Light show during Ostankino time. At the Circle of Light festival, the Ostankino Tower will be turned into the Eiffel Tower

The seventh international festival “Circle of Light” will be held in Moscow from September 23 to 27. Traditionally, viewers will be able to see multimedia laser shows, special lighting effects and fireworks on the city streets, and the main venue will be the Ostankino TV Tower. Admission to all events is free.


theatre square

The Bolshoi and Maly theaters will be combined into a single venue for two shows: “Celestial Mechanics” and “Timeless”. “Celestial Mechanics” will tell a romantic story of love and loneliness; the theater buildings will symbolize two lovers. Lighting effects will complement the choreographic performance and music.

On the show “Timeless”, viewers will travel back in time with A. N. Ostrovsky. Unique historical scenery will be restored using projectors on the facades of theater buildings and excerpts from famous performances will be shown.

After the show, video mapping competitions in the “classic” and “modern” categories will be held on Teatralnaya Square. Video mapping is the creation of light projections on buildings, taking into account their size, architecture and location in urban space. Muscovites will be able to take a fresh look at buildings familiar from childhood.

Where: Moscow, Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater


All days of the festival, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve will host a fountain show and light installations. The center of the program is the “Palace of Feelings” show, during which the Tsaritsyn Palace will become a canvas for video mapping. With the help of light projections and music, the building will come to life, and viewers will be invited to immerse themselves in its intended feelings and emotions. Every day, songs will be performed on the site by the Soprano art group of the Turetsky Choir, which has collected the entire range of female voices, from the lowest to the highest, and on September 24 the group will perform live. And on September 25, Dmitry Malikov will perform a classical program in Tsaritsyn. Lighting designers will create visual metaphors against the backdrop of the palace in real time while the pianist plays, which will help to understand classical music in a new way.

Where: Moscow, State Museum "Tsaritsyno"

Stroginsky backwater

The festival of light will end on September 27 in Strogin: here you can see a 30-minute pyrotechnic show using Japanese fireworks, which have no analogues in the whole world. For the first time in Russia, a large pyrotechnic charge of 600 caliber will be used in the show.

Where: Moscow, Bolshoy Stroginsky backwater,

Digital October

Those who are interested in new products in the field of video mapping and visual arts will be able to visit the educational program at the Digital October center. On September 23 and 24, lectures, discussions and master classes will be held by computer graphics specialists, representatives of design studios, programmers, lighting engineers, architects, etc. In particular, on September 24, at the lecture on modern art “All art was modern” they will talk about how culture reflects our reality and changes in society, and at the lecture “From phantasmagoria to sensory reality” we will talk about visual art, its history and development for centuries. Listeners will learn about how science and art were connected, what the earliest optical technologies were. Pre-registration is required to participate.

Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya embankment, 6, building 3.

VJing competition

You can watch the competition of the best VJs as part of the Art Vision competition in the Mir concert hall.

VJing (VJ) is the creation of visual images to music, mixing visual effects and videos to music in real time. Pre-registration is required.

Where: Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 11, building 2.

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The Circle of Light Festival is taking place, during which the architectural space of the city will be transformed by the hands of lighting designers and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics.

The facades of iconic buildings will be transformed into something extraordinary, painted with the bright colors of a light show and show completely different and unimaginable landscapes and stories.

The festival originates from the city of Lyon in France at the end of the 17th century, and later finds popularity throughout Europe.

In 2002, Anton Chukaev (Moscow artist) sent a request to the Moscow Culture Committee to hold such an event, but only 9 years later the festival debuted, which was recognized and received annual status.

Festival themes

Every year the festival has a new theme.

  • In 2012 - “Energy of Life” (the main idea is the speed of changes in the consciousness of society, fashion, tastes, the idea is the unity of peoples and cultures).
  • In 2013 - “Relay of Light” (during the festival the Olympic Flame arrived in Moscow, 11 countries of the world took part)
  • In 2014 - “Around the World Trip” (combined iconic places and attractions of the capital in a multimedia show)
  • In 2015 - “In the City of Light” (an amazing journey to the capital, as no one has ever seen it before)
  • In 2016 - “Circle of Light” (a grand journey around the world)
  • In 2017 - “The seven tallest buildings in the world” (the Eiffel Tower (300 meters), the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa (828 meters) and the New York Empire State Building (443 meters), the Toronto TV tower (553 meters), Shanghai (486 meters) meters), Tokyo (332 meters) and Sydney (309 meters).

