Tatiana Yablonskaya morning description of the painting. Description of the painting T

Competitive essay by 6th grade student Andrei Bocharov (Voronezh).

Description of the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning”

In front of me is a painting by T.N Yablonskaya “Morning”. It shows a girl and her room on an early sunny morning. The first thing that catches your eye is a room filled with bright sunlight. They penetrate through the open balcony and window, illuminating both the girl and everything in the room. The room is large, bright and spacious. It is not filled with unnecessary furniture.

In the foreground of the picture is a round table covered with a blue and yellow striped tablecloth with fringe. There is a painted clay jug of milk on the table. Nearby there is bread in a plate and butter. It's probably a ready-made breakfast. A bright ray of sunlight falls on the left edge of the table.

In the center of the picture is a slender, fit, tall girl of about eleven or twelve years old. She is wearing a white T-shirt and black sports panties. The girl is athletic and flexible. The movement of her raised arms and her outstretched right leg show excellent plasticity. While doing her morning exercises, she is serious and focused, holding her back beautifully.

In the picture on the left, behind the girl there is a brown wooden bed. She is wearing a warm blanket with a duvet cover, a pillow with a pillowcase and a sheet. They are crumpled. The girl had just woken up and had not yet tidied up the bed.

In the background of the picture, near the balcony door, there is a chair with a backrest. A red pioneer tie hangs on the back of the chair. The girl is a pioneer. There is a school uniform on the chair. After breakfast the girl goes to school.

Further, in the background of the picture you can see a pale yellow wall, a balcony and a window on the right. The opening between the balcony and the window is decorated with a large decorative plate with painting, above which hangs a decorative flowerpot. A climbing plant grows from a flowerpot, one long branch of which is suspended above the balcony doors, and the second is also hung above the window. Intertwining, the leaves create decorative arches over the balcony and window. From the side of the room, the leaves of the plant are dark green, and when illuminated by sunlight they have a soft green color. There is a pot of flowers on the window sill. The balcony door consists of two leaves that open outwards towards the balcony. The upper, non-opening part of the balcony door is glazed. It, like the window, has a beautiful oval shape. This is reminiscent of windows in ancient buildings.

Behind the balcony, in a light foggy haze, tall buildings are visible. This city. The sounds, smells and rhythms of the morning city fill the room. Green plants on the balcony show that there is no winter. Most likely it is spring.

Looking at this picture, I felt some kind of joy, felt the warmth of the sun's rays, was filled with the rhythms of the awakening city and a good feeling about the day. People say that how you start your day is how you live it. This girl has a wonderful start to her day, which means her day and her whole life will continue to be wonderful. This girl, after looking at the picture, became like a close friend to me.

Bocharov Andrey, 12 years

The painting “Morning” by the remarkable master of painting Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya shows the light and relaxed atmosphere of everyday life in an ordinary house. Waking up on an early spring morning, a thin girl of about ten years old was happy about the fine day and involuntarily stood in the “swallow” pose, like a ballerina. It seems that now we will hear quiet music.

It's probably May, the end of the school year. The sun sent its first rays to the ground - the shadows on the floor are quite long. A pioneer tie that hangs on the back of a chair, which in those days was called a Viennese chair because of the curves of the wood, means that school is not over yet. The room, illuminated by the first rays of the sun, is shrouded in the morning coolness; behind the glass doors leading to a small balcony, one can see that the fog of the past night hangs over the city.

The girl had not yet made the bed; she was all stretched out towards the new day, as if welcoming it. The girl rejoices at the sunny morning, and all living beings and even plants rejoice with her. The leaves of overgrown ivy, illuminated by the rays of the sun, shimmer with all shades of green-malachite color, decorating the room.

Judging by the decoration, one can assume that people of art live in the apartment - on a large ceramic plate hanging in the wall, the pattern repeats the one depicted on the jug standing on the table. Hanging plants climbing along the top of the wall and those visible on the balcony indicate the apartment owners’ desire for natural beauty. There is a flowerpot above the plate. Ivy branches extend from a pot located in a cache-pot, one of them is attached above the doors opening onto the balcony, the second is suspended above the window. Intertwining, small leaves form arches. In the shade they are rich green, and in the light they take on an almost turquoise hue.

Yablonskaya's painting Morning attracts with its naturalness and ease; the schoolgirl's movements seem to be simple, but at the same time refined, and from this a great sympathy arises for her at first sight. Her thin figure personifies cheerfulness. The eyes are closed, perhaps from the sunbeams dancing on the parquet floor and walls. In the background, in some ghostly haze, the outlines of houses are barely visible.

