Lyrics. Lyrics of St.

Scenario of the festival “Friendship of Peoples”

Bell chime

Leading: Dear friends! Now you will see a variety of colors and genres, songs and music, folk costumes - a real rainbow. We don't need rain for this! And the students of the Svetlodolsk school will help create this variety of colors. We welcome everyone to our wonderful holiday Festival “Friendship of Peoples”

There's a song about bread

________________________I greet you with bread and salt (verse and chorus)

Two participants bring out a loaf of bread.

Scientist 1:

With a pure heart we meet

Dear guests

We greet you with bread and salt

We treat them generously!

Scientist 2: Take salt, take bread,

Live long and without troubles.

May your house be full,

Friendly and hospitable

( handing the loaf to the guests)

______Lyrical melody to the words________________________________

I love you, Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Like a bird in the blue sky,

Having opened two wings,

You warmed half the planet -

A hundred nations! Hundred tribes!

We are your own children

Let the sky turn blue!

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

And Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree

And dozens more different

Nations, villages and cities!

This day is our common holiday!

This region is our common home!

1st class (Russians)

Ved: Russia, Russia is a dear land,

Russian people live here

They glorify their native expanses,

They dance and sing songs

May the sun shine very brightly today

Well, the Russian song will be a gift to you

Ved : We have a lot of talents, both singers and musicians.

We love daring dances and fire ditties

Come out honest people, don't dust the path

Come out to the round dance, we'll dance a little

2nd class (gypsies)

Ved : And the gypsies are visiting us -

We welcome them, friends!

Without "Gypsy" perky

There is absolutely no way to live!

Ved: It’s impossible to convey how the gypsies sing

Are there such words in the world?!

Then with hysterical melancholy, dark and anxious

Then with such joy that you can even take your head off your shoulders!

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

3rd grade (Vietnamese)


I visited distant Vietnam,I was on the Pacific Ocean.And unknown, not tallThe people of Vietnam fell in love

Hardworking, good-natured,Always with a smile on your faceHe, obedient to God's will,I will dream sometimes.

Magnificent nature,It smells and blooms,In all four seasons,This is paradise. The Lord sends bliss.

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

4th grade (Poles)


Poland is a beautiful European country, full of interesting places and attractions, with which many legends and mystical stories are associated.

Oh, Poland, land of lakes and songs,
The land of generosity and beauty.
The architecture is amazing
Roads delight our eyes.
May the world between us be bright,
May the friendship grow stronger and bloom.

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

5th grade (Tatars)


Tatar native land,

We can't count your traditions.

We don't know any other end

Where would they also be revered.

Kurai sounds, caressing the heart

Beautiful, loving people.

We can only warm ourselves here,

In the arms of your homeland.

Tatarstan, work and sing

In work, in song I am with you

May your gardens bloom

So that oil comes out of the ground!

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

6th grade (Bulgarians)


__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

7th grade (Ukrainians)


How quiet you are - the night of Ukraine...
Boundless are all your plains,
Your coolness is so pleasant
You are limitless, immense...

Your beautiful stars blinking
Makes your heart flutter...
Crickets' mysterious song -
So inspiring and lovely!

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

8th grade (Jews)


I would be carried away to where there is goodness and love,Stopped the strife of peopleBecause of the base passions that shed blood,Where would a Jew become my brother? Yes, this people, I heard, has a very interesting culture. It wouldn't hurt to take a look. Please, Jews, we salute you!

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

9th grade (Moldovan)



You are the wind of feelings

You are a creation of genius

You are the lightness of birds and mountain heights

You are the true joy of insight

You are the inspired spirit of nature itself

You are a fairy tale that knows no age.

Sound, rage like the fire of the people

And conquer the hearts of Moldovans.

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________

10 - 11 grade (Belarusians)


Where the pines kiss the sky,Where the meadows ring with dew in the morning,Where the fields are covered with snow,And the silent mounds sleep,

That's all - my bright Belarus,I can't go a day without herHard-working, kind, generous...This is the Motherland, this is where I live!

There are amazing people in Belarus,And kindness shines in their hearts.Look into their eyes: they love you.Believe me, like nowhere else and never.

__________________(Performance of participants: dance, song)__________


Previously, the Slavs had a custom - if you had guests, then you had to put everything that was in the house on the table. Therefore, according to the law of hospitality, today we have prepared a lot of treats and national dishes that you can taste.

Presenter: - There was a kind and warm atmosphere at our festival.

They say that when children are friends, friendship lives.

Be friends no matter what.

Now we have friends all over the planet,

We are all responsible for peace and life!

The world is me, the world is you!