"Circle of Light" for children

The event as a whole is a family format and involves a wide audience – it is interesting for everyone. In 2015, for example, in Lubyanka, the Central Children's Store was painted with the bright colors of fairy-tale characters and showed young spectators a parade of toys.

Reviews and photo reports

The number of visitors is growing every year - from 1 million (in 2011) to 8 million people (in 2017). Admission to the festival is free, anyone can become part of the show. Just to see the opening ceremony as close as possible, you need to have an invitation card, which in turn can be obtained through social networks or won in a competition on the official page of the festival (distributed by the Moscow government department).

It’s interesting to look at the festival works of past years; this opportunity is provided by reports from Tourister users. RU. The festival took place from September 26 to October 4. 9 sites were involved. This year the event was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the first time as the largest video projection (on the building of the Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya Embankment). In the year from September 23 to September 27. Light shows took place at 6 venues, 2 light performances were shown with a total duration of about 50 minutes (“Unlimited Moscow State University” and “Keeper”). At the end of each evening there is a pyrotechnic show (more than 19,000 volleys of fireworks). It also broke its own record in the Guinness Book of Records - the largest video projection.

Awards and achievements of the Circle of Light festival

  • Moscow Design Biennale - first place in the category “Multimedia show/Event design” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Largest video projection” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Highest luminous flux power when projecting an image” (2016)
  • “Guinness Book of Records” nomination “Largest video projection” (2015)
  • “Time of Innovation” nomination “Event Project of the Year” (2015)
  • “Event of the Year” nomination “City Event of the Year” (2015)
  • The Moscow Times Awards nomination “Cultural Event of the Year” (2014)
  • “Best in Russia/” nomination “Best cultural event of the year” (2014)
  • “Guiding Star” nomination “Best Event Project” (2014)
  • “Brand No. 1 in Russia” category “Festival” (2013, 2014)
  • “Brand of the Year/EFFIE” category “Entertainment” (2011, 2012)

Where will the Circle of Light festival take place in 2020: program

Preliminary plan of events:

  • Opening/closing ceremony of the festival: September 21 - 25
  • Competition "ART VISION VJing": September 22 (Mir Concert Hall)
  • Competition "ART VISION Modern": September 23 (facade of the Grand Tsaritsyn Palace)
  • Competition "ART VISION Classic": September 24 (Russian Academic Youth Theater, Bolshoi and Maly Theaters of Moscow)

How to get there

Every year the venues are different and in different parts of the city. The only trend is that there are very few parking spaces; the best option to avoid traffic jams is to use the metro or any other public transport.

It’s also convenient to use taxi apps in Moscow - Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi and others.

Festival "Circle of Light": video

Unique programs will be held at six venues in Moscow. Guests, for example, will be able to travel to different countries and learn how fountains sing.

The VII Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” will be held from September 23 to 27. Large-scale video projections and installations will be shown at several city venues. It is planned that about six million people will be guests. You can attend the performances for free.

Ostankino: Sahara desert and lavender fields

“Circle of Light” will open on September 23 at 20:00. The musical and multimedia show will be shown on the surface of the Ostankino pond and on the TV tower. They will repeat it the next day.

Viewers will go on a journey to different countries of the world. Using pyrotechnic technologies, they will see lavender fields in France, Yellowstone National Park in the USA and the Bamboo Flute Cave in China, and will be transported to the foot of Niagara Falls, the Sahara Desert, Lake Baikal and the Ural Mountains.

The performance will end with a 15-minute show, during which the Ostankino Tower will alternately transform into the TV towers of Tokyo, Toronto, Shanghai, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (UAE) and the Eiffel Tower. The height of video projections is 330 meters.

