Strategies for winning at roulette. Win-win roulette strategy

The history of roulette goes back more than a century, and throughout this time, gamblers have spent a lot of effort and money to develop the optimal strategy for win-win bets. In modern online casinos, where the outcome of each rotation of the roulette wheel is determined by a generator random numbers, really find effective strategy It's almost impossible to play roulette. However, with the help of some mathematical laws, you can make playing roulette not only fun, but also a stable win. With the help of some win-win betting strategies, you will always stay in the black - of course, by following a number of basic rules.

Strategies for online roulette with minimum bets

Betting strategies in online roulette a lot - from classic progressive betting systems such as Martingale to complex mathematical strategies designed to find out the patterns of the random number generator and take advantage of them. The simplest and most profitable strategy for beginner players, especially effective for online roulette with minimum bets, is the traditional Martingale system, the founder of all progressive betting systems. With its help, you can finish the game of roulette with a profit - of course, if you know how to stop in time.

The operating principle of this betting system is extremely simple: firstly, you must always bet only on equal chances (red/black, even/odd, and so on), and secondly, bet on the same sector. In case of loss, the bet must be doubled, in case of winning, it must be left unchanged. If you adhere to this principle, then at any interval your winnings will always be equal to at least one initial bet - and if you're lucky, then much more.

Win-win bets in online roulette

In addition to the Martingale system, there is another strategy for win-win bets in online roulette, intended not for betting on equal chances, but for betting on a dozen or a column. It is based on the same principle as all progressive strategies - in case of a loss, the bet must be increased, in case of a win, it must be left unchanged.

The sequence of bets for the system is as follows:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 9 - 13 - 20 - 30 - 45 - 67 - 100

In other words, if you always bet on the first column, and, for example, a number from the second or third column appears, you must first increase the bet to 2, then to 3, to 4, and so on, following the above sequence.

This win-win betting system has one undoubted advantage over the Martinagle system: the bet size increases gradually, rather than doubling each time, so you can use it even if your budget is limited.

This system also has an alternative option for betting on two columns or a dozen at once - the so-called triple bet system. In this case, you bet on two dozen or two columns at once, increasing the bet in the same way in case of loss - but already three times:

1 - 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - 243

By adhering to this strategy, you can immediately “close” half of all sectors present on the roulette wheel, so that more than half of your bets will be won. But the disadvantage of the system is that bets are tripled every time you lose, and thus the player very quickly reaches the bet limit set in the online casino.

As stated earlier (Game Systems), there is no mathematical justified system, which allows you to consistently win at roulette. This is a game of chance, a game of chance, of luck, and the theory of probability will not help you here.

You shouldn’t trust people who claim to have mastered the magic of numbers and know how to win every day. They're making mistakes, dogs. There are other options:

  • They are crooks
  • They're crazy
  • They are crazy crooks

I think Einstein said that: "The only way to consistently win at roulette is to steal money from the table."

All we can do using Probability Theory is calculate the probability of each outcome and mathematical expectation, in another way - the advantage of the casino.

And the only working system that allows you to consistently make money on roulette was invented back in the 19th century and is still successfully used. Everything is very simple - open your own casino and shovel money.

Roulette systems should not be taken seriously. The systems give results in other games - for example, in Black Jack or Video Poker, where by playing, relying on basic systems (strategies), the player can even gain an advantage over the casino.

Roulette is a game of luck and entertainment.

But if we reject all systems, what can we offer for the game?

First of all, in gambling the outcome mainly depends on LUCK! But it’s also useful to know the rules that can improve your chances.

It’s the same when playing Roulette, where best strategy there will be games right choice the rules by which the game is played.

Play European Roulette!

The casino advantage when playing American roulette is 5.26%, in the European version it is 2.63%. This is one of the reasons why roulette has not become as popular in America as in Europe, where the roulette wheel is a symbol of excitement.

Although in lately With the growing number of Internet casinos, European roulette has become more accessible.

Regarding Russian casinos, they mostly play European roulette, calling it American. The main characteristic of the game that determines the odds is a wheel, with one (European) or two zeros (American).

