Techniques for fulfilling desires. The most effective techniques for fulfilling desires

There are a lot of techniques for fulfilling desires, although most of them are based on the same principle. The point is to convince yourself and the universe that your desire should come true.

The first thing you need to understand is that you need to make a wish correctly:

  • Everything you want needs to be formulated in the present tense. Not “I want to earn 100 thousand,” but “I earn 100 thousand.”
  • The desire you are working on must be one for a certain amount of time. Moreover, it must be self-sufficient. You should not wish, for example, a certain amount of money to buy a TV with this money, pay off the loan and send it to your mother. It's better to break it down into three specific desires and work on each one separately.
  • Don’t impose your dates on the universe: no “by November” or “this year.” Although, taking into account point one, this will not work.
  • Do not use the particle “not” when making a wish. The Universe does not discriminate whether you want it or not. For example, the desire “not to be fat” should be formulated as “I am very slim and beautiful and I feel great.”
  • A desire cannot harm others or contradict the will of other people. This way you are only inviting trouble on yourself instead of fulfilling your cherished desire.
  • The technique does not matter, the main thing is concentration while working. You can call it magic or meditation, it's very important condition. After all, you are addressing the universe, and this requires some effort.
  • Take breaks. You need to work on each desire for several weeks, that is, think about it, read your notes. Then you should “let go” of the desire and try to forget about it.
  • Don't include other people's desires. We have no right to decide other people's destinies. Desires work only for themselves.

If you have already clearly formulated your desires, I offer several techniques to choose from. They all work equally well. Choose the one that is closest to you.

Fairy tale

This method is perfect for people with a rich imagination. Everything is very simple. You write a fairy tale about how your wish comes true. You become the main character. It’s good if your name appears in the fairy tale and your main qualities are described. Tell us about how “in a distant kingdom, among gray houses and strange cars, there lived a girl Nastenka... One day she met a prince on the road... And they lived happily ever after.” The fairy tale must be written down on paper and re-read from time to time. Under no circumstances should you let anyone read it. It's just between you and the universe!

Collage of wishes

The good old creative approach to shaping your life. Any person can definitely handle a collage. So, take it large leaf paper (preferably A3 format), a stack of magazines, scissors and glue and lock yourself in a room for a couple of hours. While leafing through magazines, cut out pictures that meet your needs, mentally formulating the attitudes “I am happily married”, “I live in big house" and so on. Glue the cut out pictures onto the sheet. Choose a place for the collage so that you can look at it as often as possible, and strangers less often.

Don’t try to fit all your desires into one collage. Focus on what's important. When your wish comes true, create a new collage. And put this one away. By the way, if you are good at drawing, then it is better to draw your desire.


The most, in my opinion, simple technique, in terms of execution, but the most difficult in terms of discipline. It consists in the fact that you simply imagine your desire. For example, you want to buy a new car. All you have to do is imagine yourself driving a new car from time to time. Mentally stroke the steering wheel, imagine the smell of leather seats, brand, color... You need to do this 3-4 times a day for several minutes. 2-3 weeks of visualizing one desire is enough. Then it is best to forget about it and not think about it for a while. You can switch to another desire.

Book of wishes

Start beautiful notebook or notepad. Write down all your desires there. Just keep in mind that you will have to write a lot. Describe each of your desires in as much detail as possible. The wording must be in the first person. Be sure to describe your feelings and sensations that should be with you when your wish comes true. This works much better than describing specific details. If you want to meet the man of your dreams, it’s better not to write what he is like, how much money he has and what kind of job he has. It’s better to describe how good you feel with him: “I’m happy with him, we have something to talk about, he makes me laugh...”.

Glass of wishes

Very interesting technique, proposed by V. Zeland, they say works great. Write your wish on a small piece of paper. Place a glass of clean water on it. Rub your palms thoroughly, as if collecting an energy clot between them. Place this clot of energy in a glass, as if “hugging” it, without touching the glass. Sit like this for a while. Once again, speak to yourself the essence of your desire, mentally visualizing how it came true. And drink some water. It is best to work on one desire for several days, morning and evening, thus drinking water.

