Does God really exist? A famous atheist scientist proved that God exists.

Does God Really Exist – Evidence? Sooner or later, every thinking person asks himself this question. If you are thinking about this, you are not alone. After all, this question has been the main question of philosophy from ancient times to this day (“What comes first? Consciousness or matter?”).

Based on the answer to the question “Does God exist?” The world of people is divided into 3 categories:

  • Some people are believers– believe that God exists and they do not need evidence of his existence.
  • Others are atheists- believe that the world is material and do not believe in the immaterial God, as the main Designer and Creator of this world.
  • Still others are agnostics- believe that discussing the question of whether God really exists is pointless, since it is impossible to prove the existence of something that cannot be “touched” or “seen.”

One way or another, but the answer to the question of whether to believe or not to believe in the existence of God is influences our entire future life. You will learn exactly how this influence occurs in this amazing 3-minute video.

Proof of the existence of God. VIDEO

So, today, both believers and non-believers believe that it is impossible to rationally prove the existence of God. Only the reasons for thinking so are different for both.

Believers believe that God reveals himself only in purity of heart, and not with the help of a proud and arrogant mind. Non-believers believe that only science is objective and once it is impossible to measure and record the fact of God’s existence, it means he does not exist.

But few people know that since the times of medieval philosophy there is a tradition and practice of proving the existence of God. The philosopher and scholastic theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote works in which he provided 5 proofs of the existence of God. Also, proof of the existence of God was given in his works by the philosopher of those times, Anselm of Canterbury.

Strictly speaking, the question, “Is consciousness or matter primary?” is the fundamental question of philosophy. This question can be formulated in other words like this: “Is there a God?”, “Who created matter?”, “What happened before the big bang?”, “Could life on Earth have arisen by chance? and so on.

If you want to know in detail all 16 proofs of whether God really exists, derived by philosophers, you can contact to this article. This list includes, among other things, 5 Proofs for the Existence of God by Thomas Aquinas.

Here I will give only a few of them - the most indisputable and obvious evidence of the existence of God from life itself, noticed by Aristotle and other philosophers.

"Existential proof" of the existence of God

This proof is formulated as follows: for any structure to exist, continuous expenditure of energy from the outside is required. As soon as the flow of energy from outside stops, the structure collapses.

Let's look at examples. To build a house, you will spend energy on designing it, building it, and then maintaining the house. If you stop maintaining the house, it will fall into disrepair. One more example. If you want to have your own garden, you will need to spend energy preparing the land and planting plants. As soon as you stop putting in your work, your energy, the weeds will destroy your garden.

Our entire world, including not only the Earth and the Solar system, but also the entire Universe and the microcosm, is much more complex than a house and a garden.

So why do such complex structures still exist? Undoubtedly, due to the fact that they were created by Someone and have been maintained by Him since then.

“The Anthropic Principle of the Universe” as proof of the existence of God

Most likely, you have noticed that recently, science and religion, which were in conflict for a long time, have recently begun to come closer again. After all, research, for example, in the field, shows that the world is not as “material” as we previously imagined it to be.

Other useful articles But let's return to the Anthropic principle of the Universe. Modern science suddenly found out that the emergence of life on Earth, as well as the development of civilization, became possible only thanks to

paradoxical to an unlikely combination of extremely harsh conditions. Among them:

And many more proportions and interconnections of our complex world coincided. Scientists say that the interconnectedness of all these factors is such that the possibility of their coincidence is completely excluded.

"Cosmological proof" of the existence of God

Every thing in this world, including the Universe, has a reason for its existence and it is impossible to continue the chain, the sequence of reasons indefinitely. Eventually we will come to the First Cause.

Today not only philosophers, but also other scientists talk about it (“What happened before the Big Bang?”). The answer to the question “What is the first cause of the Universe?” suggests itself. This is God, he is not material, but “ideal”, “spiritual”, like a thought, and is rather not the Cause, but the Creator of the Universe and its Laws.

Is there a God - the opinions of scientists

Moving further and further into the microcosm and macrocosm, scientists are increasingly saying that science and religion do not contradict each other at all. Previously, before science and religion diverged, many scientists, such as Newton, were theologians.

Isn't it exciting? Would you like to know the answers to these questions: - Why are the secrets of the universe, the laws of physics, and solutions to problems in mathematics revealed only to selected geniuses? What is their secret? - and p Why did ancient Greek philosophers in the Golden Age of civilization receive revelations about the universe, but we are not visited now? Read the answers to these questions in this useful and informative article


I would really like the article “Does God Really Exist – Evidence” to be useful to you. The main conclusion that can be drawn by carefully observing the world around us is that Someone created and decorated this world for us. This Someone constantly supports him and without Him the world could not exist for even a moment.

I wish you all joy in learning new things and inspiration in all your endeavors!

S. Amalanov

Does God exist? Proof.

