"The Fate of Man" in abbreviation. "Tale M

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Mikhail Sholokhov’s sad story “The Fate of a Man” touches the heartstrings. Written by the author in 1956, it opens the naked truth about the atrocities of the Great Patriotic War and what Andrei Sokolov, a Soviet soldier, experienced in German captivity. But first things first.

The main characters of the story:

Andrei Sokolov is a Soviet soldier who had to experience a lot of grief during the Great Patriotic War. But, despite adversity, even captivity, where the hero suffered brutal abuse from the Nazis, he survived. The smile of an adopted orphan boy shone like a ray of light in the darkness of hopelessness, when the hero of the story lost his entire family in the war.

Andrei's wife Irina: a meek, calm woman, a real wife, loving her husband, who knew how to console and support in difficult times. When Andrei left for the front, I was in great despair. She died along with her two children when a shell hit the house.

Meeting at the crossing

Mikhail Sholokhov writes his work in the first person. It was the first post-war spring, and the narrator had to get to the Bukanovskaya station, which was sixty kilometers away, at any cost. Swimming along with the driver of the car to the other side of the river called Epanka, he began to wait for the driver, who had left for two hours.

Suddenly, a man with a little boy moving towards the crossing attracted attention. They stopped, said hello, and a casual conversation ensued, in which Andrei Sokolov - that was the name of the new acquaintance - told about his bitter life during the war years.

Andrey's difficult fate

Whatever kind of torment a person endures during the terrible years of confrontation between nations.

The Great Patriotic War maimed and wounded human bodies and souls, especially those who had to be in German captivity and drink the bitter cup of inhuman suffering. One of these was Andrei Sokolov.

Life of Andrei Sokolov before the Great Patriotic War

Fierce troubles befell the guy since his youth: his parents and sister died of hunger, loneliness, the war in the Red Army. But at that difficult time, Andrei’s clever wife, meek, quiet and affectionate, became a joy for Andrei.

And life seemed to be getting better: work as a driver, good earnings, three smart children who were excellent students (they even wrote about the eldest, Anatoly, in the newspaper). And finally, a cozy two-room house, which they built with the money they had saved just before the war... It suddenly fell on Soviet soil and turned out to be much worse than the previous, civil one. And Andrei Sokolov’s happiness, achieved with such difficulty, was broken into small fragments.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with, whose works are a reflection of the historical upheavals that the whole country was then experiencing.

Farewell to family

Andrei went to the front. His wife Irina and three children saw him off in tears. The wife was especially heartbroken: “My dear... Andryusha... we won’t see each other... you and I... anymore... in this... world.”
“Until my death,” Andrei recalls, “I will not forgive myself for pushing her away then.” He remembers everything, although he wants to forget: the white lips of the desperate Irina, who whispered something when they boarded the train; and the children, who, no matter how hard they tried, could not smile through their tears... And the train carried Andrei further and further, towards military everyday life and bad weather.

First years at the front

At the front, Andrei worked as a driver. Two minor wounds could not be compared with what he had to endure later, when, seriously wounded, he was captured by the Nazis.

In captivity

What kind of abuse did you have to endure from the Germans along the way: they hit you on the head with a rifle butt, and in front of Andrei they shot the wounded, and then they drove everyone into the church to spend the night. I would suffer even more main character, if there had not been a military doctor among the prisoners, who offered his help and put his dislocated arm in place. There was immediate relief.

Preventing Betrayal

Among the prisoners was a man who planned the next morning, when the question was asked whether there were commissars, Jews and communists among the prisoners, to hand over his platoon commander to the Germans. I was very afraid for my life. Andrei, having heard the conversation about this, was not taken aback and strangled the traitor. And subsequently I didn’t regret it one bit.

The escape

From the time of his captivity, Andrei became more and more obsessed with the idea of ​​escaping. And so I introduced myself real case accomplish your plan. The prisoners were digging graves for their own dead and, seeing that the guards were distracted, Andrei quietly escaped. Unfortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful: after four days of searching, he was returned, the dogs were released, he was tortured for a long time, he was put in a punishment cell for a month and, finally, he was sent to Germany.