Whether you believe in it or not doesn't matter. I highly recommend trying it. On your own personal experience I checked. If everything is done correctly, the results will not keep you waiting.

There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We have found three proven techniques for making wishes come true that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that we for a long time We can’t decide which method to use to achieve our plans. There are many exercises to make wishes come true, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you begin to wonder if it all really works, or if it was just someone playing a cruel joke on us.

Some argue that the same technique may work for one person but not for another, and that you will have to try a lot of exercises and rituals before you find your own method.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow certain rules and laws of the Universe. After all, they are the ones who greatly influence our Destiny, even if you don’t believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true easily and quickly.

Three proven techniques for making wishes come true

Below are three ways that will help you realize everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that to fulfill any desire, except exercise, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a sharp throw forward or just small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also, do not forget to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can do it at any convenient time, as long as no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths. After this, imagine a golden-colored ball in front of you, smile sincerely and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the area to see if you like it or maybe there is something about it that doesn’t suit you. In this case, correct everything you don’t like.

When the adjustments are completed, imagine yourself inside this sphere and your desire. Now connect them together. Think about how you will feel, how you will behave, etc., when your wish comes true. Pay attention to whether you are happy with its performance or if you do not feel comfortable enough.

After this, imagine how a ray of green light stretches from the area of ​​your heart, which pumps up your sphere, like balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is completely filled. After this, release your sphere along with your desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki levels open, you can strengthen your request with the help of this teaching. In this case, you practically won’t have to waste your energy. All you need is intention, a clearly formulated desire and reiki activation. As a rule, having the first stage, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy can only cure diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only treat people, but also make your dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

IN Lately Simoron techniques are gaining powerful momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and during it make your most cherished wish. As a rule, many become fixated on their dreams and create an excess of energy, which can slow down the process. Simoron helps you easily release your desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Powers the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best possible way.

This method is good for big company where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel balls. On one of them, write your wish with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn’t fly away ahead of time. You will need the remaining balls to lift your spirits. Take air from them into your lungs and then in a thin voice begin to read a poem or sing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or have had enough fun. Here you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After this, take the pre-prepared balloons with your wishes and release them into the sky. Enjoy how they soar in the clouds, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And soon you will be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method of setting strict limits and promises

This method often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create conditions for yourself in which you simply cannot help but start moving towards your goal. This exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the executor. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you will pay your friend for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not achieving your goal must be significant enough to motivate you to move.

This exercise is quite tough and takes the wish-maker out of his own comfort zone, but it is also very effective. Remember that when setting goals, the deadlines must be realistic and the punishments must be severe. Those who have used this method claim that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By using one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with excess tension and stress. Dream big, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fulfillment of desires can be easy and simple if you know how to act correctly. We will share the most effective techniques from books and from famous trainers.

There are many ways to bring your desires closer to fulfillment. All of them are based on the power of the human subconscious and the training of positive thinking.

The most popular and effective of them:

  1. Affirmations are positive statements that need to be repeated daily. Option for psychological auto-training. It tunes you into a wave of positive emotions and thoughts, as a result of which your subconscious finds all sorts of ways to fulfill your desires.
  2. Visualization using a wish map. You draw or look for suitable images, stick them on whatman paper and sign them with positive affirmations. Within a year, all wishes made should come true. We wrote in detail about how to create and activate a wish card in.
  3. Meditations and energy practices. There are many of them - below we will talk about one of the most effective techniques for instant fulfillment of desires.

Regardless of the method you choose, practice daily. Develop the habit of thinking positively, and then your dreams will come true as if by magic.

Glass of water technique

This method is presented in two variations. The glass of water technique was proposed to be practiced by Jose Silva and Zealand.

  1. Pour clean water into a glass. You need to use distilled or spring water; tap water will not work.
  2. On a piece of paper, write your wish as if it has already come true. For example: “I got a manager position in company N.”
  3. Place the glass on a piece of paper. Sit down and bring your palms together, but so that they do not touch. Close your eyes.
  4. Imagine and feel a dense clot of energy between your hands, for example, in the form of a fireball. Visualize it unwinding and becoming more powerful.
  5. Say the wording of your desire out loud, and then “pour” the fiery energy from the ball into the glass. After that, drink water and go to bed.

