Sagittarius - Fate, love, sex, marriage, health, characteristics. Children's horoscope: My child is Sagittarius

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius zodiac sign child boy characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

They are sweet and feminine, do not tolerate hypocrisy and are not familiar with the concept of “hate”. In general, a fairly positive zodiac sign. The Sagittarius girl is fidgety and mischievous, a child who is distinguished by a positive character and kind-heartedness.

If your child is a girl - Sagittarius

Since childhood, Sagittarians have been distinguished by adult prudence and conservatism beyond their years, they adore authoritative people and try to follow their example.

They are active, cheerful and know how to charge others with positive emotions. It is quite rare to find a Sagittarius in a bad mood - they are confident optimists.

What parents of Sagittarius girls need to know

Sagittarians can make excellent athletes, because... endurance and an active lifestyle accompany them on a long journey of life. Despite their immense love for animals, Sagittarians love hunting.

But again – as a kind of sport or hobby. Sagittarians also often choose professions such as doctor, cook, priest.

In general, it is advisable for Sagittarius girls to be taught from childhood to finish what they start and to engage not only in sports, but also in science.

Health. Sagittarius' weak points are the intestines, liver and kidneys. They may suffer from various skin diseases and allergies. Due to excessive activity, they can often become involved in accidents.

However, they cannot tolerate the treatment procedure, because... to a greater extent it is associated with bed rest and rest. And Sagittarius prefer only active rest.

Representatives of this zodiac sign value respect more than love. Therefore, a partner is chosen carefully, studying all the positive and negative traits. They are jealous, but at the same time very soft and very rarely can afford to cause a scandal, preferring to solve everything calmly, and sometimes cunningly.

Girl - Sagittarians grow into beautiful and charming women who never lose heart. Marriage with such a girl becomes a real gift for all zodiac signs, without exception.

Sagittarius' talisman is the most unpretentious - a horseshoe. It is believed that the owner of such a talisman is simply doomed to luck and good fortune.

A positive and lucky day for the Sagittarius zodiac sign is Thursday. It is on this day that it is recommended to deal with urgent matters, sign contracts, get married, and make important decisions. But on Wednesday it is better to postpone all such matters, because... This day is considered less fortunate for Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Child

Everyone will envy Sagittarius' cheerfulness and optimism. These are incredibly active and cheerful kids. They will never get tired of exploring the world and discovering new shades of life. Sagittarius is a fire sign, so children born under its constellation are active and sociable and cannot sit idle for even a minute. Sagittarius babies are drawn to everything that attracts their attention, trying to touch and taste everything. Parents need to keep their eyes open so that the child does not accidentally injure himself or swallow something inedible.

Sociable Sagittarius is never lonely, he makes friends easily and can get even an inveterate silent person talking. In kindergarten, such children want to be the center of attention; teachers note their leadership qualities. Sagittarians love travel and active recreation, they look for new friends everywhere, but the main thing for them is fresh impressions. In pursuit of emotions, Sagittarius will visit all interesting places and visit all his friends. The best gift for such a child is a trip to the sea or to an exotic country.

Child Sagittarius Girl

Girls of this sign are strong-willed, sociable and independent. Don't be surprised if your little one asks to buy a car or a robot instead of a doll. It seems that she grew up among only boys and understands their language perfectly. She has many boy friends, and as a teenager she is often called “her boy.” The Sagittarius girl loves jokes, sometimes sharp and offensive. But don’t be angry with her - there is no malicious intent in her innocent humor.

Sagittarius girls try to leave their parents' home early. There are practically no mother's daughters among them. Their interest in the opposite sex awakens early, as in adult life in general. But these are not the girls who want to get married early. There is no need to worry about your Sagittarius daughter. She knows her worth and can stand up for herself.