It’s morning time outside, the warm rays of the sun brightly illuminate the room, on a table covered with a tablecloth with a blue-beige sea pattern, breakfast is laid out: a jug of milk, a fresh loaf of bread and butter. Perhaps the parents have already left for work, and so that their daughter does not forget to have breakfast before school, they prepared food for her

The light falls on objects in bright spots and the girl smiles warmly and tenderly, she is sure that such a start to the day promises many interesting discoveries in her life.

The room is quite spacious, but it only has the necessary furniture. A wooden bed speaks of the wealth of the family, since in 1954, when the picture was painted, it was a rarity and mostly beds were made of iron, even the so-called “shell mesh” was considered a luxury for many people at that time. There is a warm blanket on the bed, tucked into a snow-white duvet cover, which means the nights are still often cool. The uniform is folded on the chair, and the scarlet tie is hung on the back so as not to wrinkle.

Parquet floors also indicate wealth. This apartment, located on the second floor, is probably located in an old house. A door with two wings open outwards. At the top, the glazed part of the balcony door, like the window, has an oval shape.

We seem to feel the freshness of the morning through the slightly open doors to the balcony. It seems that a few more minutes and a breeze will blow from there, picking up the girl and spinning her around in a beautiful dance. The leaves will flutter and dance, and the birds depicted on the plate will cheerfully chirp to them a beautiful tune.

Tatyana Yablonskaya, during her long life of 88 years, had many awards and took part in many exhibitions. But the artist considered her greatest reward to be that her talent was recognized by true connoisseurs of painting, ordinary people who visited exhibitions and sincerely admired her canvases.

Yablonskaya’s painting “Morning” is a hymn to youth, a feeling of joy in anticipation of something new and amazing. We look, admiringly, at the girl and imagine her future, towards which she so trustingly stretches out her hands, rising on her toes to see all the beauty of the world around her.

T. Yablonskaya’s painting “Morning” is not only the ease and lightness of the home environment and the slender figure of the girl that appears before the viewer’s eyes, but also an amazing love story.

On the canvas, painted in 1954, the artist depicted her eldest daughter Lena. She then lived with her first husband at the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskaya and Saksaganskoye in Kyiv. Now there is an antique shop there, but then there was an atmosphere of creativity and comfort (Yablonskaya’s first husband, Sergei Otroshchenko, was also an artist). They raised a girl, Lena, and a simple boy from Kazakhstan, who dreamed of drawing, once saw a reproduction of “Morning” in the magazine “Peasant Woman”.

She attracted him with her light, amazing girl and calmness. The boy grew up, went to art school, and then entered the Moscow Art Institute. Lenochka also became a student at the Faculty of Applied Arts of the same university with the help of her mother. Having met by chance at lectures, the young people met, fell in love with each other and are now babysitting four grandchildren.

But that same painting “Morning”, almost half a century later, still attracts its viewers. The thin ten-year-old girl resembles a ballerina or a swallow about to soar upward. It seems that melodic measured music is about to start playing and we will see the performance of a young gymnast.

Everything is flooded with spring May light. It's the end of the school year, and the sun is already sending its morning rays onto the floor. A pioneer tie hanging on the back of a chair transports the viewer to a distant era of their youth and evokes memories of a happy childhood. The whimsical curves of a chair made of Vienna wood attract sunbeams.

The room, although invigorated by the first bright reflections, still retains the morning coolness. Behind the small glass door leading to the balcony, you can still see the city shrouded in fog. Helen hasn't made the bed yet, but you can already see how happy she is with the new day. Her feelings are transferred both to the green-malachite ivy and to the audience looking at the painting.

The girl is surrounded by such a familiar environment - a crystal-white bed, a table with a blue tablecloth, a panel with amazing birds. Breakfast is waiting for her on the table - a jug of milk, bread and butter. A pot of flowers above the balcony, whose leaf color creates harmony with the yellow walls, interesting arched windows, things collected from yesterday, among which is that notorious pioneer tie.

Yablonskaya does not promote communist ideas, as many believe, she simply pays tribute to her time. Then people lived in a positive and clean world, smelling of early lilacs and “Red Moscow”, pioneer bonfires and May breezes. Men wanted to be strong, women wanted to raise cheerful and happy children. This USSR - antique arched windows, monumental compositions on the theme of collective farm labor. Here girls kept their innocence, and boys acquired knowledge. Yablonskaya’s time is a time of creation with some quite surmountable difficulties. It was a World in which there was a place for both the working class and the creative intelligentsia.