In a foreign land

To say that life in Germany was terrible is an understatement. Andrei, listed as prisoner number 331, was constantly beaten, fed very poorly, and forced to work hard at the Stone Quarry. And once, for reckless words about the Germans, uttered inadvertently in the barracks, he was summoned to Herr Lagerfuehrer. However, Andrei was not afraid: he confirmed what was said earlier: “four cubic meters of production is a lot...” They wanted to shoot first, and would have carried out the sentence, but, seeing the courage of the Russian soldier who was not afraid of death, the commandant respected him, changed his mind and released him. barracks, even at the same time supplying food.

Release from captivity

While working as a driver for the Nazis (he drove a German major), Andrei Sokolov began to think about a second escape, which could be more successful than the previous one. That's how it happened.
On the road in the direction of Trosnitsa, having changed into German uniform, Andrey stopped the car with a sleeping person back seat major and stunned the German. And then he turned to where the Russians were fighting.

Among their

Finally, finding himself on the territory among Soviet soldiers, Andrei was able to breathe easy. He missed him so much native land that he fell to her and kissed her. At first, his own people did not recognize him, but then they realized that it was not a Fritz who had gotten lost at all, but his own, dear, Voronezh resident had escaped from captivity, and even brought important documents with him. They fed him, bathed him in the bathhouse, gave him uniform, but the colonel refused his request to take him into the rifle unit: it was necessary to receive medical treatment.

Terrible news

So Andrei ended up in the hospital. He was well fed, cared for, and after German captivity life might seem almost good, if not for one “but”. The soldier's soul yearned for his wife and children, he wrote a letter home, waited for news from them, but still no answer. And suddenly - terrible news from a neighbor, a carpenter, Ivan Timofeevich. He writes that neither Irina nor younger daughters and son. Their hut was hit by a heavy shell... And after that the elder Anatoly volunteered for the front. My heart sank from burning pain. After being discharged from the hospital, Andrei decided to go himself to the place where his native home. The spectacle turned out to be so depressing - a deep crater and waist-deep weeds - that I could not ex-husband and the father of the family does not stay there for a minute. I asked to go back to the division.

First joy, then sorrow

Among the impenetrable darkness of despair, a ray of hope flashed - the eldest son of Andrei Sokolov, Anatoly, sent a letter from the front. It turns out that he graduated from an artillery school - and has already received the rank of captain, “commands a battery of forty-fives, has six orders and medals...”
How happy this unexpected news made my father! How many dreams awoke in him: his son would return from the front, get married, and his grandfather would nurse his long-awaited grandchildren. Alas, this short-term happiness was shattered: on May 9, just on Victory Day, a German sniper killed Anatoly. And it was terrible, unbearably painful for my father to see him dead, in a coffin!

Sokolov's new son is a boy named Vanya

It was as if something had snapped inside Andrey. And he would not have lived at all, but simply existed, if he had not then adopted a little six-year-old boy, whose mother and father had both died in the war.
In Uryupinsk (due to the misfortunes that befell him, the main character of the story did not want to return to Voronezh), a childless couple took in Andrei. He worked as a truck driver, sometimes transporting bread. Several times, stopping at a teahouse for a snack, Sokolov saw a hungry orphan boy - and his heart grew attached to the child. I decided to take it for myself. “Hey, Vanyushka! Get in the car quickly, I’ll take you to the elevator, and from there we’ll come back here and have lunch,” Andrei called the baby.
- Do you know who I am? - asked, having learned from the boy that he was an orphan.
- Who? – Vanya asked.
- I am your father!
At that moment, such joy overwhelmed both the newly acquired son and Sokolov himself, such bright feelings that the former soldier understood: he had done the right thing. And he will no longer be able to live without Vanya. Since then they have never been apart - neither day nor night. Andrei's petrified heart became softer with the arrival of this mischievous baby into his life.
Only he didn’t have to stay long in Uryupinsk - another friend invited the hero to the Kashira district. So now they walk with their son on Russian soil, because Andrei is not used to staying in one place.