Child Sagittarius Boy

A very interesting and pleasant kid. True, he can suddenly reveal everything he thinks about you. Straightforwardness and openness are his main features. Do not rush to take offense at the boy. If he criticizes someone, it means he liked him, and the child considers it his duty to give the person useful advice. Sagittarius is often disobedient and capricious, but in general, he is a pleasant, handsome guy with an inexhaustible imagination. It is a pleasure to communicate with such a boy.

Sagittarius loves to stand up for the weak and fight for justice. If he sees that someone has acted badly, he will immediately begin to prove to him that he is wrong. Sagittarius will not tire of arguing and defending the truth, even in situations where it is wiser to remain silent and retreat. The little defender values ​​his family and is ready to defend its interests everywhere. But having matured, he is in no hurry to start his own. Sagittarius values ​​freedom too much and this is noticeable from an early age.

Sagittarius Child - Characteristics

Sagittarians are very energetic children. They are always cramped within the social system. They do not accept any rules or stereotypes. Sagittarius's sense of purpose is visible even in childhood. At first, he sets himself very realistic goals - to stand out from the crowd, win the attention and sympathy of others, and achieve success in his studies. But the older he gets, the more lofty and fantastic his goals seem. But this is the opinion of other people; Sagittarius himself does not consider his plans unattainable. The target he is aiming at is behind the clouds; he shoots far away, clearly understanding where and why.

Children of this sign try to be frank with everyone. Often it looks defiant and even familiar. But Sagittarius has no intention of insulting or humiliating anyone. He goes to people with the best intentions. Sagittarius always has a lot of friends who respect and listen to him. This sign does not like to weave intrigues; he cannot stand lies and deceit. By deceiving Sagittarius, you can not only run into his exposure and lengthy morals, but also lose a friend forever.

Sad Sagittarius people are rare. The optimism of this sign is enough for ten people. He never gives up and seems unsinkable. It is difficult to break him or make him give up his goal. Sagittarius will fight until he conquers the cherished peak. It's easy to live with him. Such a child willingly helps his parents around the house, unless, of course, he has more important things to do. He happily shares toys with his siblings and does not have a strong sense of ownership like other fire signs.

Health of the Sagittarius Baby

Sagittarians have excellent health and an excellent ability to rehabilitate themselves after illnesses. In addition, they have a large appetite and love for sweet, fatty and spicy foods. It is necessary to limit heavy dishes in his diet and teach the child to eat healthy. If Sagittarius eats incorrectly, there is a risk of developing childhood obesity. Fullness and energy are incompatible things. How will your child run and be on time everywhere with extra pounds?

Sagittarius' weak points are the liver, lower back, and nervous system. Sometimes he can burn out from excess emotions. Often children of this sign break their femurs and pelvic bones. Active sports activities increase the likelihood of such injuries. Sagittarius suffers infections quickly but violently. He suffers from high temperature and fever. In addition, this child is very difficult to put to bed.

Hobbies of Sagittarius Children

Almost all activities are suitable for such children. They produce wonderful athletes and dancers. Sagittarians have innate flexibility and grace. Their talent for eloquence and persuasion will help them become unrivaled speakers and public figures. Sagittarius' multifaceted creative abilities will pave the way for him into the world of art. In any other field he can also become a highly qualified specialist.

You definitely need to send Sagittarius to different clubs and sports sections. School work alone is not enough for him. Its inexhaustible energy must be radiated in several directions at once. Since childhood, he may show teaching abilities or an interest in medicine. If you properly guide your child, in the future he will become a successful and bright personality.

Sagittarius Child studying at school

Sagittarius is naturally broad-minded and has a very democratic worldview. Therefore, at school he often initiates new ideas and takes part in school self-government. It is not surprising that from the first grade Sagittarius dreams of being the head boy, and later the president of the school. In sports competitions, Sagittarius is the captain of the team, and school Olympiads are never complete without representatives of this sign.