The question of the origin of life remains open for most people. If we take into account the possibility of life being brought to Earth from space, then there are two main possible versions of the origin of life in the Universe.

  1. Life arose as a result of random biochemical processes (abiogenesis).
  2. Life was initiated by a certain Supreme Divine Person, who is the root cause of the entire universe.

In view of the fact that we do not have direct evidence of either the first or second option, we can only use our reason to logically approach the answer to the origin of life.

The world around us can be divided into animate (living) and inanimate (non-living) objects.

Everything that happens in our world is subject to rules that have their exceptions, as well as rules or laws that Dont Have exceptions.

Evidence that God exists.

What can be the basis for proof that God exists? It is not possible to directly imagine God Himself. Therefore, proving the existence of God can be presented in the following form:

The existence of unambiguous laws that point to a certain object - possessing the qualities of the Almighty. Moreover, it is important that the laws presented do not have a single case of exception.

Let's consider the following laws of the universe.

The first law has no exceptions.

This is the law of cause and effect. From this law it follows that any manifestation has one or more causes, and itself, in turn, is the cause of other manifestations. Everything we see around us is the result of some reason.

Based on this law, it follows: in order for all existing objects to appear, there must be one original Root cause of all things, and this Root cause- exists outside the law of time.

The second law has no exceptions.

Inanimate (non-living) objects - can become the cause of other inanimate objects.

Animate (living) objects - can become the cause of both inanimate and animate objects.

From this law it follows: The root cause of the entire universe can only be a living (animate) being.

Previously, when living nature was not yet so well studied, hypotheses arose that living beings could arise directly from inanimate nature. When conducting more thorough research, and maintaining the purity of experiments, scientists were unable to reproduce the process of the origin of life from inorganic substance. Later, when the DNA molecule was discovered and it became known that the information in it is stored in encoded form, attempts to “generate” life from an inanimate substance did not occur among adequate people.

The third law, which has no exceptions.

If all parts of one object have one common property, then an object consisting entirely of such parts also has this property.

For example: if all, without exception, the parts of which the table consists are made of wood, then we can say that the entire table is made of wood. All this is absolutely obvious.

All living biomass of the Earth consists of living objects. All living objects have one common property: the reason for their appearance was another living object (law No. 2). According to the third law, all biomass of the Earth (that is, life on Earth) has a source of life, which can only be - another living object.

Not recognizing this conclusion means admitting your thinking is illogical and inadequate, not taking into account obvious facts that have not a single exception.

All three of these laws can be applied to all life in the Universe. And only the real fact of the origin of a living object from a non-living one can force us to reconsider these laws of origin.

If we claim that life (a living object) occurred as a result of the random interaction of inanimate elements, then we will contradict everything that we can see, that is, common sense. And if we cannot give a clear and definite description of this First Cause, then we must recognize the fact of its existence.

Let's take a closer look at a living object.

All bodies that have signs of life have a cellular structure. When scientists better studied the structure and functions of cells, it became clear that the substance, the contents of the cell, is an extremely complex system of heterogeneous components. The cell has irritability, the ability to move, grow, reproduce and adapt to changes in the external environment. The set of biochemical processes carried out by a cell that ensure its growth and restoration is called metabolism, or metabolism. The protoplasm of each cell is constantly changing: it absorbs new substances, subjects them to various chemical changes, builds new protoplasm and converts the energy contained in the molecules of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into kinetic energy and heat, as these substances turn into other, simpler ones connections. This constant expenditure of energy is one of the characteristic features of living organisms, peculiar to them alone. Tens of thousands of chemical reactions occur in living cells, each of which has a specific meaning. Among other things, a cell of a living organism has the ability to reproduce. If you set the task to develop and “construct” something similar, even at the current level of development of science, this does not seem possible. That is, with the application of the accumulated intellectual potential of all humanity! Is it possible to speak seriously about the “accidentality” of the origin of this most complex organic formation, due to the random “successful” mixing of chemical elements? It’s the same as after a sandstorm, the Moscow City building “accidentally” gets built, with all the office equipment inside.

The DNA molecule deserves special consideration. This molecule stores all the necessary information to build a new organism. The uniqueness of this structure is that all the information contained in the molecule is encrypted. This fact alone proves that the creation of this structure cannot be explained by chance. Deciphering this information, in order to build a new organism, also cannot do without the presence of a decoding program. Nothing can be encrypted in a strictly defined order “by itself”, and then, also “by itself”, decrypted.

All these discovered facts prove that the organization of such complex structural formations, simply by the fact of the existence of its structure, cannot do without the use of an intellectual principle. And this proves that the root cause of all things is a living object, whose abilities cannot be compared with the abilities of a person.

The fact is that the theory of the origin of life as a result of random biochemical processes arose when the complex structure of a living cell was not yet so well studied. Therefore, the version of the “random” origin of life did not look as ridiculous as it looks now.