The famous work of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” tells us about the life of a simple Russian soldier. The fate of everything is shown in the image of Andrei Sokolov Soviet people. The war that came unexpectedly for the entire country destroyed all our hero’s dreams for the future.

Having taken away relatives and friends, they did not allow the Russian man to break, thanks to his strong will and tenacity of character. Having met the little boy Vanyusha, Sokolov realized that there would still be bright and joyful moments in his life.

The story teaches us to be courageous, love and steadfastly defend our Motherland, no matter what blows life throws at you. There will always be a person who will give love, care and make your life happy.

Detailed retelling

The story tells about the difficult life of a man - Sokolov, he had a difficult fate, but he steadfastly survived all the hardships and acted bravely, showed respect and care for others, even when he himself had a bad time in life.

The narrator and Sokolov met by chance; they stood and smoked while Sokolov talked about his life.
Sokolov lived in the Voronezh province, worked like everyone else - tirelessly, next to him was caring wife. But peaceful life ended and war began. Sokolov became a driver, but the children and loving wife, who saw off her husband with tears in her eyes. Sokolov didn’t like this; he thought they were burying him alive. During the war he was wounded twice, and when we spent the night in the church - three different case happened to the hero.

The first one was that an unknown person set his hand.

The second - Sokolov strangled a man who wanted to give his platoon commander to the Nazis.

Third, the Nazis killed a believer who did not want to desecrate the church in order to relieve himself.

After Sokolov decided to escape, on the third day he was caught and after being in a punishment cell, he was sent to Germany.

Once Sokolov was almost killed, but was able to avoid her. Sokolov told the same person out of misfortune that small graves had been prepared for them. This was heard by Muller, the commandant of the camp in which Sokolov was located.

The camp commandant ordered him to drink it for his own death, without taking a bite (Sokolov decided not to take even a piece of bread, he was a fascist, although he really wanted to eat), laughing in the prisoner’s face, as if humiliating his position and showing his complete power over his life. So he drank three glasses, and the commandant, surprised at such a persistent man, decided not to kill for the words he said. In the concentration camp, Sokolov was starved, but he was still able to survive.

Then Sokolov was again sent to be a driver, when he was driving another major, he stunned him and took the pistol, after which he overcame the post and returned to his own. Then bad news awaited him - he lost his family. Such bitter news shook Sokolova, but not for long. He gathered his strength and decided not to retreat. He realized that he had nothing more to do and went to the front. Before that, I looked at the remains of my house.

After some time, Sokolov learns that his son Anatoly is alive and graduated from college well, and went to the front (at the front he distinguished himself well, had many awards and was an excellent fighter), and in 1945 he was killed by a sniper.
When the war ended, he went to Uryupinsk to visit a friend. He stayed there to live. Near the store I met a little boy, Vanya, whose mother and father died during the war. One day he told the boy that he was his father and adopted him, and his friend’s wife helped take care of the child. But then again there was trouble - he accidentally hit a cow (she survived), the residents became alarmed, and the traffic inspector took away the license, despite persuasion. He worked as a carpenter all winter, and then went back to a friend (I communicated with him for some time by mail), who gladly took him in, and even there they would give him a new book for permission to drive. Sokolov decided that he would send the boy to school, and then he would find permanent place residence, but now he will wait. This is where Sokolov's story ends - the boat approaches, and the narrator says goodbye to a casual acquaintance. He began to think about what he had heard. A a little boy waved his little pink hand goodbye to him. So the narrator realized that it was important not to offend the child and hide his manly tears from him.

This story teaches that you need to show humanity to others, no matter what. Sokolov is an outcast, a “real Russian” who resisted evil and was able to look fear in the eyes. Sokolov's act (when he took the boy in) shows that people can show sympathy for others, feel sorry and help.

The story also teaches you to stand up for yourself and maintain honor, this is how Sokolov defended his dignity when he drank to his death, which helped him escape.

Sokolov is an example of a Russian person who absorbed all the qualities of the people of that time, an indicator that people still have kindness and courage.

And another lesson comes from the story that you need to fight for your life with all your might, as Sokolov did. Do not be afraid of the enemy or the enemy, but boldly look into his face and attack. After all, there is only one life, and there is no need to lose it without a fight.