There are a lot of Sagittarius everywhere, but his company cannot tire or bore you. It warms everyone around with rays of joy and optimism. It's a teacher's favorite in the classroom. He is always active in class and is the first to reach out, no matter how well he has learned the material. Many Sagittarius graduate from school with a gold medal, but usually they study with solid B's. What is important to them is not the grades themselves, but the quality of knowledge and a creative approach to mastering disciplines.

How to Raise a Sagittarius Child

Under no circumstances lock Sagittarius at home, do not limit his desire to communicate and explore the world. Walk with him to interesting places, show him trees, animals, give him as much information as possible. Sagittarius will never have enough of it. Colorful books, coloring books, educational games and educational toys - your child will absorb all this instantly. Already at two years old he can learn letters and numbers, and also begin to master a foreign language.

Teach Sagittarius how to manage money wisely. At times his generosity to himself and others develops into extravagance. Explain to him which purchases are necessary and which ones he can do without. Teach him the correct daily routine, so that the child does not get overtired. Even tireless Sagittarius needs to regularly replenish their strength. They quickly master the computer and any technology. A Sagittarius teenager will early demand a moped or even a motorcycle from his parents.

Explain to your child the need to be careful and better think and weigh all actions. The ardent temperament of Sagittarius can bring him not only success, but also a lot of trouble. Children of this sign need to be taught to watch their speech, to be tactful and delicate. Sometimes you shouldn't give advice unless asked for it. Instead of making comments to others, it is better to work on yourself. You need to develop self-criticism and find fault with people less, even with good intentions.

Sagittarius Combined Horoscope

Your child is Sagittarius

How to raise a Sagittarius

Frankly, I was amazed to see how a friend showed letters to a one-and-a-half-year-old Sagittarius. The alphabet was attached to his crib. At night she showed him a picture and said the letter. In just a month, the baby mastered the entire alphabet.

Professions for Sagittarius

There is hardly a profession in which Sagittarius would not be successful. Truly, this is the most universal sign. He is both an excellent boss and a successful subordinate. He will be good in any position where versatility is required. His many abilities will be in demand anywhere. He is an excellent public figure, a strict and fair judge and lawyer.

Your child and you

Although he is hot-tempered, he is pliable and responds with interest to joint activities and new knowledge. Try to become a teacher and friend for him, take part in expanding his horizons, and be sure to strive to ensure that the child sees and receives as many impressions as possible. Sagittarius does not get tired of them.

Both are hot and impulsive. However, both have high aspirations and a desire to restore justice everywhere. Usually these signs understand each other, but their life can hardly be called calm.

Sagittarius child - Taurus parent

They are united by seriousness and generosity, but the pace of their lives is completely different. Taurus should be given the opportunity for Sagittarius to develop; usually he does it well. Taurus is not afraid to invest money in their children and does not skimp on their development and education.

Sagittarius child - Gemini parent

Very mobile signs. They have a great need for new experiences, acquaintances, travel and movement. Geminis don't have to do everything alone. Take Sagittarius with you, it will bring you closer and help in his progress.

Sagittarius child - Cancer parent

Although Cancer is also internally very emotional, Sagittarius often sincerely does not understand what he wants from him. There is no need to be perplexed, you need to admire the dynamics and energy of Sagittarius and trust him more.

Sagittarius child - Leo parent

Just what you need! Leo is able to add shine to any Sagittarius initiative. Just don’t try to dominate, this is a union of equals. Treat your child like a friend, do not suppress his initiatives, support him.

Sagittarius child - Virgo parent

It will be difficult. Virgo needs calm and clarity in everything. The scattered and chaotic nature of Sagittarius surprises and outrages her. The best way to alienate a child is to remain grumpy, grumpy and picky.

Sagittarius child - Libra parent

This harmonious combination contains great opportunities for joint creativity. However, the entire life of this family can be called creativity. True, Libra is somewhat passive, but Sagittarius is able to stir up his elitist parent and give him new impetus. Collaborate with your child.

