For a husband to love his wife deeply. What to do to make a man love you more


Monotony, routine, gray everyday life can destroy the once-born bright feeling between a man and a woman. So that you don’t have to one day face the fact that your husband doesn’t love you anymore, and fall in love with your husband yourself, periodically bring sips into your life fresh air. Find new activities for yourself that can entertain and unite both of you, and give you the opportunity to communicate with each other. Break away from your usual weekend activities and take a pottery class or go on a trip out of town. Time spent together interesting activity, will certainly unite you.

If your husband works late or is away on a business trip, remind him of yourself by sending him SMS or emails. Let these be short romantic messages.

Solving family problems

Not only leisure time, but also a joint decision can unite two people family problems and affairs, for example, financial matters. Scientists have found that men don’t really like it when their spouses try to control their income and spend on their own. Manage your family budget together. Thus, you will avoid conflicts arising on this basis, get a chance to do one thing together, conquer and be able to make you fall in love with yourself. own husband. He will certainly appreciate this approach and support your decision.

A joint project

To make a guy fall in love with you again, you can offer him some a joint project. For example, ask him to supervise you while you diet, or help him quit smoking. Or do some repairs, but make sure that disputes about who will putty the wall and what color the wallpaper should be do not escalate into a war.

When your spouse is nearby, hug him. Scientists have found that frequent touch reduces tension and stress.

Daily diet

To make a husband love his wife, you can diversify your daily diet. Include avocados, seafood, nuts, and hot spices in your menu. This will refresh everyday life and help increase attraction to each other, because these products are recognized aphrodisiacs. After all, the problem of lack of desire often affects not only men, but also women. After 35 years, more than half of the fair sex experience this problem.


Remove everything from the bedroom that could interfere in one way or another personal life in it. Such items include phones, televisions, laptops and other achievements technical progress. Remember that the bedroom is an intimate space created for two, and while in it you only need to pay attention to each other. Also try to get enough sleep, because healthy sleep contributes to regular intimate relationships.

Of course, I have an idea of ​​who could become a close person to me, with whom I would be comfortable. And the requirements... In fact, there is only one criterion - THAT A MAN LOVES ME. I understand love in the sense in which Fromm described it: care, responsibility, respect, understanding.


Will he pick you up in front of a restaurant, will he open the door in the car, will he pay at the cafe, will he hand you a coat, will he ask about your well-being, will he offer help when he learns about your troubles, will he visit you if you are sick... These are the details of behavior that describe, how a man understands care, whether this is a normal state for him, whether he is able to think about another person. In some cases, we may be talking about upbringing - for example, they didn’t teach a boy to open a door for a woman. So the feeling of care is not based on one fact alone. But a woman always knows whether they are treating her with care or consumerism.


This is a very important quality for a man. It is important for a woman, but for a man it is simply fundamental. Be responsible for those you tamed. The ability to take responsibility for one’s words and actions is a mandatory characteristic of a psychologically adult person. Naturally following the chain “thought – said – did – responded” is an indicator of the integrity and maturity of the individual. This is a guarantee of reliability and confidence in a person.


It’s good when a man feels his personal boundaries and protects his personal space, but it is no less important for love that he respects a woman’s personal space. And this is also almost immediately clear from how a man treats a woman’s achievements, talents, abilities, how highly he evaluates her potential, the usefulness and necessity of her work.

A separate topic is how a man relates to a woman’s development, because love is mutual movement and development. Respect for other women is also very important (mother, ex-lovers, work colleagues, etc.) – this is about the absence or healing of psychological trauma, which guarantees wise attitude to feminine manifestations and otherness feminine to men's.

It is worth mentioning that love requires not only awareness of one’s own and others’ boundaries, but also desire for intimacy. It is natural for a person to want love; this is a basic need. If a person declares that he does not know what love is, that he has never loved, that he is not ready for love and serious relationship, you should listen. You can, without getting attached, be nearby and watch how events will unfold. You don't have to wait until the person will pass This stage of its development, It all depends on how interesting the person is in all other qualities.


This is the most difficult component of love, often understanding comes only with age life together. But the first signs that everything will work out are also visible right away: “I don’t understand what you are doing, but I would really like you to explain to me.” This is about intellectual intimacy, about the variety of tools with which a man understands himself and reality. A man will be able to understand a lot about a woman and her life over time, if he wants to, if he allows himself to let something different into his worldview, different from what he has already understood about life. If the framework of his beliefs is flexible, it is much easier to live with. The willingness to listen and understand is the ability to conduct dialogue at all stages of the relationship. This is very important for the stability and harmony of relationships.