Jose Silva method:

  1. Pick up a glass of clean water and hold it at the level of the solar plexus with two fingers - thumb and forefinger.
  2. Say your wish mentally and then eyes closed drink half of the water from the glass. As you take sips, repeat: “This is all I have to do to solve my problem.”
  3. Go to bed and drink the remaining water in the morning.

Important: Zeeland's method is ideal for instant fulfillment of desires. The Silva method is also suitable for getting an answer to some question that worries you. In this case, do not make a wish, but formulate what you want to know. For example: “Where is it better to go to work: company N or B.”

Technique of wish fulfillment “Fireball”

This is a wish fulfillment meditation that works very quickly, in just two days. It is important to choose goals that are easily achievable within this period.

What do we have to do:

  1. Turn on some nice music and lie down so that you are as comfortable as possible. Close your eyes. Attach left hand to the heart, and the right one to the stomach.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing: take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take 30-50 breaths in and out until you feel completely relaxed and have let go of all emotions, both negative and positive.
  3. Place both hands on the solar plexus area. Imagine that a fireball appears in this place of your body.
  4. Feel how it unwinds, and the heat from the ball spreads throughout your body. Imagine how it increases.
  5. After the ball becomes very large, formulate your desire. Mentally write it on a piece of paper and throw the package into the ball.
  6. Continue to breathe deeply, imagining a fireball spinning up.
  7. And then release the ball, let it fly away with your desire.
  8. Feel your body and slowly return to the room, open your eyes.

Important: if you could not easily imagine how the ball flies into the sky, it means that you are not yet ready to fulfill your desire, you do not believe that it can come true easily. You need to believe that the Higher powers will send all the necessary opportunities.

You can also play a video of this technique and repeat everything the announcer says:

Not a single wish fulfillment technique will work unless certain rules are followed.

Important factors:

  1. The more energy you have, the faster your wishes come true. Therefore, it is important to fill yourself up: externally and internally. Take care of your health, do things that bring you pleasure and exclude “toxic” people - energy vampires - from your social circle.
  2. Believe that the Universe will definitely send you the necessary opportunities. Then your dreams will quickly and easily come true in the most unexpected way.
  3. Train positive thinking. Get rid of negative attitudes, emotions and thoughts - they slow down the fulfillment of desires.
  4. Turn desires into intentions - take action. Don't sit still and don't wait for blessings to fall from the sky. Balance is important: sincere faith coupled with real actions is the key to success.
  5. Avoid denial when expressing your desires. The universe does not notice the “not” part. If you ask: “I am not sick,” then the Higher powers will hear you as “I am sick.”

And remember: it makes no difference to the Universe what it sends to you. She always sends to a person what he often thinks about and expresses in his thoughts. That’s why it’s so important to abstract yourself from the negative and not focus on problems. It’s better to mentally imagine the result of their decision.

Tell us what wish fulfillment techniques you have already tried - share your reviews in the comments. Did you manage to get the desired result?

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

We all believe in miracles. Our every thought and idea creates a flow of energy within and around us. Such energy, like a magnet, attracts everything similar to itself. What you think about is what you get. Therefore, if you think that you are a failure in all matters of life, then you will attract failures and failures.

Happy events happen if you know that you will definitely be lucky. If you feel that you are successful, then you are a source of happy energy, confidence and good luck. Then you will be able to attract everything high and positive into your life. Your thoughts and your energy create your reality.

Understanding the truth of the function of failure and failure

The materialization of thought has become fashionable direction V last years. Although, it seems strange that the Law of Attraction is now a trend, because it misleads those people who do not like to do hard physical work. If you really want to use your energy power to get more happy moments in life, then you should clear all your energy blocks, and we will now tell you how to do this.

