Secrets and mysteries of ancient civilizations. Unsolved mysteries of antiquity

It was not built by the Egyptians, this has already been proven. Moreover, judging by the results of numerous studies, it appeared long before the emergence of the Egyptian civilization itself and the pyramids. Who carved it out of stone and why is a mystery.

11. The Olmec Indian civilization keeps many secrets and mysteries, who consider themselves not people, but children of the jaguar. Therefore, all that has come down from them to this day are figurines in the form predatory cats, and the same stone gate located in the middle of the desert.

And there was also a stone head, clearly a representative of the Negroid race. Therefore, some scientists believe that the Olmecs came from Africa.

12. There is no exact answer to the question: was there? It is mentioned in the Bible, in the myths of the Sumerians and some other peoples. Modern scientists only know that around 5600 BC. there was a strong earthquake. Because of it, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters. So, probably, it was this event that was reflected in ancient legends.

13. By the time the conquistadors arrived, the Mayan civilization had already practically died out. All that remained of the great empire were pitiful, half-wild tribes who did not remember their former greatness. What caused the sudden degradation is unknown. Since there is no mention of a long war or any epidemic.

14. At one point they disappeared. There are three versions that explain this. Firstly, they were destroyed by the more advanced Cro-Magnons. Secondly, the same Cro-Magnons assimilated them. And thirdly, death due to the onset of the Ice Age.

But they could not resist the Goths and Huns. What happened next is unclear. Some historians claim that they were assimilated by nomads, others talk about the complete disappearance of the people.

16. To this day it is unknown where he is buried. Moreover, there is not even one hundred percent information about why he died at thirty-two. they claimed that the gods punished him for desecrating the tomb of Cyrus.

17. At the very end of the 20th century, at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, researchers discovered unique buildings - two pyramids. And they were built from an unknown material similar to glass. Apparently, these structures are more than one thousand years old. Who built them and why is still unclear.

18. The paintings in the Nazca Valley can only be seen from a bird’s eye view, they are so huge. For example, an eagle is about 120 meters long, and a spider is 46 meters long. How, who, when and why they were created is a mystery.

19. The Sacsayhuaman Temple, located in Peru, was built long before the arrival of the Spaniards. When the Europeans defeated the Incas, they designated the temple as a quarry. Barbarism?

Undoubtedly, since the structure of huge stones was erected without any connecting mortar. And at the same time, you cannot even insert a needle between the stones.

20. In 1930, more than 300 man-made objects were discovered in Costa Rica. stone balls, hollow inside. Research has shown that they are more than 2 thousand years old. Who, why and how (even modern technologies they won’t allow stones to be processed like this) created these balls - it is unknown to this day.

21. Recently, archaeologists made a stunning discovery: they discovered a network of underground passages that cover the territory from Spain to Turkey. The approximate age of these tunnels is about 12 thousand years. How people who lived in the Stone Age managed to build such a thing is a mystery.

22. Around the 50s of the last century, golden figurines with wings and tails were discovered in Latin America. But they don't look like birds or insects. Aircraft designers took them to study them, and they stated that the figures were prototypes of airplanes. Did the ancient Indians really know something about aircraft construction? Mystery.

23. There are more than 50 thousand Ica stones. And the images on them are very different: from dinosaurs and hunting them, to heart operations and amazing flying machines.

For a long time it was believed that all stones were simply falsifications. But detailed studies helped establish that the drawings on the stones are at least several thousand years old.

24. It was erected by someone unknown and why about 5 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that this stone structure is an ancient astronomical laboratory. And lovers of myths and legends claim that Stonehenge was created by the wizard Merlin.

25. Whether giants actually existed is not known for sure. Sometimes news appears that at some point globe The bones of giants were discovered, but at the first examination it becomes clear that this is a falsification. But, nevertheless, almost every nation has a legend about giants. For example, according to the inhabitants of Tibet, giants sleep in caves high in the mountains. But no one knows the truth.

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Every year, tourists travel to famous landmarks and various creepy places, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of history. And everything that happened many, many centuries and millennia ago.

And it’s especially interesting when it turns out that there is no logical explanation what happened simply doesn't exist.

1. Pasian Dadong Caves

It is known that people lived in the Pasian Dadong caves 300,000 years ago. It is also known that large animals lived near these caves. However, scientists were extremely surprised when they discovered evidence in prehistoric sediments that the massive Stegodons and Rhinoceros (ancestors of rhinoceroses and elephants) also lived, or at least died, in these caves. Scientists found this very strange, given the fact that the caves are located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level.

Paleontologist Lynn Schepartz says it's rare to find animals in caves that don't normally live there. She believes that it is unlikely that Rhinoceros and Stegodon wandered into these caves by accident. Rhinoceros in particular were solitary animals that grazed on their own, much like modern rhinoceroses. And yet, their remains lie in the caves.

One theory suggests that predators killed these herbivores and then dragged them into their caves. But the most likely answer is human intervention.

An examination of the bones showed that they had been on fire. And then they were hit with an instrument that presumably could have been made of stone. The last expedition to the caves was in 1998, and to date scientists are no closer to solving how exactly these large animals ended up in the caves.

2. Screaming Mummy

Discovered in 1886, the mummy with an anguished expression on her face has long been the subject of all sorts of speculation. All the internal organs of this mummy are intact, which is completely uncharacteristic of the embalming procedure. On this basis, many interesting theories arose, but none of them was recognized as correct.

Bob Brier, an archaeologist at Long Island University, suggested there were at least two people behind the mummy's anguished expression. One person was the killer, and the second ensured the complete safety of the body (possibly due to a personal relationship with the victim). Other researchers have come up with a host of theories of their own, ranging from cold-blooded poisoning to burial alive.