Summary Sholokhov The fate of man in chapters

Andrey Sokolov

At the very beginning of the story, we see how the narrator rides on a cart with a friend to the village of Bukanovskaya. The action takes place in early spring, when the snow had just begun to melt and therefore the road turned out to be tiring. After some time, he has to cross the river with a driver who suddenly appears. Once on the other side, the narrator was left to wait for the driver, who promised to arrive in 2 hours. And perhaps the wait would be tiring, but suddenly a man with a child approaches the sitting narrator, who will become the main character of the story. Andrei Sokolov, that was his name, mistaking a man unknown to him for the driver, sits down next to him and tells him about his life.

Sokolov's life before the war

The main character was born in 1900 in the Voronezh province. Fought in the Red Army. When famine came in the country of the Soviets, he went to work as a farm laborer, which is why he survived. Having buried his parents and sister, he went to Voronezh, where he worked as a carpenter and a simple worker at a factory. Having met his love there, he soon got married. The woman Andrey came across was affectionate, understanding, a real housewife. Irina, that was her name, never reproached him for drinking an extra glass, nor for harsh word. Later, children appeared in the family - two daughters and a son. And it was then that Sokolov decided to stop drinking and get down to serious business. Most of all he was drawn to cars. Thus, he began to work as a driver. So peaceful, measured life would have continued if not for the attack of Nazi Germany on our country.

War and captivity

Saying goodbye to his family was so difficult, as if Sokolov had a presentiment that he would no longer see his relatives. At the front he also acted as a driver. He was wounded twice. But the war did not retreat from our native expanses and presented him severe trials. In 1942, during one of the Nazi offensives, while delivering shells into the trenches, our hero was shell-shocked. Having regained consciousness, he realized that he found himself behind enemy lines. Wanting to die like a real Russian soldier, Sokolov stood in front of the Nazis with his head held high. Thus, Andrei is captured. During all the time the Germans have had, quite significant events have taken place in the life of our hero. Firstly, remembering the honor and dignity of the Soviet soldier, he saves the communist and kills the traitor. There, a captured military doctor sets Sokolov’s dislocated arm. All these moments reveal all sorts of human behavior in dire circumstances.

Episodes where the Nazis shot a believer who had been asking to go to the restroom all night and shot several prisoners of war made me think about escape. Such a chance came his way. When everyone was sent to dig graves, Andrei fled. But he didn't have to go far. On the fourth day he was caught by the Germans. This escape moved him further away from his homeland. Our hero is sent to work in Germany. Wherever he had to visit. And Sokolov did not imagine that only fortitude helped him avoid death.
On the verge of death.

One of the most impressive episodes - staying with Lagerfuhrer Müller - shows us the courage of the Russian soldier. While in captivity, everyone survived as best they could. There were many traitors among our soldiers. A carelessly spoken phrase about Germany brought Andrei closer to death. Just before his death, the Germans offered him a drink. And Sokolov, showing Russian dignity and courage, drinks 3 glasses of schnapps without eating. Such an act evokes respect from a fascist fanatic. And he not only gives him life, but also gives him a loaf of bread and a small piece of lard for the barracks.

The interrogation scene showed the fascists' resilience and self-respect Soviet man. This was a good lesson for the German troops.

Release from captivity

After some time, they began to trust our hero, and he begins to work as a driver for the Germans. At a convenient moment for him, the soldier runs, taking with him the major and the package important documents. This escape helps Sokolov rehabilitate himself before his homeland. After receiving treatment in the infirmary, the soldier strives to see his family quickly, but learns that all his relatives were killed during the bomb attacks. There was nothing holding Andrey anymore. He goes back to the front to avenge the death of his wife and children.

Son Anatoly

Happiness and grief echo throughout the story. The good news about his eldest son encourages Sokolov to new exploits. But these moments did not last long. Anatoly is killed on Victory Day over the fascist invaders.