The world is all of us together!

Ved We invite all participants of our festival to come to us

stage We welcome them:











All participants go up to the stage and perform a song together with the vocal group

"I you he she!"

Avaeva Olga Vasilievna

GBOU secondary school village. Svetlodolsk


Note on the script for the festival "Friendship of Peoples - 2015"

carried out at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School of the village. Svetlodolsk.

In 2016, Samara and the entire region will celebrate the 165th anniversary of the formation of the Samara province. On the eve of this significant date, various events are held in different parts of our region: film festivals, exhibitions, poetry evenings, meetings with interesting people.

Our school also did not remain indifferent and gladly took part in this anniversary marathon.

December 3, 2015 at the State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School of the village. Svetlodolsk hosted the Friendship of Peoples festival. Our region has become a home for people of different nationalities. We can hear Tatar speech, Ukrainian dialect, melodious Moldovan songs, and sparkling gypsy dances. That is why our school decided to hold an event where one could see all the national color of our region.

This event was a school-wide event, and students from grades 1 to 11 took part in it. Having chosen the people they liked, each class prepared a national song, dance and dish. And there was no one who stayed away from this event, since the topic of commonwealth and unity of peoples was raised in our school for the first time. Throughout the week before this event, the topics of conversation among students, as well as teachers during lessons and breaks, were associated only with the upcoming festival. Everyone at school tried to propose their own idea: what dance to dance, what song to sing, what costume to choose, especially many ideas were associated with the choice of a dish that could vividly represent the national cuisine of a particular people.

On the appointed day and time, the school opened its doors to the guests and participants of the long-awaited festival. “Guests” from Ukraine, Tatarstan, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, and even from the distant exotic state of Vietnam walked along the school corridors. Of course, among these guests there were Russians. They were represented by the smallest inhabitants of the school country - first graders.

The school assembly hall was completely sold out. There were so many participants and guests that “there was nowhere for an apple to fall.” However, this did not in any way affect the mood and atmosphere of the entire action. Each performance of the participants was greeted and seen off with thunderous applause and cheers. The atmosphere was so friendly that even the smallest artists were not afraid to go on stage and show their emotions. And if someone made a mistake, the audience encouraged them with the words: “Well done!” After the performance of the artists, a group photo was taken as a souvenir of such a big and significant event. But the festival did not end there; the final chord of the event was an exhibition of national dishes, organized in the hall, where everyone could taste them and take the recipe for the dish to their culinary treasure trove.

The festival came to an end, but for a long time one could still hear delight and admiration for the spectacle they had seen. Parents shared their opinions among themselves that their and their children’s efforts were not in vain. Everyone asked each other which people were the brightest, but no one could give a definite answer to this question. Each nation had its own flavor: be it the choice of costume, song or dance. Even after leaving the school, participants and guests continued to discuss and share their opinions with those who were unable to attend the celebration. Others, in turn, being charged with positive energy and emotions from the stories, regretted that they could not find time to go to the festival.

After listening to everyone’s opinions, we can say with confidence that the unusual event for the school was successful and everyone will remember it for a long time. Parents expressed their wishes that such holidays should be held as often as possible. “The holiday gave us not only a fireworks display of emotions,” said most parents, “but we also added to our knowledge base about the peoples living in our region.”

It was clear that the festival brought everyone together. Everyone lived by it throughout the entire preparation and holding of the event. Everyone tried to quickly come to school, just to once again plunge into such a native culture for them. Everyone has become a part of the multinational region, which is called the Samara region.

There is no native land
Music by P. Aedonitsky, lyrics by I. Shaferan

The sky has been dipped into blue rivers,
The fields spread wide
The most beautiful and strong
The most gentle land.

Chorus: You say: “Love even more!”
I will love you even more!
I call you my homeland,
Because there is no native land.

Let me not bypass even mentally
These boundless edges -
Every dewdrop is silvery,
Every blade of grass here is mine.

I can breathe easily under this sky,
I'm happy that there is such space.
Let my quiet voice be heard
Before joining the general choir.

My army
Music by A. Abramov, lyrics by R. Plaksin

If trouble comes to the Fatherland,
The trumpet will call the soldier.
My army, you are always on guard,
You are my love and destiny.

Chorus: Ordinary,
A difficult military fate,
Love is tough but true.
We are ready for military work!
We all,
We are all tested
Not once, not twice -
Fights, marches;
We - from the soldier to the marshal -
One family, one family!

Our October is with us in marching formation,
With us are the songs of the red fighters,
The first day of the war and the victorious salute,
And the fate of the dead fathers.