The artists living in the apartment together with the awakened girl decorated the wall with a ceramic plate with a fancy pattern repeating the lines on the jug. Plants speak of the parents’ desire to instill in their children a concern for all living things.

And the natural ease of a schoolgirl in a home environment fills everyone’s heart with peace and makes them believe in harmony. The girl's movements are ordinary and simple, but surprisingly noble and refined - quite in the spirit of noble Victorian ladies. Many are imbued with sincere sympathy for her, because this small figure contains incredible activity and vigor. Lena narrowed her eyes slightly to hide from the nimble sunny ones running along the parquet floor and walls. The light, meanwhile, does its job: it slowly but surely falls on objects, revealing a new side of them to the world. The girl is very observant and enjoys the new day, which will bring her amazing discoveries and opportunities.

The spacious room, interestingly, is not overloaded with furniture. There is only what you need: a table, a chair and a bed. By the way, the latter perfectly reflects the artist’s earnings in Soviet times. Many probably remember the terrible “shell nets,” but parents love their child very much and care about his comfort. Despite May, a warm blanket can be seen, which means that the nights are not just fresh, but rather cool.

The neatness of the girl in black panties and a white T-shirt is striking. Despite the unmade bed, she folded her school uniform on a chair, hung up her scarlet tie and even braided her hair.

Beautiful parquet floors are echoes of a bygone era. Most likely, this apartment is located on the second floor of one of the old Kyiv houses. Elegant lines of arched windows, glass balcony doors - all this is shrouded in memories of a long-gone carefree childhood.

And only the fresh morning remains low. After 50 years, it will slip into the room through the balconies, leaving its indescribable aroma. Just looking at this picture, we will see a weightless, slender girl who can fly away with the May breeze or dance an amazing dance. The chirping of swallows outside the window will also be heard years later, and the birds painted on a ceramic plate will come to life, sing a joyful song and fly away into the world of a May morning.

It is not without reason that T. Yablonskaya chose the lightest palette for her work. This was the only way she could convey the entire cloudless, warm and sunny atmosphere of a new spring day. Sun glare, furniture, even the air are painted in bright yellow, warm brown, pale cream and light green tones.

What is surprising is not only the artist’s skill, her ability to sense light, but also her talent to create the right composition, take into account all the small details, create a festive mood in the everyday bustle and the ability to see beauty in the ordinary.

The painting “Morning” is a real hymn to youth, an anticipation of a bright and joyful moment. And, against the backdrop of the somewhat strange “Mother and Child”, “Youth” or “Summer”, it has the same bright and pacifying meaning as the dying “Bells”.

The painting “Morning” was painted by the talented artist Yablonskaya in the distant 50s of the last century. The room is furnished modestly. A good wooden bed, table, chair. There are no curtains or tulle on the windows. There are no fancy carpets or rugs on the parquet floor. The walls are simply whitewashed yellow. Only a painted plate with birds depicted on it and a flower pot with climbing vines are the only decorations in the room. At that time, almost all families lived so modestly, without excesses. There are boxes with flowers on the balcony. The apartment is located on the second or third floor of an apartment building. The layout is old, as evidenced by the high ceilings and semicircular arches of the window and balcony door.

Morning is the beginning of a new day. The painting depicts summer, warmth. Therefore, the balcony doors are wide open. A tall girl, about ten or eleven years old, got out of bed. And I immediately started doing exercises. Therefore, the bed is not made yet. She is wearing a white T-shirt and black panties. Perhaps she does ballet or dance. This is evidenced by a gracefully curved figure, a raised chin and gracefully spread hands with the correct position of the fingers. The right leg stands on its toe. She repeats the dance exercises and smiles with pleasure. She clearly loves what she does.

In the middle of the room there is a round dining table covered with a blue tablecloth. A caring mother left breakfast for her daughter. Milk in a clay jug, cup, bread for sandwiches. There is an oil can behind the jug. Breakfast is still untouched. First - warm-up, then - food.