In 2008, in documentary film, released by National Geographic, researchers suggested that the mummy could be Prince Pentaur, the son of Pharaoh Ramses III, who was suspected of intending to kill his father. Ancient documents from the 12th century claimed that one of the pharaoh's wives was convicted of participating in a plot to kill Ramses. It is believed that she sought to help Pentaur ascend to the throne, and when the plot was discovered, she poisoned Pentaur and, after mummifying him, wrapped his body in sheepskin. If everything was exactly like this, then the “scream” of the mummy may be associated with poison in the body.

Less sensational theories suggest that the mummy's lower jaw is open because the head was likely thrown back strongly after death occurred.

3. Ancient structure under the Sea of ​​Galilee

In 2003, scientists accidentally discovered a cone-shaped structure under the Sea of ​​Galilee. 10 years later, geophysicist Shmuel Marko told CNN that they were very surprised when they saw what looked like a bronze statue on the ocean floor. Marco suggested that the ancient structure may have been a marine fish nursery. However, most archaeologists believe that the structure was originally located on the surface of the earth, and was gradually submerged in water over a long period of time.

The structure consists of basalt and has a conical shape. The “bottom” of the structure is 70 m in diameter, and its height is 10 m. The weight of the structure, according to scientists, reaches 60,000 tons. That is, it weighs approximately as much as two Stonehenges. The age is estimated to be between 2,000 and 12,000 years old, a range that was determined based on the amount of sand that accumulated at the base of the structure and subsequent comparison of the structure with similar structures.

Archaeologist Dani Nadel noted that the structure is shaped like ancient burial grounds in the area. Calling it a truly unusual find, Nadel suggested that the structure was likely used for some kind of ritual purposes.

He also noted that this structure was built from large stones, each of which weighs about 100 kg, and this is a truly impressive achievement. At the same time, he emphasized that the true purpose and age of this structure will most likely remain unknown.

4. Trail to Antelope Springs

On June 1, 1968, fossil hunter William Meister Sr. took his family on a trip to Antelope Springs. During this trip, Meister came across a fossil that looked like a shoe print, with the heel being pressed deeper than the rest of the foot. And under this print he discovered two fossilized trilobites. When he found them, he immediately thought that the man wearing the shoes had somehow stepped on the fossils.

After conducting an examination, Meister and his colleagues found that the age of the find was almost 600 million years. The mystery is that although the "shoe print" clearly indicates that someone stepped on the trilobites, there are no signs of pressure on the trilobites themselves.

In addition, trilobites were sea creatures, which means that whoever left the “imprint” entered the sea. Why - no one knows.

5. Pyramid of Elliniko

It seems strange to think that there are pyramids in Europe. But they really are there, and there are quite a lot of them. In Greece alone there are 16 of them, and the most famous of them is the Pyramid of Helliniko in Argos.

The first mention of this pyramid is found in the works of the ancient Greek geographer Pausanias. In his work "Description of Greece" he describes this structure as "a building very similar to a pyramid, with forged shields of the Argive form." He then mentions the battle that took place at the pyramid and the reconciliation that took place later. All those who fell in that battle were placed in a “common crypt.” In general, almost nothing was known about the pyramid except the estimated date of its construction: 2720 BC. e.

If this date is correct, then the Elliniko pyramid may be older than the oldest pyramid in Egypt. But greatest secret The Elliniko pyramid is not about its age, but the fact that no one still knows who built it and what it was used for.

It's no secret that before modern civilization there were several other highly developed people who had extensive knowledge in various fields of science, including medicine, who created incredible machines and amazing objects, the purpose of which no one can still determine. Who these people were is unknown. Some scientists adhere to the theory of extraterrestrial origin these unusual creatures, while others believe that civilizations arose spontaneously and, in the process of long evolutionary development, reached a certain level of knowledge and skills. Secrets ancient world of interest to archaeologists, historians and geologists.

Numerous groups of scientists go in search of cities and objects that can help in understanding who our ancestors were. Who left ancient artifacts and mysteries as reminders of themselves? In this article we will try to talk about those secrets that have haunted the minds of researchers for several thousand years in a row.

Stone Age paintings

How modern man imagine a cave painting? Most likely, as the simplest form of art of primitive people, which reflected their belief in spirits and scenes from Everyday life. This is exactly what it says in school textbooks. However, in reality, everything is not so simple - a rock painting (or petroglyph) can present scientists with many surprises.

More often rock painting depicts hunting scenes or ritual ceremonies. Moreover, the ancient painters conveyed with amazing accuracy the anatomical features of various animals and the intricate attire of the priests. Typically, three colors were used in stone paintings - white, ocher and bluish-gray. Scientists claim that the paint was made from special stones ground into powder. Later, various plant pigments began to be added to them to diversify the palette. For the most part, petroglyphs are of interest to historians and anthropologists who study the development and migration of ancient peoples. But there is one category of drawings that official science cannot explain in any way.

These paintings depict unusual people, dressed in some kind of spacesuit. The creatures are extremely tall and often hold strange objects in their hands. There are pipes coming from their suit, and part of their face shows through their helmet. Scientists are struck by the elongated shape of the skull and huge eye sockets. Also, quite often, next to these creatures, ancient masters depicted strange disk-shaped flying machines. Some of them resembled airplanes and were applied to the stone in section, which allows one to see the complex interweaving of parts and tubes of the mechanism.