Theater Square: Art Vision and Past Centuries

The site will unite two buildings - the Bolshoi and Maly theaters. All days of the festival, thematic light shows “Celestial Mechanics” (about loneliness and love) and “Timeless” (studies based on the works of outstanding Russian playwrights) will be shown here. Also on the facades will be shown the works of the finalists of the international Art Vision competition, held as part of the festival.

How do 2D and 3D light-color projections interact on a building? What discoveries have been made in this area? Participants in the Art Vision competition will answer these and other questions. On the facade of the Bolshoi Theater they will show works in the “Classic” nomination, and on the facade of the Maly Theater - in the “Modern” nomination.

“Tsaritsyno”: water orchestra and “Palace of Senses”

The performance “Palace of Feelings” will be shown on the façade of the Grand Palace. The building will come to life thanks to a unique combination of light and music. The art group Soprano by Mikhail Turetsky will perform against the background of the video projection. This is a group where different female voices are represented - from coloratura to mezzo-soprano. On all days except the first, the group’s compositions will be performed in recordings. And on September 25, Dmitry Malikov will come to Tsaritsyno, who will perform famous classical works on the piano. They will be translated into visual images. This will be the first time such an experiment will take place at the Circle of Light.

A fountain show will take place on Tsaritsynsky Pond - accompanied by works by Russian composers, they will turn into a water orchestra. In the park, guests will also see original installations by leading lighting designers from around the world.

Digital October: robots and mathematics

Light artists and professionals in the field of visual art will meet at the Digital October site. Discussions, seminars and lectures will be held here on September 23 and 24.

At the discussion “When will robots replace designers?” representatives of IT companies will discuss what advantages and dangers new technologies can bring to creative professionals. Will they replace the artist or provide new opportunities?

At the lecture “Fulldome Revolution,” Portuguese media artist Pedro Zaza will talk about the history of 360-degree dome projection and virtual reality. He will also address the issue of using augmented reality technologies in contemporary art.

Media artist and programmer Ilya Derzaev will conduct a master class “Touchdesigner: elementary mathematics”. Is it true that mathematics will never be useful in life? After all, even in computer graphics, programs do everything for a person. How hard is it really? It turns out that complex visualizations can be created with only knowledge of the high school curriculum.

The lecture “From Phantasmagoria to Sensory Reality” will be given by Olga Mink from Holland, VJ and curator of many festivals. She will talk about artists working at the intersection of technology, optical illusions, sound, performance and cinema. She will explain how science and art are connected.

Graphic and motion designer Ivan Gorokhov will hold a presentation “Video mapping. Entertainment and efficiency." It concerns not only general aesthetic issues, but also technical nuances and problems. He will tell you how to solve them and what to do with them.

A detailed schedule of classes is on the festival website.

Concert Hall "Mir": music battle and VJ sets

The best light and music teams of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category will compete on this site. Participants will show guests VJ sets, which will last ten minutes. To the music, the contestants will create their own masterpieces using visual images and video clips. You can register.

Strogino: Japanese fireworks and unique designs

The festival will close on September 27 in the Stroginskaya floodplain. Japanese pyrotechnicians prepare a half-hour fireworks display. Hundreds of charges will be launched from four barges. The largest of them is 600 mm caliber. This has never been shown in Russia before. The charges will open at an altitude of more than 500 meters, the diameter of the light domes is about 240 meters. Each shot is a special trajectory of the charge and a unique pattern. The choice of site was taken very seriously: the Stroginskaya floodplain is the safest for such a show. In addition, about 300 thousand spectators will be able to come there.

Japan produces fireworks that have no analogues in the world - they are brighter than all others.

Records and achievements

In 2015 and 2016, the festival was included in the Guinness Book of Records in the category “Largest video projection”, last year in the category “Largest luminous flux power when projecting an image.” This time, the President of the World Federation of Tall Towers, Daniel Thomas, plans to present the Mayor of Moscow with the award “For his contribution to the formation of the cultural and tourist image of the great towers of the world.” The organization, created in 1989, unites high-rise buildings. The list includes only those with observation platforms. These include the Guangzhou TV Tower in China, the Empire State Building in the USA, Torre de Collserola in Spain, the Ostankino TV Tower and others.

