, and was drawn to the girls... They remembered that two years before the war, the mother of a beautiful girl came to Yarina, she came with tears; what conversation they had - no one knew exactly; all that became known in the village was that the black-eyed beauty stopped going out, then spent a long time in the hospital and disappeared girlish beauty, the lights went out in the black eyes. The neighbors found out that Yarina had sent her “gold” somewhere to a distant farm to her beekeeper uncle, there were rumors: Yarina’s son lives among the expanse of the steppe, eats white rolls with honey, and in the evenings a blue-eyed beauty with fair hair comes out to him under a tall poplar tree. oblique. One day Yarina got sick and told her son to come and help with the housework. The son arrived, stayed at home for three days, the work seemed hard to him: carry water, chop wood, mow hay... - and went back to the farm. This is how life educates you... After all, Yarina loved her son to the point of self-forgetfulness, but how did he repay her? If life educated, then the mother’s love would instill in the son a feeling of love. But in life, things don't work out that easily. It happens that love turns into a serious disaster... How and when a son appeared in the village of Yarinin in that difficult time - no one could say. Old men and women sat in the twilight under the branchy cherry trees, talking about all this, and the thought haunted him: who was he born into? Three days have passed since the village was occupied by the Nazis, and Yarina’s son is already walking down the street with a police bandage on his arm. We think and guess, but it won’t make it any easier,” said 70-year-old grandfather Yukhim. Where did such a bastard come from? From an empty soul. This man has nothing sacred in his soul. The soul did not expire in pain either for the mother or for the native land. My heart did not tremble from anxiety for the land of my grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Didn't leave hands root in native land, nothing was created for people, sweat did not water the field, there are no calluses from hard and sweet labor - and thistles grew. These words were passed on from mouth to mouth. And Yarina’s son became a zealous servant of the Nazis. He helped them send people to Hitler’s penal servitude, helped them rob collective farmers. They said that Yarin's son had acquired the clothes of a killed partisan... And the mother of the black-eyed beauty, cursing the fascist lackey, said directly: it was he who sent her daughter to hard labor in Germany. Terrible days have come for the mother. She saw that people despised her degeneracy and despised her too. I tried to exhort my son, reminded him to return Soviet power and about retribution, but the son began to threaten: you know, they say, what happens to those who do not agree with the new order. “You are no longer my son,” said the mother, left the hut, and went to her sister. Over scary days occupation, Soviet soldiers brought freedom at dawn in November. Hot battles bypassed the village before Yarina’s son had time to escape with his owners. Yarina's son was tried and sentenced to seven years in prison. Seven years have passed. The son returned from prison and found his mother dying. Yarina asked all her relatives and the most respected old people in the village to come to her deathbed. She only did not allow her son to approach the bed, she said before her death: “People, my dear fellow countrymen! Do not place this heavy stone on my chest. Do not consider this man my son.” The son stood in the middle of the hut, gloomy and indifferent, it seemed to him that he did not care what his mother said. And then grandfather Yukhim said for everyone: “It will be as you ask, Yarina. We will not put a heavy stone on your chest. This man will walk the earth like a rootless dog until the end of his days. Not only will no one call him your son, but Let's forget his name." Grandfather Yukhim’s words turned out to be prophetic: even before, few people knew the name of the traitor, everyone called him Yarina’s son, but now his name has been completely forgotten. They began to call this thirty-year-old man different names. Some said simply: he’s a scoundrel; others are a man without a soul, others are a man who has nothing sacred behind his soul. He lived in his parents' house, no one ever came to see him, the neighbors forbade their children to come close to the house of the "man without a name" - that was the name all the peasants finally gave him. He went to work on the collective farm. People avoided working with him. At one time it was difficult to find a cadre of machine operators; he asked to study to become a tractor driver, but there was no person who wanted to be alone with him and pass on his knowledge to him. Yarina's son became an outcast. The judgment of the people turned out to be immeasurably worse than prison. He wanted to get married, but there was no woman or girl who would dare to join her destiny with him. He tried to leave the village. It was here that the full strength of people's morality manifested itself. It became clear that a person who betrayed his Motherland could never count on mercy. Two years have passed since then. The man without a name was overgrown with hair, like a hundred-year-old grandfather, his gaze became somehow cloudy. They said he was losing his mind. He spent whole days sitting in the yard, as if basking in the sun. He talked to himself, dug in the ground, found some roots, and ate. Out of pity, someone brought a piece of bread and a pot of borscht at night and left it on a large stump of an old pear tree. The man with no name ate greedily in the morning. Once I had to visit that village. I was sitting in the office of the chairman of the village council. An old, decrepit man came in - he seemed to be about seventy years old. “This is him, a man without a name,” the chairman of the village council said quietly. “He is now thirty-nine years old... Let’s listen to what he says.” “Send me somewhere,” the man without a name began to ask dully, with hidden pain. “I can’t live here anymore. Send me to a nursing home or some kind of shelter. Don’t send me, I’ll hang myself. I know that I deserve people’s contempt and curse I would like to hear it at least before I die. kind word. They know me here, and I only hear curses." They took pity on him and sent him to a nursing home. No one there knew about his past. They treated him like an old man who deserved the right to respect. They say he rejoiced like a child when he was asked to do something for the team: dig up a flower bed or sort out potatoes. But somehow the rumor about his past reached the nursing home. No one said a word about this man’s past, but everyone began to talk. avoid him. Two old men who lived in the same room with him asked to go to another one, and he was left alone. On a cold December night, he went to an unknown place, and since then no one has seen him. forced young people to look at themselves as if from the outside, forced them to look into their souls and ask themselves: what is dear to me in our Soviet life? Where are the threads with which I am connected with the people? How have I already earned and how will I earn the respect of the people in the future? Ask yourself these questions too. Think about the fact that a person pushes himself into the abyss of loneliness if in his soul there is not that sacred light, without which happiness is impossible - the light of love for people. Why did an honest, hardworking woman have a traitor son? Wasn't his childhood joyful and carefree? It seemed that the mother measured out happiness to her son in full measure. But what kind of happiness was this and by what measure was it measured? The animal joy of consumption became happiness for the child; selfish pleasures eclipsed the world. Fenced off by the blank wall of these pleasures from the joys and misfortunes of the people, young heart became callous and soulless. It is impossible to educate a sensitive and honest soul of a citizen if the only joy is the joy of consumption, if a person comes to a person only when he receives something. Core, core human personality- this is something sacred that should be behind the soul, should become more valuable than life - honor, dignity, pride of a Soviet citizen. Love for the Fatherland and love for people are two fast streams that, merging, form a mighty river of patriotism. Don’t forget that a moment will come in your life when you will be required to have civil courage, perseverance, readiness for such an effort of all physical and spiritual forces, when on one side there are joys, blessings, pleasures, and on the other there are enormous hardships, self-sacrifice, even death in the name of life and happiness of people. Prepare yourself to cross the line to this second path at the right moment. You know that in our school there hangs a portrait of an eighteen-year-old boy, Leonid Shevchenko, in a place of honor. He volunteered to go to Kazakhstan in the first year of the development of virgin lands, worked as a tractor driver, and died at a combat post, defending socialist property. Under the portrait of a young man are the words of Indian wisdom: “Human life is like iron: if you use it, it wears off, if you don’t use it, rust eats it up.”