Avoid betting on five numbers

If the walkie-talkie, as they say on the tank, and you still prefer the Wheel with Double Zero, do not bet on five numbers. The mathematical expectation here is 7.89% versus 5.26% at other rates.

Special rules

Look for roulette with "En Prison" and "Surrender" ("La Partage") rules, which reduce the house edge to 2.63% and 1.35% for even-money bets.

Money management

Now we know best rules. The next step is to determine the bet sizes.

It's no secret that many players risk more than they can afford. This is either pathology or just stupidity.

If you follow a few simple rules, you can avoid some unpleasant situations and increase your chances of success:

  • Before approaching the gaming table, decide how much you are willing to lose.
  • It is also reasonable to determine the amount of winnings after which you should stop, and thereby save it.
  • Determine the size of the bet based on the available cash and do not exceed it.
  • Good option control your cash supply - set aside part of each winning or all your winnings. But not in your pocket - the dealer may misunderstand you.

If you follow these simple rules, You will significantly increase your chances of winning, or at least be able to stay at the gaming table longer. Or maybe a taxi home will be enough.

Any strategy implies discipline - if you do not follow the chosen plan, then you simply do not have a plan!

And one more piece of advice: do not underestimate LUCK - this is the main factor in gambling. And remember, even if you have 100 rubles more in your pocket than you had when you came to the casino, you have already won!

So, let's summarize. Play European Roulette, manage your cash wisely, and may good luck accompany you!

Very simple system roulette games. Choose your favorite number and always place a bet on it, for example 1 dollar, which you do not decrease or increase. Play roulette 36 times. Payout if you win – 35:1. If unsuccessful, the bet is repeated. You complete a series of tests either after the first appearance of your number, or after 36 unsuccessful starts.

Several options are possible:

1) the lucky number for the player appears exactly on the 36th run. The player stays the same, since winning $35 compensates for the previous 35 losses.

2) the lucky number appears earlier. The faster this happens, the greater the player's income.

3) the lucky number never appears. The player loses $36.

Great roulette system

A very simple game system based on covering as much of the playing field as possible with bets.

Bets on this system are made as follows: 4 dollars first dozen, 4 dollars second dozen, 2 dollars sixline (25-30), 1 dollar split (31-33), or in larger sizes, but in proportion, for example 40, 40, 20 , 10 dollars. In this situation, only numbers 34, 35, 36 and zero remain uncovered. The bet remains unchanged and in this case is 11 dollars, if you win, then the winning amount will be 1 dollar, i.e. each time you risk 11 dollars for one.

I would also like to note the fact that if you lose in this case, there is no point in increasing the bet, since by doubling it following the example of Martingale, you will already be risking 22 dollars, for the sake of 2 and in order to win back the lost 11 you must bet 22 dollars 6 times and If you win if an open number appears at least once, you will lose $22.

Roulette system "Martingale and its modifications"

Perhaps this is the most common and well-known roulette system. The bet is made on simple odds (black-red, more less, etc.). If we win, we win, if we lose, we need to double the bet, betting, for example, on a color that didn’t come out, the bet is played, we win the initial bet again, we lose again, we double and so on either until the money runs out, or until the upper limit of the table is reached . Thus this system belongs to the category of aggressive systems, with an initial bet of 1 dollar on the eighth move (i.e. when we have lost 7 times in a row, we will need to bet 128 dollars to win 1 dollar). But the fact that this system can be effective is evidenced by the casino’s response by setting table limits, i.e. You simply won’t be allowed to double indefinitely even if you have the money to do so.

However, I would not talk about Martingale as a system that does not have the right to exist. Its advantages are obvious, it is very easy to understand. And I am sure that many who played it for the first time always won, for example, doubling your deposit twice is usually not a problem, but it has two disadvantages that you need to be aware of when using it.

First, as I already said, table limits, before playing, look at the table limits, although this can be bypassed in order to build the maximum possible chain. For example, you start playing at one table, reach the limit, move to another, then to a third, unfortunately, here lies another drawback of this system; bets increase arithmetic progression and sooner or later you will come across a large streak, for example, the loss of one color that you do not need, and this will end the game. But still, occurrences of the same color in a row, for example 12–15 times, can already be classified as rare phenomena. Therefore, I think it cannot be classified as a deliberately losing system.

