Test “Through the pages of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Literary reading test “Do you know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, task “The Magic Bag”

Fairy tale quiz for preparatory group preschool educational institution

Entertainment for pre-school children.

Quiz on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.


Continue to develop thinking, attention, memory.

Develop the ability to negotiate with comrades and rejoice in a common achievement.

Materials: 2 vases, flags of 2 colors (11 flags of each color), a bag with objects (a ring, a toy axe, a drum, a golden ball (a ball in foil or painted), pictures with drawn flies, according to the number of children, 2 cut-out pictures.

Preliminary work: meeting writers - short biography, looking at a portrait. Getting to know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - reading fairy tales, telling them, listening to recordings, watching cartoons, looking at illustrations and books. Making emblems, dividing into teams, coming up with team names, choosing captains (together with the children). Prepare certificates.


Guys, do you like fairy tales? What about competitions? Now we will find out who knows the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm better.

Presentation of the teams: I present to you the team "..." and its captain... and the team "..." its captain...

1 task “What are the names of fairy tales?”

V-l: Continue with the names of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales (one at a time). For each correct answer, the team receives 1 flag.

The Bremen Town Musicians)

Snow White and... (Rose)


King...(Little Frog)

Brave... (little tailor)

Golden... (goose)

Task 2 “Words from a fairy tale”

V-l: Now each team will receive a task (in turn). For a complete answer, the team receives 2 flags, for an incomplete answer - 1. Time to confer is 15 seconds.

Assignment for the team "..."

What did the Queen ask the mirror in the fairy tale “Snow White”?

Come on, mirror, answer me,

Who is the most beautiful in the world?

Assignment for the team "..."

What was written on the brave little tailor's belt?

(In one fell swoop, beat seven)

Task 3 “Magic bag”

V-l: This magic bag contains items from fairy tales. Team captains take turns coming up, taking items out of the bag and, together with the team, guessing which fairy tale this item is from.

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 flag.

Golden Ball (Frog King)

Drum (Bremen Town Musicians)

Ax (Golden Goose)

Ring (White Snake)

Task 4 " Brave Little Tailor» (relay race)

Vs: Guys, in the fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor,” flies prevented the little tailor from eating bread and jam. Look, flies have come to us too. The team that removes all the flies faster will receive 2 flags, the second team will receive 1 flag.

(On one side there are 2 teams, on the other there are pictures with flies on the floor, one for each child)

Task 5 “Cut pictures”

(2 illustrations from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, cut into the same number of parts)

Vs: I have cut-out pictures of fairy tales in my envelopes. You need to collect a picture and name what fairy tale it depicts. The team that collects the picture faster and correctly names the fairy tale will receive 2 flags, the team that is the second to collect the picture and name the fairy tale will receive 1 flag.

Task 6 “We know everything about fairy tales”

V-l: And now you will need to answer the questions, for each answer 1 flag.

Count how many Bremen Town Musicians there were? (four)

How many flies did the little tailor kill with one blow? (seven)

Where did the guy get the golden goose? (in a tree stump, given by a beggar old man)

Who turned the prince into a bear in the fairy tale “Snow White and Rosette”? (evil dwarf)

V-l: Our quiz has come to an end. Captains, count how many flags your teams have earned.

Summarizing. Team awards.

Unfortunately, today's children are less and less likely to want to read. Introduce younger schoolchildren to artistic expression, teach them to distinguish useful, interesting books that are accessible to them, shape their reading horizons and gradually make them real readers will help lessons extracurricular reading.

Extracurricular reading program developed by Svetlovskaya N.N. has lost its relevance. There are no new programs. The teacher is given freedom to choose the authors and works being studied. However, in many schools, teachers have completely abandoned extracurricular reading or replaced lessons with formal reading diaries, in which parents write, so as not to fall face down in the mud, such an incredible number of pages read by their child that one is simply amazed. In our opinion, this is unacceptable.

The purpose of extracurricular reading lessons is to ensure continuous exposure to a wide range of children's works during the learning process.