Sagittarius child - Scorpio parent

A very nervous family. Although these two signs are nearby in the horoscope, their manifestation is very different. Scorpio is too poisonous for the open, good-natured Sagittarius. Everything here will depend on how ready you are to raise your child. If you are ready, educate calmly and without pressure. Your child is talented and free. Don't remake it.

Sagittarius child – Sagittarius parent

Everything is fine, they are friends and capable of doing great things.

Sagittarius child - Capricorn parent

The parent is surprised at the child’s irrepressible temperament, and the child is frankly bored with the calm, unemotional Capricorn. Don’t be surprised if your child continually tries to run away from home to the street or to see friends. Don't bother him with moralizing about how things were different in your time.

Sagittarius child - Aquarius parent

Both are inventors and dreamers. Both have a desire for the new and unknown. Both have creative inclinations. Involve your child in family activities and create together. You have all the conditions to raise a child harmonious and happy.

Sagittarius child - Pisces parent

Here the water element of Pisces will continually strive to flood the fire element of Sagittarius. Nothing good will come of this. Adapt to the child, learn to understand him. Don't complain to teachers and friends. Who complains, having almost a genius in the house?

Sagittarius friends

Sagittarius loves and knows how to make friends. He will readily take another under his wing and take care of him, even if he is younger. He is an altruist and very fair. As a rule, Sagittarius makes friends that they can be proud of.

Specific features of the birthday

November 23. They strive for independence and fight for it with all their might. They cannot tolerate any criticism addressed to them.

November 24. Their life usually develops in shocks, they are thrown from side to side. Perhaps this is due to their overly nervous temperament.

November 25. They are too critical and every now and then they offend someone with their “fair and honest” statements. They can become strongly attached to people and circumstances.

November 26. They are confrontational and do not try to find a common language with others. Because of this, they do not allow anyone close to them, because they value personal freedom above all else.

November 27. They are irresponsible and because of this they often find themselves in unpleasant situations. They should pacify the hurricane within themselves, so as not to gain a reputation as nervous and quarrelsome individuals.

November 28. Rebellious souls, they frantically rush into battle, even when it is not necessary to do so. They should strive for inner harmony and balance.

29th of November. Wherever they are, they always try to find something to protest against. Upstarts are often the cause of other people's dramas.

November 30th. They can be called Fortune's favorites. Without much difficulty they achieve great results.

December 1. They need to learn restraint and delicacy. Their desire to speak out often results in trouble for them.

December 2nd. They attract the weak and defenseless, who flock to them like bees to honey. Self-confidence and the right connections help solve problems. But popularity in life is not the main thing. More important is the conviction that you are right.

December 3. They should think more about their personal well-being and not get lost in other people's problems.

December 4th. They have considerable anger. They know how to be smart opponents who cause fear.

5th of December. Don't overestimate your abilities or exaggerate your popularity.

December 6. They have a keen sense of profit and will not miss theirs anywhere. Very pragmatic and ambitious.

December 7th. They are confident in their exclusivity and believe that they must live in some special conditions. Because of this, they constantly keep their distance, they have few friends, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little more trust in others.

December 8th. They are filled with such powerful energy that it can simply burn them. It should be used for constructive purposes.

9th December. Their aggressive impulses can lead to mental disorders. It is worth treating life more rationally.

December 10. They love nature very much and are prone to mysticism. Often it is difficult for them to find their place in life, and they immerse themselves in religion.

December 11th. They are very energetic, but do not always know how to stand up for themselves. Failures make them depressed. Tend to be overweight.

12 December. Incorrigible realists. They clearly lack a spiritual core. They are often addicted to diets, bodybuilding, and shaping, turning physical perfection into the goal of life.

December 13th. Big penny-pinchers and picky people. They like to delve into the unimportant. They feel the interlocutor well. Prone to introspection, suspicious.

December 14. They don’t know how to wait, give them everything immediately. Capable of beautiful deeds, they are too concerned about the impression they make.

December 15. They often plan large-scale projects without thinking about their own strengths. In general, they are lucky, especially if they have like-minded people.