Post-war time

After his son’s funeral, left completely alone, our hero does not want to return to his homeland and goes to his friend, who has long invited him to his home in Uryupinsk. Arriving at his place, Andrei gets a job as a driver with a friend. One day, purely by chance, he meets a boy, an orphan. This little boy touched his heart so much that, having given all his warmth and love, Sokolov adopts him. It is Vanyushka, with his childish purity and frankness, who helps him return to life and becomes a guiding star in the hero’s sad life. It is no coincidence that this meeting takes place in early spring.

The bright sun and running ringing streams indicate that Vanya’s appearance melted the hero’s heart. And life goes on. Perhaps he would have remained with his adopted son in Uryupinsk if he had not accidentally knocked down a cow. Andrey was deprived of his book. And taking the boy by the hand, with best hope for the future, he goes to long journey, Kashar district. Reading the last lines of the work, it is clearly visible how, in the connection of two orphaned destinies, the author shows that, despite the suffering and hardships during the war, the Russian man did not break and, through his example in the image of Sokolov, helps people who also went through hardships and grief to be reborn.

But life goes on. And again houses, schools, hospitals are being built, factories are operating. People fall in love and get married. And they live for the sake of the future generation, in whose hearts there is sincere warmth and love. After all, it is in them that our strength and power lie.

Picture or drawing The fate of a person

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary by Jansson The World's Last Dragon

    Moomintroll, playing in the garden, accidentally hit a tiny dragon with a glass jar. It happened on a clear summer day on Wednesday. The dragon was very small, the size of a matchbox, the wings were transparent and resembled the fins of a goldfish.

  • Summary of Chukovsky Silver Coat of Arms

    The poorest, the most ordinary people always suffered because of their simple and poor position in society. Oddly enough, but it is poverty that is always punished. Everyone loves and respects wealthy people; rarely does anyone pay attention to the poor.

  • Brief summary of Merimee Carmen

    While traveling around Spain, the main character makes a dangerous acquaintance. A conversation over a cigar and a shared meal builds trust, and the stranger becomes a fellow traveler. Antonio, the narrator's guide, recognizes a random acquaintance as a criminal

  • Summary of the Tale of the Flying Ship

    The old men had three sons, two were considered smart, and no one considered the third to be a person, because he was stupid

  • Summary of Bianchi's First Hunt

    The puppy got tired of chasing chickens around the yard, so he went hunting to catch wild birds and animals. The puppy thinks that he will now catch someone and go home. Along the way he was seen by beetles, insects, grasshoppers, hoopoe, lizard, whirligig, bittern

1. Andrey Sokolov

Spring time. Upper Don. The narrator, in the company of his friend, goes to the village of Bukanovskaya in a cart drawn by two horses. Driving is almost impossible: the melting snow is in the way, turning the road into a continuous muddy mess. The Elanka River flows near the Mokhovsky farm, and has now overflowed for almost a kilometer.

In summer it is shallow, which means it does not create unnecessary problems. Together with a driver who suddenly appears, the narrator manages to cross the river with the help of some decrepit boat. The driver delivers a Willys car to the river, which was previously in the barn; gets back into the boat and sails back, promising to return within two hours.

The narrator sits on a lopsided fence and tries to smoke, but in vain: the cigarettes got wet as a result of crossing the river. He is saved from two hours of solitude by a man with a child who breaks the silence with his greeting. He, who is the main character of the following narrative, Andrei Sokolov, initially mistakes the narrator for the driver of a car standing nearby and tries to start a conversation with a colleague: he was the driver truck in past.

The narrator, not wanting to upset his comrade, kept silent about the true nature of his activity. He just said that he was waiting for his superiors.

Having lit a cigarette, the heroes start a conversation. The narrator, embarrassed by his deception, mostly listens, while Sokolov speaks.

2. Sokolov’s pre-war life

The initial stage of the hero's life is very ordinary. He was born in the Voronezh province in 1900. During civil war was on the side of the Red Army, was in the Kikvidze division. In 1922 he finds himself in Kuban, participates in the process of dispossession, thanks to which the hero manages to survive. Parents with younger sister died at home from hunger. Sokolov was completely orphaned: there were no relatives anywhere. A year later, he leaves Kuban: he sells the hut and goes to Voronezh. At first he works in a carpentry artel, later gets a job at a factory and becomes a mechanic. Will get married soon. His wife was an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage. Since childhood, she has experienced many hardships in life, which is reflected in her character. From the outside she was more than ordinary, but for Sokolov there was no woman more beautiful and desirable than his wife.