Over the years of the festival's existence - it has been taking place since 2011 - the number of its guests has increased from 200 thousand people to more than six million (last year). Of these, 100 thousand are foreign tourists.

On famous architectural objects you can see 3D video mapping and plot presentations.


The main venue of the Circle of Light 2017 festival in Moscow is Ostankino. On September 23 at 20.00 the opening ceremony of the festival will take place there. The country's main television tower celebrates its half-century anniversary this year. The technology of projecting three-dimensional images onto an architectural object - video mapping - will allow the birthday girl to “try on” images of the tallest buildings in the world.

The famous skyscrapers and television towers of France, the UAE, Canada, the USA, China, Japan and Australia will appear before the audience against the backdrop of the natural attractions of these countries.

Fountains, burners, and lighting fixtures will be installed on Ostankino Pond. Guests will be treated to an extraordinary multimedia show combining light, lasers, choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a grandiose pyrotechnic show.


Theater Square (September 23 - 27, 19.30 - 23.00). On this site, the “Celestial Mechanics” program is a kind of non-verbal dialogue of a couple in love and a plastic dialogue of two buildings. The synthesis of choreography, drama and light will erase the boundaries between the Bolshoi and Maly theaters.

The second show is Timeless. The Maly Theater will invite you on a journey through centuries and eras along with the great Russian classics. Denying the linear flow of time, decorations created from historical sketches will appear on two facades at once, and scenes from famous performances will unfold.

Also at the Bolshoi and Maly theaters the works of participants in the Art Vision competition will be shown.

Free admission.


m. "Tsaritsyno",

st. Dolskaya, 1.

The festival will take place at two venues.

At the Grand Palace (19.30 - 23.00) the audiovisual mapping “Palace of Senses” will be shown. With the help of light and music, the authors of the story will enliven the façade of the building and tell the audience about its... feelings.

On September 24, you can watch a live performance by the art group “Turetsky Soprano”, accompanied by a video projection on the facade of the palace. Viewers will be treated to a mix of lighting technologies accompanied by one of the best female groups in Russia, which features voices from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest (mezzo). On other days, women's voices will be recorded.

At Tsaritsynsky Pond (19.30 - 23.00) - fountain show. Dozens of fountains will dance to the works of Russian composers. Light installations will be on throughout the evening.

Stroginskaya floodplain

m. "Krylatskoye".

21.30 - 22.00.

The powerful finale of the festival will be a show in the waters of the Stroginsky backwater. For the first time in Russia, viewers can expect a large-scale 35-minute pyrotechnic show from Japanese manufacturers. According to the organizers, Japanese fireworks are unique in their properties and have no analogues in the world. For the show, barges will be installed on the water, on which pyrotechnic installations will be placed. The charges of Japanese fireworks are much larger than usual, each shot is made manually, and the design is individual. They will open at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be about 240 meters.

You can attend the festival, as in previous years, absolutely free!


Last year, the Circle of Light festival was visited by 6 million people!


Festival events will be held in parallel at two indoor venues.

On September 24, the “Art Vision VJing” competition will take place at the “Mir” theater and concert hall, where teams from different countries will compete in the skill of creating light images to music. And on September 23 and 24, the Digital October center will host free educational lectures by lighting designers from all over the world.

During the Circle of Light festival, 10 streets will be closed.


Ostankino, Theater Square, Tsaritsyno, Strogino, Digital October, KZ Mir

Date and time of the festival/event

Sat, 09/23/2017 - 00:00 - Wed, 09/27/2017 - 23:59

Ticket prices

Free admission

From September 23 to 27, 2017, the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" will be held in the capital Moscow.

The Circle of Light festival is held annually. For five days, Moscow will once again turn into a city of light - lighting designers and specialists in the field of audiovisual art from all over the world will transform the architectural appearance of the capital. Its most famous buildings will feature colorful large-scale video projections, the streets will be illuminated with fabulous installations, and fantastic multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks will give an unforgettable experience and vivid emotions.