The teacher independently determines the circle of authors whose work will be studied with children in class. It is advisable to choose works that are close and understandable in semantic content, allowing you to organically use musical accompaniment and easily and interestingly stage individual parts of the story. After all, as you know, literature is closely connected with music, theater, and fine arts. You can start with your children’s favorite authors, whose works they have been familiar with since kindergarten. This could be Marshak S.Ya. (“Cat House”, “Who will find the ring?." "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse", "Luggage", "That's How Absent-Minded", "Twelve Months"), Chukovsky K. I. ("Moidodyr", "Fedorino's Grief", "Telephone", "Cockroach", " The Stolen Sun"), Nosov N.N. ("Cucumbers", "Patch", "Putty", "On the Hill"), fairy tales by Perrault S. (Little Red Riding Hood, "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Boy with finger", "The Sleeping Beauty", "Rike with the Tuft"), fairy tales by G. H. Andersen ("Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Flint", "The Swineherd", "Childish Chat", " ugly duck", "Wild Swans", "The King's New Dress", "The Little Mermaid", "The Princess to the Pea"); fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm ("The Worn Slippers", "King Thrushbeard"), Wilde O. ("The Egoistic Giant", "The Nightingale and Rose", "A Devoted Friend", "The Happy Prince", "The Remarkable Rocket", "The Young King").

After studying the writer’s work, we assign one or two works to the children to read for a week, then in class the children write a test on the work they read. When several works of the author being studied have been read and studied, we conduct a general quiz lesson, KVN, auction lessons, and invite children to dramatize excerpts from fairy tales and write an essay about their favorite work.

We offer some tests on works Brothers Grimm.

Lazy tailor.

1. What business did Heinz do?

A) grazed a cow in the meadow

B) herding a goat in the meadow

B) worked as a tailor

2. How did Heinz decide to get rid of his job?

A) sell the cattle

B) do not take the cattle out to the meadow, but feed them at home

B) decided to get married

3. In what ways were Heinz and Trina similar?

A) Both Heinz and Trina were lazy

B) both liked to dream

C) Heinz and Trina loved to invent various fables and tell them to each other

4. What did Heinz and Trina decide to do?

A) raise bees

B) sew clothes

C) raise ducks and chickens

5. How much did the hive cost?

A) 3 bags of grain

6. How much honey did Heinz and Trina collect?

A) 1 barrel

B) 1 can

B) 1 jug

7. What did you decide to change the honey to?

A) for a goose with goslings

B) for a duck with ducklings

B) for a chicken with chicks

8. Did they change the honey?

A) No, because Trina ate it

B) no, because Trina broke the jug

B) no, because there was no one to herd the geese

D) yes they changed it

9. Why did Heinz decide to rest after enjoying the honey?

A) because very tired after a hard day's work

B) because suffered enough fear

B) because there was still a whole day ahead

A pot of porridge

1. Who gave the girl a magic pot?

A) old forester

B) old man forester

B) old lady

2. Why was the potty given to the girl?

A) for a piece of bread

B) for a sip of water with bread

B) for berries

3. What magic words did the pot obey?

4. Why did the pot cook a lot of porridge?

A) mother forgot the magic words

B) mother mixed up the words

C) the pot did not obey the mother

5. Were passers-by happy that the road was filled with porridge?

Hare and hedgehog.

1. At what time of day did the hedgehog and the hare argue?

B) in the evening

2. What was the hare like?

A) important and proud

B) lazy

B) liked to lie

3. What was the hedgehog offended by?

A) the hare didn’t say hello to him

B) the hare began to quarrel with the hedgehog

B) the hare criticized the hedgehog's legs

4. What did the hedgehog offer to the hare to prove him wrong?

A) run a race

B) ask one of the animals about the correctness of the hare’s words

C) didn’t offer anything, just got offended and left.

