Subjective and objective opinion. Subjective opinion is intellectual weakness in a wrapper IMHO What is subjective opinion definition

We often hear the expressions “objective opinion”, “subjective opinion”, “objective reasons” and similar phrases. What do these concepts mean? In this article we will look at each of them in detail and try to explain their meaning.

What does objective and subjective mean?

Before giving an explanation of objectivity and subjectivity, let us first consider such concepts as “object” and “subject”.

An object is something that exists independently of us, of our external world, the material reality surrounding us. And another interpretation looks like this: an object is an object or phenomenon to which any activity (for example, research) is directed.

A subject is a person (or group of people) who has consciousness and is active in knowing something. The subject can represent an individual, an entire society, and even all of humanity.

Consequently, the adjective “subjective” is related in meaning to the noun “subject”. And when they say that a person is subjective, this means that he lacks impartiality and is biased towards something.

Objective is the opposite, impartial and unbiased.

The difference between subjective and objective

If someone is subjective, this, in a sense, makes him the opposite of an objective person. If subjectivity is characterized by dependence on the opinions and ideas about something of a certain subject (on his interests, understanding of the world around him, views and preferences), then objectivity is the independence of images and judgments from the personal ideas of the subject.

Objectivity is the ability to present an object as it exists. When we talk about such an opinion, it means that it is formed without taking into account one’s personal, subjective perception of the object. An objective opinion, as opposed to a subjective one, is considered more correct and accurate, since personal emotions and views that can distort the picture are excluded. After all, the subjective reasons that forced the formation of a personal opinion are based on the private experience of an individual, and cannot always serve as a starting point for another subject.

Levels of subjectivity

Subjectivity is divided into several levels:

  • Dependence on individual, personal ideas. In this case, a person is guided purely by his passions. Depending on his personal experience, his own ideas about life, individual character traits, and the peculiarities of his perception of the world around him, the individual forms a subjective idea about a particular event, phenomenon, or about other people.
  • Dependence on the preferences of a group of subjects. For example, in certain communities some prejudices arise from time to time. Both members of a given community and some outsiders become dependent on the shared biases of that community.
  • Dependence on the beliefs of society as a whole. Society can also have a subjective opinion on certain things. Over time, these views may be refuted by science. However, until then, the dependence on these beliefs is very high. It takes root in the mind, and few individuals think differently.

The relationship between the objective and the subjective

Despite the fact that if someone is subjective, this essentially means that he is opposing himself to an objective person, these concepts are very closely related to each other. For example, science, which tries to be as objective as possible, is initially based on subjective beliefs. Knowledge is obtained thanks to the intellectual level of the subject who makes assumptions. Those, in turn, are confirmed or refuted in the future.

Absolute objectivity is difficult to achieve. What seemed unshakable and objective at one time later turned out to be a purely subjective opinion. For example, people used to be sure that the Earth was flat, and this belief was considered absolutely objective. However, as it turned out later, the Earth is actually round. With the development of astronautics and the first flight into space, people had the opportunity to see this with their own eyes.


Each person is essentially subjective. This means that in his beliefs he is guided by personal preferences, tastes, views and interests. Objective reality can be perceived differently by different subjects. This, of course, is not related to scientifically proven facts. That is, in our time in developed countries, no one continues to believe, for example, that the Earth stands on four elephants.

Moreover, an optimist and a pessimist can perceive the same event in diametrically opposed ways. This suggests that objectivity and subjectivity are concepts that are sometimes difficult to distinguish between. What is objective at the moment for a certain subject or society as a whole, tomorrow may completely lose its objectivity, and on the contrary, what is now subjective for a certain individual or group of people will be proven by science tomorrow and will become an objective reality for everyone.

Communicating with each other, people share their impressions with each other, evaluate facts and events, based on their understanding of what is happening, as they say, “from their own bell tower,” i.e. have their own subjective opinion. Not everyone thinks about what it is.

What is subjectivity?

Man is subject , literally and figuratively: this is sometimes called a person of a certain type or style of behavior. There is also a philosophical category of the subject, which is based on such concepts as essence, individual, possessing consciousness and will, cognizing the world and practically transforming it.