Martingale can also be adjusted: if you are very afraid of long chains, stretch it as much as possible by making the minimum table bet for the first time, in addition, in order to further lengthen it, you can apply the approach described in Chernyshov’s system, i.e. wait for, for example, numbers of the same color to appear 3 times in a row and enter the game, so you can extend the chain by a few more links.

Well, the second option, you don’t have to go through the entire chain to the end, determine for yourself a certain moment when it is better to fix the loss and start with the initial bet, but it’s unpleasant, but it’s better to try to win back in this way than to lose everything.

Roulette system "Chernyshova"

Rare and new system. It got its name from the name of the author. It must be said that the system consists of two parts. Since the second part is dedicated to the Forex market, it is not interesting to us. The system also applies to playing with simple odds. Its essence is this. Before making any bet, you need to wait for a color to appear 3 times in a row (when playing on red-black). It is very convenient to play using this system where you can spin the roulette without making bets. In this case, the table limits must meet the requirements of the system.

Now about the game itself. After the same color appears 3 times (what to do with a zero, as far as I understand, the author suggests not taking into account the zero), we place a bet on the opposite color, for example 1 dollar, if we win, we again wait for the same color to appear 3 times in a row, after which we place a bet again 1 dollar, in case of loss we triple the bet, i.e. we then place bets in the following proportion 3 dollars, then 9, 27, 81 and that’s it, if we lose, then we stop there, fix the loss and next time we start with minimum rate at 1 dollar. Thus, a total of 8 links is obtained, taking into account the first three colors. It is possible and necessary to make changes to this system, for example, enter the game only after the same color has fallen out at least 6 times in order to lengthen the chain, but the principle of tripling itself must remain unchanged. Why tripling and not doubling as with Martingale. Everything is very simple, with Martingale, if we win, we always win our initial bet; when playing according to the Chernyshov system, the author rightly assumed that since we risk a lot, then the expectation of winning should be corresponding.

Roulette system "Garcia Method"

The system is ancient and probably no longer in use today. This system got its name from its author. Garcia was a great player in his time and did not waste time on trifles. The system itself is quite simple. Garcia played exclusively for big bets using a system that he himself invented. He placed bets on simple odds (red - black, even, more). The value of these bets was calculated in such a way that if one bet was lost, it could be increased 5 more times by 20%. Only with a 5th bet was the maximum table limit reached.

For example, Internet casinos set a table limit of $500 when playing with simple odds. Thus, if we follow the Garcia system, we will get the following rates: 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500. If such amounts scare you, you can take, for example, an Internet casino with small limits and proportionally calculate these rates there. Thus, our first bet will be $250, in case of loss it will increase according to the above progression. In case of winning, the same path had to be covered in the opposite direction.

At the same time there is one important point the author entered the game only after a simple chance showed a 4-time termination, and began the game with the first bet on this chance. This was done for a long time until a unit, in our case 250, was won.

Dozens or columns roulette system

The advantages of this system are obvious, even if the casino wants to play it safe and a very long series of, for example, red or black numbers appears, this will in no way interfere with us, since the columns contain both red and black numbers.

This is no longer a game of simple odds; at one time we cover 66% of the playing field, although we have to pay for this with increased bets. Before playing, carefully select a casino, look at the table limits, as well as your bank, since in case of loss you will have to triple your bet and immediately across two dozen or columns. There are also two modifications of this game when the bet is made on only one dozen, which in my opinion is very risky, or both columns and dozens are played at once, which requires a lot of capital and more care to track the numbers that appear and, accordingly, losses or wins.

Now about the system itself. Based on the table limits, our bets will be as follows: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243 and on two columns or dozens at once, i.e. we bet 1 dollar on two columns, if we win, we start with the initial bet, betting on the columns that didn’t play, if we lose, we triple the bets on two columns and so on.