Our years are rushing by, and you are young,
And the trumpet sings, as before.
My army, you are always on guard,
You are my love and destiny.

We will remain in songs
Music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov

Goodbye, darling!
The buglers sing.
I'm at the door
Comrades are waiting.
Forgotten sorrows
Bridges have been burned.
The roads are swirling
Civil War.

Chorus: The stars will remain young,
The songs will remain young
With young sonorous strings
We will remain in songs!

Locomotive whistle.
Darling, goodbye!
My heart is calling me.
To an unprecedented land.
There are golden eagles with the wind
They are having a conversation.
Virgin steppes,
Epic space.

I am a song in flight.
Darling, believe:
Amur secret
I know now.
The wind kisses us
Into dry lips.
On rail steel
Trains will pass.

Music by Y. Evgrafov, lyrics by M. Vladimov

There is such a word - Komsomol.
It sounds like the attacks of the past,
The hum of cars moving through virgin lands
Billions of kilowatts are glowing.

Komsomol is the son of the Party!

There is such a force - Komsomol, -
Alloy of youth and beauty, -
Friendly, like a flood in spring,
Pure, like the light of a big dream.
There is such a tribe - Komsomol, -
A tribe of hard workers and restless people.
The tribe behind which is above the ground
Construction sites are going up next.

Chorus: Komsomol is the time forward!
Komsomol is a trip to the stars!
Conqueror of obstacles and peaks,
Komsomol is the son of the Party!
The Komsomol is a son loyal to the Party!

Bow down to Russian bread
Music by B. Ivanov, lyrics by E. Verigo

With a pure heart we meet
Dear guests,
We welcome you with bread and salt,
We treat them generously.
Golden ears of light brown
The sun is ripe in the distance.
Bow down to Russian bread,
Bow down to Russian bread,
Bow down to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

He's at the head of the sun
Difficult to raise by people
On the ground washed with blood
Those who saved our bright world.
Narrow golden path
A new day is coming in the distance.
Bow down to Russian bread,
Bow down to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

Blue window in the morning
Reveals the firmament,
Loaf of ruddy sun
Floats over Russia.
Light brown birch trees rustle,
New shoots have sprung up.
Bow down to Russian bread,
Bow down to Russian bread,
Bow down to the ground
To the ground, to the ground!

Pure heart - what could be better?
There are no black clouds lurking in it,
There is no thunder in it.
A pure heart is like morning dew.

Black crows don't nest there.
Only good thoughts are stored in the heart.
That heart burns with bright love,
It warms up all those who are cold.

A pure heart forgives insults,
It loves everyone, sees everyone’s needs.
With the ease of a doe he rushes to the rescue
And he talks about the Lord's love.

If you want to see God
You just need to have a pure heart.


Thank you, Lenochka, for the suggested verse to read! I love it when someone offers to read their favorite poems. I won’t re-read all the poems on the Stichera, but if someone suggests... you will read this verse and... like a ray of light!...
Grateful for those.

How consonant your poem, Lenochka, is with mine!
God is the same inspirer for both, which means the poems are on the same track!
Thanks be to God! And to you, dear, THANK YOU!!!
With sincerity,

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

MBUK "CBS of Arzamas region"

Kazakovskaya rural library No. 22


“Friendship brings people together”

Target : development of reading horizons, formation of civic position

Reader demand: from 7 years old

Kazakovo, 2015


  1. Different peoples have lived for a long time.
  2. Some people like the taiga,
  3. For others, the expanse of the steppe.
  4. Each nation has its own language and dress.
  5. One wears a Circassian coat,
  6. The other one put on a robe.
  7. One is a fisherman from birth,
  8. The other is a reindeer herder.
  9. One is preparing kumiss,
  10. Another is preparing honey.
  11. Autumn is one of the sweeter ones,
  12. For others, spring is dearer.

In chorus: And we all have the same homeland.

Ved. ( in Russian national costume with bread and salt)

With a pure heart we meet

Dear guests.

We welcome you with bread and salt

We treat them generously!

Golden ears of light brown

The sun is ripe in the distance

Bow down to Russian bread,

Bow down to the ground.

1. You are different and different-skinned

Brown-haired and brown-eyed

Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart

Everyone is friendly and that's the main thing.

Ved 2 : I love you, Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Ved. 1: Like a bird in the blue sky,

Having opened two wings,

You warmed half the planet -

A hundred nations! A hundred tribes!

Ved 2: We are your own children

Ved. 1. Let the sky turn blue!

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

and Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree.

Ved 2. And dozens more different

Nations, villages and cities!

Ved. 1. This day is our common holiday!

Ved. 2. This region is our common home!