Modern scientists have already learned how to write encoded information into a DNA molecule, and subsequently decode and read it. Against the background of these capabilities acquired by man, genetic modeling of living beings, other intelligent beings, began to look absolutely natural. But we should not forget that according to the law of cause and effect, there must exist Root cause- the main source of life, which was the cause of the very first intelligent being. And this Root cause- exists outside of time. Man, due to his imperfect mind, is unable to understand how one can exist outside of time. But a person must be intelligent enough to recognize the existence of things beyond his understanding. And this means that such things as the First Cause of Life must be understood as an axiom, without trying to fully understand it with your consciousness, which is not sufficiently adapted for this.

Many reasonable people, based on obvious things and laws that surround us, clearly believe in the existence of an Intelligent First Cause of all things. But, at the same time, they believe: since God is so Incomprehensible, then there is no need for religions - as such. Thus, “freeing” oneself from the comprehension of spiritual knowledge. The question why religion is necessary is given a complete and demonstrative answer in the article.

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

The most significant counterweight to the idea of ​​the existence of a divine principle is the theory of Charles Darwin. This theory is still taught in high school. Modern scientists are in no hurry to accept the critical views of their colleagues on the theory of evolution. Too much would have to be rewritten and rethought throughout science. And what a large number of academic degrees, titles and scientific works would have to be annulled.

The thing is that Darwin outlined his theory at a time when scientists could not so carefully study the structure of living organisms. Moreover (!), DARWIN HIMSELF ACTUALLY REFUTED HIS THEORY. Read more. Darwin's theory was based on the gradual development and complexity during the evolution of living organisms. That is, all organs of a living being and living organisms themselves, according to the theory, should develop gradually, from simpler ones to more complex ones. Darwin recognized that if organs of living beings are discovered, which, in the absence of one element, could not function. That is, the organ had to appear - immediately. So called - irreducible or complex organs.

And such bioconstructions were found!

An "irreducible" or complex element , which demonstrates a refutation of Darwin's theory, became a small flagellum for the movement of single-celled organisms. In fact, it turned out to be a complex, unique bio-mechanism.

1. The flagellum for movement under water is an absolutely irreducible structure. She simply will not be able to work if she removes even one detail. Based on this, the theory of gradual development suffers a crushing failure. Below is a video film in which scientists, by the way, former supporters of the theory, having studied in detail the complex irreducible structure of the flagellum, came to an unequivocal conclusion: this element could not gradually develop. All its components are absolutely necessary for the flagellum to function!

If you remove one - any element of this biological structure, then the flagellum simply will not perform its functions.

Conclusion: this bioconstruction appeared immediately, and not gradually “in the course of evolution.” This means that the reason for its appearance was a reasonable idea embodied in the reality of a complex biological structure.

According to the theory, the evolution of species should have occurred gradually, from simpler to more complex. It would be logical to assume that the DNA molecule, which in its essence is an encoded blueprint of the future organism, should have become increasingly more complex as new organisms being formed became more and more complex. But after studying the DNA of the amoeba, scientists discovered that the size of the genome of a single-celled amoeba is approximately one hundred (!!) times larger than the human genome! In addition, the DNA of two very similar species can be radically different. This inexplicable, and clearly contradictory discovery, scientists called the C - paradox.

More details about refuting the theory of evolution are given in the article

Or, you can watch a 28 minute scientific VIDEO that shows Darwin himself essentially refuting his theory:

How to prove to an atheist that God exists?

There is a category of people who say: show me God, then I will believe. To prove anything to such a person is to waste your time in the most useless way. He has already decided everything for himself. A person who really wants to find out something for himself is ready to follow the path of knowledge, or at least logical reasoning.

You can prove to a person that God exists if you analyze such a phenomenon as clairvoyance.

Everyone knows such a phenomenon as clairvoyance. It is defined as a type of extrasensory perception, the presumed ability of a person to receive information beyond the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future (Wikipedia). One of the most striking examples of possessing the gift of clairvoyance was Vanga, Nastradamus. However, there will always be skeptics whose pride will not allow them to reconcile with the fact that there is someone with greater abilities than him. In particular, Michel Nastradamus is accused of lacking a clear reference to time in the events described in his quatrains. But the time of the events predicted by Nastradamus was given in encrypted form. And Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima were able to decipher these dates, which they outlined in their book “Deciphered Nastradamus.” Numerous facts confirming Vanga’s clairvoyance also speak for themselves. But how can this unusual phenomenon be explained? Let's try to figure it out.

In essence, we encounter the effect of clairvoyance every day. For example, a weather forecast is also a fact of “clairvoyance”, but it is not always accurate. In essence, clairvoyance is an accurate forecast of events that will happen in the future. But what is necessary in order to predict future events as accurately as possible? For this you need two things:

  1. All possible data that may affect the course of the predicted event;
  2. Error-free, accurate analytical processing of all this data, giving the only correct forecast for the development of a particular event.