5. Who helped the hedgehog carry out his plan?

A) hedgehog friend

B) neighbor across the field

B) the hedgehog's wife

6. How much full did the hare run?

7. What was the hare like?____________________________________________________________

What was the hedgehog like?______________________________________________________________

Straw, coal and bean.

How old was the old lady?

2. What did the old lady pick in the garden?

A) beans

3. What would the coal have become if it had not jumped out of the oven?

A) coal

4. Which of the three friends suggested going on a trip?

A) straw

B) coal

5.What did the friends meet on the way?

B) a small river

B) stream

6. Why did the straw fall into the water?

A) the coal stopped and burned it

B) the straw broke when the bean ran along it

B) the straw did not reach the other side and fell into the water

7. Why did the bean split into halves?

A) from laughter

B) out of fear that I was left alone

C) because he fell from a straw and hit a stone

8. Who helped bean?

A) shoemaker

B) shepherd

B) tailor

9. What thread was used to sew it?

A) no one sewed it together, but simply glued it together

B) black

B) white

The Bremen Town Musicians

1. Who did the miller drive out of the mill?

A) cat B) dog C) donkey

2. What was the name of the city? _________________________________

3. Why did the dog run away from its owner?

A) kicked out

B) wanted to kill

B) wanted to drown him in the river

4. Why did the cat run away from the house?

A) they wanted to drown him

B) wanted to kill

B) his owners treated him badly

5. Who was the last to join their company? _________________________

6. What did the rooster see from the top of the tree?

B) light

B) fire

7. Who lived in that house?

A) a nobleman with his family

B) cannibal

B) robbers

8. How did the animals drive away the robbers?

B) they knocked on whatever they could, creating a loud noise

B) attacked the robbers and began to beat them

9. Who was the first person encountered by the robber who went on reconnaissance?

A) for a dog

B) on the cat

B) on a donkey

D) on a rooster

10. Who did the robber take the animals for?

A) for the forest monster

B) for the giants

C) for terrible robbers

Mrs. Metelitsa

1. What did the stepdaughter do every morning?

A) baked bread

B) spinning at the well

B) went to the forest for brushwood

2. Why did the spindle fall into the well?

A) the stepdaughter accidentally dropped

B) slipped out of my hands when I started to wash my finger

C) his owner’s daughter abandoned him

3. What did the stepdaughter see in front of her when she woke up?

A) green lawn, sky, sun, flowers

B) apple tree

B) Mrs. Metelitsa

4. Who did the stepdaughter help?

5. What condition did Mrs. Metelitsa set for her stepdaughter?

A) must do everything around the house B) spin yarn C) fluff feather beds

6. Why did the stepdaughter ask to go home?

A) I miss my family

B) she felt bad at Mrs. Metelitsa’s

B) she wanted to see her friends

7. What did Mrs. Metelitsa give her stepdaughter?

A) silver

B) made her spindle gold

B) showered from head to toe with gold

8. How many days did the lazy woman work regularly for Mrs. Metelitsa?

A) not at all

9. Why did the lazy girl ask to go home?

A) I miss home and family

B) she didn’t ask, Mrs. Metelitsa herself kicked her out

B) she was tired of working for Mrs. Metelitsa

10. What did Mrs. Metelitsa reward the lazy woman?

A) resin

B) mud

B) slop

11. How long did it take for the lazy girl to wash herself?

A) two days

B) two weeks

B) all my life

Brave Tailor

1. Where was it workplace Hans?

A) on the table by the window

B) on the table near the door

B) on a chair by the window

2. What kind of jam did Hans buy?

A) raspberry

B) plum

B) strawberry

3. Who helped Hans eat the jam?

B) mosquitoes

4. How many flies did Hans kill at once?

5.Who did Hans meet at the top of the mountain?