Roulette system "5 out of 6"

Any 5 lines can be selected in a row, thereby the player covers 80% of the playing field.

One line remains open, i.e. 6 numbers and zero.

For each line, the same constant bet is made, any at your discretion, for example, $1–150. If you win, the bet from the winning line is transferred to the open line. If you lose, the bets remain the same.

I want to say right away that if you want to win at roulette using the 5 out of 6 system, play it for a short time; if you play for a long time, your initially won winnings will first decrease, and then you will probably go into the minus.

A modernized version of this system: its meaning is that if you lose, all five bets will be increased by 6 times, with the next loss by another 6 times, etc. If you win, the session starts again.

Unfortunately, the limits of most casinos are designed in such a way that they simply won’t allow us to increase our bets many times. The minimum amount for a raise is 4 times, but even then the game on such a system is highly aggressive, so even 30% is a large number, it is better to stop somewhere around 15%-20%.

Cuban roulette system

This system has only one undeniable advantage: it is so simple that even a five-year-old child can play with it.

On the downside, you are almost always guaranteed to lose everything, be it virtual or real money. When developing the system, the author considered that it was possible to take advantage of the uneven distribution of color along the columns on the playing field.

We make only two bets: one bet on red, the second on the second column. The bets must be the same in face value and do not change throughout the game, regardless of the result.

Thus, the greatest win will be brought to us by the appearance of red numbers on the second column, slightly less by the appearance of black numbers on the second column, the return of the bet by the appearance of red numbers on the 1st or 3rd column and the loss by the appearance of black numbers on the 1st or 3rd column.

Roulette system "YUNG"

Firstly, when playing, I advise you to keep a printout in front of you so as not to make a mistake, since the next bet will be made depending on the situation.

The bets themselves will be placed on simple odds, which all of you probably already know, so we won’t dwell on this.

The system provides for the possibility of playing for several chances at once, but we will not do this.

The first thing you need to remember is the progression of the form: 1 – 2 – 4 – 8. These are betting odds, respectively, if the bet is 1 dollar, then the bets will be 1, 2, 4, 8 dollars, respectively, etc. Remember that, in addition to your desire, there are and table limits.

Now about how and when and what bets to place. This is determined by 4 rules:

1) A bet of $1 is made. If we win, we bet 2, then we win 4, then we win 8.

2) If at any stage above there is a loss, then bet first 2, then if you win 4, then if you win 8.

3) If there is a loss on the second rule, i.e. what is on the line above, then the bets will be 4 and if there is a win then 8.

4) If there is a loss at some stage in series No. 3, then a bet of $8 is made and, regardless of the outcome, we return to point 1.

What to do if you win on points 1–3 is not entirely clear, whether to return to point 1 or start from there.

Roulette system "Parlay Anti-Martingale"

Many players have thought about how to turn the casino advantage to their advantage. This is how the Parlay system was born, which received another name - Anti-Martingale. Its creators decided that the bet should be increased not when losing, but when winning.

The essence of the system itself comes down to the following. Bets are placed on equal chances, for example on red-black, odds, etc. The game starts with a minimum bet, for example 1 dollar, in case of loss the color changes and 1 dollar is bet again, in case of winning the color remains the same, but the initial bet is doubled and so on.

Before starting the game, you need to decide on the most important thing in this system: how many times will you double if you win? It is clear that one color cannot appear endlessly. As a rule, a chain is offered either 3 or 5 times in a row. It should be taken into account that the longer the chain is used, the greater the size of the winnings, but the probability of losing also increases.

Actually, that's all the rules. This system can theoretically be profitable, but it will take a lot of work to find the optimal number of doublings after which you need to start again with the minimum bet. Moreover, this number will likely vary depending on the casino you play at.

Theoretically, you can try not to double if you win, but to triple, then the system will be more aggressive, but the chances of winning will also increase.

Roulette system "Bonus Roulette"

The system itself is incredibly simple: you need to place bets, one chip at a time (or the minimum table bet (in our case it will be 3 rubles), if you lose, we close the next number, if you win, we start over.

Also, if you win, we will start betting from the other end of the playing field.