December 16. They are very emotional and impressionable, which makes them difficult to get along with. They should be alone more often and take a break from impressions.

December 17. Completely devoid of daydreaming, pragmatists and realists. For them, the result is important, not the process. Indifferent to authorities.

December 18. Their nerves are constantly on edge. They should learn to relax and avoid emotional overload and overstrain. They will lead to nervous exhaustion and illness.

December 19th. They always come out unscathed and are very viable. And problems rain down on them like from a cornucopia. They attract others with their inexhaustible optimism and special strength.

20th of December. They believe that they never make mistakes, and that failures are the fault of others. They show intolerance towards other people's mistakes and blunders.

21 December. They lead a mysterious lifestyle and like to intrigue. Dreamers prone to depression.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius boy - what to expect from a child?

The horoscope for the zodiac sign Sagittarius characterizes the child as sociable, quickly developing and calm. The Sagittarius boy is quick-tempered when alone with himself, but when in company, he behaves confidently and calmly; less often, the Sagittarius zodiac sign manifests itself as a shy child. A boy born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius can be large, he develops faster than his peers, and always looks older than his age.

Already from the first steps, the horoscope is confirmed, the child is very active and almost never gets tired, he can be captivated by both board games with his parents and active games in the fresh air with his peers. Such activity, together with the clumsiness that is inherent in Sagittarius, leads to the fact that the child often walks around with broken knees and scratches, but this does not prevent him from continuing to make mistakes; the energy needs to be put somewhere. When parents observe such activity, Sagittarius should be directed so that the energy brings him only benefits in communicating with peers and at school.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius - horoscope

Sagittarius boy and perseverance are incompatible concepts, therefore, from a very early age, parents should be ready to calm the child down or have fun with him. At first, upbringing will be difficult, but the boy’s horoscope gives hope for transformation. The Sagittarius child, one might say, goes to extremes when he runs around and has fun in the morning, and by lunchtime he sits calmly with toys or a book and does not react to attempts to attract him to active play.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius is very selective and cannot be forced to learn subjects at school that he does not want, because he knows that this knowledge will not be useful in the future. Of course, you need to trust in something; a good reference from school will not hurt, but it will not significantly affect the life of Sagittarius.

  1. Mobility cannot be limited, as the boy may become uninitiative; the horoscope confirms a tendency to such strong changes.
  2. A child has no problem copying the emotions of his surroundings, especially his family, therefore manifestations of aggression, dislike, and temper can negatively affect this sign; the child will consider any manifestation of the parents’ emotions to be the norm and will begin to actively practice everything he sees in life.
  3. The horoscope of the sign shows that the Sagittarius boy feels lies and deception in his presence will lead to the loss of authority of the liar, even when the lie was for the good.

Sagittarius boy abilities

This sign loves animals and the desire to pet a cat on the street, and feeding the birds is impossible to overcome. The characteristics of the sign are imbued with love for all living things, which intensifies during the development of the child. Such love can lead to an appropriate choice of profession: the boy will want to work in a zoo, become a veterinarian, protect rare species of animals, that is, take care of all living things that surround him in every possible way.

In terms of school performance, the sign will behave and study as well as how often it is praised. Self-love is the weak point of a Sagittarius child, and if he sees that teachers treat excellent students better, he will become one. This also applies to household chores, in order to become better and earn praise, the Sagittarius boy is ready to wash the dishes and clean up after his younger brothers and sisters, because Sagittarius in the house is always about order and good relationships.

The Fire sign is a public child who feels good in a big company, but is not bored when alone. You can very well observe changes in the sign’s behavior when he is alone and in company. With friends he behaves calmly and confidently, but when alone he can cry. This quality definitely helps in adult life, when you need to work in a team and maintain authority.