A) giant

B) cannibal

B) a wizard

6. What did Hans squeeze the water out of?

A) made of stone

B) from a stick

B) from cottage cheese

7. Which part of the tree was Hans carrying?

B) twigs and branches

8. How many giants were sitting in the cave?

9. Where did Hans sleep at night?

A) on the bed

B) in a dark corner

B) near the cave on the grass

10. Where did Hans go when the giants fled?

A) where the eyes look

B) to the royal palace

B) returned home

11. What did the king offer to Hans?

A) stand as a courtier

B) go to his military service

B) go to serve as a security guard

12. What task did the king give to Hans?

A) go to war

B) defeat the neighbors' troops

C) defeat two giant robbers

13. How many horsemen did the king give to Hansa to help?

14. Where did the stone hit that woke up the robber?

B) on the nose

15. How long did the robbers fight?

A) until they were separated

B) until they killed each other

C) until one of the robbers ran away

16. Who was Hans supposed to catch?

A) unicorn beast

B) a huge bear

B) snake-Gorynych

17. Did Hans catch him?

18. Is it true that Hans began to rule the kingdom when the king fled?

Silly Hans

1. Who did Hans go to visit? _________________________

2. What did Gretel give to Hans?

A) flower

B) a needle

3. Where did Hans put the gift?

A) in the bag

B) in your pocket

B) stuck in the hay

4. What did Gretel give Hans the second time?

A) a needle

B) brooch

5. Where did Hans put the gift?

A) in the sleeve

B) in a bag

6. What did Gretel give Hans the third time?

B) duck

B) a goat

7. What happened to the gift the 3rd time?______________________________

8. What did Gretel give to Hans for the 4th time?_________________________________

9. What happened to the 4th gift?________________________________

10. What did Gretel give to Hans for the 5th time?______________________________

11. Why didn’t Hans bring Gretel’s gift home?

A) he didn’t need such a gift, he didn’t take it

B) threw it into a ditch, because kicked hard

B) Gretel gave nothing

12. What did Gretel give for the 6th time?

A) horse

B) cow

C) went with Hans herself

13. Why didn’t Hans see Gretel anymore?

A) because Gretel realized that Hans was stupid and there was no point in being friends with him.

B) because went to live somewhere else.

B) because She was offended by Hans because he didn’t give her anything.

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12" Tula region, Efremovsky district

Test by literary reading

"Through the pages of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Prepared by the teacher primary classes 1 category

Domnina Valentina Vladimirovna

Designed for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, head teachers educational work. Intended for primary school teachers, after-school teachers, and head teachers of educational work. Suitable for any UMK.

Goal: to remember well famous fairy tales, instill a love of reading. This resource will allow you to create fabulous atmosphere involves children's oral responses and work with the text of fairy tales. Doesn't take up much class time.

Goal: to consolidate well-known fairy tales in memory, to instill a love of reading.

Test: “Do you know the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm”

1. Name the brothers Grimm.

A) Hans and Jacob B) Friedrich and Wilhelm C) Wilhelm and Jacob

2. What city is it located in? bronze monument characters from the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”?

A) Leipzig B) Bremen B) Berlin

3. Which fairy tale is not written by the Brothers Grimm?

A) “The Brave Little Tailor” B) “ Caliph Stork" C) “The Fox and the Geese” D) “Smart Elsa”

4. Based on the basic words, remember and write down the name of the fairy tale.

A) Miller, daughter, straw, king, gnome, child, messenger.

(“Gnome – Tihogrom”)

B) King, daughter, suitors, beggar, hussar, castle, royal holiday.

("King Thrushbeard")

C) Miller, donkey, dog, cat, cockerel, house, robbers.

("The Bremen Town Musicians")

D) Mother, two daughters, rose bushes, bear, dwarf, beard, scissors.