Certainly, physical attraction is also important. But at a certain age, you stop separating the physical and the spiritual, that is, the closeness of the souls of a man and a woman almost certainly gives rise to attraction, and physical attraction separately from another union is no longer interesting.

Of course, these components of love do not come in full immediately, but their absence is obvious from the first days of acquaintance. Without them, relationships turn into pain, and this is no longer love. My opinion is this: you can develop what you have; but if something is missing, then you won’t be able to attract attention.

This can be called high expectations. Or we can call them the most ordinary, because everything described is the natural manifestations of a holistic, mature person. In the end, I am like that myself and I give all this to another person. Why should you want less? “If only it were” and “it’s easier to live with a man” I definitely don’t need it. I have twenty-one years of experience in my suitcase family life. Now is the time to be happy with a new attitude and wait for what your soul asks for.

Grigory Pomerants wrote that love strong as death, high and incinerating, filling everything - a rare and dangerous gift. The large mechanisms of the universe are at work here, so I am ready for the fact that Love may not happen in my life. Moreover, I am sure that even in this case I will not die of boredom. Love is more than the sensual love between a man and a woman, and life is beautiful and exciting in itself.

You cannot force your loved one to love you, but this does not mean that there are no techniques that will help you improve your relationship a little. The conversation is not about manipulating a person's mind, but about helping those you like to realize how much they love you.

If you want your partner to love you even more, read these ten tips. They will help open his eyes to how much he really loves you.

1. Don’t get so worked up

The fact that you are reading this may indicate that perhaps you are simply pushing too hard. Calm down, give him some space and don't try to force him to tell you how much he loves you.

Men don't like to be under pressure and his love for you will grow much faster if he makes this decision for himself.

2. Make him laugh often.

The more often you make him laugh, the more he will want to spend time with you. Men are no different from women in this regard: if you have fun with someone, you will become more and more attached to them. Be prepared to make fun of yourself too. It's much easier to love someone who doesn't take themselves or life too seriously.

3. Let him see the real you.

It's great fun to put on makeup and dress up in your boyfriend's best outfits, but don't be afraid to go natural sometimes. He appreciates it when you make an effort to look great for the evening, but he also wants to get to know the real you.

You don't have to impress him all the time; It is this person that he will love more than cosmetics and designer clothes.

4. Show him that you are independent

How will he understand how much he will miss you if you are always there at his complete disposal? He needs to know that you have a life outside of the relationship and you should go out with friends sometimes.

There is no harm in it if he understands that you can be independent: this knowledge will make him want you even more.

5. Find out what he likes

While there's no point in pretending that you've become a football fan, you might want to show interest in some of the things he likes to do. If he's a sports fan, you could sit and watch the game with him instead of disappearing into another room, or at least ask him who won.

He will be very grateful if you show interest in his hobbies and interests.

6. Compliment him

If you are in a relationship with a guy, then he already knows that you like him, but he would still like to receive confirmation of this sometimes. Praise him when you think he did something well, or let him know you like how he looks in his new clothes.

Everyone loves to receive compliments, so don't hold back. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone who flatters them and makes them feel good about themselves and boost their self-esteem?

7. Learn to get along with his friends and family.

You can't guarantee that you'll adore his entire family or like all of his friends, but you should do your best to get along with them. Being nice to his friends and his family is a sign of respect for your partner, and he will love you for your troubles, even if you can't stand some of his buddies.

The worst thing you can do is make enemies of those who are in his close circle, because he will be ashamed in front of them and inconvenient for you.

8. Keep a little secret about yourself

Men love a little mystery, so don't reveal everything about yourself in the first few days.

Let him learn more and more about you little by little and then he will love surprises and he will keep coming back to get to know you better.

9. Make him proud of you

Don't be afraid to share your successes with him because he will enjoy them just as much as you do. Let him see that you can win and he will also be proud of you, he will love you even more.

10. Be there for him when he needs you.

One of the hardest things for a man to do is ask for help, so let him know you're there if he needs you, and then back that promise up with action when the time comes.

Men are not as strong as they portray themselves to be, be his motivation and support and he will love you even more for it.