The girl goes to school. A brown uniform is neatly folded on the chair, and a red pioneer tie and pink hair ribbon hang on the back. In the last century, all schoolchildren, starting from the 4th grade, were members of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. It was a great honor to be a member of this organization. The attribute of belonging to this organization was a red tie. The girl very carefully hung it on the back so that it would not wrinkle.
The picture evokes positive emotions and a desire to get up early the next morning and do a couple of warm-up exercises yourself.

Essay description

When we look at this amazing picture, we have a feeling of freshness that the morning of a new day gives us. It’s very nice to get up in the morning and do morning exercises in a clean, cool room, which will give you strength for the whole day. In the foreground of this unique work, we see a girl doing morning exercises. The room is light and cozy, as our heroine really likes to maintain cleanliness and order.

All this work is filled with light and purity, as the artist uses very light colors that allow him to achieve this result. It is clear that the girl is getting ready for school, since in the picture we see her school uniform, which is neatly laid on a chair, which once again confirms her ambition. The master conveys all the interior items in sufficient detail, since we can very clearly make out the various objects that decorate this bright room.

The flowerpot looks especially beautiful, which has grown very much and forms a beautiful arch that looks fabulous. The light was captured very successfully and professionally, which has its own transitions, since we move from the room to the street. Thanks to the work of the master, we have the opportunity to be transported back to our childhood, since each of us started our morning in a similar way, and this picture takes us back to this beautiful and carefree childhood, when we had one task: just study and love our Motherland , who raised us and constantly took care of us.

The morning depicted can serve as a very good example for all children of school age, since with such a plan, we improve our health and our productivity throughout the working day, and this picture gives us determination and a certain mood, since it does not come from a special, mysterious energy that charges you for the whole working day.

Essay on Yablonskaya's painting morning, grade 6

The famous artist Tatyana Yablonskaya painted “Morning” in 1954. This work immediately won the hearts of art lovers with its bright and optimistic mood, which the author of the painting managed to fully convey.

In front of us is a room flooded with the first rays of the morning sun, which through the open balcony door literally fill the entire space with light. There, behind this open door with two leaves, a new day is born. The city is barely visible through the haze of morning fog. This is a warm time of year, obviously the end of May, there is a uniform dress on the chair, a pioneer tie hanging. This means that the main character of the picture, a girl about 10-11 years old, is getting ready for school. It is noticeable that the girl recently woke up and stood up, her bed has not yet been made after sleep.

The girl in the picture is sympathetic. Thin, fragile, with a compact figure, she obviously does rhythmic gymnastics. This is evidenced by her pose, the graceful movement of her hands, which she raised as if preparing to make a “swallow”. It is noticeable that the girl is happy about the bright sun, the morning coolness filling the room through the open balcony door and the fact that the school year is ending and there is a long summer holiday ahead.

The artist paid a lot of attention to the room in which the girl lives, depicting many different household things. We see only part of the room, although it is clear that it is large, the apartment is clearly located in an old building with high ceilings, parquet floors and arched windows.

The girl’s bed is wooden, which at that time was considered an expensive piece of furniture; her bed with snow-white linen and a warm blanket also speaks of the family’s wealth. In the center of the room is a round table with a beautiful linen tablecloth with bright blue stripes and tassels. There is a ceramic jug with a pattern on the table, a loaf of bread and butter. Apparently, the mother prepared all this for the girl for breakfast.

In the space between the window and the balcony door hangs a beautiful decorative majolica plate with blue birds painted on a white background. Above the plate there is a flowerpot made in the same color scheme. These items go harmoniously with the jug on the table.

The artist decorated the girl's room with many plants. Branches of ivy extended from the flower pots above the balcony door. The leaves of the plant are bright green, there are many of them and they all reach out to the sunlight, fluttering from the light breath of the May breeze that entered the room through the balcony door. Apparently, the girls in the family love plants and willingly grow them to decorate their homes. You can see that there are boxes with plants on the balcony with lattice fencing. An indoor flower grows in a pot standing on the windowsill.

All together - the long rays of the spring sun, the branches of plants, beautiful decorative dishes, an elegant tablecloth, and a shiny parquet floor make the room cozy. And her little owner, who stretched out her arms towards the new day and the warm rays of the sun, looks very graceful against the background of this room. The painting “Morning” is permeated with a feeling of the joy of life and a good start to a new day, which will be filled with interesting events.

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  • The painting “Morning” by the remarkable master of painting Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya shows the light and relaxed atmosphere of everyday life in an ordinary house. Waking up on an early spring morning, a thin girl of about ten years old was happy about the fine day and involuntarily stood in the “swallow” pose, like a ballerina. It seems that now we will hear quiet music.