("White and Rosette")

5. First, guess the name of the fairy tale.

A) “Many years ago, there lived a father with three sons. The sons grew up to be great guys, one better than the other. So their father tells them...” (“ Three brothers")

B) One widow had a daughter, and she also had a stepdaughter. The stepdaughter is diligent, beautiful, but the daughter is not good-looking and is a terrible lazy person...” (“ Lady Blizzard")

C) in one German city there lived a tailor, his name was Hans. The whole day he sat on the table by the window, his legs crossed, and sewed..." ("The Brave Little Tailor")

6. Based on the description, recognize the hero of the fairy tale and write down the name of this fairy tale.

A) “She became famous throughout the world for her beauty. She was beautiful beyond all measure, but she was arrogant like no one else.” (The queen from the fairy tale " King Thrushbeard"

B) A little old man with a wrinkled face and a long beard as white as snow. (Dwarf from the fairy tale “White and Rosette”)

C) A small, nimble man - big-headed, long-armed, with thin legs. (Gnome from the fairy tale “Gnome - Quiet Thunder”)

7. Through what entrance did the hardworking stepdaughter and lazy daughter get to Mrs. Metelitsa?

A) through the window B) through the well B) through the door

8. What words had to be said to receive porridge in a magic pot?

A) One, two, three, pot, cook! B) One, two, three, four, five, porridge is on the table again!

C) Cook, cook, porridge, cook, don’t be lazy!

9. Who was the beautiful prince turned into in the fairy tale “White and Rosette”?

A) in eagle B) into a bear B) into a wolf


    I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova. Funny literature in primary school: Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

    Brothers Grimm. Fairy tales. In 2 parts. Gregory Page, 1993

The magical world of fairy tales.
Literary quiz with answers on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm for primary schoolchildren

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary teacher MBOU classes Zolotukhinskaya average comprehensive school» Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: the material will be useful to primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers and children of different ages. It can be used for discussions, class hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about literary fairy tales Brothers Grimm.
1.Introduce children to some facts from the life of the German storytellers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
2. Arouse interest in fairy tales and a desire to read and reread them.
3.Develop thinking, memory, attention, speed of reaction.
4. Identify the best experts on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Preliminary preparation: hanging in the classroom corner a list of fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm that children can read for the quiz.
These are fairy tales:
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
"Mistress Blizzard"
"Seven Brave Men"
"The Brave Tailor"
"The Hare and the Hedgehog"
"Young Giant"
"Three Snake Leaves"
"Golden Goose"
"Three Feathers"
"The Frog King"
"Friendship of cat and mouse"
"Hansel and Gretel"
"The Straw, the Ember and the Bean"
"Tom Thumb"
"Magic Pot"
"One-Eyed, Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed"
"The Bremen Town Musicians"
"Sleeping Beauty"
"The Thief and His Teacher"
"Torn down shoes"
"Six Swans"

Questions are given in abundance, use them all on one class hour not necessary.

Introduction to the Brothers Grimm.
How many fairy tales are there on earth -
Different, different!
How many different kings -
They are not alike either.
This one is a coward, and that one is a fool,
And this one sleeps on the throne;
One king is always a king,
The other is when wearing a crown.
The king has plenty of land
And there will be more tomorrow...
Yes, only in fairy tales are kings
More pleasant than in reality!