Surprisingly, these drawings are scattered all over the world. Everywhere the creatures look exactly the same, which suggests that contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations had different petroglyphs with similar creatures dating back to 47 thousand years ago and located in China. Images of tall figures in protective suits, painted on stone ten thousand years ago, have been found in India and Italy. Moreover, all creatures emit bright light and have long limbs.

Russia, Algeria, Libya, Australia, Uzbekistan - were found everywhere unusual drawings. Scientists have been studying them for more than two hundred years, but have not been able to come to a consensus about their origin. After all, if the images of creatures can be explained by the ritual vestments of shamans, then the exact depiction of mechanisms that ancient man could not have known anything about suggests extraterrestrial contact that constantly occurred between primitive people and alien civilizations. But scientists cannot accept this version unconditionally, so the secrets reflected on the rocks remained unsolved.

or reality?

The world learned about the lost Atlantis from Plato's dialogues. In them, he spoke about an ancient and powerful civilization that lived on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The land of the Atlanteans was rich, and the people themselves actively traded with all countries without exception. Atlantis was large city, surrounded in diameter by two ditches and earthen ramparts. This was a kind of system that protected the city from floods. Plato said that the Atlanteans were skilled engineers and craftsmen. They created aircraft, high-speed sea vessels and even rockets. The entire valley consisted of extremely fertile lands, which, combined with the climate, made it possible to harvest crops up to four times a year. Hot springs bubbled out of the ground everywhere, feeding numerous luxurious gardens. The Atlanteans worshiped Poseidon, whose huge statues adorned the temples and the entrance to the harbor.

Over time, the inhabitants of Atlantis became arrogant and considered themselves equal to gods. They stopped worshiping higher powers and became mired in debauchery and idleness. In response, the gods sent them an earthquake and a destructive tsunami wave. According to Plato, Atlantis sank in one day. The author claimed that the majestic city is covered with a thick layer of silt and sand, so it is not possible to find it. A beautiful legend, isn't it? We can say that all the secrets of the ancient world are difficult to compare in importance with the opportunity to find a mysterious continent. Many would like to reveal to the world the truth about the mighty Atlanteans.

So did Atlantis really exist? Is it myth or reality that forms the basis of Plato's story? Let's try to figure it out. It is worth noting that in history there is not a single other mention of the Atlanteans, except for the descriptions of Plato. Moreover, he himself simply retold this legend, taking it from Solon’s diaries. He, in turn, read this tragic story on the columns of the ancient Egyptian temple in Sais. Do you think the Egyptians witnessed this story? Not at all. They also heard it from someone and captured it as a warning to subsequent generations. So no one on earth personally saw the Atlanteans and observed the death of their civilization. But any legend must have a real basis, which is why tireless seekers of ancient civilizations are constantly looking for Atlantis, relying on Plato’s description.

If we refer to the text of the ancient Greek author, we can assume that Atlantis sank approximately twelve thousand years ago, and it was located in the Strait of Gibraltar area. It is from here that the search for the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans starts, but in Plato’s text there are a lot of inconsistencies that prevent us from reducing the secrets of ancient civilizations by at least one. Now scientists have put forward about two thousand versions of the location of the mysterious Atlantis, but none of them, unfortunately, can be either confirmed or refuted.

The most common are two versions about the location of the island’s flooding, which researchers are working on. Some scientists refer to the fact that such a powerful civilization could only exist in the Mediterranean Sea, and the story of its death is an interpreted version of the terrible tragedy that unfolded after the explosion of a volcano on the island of Santorini. The explosion was equal to two hundred thousand atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. As a result, most of the island was flooded, and a tsunami with waves of more than two hundred meters almost completely destroyed the Minoan civilization. Recently, underwater near Santorini, the ruins of a fortress wall with a moat were found, reminiscent of Plato's descriptions. True, this catastrophe occurred much later than described by the ancient Greek author.

According to the second version, the wreckage of an ancient civilization is still located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. After recently conducting studies of soil from the seabed in the Azores region, scientists are convinced that this part of the Atlantic was once dry land and only sank under water as a result of natural disasters. By the way, the Azores are the pinnacle mountain range, surrounding a flat plateau, on which scientists were able to see the ruins of some buildings. Expeditions to this area are being prepared in the near future, which may lead to sensational results.

The most ancient secret of the planet: the mystery of Antarctica

In parallel with the search for Atlantis, researchers are trying to unravel the mystery of Antarctica, which can tell the history of the world in a completely different way than we are used to. The secrets of the ancient world would be incomplete without legends about a once great people who lived in the center of the world on a very fertile land. These people cultivated the land and raised livestock, and their technology would be the envy of modern countries. One day, as a result of a natural disaster, a mysterious civilization had to leave its land and disperse throughout the world. Subsequently, the once flourishing country was covered in ice, and it hid its secrets for a long time.

Do you find some similarities with the story of Atlantis? So one researcher, Rand Flem-Ath, drew certain parallels that were previously considered inconsistencies in Plato’s texts and came to a sensational conclusion - Atlantis is nothing more than the ancient civilization of Antarctica. Do not rush to dismiss this theory; it has a lot of evidence.

For example, Flem-Ath started from Plato’s words that Atlantis was surrounded by a true ocean, and called the Mediterranean Sea just a bay. In addition, he argued that the Atlanteans could get through their continent to other continents, which is quite easy to imagine when looking at Antarctica from above. In the second half of the seventeenth century, a copy of an ancient map of Atlantis was released, which strikingly resembles the outlines of the ice-bound continent. The characteristics of the continent also speak in favor of this version, because Plato pointed out that the Atlanteans lived in mountainous areas high above sea level. Antarctica, according to the latest data, is located two thousand meters above sea level and has a rather uneven topography.