    Beauty is a powerful source of education for moral purity, spiritual wealth, and physical perfection. The skill of education lies in the fact that from the beauty of the surrounding world - nature, art, human actions - the child draws spiritual nobility: genuine human kindness, cordiality, responsiveness, readiness to create and affirm the beautiful.

    We tell students:

    Beauty is the joy of your life. Man became Man because he saw the depth of the blue sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening and morning dawn, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the fluttering haze over the horizon, the boundless distance of the steppes, blue shadows in the snowdrifts of March snow, a school of cranes in the azure sky, reflection the sun in transparent drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy autumn day, a purple cloud on a lilac bush, a delicate stem and blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and was amazed, and walked along the earth, creating new beauty. Stop in amazement before beauty - and human beauty will bloom in your heart. The joy of life opened before a man because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of the first spring stream and the ringing of the silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of a wave and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and, holding his breath, he listens for hundreds and thousands of years to the wonderful music of life. Know how to listen to this music, know how to enjoy the beauty.

    We strive to bring this commandment of beauty into all spheres of the spiritual life of students: mental and physical work, creativity, social activities, spiritual-psychological and moral-aesthetic relationships, friendship.

    Already the first autumn of school life convinces us that beauty is the mother of kindness and cordiality. All your admiration for a rosehip bush, on which the inflorescences of red berries and orange leaves are burning, a small maple, a slender apple tree, on which a few yellowed leaves remain, a tomato bush, scorched by the first breath of frost at night - all this awakens in the child an affectionate, friendly, caring attitude to the living and living. He sympathizes with plants preparing for a difficult time - winter.

    Spring excursions and observations are especially important for developing a sense of beauty. “You can’t sleep for long these days,” we teach children, “you can sleep through the beauty.” And the children rise before sunrise, trying not to miss those moments when the first stream of sunlight illuminates the flowers covered with drops of dew. This is an amazing play of colors and shades, and if a child, with bated breath, admires its unique beauty, then we are no longer afraid of callousness, indifference, and heartlessness. We develop and enrich the priceless spiritual wealth acquired through the contemplation of beauty through work aimed at creating joy for people.

    Create, create beauty - we teach children. Let a chrysanthemum bloom next to an ear of wheat, a rose next to a corn stalk, and a lilac bush next to a potato bush. By decorating the earth, you create your own beauty.

    From an early age, we instill in children sensitivity to the aesthetic side of the environment: wherever we work and relax, it should be beautiful.

    Subjects of great concern to student groups are the beauty of classrooms and school holidays. The students embroider tablecloths for the classroom table and napkins for a carafe of water. In the school workshop they make beautiful frames for wall newspapers and reproductions of paintings. High school students change out prints in the school art gallery twice each year.