Two gentlemen in frock coats,

With hats and vests...
Not often seen in villages
So dressed up like that.
What path brought them here -
And, apparently, not short, -
On the square of German villages,
To fairs and gatherings?
And what good is it for them to be on the road?
Among the crowded people?
They want to find an estate
For lack of it?
Or they decided to dig a treasure,
Buried under a mountain?
So why don't they have shovels?
And shovels with you?
IN early XIX centuries in small towns and villages in Germany you could meet two young people asking about something local residents. What were they looking for? The treasure that these two gentlemen wanted to find, rummaging through ancient manuscripts and asking people in all corners of the country, was not hidden in the ground. The name for this treasure is folk tales. Fairy tales with fairies and giants, witty simpletons, princes and princesses and, of course, kings.
This is how Jacob himself spoke about his occupation:“Now is the time to collect and save old legends, so that they do not evaporate like dew under the hot sun, do not go out like fire in a well, and do not become silent forever in the anxieties of our days.”
Traveling around native land, the brothers wrote down fairy tales from the words of rural and urban residents. Over the course of 10 years, the Brothers Grimm collected more than two hundred fairy tales.
And in 1812 they decided to print them. These books were called "Children's and Family Tales." King Thrush, the king from the Golden Mountain, the king from the fairy tale "White Snake", the king from the fairy tale " Successful trading" - that's how many of them live in fairy tales collected by the German learned brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in Berlin, into the family of an official. They received a law degree in Marburg and served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a “German grammar” and a dictionary of the German language. Their family was very friendly. Jacob and Wilhelm had three more brothers and a sister. Parents very often organized family holidays for their children.
February 24, 2016 marked the 230th anniversary of the birth of Wilhelm Grimm, the youngest of the storyteller brothers.
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. In Russia, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm were learned in mid-19th centuries and immediately fell in love with them. The books were published in huge editions, and later films, cartoons, and performances were staged based on them.
The Brothers Grimm wrote a lot scientific works, but it was three collections of carefully collected German literature that glorified scientists folk tales. And although Wilhelm and Jacob did not compose fairy tales themselves, but only processed what was written down, as a sign of special gratitude, the folk tales preserved by them began to be called “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” everywhere.
Friends, let's talk now
ABOUT good fairy tales Brothers Grimm.
Didn't you think at first:
Did the Brothers Grimm all make it up?
In fact, these fairy tales
They have been living in the world for a long time.
And the brothers did a great job,
So that we don’t forget the fairy tales.
Today it’s hard to imagine
Our world without these wonderful fairy tales.


1. In what century were the brothers born? (In the 18th century)
2. In what country did the brothers live? (In Germany)
3. What were the brothers' names? (Wilhelm and Jacob)
4. Name the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm (Children's answers)
5. 0 what did the hare and the hedgehog argue in the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog”? (Who will overtake whom.)

6. What does the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog” teach? (Do not brag about your virtues, do not ridicule the shortcomings of others, otherwise there will be someone who will laugh at you.)
7. Why did the old gray-haired man from the fairy tale “The Golden Goose” reward the guy with the golden goose?
(For his kind heart and generosity.)

8. What words did the tailor Hans embroider on his belt from the fairy tale “The Brave Tailor”?
(“When I’m angry, I kill seven.”)

9. What words had to be said for the magic pot to stop cooking porridge?
(“One, two, three, don’t cook any more!”)

10. Which of the Bremen musicians played the violin? (Cat)

11. In the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel,” the children approached a hut that was made of bread and the roof was made of gingerbread. What were the windows in this house made of? (from sugar)

12. What thread did the tailor use to sew up the bob (the fairy tale “Straw, Coal and Bean”)? (Black)

13. Who bewitched the handsome prince in the fairy tale “Red Dawn and Snow White”? (Little dwarf)

14. What object did the king’s daughter drop into the well in the fairy tale “The Frog King” or “Iron Henry”? (Golden Ball)

15. Who did the king marry his arrogant daughter to in the fairy tale “King Thrushbeard”?
(For a traveling musician)

16. How did the shoemaker and his wife thank the little men (fairy tale “Little Men”)? (We sewed clothes for them and made shoes)

17. What was the name of the king’s daughter, who was “White as snow, red as blood, and as black-haired as ebony”? (Snow White)

18. With the help of what object did the king find the way to the hidden castle in the forest where his sons lived? (fairy tale “Six Swans”) (Magic ball of thread)

19. What did the cat and mouse hide in the church (kirche) under the altar? (fairy tale “Friendship between a mouse and a cat”) (Pot of fat)

20. Who did the stepdaughter end up with when she went down the well to get a spindle? (To Lady Metelitsa)

Summing up the quiz.