Ved.1 . “No man can be an island so that he can suffice for himself,” the English poet John Donne wisely noted in his time. Throughout our lives we are surrounded by other people, we establish, maintain or break relationships with them, being in constant interaction.

Ved.2 Hello, dear guys!Do you know, dear friends, that world scientists have calculated that there are about 3 thousand languages ​​on our planet. If you say just one greeting word in all the languages ​​of the world, it will take an hour and a half.

Ved.1: Russia is an international country; a huge number of nationalities live on its territory. But what do we know about them? How to build relationships with other nationalities if you know nothing about them?

Ved 2: Well, of course, you need to get acquainted with their culture, traditions, and history. After all, friendship between individuals and entire nations is based, first of all, on interest. How can a people be interesting if nothing is known about them?

Ved1: Today we will take the first step on the path to friendship and go on a “correspondence expedition”. We will get acquainted with the customs, traditions, and culture of those peoples of the world who live side by side with us.

Ved.2. Let's just support each other today and invite the first participants to the stage.

(representatives of different nations are given the floor in turn)

Ved1. My motherland. I could sing about the wealth of your depths

What kind of diamonds, oil, ore are there...

But the main wealth is brotherhood. Forever.

Ved2. Only here do I thirst for life, where they are proud of their work!

Where I enter everyone’s heart, like entering a friend’s home.

Only there happiness is valued, where it is with friends.

Where the village sparkles and foams with strong friendship!

Ved1 .1 Russia! Rus! My native country!

I share pure love with you

You are the only one who is forever sacred to me.

I will bow low to you.

Ved2. You have raised many generations

You always led the people

You believed with all your heart without a doubt

She did good deeds with people.

Ved1: You learned a lot of interesting things today about the life, culture, traditions of those

nationalities who have been living in the territory for many decades

our small homeland side by side with us. And I probably won’t be wrong if I say that now, when choosing friends for yourself, you will try and try to understand how your friend lives, where his roots are, what traditions he honors.

Ved 2: They also say that when children are friends, friendship lives on. Be friends no matter what. Be friends, defeating ethnic hatred and racial intolerance. After all, in friendship there are situations when someone must be the first to say the right word, to take the first step. And remember: there can be no friendship between peoples, between states, without the friendship of specific people. And the best thing is when children are friends.

Ved1: You are the generation on which depends how our country’s relations with other states will develop. You choose friends, reliable, faithful, both for yourself and for your country. After all, childhood friendship is a thread that will pull friendship for a lifetime, forever.

During the last words, a line of readers comes out.

1st: The harsh mountains stand like a wall. The forests, turning green, rustle with coolness.
In the north, blizzards are raging and sweeping. Apricots have been blooming in the south for a long time,
How many flowers will bloom in spring. How many people live on the planet?
2nd: And they all love their native land.
And they are all children of planet earth.
3rd: Bashkiria gives us linden honey.
4th: And cotton paradise is calling in Uzbek.
5th: Armenian sweets melt in your mouth.
6th: Take Tajik fruits to the table.
7th: We bring watermelons from the fields of Kazakhstan.
8th: We dance Lezginka and sing Kalinka.
We take a drop from each people.
And we call all this our beloved.
9th: Let's be friends, let's love.
Let's give each other smiles,
Do not hesitate to pay good for good,
And visit each other more often.
10th: Let's laugh, let's play,
Let's trust each other in everything.
11th: We will be friends, like a big family,
And planet Earth will become happy!
12th: Russian people, Belarusian people.
The people of Ukraine stand up in a round dance.
13th: Let's hug each other and shake hands,
And let's sing this song about friendship!

SONG “The world is like a colorful meadow”

The wind is calling
Clouds behind you
Far, far, far.
If you are a friend
Haven't met you yet
Sorry, sorry, sorry!

The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!
The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!

The song is not in vain
Gathers friends
In a circle, in a circle, in a circle.
Will make a gloomy day
Have fun
Friend, friend, friend!

The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!
The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!

friend for you
Overcome a hundred obstacles
Glad, glad, glad.
Any trouble with a friend -
No problem,
Yes Yes Yes!

The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!
The world is like a colorful meadow
If you have a friend next to you.
Don’t forget to take a friend along the way,
Always be faithful to your friend!


  1. Bulatov M.A. Thirty-three pies. (Games, counting rhymes, tongue twisters) - M., 1973.
  2. Emelyanov I. S. The role of holidays in raising children // Class teacher. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 23 – 26
  3. Rakhimov A.Z. The role of moral education in the formation of personality // Class teacher. – 2001. – No. 6. – P. 11 – 18.

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