What data primarily influences and ultimately determines all major events? These are the thoughts and desires of people that, to one degree or another, can influence the development of the predicted event. And the only person to whom these properties are attributed is the Supreme Divine Personality. The most complete picture of what is happening is given by Vedic scriptures, such as "Bhagavad Gita" . They say that the Supreme Divine Personality, who is the First Cause of everything, resides in the heart of every living being in the form of Paramatma, and who knows all the thoughts and desires of the living being.

“I reside in the heart of every living being, and from Me come memory, knowledge and forgetfulness. The purpose of all the Vedas is to understand Me.”

The approximate dimensions of Paramatma are also given, which are equal to the distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the ring finger of the hand, that is, approximately twenty centimeters. According to Vedic literature, the heart also contains the soul - “atma”, which is a living being associated for a certain time with the physical body.

The Vedic scriptures also state that Paramatma (Supersoul) and atma (soul) are of the same nature. That is, in other words, they represent identical substances.

Let's summarize. The Supreme Being, who is the main source of life, is present in every person, in the form of some wave field (Paramatma). Human thoughts, which also have a wave characteristic, are accessible to Paramatma. Thus, God has all the information about every person. Having the most powerful analytical thinking and all the necessary information, the Supreme Being has the ability to give an accurate forecast of events that will occur in the future. This information is transmitted to a person (predictor), who voices these future events.

Some clairvoyants (also Vanga) have the ability to “read” information from a person’s information field, and even from objects belonging to a person. But only the Supreme Personality can process and summarize all the information coming from millions of people. People with the gift of clairvoyance explain that information simply appears in their heads as ready-made video information.

In fact, the manifestation of such a phenomenon as clairvoyance proves the existence of a certain Supreme Personality, which, due to its presence in the form of an energetic substance (Paramatma), in the body of living beings, has complete information about a living being (including its thoughts). But just try to imagine what kind of analytical power you need to have in order to process such an amount of information, taking into account the dynamics of interaction of this data with each other! And the fact that people periodically appear who demonstrate such unique capabilities looks like a demonstration of evidence of the existence of a Supreme Personality possessing supernatural abilities that are very difficult to comprehend.

In order to be convinced that the DNA molecule could not be created “by chance”, but only because of a reason - an intelligent initiation on the part of an incomprehensibly powerful Being, you can read the following research by scientists.

DNA is the largest information storage molecule in the entire universe. Modern discoveries reject the idea of ​​junk DNA, which does not code for proteins, and reveal many of its amazing functions that we have only recently become aware of. Dr. John Mattick, a leading expert on DNA function, believes that junk DNA acts like the latest computer operating system. More recently, he expressed his regret that the idea that non-protein-coding DNA is junk has seriously damaged science:
“The failure to recognize all the implications of [non-protein-coding DNA] may well be considered one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology.”
Electrical protection.
Another remarkable property of DNA in cells is the way it conducts electricity. 2,3 But DNA is very vulnerable and can be easily damaged. Free radicals attack DNA by removing an electron (the process of oxidation) from one of the bases - the chemical “symbols” of the DNA code. The resulting “hole” at the site of the electron can move along the DNA and behave like a positive electric current.

We have already said that some of the “junk” DNA is paired between the “symbols” A and T (the bases adenine and thiamine), and this blocks the harmful electrical current. These pairings act as insulation or an “electronic lock in the circuit,” protecting important genes from electrical damage from free radicals attacking distant parts of the DNA.

More recently, Jacqueline Barton of the California Institute of Technology showed that DNA also uses its electrical properties for protection. Along the edges of some genes there is a sequence of G “symbols” (the base guanine). They easily absorb the electron hole, so that it moves along the DNA until it reaches a sequence of G symbols. This diverts damage away from the parts of DNA that code for proteins.

This is very similar to the principle behind galvanized iron. Here, a coating of reactive and less important metal - zinc - sacrificing itself, takes on all the oxidation, protecting the iron from rust.
DNA damage is scanned electrically.
Our cells have an elaborate DNA repair mechanism. If we consider that in each cell there are about 3 billion “letters” responsible for information, then the amount of checking to detect errors must be very large.

Undamaged DNA conducts electricity, while damage blocks the current. Dr. Barton discovered that some "repair" enzymes exploit this pattern. One pair of enzymes attaches to different parts of the DNA strand. One of the enzymes sends an electron along the filament. If the DNA is intact, the electron reaches the other enzyme and causes it to separate, i.e. this process checks the region of DNA between them. If there is no damage, there is no need for repair.

But if there is damage, the electron does not reach the second enzyme. This enzyme moves further along the thread until it reaches the problem area, and then corrects it. This repair mechanism appears to be present in all living things, from bacteria to humans.

