Tatar folk tales. Tatar folk tales Read fairy tales in the Tatar language

There was once a man named Safa. So he decided to travel around the world and said to his wife:

I'll go and see how people live. He walked a lot, he never knew, he just came to the edge of the forest and saw: an evil old Ubyr woman had attacked the swan and wanted to destroy her. The swan screams, tries, fights back, but cannot escape... The swan overcomes her.

I felt sorry for Safa white swan, rushed to her aid. The evil ubyr got scared and ran away.

The swan thanked Safa for her help and said:

My three sisters live behind this forest, on the lake.

In ancient times, there lived a young shepherd named Alpamsha. He had neither relatives nor friends; he grazed other people's cattle and spent days and nights with the herd in the wide steppe. One day in early spring Alpamsha found a sick gosling on the shore of a lake and was very happy about his find. He brought out the gosling, fed it, and by the end of summer the little gosling turned into big goose. He grew up completely tame and did not leave Alpamsha even a step. But then autumn has come. Flocks of geese stretched to the south One day, a shepherd's goose stuck to one flock and flew away to unknown lands. And Alpamsha was left alone again. “I took him out, I fed him, and he left me without pity!” - the shepherd thought sadly. Then an old man came up to him and said:

Hey Alpamsha! Go to the batyr competition, which is being organized by the padishah. Remember: whoever wins will get the daughter of the padishah - Sandugach and half of the kingdom.

How can I compete with the warriors! Such a fight is beyond my strength,” Alpamsha replied.

But the old man still stood his ground:

A long time ago there lived an old man in the world, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. The time has come for the old man to die. He called his son and said to him:

I have nothing to leave you as an inheritance, son, except my shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come in handy.

The father died, and the horseman was left alone. He was fifteen or sixteen years old.

He decided to go white light seek happiness. Before leaving home, he remembered his father’s words and put his shoes in his bag, and he went barefoot.

Once upon a time, a poor man had to go to long journey along with two greedy bays. They drove and drove and reached the inn. We stopped at an inn and cooked porridge for dinner. When the porridge was ripe, we sat down to dinner. We put the porridge on a dish, pressed a hole in the middle, and poured oil into the hole.

He who wants to be fair must follow the straight path. Like this! - said the first bye and ran the spoon over the porridge from top to bottom; oil flowed from the hole towards him.

But in my opinion, life is changing every day, and the time is approaching when everything will get mixed up like this!

The bays never managed to deceive the poor man.

By the evening of the next day they stopped at the inn again. And they had one roast goose in stock for three. Before going to bed, they agreed that the goose in the morning would go to the one who had the best dream at night.

They woke up in the morning, and each began to tell his dream.

A tailor was walking along the road. A hungry wolf comes towards him. The wolf approached the tailor and clanked his teeth. The tailor says to him:

O wolf! I see you want to eat me. Well, I don’t dare resist your desire. Just let me first measure you both in length and width to find out if I can fit in your stomach.

The wolf agreed, although he was impatient: he wanted to eat the tailor as soon as possible.

In ancient times, they say, there lived in the same village a man and his wife. They lived very poorly. It was so poor that their house, plastered with clay, only stood on forty supports, otherwise it would have fallen. And they say they had a son. People's sons are like sons, but these people's sons don't get off the stove, they always play with the cat. Teaches a cat to say yes in human language hind legs walk.

Time passes, mother and father grow old. They walk for a day, they lie down for two. They became completely ill and soon died. Their neighbors buried them...

The son is lying on the stove, crying bitterly, asking his cat for advice, because now, except for the cat, he has no one left in the whole wide world.

In one ancient village there lived three brothers - deaf, blind and legless. They lived poorly, and then one day they decided to go into the forest to hunt. It didn’t take them long to get ready: there was nothing in their sakla. The blind man put the legless man on his shoulders, the deaf man took the blind man by the arm, and they went into the forest. The brothers built a hut, made a bow from dogwood wood, and arrows from reeds and began to hunt.

One day, in a dark, damp thicket, the brothers came across a small hut, knocked on the door, and a girl came out to answer the knock. The brothers told her about themselves and suggested:

Be our sister. We will go hunting, and you will look after us.

In ancient times, there lived a poor man in a village. His name was Gulnazek.

One day, when there was not a crumb of bread left in the house and there was nothing to feed his wife and children, Gulnazek decided to try his luck at hunting.

He cut a willow twig and made a bow from it. Then he chopped the splinters, whittled the arrows and went into the forest.