You may argue that Antarctica has been covered in ice for about fifty million years, so it could not possibly be the home of a mysterious civilization. But this statement is fundamentally incorrect. Scientists taking ice samples found the remains of a forest that dates back three million years. That is, during this period Antarctica was a prosperous land, as confirmed by maps of the continent created by a Turkish admiral in the mid-sixteenth century. Mountains, hills and rivers are depicted on them, and most of the points are almost perfectly aligned. This is amazing, because modern scientists can achieve such accuracy only with the help of high-tech instruments.

It is known that one of the Japanese emperors who lived in the six hundred and eighty-first year of our era ordered all the myths and legends of his people to be collected in one book. And there is a mention of a land located not far from the pole, where a powerful civilization that owned fire lived.

Now scientists claim that the ice in Antarctica is rapidly melting, so perhaps soon the secrets of ancient civilizations will be partially revealed. And we will learn at least a little about the mysterious people who lived on these lands several thousand years ago.

Strange skulls: amazing finds of archaeologists

Many archaeological finds baffle scientists. Skulls unusual shape have become one of those mysteries that have no logical or scientific explanation. Nowadays, various museums and collections contain more than ninety skulls that only vaguely resemble human ones. Some of these finds are carefully hidden from the public eye, because if we recognize the existence of such unusual creatures on the planet in ancient times, then evolution and history will look new. Scientists cannot yet confirm the presence of alien guests among ancient civilizations, but it is also quite difficult for them to refute this fact.

For example, the scientific community does not explain in any way how the mysterious cone-shaped skull from Peru appeared. If we clarify this information, we can say that several similar skulls were found in Peru, and almost all of them are of the same shape. Initially, the find was perceived as an artificial deformation adopted by some peoples of the world. But literally after the first studies, it became clear that the skull was not artificially elongated with the help of special devices. It originally had this shape, and the isolated DNA generally created a sensation among scientists. The fact is that part of the DNA is not human and has no analogues among earthly creatures.

This information became the basis for the theory that some alien creatures lived among people and were directly involved in evolution. For example, a mysterious skull without a mouth is kept in the Vatican, and skulls with three eye sockets and horns have been found in different parts of the world. All this is difficult to explain, and often ends up on the farthest shelves of museums. But some scientists argue that it was aliens who initiated some selection human species, which led to today's homo sapiens. And the traditions of deforming your skull and drawing a third eye on your forehead were just memories of powerful gods who once lived freely and openly among people.

in Peru: objects that can change history

The Black Stones of Ica became one of the largest. These stones are round boulders of volcanic rock, on which are engraved various scenes from the life of some ancient civilization. The weight of the stones varies from several tens of grams to five hundred kilograms. And the largest specimen reached one and a half meters. What's strange about these findings? Yes, almost everything, but what is most striking is the drawings on these stones. They depict things that, according to scientists, simply could not happen. Many of the scenes on the Ica stones are dedicated to medical operations, with most of them described in stages. Among the operations, organ transplantation and brain transplantation are depicted in detail, which is still a fantastic procedure. Moreover, even postoperative rehabilitation of patients is described. Another group of stones depicts various dinosaurs interacting with humans. Modern scientists cannot even classify most animals; this raises a lot of questions. A special group includes stones with designs of unknown continents, space objects and aircraft. How could ancient people create such masterpieces? After all, they must have had incredible knowledge that our civilization still does not have.

Professor Javier Cabrera tried to answer this question. He collected about eleven thousand stones, and believed that there were at least fifty thousand of them in Peru. Cabrera's collection is the most extensive; he devoted his entire life to studying it and came to sensational conclusions. The Ica Stones are a library that tells the story of the life of an ancient civilization that freely explored space and knew about life on other planets. These people knew about the impending catastrophe in the form of a meteorite flying towards the Earth and left the planet, having previously created a group of stones that were supposed to become a source of information for descendants who survived the terrible events.

Many consider the stones to be fake, but Cabrera repeatedly sent them for research to various laboratories and managed to prove their authenticity. But scientists are still not working to study these incredible finds. Why? Who knows, but perhaps they are afraid to reveal the fact that human history developed according to different laws and somewhere in the Universe we have our own blood brothers? Who knows?

Megaliths: who built these structures?

Megalithic buildings are scattered all over the world; these structures made of huge stone blocks (megaliths) have different shapes and architecture, but they all have some common characteristics that make us think that the construction technology was the same in all cases.

First of all, scientists are struck by the fact that there are no quarries anywhere near the massive structures that could serve as a source of material. This is especially noticeable in South America in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca, where scientists have found the Solar Temple and a whole group of megalithic structures. The weight of some blocks exceeds one hundred and twenty tons, and the thickness of the wall is more than three meters.

In addition, what is unusual is the fact that all the blocks have no traces of processing. They seem to have been carved with a tool from soft rock, which subsequently hardened. Each block was fitted closely to the other in a way that modern builders could not do. Everywhere in South America, archaeologists have found incredible structures that have puzzled scientists every time. new group riddles For example, on complex-shaped blocks found in the already mentioned Solar Temple, a calendar is depicted. But the month, according to his information, lasted a little more than twenty-four days, and the year was two hundred and ninety days. Incredibly, this calendar was compiled based on star observations, so scientists were able to establish that this structure dates back more than seventeen thousand years ago.

Other megalithic structures date back to other years, but science still cannot explain how these blocks were cut out of the rocks and transported to the construction site. These technologies remain unknown, as does the civilization that has such incredible capabilities.