Such an ingenious repair system must have existed in all life forms from the very beginning, otherwise, due to damage to the DNA, life could not continue. As scientists discover more evidence of the complexity of life, we are even more convinced of how “wonderfully made” we are.

Having reviewed all of the above arguments, not a single person with adequate thinking would think of asserting that life could “spontaneously originate” as a result of the chaotic mixing of molecules. Well, those people who are in no way satisfied with the existence of the Supreme Mind will always exist. And they will have no hope of obtaining new - true knowledge about the universe - until they have a desire to receive this knowledge!

An interesting fact is that committing sinful acts, and even just thoughts, which are considered “sinful” in different religions, greatly reduce the speed of the brain, that is, they reduce the amount of vital (mental) energy, which is directly perceived by a person as a feeling of happiness . You can read more about this in the article (the page will open in a new additional window).

Peace to everyone! S. Amalanov


- it is told in more detail about what type of charitable activity is called charity of the highest effectiveness. And also why some people feel the need to engage in charitable activities.

— — research, statements. quotes from famous scientists about God. Documentary film "DEVOLUTION OF HUMAN". .

You can become familiar with all the main types of spiritual development and real knowledge about the main source of life by reading one of the most ancient sacred scriptures, which contains the whole essence of Vedic wisdom - "Bhagavad Gita" published on our website.

"BHAGAVAD-GITA as it is" - book. which over five thousand years has changed the minds and lives of millions of people, read on our website.

Especially for Sergei.

Evidence based on the laws of thermodynamics

A very common point of view is that existence of God it is unprovable by rational and logical means that His existence can only be taken on faith as an axiom. Believe it if you want, believe it if you want, it’s a personal matter for everyone. As for Sciences , then it is most often believed that her job is to study our material world , study using rational-empirical methods, and since God immaterial, then the science has nothing to do with Him - let him, so to speak, “be concerned with” Him.

religion immaterial, then In fact, this is just not true - namely provides us with the most convincing evidence of the existence God the Creator everything around us.

material world Already in the 9th grade of secondary school, students have an idea of ​​some fundamental scientific laws , for example, about Law of conservation of energy (also called the 1st Law of Thermodynamics), and the Law of Spontaneous Growth entropy , also known as 2nd Law of Thermodynamics . So, the existence of the biblical God the Creator is a direct logical consequence of these two most important.

scientific laws , then it is most often believed that her job is to study our Let us first ask ourselves the question: where did the things we observe around us come from?

1) ? There are several possible answers to this: World slowly evolved for many billions or trillions of years from some " primordial matter " At present this is, so to speak, the “generally accepted” point of view. It's as if there once existed a complete chaos , which then, for unknown reasons, suddenly “exploded” ( The Big Bang Theory slowly), and then slowly " " from " primary broth

2) "to amoebas, and then to humans. Material world

3) "to amoebas, and then to humans. has always existed, forever, in the form in which we see it now.

4) ? There are several possible answers to this: it just came out of nowhere a certain time ago. was created God some time ago in the form primordial chaotic matter slowly, and then to the modern species over many millions of years, but not “by itself,” but under the influence of the same God . This is the so-called theory theistic evolution

5) "to amoebas, and then to humans. was created out of nothing was created a certain time ago in a completely completed form and since then to the present has been in a state of gradual degradation. Is this a biblical concept or creationism.

Now, armed with the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, let's try to answer the question, which of these concepts is correct, or, more precisely, which of them is this laws At least it doesn't contradict.

The first of the above concepts clearly contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, according to which, everything natural spontaneous processes are going in the direction of increase (also called the 1st Law of Thermodynamics), and the Law of Spontaneous Growth(that is, chaos, disorder) systems. Evolution How spontaneous complication natural systems is completely and absolutely unequivocally prohibited 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. This law tells us that chaos can never, under any circumstances, establish itself order. Spontaneous complication any natural system is impossible. For example, " primordial broth"never, under any conditions, in any trillions and billions of years could give rise to more highly organized protein bodies, which, in turn, never, in any trillions of years could" evolve"in such highly organized structure, As a person. Thus, this "generally accepted" modern view of origin of the universe is absolutely incorrect, since it contradicts one of the fundamental empirically established is a direct logical consequence of these two most important2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

The 2nd concept also contradicts 2nd Law. For if our , then it is most often believed that her job is to study our was eternal and had no beginning in time, then it is quite obvious that, according to 2nd Law, He degraded would by now reach the full level chaos. We, however, observe in the world around us highly ordered structures, which, by the way, we ourselves are. So, the logical consequence of the 2nd Law is the conclusion that our Universe, everything around us , then it is most often believed that her job is to study our had a beginning in time.