She even accepted fierce anger: she will endure a rude word, she herself does not dare say anything in response. Kind, indulgent, does not sit still, desperately trying to please her husband. Watching her actions, the hero usually comes to his senses and finds harmony with himself. And again silence and peace reign in the house.

What follows is the continuation of Sokolov’s story about his wife: a description of the inviolability of her feelings, her tolerance towards any unpleasant act of her husband. She forgave him even the extra glass he had with his comrades. With the advent of children, a son and two daughters, such friendly gatherings began to happen much less frequently; Sokolov could only afford a glass of beer, and then only on a day off.

In 1929, he developed a new passion - cars. Got a position as a truck driver. Life went on as usual, quietly and measuredly. But suddenly a war broke out.

3. War and captivity

The whole family accompanied the hero to the front. The children managed to control themselves, while the wife, due to her age, could give a realistic assessment of the situation: she was experiencing serious emotional shock. The hero is stunned: according to his wife, it was clear that he was being buried alive. He, depressed and upset, goes to the front.

At the front he was also a driver. He was slightly wounded twice.

May 1942: Sokolov finds himself near Lozovenki. There is a German offensive, the hero volunteers to deliver ammunition to his artillery battery. The ammunition was not delivered to its destination: the vehicle was overturned by the blast wave from a shell that fell nearby. The hero finds himself unconscious. When he woke up, he realized that he was behind enemy lines: the battle was taking place somewhere behind him, tanks were walking past. Sokolov pretends to be dead. Deciding that there was no one nearby, he raised his head and saw that six armed Nazis were heading towards him. Having decided to meet his death with dignity, Sokolov stood up and turned his gaze to those walking. He stood, overcoming the aching pain in his legs. One of the soldiers nearly shot him, but was stopped by another. Sokolov's boots were taken off and he was sent on foot to the west.

Soon the barely walking hero was overtaken by a column of prisoners from his division. Then they moved together.

At night we stopped at a church. Three important events happened overnight:

A certain person who introduced himself as a military doctor managed to set Sokolov’s arm, which had been dislocated during a fall from a truck.

Sokolov managed to save a platoon commander, previously unknown to him, from death: as a communist, his colleague Kryzhnev wanted to hand him over to the enemies. Sokolov strangled the informer.

The Nazis shot dead a believer who was bothering them with his requests to be let out of the church to go to the toilet.

The next morning, everyone was interrogated to find out who the commander, commissar, and communist were. There were no traitors, so the communists, commissars and commanders managed to survive. A Jew (possibly a military doctor) and three Russians who looked like Jews were shot. The prisoners set off again - to the west.

All the way to Poznan, Sokolov nurtured the idea of ​​escaping. Finally, an opportune moment arose: the prisoners were forced to dig graves, the guards were distracted - he fled to the east. Four days later, the Nazis and dogs caught up with him; the shepherd dogs almost killed Sokolov. He was in a punishment cell for a whole month, then he was sent to Germany.

Where did Sokolov go during his two years of captivity? During this time, he had to travel around half of Germany: in Saxony he worked at a silicate plant, in the Ruhr region he rolled coal in a mine, in Bavaria he performed land work, and was even in Thuringia.

4. On the brink of death

In camp B-14 near Dresden, Sokolov worked with his compatriots in a stone quarry. The devil dared him to say upon returning from work: “They need four cubic meters of production, but for the grave of each of us, one cubic meter through the eyes is enough.” His words were reported to his superiors: Sokolov was summoned by the camp commandant Müller. Since Müller had an excellent command of the Russian language, he could conduct a conversation with Sokolov without an interpreter.