The sign is changeable in its hobbies; for one month he can go singing, and then he will understand that this is not interesting and will take up weightlifting. Such changeability can be a bit of a hindrance in adult life, so parents should insist a little on the logical conclusion of endeavors, even if they are not useful in life. This will allow you not to give up in the future and do your job well.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius – health horoscope

Sagittarius babies are born big and develop quickly, both physically and mentally. They have enough vitality and energy to overcome diseases typical for children. The sign loves warmth; hypothermia and heat should not be allowed, this can quickly lead to a decrease in immune defense. The biggest problem for parents may be constant bruises, fractures are not excluded, but this is easily tolerated and forgotten.

It is necessary to take care of the liver of the fire sign of the zodiac from a very early age; you need to create a diet so that there is no excess of high-calorie foods. Walking in the fresh air will help you stay healthy and maintain the normal functioning of your body, which the sign really loves, especially when you meet cats and dogs along the way. But cold air can quickly unbalance the defense, which will lead to a cold.

Sagittarius child - how to behave

As soon as a little Sagittarius appears in the family, parents should prepare for the child’s frequent mood swings and whims. This is compensated by the inability to lie and the decency of the sign, which may even surprise adults. Jokes with a sign will not work, and a slight deception can mark a bad person in the eyes of a boy for a long time.

A democratic style of upbringing is suitable for a child; there is no need to be afraid that permissiveness will turn out badly. The child will demand only what he really needs, and if he is not spoiled, he will never demand too much.

These are positive children who easily find a common language with parents and peers, but on the condition that they will be honest with him and consider him an equal. It is dangerous to violate a child’s self-esteem, since complexes can gradually develop, which will be very difficult to get rid of, and they will interfere in adult life.


Favorable days for conception

The best time to conceive a child in 2018 for Sagittarius is the period when the Sun moves through the zodiac sign Sagittarius, corresponding to the sign of the woman. Nature itself suggests this time. After all, girls' first periods begin on their birthday.

The period itself is the process of destroying an unfertilized egg. Obviously, by this process, nature indicates that on her birthday, or within 2 weeks before or after it, a woman is best ready to conceive.

Conception calendar for Sagittarius

From January 1 to April 19;
From May 21 to August 23;
From September 24 to October 23;
From November 23 to December 31

Do not forget to calculate from these periods - new moons, full moons and eclipses.

Unfavorable days for conception

1. First of all, it is necessary to exclude women from the conception calendar 13 days after the start of menstruation, if menstruation lasts more than 13 calendar days.

2. It is necessary to exclude the period of the Zodiac sign from the conception calendar of a Sagittarius woman Virgo(24.08-23.09), in which children of the opposite sign Gemini are conceived.

3. It is necessary to exclude the period of the Zodiac sign from the conception calendar of a Sagittarius woman Scorpio(24.10-22.11), which can cause the birth of 7 month old children.

If a woman of the Sagittarius sign conceives a child in Scorpio, then 7 months of pregnancy will occur in the opposite sign of Sagittarius - Gemini, which can cause premature birth. In this case, this baby will be difficult to go out and raise, since it will not yet be fully developed.

A child born under the sign of Sagittarius and therefore under the protection of the element of Fire is very active, sociable and curious. Everything that surrounds him is of genuine interest to him. He cannot stand loneliness. If you leave him alone, the baby will cry all the time, waiting for you to return. A noisy company of guests will not prevent you from falling asleep peacefully.

Sagittarius babies become especially energetic and active after they begin to crawl or walk. Their desire to learn all the secrets of the world around them sometimes exceeds the instinct of self-preservation. Unfortunately, injuries are inevitable if parents are not too attentive to such a restless “discoverer.” It will be better if household chemicals and dangerous items are on shelves where the child cannot take them.

Sagittarius children are extremely attached to their parents, who, in turn, should spend as much time as possible communicating with them. Endless abrasions and bumps accompany them almost their entire lives. This is the result of activity and some awkwardness that is characteristic of them. Light scratches and bruises are not dangerous to the health of the little representative of this sign. However, you should pay close attention to cuts and deep wounds: they must be disinfected. Sagittarians also often injure their heads and break bones.