Easter Island statues

Stone idols of the island also belong to megalithic structures. Their purpose raises only questions among archaeologists and historians. IN currently There are 887 moai known, as these figures are also called. They are located facing the water and looking somewhere into the distance. Why did the locals make these idols? The only one plausible version is the ritual purpose of the figures, but their enormous size and number stands out from the fabric of history. After all, usually two or three statues were installed for ritual purposes, but not several hundred.

Surprisingly, most of the idols are located on the slope of the volcano. The largest surviving figure stands here, weighing about two hundred tons and twenty-one meters high. What are these figures waiting for and why are absolutely all of them looking outside the island? Scientists cannot give any decent answer to this question.

Sunken pyramids: remnants of an underwater civilization or ruins of ancient cities?

Explorers of the deep sea have found underwater pyramids in different parts of the world. A group of similar structures was found in the USA on Rock Lake, at the bottom of the famous Bermuda Triangle, and in Lately The media are actively discussing the pyramids off Yonaguni Island in Japan.

This object was first discovered in the late eighties of the last century at a depth of thirty meters. The size of the pyramids simply amazed the imagination of scuba divers - one of the tallest buildings had a width of more than one hundred and eighty meters at the base. It's hard to believe this was a creation human hands. Therefore, for many years, Japanese scientists have been arguing about the origin of these underwater pyramids.

Masaki Kimura, a famous researcher, adheres to the version that the pyramid was formed as a result of human activity. This version is confirmed by the following facts:

  • variety of shapes of stone blocks;
  • a nearby human head carved from stone;
  • traces of processing are visible on many blocks;
  • Ancient craftsmen painted unknown objects on some faces of the pyramid. modern science hieroglyphs.

Now the approximate age of the pyramids dates from five thousand to ten thousand years. If the last figure is confirmed, then the Japanese pyramids will be much older than the famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.

Mysterious disk from Nebra

At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an extraordinary find fell into the hands of scientists - a stellar disk from Mittelberg. This seemingly simple subject turned out to be just a step on the path to understanding ancient civilizations.

The bronze disk was dug out of the ground by treasure hunters along with two swords and bracelets that were about eighteen thousand years old. Initially, they tried to sell the disk found near the city of Nebra, but ultimately it fell into the hands of the police and was handed over to scientists.

They began to study the find, and it revealed a lot to archaeologists and historians. incredible facts. The disk itself is made of bronze, with gold plates depicting the sun, moon and stars on it. The seven stars clearly correspond to the Pleiades, which had important to determine the time for cultivating the land. Almost all peoples involved in agriculture were guided by them. The authenticity of the disk was immediately proven, but after some time scientists discovered its supposed purpose. A few kilometers from Nebra, an ancient observatory was found, the age of which exceeds all similar structures on the planet. The star disk, according to scientists, was used in many rituals at this observatory. Archaeologists suggest that it aided in observing the stars, was a drum for a shaman, and had a direct link to a similar observatory in Greece, pointing directly to its location.

Of course, scientists have just begun to study the mysterious subject and are in no hurry to draw final conclusions. But what they have already been able to learn suggests that ancient people had quite a deep knowledge of the world around them.


In this article we have not listed all the secrets of the ancient world. There are many more of them, and even more versions that reveal them. If you are interested in the mysteries of long-gone civilizations, then the book “Secrets of the Ancient World,” written by Igor Mozheiko, will be very interesting to you. The author tried to tell about the alternative history of mankind as it appears before the eyes of everyone who was able to accept the facts of the presence of unusual archaeological finds and buildings.

Of course, each person determines for himself what to believe and how to perceive information. But you must agree that the official history of mankind has too many blind spots to be the only correct one.


Secrets of Antiquity: The Mystery of the Lost Bride (2011)

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden object / Quest
Developer: Gestalt Games
Publisher: GameHouse
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian (amateur translation)
Platform: PC

System requirements:
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
1 GHz Pentium 3 or equivalent
DirectX 9.0

Description: IN new game Ancient Secrets - Mystery of the Vanishing Bride takes you on an exciting adventure through history and ancient island culture and reunites unfortunate souls separated by tragedy.

To Dr. Keith Miller as Spiritual Heir proud people Tekkan, was entrusted with their entire legacy, starting with ancient art ending with jewelry and mysterious artifacts, some of them ordinary, some of them fantastic. While cataloging relics in a museum, Kate receives a call from her ex-boyfriend, begging her for help finding a wayward assistant on a black dig site targeting the island's treasures. She agrees to this expedition, but will the promised secrets turn out to be true? ancient culture so tempting for Kate?

Join Kate on an exciting adventure that will lead her to an unexpected discovery. Explore the island paradise and learn the legend of the Vanishing Bride from the Guardians. An exciting story, unexpected plot twists, mini-games and puzzles - all this will not leave you indifferent.

* Join Dr. Kate Miller on a fantastic I-Search.
* Discover an island paradise full of danger, tragedy and unexpected surprises.
* Use tools to forge your path and harness the power of Tekkan relics.
* Solve puzzles and a variety of mini-games.
* Solve the mystery of the Vanishing Bride and bring peace to two unfortunate souls.

