The secret and meaning of the name Maryana: the character and fate of a woman. What does the female name Maryana mean for a girl?

Name description: Maryana is a Hebrew name meaning “bitter, tart.”

Maryana grows up emotional, restless and charming. She doesn't cause any trouble for her parents. She does well in school and loves to draw and listen to music.

In her adult life, Maryana shows determination; she is a sociable and emotional woman. She is impatient in conversation and often interrupts her interlocutor. He does not take into account the opinions of others and considers only himself to be right.

She is resourceful and witty. Able to notice even the smallest features of a person.

Maryana solves her problems herself. She is extravagant and never withdraws into herself. She loves communication, actively spending time with friends and in nature. She loves sports, and her friends include more men.

By nature, Maryana is a bright individual. She perceives people by their potential, which can be useful to her in bringing her ideas to life. If they cannot be useful to her, then they cease to interest her. Therefore, despite the fact that Maryana is surrounded by many people, she very rarely bothers anyone with her attention. She's friendly and sweet, but that's where it ends.

In people she values ​​a sense of humor and fortitude in a critical situation. She doesn't like bores and whiners. If she sees someone's helplessness, she gets irritated. She will help an active and energetic person who is in a difficult situation faster than someone who is the culprit of his own failures.

Maryana happily gives advice, and in a moralizing manner, but does not tolerate criticism. Feels good there. Where independent work, decisive action or leadership of others is required. She cannot do monotonous, boring work; her energy is always looking for a way out. Maryana is an initiator, organizer, instigator.

Date of Birth: October 13, July 30, July 22, June 12, May 26, March 13, January 23, February 17, March 29

Personality: emotional, restless, proud, charming, hot, capricious, purposeful, extravagant, receptive, elegant,

Name abbreviations: Marianna, Marisha, Masha, Marusya, Manyusha, Maryasha

Suitable middle name: Viktorovna, Igorevna, Nikolaevna, Andreevna, Alekseevna, Adolfovna, Pavlovna, Arkadyevna, Evgenevna, Aleksandrovna

Suitable for boys or girls: for all

Name pronunciation: hard

Nationality of the name: Jewish

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Cancer, Scorio, Aries, Leo

Good compatibility with names: Leonty,

This beautiful-to-hear name Maryana was formed from two female names Marya - “beloved” and “grace”, which generally translates the name Maryana as “beloved by all.”

Diminutive form of the name: Maryasha, Marisha, Arisha, Yanka, Mara, Riana.

There is a male version of this name - Marian, translated as "sea".

According to the Orthodox calendar, Maryana celebrates her name day under the name Mariamne:

  • March 2 – Mariamne, sister of St. Philip the Apostle.
  • June 22 – Martyr Mariamne.

Positive character traits: Passion, emotionality, sensitivity, determination, self-control.

Negative character traits: Conflict, recklessness, tendency to pessimism.


A girl named Maryana is growing up as everyone’s favorite and doesn’t know the word “no.” If you take care of her upbringing in time, then Maryana will stop throwing a tantrum, demanding her own. Despite her capriciousness, Maryasha is a cheerful and energetic girl, surrounded by friends, and loves outdoor games. She is not devoid of creative talent, she draws well, dances, sings, and is not afraid to perform on stage. She loves to flirt, imagine, dress up in her mother’s outfits, high-heeled shoes, use her cosmetics and spin in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

In high school, Maryana becomes more serious, devotes more time to her studies, and pleases her parents with her attitude towards them. Seriously engaged in one of the types of creativity. He cannot stand loneliness and tries to surround himself with friends or relatives. She selects for her company those friends who have proven their friendship and loyalty to her through deeds and not words. He will never forgive traitors.

As an adult, he looks well-groomed, dresses with taste, loves perfume, jewelry, and is not lazy to style his hair and apply makeup every day. He prefers to solve all problems on his own, without resorting to outside help.

She will defend her opinion to the bitter end, even if she understands that she is wrong. He trusts secrets only to close people. He knows how to find a common language with any person and senses his mood. After a quarrel, she is the first to make peace, even if she is wrong. She is close to her mother and will always come to her aid and support her.


Maryana is susceptible to colds as a child, as she gets cold quickly in the cold. It is important to follow a daily routine, eat right, play sports or dance.


Even in childhood, she will choose a creative profession that will bring her pleasure and will not be routine, for example, artist, sculptor, dancer, architect, designer. Usually achieves high results at work. She becomes a favorite of the team with her open and sociable character.