Roulette system "D'Alembert"

At their core, all game systems can be divided into several groups. If the first includes strategies where they are built on the basis of martingale (doubling, tripling the bet when losing), then the next group (to which this system belongs) when losing, the bet increases, but not the nth number of times, by some ( for example 1, 5, 10 or any amount). If you win, the last bet, on the contrary, is reduced by the above amount.

So, in order to get started, you must first decide on the color that you like best. Secondly, decide on the initial rate and the amount by which it will decrease (increase). Now for an example. Because one of the most favorite and frequently asked questions is: “How much money does it take to play such and such a system?”

Let's say the initial bet is $20. The amount of increase (decrease) is 1 dollar. All bets are on red.

Along the way.

We bet 20. Loss.

We bet 21. Win.

We bet 20. Win.

We bet 19. Winning.

We bet 18. Loss.

We bet 19. Loss.

We bet 20. Loss.

We bet 21. Loss.

The size of the initial deposit should allow in this case to cover the chain of losses, i.e. I would recommend somewhere 15–20 times the minimum bet, i.e. in this case 300–400.

Roulette system "Zero Patience"

This game system does not belong to the category of equal chance games, but it is quite easy to learn.

To play you will need a deposit of 36 game chips.

The whole essence of the strategy is that bets are made in a certain, unchanging way, and winning occurs only when a “zero” appears.

Bets are made as follows: 2 chips on the first dozen, 2 chips on the 2nd dozen and one each on sixline 25–30 and zero.

In this situation, the numbers 31–36 will be losing for us; in all other cases, the bets will be returned to us.

If zero lands before the first loss, then the profit will be 30 chips, then after one loss 24, after the second - 18, third - 12, fourth - 6.

If a zero appears after five, you will return to your original deposit. Then we go into negative territory.

Roulette system "9 to 5"

The first thing I would like to note is that this system does not apply to equal chance game systems. Throughout the game, the bet is placed on only one number, which does not change if you lose. To play we will need a deposit of 493 chips, which in our case will be equal to 493 dollars.

You can, of course, choose other bet sizes, correspondingly multiples, the main thing is to fit into the table limits, which is not entirely so simple.

The first thing that needs to be done is to choose the number on which we will pin our hopes, and simply bet. Moreover, it is not selected at random, but according to the method proposed by the authors of this system.

To do this, you need to make idle spins and choose a number that has appeared 2 times in the last 15 spins. Actually, after this we place a bet according to the following system.

Bets: in our case, to fit into the table limits, we divide these amounts by 2. For such bets, a minimum deposit of $246.5 will be required.

1) 27 spins of 2 chips; (bet 1 dollar)

2) 10 spins of 3 chips; (bet 1.5 dollars)

3) 8 spins of 4 chips; ($2 bet), etc.

4) 6 spins of 5 chips;

5) 6 spins of 6 chips;

6) 4 spins of 7 chips;

7) 4 spins of 8 chips;

8) 4 spins of 9 chips;

9) 3 spins of 10 chips

10) 3 spins of 11 chips;

11) 3 spins of 12 chips;

12) 2 spins of 13 chips;

13) 2 spins of 14 chips;

14) 2 spins of 15 chips;

15) 2 spins of 16 chips

The gaming session ends with a win at any stage or until a complete loss.

To be honest, it is not entirely clear whether it is possible not to change the number at all and with what bet to make these 5 spins.

Roulette system "10 numbers"

It is also very simple in its essence, bets on it are made once and then remain unchanged throughout the game. The system itself, as indicated, was invented quite a long time ago. At first glance, doubts immediately arise about its effectiveness, since I never believed in covering the playing field as much as possible, because in case of a loss, a very large part of the money is lost, which is not compensated by winnings.

So, for the game you will need an amount that is a multiple of 3, i.e., for example, 30, 90, 300 chips, etc.

As I already said, bets are made once and remain unchanged. 10 chips are placed on any 2 dozens, the remaining 10 are placed on any 10 numbers of 3 dozens.