Translation carried out by the "Our Version" team:
Translator: elionor_a
Textures: Slash
Editing: Letty, Julia-10
Testing: Tysja

Add. Information: No tablet required. Place and play


Ancient secrets. The mystery of the missing bride / Ancient Secrets. Mystery of the Vanishing Bride (2011)

Kate Miller thought about locking herself in the laboratory for a long time to study an important historical find - ancient artifacts of the ancient Tekkan people. After returning from a long and difficult expedition, Kate was only occupied with thoughts of her new research. But her sudden call ex-fiance forced to postpone all these plans for an indefinite period. ABOUT...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Gestalt Games
Publisher: Nevosoft
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Processor: Pentium IV 1 GHz or equivalent Athlon


Matchmaker 2. The Curse of the Abandoned Bride (2013)

Helen Jones is back! A famous matchmaker moves to a mysterious city entangled in intrigue. Dispel the terrible curse of the city and get inspired by the story of the abandoned bride. Help the residents find their love. Together with Helen, you will find yourself a key figure in resolving the city's dark mysteries and secrets, the ending will be a big surprise for everyone...

Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Sugar Games
Publisher: Nevosoft
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: XP / Vista / 7 DirectX Version: 7.0
Processor: Pentium 1.2 GHz
RAM: 1024 Mb


Chronicles of Vida: The Story of the Missing Princess / Vida: The Story of the Missing Princess (2013)

As the beautiful demon hunter, Vida, you set out to investigate the strange kidnapping of a princess. Vida travels the outskirts of the Victorian outback with Black the ferret in search of evil demons. Her main mission is to rescue the missing princess and fight the creator of shadows. Join the eternal battle with vampires and...

Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: quest, hidden object
Developer: Novoplay
Publisher: Nevosoft
Developer website:‎
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Processor: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Video card: 128 mb HDD space: ~400MB


Ancient Mysteries 4: Deadly Cold Collector's Edition (2015)

Your best friend, Kira, has invited you to visit her in Baumholder, a small provincial town. Heading out to visit, you had no idea what awaited you there. It all started with heavy snowfall right in the middle of summer, then an unusual ice castle appeared, and to top it all off, ice Golems and frosts began to walk around the city...

Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: quest, hidden object
Developer: Mariaglorum
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Interface language: Russian


Mysteries of Antiquity: The Seventh Gate / Jewel Quest Mysteries: The Seventh Gate (2011)

An exciting adventure awaits you, expressed in 16 locations, where you can use all your talents and logical abilities. You will become a participant in the sad events that happened with the main character games by Emma. Emma arrived in Greece to find her family. They went in search of an ancient artifact - a board inlaid with precious...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object, Match-3
Developer: iWin
Publisher: iWin

Platform: PC OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0 or higher Hard Drive: 200 MB


Unsolved Mystery Club: Ancient Astronauts CE (2011)

Do you believe in the existence of another life? Would you like to visit a parallel world? Then join five brave explorers. They all disappear while searching for facts and evidence that our world is being visited by aliens. You will be involved in a breathtaking adventure, hunting for alien creatures and unraveling...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Freeze Tag
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian (authors: "Pan Games" team)
Platform: PC Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU 1.0 GHz RAM 512 MB DirectX 8.0 or higher HDD:680 MB

but I

Mystery Of The Ancients 2: Curse Of The Black Water (2012)

You travel to a remote island to investigate the mysterious disappearance of two archaeologists. But suddenly a monster from the ancient myths about Poseidon appears on your way. What kind terrible secret discovered by archaeologists? Now only you can save the world from eternal darkness. Uncover the mystery hidden in the deep dark waters of the island. ABOUT...

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Big Fish Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Interface language: Russian (authors: Our Version team)
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 1.4 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Video memory: 128 MB


Mystery of the Ancients 3: Three Guardians Collector's Edition / Secrets of hoary antiquity: Three Guardians. Collector's Edition (2014)

You have to investigate the attacks of crows in a small American town called Green Hill. Your niece Elena called you late last night asking for help - many town residents, including her boyfriend Steven, have disappeared without a trace after a flock of red-eyed crows attacked them! It looks like a man in a cloak with...

Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: quest, hidden object
Developer: MariaGlorum
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 * CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster Processor * RAM: 1024 MB * DirectX: 9.0 or higher * HDD: 1.4GB * VIDEO: 400 Mb Card


Mysteries of Antiquity 3. Collector's Edition / Jewel Quest 3. Mysteries The Seventh Gate (2012)

Visit the ancient ruins of Greece and end a terrible war that has lasted for many years. Emma sets off on a surprise visit to distant lands to see her beloved husband and daughter. But upon arrival she does not find them. Several clues tell Emma that her family is caught in the middle of a fight over ancient Greek secrets. Heat...

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: iWin Games
Publisher: Nevosoft
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian (Official)
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Seven
Processor: Pentium IV 1.4 GHz or equivalent Athlon
RAM: 512 MB


Mysteries of antiquity 4. The Oracle of Ur - Collector's Edition / Jewel Quest Mysteries 4: The Oracle of Ur - Collectors Edition (2012)

In this unusual game that combines two interesting genre"three in a row" and "I'm looking", not only exciting adventures await you, but also love triangle. Go on a journey to the East, try to understand who is really in love and who has completely different motives, look for missing jewels to find greatest treasure mi...