Gulnazek wandered through the forest for a long time. But he did not meet an animal or a bird in the forest, but encountered a giant marvel. Gulnazek was scared. He doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know how to save himself from this miracle. And the diva approached him and asked menacingly:

Come on, who are you? Why did you come here?

In ancient times I lived in dark forest the old woman ubyr is a witch. She was evil, despicable, and all her life she incited people to do bad things. And the old woman Ubyr had a son. Once he went to the village and saw there beautiful girl, named Gulchechek. He liked her. He dragged Gulchechek away from his home at night and brought him to his dense forest. The three of them began to live together. One day, the son of an ubyr was preparing to go on a long journey.

Gulchechek remained in the forest with the evil old woman. She became sad and began to ask:

Let me visit my family! I miss you here...

The ubyr did not let her go.

“I won’t let you go anywhere,” he says, “live here!”

In a deep, deep forest there lived one shaitan. He was small in stature, even quite small, and quite hairy. But his arms were long, his fingers were long and his nails were long. He also had a special nose - also long, like a chisel, and strong, like iron. That’s what his name was – Chisel. Whoever came to him in the urman (dense forest) alone, Chisel killed him in his sleep with his long nose.

One day a hunter came to Urman. When evening came, he lit a fire. He sees Chisel-Boss coming towards him.

- What do you want here? - asks the hunter.

“Warm up,” answers the shaitan.

Made and sent by Anatoly Kaidalov.

About this book
GOLDEN FEATHER. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
KAMYR-BATYR. Translation by G. Sharapova
ELEVENTH SON AHMET. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
SOLOMTORKHAN. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
ZILYAN. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
TAN-BATYR. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
SARAN AND YUMART. Translation by G. Sharipova
GUDCHEK. Translation by G. Sharapova
WISE OLD MAN. Translation by G. Sharapova
HOW TAZ TOLD THE PADISHAH TILES. Translation by G. Sharapova
A SMART GIRL. Translation by G. Sharapova
GULNAZEK. Translation by G. Sharapova
GOLDEN BIRD. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
STEPDAUGHTER. Translation by G. Sharapova
A POOR MAN AND TWO BAYS. Translation by G. Sharapova
THE WOLF AND THE TAILOR. Translation by G. Sharapova
ALPAMSHA AND BOLD SANDUGACH. Translation by G. Sharapova
WHEN THE CUCKOO COOKS. Translation by G. Sharapova
HOW THE POOR MAN DIVIDED THE GOOSE. Translation by G. Sharapova
KNOWLEDGE IS MORE PRECIOUS. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov
ABOUT CROVE BIRCH. Translation by G. Sharapova
WORKER CHRYTON. Translation by G. Sharapova
SHUR ALE. Translation by G. Sharapova
A REVENTIVE JIGIT. Translation by G. Sharapova
THE TAILOR, THE IMP AND THE BEAR. Translation and editing by M. Bulatov