From a grammatical point of view, this is the root from which related words are derived:

  1. Subjectivity- these are a person’s specific ideas about everything that surrounds us, based on his feelings, thoughts, sensations. Otherwise, it is a point of view formed as a result of acquired knowledge and reflection, a worldview;
  2. Subjective- this is a personal, internal state, experience. This category also indicates the interaction of people with each other and with the surrounding reality, their illusions and misconceptions.

Different areas of knowledge define the subject in their own way:

  • In philosophy he has a general understanding;
  • In psychology, this is the inner world of a person, his behavior;
  • There are logical and grammatical interpretations.

There are also subjects of crime, law, state, etc.

How does an object differ from a subject?

An object, from Latin - an object, something external, existing in reality and serving for study and cognition by man, subject. A number of philosophical, and simply vital, concepts are associated with this term:

  1. Objectivity is the ability of a person (subject) to evaluate and delve into the essence of any problem, based on the principle of maximum independence from their own views on the subject;
  2. Objective reality is the world around us, existing apart from our consciousness and ideas about it. This is a material, natural environment, in contrast to the subjective, internal environment, which includes the psychological states of a person, his spirituality;
  3. Objective truth is defined as a person’s correct understanding (through his consciousness) of the surrounding reality and its content. This also includes scientific truth, the truth of which has been confirmed in practice.

In general, the concept of truth is very multifaceted. It can also be absolute, relative, concrete and even eternal.

What is an opinion?

In the generally accepted view, it implies a person’s view of something, his assessment or judgment, and comes from the Old Slavonic think- I guess, I think. Close to it in meaning are:

  • Belief- this is confidence, meaningfulness of one’s worldview in any

areas of knowledge, built on the basis of the study and analysis of ideas, information and their conscious evaluation;

  • A fact, from the Latin “accomplished,” is a specific, real result of some matter or research (as opposed to a hypothesis or assumption), which is based on knowledge and confirmed by testing in practice;
  • An argument, or argument, is a way of proving the truth of a statement using logical constructions based on knowledge and facts;
  • Knowledge is the result of thinking, cognition, a person’s receipt of reliable information, and the formation of a correct reflection of reality.

When expressing an opinion, we are not required to support it with facts., so it can change with them. It often has a strong emotional background, an arbitrary, subjective interpretation of an event or phenomenon: people have different opinions about the same thing. This does not require evidence or clear argumentation.

The difference between subjective and objective opinion

Few people doubt their objectivity when expressing some judgment on this or that issue, but everything is not so simple:

  • Each of us has own opinion, even if we don't say it out loud, and it is always subjective, this is an axiom;
  • An object, as we know, exists independently of our consciousness and is the subject of our activity. By definition, he does not have an opinion, unlike the subject (person), who in some cases himself can become an object of study, for example, in psychology or sociology;
  • Synonyms of objectivity are independence, impartiality, open-mindedness, impartiality, justice. All these concepts are applicable to a person and his opinion, but it is very difficult to choose a measure, a criterion with which to check its truth.

The concept of opinion is inextricably linked with the individual, person, i.e. a subject with consciousness and the ability to navigate the surrounding reality and evaluate it to the best of his knowledge and capabilities.

Is there an independent opinion?

Is it possible to be objective without being independent, or vice versa? A play on synonymous words. The concept of independence can be interpreted in different ways, based on the scope of application:

  • As a philosophical category, it is associated with the concept of being, acting as an object that has independent value and does not depend on external influences. However, in the real world, everything exists in close connection with each other;
  • Sociology identifies it with such concepts as independence (economic, political, cultural), sovereignty. On the one hand, independence allows you to unlock the country’s internal potential, on the other hand, it can lead to its self-isolation, and balance is important here;
  • From the point of view of psychology, this means the ability of an individual not to depend in his actions on external influences and demands, but to be guided only by his internal needs and assessments.

Independence (including views and beliefs) is manifested in the ability of a person, a collective, or a state to protect itself from external pressure, but is forced to take it into account, i.e. independence is a relative concept.

Opinion can be private, group or public. All of them are characterized by one general concept, this is a subjective opinion. What this means - science will explain in each individual case, but in short - this what we think about everything in the world.

Video about subjective images

In this video, Professor Vitaly Zaznobin will tell you how objective images differ from subjective ones:

Currently, subjective opinion is the most fashionable trend in the process of personal expression. If one wants to appear modern, an individual must always look at what is happening from a personal point of view. This provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your uniqueness in any situation... Unfortunately, recently the newfangled IMHO (deciphered as follows: I have an opinion, I want to voice it) has filled the information space and supplanted the culture of public expression and thought, the craving for reliable knowledge, and respectful attitude towards interlocutors and adequate perception of reality.