3rd concept, according to which world arose out of nothing “by itself” a certain time ago in a ready-made highly ordered form, and since then slowly degrades, – of course, does not contradict the 2nd Law. But... it contradicts the 1st Law ( Law of Conservation of Energy), Whereby, energy(or matter, because E=mcc) cannot arise by itself, out of nothing.

The 4th concept, fashionable now, according to which evolution exists, but not “by itself”, but under “ controlled by God", also contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. This law, in fact, it makes absolutely no difference whether it happens evolution"by itself" or "under by God's leading" He simply speaks about the fundamental impossibility of occurrence in nature evolutionary processes and records the presence in it processes directly opposite - processes of spontaneous disorganization. If evolutionary processes of self-complication existed in nature (regardless of whether under the influence to the modern species over many millions of years, but not “by itself,” but under the influence of the same, or without Him), then 2nd Law simply would not have been open and formulated science in the form in which it now exists.

And only the 5th, biblical concept, creationism, completely satisfies both fundamental scientific laws. "to amoebas, and then to humans. did not arise by itself, it was created by the immaterial , study using rational-empirical methods, and since– and this corresponds Law of Conservation of Energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics), Whereby matter does not arise by itself out of nothing. Wherein 1st Law records the absence of occurrence matter (energy) from nothing at the present time, which also corresponds to the biblical statement that “in 6 days he completed , study using rational-empirical methods, and since his work and rested,” that is, that from that time , study using rational-empirical methods, and since no longer creates new ones matter. Mentioned in Bible"curse" imposed was created on , then it is most often believed that her job is to study our, just corresponds to the action , also known as.

Thus, one can calmly and boldly, without any exaggeration, assert that creation everything around us proven by science, since this fact is an obvious logical consequence of two fundamental, empirically established is a direct logical consequence of these two most important1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.

Another thing is that science you may not believe it. For example, various kinds of inventors " perpetual motion machines", in essence, do not believe in the truth 1st Law of Thermodynamics – Law of Conservation of Energy. That's why they are trying to invent a mechanism that would create energy"out of nothing." Likewise, those who believe in the truth theories of evolution, in fact, do not believe in the truth , also known as, which clearly prohibits the possibility evolution How self-complicating process- and in the same way they try to “invent”, come up with a “mechanism” that supposedly exists in nature or law, according to which there would be processes of self-organization of matter.

An absolute shock for the scientific world was the speech of the famous philosophy professor Anthony Flew. Under pressure from indisputable facts, the scientist admitted that atheism is a clear delusion.

The scientist, who today would be well over 80, was for many years one of the pillars of scientific atheism. For decades, Flew published books and gave lectures based on the thesis that faith in the Almighty is unjustified, writes the Meta portal.
However, since 2004, a series of scientific discoveries have forced the great defender of atheism to change his views. Flew publicly stated that he was wrong, and the Universe could not have arisen on its own - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.

According to Flew, previously he, like other atheists, was convinced that once upon a time, the first living matter simply appeared from dead matter. “Today it is impossible to imagine constructing an atheistic theory of the origin of life and the appearance of the first reproductive organism,” says Flew.

According to the scientist, modern data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutably indicate that it could not have arisen on its own, but was someone else’s design. The genetic code and the literally encyclopedic amounts of information that the molecule stores within it refutes the possibility of blind coincidence.

Wonderful creation

The Internet was blown up by the revelation of the famous British scientist Anthony Garrard Newton Flew, with which he spoke, renouncing his atheistic faith. This happened back in 2004, when Flew was 81 years old:

“My erroneous views have undoubtedly influenced the worldview of many people, and I want to correct the enormous harm that I, apparently, have caused to them,” said the scientist, who had previously enthusiastically and ardently given atheistic lectures at various higher educational institutions.

Recently, Flew’s revelation from almost ten years ago surfaced through the efforts of bloggers. And it caused an interested reaction from many. Which is not surprising for those who were not familiar with him - revelation. When famous people, and especially atheists, agree that God exists, it is shocking. Makes you want to understand what the reason is.

Here's what Anthony Flew himself explained at the time:

- Biological research on DNA has shown that for the emergence of life a truly incredible combination of many different factors is required, and this undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that the one who is capable of creating is involved in all this... Existing facts have convinced me of the absurdity of the theory that the first living the organism originated from inanimate matter, and then through evolution turned into a creature of extraordinary complexity... Now, even the very thought of the possibility of the origin of the first organism capable of self-reproduction, according to the scenario of spontaneous natural evolution, seems blasphemous to me...

Flue is not alone here. In fact, he is echoed by Francis Crick, who was one of the first to describe the helical structure of the DNA molecule:

- In the light of the knowledge that is available to us today, the only conclusion that an open-minded person can come to is the recognition of the fact that life is the result of some miraculous creation, otherwise how can one explain the amazingly precise interaction of a huge number of factors necessary for the origin of life and its development...