The Performing Miracles course teaches us that at some point in life we ​​get everything we want. Your intentions are your reality. In this case, you don’t need to torment yourself with various speculations: you need to accept the fact that thoughts about bad things attract negativity into your life. And this is the first and biggest step towards changes in your life. Start by accepting this process as part of a successful start. Tell yourself honestly now that your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and energy about believing in the bad are blocking you from receiving all the good. Once you understand what blocks are and how they affect our future, you can clear the space for the happy moments ahead.

At this stage, many people try to pay more attention to external manifestations of faith rather than internal ones. Which is completely wrong. Inner faith is the basis on which hope for the best rests. If in us fear is stronger than the feeling of love, then we ourselves choose our own path of fear and failure. If love and faith are stronger, then we attract love into life. Many people set themselves the wrong goal from the start. They ask themselves, “How can I get something that will make me feel better?” Instead, you should focus on your condition. The question should be: “What will make me feel better and how can I become a magnet for attracting all the good things into my life?” The question should be aimed at healing your consciousness and soul. There is no need to ask for material things, do not ask for a new job, a new car or another boyfriend. This definitely won't make you happy.

5 ways to make your dreams come true:

Below we will list 5 main ways that will help you think correctly and attract the best into your life. The main thing in these steps is to feel comfortable. Get positivity from everything around you. Feeling of vitality and energy to live - The best way bring happiness into your daily routine. In this case, success becomes your being, a standard state of comfort.

1. Clear your space.

This will take some time, because you need to realize that you can get everything you want. We can help you in this matter - we just have one wish. Start sending your thoughts into space every day with the same message: “Free yourself from the internal blocks that prevent me from achieving what I want.”

The Universe can help us in any form and content. If you expect bad things, then all your fears will automatically come true. Only positive thinking can bring happiness and success into your life.

2. Define your desires precisely.

Clarity of thinking is an important feature on the path to realizing your desires. You need to be clear about what you want and where you are going. Focus on what you want and then try to plan your path. If you are looking new job, then you should make a list of what exactly you want to get from work: from the office, people, what salary you want to receive. This list will help you visualize the picture of “my dream job.” An important aspect This stage becomes the fact that you must feel what exactly you want to feel. At this stage, the desire appears in form. You can write thousands of lists, but if you don’t realize how you really want to feel when you get the things you need, you don’t feel the clarity of desire, then you won’t be able to get what you need.

3. Think about it! Feel it! Believe it!

Let's take these steps one by one. Spend time and attention every day to feel your desires and think about them as much as possible. You can do this during meditation or while visualizing what you want. The more you wish, the greater the chances that what you want will happen sooner. From a metaphysical point of view, if you desire, it means you already have. Therefore, take time to think, feel and believe in what you want.

4. Calm down, the Universe remembers you!

This stage is critical for visualizing your desires. In order to give a clear form to a desire, you must first of all relax. The Performing Miracles course states that those who are confident in a happy ending can afford to wait as long as necessary. Remember this statement, and allow your faith to accompany you throughout your journey. Remember that the Universe has plans much better than your own. You have already learned to recognize what you really want, but you still cannot control in what form and when exactly your desire will come true. For now, stay calm, relax and trust that the Universe has a plan for everything.

5. Trust the Universe completely.

When you trust the Universe, you know for sure that nothing bad will happen. Your feeling of fear and mistrust disappears. You just know, period. When your mistrust disappears, your desires become confidence. This feeling comes gradually and naturally knowledge of your desires.

When you go through all these stages step by step, you will clear your home of adversity, make your mind clear and feel happier. This process in itself heals the consciousness, giving additional energy and knowledge. You need to recognize that you are unique, majestic and one of a kind. After confession this fact, You are already approaching the finish line. When you realize this, you will give this feeling new life– and it doesn’t matter where and when you are. The Universe sees your energy and fulfills all your desires. This is how the process of realizing a dream goes.

Always believe in your happiness!

Follow these five basic steps and trust that you are exactly where you should be right now. Is your main goal to feel comfortable? Believe me, you will be given everything you need for this feeling. The feeling of happiness is the fulfillment of your desires, and everything else in life is just flavoring additives.