Identifying experts in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.
-What do the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm teach us?
(Be kind, help each other, don’t be lazy, don’t deceive anyone, love people.)
It can be difficult to live
The terrible hour is coming
But a fairy tale is a thread,
Connecting us.
Not every fairy tale is good
You'll find it at first glance.
But in every fairy tale there is a wolf
Weaker than seven kids.
Let's go our own way,
And then let's see:
Ernst August - who is he?
And this? Brothers Grimm!
Who is friends with the kids?
All countries and all lands -
Elector Wilhelm II?
No! Jacob and Wilhelm!
The king disappeared long ago
Like fleeting smoke
And you will open the volume
And you will meet the Brothers Grimm.

There are not many monuments in the world that are erected not to writers, but to their literary heroes.
The heroes of the Brothers Grimm also have such a monument.
In Bremen there is a bronze monument "Bremen Town Musicians".
On the pedestal stands a donkey, on whose back is a dog, on its back is a cat, and at the very top is a rooster.

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 4

Literary quiz

based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm


Belova S. A.

Jacob Grimm


Wilhelm Grimm


    "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    "Pot of Porridge"

    "Puss in Boots"

    "Little Red Riding Hood"

    "Snow White"


    "Golden Goose"

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau (Hanau). Their father was first a lawyer, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau.

Older brother,Jacob Grimm is bornFebruary 4, 1785 . (01/04/1785-09/20/1863), and the youngest -William Grimm-February 24, 1786 .(24.02.1786-

12/16/1859). The children grew up in a prosperous family, in an atmosphere of love and kindness.

In four years instead of the required eight years, the brothers graduated full course gymnasium. They received a law degree and served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a “German grammar” and a dictionary of the German language.

We studied monuments, history and collected traditional folklore.

The Brothers Grimm were fond of collecting and studying folk tales back in their early days. student years. Three collections of “Children's family tales” (1812, 1815, 1822) brought them fame as great storytellers. Among them“The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “A Pot of Porridge”, “Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, “The Golden Goose”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” - about 2000 fairy tales in total.

Some scientists believe that the Brothers Grimm did not compose fairy tales, but processed and creatively retold only those that were written down from the words of folk storytellers.

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. They were reprinted many times in Russia. Subtle irony, slyness, and humor are inherent in fairy tales. Social relationships are very clearly visible in them.

Explanatory note.

To play the game, the class is divided into several teams. Teams choose a name and a captain. The winner is determined by the number of points scored. For a correct answer - 1 point. The winning team receives a sweet prize.

1. Presentation of commands.

( Each team names itself and says a motto)

2. “Warm-up” competition.

(Teams take turns naming the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, 1 point for each correct answer).

Answers:"The Bremen Town Musicians"

"Pot of Porridge"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Snow White"


"Golden Goose"

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"The Brave Little Tailor"

"Mistress Blizzard"

"Tom Thumb"

"King Thrushbeard"


3. “Guess” competition.

- Complete the sentence. What fairy tale is this line from?

    One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said: ...

(-One, two, three, cook a pot!) (“ A pot of porridge")

2) Once my mother baked pies and said to her daughter: ...

(-Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to grandma,

bring her this pie, a pot of butter, and find out

Is she healthy?) (“ Little Red Riding Hood»)

    Why are you leaving, Mishenka?” asked Snow White. And he answers her: ...

(-I must go into the forest - protect my treasures

from evil dwarfs.) ( "Snow White")

    One day she had to go into the forest to get food, and so she called her kids and said: ...

(- Dear children, I need to visit the forest, so

without me, beware of the wolf!)

( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    What do you see there, Gray? - asked the rooster.

(- What do I see? A laid table, and food on it,

and drinking, and the robbers are sitting at the table and

treat themselves) ( "The Bremen Town Musicians")

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


Answers to the competition “Fairytale”:

1. "Snow White" -Rosette, bear

2. “Musicians of Bremen” -donkey

3. “Little Red Riding Hood” -wolf

4. “Golden Goose” -fool

5. “Pot of Porridge” -old lady

6. “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” -wolf

7. "Cinderella" -mice

8. “Puss in Boots” -Marquis de Carabas

Team No.____________

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

-What fairy tale are these characters from? Match the characters and the title of the work.