Here we are reading fairy tales. They happen amazing Adventures, instructive stories, funny incidents. Together with the heroes of fairy tales, we are mentally transported to that fairy world where these heroes live. Wonderful world fairy tales, created by the rich imagination of our ancestors, help us experience a lot of human joy, the happiness of victory, feel the sorrow of loss, help us recognize the great power of friendship and love between people, admire the intelligence and ingenuity of man.
And the people who once created these fairy tales lived on the same land on which we live. But that was a very, very long time ago. Back then, people mined everything with their own hands, and therefore knew well what a person could do, and what remained a dream.
For example, everyone knows that no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot see infinitely far. In those ancient times, people fed themselves by hunting, but with a bow and arrow a person could not reach an animal or game at a great distance. And he began to think about how to make the distant close. And in a fairy tale he created a hero who with his arrow can shoot out the left eye of a fly sixty miles away (the fairy tale “Kamyr-Batyr”).
Our distant ancestors life was very difficult. There was a lot of incomprehensible and scary things around. Menacing disasters fell on their heads every now and then: forest fires, floods, earthquakes, animal pestilence, some merciless diseases that claimed many lives. human lives. How I wanted to solve it all and win! After all, the life of the family and clan, even the existence of an entire tribe and nationality, depended on it.
And man tried to find in nature such potions, medicinal herbs and other medicines that cure diseases and save even from death itself. In addition to what he found himself, what he was able to do himself, he came up with such fairy creatures, like genies, divas, azhdaha, shurale, gifrits, etc. With their help, a person in fairy tales conquers the powerful forces of nature, curbs the formidable manifestations of elements incomprehensible to him, and cures any diseases. So, in fairy tales the patient or weak person, having dived into a cauldron of boiling milk, comes out of there as a healthy, handsome, young horseman.
It is curious that this is reminiscent of the current healing baths at the resorts of our country, where various diseases are treated.
But these supernatural beings lived only in a person’s imagination, and when fairy tales talk about sorcerers, genies or divas, a sly smile is felt. The person makes fun of them slightly, makes fun of them and makes them seem a little stupid or stupid.
The Tatar people, who created these wonderful tales, before the Great October revolution was very poor. Wherever the Tatars lived: in the former Kazan province or somewhere in the Orenburg or Astry-Khan steppes, in Siberia or across the Vyatka River, they had little land everywhere. No matter how hard they tried, working people lived very poorly, they were hungry and malnourished. In search of bread and a better life, the Tatars went to wander to distant lands. This is also reflected in folk tales. Every now and then we read that “the horseman went to wander to distant countries...”, “the eldest son went to work”, “Chriton worked for the bai for three years...”, “life was so difficult for them, so hard that the father, willy-nilly, had to send his son with early years to earn money...", etc.
Although life was very difficult and there was little joy in life, like neighboring peoples, the people thought not only about a piece of bread. Talented people from the people, who created expressions amazing in their accuracy, clever proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales in their depth of content, who composed wonderful songs and bytes, thought deeply about the future, dreamed.
The secret of the creation of these wonderful creations of the people we. We may never fully understand it. But one thing is absolutely clear: they were created by very talented people, with deep knowledge of the life of the people, and wise with extensive experience.
The harmony of the plot of fairy tales, their fascination, and the witty thoughts expressed in them never cease to amaze not only children, but also adults. So unforgettable folk images, like Kamyr-batyr, Shumbay, Solomtorkhan, Tan-batyr and others, live in the memory of the people for centuries.
Another thing is absolutely clear: fairy tales were not told for fun. Not at all! All sorts of exciting things, often incredible adventures, interesting adventures, funny stories of horsemen were needed by storytellers in order to convey to people something good, smart and that precious life experience, without which it is difficult to live in the world. Fairy tales do not directly say this. But without importunity and teaching, the reader understands what is good, what is bad, what is good and what is evil. The creators of fairy tales endowed their favorite characters best features folk character: They are honest, hardworking, brave, sociable and friendly towards other peoples.
In ancient times, when there were no traces of printed books, and handwritten ones were very rare and ordinary people it was extremely difficult to get them; fairy tales served people instead of the current fiction. Like literature, they are
They instilled in people respect for kindness and justice, instilled in them a love of work, a dislike for lazy people, liars and parasites, especially those who sought to get rich at the expense of other people's labor.