Let's start with a goal statement. What it should be and what it cannot be. Firstly, the goal should be about yourself. That is, goals from the category: “So that dad earns more, mom doesn’t get nervous, a new car for my husband, a separate apartment for my brother,” and so on in this spirit - do not work. We are all creators of our reality. Other people are creators just like us. Therefore, we formulate goals only to ourselves. In more detail why this is so, you can watch the video. About the desire to help, save, direct on the “true path”

Second. Desires must be realistic. That is, desires from the category: “I want to live on the moon” or “So that all people become the way I want” - we remove them right away.

Third. The goal should be clear, clear, understandable and include all the most important parameters. You can arrive at this formulation by using the technique discussed below. Intentions from the category: “I want me to always feel good” are not realized or realized in the way our subconscious (God, Universe, Creator, etc.) understands it. But it doesn’t always understand this the way we want it to. Imagine God sitting on a cloud, scratching the back of his head and thinking: “I just don’t understand what she asked for. And I seem to want to help, but I don’t know how. I have one friend, he always walks and smiles. worries and doesn’t care. So people are treating him like a fool, trying to treat him. Maybe she wants the same thing? After all, she didn’t say anything about what people should think about her, if she always feels good, so be it. she will be bitten by a tick, and she will get encephalitis. At first it will hurt a little, but then she will feel good for the rest of her life." I don’t think that you will be happy with this scenario. Therefore, be careful and more specific with your desires.

Fourth. You should not formulate a goal out of resentment, revenge, a desire to prove something to someone, a desire to hurt, or a feeling of injustice. For example, you set the goal of getting married so that your “ex” understands how wrong he was. Or do you need new car so that neighbor Vasya would envy. This should not be done, if only for reasons of your own safety. We are holistic and united with this world, and therefore, wishing something for others, we automatically put energy into it and attract it into the layer of our world. Our subconscious knows only one person - the one to whom it belongs. Therefore, thinking about someone: “Stupid!” - Consider that you said this to yourself. If there is an internal feeling of unworthiness, lack of joy in life and no feeling of unconditional happiness, then no external attributes will give you this. We always formulate any goal only out of positivity and out of the desire to live a new interesting experience, to reveal ourselves and our Creator potential to an even greater extent.

Video lessons on mathematics.

Let's deal with desires.

To understand the truth of your desires, you can do the following practice. Write down on a piece of paper everything you want, everything that comes to mind. Then, better the next day, remove from this piece of paper all unrealistic desires, desires regarding other people, and formulate what remains as specifically as possible. Set the leaf aside for another day. Now look and think, do you really need this? Are these desires worthy of spending your energy, time, health, months and years of life on them? Are these your true goals or just fantasies caused by various circumstances? To realize this, take a piece of paper again and divide it into two parts. We write our first wish in the left column. For example, buy a beautiful jacket, and in the right column we write what true needs are satisfied. Behind every desire there are at least 2-3 true needs. At the same time, think about whether these needs can be met by others, more the easy way. Here is a small example of such a sign.

Previously stated desires True needs
Buy yourself a nice jacket. Prove to your colleague that you look no worse than her.
Attract the attention of a handsome man.
Feel more confident.
Make peace with your loved one. Save yourself from the stress of loneliness in the future.
Prove to your friends that you are no worse than them.
Feel the attention and love of a loved one.
Rent a separate apartment. Feel like a full-fledged mistress.
Start living the way you want, and not the way your parents dictate.
Find a new job Increase income.
Change the team.
Start doing what you like best.
Make a career, get recognition.

This is very important point, so set aside 2-3 days for it. Separating true goals and desires from false ones is a very important step in order to become a successful and joyful person who easily moves through life.

Let's continue further. If you performed the previous technique well, then the list of goals has clearly changed. Now we need to understand what to implement quickly and what can be postponed indefinitely. To do this, divide all targets into near and far. The closest ones are those that can be completed in the next few months and their implementation depends only on you. All the remaining ones - rewrite the distant ones in the column.

Further. Select the first target from the list. Sit in a calm environment and imagine that it has already been realized. That is, mentally move to where everything has already happened, where the goal is completely fulfilled. And see what sensations arise in your body. If the sensations are good, then the goal is true and the body tells you about it. If the sensations are not very good, there is restlessness, anxiety, then the goal is false, and you need to remove it from the list for a while. Or look for what true need you are trying to realize through this goal (see plate) and find another way to satisfy your need. From here a new goal should appear that will cause good sensations in the body.