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of Porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


5. Competition "Find the owner" (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

-Guess what fairy tale these things are from?

    Boots, royal carriage("Puss in Boots")

    Shoes, pumpkin("Cinderella")

    Axe, glasses(from the woodcutter from Little Red Riding Hood)

    Roses, beard("Snow White")

    Knife, musical instruments("The Bremen Town Musicians")

6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals Bremen musician: turkey, goat,rooster ?

    Which of these animals is the musician of Bremen: the bull,cat, hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians settled down at night: spruce,oak , willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman,robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: cow, horse,dog ?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen:donkey , goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: the lumberjack,miller , Sagittarius?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible warriors had settled in their house,giants , generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: the lumberjack,hunter, tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face:a spear, knitting needle, bump?



6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a turkey, a goat, a rooster?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: a bull, a cat, a hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen musicians sat at night: spruce, oak, willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen musicians liked: a policeman, robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: cow, horse, dog?

    Which of these animals is the Musician of Bremen: donkey, goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: lumberjack, miller, archer?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible people had settled in their house: heroes, giants, generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: a lumberjack, a hunter, a tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face: a spear, a knitting needle, a pine cone?


    The place where the donkey placed his front legs, intending to scare the robbers.

7. Captains competition. (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

    Why did the old lady give the girl a pot?(For kindness)

    What time did the clock strike when Cinderella left the ball for the first time?(Three quarters past eleven)

    Who was the bear in the fairy tale “Snow White?”(the king's son, bewitched by the dwarf)

    How many people ran after the fool and why?(7 people)

    What did the cat say to say when he ran ahead of the carriage?(This is the house (mill, garden) of the Marquis de Carabas)

8. Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


Answer: “Whoever makes the queen laugh will marry her.”

Team No.___________________________

Competition "Encryption".

Based on the fairy tale "The Golden Goose"

- What decree did the king announce?


9. Competition “Experts of Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales.”

(Each team has 5 questions from a certain fairy tale. For questions the last fairy tale The one who raises his hand first answers)

1 team: fairy tale “Puss in Boots”

    What did the miller leave to his sons?(Mill, donkey and cat)

    What modest gift did the cat give to the king?(Ryabchikov)

    Why did the cat's owner end up in the river?(To get an outfit)

    Who did the giant turn into?(to the mouse)

    What did the cat become after the marquis's wedding?(Noble nobleman).

Team 2: fairy tale “Cinderella”

    Why was the girl called Cinderella? (The poor girl sat near the fireplace, by the ash box)

    Who was Cinderella's old aunt?(Good sorceress)

    What did the sorceress turn the pumpkin into?(Into the gilded carriage)

    What did the six living mice become?(Mouse-colored horses)

    What was the lost shoe made of?(Crystal)

Team 3: fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood?(Grandmother)

    What did the grandmother shout to the pretend wolf?(Pull the string, my child, the door will open)

    What did the wolf offer to Little Red Riding Hood when he met?(I also want to visit your grandmother. I will go along that road, and you go along that one)

    What did the wolf answer to the question: “Why do you have such big teeth?”(To quickly eat you)

    Who saved the grandmother and granddaughter?(Lumberjacks)

Team 4: fairy tale “Snow White”

    Name Snow White's sister.(Rose)

    Who was lying on the floor by the fireplace next to the sisters?(Lamb)

    Who became a frequent guest in the house?(Bear)

    Where was the dwarf's beard tangled?(In a tree, tangled with a fishing rod in the lake)

    What did he do wrong?(Bewitched the prince, stole treasures)

all: fairy tale “The Golden Goose”

    What did the fool say to the old man he met?(-If you like my food, let’s sit down and have a bite together)

    Why did the tavern owner's daughters stick to the goose?(Out of curiosity)

    Who followed the fool and the goose? (Three girls, pastor, pastor's servant, peasants)

    What ship did the king order to build?(So ​​that he could swim on water and on land)

    What award did the fool get?(The king's daughter).

10. Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.

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