But this is what the American biochemist Professor Michael Behe, an employee of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and the author of the book “Darwin’s Black Box,” recently admitted:

— Over the past 50 years, biochemists have uncovered many important secrets of the human cell. Tens of thousands of people have dedicated their lives to laboratory research to unlock these secrets. But all the efforts expended to study the living organism clearly yielded one result: “Creation.”

It makes sense to pray

“God not only exists, but also intervenes in our lives,” proves in his bestseller “The Language of God” the famous geneticist and former head of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins, whom his own research also made him a deeply religious person and the author of the sensational saying: “There is no contradiction between faith in God and science.” The scientist refers to the quantum mechanism of uncertainty, which makes the world around us free, unpredictable in its development and completely inexplicable.

“God definitely controls the processes of the universe,” writes Collins, “but in ways so subtle that they are elusive to modern scientists. In this sense, science opens the door to the awareness of divine influence without encroaching on the existing laws of nature.

According to Collins, it turns out that since God messes with us at the quantum level, it makes sense to pray to him. And ask for help.

By the way, according to the memoirs of Darwin’s contemporaries, when he was already close to death and he was asked: “So who created the world?” - he answered: “By God.”

Philosopher, researcher at the Russian State University for the Humanities Alexey Grigoriev:

— The hopes of scientists of the 20th century that the world will be understood in a few decades have not yet come true. And today we do not know the answers to seemingly the most basic questions: what is energy, electron, attraction? None of the modern brilliant designers are able to create such a universal machine as a person. No engineer can build a system in which, like in the Universe, an amazing balance of planets would be preserved, preventing humanity from burning out or freezing. Aren’t you surprised by the physical constants that determine the structure of our world: gravitational, magnetic and many others? Many years ago, scientists proved: if these constants had been different, for example, differed from the current ones by only one percent, then neither atoms nor galaxies would have arisen. Not to mention the people.

The inexplicable orderliness and consistency of the structure of the Universe and man lead many scientists to believe in the Creator.

British physicist Martin John Rees, who won this year's Templeton Prize, believes that the Universe is a very complex thing. The scientist, who has more than 500 scientific papers to his credit, received $1.4 million for proving the existence of the Creator, although the physicist himself is an atheist, adds the Correspondent publication.

“According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God has been proven by scientific methods,” INTERFAX reports.

“God exists, and we can observe the manifestations of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists; they not only believe in the Creator, but rely on certain knowledge,” he said in an interview published on Friday by the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

At the same time, the scientist noted that in past centuries, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, there was no separation between science and religion. The priests were engaged in science because they were the most educated people. Newton himself had a theological education and often repeated: “I derive the laws of mechanics from the laws of God.”
When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what was happening inside the cell, the processes of duplication and division of chromosomes caused them a stunning reaction: “How could this happen if all this had not been foreseen by the Almighty?!”

“Indeed,” added A. Akimov, “if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, then, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the speed of biochemical processes, it would take much more time to create a man from primary cells than the age of the Universe itself.” .

“In addition,” he continued, “calculations were performed that showed that the number of quantum elements in the volume of the radio-observable Universe cannot be less than 10,155, and it cannot but possess superintelligence.”

“If this is all a single system, then, considering it as a computer, we ask: what is it that a computer system with so many elements cannot do? These are unlimited possibilities, an incommensurable number of times greater than the most sophisticated and modern computer!” - the scientist emphasized.
In his opinion, what various philosophers called the Universal Mind, the Absolute, is a super-powerful system that we identify with the potential capabilities of the Almighty.

“This,” says A. Akimov, “does not contradict the basic provisions of the Bible. There, in particular, it says that God is omnipresent, he is present always and everywhere. We see that this is so: the Lord has unlimited possibilities of influencing everything that happens.” A. Akimov was baptized at the age of 55. “Have you believed in God?” - the priest asked him when he came to church. “No, I just realized that He cannot but exist!” - answered the scientist.

Here are several indisputable proofs of the existence of God, the Supreme Creator of people, all things and life. I would immediately like to point out that the words Truth, Axiom, Fact, Truth are synonyms, meaning the same thing.

He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth from nothingness... (Quran, 6:101)

Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were one and that We separated them and created all living things from water? Will they not believe? (Quran, 21:30)