You need to imagine not an abstract situation of wish fulfillment (you are in the Maldives and a prince of pure blood declares his love to you), but a real one, with all the details and the complications arising from them.

For example. You want to move to live in another country. Let there be Australia. The desire is not bad, it’s always warm there. Kangaroos are running. But they speak English there, which means you need to know another language perfectly. Now further. Work, housing, friends, family and friends who will stay here. There are many issues that need to be addressed. Do you want to do this, are you ready to really invest your time and effort into this? If not, then this is not a goal, but a fantasy that has nothing to do with reality.

Analyze all your goals in this way and make a final list of your main intentions.

Using materials from the book by Alexander Sviyash "90 steps to a happy family life. From Cinderella to Princess"

Technique of wish fulfillment.

Now let's move on to the technique of fulfilling desires. This technique is truly magical if done honestly and correctly. Already in the process of such work, the goal itself begins to strive for its realization: actions are performed by themselves. Like they appear out of nowhere necessary people, events are developing in the most favorable way. New opportunities are emerging. It feels like some invisible hand has picked you up and is carrying you towards your cherished dream.

I hope you already have a list of true goals. How the practice is done. I won’t describe it at length and in detail. All nuances and details can be found in the video at the end of the article.

Take a piece of paper (notebook) and select one goal from the list. It’s better to start with some immediate goal. In the future, when you gain experience in applying this practice, you can work in this way with absolutely any intention. Now you describe your life as if the goal has already been achieved. Goal Achievement Experience (GOA) No. 1: You woke up this morning (be sure to write everything in the present tense, as if you were living this new happy experience here and now). Set a date (the date by which you plan to realize your intention in reality) and describe where you are and how you feel. Write everything as if you were summing up a certain period of time that has already passed. You can describe not only events, but also your feelings associated with everything that has happened and is happening in your life at the moment.

Wrote. Read it. The feeling from what you read should ideally be +10 (on a scale from -10 to +10), but don’t expect it to happen the first time. If you write easily, naturally and while writing you feel spiritual joy and energy boost, then everything is great. Your goal is close to being realized. If something irritates you, distracts you - then you wanted to drink tea, then your neighbor called, then your thoughts flew away somewhere and it was impossible to concentrate, or you just suddenly became bored, uninteresting, a bunch of other, more important things appeared; and in general the technique is kind of cumbersome - you have to write a lot, but there’s no time, and it’s all nonsense - congratulations. You are the happy owner of unconscious blockages and negative past experiences who in every possible way do not allow what they want to come into life. To track such resistance, keep a separate notebook and write down such moments there. What to do with all this happiness, you can read in the articles How to let go of a negative past , Cleansing from emotional dirt. Expanded formula forgiveness. or How to become a genie making your dreams come true. Continuation. It is imperative to monitor and eliminate such blockages, otherwise you cannot count on a positive outcome of this event.

"Clouds". Automatic earnings on the Internet.

If everything is good, then take it and write it a second time. (ODC No. 2), just be sure to change some part again and track your feelings. If everything is good, then we write a third time, etc. In total, you will need to write 101 ODCs. Yes, this is a lot, but if there is no resistance, then it is done very easily and naturally, it brings a lot of joyful and pleasant sensations. Most often, if the work is done honestly, the result will certainly materialize in life, but at the end of each ODC it is better to add the phrase: “All this will be implemented by... (put a date) in the best and safest way for me and my environment.”

If you decide to apply this technique in your life, we strongly recommend watching an excerpt from Tatyana Konchina’s training “How to dream so that your dreams come true”, which describes in detail and in every detail the entire technology for achieving your goal with the help of ODC, taking into account all the nuances and implementation features, which are very important to know and take into account.

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Useful materials:

How to let go of the negative past.

Cleansing from emotional dirt. An expanded formula for forgiveness.

How to become a genie making your dreams come true. Continuation.

When using the material, an indexed link to the site is required.

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