Müller made it clear to the hero that any signs of protest here are immediately punished: he will be shot. Sokolov only replied: “Your will.” After thinking, Müller threw the pistol on the table, filled a glass with schnapps, took a slice of bread with lard and offered it all to the hero: “Before you die, Russian Ivan, drink to the victory of German weapons.”

Sokolov refused the offer: “Thank you for the treat, but I don’t drink.” Smiling, the German said: “Would you like to drink to our victory? In that case, drink to your destruction.” There was nothing to lose. The hero hastened to drink to his speedy death and deliverance from all suffering. I didn’t touch the snacks. Thanking him for the treat, he invited the commandant to quickly complete his plan.

To which Müller replied: “At least have a bite before you die.” Sokolov explained that he does not snack after the first glass. The German offered him a second one. Sokolov again did not touch the snack after drinking the second glass. The reason for refusing the snack was that even after the second glass he would not put anything edible in his mouth. Laughing, the German began to translate what was said to his friends. They also laughed and began to turn one by one in the direction of Sokolov. The situation became less tense.

The commandant filled the third glass with his hands shaking with laughter. The glass was drunk by Sokolov with less fervor than the previous two. This time the hero took a small bite of bread and put the rest back on the table, thereby showing that, despite the indescribable feeling of hunger, he would not choke on their handout: nothing would break true Russian dignity and pride.

The German's mood changed: he became serious and focused. Adjusting two iron crosses on his chest, he said: “Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I won’t shoot you.” He added that today German troops reached the Volga and captured Stalingrad. To celebrate, the German sends Sokolov to his block, providing him with a small loaf of bread and a piece of lard for his courage.

Sokolov shared the food with his comrades.

5. Release from captivity

In 1944, Sokolov was appointed driver for a German major engineer. Both behaved with dignity, the German shared food from time to time.

On the morning of June 29, Sokolov took the major out of town, in the direction of Trosnitsa. The German's duties included supervising the construction of fortifications.

On the way to their destination, Sokolov manages to stun the major, take his weapon and drive the car in the direction where the battle was taking place.

Driving past the machine gunners, Sokolov deliberately slowed down so that they would understand that a major was coming. They began to shout that entry into this territory was prohibited. Sokolov, pressing the pedal, went forward at full eighty. At that moment, while the machine gunners came to their senses and began to respond with shots, Sokolov was already in neutral territory, dodging from side to side in order to avoid the shots.

The Germans were shooting behind us, and their own people were shooting in front. The windshield was hit four times, the radiator was completely pierced by bullets. But then the forest above the lake opened before our eyes, where Sokolov directed his car. Compatriots ran towards the car. The hero opened the door, barely breathing and pressed his lips to the ground. There was nothing to breathe.

Sokolov was sent for rehabilitation to a military hospital. There, without hesitation, he wrote a letter to his wife. Two weeks later the answer came, but not from his wife. The letter was from a neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. In June 1942, Andrei's house was destroyed by a bomb: his wife and both daughters died on the spot. The son, having learned about the death of his relatives, voluntarily went to the front.

Upon discharge from the hospital, the hero receives a month's leave. A week later he ends up in Voronezh. I saw a crater on the site of my house. I immediately left for the station. Returned to the division.

6. Son Anatoly

Three months later, good news happened: Anatoly showed up. A letter came from him. One could have guessed that the son was writing from a different front. Anatoly managed to find out his father’s address from his neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. As it turned out, the son first ended up in an artillery school, where his brilliant abilities in mathematics came in handy. A year later, Anatoly graduates from college with excellent success and goes to the front, from where, as we already know, his letter comes. There, as a captain, he commands a battery of “forty-fives” and has six orders and medals.

7. After the war

Sokolov was demobilized. There was no desire to return to Voronezh. Remembering that he was invited to Uryupinsk, he went there to see his friend, who had been demobilized in the winter due to injury.

His friend had no children; he and his wife lived in their own house on the outskirts of the city. Despite the consequences of a severe injury, he worked as a driver in an auto company, where Andrei Sokolov later got a job. He stayed with friends who gave him a warm welcome.