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Logic, Three in a row, Quest, I'm looking
Developer: iWin Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian ("Our Version")
Platform: PC OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: 800 MHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 or higher HDD: 350mb

but I

Secrets of London / Mystery in London (2011)

Did you know that Piccadilly Circus was about to become double-decker and teddy bears have a connection to President Roosevelt? You will learn these and other facts, for example concerning the identity of that same Jack the Ripper, while traveling around England with a professional antiquarian. Explore all the streets of foggy London, especially since any...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Big Fish Games
Publisher: Alawar
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Seven
Processor: Pentium IV 1 GHz or equivalent Athlon

The peaceful expedition you and your father went on suddenly turns into a sea nightmare. Your ship is sinking and you are in all alone you find yourself on an amazing island. The island with the melodious name Arcelia and wonderful landscapes seems serene only at first glance, in fact it is marked by four curses, which are...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: HitPoint Studios
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian (authors: Our Version team)
Platform: PC Windows XP/ Vista CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 518 MB


Vampire Secrets / Hidden Mysteries Vampire Secrets (2011)

A new exciting game from Game Mill Entertainment and Gunnar Games with an intriguing plot and a considerable number of puzzles. Claire Donnelly decided to spend her vacation in the town of Savannah, in the state of Georgia. Upon arrival in the town, the girl began to experience strange visions, against the backdrop of the ominous events taking place in this place...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden Object
Developer: Game Mill Entertainment/ Gunnar Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian (amateur translation, authors: baba Taia, Wowan, Panfilka)
Platform: PC Windows XP/ Vista CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 256 MB


The Secret Order: Secrets of Venice Collector's Edition (2011)

Venice. The moon illuminates the sky with soft light. We see a luxurious house on the banks of a canal. From the entrance to a rich mansion, where a masquerade ball has just finished, a gondola with two young girls with umbrellas on board sets sail. A gondolier in a long black coat silently steers the boat. On his face is a Venetian mask of a plague doctor (Medico della Peste). How...

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Hidden objects / Quest
Developer: Ers Game Studios
Publisher: Bigfish Games
Developer's website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 1280 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard disk size 751MB

Every year, tourists travel to famous landmarks and various creepy places, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of mysterious cultures and everything that happened to them many years ago. But sometimes strange things happen to the most ordinary people in their home cities. And then the desire to find out what exactly happened and why it happened begins to fuel the interest of millions of people around the world. And it is especially interesting when it seems that there is simply no logical explanation for what is happening.

1. Salzburg parallelepiped

In 1885, one of the employees of a foundry in Austria discovered the mysterious “Salzburg Parallelepiped”. He split a piece of coal and found a very strange-looking parallelepiped in it. There were many holes and cracks on its surface, its color was unusual, and there was a particularly deep crack at the bottom in the middle. The worker had never seen anything like it, and after the find was shown to the boss, it was decided to transfer it to the museum. The following year, a professor named Adolf Gurlt studied the parallelepiped and determined that it was part of a meteorite. But further examination of the artifact in the Natural History Museum showed that it was not in fact a meteorite, but was created artificially, and by no one knows. It is believed that the piece of coal in which the parallelepiped was found is at least 60 million years old.

2.Screaming Mummy

Discovered in 1886, the mummy with an anguished expression on her face has long been the subject of all sorts of speculation. All the internal organs of this mummy are intact, which is completely uncharacteristic of the embalming procedure. On this basis, many interesting theories arose, but none of them was recognized as correct. Bob Brier, an archaeologist at Long Island University, suggested there were at least two people behind the mummy's anguished expression. One person was the killer, and the second ensured the complete safety of the body (possibly due to a personal relationship with the victim). Other researchers have come up with a host of theories of their own, ranging from cold-blooded poisoning to burial alive. In a 2008 documentary by National Geographic, researchers suggested that the mummy could be Prince Pentaur, the son of Pharaoh Ramses III, who was suspected of intending to kill his father. Ancient documents from the 12th century claimed that one of the pharaoh's wives was convicted of participating in a plot to kill Ramses. It is believed that she sought to help Pentaur ascend to the throne, and when the plot was discovered, she poisoned Pentaur and, after mummifying him, wrapped his body in sheepskin. If everything was exactly like this, then the “scream” of the mummy may be associated with poison in the body. Less sensational theories suggest that the mummy's lower jaw is open because the head was likely thrown back strongly after death occurred.

3. Always burning lamps

Lamps that continued to burn without fuel were discovered throughout the world in the Middle Ages. These lamps were sealed in tombs, supposedly so that the deceased would have light to help them find their way to the afterlife. Some of these tombs were recently opened, and the lamps in them were still burning. Superstitious people were horrified by this phenomenon, and sought to destroy any unquenchable lamp that they encountered. Others accused the pagan priests of deception. Still others simply refused to believe that the lamp was able to burn for an indefinite period of time. And the overwhelming majority argued that all this was the machinations of the devil.
It was also a common hypothesis that Jewish communities discovered and preserved what we today call electricity. According to legend, a French rabbi named Geshilet had a lamp that could light itself, without a wick or fuel. But even with electricity, which is commonplace these days, everyone who has ever tried to recreate ever-burning lamps has failed. So the question remains the same: how did these lamps burn for hundreds of years without fuel?

4. Passian Dadong Caves

It is known that people lived in the Pasian Dadong caves 300,000 years ago. It is also known that large animals lived near these caves. However, scientists were extremely surprised when they discovered evidence in prehistoric sediments that the massive Stegodons and Rhinoceros also lived, or at least died, in these caves. Scientists found this very strange, given the fact that the caves are located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. Paleontologist Lynn Schepartz says it's rare to find animals in caves that don't normally live there. She believes that it is unlikely that Rhinoceros and Stegodon wandered into these caves by accident. Rhinoceros, in particular, were solitary animals that grazed on their own. And yet, their remains lie in the caves. One theory suggests that carnivores killed these mammals and then dragged them into caves. But the most likely answer is human intervention. An examination of the bones showed that they had been on fire. And then they were hit with an instrument that presumably could have been made of stone. The last expedition to the caves was in 1998, and to date scientists are no closer to solving how exactly these large animals ended up in the caves.