He does not tolerate a quarrelsome and conflict-ridden team, cannot stand this job for a long time and quits. For her, the team atmosphere is most important. Can take on a leadership position. Money does not always stay in Maryana’s hands; expenses often exceed income, so she should not engage in business.


Maryana begins to fall in love with the opposite sex late, after 19 years. She does not immediately manage to communicate with them, at first she tries to lead her suitors, which they do not like, over time the authority turns into softness and tenderness. Can date several guys at the same time. Maryana categorically does not accept office romances.


Maryana starts a family either immediately after school, or after 30 years, having had a good time walking around. She will choose as her husband a financially secure man with a high position in life, who will love her, endure her whims and carry her in his arms. He copes with everyday life with difficulty, looks after the household through “I don’t want to”, but tries not to let the house go to waste. Maryasha produces responsible mothers who monitor their children’s studies and push them to success.

The name Maryana means “tart”, “bitter”.

Origin of the name

Maryana is a female name that has Jewish roots. The origin of the name Maryana is associated with Hebrew words that are translated as “bitter”, “tart”.

Characteristics of the name


Little Maryana is a restless, emotional and very charming girl. She does well at school and often practices drawing and music. The girl is often impatient in conversation and finds it difficult to listen to her interlocutor. Therefore, she can interrupt him by inserting her own words.


Adult Maryana is most often a sociable, purposeful girl. She trusts her intuition very much; as a rule, she takes into account her own opinion more than the arguments of others. And quite often it turns out to be right. This is explained by her insight and ability to notice the smallest details that usually pass by the attention of other people.

Most often, she solves all problems herself. And not only because he doesn’t trust anyone. The girl is confident in her abilities and rightly believes that no one will solve her problem better than her.

Maryana, as a rule, is a bright individualist. She has her own point of view on everything, rarely adapts to anyone, and never blindly follows fashion trends.

Strong in spirit herself, Maryana gets irritated when communicating with a whiner, a bore. She appreciates fortitude and a sense of humor in people. This explains that a girl will help a man faster if she sees that he is trying to solve the problem himself. And he will not rush to help someone who is not fighting himself, but is only waiting for help from others.


Maryana is sensitive to criticism and moralizing from others. At the same time, she herself happily gives out advice, and not always waiting to be asked for it. Monotonous, boring work does not suit her. Maryana is an energetic instigator and organizer. The profession of a manager in any field is suitable for her. She easily manages large teams and can be a successful manager in various specialties.

Personal life

She often gets married early. And, as a rule, the marriage turns out to be successful. Maryana's husband is usually very jealous of his wife, although she rarely gives reasons for jealousy. Maryana is a good housewife who keeps the house clean and knows how to cook deliciously. At the same time, a woman always remains elegant and takes care of her appearance.

Name compatibility

The name Maryana goes well with the patronymics Alekseevna, Andreevna, Nikolaevna, Igorevna, Viktorovna, Arkadyevna, Pavlovna, Aleksandrovna, Evgenievna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Vladislav, Timofey, Alexey, Vladimir, Gennady, Maxim, Stepan, Yuri.

Name day

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Maryana: Maryana de Gonich, Maryana Naumova, Maryana Spivak, Maryana Bezrukikh, Maryana Fideleva.

The ancient name of the girl Maryana sounds very beautiful and melodious, the origin of which has different versions. The most common version is considered to be the Hebrew version of the combination of the two names Anna and Maria. Translated into Slavic it means “sad beauty” and “bitter grace.”

The female name Maryana, the meaning of the name from childhood indicates the owner of a careful, reliable, honest and conscientious person. This is a reliable friend, a very independent person. As a child, a girl named Maryana is emotional and sociable. With such children, they are always on time everywhere. She looks very much like her father. From early childhood, this girl has many talents, which a child named Maryana tries to develop - she dances well, draws, and at the same time does well at school. All talents can be very useful in the future for a girl named Maryana. This meaning of the girl’s name also attracts many fans to this beautiful girl from childhood. She brings many positive traits of her character into her adult life.

Character of a woman named Maryana

She has a well-developed imagination, so she can choose the profession of an artist, architect, or designer. There are also professions in the biographies of women named Maryana that involve risk. The team appreciates her for her restless character - she is always the initiator of going to concerts and the organizer of lights. Many artistic abilities also help a woman with the beautiful name Maryana choose a profession.