Admission to the opening ceremony of the Circle of Light, as well as to other performances of the festival, is free. However, you can watch the opening ceremony up close - from specially organized stands. To do this you need to get an invitation card. In particular, you can win invitation tickets to the opening ceremony of the festival by participating in a competition held on the official VKontakte page of the festival.

ATTENTION! Tickets for the stands are distributed through social services and departments of the Moscow government. Tickets are also raffled off in competitions on the festival’s social networks.

Venues and schedule of the festival "Circle of Light 2017"

The festival will take place at the following venues in Moscow: Ostankino, Teatralnaya Square, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Strogino, Digital October and the Mir Concert Hall.


This is one of the main venues of the Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light 2017". The opening ceremony will take place here on September 23. A musical and multimedia show using video projection, choreography of fountains, synergy of light, lasers and fire will unfold on the Ostankino Tower and the water surface of the Ostankino pond and will end with a grandiose pyrotechnic show.


A multimedia show traveling through different countries of the world and their geographical natural beauties. The opening ceremony will end with a 15-minute grandiose pyrotechnic show involving the Ostankino Tower

ATTENTION! In connection with the opening ceremony of the festival, a number of roads in the Ostankino area will be blocked. Changes will also be made to the operation of public transport. The road closure plan at the Ostankino site on September 23 and 24 was published in the photo gallery on this page (see above).

A multimedia show traveling through different countries of the world and their geographical natural beauties. The program will end with a 7-minute grandiose pyrotechnic show.

theatre square

The main buildings on this site are the Bolshoi and Maly theaters. The light show on their facades will tell a love story. In addition, the site will host a screening of works from the ARTVISION competition. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate new works of light art to the audience at the Bolshoi Theater in the Classic category and at the Maly Theater in the Modern category.


Viewers can expect a story about love and loneliness. About the impossibility of accepting one person by another, but at the same time the impossibility of existing alone.


The light history of the Maly Theater will be told to the audience.


On the façade of the Bolshoi Theater, viewers can expect new works in the genre of classic architectural video mapping. Participants will demonstrate the art of interaction of 2D-3D light-color projections on a physical object in the urban environment, taking into account its geometry and location in space.


The facade of the Maly Theater will become a canvas for the works of participants in the ART VISION competition in the “Modern” category. This nomination differs from classic architectural video mapping in that the authors constantly search for and use new technologies, tools, and knowledge in the field of modern artistic trends.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

At this site, viewers can expect an audiovisual show at the Grand Catherine Palace, a live performance by Turetsky’s Soprano art group to the accompaniment of light and music, a fountain show on the Tsaritsyn Pond and amazing light installations.




Viewers will witness a unique combination of lighting technologies with recordings of songs from one of the best female groups in Russia, which features voices from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest (mezzo).



Dozens of fountains will come to life to the music of classical works by Russian composers, making spectators part of a large water orchestra.



Throughout the evening, amazing light installations from leading lighting designers from all over the world will be running in Tsaritsyno Park. 4 light installations will be installed:

  • Your own space;
  • Mushroom glade;
  • Raindrops;
  • Vinyl Mapping.


The program will feature a number of classical works performed by Dmitry Malikov, which will be translated into the language of visual metaphors and images by the VJ team, winner of the ART VISION competition.



Spectators can expect a bright 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show, which has no analogues in Russia. Hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched from four barges installed in the waters of the Stroginsky backwater, the largest of which, 600 mm caliber, has never been presented in Russia before. Japanese fireworks are unique in their properties and have no analogues in the world. They surpass other fireworks in their color and brightness, and the manual production process, passed down from time immemorial, makes each projectile a true work of art.

Digital October

From year to year, the site remains a constant meeting place for famous professionals in the field of visual art and aspiring light artists. An educational program consisting of lectures, seminars and practical classes helps beginners master the basics and reveals many secrets and subtleties in working with light.

Schedule of educational events in Digital October

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and public presentations.

To attend the events, you must register on the official festival website using the link.