And be happy!

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"Dad“Why did you marry your mother, because you don’t love her?” asks a teenage girl, who imagines love between a man and a woman in a completely different way from how her parents treat each other. All women want their husband to love her the same way as this was before the wedding. After all, until the day the girl has given her consent to become his wife, the man is ready for anything. He pushes into the background his work, meetings with friends and all events that prevent him from being with his beloved.

Before weddings he gives her gifts, huge bouquets of flowers, takes care of her and protects her. Unfortunately, the delight of falling in love in the eyes of many men fades away within a year after the stamp appears in their passport. Tired of constant showdowns, and looking at his wife, who has changed a lot, the husband thinks: “I don’t love her anymore and why did I marry her?” In fact, love does not pass so quickly, just by getting married, many men suffer due to the loss of hope of realizing their dreams. And they dream of seeing their beloved girl always the same as she was when she met him. But when married, all women change. Unlike the guy who sought her hand, the husband for them becomes something that they have already achieved and that does not deserve constant attention.

home error women who are looking for an answer to the question: “What should I do so that I don’t cheat and always love?” is that every day they devote a lot of time to caring for their appearance and raising a child, completely forgetting that it is not so important for a man what clothes and hairstyle she meets him in. External beauty is not the main thing in family life, although it improves the husband’s relationship with his wife.

Man gets married with the hope that now a person will appear in his life with whom he can share all his sorrows and joys, who will answer him with gratitude for the fact that he loves her so much and tries to make her happy. In other words, men want to see a grateful wife next to them, radiating warmth and tenderness, and not a decorated beauty who is always dissatisfied with something. No matter how beautiful and a wonderful mother you are, you will not be able to maintain your husband’s warm attitude towards you if you do not respect him as a person and do not show interest in his life.

Exists There are many opportunities to keep the flame of love from dying out. But they all boil down to the fact that the wife should be a princess whom you want to protect and are afraid to lose. And this means you need to become like the girl you were before the wedding. Remember the time when you met your husband and what attracted his attention to you. After all, he loved you for a reason, but for the quality of character that you had. Perhaps it was your self-confidence, your ability to listen, or your desire to help him. But there was something that he especially liked about you, and because of which he agreed to connect his life with you. Apparently now you have lost this “zest” if your husband has become indifferent to you.

Try again become the woman he was crazy about: listen carefully to him, but don’t point him out, help, but don’t demand, love, but don’t be jealous, care, but don’t impose your help and don’t smother him with your love. Learn to be restrained and calm. No man can stand a woman who cannot control her emotions for long. If you want to express everything out loud or throw a tantrum, go into another room, walk down the street or cry into your pillow.

Do whatever whatever, but do not give the opportunity to emotions to finish off those remnants of your husband’s feelings, which until recently he considered love for you. Instead of expressing everything you are thinking to your face, learn to give in to him. In this way, you will strengthen his self-confidence and self-esteem, thanks to which his love for you will remain and flourish. If you want your husband to never cheat on you, try to regain that character trait that once attracted him. This, of course, is not easy. But this is exactly what will save you from divorce, because another woman will attract his attention also due to the presence of these qualities in herself.

Most men They cheat on their wives not because they stopped loving them. They just get tired of the monotony, and having met a new and unusual woman, they try to change their lives. Not every man cheats to satisfy his sexual needs. Most often, they find someone next to whom it is cozy and comfortable to spend their evenings. The one who does not spare him tender words and affection. The one with whom he has many common interests and with whom he enjoys communicating. The one who cooks deliciously and doesn’t scold him for not washing the dishes. If you want your husband to never cheat on you, then try to become like this “that one” before he meets her and stops loving you.

And finally I wanted I would say that in happy families the wife never takes the role of an inaccessible beauty and does not devote all of her free time caring for your appearance. If you want your husband to always love you, then first love him yourself. After all, in order to get something in this life, we must first give something.

Everyone wants to love and be loved. And even though feminists declare a thousand times that they do not need men, deep down, every woman dreams of being needed, desired, the best and most amazing for the one and only. Yes, it’s so banal and simple, probably so out of date. But all women were once little girls who were brought up on fairy tales about princes. Those amazingly strong, kind and understanding handsome men who can love you once and for the rest of their lives, without even seeing you even once. Of course, life is a pragmatic thing. She will never be so bright and fabulous, and among modern men you can hardly meet a prince. Of course, somewhere these unique specimens still remain, but they are as rare in our latitudes as pandas and saber-toothed tigers. Modern men They don't think about romance. They became cynical and pragmatic. That is why, more and more often, girls are asking the question: what to do to make a man love more?