The meaning of the female name Maryana indicates her beauty, and also, due to her sociability, brings into her life the fact that the owner of this name gets married very quickly. In marriage, she is a wonderful housewife, a wonderful mother, and a wonderful wife. The bearer of this name, even with a large number, does not start affairs. From time to time she may date men while married, but only to provoke her husband. The name Maryana given to a woman gives the world an extraordinary personality with whom there is never a dull moment.

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Characteristics of the girl's name Maryana

  • The compatibility of the name Maryana with male names Vladislav, Timofey, Alexey, Vladimir, Gennady, Maxim, Stepan, Yuri is very successful.
  • In the Orthodox calendar, the female name Maryana according to the calendar is celebrated on March 2 and June 22, April 27 and May 26.
  • According to the zodiac sign, the name Maryana belongs to the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius.

Charming Passionate Cheerful

Maryana Spivak, theater and film actress

What does the name Maryana mean?

Maryana appeared as a result of a combination of two Hebrew names Maria and Anna. Marianne is its more literary form. The meaning of the name Maryana has several versions of origin.

It is used in both Orthodoxy and the Catholic faith. Church use - Marianne, known as the sister of the Apostle Philip, whose name day is celebrated on March 2.

Passion and mental anxiety permeate the entire energy of this name. Balance and calmness come with great difficulty to Marianne. She requires a huge effort of will to be guided by logic and common sense.

Maryana constantly requires increased attention to herself. Faced with opposition from others, she will learn to be more restrained. Her self-esteem will be fueled by determination and a desire to act.

The most important thing in life for Maryana is to find a compromise between her excessive emotionality and the people around her. If she does not focus only on her own feelings, she has the power to free herself from unnecessary experiences and conflicts, and direct her energy on the right path.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name Maryana from the combination of two words Maria and Anna gives it the meaning - “rejected grace” or “sad beauty”. There is another version of the translation of this name - “indignation”.

Many researchers share the opinion that Maryana comes from the Roman family nickname Marianus, which in translation means “belonging to Mary.”

If we analyze even deeper, it becomes obvious: this genus takes its origins from the word Marius - “belonging to the god Mars.”

Therefore, for many historians, the mystery of the name Maryan is revealed with the help of the god Mars, widely known in mythology.

According to the third version, Maryana is the feminine form of the male equivalent Marian, meaning “sea” in Latin.

This name has many synonyms in different languages ​​- Marianna, Marian, Marianu, Mariano, as well as a wide variety of diminutives - Yana, Mara, Nana, Riana, which began to be used as independent names.

Name forms

Simple: Mara Full: Maryana Ancient: MaryanaAffectionate: Maryasha

The secret of communicating with Maryana is that with her you need to be guided more by logic and as little as possible by feelings. She is capable of showing compassion, but Maryana’s passion is so all-consuming that her care can simply tire her.

The characteristics of the name Maryana from the perspective of numerology are determined by the number 4.

Conscientiousness, stability, and reliability are noted in the character of these people. In a difficult situation, Maryana will never let you down, but rather, on the contrary, will show her best qualities. “Fours” are characterized by independence; when solving all troubles and problems, they try not to resort to outside help.

Maryana has a lot of talents, so she should not be afraid to set herself large-scale goals. With enough diligence and patience, she will be able to realize them.

According to the astrological characteristics of Maryana, she is protected by the zodiac constellation Scorpio and militant Mars. This is not surprising if you remember what the name Maryana means. At important moments, it is better for her to wear green and blue clothes. Suitable jewelry items include emerald, lapis lazuli and sapphire.

Maryana had a happy childhood, all thanks to her emotionality and charm. In both character and appearance she is an exact copy of her father. Her description is similar to an ideal child: she is obedient at home, diligent at school, attends clubs in her free time, loves to draw and sing.

With age, her character remains almost the same. Having become the favorite of many, she does not seek to change anything in her own life. Maryana gets great pleasure from communication, attaches great importance to friendship, and loves to have fun.

Maryana does not hide her feelings, she is sincere in her actions. The dangers may leave her shocked, but she has enough potential to cope with them.

This girl has a hot temperament. He will defend his point of view to the end, even if in the process he realizes that he is not entirely right. Her passion is transmitted to those around her, and if desired, she can lead.

Maryana questions a lot and will not make a final decision until she checks everything.

Her distrust also manifests itself in her interactions with people: she trusts her secrets only to those closest to her. Adhering to strict principles of morality, she rarely deviates from them.

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