September 23, Saturday

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion: When will robots replace designers?
Participants: Andrey Sebrant (Yandex), Andrey Kalinin (MailRU Group), Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Kaplan, artist Alexandra Gavrilova (Stain).
Moderator – Olga Vad (curator of the Polytechnic Museum)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: What “shines” for us. Gaston Zahr OGE Creative Group (Israel)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: Fulldome revolution. Pedro Zaz (Portugal)

15:20 - 16:20 Evolution of 3D mapping. Alexander Meltsev (Panasonic Russia)

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Rays of Light – educational sprint
Participants: Tanya Samarakovskaya, Vadim Mirgorodsky (co-founder of the Truce media design studio), Vadim Goncharov (front-end developer), Sergey Batyshev (media designer), moderator - Dmitry Karpov

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 Presentation: Using Blacktrax technology in multimedia performances. Dreamlaser

13:20 - 14:00 Presentation: Flaretic: An environment for creating real-time graphics. Julien Vulliet (France)

14:30 - 15:10 Presentation: Bolshoi Ostrovsky.

Technologies for creating dramatic mapping shows at the Bolshoi and Maly theaters from the Dobro studio.

15:20 - 16:20 Presentation: Unity of technology and art in collaboration with brands. Radugadesign

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1*

MadMapper 3.0 - DMX lighting control system. François Wunshel

Auditorium 2*

TouchDesigner: Elementary mathematics. Ilya Derzaev

Auditorium 3*

Unreal Visual Orchestra / Unreal Visual Orchestra. Kuflex

Auditorium 4*

Laser projectors Outdoor Lasers in lighting design. Outdoor Lasers

11:00 - 18:00 - Demonstration of a collection of videos with bright multimedia projects from around the world in 2016-2017.

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion. Profession lighting designer: creating an incubator for geniuses.
Participants: Natalya Markevich (lighting designer, curator of the Lighting Design course at the MARSH school), Artem Voronov (co-founder of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute lighting design school MPEI Light Lab), Natalya Bystryantseva (Higher School of Lighting Design at ITMO University) and Sergey Sizy (member of the international union of lighting designers IALD, founder and run LiDS lighting design schools and studios).
Moderator - Vladimir Pavlovich Budak (Department of Lighting Engineering MPEI)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: All art was modern. Marzia Lodi, European Institute of Design (IED, Italy)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: From phantasmagoria to sensory reality? Olga Mink (Netherlands)

15:20 - 16:20 Lecture: 1024 architecture – From the physical to the intangible. Panorama of studio projects 1024"

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Light orchestra - original lighting solutions for musical performances and events.

Participants: Roman Vakulyuk (Global Show Trade), Alexander Fuks, Marina Larikova, Oleg Tysyachny and Pavel Gusev (True Light Crew), moderator – Alexey Shcherbina

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 Video mapping. Entertainment and efficiency. Ivan Gorokhov, Meshsplash

13:20 - 14:00 Opening ceremony of Expo 2017 in Astana. Anton Sakara (Raketamedia)

14:30 - 15:10 Space Ku. Kuflex

15:20 - 16:20 Personality beyond new media. Natalya Bystryantseva (Higher School of Lighting Design, ITMO University, Russia)

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1*

Mapping on complex objects. Dreamlaser

Auditorium 2*

Design and control of lighting installations using VDMX and Unity. Mikhail Grigoriev, Ilya Ryzhkov (Luna Park)

Auditorium 3*

Visual effects and compositing in vvvv. Julien Vullier (Mr. Vux, France), Ekaterina Danilova (Idwyr)

* - Pre-registration is required, the number of places is limited

11:00 - 18:00 - Demonstration of a collection of videos with bright multimedia projects from around the world 2016-2017

KZ "Mir"

On September 24 at 20:00 the competition of the best light and music teams will take place in the “VJing” category of the ART VISION competition. Each VJ only has 10 minutes to present their best video projections accompanied by a live DJ set. Who will do it better and more creatively? The audience's reaction also affects the judges' scores! Musical accompaniment of the competition - DJ Artem Splash.

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