5. Lady of the Jagged Throne

The Lady of the Jagged Throne is the most suitable name for this mysterious and unique artifact, which dates back to 2700 BC. e. The artifact remains the strangest ancient object ever found by man. After confirming that it was not a fake, Italian archaeologist Massimo Vidale and his team recorded the artifact's unique appearance for posterity. This object has the shape of a chariot or a boat, on the bow of which there is a figurine of a bull's head. On the “boat” there are 15 human figures that form what can be described as a “procession”. These figures have traces of black, red and yellow paint. Some of the "procession" figurines have the same head decorations, and they wear conical "robes" that are not seen on other similar figurines. You can also see a female figure seated on a “jagged throne,” hence the name of the artifact. Researchers came to the conclusion that the “lady” was created by the ancient Indus civilization, but they could not find out the meaning and purpose of creating this artifact. There is no evidence that four-wheeled vehicles were used during the Indus civilization, and it is unclear whether this artifact was created for ritual use or for something more practical and rational.

6. Ancient structure under the Sea of ​​Galilee

In 2003, scientists accidentally discovered a cone-shaped structure under the Sea of ​​Galilee. 10 years later, geophysicist Shmuel Marko told CNN that they were very surprised when they saw what looked like a bronze statue on the ocean floor. Marco suggested that the ancient structure may have been a marine fish nursery. However, most archaeologists believe that the structure was originally located on the surface of the earth, and was gradually submerged in water over a long period of time. The structure consists of basalt and has a conical shape. The “bottom” of the structure is 70 m in diameter, and its height is 10 m. The weight of the structure, according to scientists, reaches 60,000 tons. That is, it weighs approximately as much as two Stonehenges. The age is estimated to be between 2,000 and 12,000 years old, a range that was determined based on the amount of sand that accumulated at the base of the structure and subsequent comparison of the structure with similar structures. Archaeologist Dani Nadel noted that the structure is shaped like ancient burial grounds in the area. Calling it a truly unusual find, Nadel suggested that the structure was likely used for some kind of ritual purposes. He also noted that this structure was built from large stones, each of which weighs about 100 kg, and this is a truly impressive achievement. At the same time, he emphasized that the true purpose and age of this structure will most likely remain unknown.

7. Shoes hidden in an Egyptian temple

During an expedition to Egypt in 2004, archaeologists discovered an unusual “treasure”: in a jug, which was located in two other jugs, there were seven pairs of shoes. Two pairs were children's, and the rest of the shoes belonged to an adult who was believed to have a limp. Archaeologist Angelo Sesana said the jar was hidden in the brickwork on purpose, more than 2,000 years ago. Andre Veldmeyer, an expert on ancient shoes, called the discovery "extraordinary" due to the fact that the shoes found were in excellent condition. He conducted tests and suggested that the shoes were quite expensive and should have emphasized the status of the owner. According to him, main secret is why the shoe jar was hidden in the wall, and why its owners never removed it. Veldmeyer suggested that riots broke out in the area one day, as a result of which the owner of the shoes hid them, after which he was forced to leave.

8. Bailly Tunnels

More than 2,000 years ago, the Temple of Baia in Rome was a very popular site, famous for its supposed immortality minerals and for possibly containing the entrance to Hades. Now all that remains of it are mysterious ruins. In the 60s, Robert Paget and Keith Jones decided to explore these ruins. With difficulty squeezing through the narrow opening, they found themselves in a narrow tunnel that smelled of volcanic gas. Page discovered that the beginning of the tunnel complex pointed to the sunrise, and the tunnels themselves ran generally from east to west. This suggested that rituals were an important factor in the construction of the tunnels. Researchers have found many niches designed to install lamps along the walls of the tunnels. They also discovered what appeared to be a ventilation system for the tunnels. And when they reached the end of one of the tunnels, a real mystery emerged. Just around the sharp bend a stream of boiling water ran. The stones that scientists threw into this water seemed to simply disappear into the darkness. The men decided that if the mythical entrance to Hades actually existed, then they had probably just found it.

In 1965, scientists, with the help of Colonel David Lewis, determined that the boiling water came from underground volcanic caverns that arose due to hot springs. However, even with this new knowledge, it was completely unclear who exactly built the Bayi tunnels, and for what purpose he did it.

9. Trail to Antelope Springs

On June 1, 1968, hunter William Meister Sr. took his family on a trip to Antelope Springs. During this trip, Meister came across a fossil that looked like a shoe print, with the heel being pressed deeper than the rest of the foot. And under this print he discovered two fossilized trilobites. When he found them, he immediately thought that the man wearing the shoes had somehow stepped on the fossils. After conducting an examination, Meister and his colleagues found that the age of the find was almost 600 million years. The mystery is that although the "shoe print" clearly indicates that someone stepped on the trilobites, there are no signs of pressure on the trilobites themselves. In addition, trilobites were sea creatures, which means that whoever left the “imprint” entered the sea. Why - no one knows.

10. Pyramid of Elliniko

It seems strange to think that there are pyramids in Europe. But they really are there, and there are quite a lot of them. In Greece alone there are 16 of them, and the most famous of them is the Pyramid of Helliniko in Argos. The first mention of this pyramid is found in the works of the ancient Greek geographer Pausanias. In his work "Description of Greece" he describes this structure as "a building very similar to a pyramid, with forged shields of the Argive form." He then mentions the battle that took place at the pyramid and the reconciliation that took place later. All those who fell in that battle were placed in a “common crypt.” In general, almost nothing was known about the pyramid except the estimated date of its construction: 2720 BC. e. If this date is correct, then the Elliniko pyramid may be older than the oldest pyramid in Egypt. But the greatest mystery of the Elliniko pyramid is not its age at all, but the fact that no one still knows who built it and what it was used for.

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