    It's probably May, the end of the school year. The sun sent its first rays to the ground - the shadows on the floor are quite long. A pioneer tie that hangs on the back of a chair, which in those days was called a Viennese chair because of the curves of the wood, means that school is not over yet. The room, illuminated by the first rays of the sun, is shrouded in the morning coolness; behind the glass doors leading to a small balcony, one can see that the fog of the past night hangs over the city.

    The girl had not yet made the bed; she was all stretched out towards the new day, as if welcoming it. The girl rejoices at the sunny morning, and all living beings and even plants rejoice with her. The leaves of overgrown ivy, illuminated by the rays of the sun, shimmer with all shades of green-malachite color, decorating the room.

    Judging by the decoration, one can assume that people of art live in the apartment - on a large ceramic plate hanging in the wall, the pattern repeats the one depicted on the jug standing on the table. Hanging plants climbing along the top of the wall and those visible on the balcony indicate the apartment owners’ desire for natural beauty. There is a flowerpot above the plate. Ivy branches extend from a pot located in a cache-pot, one of them is attached above the doors opening onto the balcony, the second is suspended above the window. Intertwining, small leaves form arches. In the shade they are rich green, and in the light they take on an almost turquoise hue.

    Yablonskaya's painting Morning attracts with its naturalness and ease; the schoolgirl's movements seem to be simple, but at the same time refined, and from this a great sympathy arises for her at first sight. Her thin figure personifies cheerfulness. The eyes are closed, perhaps from the sunbeams dancing on the parquet floor and walls. In the background, in some ghostly haze, the outlines of houses are barely visible.

    It’s morning time outside, the warm rays of the sun brightly illuminate the room, on a table covered with a tablecloth with a blue-beige sea pattern, breakfast is laid out: a jug of milk, a fresh loaf of bread and butter. Perhaps the parents have already left for work, and so that their daughter does not forget to have breakfast before school, they prepared food for her

    The light falls on objects in bright spots and the girl smiles warmly and tenderly, she is sure that such a start to the day promises many interesting discoveries in her life.

    The room is quite spacious, but it only has the necessary furniture. A wooden bed speaks of the wealth of the family, since in 1954, when the picture was painted, it was a rarity and mostly beds were made of iron, even the so-called “shell mesh” was considered a luxury for many people at that time. There is a warm blanket on the bed, tucked into a snow-white duvet cover, which means the nights are still often cool. The uniform is folded on the chair, and the scarlet tie is hung on the back so as not to wrinkle.

    Parquet floors also indicate wealth. This apartment, located on the second floor, is probably located in an old house. A door with two wings open outwards. At the top, the glazed part of the balcony door, like the window, has an oval shape.

    We seem to feel the freshness of the morning through the slightly open doors to the balcony. It seems that a few more minutes and a breeze will blow from there, picking up the girl and spinning her around in a beautiful dance. The leaves will flutter and dance, and the birds depicted on the plate will cheerfully chirp to them a beautiful tune.

    Tatyana Yablonskaya, during her long life of 88 years, had many awards and took part in many exhibitions. But the artist considered her greatest reward to be that her talent was recognized by true connoisseurs of painting, ordinary people who visited exhibitions and sincerely admired her canvases.

    Yablonskaya’s painting “Morning” is a hymn to youth, a feeling of joy in anticipation of something new and amazing. We look, admiringly, at the girl and imagine her future, towards which she so trustingly stretches out her hands, rising on her toes to see all the beauty of the world around her.

    The stunning painting “Morning” was painted by T.N. Yablonskaya in 1954. All the author’s paintings are filled with love for the people and show beauty in simple artistic subjects.

    The painting depicts a fragile girl, how she greets the morning in her small room.

    In the foreground is a table with a blue tablecloth with orange stripes and fringe. They resemble the rays of the sun that come from the window. On the table there is a vase, a mug, a plate of bread, a pencil. It is clear that the girl has not had breakfast yet. All items are filled with love and highlight a cohesive home stop.

    The central part of the picture is occupied by a girl. Judging by her posture and the placement of her hands, you might think that she is engaged in dancing or ballet. Her movements are so graceful and practiced. Her hands seem to be reaching out to the sun that illuminated the room. Or maybe Yablonskaya wanted to show the girl’s morning exercises, because breakfast had not been touched and the bed had not been made.