The fire element makes people born under this sign natural leaders. In addition, they are friendly, good-natured and optimistic. Sagittarians are usually surrounded by many friends. If for some reason they fail to conquer a target in one attempt, they will return to it again and again until they achieve complete and unconditional victory. The main difference between Sagittarius and other Fire signs is the inability to admit mistakes made.

Other advantages of children born under this sign include honesty, openness and a heightened sense of justice. Such qualities are also characteristic of adult Sagittarius. They will not tolerate cheating and lies, even if they come from their own parents.

Sagittarians, being under the protection of the element of Fire, are characterized by increased activity. They like cheerful companies, holidays and surprises.

Little representatives of this sign love mechanical toys and children's musical instruments, among which they usually choose drums and whistles. Parents should be patient so as not to show their irritation due to excessive noise.

Older Sagittarius children prefer to spend a lot of time outside the home. Games, fun in the fresh air, meeting with friends - everything attracts them. Such a child will always find his place in sports. Filled with passion and ambition, he always strives for leadership and success, and in most cases chooses a sport in which animals are involved.

Due to their love of freedom and independence, older Sagittarians often have problems with their studies at school. They are not too diligent and not patient enough to write accurately and count carefully.

Parents need to instill in such children attentiveness, perseverance, neatness and discipline from an early age. In addition, they should definitely introduce their child to reading.

In order for a Sagittarius child to develop an interest in learning, it is better to alternate intellectual activities with physical exercises. Lack of physical activity can cause them severe nervous tension or stress. In adolescence, representatives of this sign usually study well, because they are already aware of the goal they want to achieve. However, at the same time, they are interested in those school subjects that will be needed to pass the entrance exams to a particular university.

You can develop the erudition of little Sagittarius with the help of a variety of educational games. As a rule, they solve logical problems with ease and interest. You can correct the situation with such a child’s performance at school by touching his pride and vanity. You just need to notice that some of his fellow classmates are better students than him. At the same time, slightly doubt his abilities. Rest assured, Sagittarius will do everything possible to convince you otherwise.

Children born under this astrological sign have high vitality. At an early age they are prone to frequent colds. In addition, liver disease may develop. However, the main problem for parents is injuries, broken bones and numerous abrasions.

A child of this type is cheerful, truthful, full of hope and opens up easily in communication. He does not like to limit himself either in food, or in entertainment, or in his living space. His spontaneity and enthusiasm must be wisely directed.

Leave him enough freedom for self-development and do not suppress him with petty control and excessive care. Feeling the distrust of adults, he himself will lose trust in them and may move away from his parents. His nervousness is a sure sign that you are not treating him right.

Children's horoscope: raising a Sagittarius

Sagittarius is able to organize himself; it is enough to introduce him to the rules of behavior. It gives him special pleasure to observe the ritual in everything. He plays strictly by the rules and is attracted to ceremonies.

In your upbringing, rely on a sense of honor and duty. The child will try his best to justify your trust. Help him get rid of excessive straightforwardness in relationships and slightly moderate his pride.

Children's horoscope: Sagittarius at school

To broaden your horizons, it is useful to introduce Sagittarius to art. His reading range is not very wide; he does not spend too much time on books. The child’s activity motivates him to action, so a taste for books must be instilled in time.

Sagittarius works well if he sees the goal clearly. You just need to teach him to pay attention to details. Marks and praise expressed in front of everyone mean a lot to him. He himself is not averse to boasting about his successes. It is better not to suppress this dream, but to use it as an incentive.

If something doesn’t work out for Sagittarius, he begins to get nervous and conflict. If his rights are infringed, he will fight for them directly and openly. Conflicts at school may also arise because he does not like either familiarity or disdain. The child also strives to gain authority through social activities.