    Love your native word. Read and reread outstanding works fiction. Just as listening to a beautiful melody reveals to you the beauty of music, so re-reading a poetic work reveals to you more and more spiritual riches, the beauty of life, the greatness of man. Love music - it ennobles your thoughts and feelings. Our goal is to ensure that reading works of art, especially lyric poetry, becomes part of the spiritual life of every student and provides deep personal pleasure. Just as a musically educated person who feels the beauty of music has his favorite melodies and works, which he listens to dozens of times with pleasure, so every cultured person should have his favorite poetic, lifelong ones. works of art, repeated reading of which each time reveals to him more and more new shades of beauty - this is our program practical activities in this important area of ​​education.

    During excursions and walks, we reveal to the child the wealth of feelings, experiences, thoughts that the people have put into every word and carefully pass it on from generation to generation. Children admire the beauty of the morning dawn - and we reveal to them the emotional connotation of the word dawn, admire the twinkling stars - and we reveal to them the beauty, the aroma of the word twinkle. On quiet summer evenings, we spend conversations in the lap of nature dedicated to the words sunset, twilight, silence, whisper of grass, Moonlight. Here, in the lap of nature, we read immortal examples of Russian and world poetry.

    Already in elementary grades, matinees are held artistic reading, in middle and high schools - evenings. They become the most important form of instilling a love of words.

    From the first days of school, we instill in children a love of music. Great importance We listen to the music of nature: the singing of birds, the buzzing of bees, the noise of an oak forest, the trembling of leaves, the howling of the wind, the rustles of the night. Not everyone is destined to become a musician, but everyone should enjoy the riches created by humanity. On musical evenings and matinees, students listen to tape-recorded folk melodies and works by outstanding composers.

    These are some aspects of our practical work By aesthetic education, introducing the child to the world of beauty.

    External human beauty embodies our ideas about the ideal of beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself...


    Each of us, throughout our lives, develops our own concept of the norm, the concept of morality, the concept of beauty and, as we know, as many people as there are, so many opinions. What is it made up of? true beauty person? V.A. invites us to think about this question in his text. Sukhomlinsky.

    Analyzing this problem, the author brings to our attention a story from the life of the sculptor Myron, whose “Discoball” became a classic ancient art and at the same time the most “popular” work of the creator, and someone even calls this statue the pinnacle, the “apotheosis” of all creative activity sculptor The writer draws our attention to the fact that this work art represents true human beauty, since this sculpture of a man with a disc in his hand represents an image of a person depicted in the process of activity, completely harmonious with it. The author leads us to the idea that the features of this figure are so beautiful because the appearance of this character is “illuminated by inner inspiration” and is depicted through the tension of internal spiritual and physical forces. In other words, V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasizes that the extraordinary beauty of this figure was a combination of anthropological perfection and internal harmony and spirituality.

    A truly beautiful person is one whose inner and outer beauty appears in strong tandem and forms a harmonious image. The writer believes that the true beauty of a person consists primarily of the depth of his inner world - morality, activity, spirituality, creative and aesthetic principles. What matters, of course, is anthropological perfection, human health - and only both of these factors, external beauty, purity of thoughts, unity of actions and feelings in a compartment form a complete, harmonious image, which is, in essence, “beauty” in its general understanding .

    One cannot but agree with the thought of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Indeed, a person is beautiful in the harmony of feelings, actions, thoughts and, of course, appearance. In the event that a person does what gives him sincere pleasure, cares not only about external but also internal beauty, develops his spiritual world, does not waste time on immoral activities, values ​​​​his dignity and remains himself - only in this In this case, it can be called truly beautiful.

    M. Gorky in the story “Old Woman Izergil” introduces the reader to a hero who is “beautiful” in all respects. Danko, being a romantic image, is initially presented as a strong, beautiful, independent person, but all his inner beauty is revealed in his actions. While saving a pathetic, evil, hypocritical crowd of people from death, he did not think about his own salvation - all his actions were aimed at helping people. Realizing that it was impossible to get out of the forest in pitch darkness, Danko took his flaming heart out of his chest and lit the way for people with it, giving them the opportunity to live and taking this opportunity away from himself. This hero was beautiful not only externally, but also internally, and his altruism and heart blazing with fire became confirmation of this.

    Really beautiful and main character D. London's novel "Martin Eden". The writer reveals his image against the backdrop of several layers of the population at once - Martin grew up among the working class, and his formation occurred at a time when he was in close contact with an educated, bourgeois family. However, he was not truly “at home” with anyone - the lower class was disgusted with drunkenness and debauchery, however, those who at first seemed like an example to him ended up being hypocrites and were smart and deep only at first glance. The hero himself was always morally pure and radiated inner strength and harmony, which is how he was able to win Ruth’s heart, and having discovered the huge world of books, he also began to develop mentally, thereby feeding and cultivating his innate potential. Martin's external beauty, coupled with confidence, morality and writing, created a harmonious, truly beautiful image that attracts and bewitches the reader from the very first lines.

    In conclusion, I would like to say once again that beauty is not only external, it is not only internal - it is the totality of everything that is in a person, framed by the harmony of thoughts, actions and feelings.

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