    Behind the girl is a massive bed with a lush blanket and a pillow tilted to one side. It can be seen that the girl just got up and immediately began to exercise.

    The girl's hair and hairstyle remind us of ears of wheat. Her movements are light and graceful.

    Opposite the bed there is a chair with clothes that, apparently, the girl will wear after breakfast. The clothes are folded very neatly, which speaks of the neatness of the housewife herself.

    In the background there is a window opening onto a balcony. The arch of the passage is woven with greenery, which extends to the adjacent window, thereby adding freshness and mood to this room.

    Between the balcony and the window, there is a pot attached to the wall, from which the branches come; At the bottom of the pot is a hand-painted plate that adds color to the rest of the room's interior decoration.

    The entire color scheme of the painting is predominantly yellow, as if sunlight had illuminated the room. The only bright accent is the table - it is sky blue. Also, the red clothes on the chair distract the eye of the beholder a little.

    The general background of the picture, the shadows from the branches on the floor show us life in this room and complement the overall meaning. The room turned out to be very cozy, a homely atmosphere was conveyed, beauty is in the simplicity of ordinary life.

    Do you look at the canvas and think what will happen next? Maybe a bird will fly into the room as a sign of new life, or flowers will bloom on green branches. The picture is very dynamic and makes you think about how we see the world around us.

    During her long creative life (she lived for eighty-eight years), Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya received many awards and participated in a large number of exhibitions. But her greatest reward was the recognition of her talent by art connoisseurs, ordinary people who gladly attended exhibitions to admire the artist’s creations.

    One of her masterpieces is the painting “Morning”. The painting shows a girl doing exercises. She had just gotten out of bed, which she had not yet put away, and immediately began to study. The girl is wearing a white T-shirt and dark shorts. She stands in the “swallow” pose. Her whole figure is the personification of vigor and health. You look at the picture and imagine how the girl jumped out of bed, looked out the window, smiled cheerfully, opened the door to the balcony and began to do exercises.

    And there really is something to be happy about. It was a sunny morning. It is too early. The sunlight is dim. The city is still covered in fog. But the room is full of light pouring through the open balcony door and through the window. Sunlight falls like a bright spot on the parquet floor, on the bed, on the table covered with a striped tablecloth.

    The room does not have luxurious decoration. Everything about it is simple. The wall opposite the viewer is decorated with a decorative plate and a beautiful flower pot with an overgrown climbing plant. But in the simplicity of the decoration, the whole girl is clearly visible. She loves order and cleanliness. Her school uniform is neatly folded on a chair. She hung the tie on the back of the chair so as not to wrinkle it. There is a light breakfast on the table. The girl takes care of her health and therefore starts her morning with exercise in the fresh air and light food. Then she will get dressed, make the bed and run cheerfully to school with light steps.

    Painting by T.N. Yablonskaya gives the viewer a huge boost of energy. When you look at her, you also want to open the window, breathe in the fresh morning air and do exercises, so that you can feel a surge of strength and a desire for great achievements all day long.

    Yablonskaya’s painting “Morning” amazes with its simplicity and openness. This canvas depicts an ordinary girl who got up in the morning and is doing exercises. Her movements are simple, but at the same time, distinguished by sophistication. You immediately feel sympathy for the main character of this painting.

    There is a simple breakfast on the table, and clothes are still resting on the chair. The girl did not make the bed, as she was in a hurry to enjoy the coming day. Together with her, all living beings rejoice at the new day. From the first rays of the sun, the room is illuminated with an amazing light that penetrates the hearts of people and gives them joy.

    The girl's room is furnished with the most necessary items. Here we see a bed, a beautiful table, a chair and a plate quietly lurking on the wall. There are no decorations in the room - and only plants show the audience that the girl loves nature.

    Yablonskaya’s painting “Morning” is a real hymn to a new day, which you so want to join. I want to get up early in the morning and just smile at the rising sun, and it will answer everyone at once with a gentle and warm smile. After such a morning, the day will certainly be wonderful, and perhaps even surprising


    1. Time of year and day.
    2. Room interior.
    3. Girl.
    4. My opinion about the picture.

    Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya is a Soviet artist who lived in the 20th century. In her painting “Morning,” Yablonskaya depicted the beginning of the day for a girl about my age. She had just gotten up and hadn't even made the bed yet. The city is visible through the window, but it is lost in the morning fog. The sun has already risen, but has not risen yet. It seems to me that the picture depicts spring, May. It was already warm, so the girl opened the balcony door. But school is not over yet. This can be seen by the fact that a school uniform is folded on the chair and a pioneer tie hangs.