Although the people lived in constant need, they did not lose heart and looked to their future with hope. No matter how the khans, kings and their servants - all sorts of officials and bais oppressed him, he did not lose hope for better life. People have always believed that if not for themselves, then at least for their descendants, the sun of joy would certainly shine. The people told these thoughts and dreams about a good life with a kind smile, sometimes half-jokingly, half-seriously, but always talentedly and sincerely, in their countless fairy tales.
But happiness never comes on its own. We have to fight for it. And so the brave sons of the people - the batyrs - boldly burst into the underground palaces of the divas, soar like eagles into the sky-high heights, climb into the wilds of dense forests and rush into battle with terrible monsters. They save people from death, free them from eternal captivity, punish villains, and bring freedom and happiness to people.
Much of what people dreamed about in fairy tales in ancient times is now coming true. Everything that has happened on the land of Soviet Tatarstan over the last half century is also in many ways like a fairy tale. The previously barren land, which was unable to feed even its sons, was transformed. It now produces abundant harvests. And most importantly, people have changed. The great-great-grandchildren of those who wrote wonderful fairy tales with hope for the future began to relate to the same land in a completely different way. Armed with smart machines and instruments that actually see through the earth, they, together with the sons of other fraternal nations, opened storerooms with priceless treasures in the ground and underground. It turned out that in one of its storerooms nature hid reserves of oil, which was called “black gold”. And now - isn’t it a fairy tale?! By the will of modern wizards, this oil seems to be thrown out of the ground by itself and directly falls into the “silver” vats. And then through mountains and forests, through rivers and steppes, an endless black river flows to Siberia, and beyond the Volga, and to the very center of Europe - to friendly socialist countries. And this is not an ordinary river. This is an endless flow of light, heat and energy. The most fabulous thing is that this priceless stream also sends out the former poor Tatar village of Minnibaevo, in which before there was not even a ker, an aspen, where people burned a torch in the evenings in their huts for lighting.
And what’s even more surprising is that in order to get the first billion tons of oil, Tsarist Russia it took about 90 years. And the second billion tons of oil in our country was produced by Soviet Tatarstan in just a quarter of a century! Doesn't this look like a fairy tale!
Another page of amazing things. Fairy tales often say how out of nowhere a short time The gifrit wizards are building a city with gold and silver palaces. The city and the plant are now growing just as fabulously fast on the Kama. trucks. But this one
the city is made not by genies or other supernatural creatures, but by our contemporaries, the real smart horsemen - skilled masters of their craft, smart scientists-wizards who have gathered from all over our huge Motherland. And soon the day will come when a hero car will emerge from the factory gates. If such a machine could have appeared in ancient times, it alone would have replaced an entire herd of a thousand horses! And a school of cars produced by KamAZ in just one day would drag along all the carts, war chariots, phaetons with all their belongings and all the wealth of the whole ancient state! And KamAZ will produce as many as one hundred and fifty thousand such vehicles per year!
This is how fairy tales come true. The storytellers admired the warriors of the people for nothing. They did not deceive themselves, they believed in the invincible power of the people. The history of the centuries-old struggle of the Tatar people for freedom and equality, for the power of the Soviets after the Great October Revolution has confirmed this. And in the great battles against the fascist barbarians Tatar people bravely fought side by side with other fraternal peoples of our country and gave the Land of Soviets more than two hundred Heroes Soviet Union. And who doesn’t know the immortal feat of the Soviet hero, communist poet Musa Jalil!
Fairy tales also say that the people who created them are very talented and poetically gifted. It has its own ancient centuries-old culture, rich language and good traditions.
Tatar folk tales published many times native language in Kazan, and were also published several times in Russian.
Tatar folk tales were collected and studied by many writers and scientists. These were the Russians M. Vasilyev and V. Radlov, the Hungarian Balint, the Tatar scientists G. Yakhin, A. Faezkhanov, K-Nasyrov, Kh. Badigy and others. The famous folklorist scientist, Doctor of Philology X devoted most of his life to this Yarmukhametov. He led folklore expeditions many times, collected and studied folk tales, bytes, proverbs, riddles, songs and wrote about oral " folk art a lot of scientific works. He also took an active part in training young folklorists.
Kh. Yarmukhametov collected and prepared this collection. Of the huge number of fairy tales, only a small part, selected for schoolchildren, was included in the book. younger age. The young reader will be able to get acquainted with the samples different fairy tales: magical, satirical, everyday and fairy tales about animals. No matter what is told in fairy tales, in them good tirelessly fights evil and defeats it. Main
This is the meaning of fairy tales.
Gumer Bashirov