Why has a purely subjective opinion become so popular? Explaining the reasons for this phenomenon is quite simple if you understand the psychological state of modern society.

Claim to originality

Opinion is a manifestation of consciousness in the form of a judgment that expresses a subjective assessment. It comes from the needs and hobbies of the individual, his value system. Consequently, a subjective opinion is an expression of what a person imagines, imagines, seems. It is important to remember this when we read or hear the point of view of our interlocutor. By revealing his opinion to us, a person demonstrates his own

Be reasonable

Even if it seems to you one hundred percent that the interlocutor is wrong, try not to get personal. One can never exclude the possibility that there is still some truth in what is being said. This happens when a person has certain knowledge about the subject, he is competent in what is being discussed and argues his position. Otherwise, his subjective opinion is the so-called bump in opinion, a judgment based on emotions and rumors.

Negative changes

It is important to take into account the fact that opinion is a natural form of realization of human consciousness, activated through unconscious motives. In the process of forming a worldview, it plays one of the leading roles. The sad trend of our time is that IMHO, being, in essence, a tasteful, personal, situational perception, is trying to take the place of a true fundamental version of the characterization of ongoing events.

Psychology can help us

Does a person have the ability to clearly distinguish between subjective and objective opinions? Yes. Understanding the principle of operation of internal mechanisms that activate the unconscious will allow you to separate the wheat from the chaff and learn to distinguish between the thinker and the knower.

The postulates of system-vector psychology have become for many an accurate tool for dissecting human souls. Thanks to systemic psychoanalysis, it is possible to objectively evaluate one or another mental manifestation of an individual. The holistic eight-dimensional matrix of the psyche helps in this process.

Formation mechanism

Subjective opinion is a point of view formulated situationally, spontaneously. It expresses a person’s state as a reaction to the influence of an external factor. Psychologists note that the influence of an external stimulus is secondary - the basis for the formation of a personal opinion is the internal state of the individual. That is why, even in different situations, the form and nature of personal statements can remain unchanged. We can observe this phenomenon in all its glory on the vastness of the Global Network. Thus, sexually or socially frustrated individuals leave comments of the same nature on articles on a variety of topics, proudly calling their criticism newfangled IMHO.

Weapons to destroy intelligence

How to understand subjective opinion? First, you need to understand that it distorts the truth and is mostly a fallacy. This is exactly what many ancient thinkers believed. Modern psychologists identify a dead-end type of behavior. So, the individual thinks something like this: “If they say so, then it is so. Hundreds of people just won’t say that.” In this way, a pathological economy of one’s own mental efforts is achieved, but they are simply necessary for a critical attitude towards the subjective opinions of others. Trusting the words of others is not the best option.

Opinion begins where knowledge ends. And indeed, often the notorious IMHO is just a form of expression of intellectual backwardness and weakness.

If a person does not understand his own mistakes and becomes more and more convinced that he is right, his sense of superiority over others rapidly grows and strengthens. This is why so often we see incompetent people, who confidently consider themselves professionals, speaking with loud phrases. At the same time, the statement that the author expresses a personal opinion is quite enough to eliminate at the root all doubts about the objectivity of what was said.

What does subjective opinion mean? This is only the individual’s sensory attitude to what is happening, and therefore it is often characterized by a lack of evidence. In addition, it is impossible to verify or substantiate it. The source IMHO is stereotypes, beliefs, uncritical attitude. The formation of a personal opinion is inextricably linked with the psychological attitudes and ideological position of the individual.

What makes you express an opinion?

The very first action that helps in assessing the real content and objectivity, IMHO, is to find out the intentions that prompted the person to make a statement. Why did he write/say that? What internal state prompted him to do this?

What does subjective opinion mean? This is just a point of view. One of millions of possibilities. Often it turns out to be completely empty, not of any use. At the same time, the author of the statement is firmly convinced that this is the very truth born in the process of intense intellectual work.


Modernity in system-vector psychology is defined as the period of the “skin phase of the development of society.” One of its main features is the strengthening of individualism. Culture is at such a level of development that each individual is proclaimed the highest value, a unique creation. It is argued that a person has an exclusive right to everything - naturally, which is not prohibited by law. The first position in the system of a “skin” society is occupied by independence and freedom.