    The room is not very big, but beautiful and bright. You can see the bed on which the girl probably slept, a round table with a beautiful tablecloth. On the table is the breakfast that the parents left for their daughter. The room has simple yellow walls, but a very beautiful and unusual window and balcony door, they are shaped like an arch. These arches are decorated with green shoots of a flower that grows in a flower pot on the wall. Both the flowerpot and the jug standing on the table are painted with flowers or animals. Maybe it was painted by the heroine of the picture herself or her parents.

    In the center of the room I see a slender, stately girl dancing or doing gymnastics. The girl stretched out and raised her arms, as if she were a bird that wanted to fly. The schoolgirl is very light and graceful, maybe she is a gymnast. It seems like she’s about to twirl cheerfully in a beautiful dance. It is clear that the girl is very neat and tidy. The room is clean, the uniform is folded on a chair so that it does not get wrinkled.

    I really liked the painting by T.N. Yablonskaya. It creates the impression of a fresh sunny morning, filled with joy and anticipation of something fabulous and wonderful.

    Essay based on the painting “Morning” by Yablonskaya

    After viewing the picture by T.N. Yablonskaya’s “Morning” left me with the warmest emotions. The title of the painting is eloquent. We see that it depicts a schoolgirl doing morning exercises. It is clear that she is in high spirits and in good spirits. The girl is very slim. She is in excellent physical shape. Her room is illuminated with light and warmth, which makes her soul even more joyful.

    The shadow from the sunlight falls on the floor. Sunlight, morning freshness and coolness pour into the room. The balcony door is wide open. The furnishings in the room are quite simple. The author showed the bed, which the girl had not yet made up after the night, a table with a simple breakfast and a chair on which her clothes hang.

    The picture is very decorated with a flower that climbs from a wall pot. It has grown so much that it takes up almost half the wall. In the background we can see a balcony. It is very neat, with beautiful flowers. Most likely, this girl and her mother dropped them off.

    I really liked this picture, because it is filled with special energy and optimism. The girl seems to be flying towards a new day, new achievements and small victories.

    Essay on the painting “Morning” (description of the room)


    1. Famous master of Russian painting.
    2. The plot of the picture.
    3. Description of the room.
    4. Impressions from the artist's creation.

    Tatyana Nikolaevna Yablonskaya is a famous master of Russian painting. She is an honored artist. The artist’s work is filled with poetry, frank, sincere love for life, for man and his work. T. Yablonskaya enjoys writing children. All her paintings are filled with cheerfulness, freshness, and positive emotions.

    Getting acquainted with the painting “Morning”, I would like to emphasize that it brings genuine joy to a new day. Early morning. The rays of the bright spring sun burst into the room through the wide open window. There is a rare morning fog outside the window, but cheerful rays break through it, waking up all living things. The girl depicted in the picture begins her day with exercises. A graceful, fit heroine in a white T-shirt and black sports shorts appears before us. She is ready to absorb the impressions of a new day.

    The room attracts special attention. In the foreground is a round table. It is covered with a blue and yellow striped tablecloth decorated with fringe. On the table is a painted clay jug of milk. Next to it is a bun covered with a napkin and butter. The left edge of the table is pierced by a bright sunbeam. Behind the girl is a brown wooden bed.

    In the background of the picture you can see a pale yellow wall, a balcony and a window. By the balcony door there is a chair with a backrest, wearing a school uniform. The opening between the balcony door and the window is decorated with a large decorative plate with birds. The room has high ceilings. This can be seen from the balcony door, which starts from the floor and ends with an arch somewhere very high. Real climbing flowers fill the room with greenery, they stretch along the entire wall, starting in the planters on the wall, and around the arches of the balcony door and window. Mignonette leaves appear golden from the sunlight falling on them. In the shade, these same leaves appear emerald green. The well-maintained dark brown parquet floor is polished to a shine; it even reflects the owner of the room.

    Looking at the canvas “Morning” by T. N. Yablonskaya, you feel the warmth of the sun’s rays, the rhythms of the awakening city, you rejoice at youth and beauty, the advent of a new day. The picture radiates confidence that the new day will bring only joy and happiness. The author achieved this thanks to her mastery of complex light transmission techniques. With true skill, she conveyed the invasion of morning, sun, and fresh cool air into her heroine’s room.

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