As sad as it is to admit, modern guys have to be held back. There are too many temptations in our world, and they, our men, are so greedy for bright candy wrappers that before you even have time to blink an eye, he’s no longer around. That is why, in order to keep the person you love (and you love him, because no one will strain for the unloved and unnecessary) in all your actions and actions, you need to somehow turn to their primitive instinct.

Every man is a hunter at heart. And a woman for him is the same roe deer that he chased through the mountains and valleys thousands and thousands of years ago. And as soon as he caught up with her, as soon as she gave up, at that very moment interest disappeared. So it is with women. I didn’t have time to open up to him, trust him - that’s all. He is bored, monotonous, and his eyes are already looking for a new roe deer. So what to do to make a man love more is of interest to our readers

That is why the first unwritten rule says: never open up completely to your loved one. You don’t need to tell him your entire biography, notify him of your every step, or retell all your phone conversations. Of course, this does not mean at all that you should play secret agents, hide in the bathroom with your cell phone and answer all questions with mysterious silence. You just need to know when to stop everything.

Sometimes it’s worth keeping silent about some details, and not being the first to tell what happened to you that day. Yes, and by the way, you don’t have to pick up the phone either. Sometimes. Light injections of jealousy won't hurt. Your loved one must trust you. But at the same time, you cannot be completely and 100% sure that you will have it forever and nothing will change it.

This leads to rule number two: don't give yourself over to him completely. There is no need to repeat every day that he is your life, air, food and water. There is no need to convince your loved one that you will fulfill any request. Even to your own detriment. If you made it clear that without him you simply do not exist, if you dissolved in him, thereby losing your personality, then you simply became his thing. And even your favorite things still get boring. And when he’s had enough of you, it’s too late to cry and ask: what to do to make a man love you more. Because love has been gone for a long time.

By the way, about love and its expression. This question can be attributed to rule three. There is no need to pester a guy with questions: “do you love me?”, “tell me, why do you so rarely talk to me about love?”, “don’t you need me?” etc. Male psychology is completely different from female psychology. Guys confirm their feelings more with actions than words. That is why they simply do not understand why talk when everything is already obvious. And your obsession simply drives them crazy.

And we come to rule four: don't force it. Don't force love, don't force opinions, don't force guardianship. Especially custody. You worry whether he is dressed warmly, whether he has eaten well, and you order a taxi to get him back from the party he was at with his friends. Do you know who you are? You are a mother. Do you really need an over-aged child who will be capricious, make scenes and manipulate you, knowing that you will forgive him in any case? Of course not.

You must be the princess that he protects, that he worries about, and that he is afraid of losing. Remember: worrying about a loved one and caring for him are completely different things. There must be a golden mean in everything. The one we talk about in rule five: restraint. All your emotions should be like the sea in good weather, when a light breeze drives small waves towards the shore. And if these waves turn into a ninth wave, sound the alarm. Because your man is already ringing all the bells. Guys can't stand it and are afraid of excessive expression of emotions. Be it love, joy, resentment or tears. Be wiser. If you want to throw a tantrum, it’s better to leave the room, take a walk, do whatever you want to make your emotions subside. Men worry more about calm, cold calm. But your screams irritate and help turn everything upside down. Remember for yourself how many such scandals began with the fact that he was the obvious culprit, and in the end, you turned out to be the culprit. Therefore, draw your own conclusions.

And just be a real lady. That woman who advises, but does not indicate, helps, but does not press, loves, but does not suffocate with her love.

Your hunter should be aware that a roe deer can disappear behind a tree. No, she doesn't plan to do this, and she doesn't scare him. But she can. Because she is a strong and free woman. She knows how to move upward in life, she has the strength and talent to achieve a lot. And she will never disappear if she finds herself alone. But at the same time, he should feel that you need his support and understanding, that you are ready to compromise and solve problems. But you will never become a thoughtless puppet in his hands.

Real men love only real women. And if you want love not to fade away, always remain a wise queen. After all, a woman is, first of all, wisdom. Therefore, be wise in all situations, and then you will never have to suffer.

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