TATARS- these are the people living in Russia, they are the main population of Tatarstan (2 million people). Tatars also live in Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Orenburg, Perm, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions, in the city of Moscow, in Southern, Siberian federal districts. In total, 5.6 million Tatars live in Russia (2002). The total number of Tatars around the world is about 6.8 million people. They speak the Tatar language, which belongs to Turkic group Altai language family. Believing Tatars are Sunni Muslims.

Tatars are divided into three ethno-territorial groups: Volga-Ural Tatars, Siberian Tatars and Astrakhan Tatars. Crimean Tatars are considered an independent people.

For the first time, the ethnonym “Tatars” appeared among the Mongolian tribes that wandered in the 6th-9th centuries to the southeast of Lake Baikal. In the 13th century, with the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the name “Tatars” became known in Europe. In the 13th and 14th centuries it was extended to some nomadic peoples, which were part of the Golden Horde. In the 16th-19th centuries, many Turkic-speaking peoples were called Tatars in Russian sources. In the 20th century, the ethnonym “Tatars” was assigned mainly to the Volga-Ural Tatars. In other cases, they resort to clarifying definitions ( Crimean Tatars, Siberian Tatars, Kasimov Tatars).

The beginning of the penetration of Turkic-speaking tribes into the Urals and Volga region dates back to the 3rd-4th centuries and is associated with the era of the Great Migration of Peoples. Settled in the Urals and Volga region, they perceived elements of the culture of the local Finno-Ugric peoples, and partially mixed with them. In the 5th-7th centuries there was a second wave of advancement of Turkic-speaking tribes into forest and forest-steppe areas Western Siberia, Urals and Volga region, associated with expansion Turkic Khaganate. In the 7th-8th centuries, Turkic-speaking Bulgarian tribes came to the Volga region from the Azov region, who in the 10th century created the state - Volga-Kama Bulgaria. In the 13-15 centuries, when the majority of Turkic-speaking tribes were part of the Golden Horde, their language and culture were leveled. In the 15-16 centuries, during the existence of the Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimean, Siberian Khanates, the formation of separate Tatar ethnic groups took place - Kazan Tatars, Mishars, Astrakhan Tatars, Siberian Tatars, Crimean Tatars.

Until the 20th century, the majority of Tatars were engaged in agriculture; on the farm of the Astrakhan Tatars main role played cattle breeding and fishing. A significant part of the Tatars were employed in various handicraft industries (manufacturing of patterned shoes and other leather goods, weaving, embroidery, jewelry). Material culture Tatars were influenced by the cultures of peoples Central Asia, and from the end of the 16th century - Russian culture.

The traditional dwelling of the Volga-Ural Tatars was a log hut, separated from the street by a fence. The external façade was decorated with multicolor paintings. The Astrakhan Tatars, who preserved steppe cattle-breeding traditions, used a yurt as a summer home. The clothing of men and women consisted of trousers with a wide step and a shirt (for women it was complemented by an embroidered bib), on which a sleeveless camisole was worn. The outerwear was a Cossack coat, and in winter a quilted beshmet or fur coat. The men's headdress is a skullcap, and on top of it is a hemispherical hat with fur or a felt hat; for women - an embroidered velvet cap and scarf. Traditional shoes were leather ichigi with soft soles; outside the home they wore leather galoshes.

TATARIA (Republic TATARSTAN) is located in the east of the East European Plain. The area of ​​the republic is 68 thousand km 2. Population 3.8 million people. The main population is Tatars (51.3%), Russians (41%), Chuvash (3%). The capital of Tatarstan is the city Kazan. The republic was founded on May 27, 1920 as the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1992 - Republic of Tatarstan.

The settlement of the territory of the modern Republic of Tatarstan began in the Paleolithic (about 100 thousand years ago). The first state in the region was Volga Bulgaria, created in the late 9th - early 10th centuries. AD Turkic tribes. Bulgaria long time remained the only developed public education in northeastern Europe. In 922, Islam was adopted as the state religion in Bulgaria. The unity of the country, the presence of regular armed forces and well-organized intelligence allowed it for a long time resist the Mongol invaders. In 1236, Bulgaria, conquered by the Mongol-Tatars, became part of the empire of Genghis Khan, and then became part of the Golden Horde.

As a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde in 1438, a new feudal state arose in the Volga region - the Kazan Khanate. After the capture of Kazan in 1552 by the troops of Ivan the Terrible, the Kazan Khanate ceased to exist and was annexed to the Russian state. Subsequently, Kazan becomes one of the important industrial and cultural centers Russia. In 1708, the territory of today's Tatarstan became part of the Kazan province of Russia, the original borders of which extended in the north to Kostroma, in the east to the Urals, in the south to the Terek River, in the west to Murom and Penza.

There was once a man named Safa. So he decided to travel around the world and said to his wife:

I'll go and see how people live. He walked a lot, he never knew, he just came to the edge of the forest and saw: an evil old Ubyr woman had attacked the swan and wanted to destroy her. The swan screams, tries, fights back, but cannot escape... The swan overcomes her.

Safa felt sorry for the white swan and rushed to her aid. The evil ubyr got scared and ran away.

The swan thanked Safa for her help and said:

My three sisters live behind this forest, on the lake.

In ancient times, there lived a young shepherd named Alpamsha. He had neither relatives nor friends; he grazed other people's cattle and spent days and nights with the herd in the wide steppe. One day in early spring Alpamsha found a sick gosling on the shore of a lake and was very happy about his find. He came out with a gosling, fed it, and by the end of summer the little gosling turned into a big goose. He grew up completely tame and did not leave Alpamsha even a step. But then autumn has come. Flocks of geese stretched to the south One day, a shepherd's goose stuck to one flock and flew away to unknown lands. And Alpamsha was left alone again. “I took him out, I fed him, and he left me without pity!” - the shepherd thought sadly. Then an old man came up to him and said:

Hey Alpamsha! Go to the batyr competition, which is being organized by the padishah. Remember: whoever wins will get the daughter of the padishah - Sandugach and half of the kingdom.