Near the teahouse Sokolov met Vanya, a homeless child. His mother died in an air raid, his father at the front. One day, on the way to the elevator, Sokolov called a boy with him, saying that he was his father. The boy was very happy with this unexpected statement. Sokolov adopted Vanya. A friend's wife helped look after the baby.

An accident occurred in November. Andrei was driving along a dirty, slippery road; in one farm, a car skidded and a cow got under the wheels. Women in the village began to scream, people came running to the cry, among whom was a traffic inspector. He confiscated Andrei’s driver’s book, no matter how much he begged for mercy. The cow quickly came to her senses, got up and walked away. In winter, the hero had to work as a carpenter. A little later, at the invitation of a colleague, he left for the Kashar district, where he began working with a friend. After six months of carpentry work, Sokolov was promised a new book.

According to the hero, even if the story with the cow had not happened, he would still have left Uryupinsk. Melancholy did not allow me to stay in one place for a long time. Perhaps, when his son grows up and goes to school, Sokolov will calm down and settle down in one place.

But then the boat came to the shore, and it was time for the narrator to say goodbye to his unusual acquaintance. He began to reflect on the story he had heard.

He thought about two orphaned people, two particles who found themselves in unknown lands because of the damned war. What lay ahead for them? I would like to hope that this real Russian man, a man with iron willpower, will be able to raise one who, having matured, will be able to endure any trials, overcome any obstacles in his life. life path, if his Fatherland calls him to this.

The narrator looked after them with languid sadness. Perhaps the parting would have gone well if Vanyushka, having walked only a few steps, had not turned to face the narrator, moving his small palm in farewell. And then the author’s heart sank mercilessly: he hastened to turn away. It’s not only in their sleep that older men, who have turned gray during the war, cry. They cry in reality. The most important thing in such a situation is to be able to turn away at the right moment. After all, the most important thing is not to hurt the baby’s heart, so that he doesn’t notice how a bitter and stingy man’s tear runs down his cheek...

One spring day the narrator is riding a chaise along the upper Don. Having stopped for a rest, he meets the driver - this is the main thing actor works - which tells him the story of his difficult life. Summary“The Fate of a Man” will help evaluate the actions of the hero.

Sokolov begins to tell his interlocutor that before the war he was a simple man, serving in the Red Army. And then he moved south to catch and “hand over” the kulaks to the authorities. This saved his life, while the hero’s family - father, mother and little sister - died at home, from hunger, in the difficult year 20. He had a wife, a wonderful woman. Being an orphan affected her submissive character. She was never insolent, she always did everything for her husband, and when he drank with friends, he could be rude. Later they had two daughters and a son, and then the drinking was over. Before the war, Sokolov worked as a driver. And during the war I had to carry the authorities around. It was during the Second World War that he was wounded twice. In 1942, our hero found himself surrounded. When Sokolov woke up, he noticed with horror that he was behind enemy lines. Then he decided to pretend to be dead, but, sticking his head out of the hole, he came across the Germans.

They pulled off his boots and sent him along with the division on foot to the west. The summary of the story “The Fate of a Man” tells the story of the perseverance and moral convictions of the Russian people.

The prisoners spent the night in the church. One night, three important events happened: first, a man unknown to him set the hero’s shoulder, then Sokolov strangled a traitor who wanted to hand over the communists to the Germans; and closer to the morning the Nazis, for no reason, shot first a believer, and then a Jew.

The prisoners were sent further. At one opportune moment, Sokolov managed to escape, but he was caught up after 4 days and put in a punishment cell. Then they sent me to one of the camps. There he was almost shot by the chief commander of the camp for saying that they dig four norms a day, however, one is enough for everyone’s grave. A summary of “The Fate of a Man” - a story about the difficult conditions of war, shows all the cruelty of the Germans.

After these events, he remained to work in the camp. They assigned him as a driver to transport a German officer. One day he stole a car, in which he drove to the Soviet regiment. There I received a letter from a neighbor and learned that his wife and daughters had died in a bomb explosion, and his son had gone to the front. Later he is told that his son also died. After the war, Sokolov leaves to join a friend in another city. There he meets a homeless boy and begins to raise him as a son. But then a boat arrives, and Sokolov says goodbye to the narrator...

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