Children's horoscope: Sagittarius health

The health of a Sagittarius greatly depends on his state of mind. A non-depressed child is not afraid of colds and diet disorders. For Sagittarius losers, resistance drops sharply. In this case, be attentive to complaints of discomfort in the pit of the stomach and in the right hypochondrium. This may indicate problems with the liver, a sensitive area for this zodiac sign.

Sagittarius is suited to any kind of sport, but he is attracted primarily by the spirit of competition.

For Sagittarius, 2016 will begin with a rethinking of life positions; they will clearly understand that they have not enjoyed life for a long time and it’s time to change something. Most likely, in winter, many Sagittarius will break up with their regular partner, as the former relationship will begin to burden and disrupt the plans of Sagittarius. Some representatives of this sign will decide to move to another city or abroad.

In the spring, Sagittarius working in large companies are not recommended to pursue career growth. Even if they manage to take a leadership position, they will not be able to rally the team around themselves and will fail. During this period, it is better to engage in individual activities. By the way, in the spring Sagittarius’ creative talents will reveal themselves more clearly; it is better to develop in this direction.

In the summer, Sagittarius will be forced to help their loved ones, perhaps their parents or their children. This will negatively affect his professional development, he will have to abandon several promising projects, but family is sacred for Sagittarius, so he will honestly fulfill all his obligations to his family.

In the fall, Sagittarius will want something significant; they will get tired of wasting money on trifles. If Sagittarius manages to plan their life correctly and eliminate from it everything that is unnecessary and burdensome, including people who pull them back, then they will be able to further develop and improve themselves quite harmoniously.

Love horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

The Year of the Monkey will prompt Sagittarius to think about love relationships. This topic will be especially relevant for single individuals who for a long time, for various reasons, could not build relationships. Almost all of this person’s problems are his own fault, so single Sagittarians need to think about what is stopping them from finding the right person; perhaps the advice of relatives and friends will help them figure out this situation.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius man

In 2016, the Sagittarius man needs to find the necessary motivation to achieve his goals. If representatives of this sign do not have personal interest, then they are unlikely to work diligently and achieve any benefits, although the year is quite promising for them. In 2016, it is advisable for Sagittarius to make acquaintances and communicate with influential people, this will help them take the right path and achieve success. But the best motivator for Sagittarius men will be the woman they love.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius woman

In 2016, Sagittarius women need to learn to restrain themselves and not go to extremes. Representatives of this sign will act in fits of passion, without assessing possible unpleasant consequences, so they risk quarreling with all their loved ones and losing a loved one. As a result, they will have to regret their mistakes very much and for a long time. Learn to be flexible and listen to your interlocutor; you need to be able to forgive and trust loved ones.

Career for Sagittarius in 2016

Due to their insecurities and personal worries, Sagittarius's affairs will go downhill. All these unexpected troubles can affect career growth, the achievement of which took great effort not so long ago. The spring blues will finally play a bad joke on representatives of this sign, since, not wanting to deal with new problems, they will gradually withdraw into themselves. The stars recommend that they solve problems as they arise. You should not reject the support of your family and friends, as their sincerity and desire to help can inspire Sagittarius to new exploits.

Sagittarius finances in 2016

This year Sagittarius will be incredibly lucky. Thanks to an active life position, this zodiac sign will achieve good results in work. A new, highly paid activity foreshadows the prospect of obtaining a high position. For Sagittarius, the end of the year will serve as a good summing up of financial results and the fulfillment of a long-held desire. The main thing is not to deviate from your goals.

Health horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Due to frequent nervous overload and constant anxiety associated with problems at work and the lack of a reliable shoulder, Sagittarius can remain in apathetic state. A favorite hobby will help the sign compensate for these shortcomings and forget a little about the troubles. The stars advise Sagittarius to organize pleasant holidays and regular walks in the fresh air more often. Women of this sign will experience the joy associated with the birth of a child. But postpartum depression and physical activity can negatively affect her body. Sagittarius should try to find a balance in order to maintain their nerves and health.

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