How can I compete with the warriors! Such a fight is beyond my strength,” Alpamsha replied.

But the old man still stood his ground:

A long time ago there lived an old man in the world, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. The time has come for the old man to die. He called his son and said to him:

I have nothing to leave you as an inheritance, son, except my shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come in handy.

The father died, and the horseman was left alone. He was fifteen or sixteen years old.

He decided to go around the world to seek happiness. Before leaving home, he remembered his father’s words and put his shoes in his bag, and he went barefoot.

Once upon a time, a poor man had to go on a long journey together with two greedy bei. They drove and drove and reached the inn. We stopped at an inn and cooked porridge for dinner. When the porridge was ripe, we sat down to dinner. We put the porridge on a dish, pressed a hole in the middle, and poured oil into the hole.

He who wants to be fair must follow the straight path. Like this! - said the first bye and ran the spoon over the porridge from top to bottom; oil flowed from the hole towards him.

But in my opinion, life is changing every day, and the time is approaching when everything will get mixed up like this!

The bays never managed to deceive the poor man.

By the evening of the next day they stopped at the inn again. And they had one roast goose in stock for three. Before going to bed, they agreed that the goose in the morning would go to the one who had the best dream at night.

They woke up in the morning, and each began to tell his dream.

A tailor was walking along the road. A hungry wolf comes towards him. The wolf approached the tailor and clanked his teeth. The tailor says to him:

O wolf! I see you want to eat me. Well, I don’t dare resist your desire. Just let me first measure you both in length and width to find out if I can fit in your stomach.

The wolf agreed, although he was impatient: he wanted to eat the tailor as soon as possible.

In ancient times, they say, there lived in the same village a man and his wife. They lived very poorly. It was so poor that their house, plastered with clay, only stood on forty supports, otherwise it would have fallen. And they say they had a son. People's sons are like sons, but these people's sons don't get off the stove, they always play with the cat. Teaches a cat to speak in human language and walk on its hind legs.

Time passes, mother and father grow old. They walk for a day, they lie down for two. They became completely ill and soon died. Their neighbors buried them...

The son is lying on the stove, crying bitterly, asking his cat for advice, because now, except for the cat, he has no one left in the whole wide world.

In one ancient village there lived three brothers - deaf, blind and legless. They lived poorly, and then one day they decided to go into the forest to hunt. It didn’t take them long to get ready: there was nothing in their sakla. The blind man put the legless man on his shoulders, the deaf man took the blind man by the arm, and they went into the forest. The brothers built a hut, made a bow from dogwood wood, and arrows from reeds and began to hunt.

One day, in a dark, damp thicket, the brothers came across a small hut, knocked on the door, and a girl came out to answer the knock. The brothers told her about themselves and suggested:

Be our sister. We will go hunting, and you will look after us.

In ancient times, there lived a poor man in a village. His name was Gulnazek.

One day, when there was not a crumb of bread left in the house and there was nothing to feed his wife and children, Gulnazek decided to try his luck at hunting.

He cut a willow twig and made a bow from it. Then he chopped the splinters, whittled the arrows and went into the forest.

Gulnazek wandered through the forest for a long time. But he did not meet an animal or a bird in the forest, but encountered a giant marvel. Gulnazek was scared. He doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know how to save himself from this miracle. And the diva approached him and asked menacingly:

Come on, who are you? Why did you come here?

In ancient times, an old woman, an ubyr, lived in a dark forest - a witch. She was evil, despicable, and all her life she incited people to do bad things. And the old woman Ubyr had a son. He once went to the village and saw there a beautiful girl named Gulchechek. He liked her. He dragged Gulchechek away from his home at night and brought him to his dense forest. The three of them began to live together. One day, the son of an ubyr was preparing to go on a long journey.

Gulchechek remained in the forest with the evil old woman. She became sad and began to ask:

Let me visit my family! I miss you here...

The ubyr did not let her go.

“I won’t let you go anywhere,” he says, “live here!”

In a deep, deep forest there lived one shaitan. He was small in stature, even quite small, and quite hairy. But his arms were long, his fingers were long and his nails were long. He also had a special nose - also long, like a chisel, and strong, like iron. That’s what his name was – Chisel. Whoever came to him in the urman (dense forest) alone, Chisel killed him in his sleep with his long nose.

One day a hunter came to Urman. When evening came, he lit a fire. He sees Chisel-Boss coming towards him.

- What do you want here? - asks the hunter.

“Warm up,” answers the shaitan.

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