A technological breakthrough gave humanity the Internet, which has become a huge arena in which a magnificent parade takes place IMHO. The global network has made it possible to speak out on any issue. Many note that the Internet has become an immense cesspool filled with stinking masses of unreliable, dirty information.

Against each other

Ask yourself the question of whether you want to be a consumer of other people’s subjective opinions, whether you are ready to become a kind of trash bin in which everything that someone really wanted to say is placed. Of course, it is much more difficult to form your own, maximally objective idea of ​​the world.

Analyze your statements. Perhaps they will give you reason to think about what kind of judgments you yourself present to others. Are you falling into the emptiness of your own thoughts? Are all your frustrations exposed too often? Try to answer these questions honestly. Understanding and analyzing your own mistakes will help you choose the right path.



(from Latin subjectum - subject). Having a personal point of view on things, as opposed to an objective one.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


in contrast to the objective, personal, different from others by the characteristics of a given person; arising from the mood, resulting from the tastes, habits, inclinations, desires of a given person, etc.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


from lat. subjectum, subject. Originating in the personality itself.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


[from Latin. subjectum] – 1) personal, peculiar only to a given person, subject; 2) the opposite of objective; subjective idealism - a direction in philosophy

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


aya, oh, ven, vna ( German subjektiv, fr. subjectif lat. subjeclīvus added, attached).
1. Partial, biased; opposite objective. Subjective opinion.
2. Pertaining only to a given person, subject, . Subjective sensations.
Subjectivity- property of the subjective 2.
|| Wed. objective .

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “SUBJECTIVE” is in other dictionaries:

    See biased... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. subjective individual, taste, personal, one-sided, tendential, personalistic, personal,… … Synonym dictionary

    SUBJECTIVE, subjective, subjective; subjective, subjective, subjective (book). Peculiar, inherent only to a given person, subject. Subjective experiences. Feelings of cold are very subjective. || Lack of objectivity, biased,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SUBJECTIVE, oh, oh; vein, vna. 1. Inherent only to a given subject, person. Subjective feeling. 2. Partial, biased, lacking objectivity. Subjective assessment. Too subjective opinion. | noun subjectivity, and, female Intelligent... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Relating to the subject, its nature and interests; dependent on the subject; having meaning only for the subject. The opposite of S. is objective. The subject can be not only an individual, but also a group of people, society, a separate culture,... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    subjective- aya, oe.subjectif adj., German. subjektiv lat. subjectivus added, attached. In this feeling there is nothing externally objective (objectif), for its object does not act on us from the outside, nor personal (subjectif), for we are in it for ourselves... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    subjective- 1. Peculiar only to a given subject, person, personal; relating to the subject. 2. One-sided, lacking objectivity, biased, biased. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 ... Great psychological encyclopedia

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Many people ask the question “What is the difference between a subjective opinion and an objective one?” This is very important to understand, since in everyday life you often encounter these concepts. Let's look at them in order.

What does “subjective opinion” mean?

Subjective opinions are based on our emotional judgments, life experiences and point of view. For example, each of us has our own understanding of beauty, aesthetics, harmony, fashion, etc. Such an opinion will necessarily be true for the one who puts it forward. In subjectivity, a person expresses his own, as he “seems” or “seems to be.” But in reality, this is not always true. By voicing his thoughts, a person, first of all, shows his inner state. It is important to remember that the opinions of other people, even prominent ones, should not be the only correct one for you. We can say that a subjective opinion is biased, so it is very important to learn to look at a situation from different angles, cope with emotions and put yourself in the shoes of others.

What does “objective opinion” mean?

Objective opinion does not depend on our condition. It is always based on tested and proven circumstances, when we do not look for excuses, but accept the situation as it is. For example, the laws of physics are objective and work regardless of our knowledge about them. The same can be said about many other things. When we try to assess a certain situation, pushing aside our mood, prejudices, etc., the opinion becomes as accurate as possible. This is difficult because we often become prisoners of our own emotional state. If you find it difficult, try to master the stalking technique, which allows you to track down your feelings and emotions in order to constantly and completely control yourself.

Subjective and objective opinions are significantly different, but the problem with most people is that they consider their subjective opinion to be objective. We all need to learn to see situations more deeply and look at them from different angles.

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