4 axioms proving the existence of God

  • ⇒ The first axiom that proves the existence of Almighty God is the axiom of laws. Our universe is filled with many physical laws. For example, the law of gravity, the law of universal gravitation, Ohm's law, the law of friction, Newton's law, etc. If you lift something and let it go, it will immediately fall to the ground. But did this object itself establish for itself that it would be attracted to the surface of the Earth, or did the Earth establish the law of attraction? Or maybe someone else established the law of attraction for the Earth and all objects? A similar example can be given with all other laws that operate in our universe. Who made all these laws? Our axiom indicates: “If there are laws, then there must be someone who established them.” After all, laws cannot be established by themselves. The question arises: who established all these laws of the universe? The only correct answer is God, the Creator of all things, Earth, Heaven and all life.
  • ⇒ The second axiom proves the very existence of God. It is called the axiom of orderliness. For example, you came home one day and saw a terrible mess and disorder in your home. The wallpaper on the walls is torn, the TV is broken, books are scattered, the computer is damaged. Of course, you will get scared and leave your home for some period. After a break, you return to your home and see complete order in it. A new TV and computer have been installed, new wallpaper and everything is in perfect order. The question arises: can order restore itself? By yourself? The axiom states: if order exists, then the one who established or brought it also exists. Now it’s worth looking into our bodies. Do they have some order, or is everything arranged and functioning chaotically? If you look at the sky, what can you see? You can observe some order: each Star has its own specific place! If you look into nature, you can also see complete harmony! Your heart is orderly, it contracts its muscle at certain time intervals, and the blood flows orderly through the arteries and veins! The entire universe lives in complete order! Therefore, a reasonable and justified question arises: who established order and organized all the celestial bodies and what is inside them? The only reasonable answer is God.
  • ⇒ The third axiom proving the existence of the Creator is the axiom of the trace. For example, if there is snow on the road, and then a car drives along the street, then in any case there will be a mark left on the snow. Now we transfer the example to life, the universe and people. Or let’s take any object that surrounds us. Everything around us is a trace of someone’s work or activity. Music is a trace of the composer's activity, a painting is a trace of the artist, a computer is the trace of the developers and engineers who put a lot of work into its creation, a book is a trace of the writers' work. And this list can be continued endlessly. The third axiom, proving the existence of God, states: “If there is a trace, then there must be someone who left it! The trail never appears on its own!” Man, everything that exists, life is the trace that points us all to the presence of the Creator.
  • ⇒ Finally, the fourth, most interesting axiom, which is called the axiom of limitation. Our mind is designed in such a way that it can only understand the essence of three things: man, the created world and life. Our mind is capable of knowing only within these three parameters. What is a person, life and this whole world? If we look at a person, we can see that he is a completely limited creature and is completely dependent on the factors that surround him. These are food, water, rest, etc. If we talk about life, then it represents a certain period of time that is given to a certain living creature. And this segment also has limitations. All things, Heaven and Earth are also limited. Life is limited, man is limited, all material and immaterial worlds are also limited. The fourth axiom states: “Limited things and objects are not capable of limiting themselves. Someone has limited them and given them boundaries beyond which they cannot go. The question arises: who limited all things (heaven, earth and all worlds), life and people? There is only one correct and reasonable answer - this is the Lord God. He Himself is not limited by anything, does not eat, does not sleep, does not need anything...

Creation of all things, heavens and earth

Video: “Facts of the Quran”

Think! There is still a lot of evidence that proves to us the existence of the Creator of all that exists. For example, what is more complex in its structure, a picture on the wall, or Heaven and Earth? Of course, everything that exists is many times more complex than a painting hanging on the wall. Question: “Is it possible to think that this picture appears on the wall by itself?” Of course not. So, is it possible to assume that such complex worlds independently appeared and were ordered? There is only one conclusion: someone created all these worlds. And the only reasonable answer is that everything that exists was created by Almighty God, who is not limited by anything and does not need anything.

The video shows very easily accessible information on how to correctly believe in God:

May the Almighty Creator make me and you constantly remember Him.

Koran 21:30

Statements by modern research scientists about God

Anyone who does not want to see anything other than chance in this harmony, which is revealed so clearly in the structure of the starry sky, must attribute Divine wisdom to this chance.

Astronomer Mädler

We have seen the work of the Creator in this world, which is unknown to other people. Look into biology, look at any organ of the human body or even the smallest insect. You will find so many amazing things there that you will not have enough time to explore them. It gives me and many of my employees the feeling that there is something great and beautiful. This Someone is the cause of the creation of the universe, and this Cause cannot be understood by us.

Dr. David R. Inglis,

Senior Physicist National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA

I cannot imagine the Universe and human life without some kind of meaningful beginning, without a source of spiritual “warmth” that lies outside matter and its laws.

Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov,

Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Mind created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact of the existence of a plan and, therefore, Reason is irrefutable. The order in the Universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and most sublime statement: “In the beginning is God.”

Arthur Compton

the greatest physicist of the 20th century, Nobel Prize laureate

The meaning and joy of my science come to me in those rare moments when I discover something new and say to myself: “So this is how God created it!” My goal is only to understand a small corner of God's plan.

Henry Schaeffer

famous quantum chemist

In Surah Al-Mulk, the Almighty Creator says to humanity:

67:3 He created seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any inconsistency in the creation of the Merciful. Take another look. Do you see any crack?
67:4 Then look again and again, and your gaze will return to you humiliated, weary.

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