Thus, the loss of numbers from dozens on which we bet 10 chips will bring a return of the original bet, the loss of 10 numbers from the third dozen will bring a win of 6 chips, and the loss of open numbers 2 numbers and zero will bring a loss of the entire amount of 30 chips.

Roulette system "Titanic"

This strategy does not apply to equal chance gaming systems. The main thing to remember is that the bet is always placed on one of the dozens according to the following progression 1-1-2-3-4-6 and, accordingly, proportionally. Any roll of a dozen will bring profit. Thus, the player has 6 chances to remain in the black.

It should be noted that this system has several varieties. The only difference is which dozen to bet on when losing a bet. I'll be testing a variation called "1+2+3".

At the same time, fully understanding that a dozen can easily fail to appear 6 times in a row, the authors of the system suggest, when going through the entire progression chain, to use the martingale principle and double the initial bet and, accordingly, all progression bets. I think it's just an increase last bid 1.5 times is not correct and will not lead to anything good.

With this variation, if the bet is lost, the bet is placed each time on the newly drawn dozen according to the progression indicated above.

If a zero appears, we will make a blank spin to determine the dozen on which to bet and consider that one bet is lost.

In order to be as safe as possible, I decided that there would be several chains.

So my bets, taking into account the casino table limits, will be as follows:





I will start playing with a small chain, and if I lose, move on to the next one, etc.

If you win, you can move to a lower level.

When a bet wins, the bet starts from the first bet in the chain.

Roulette system "Snake"

This strategy does not apply to a game of equal chances. Throughout the entire gaming session, only 6 identical corner bets are made in amounts that are allowed by the table limits. Taking into account the size of the funds in the account, I decided to make 6 bets of $25 each time to demonstrate the final result.

If one of the bets wins, the snake does not change its direction and the bet size remains the same. If you lose, the bet denominations remain the same, but the snake changes its direction. Also, if you lose, the bet size does not change upward.

Thus, if our bet falls out, the winnings will be $75, and if we lose, we will lose $150. Following the logic, the mathematical expectation is not in our favor.

There is no point in doubling the bets when losing, because even if we lose, we will be in the red, the only option is to triple the bets, but since the bet limits are very small, this becomes ineffective.

Roulette system “60 in three spins”

This roulette strategy is simple and refers to systems that are aimed at maximizing the playing field with chips. In total, 34 numbers are closed on the field.

Based on the name, you can understand that the system is aimed at winning $60 in three spins. It’s not entirely clear how long you can play this way and what to do after winning three spins. At the same time, it is clear that over a long period of time this system will certainly lead to a minus.

According to the first option, you will need $340 to play.

The first bet is $180 on "Under".

Second bet 120 chips on the third dozen (25–36)

40 chips corner bet (19–23).

Thus, the losing numbers will be zero, 21 and 24, and the winnings will be $20.

According to the second option, you will need only 17 dollars and the bets will be accordingly: 9, 6 and 2 dollars. The winnings in this option are $1.

Roulette system "bet on 5 numbers"

The strategy got its name from the method of placing bets, since during the entire gaming session, bets are placed on only 5 numbers.

This strategy belongs to the type of system where we do not depend on the loss of any chains, since the game is not played on equal chances, so you can play according to this scheme for quite a long time, and one loss will throw us quite far back.

However, landing one of the numbers within 24 spins will bring profit.

First you need to find a casino that will allow you, and more specifically its table limits, to play by betting on numbers in the range of 1–20 game chips, i.e. the first bet should be 1, and the last 20 (or proportionally more or less ). Accordingly, to play you need a deposit of 690 game chips, or a proportional one.

The bets themselves are made according to the progression 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 11 – 13 – 15 – 17 – 20.

In this case, the above progression will be reduced by 10 times and the first bets will be 0, 1 and the last 2.

To determine what to bet on, it is necessary to make 10 idle spins and the last 5 numbers will be our goal. Moreover, if the same numbers appear, we will do the rotation again, since the author does not say anything about such a case.

After which we will place bets on these five numbers sequentially according to progression, i.e. first 0, 1 – 7 times, then 0, 2 – 3 times, etc. If the number comes up, everything starts again, and If it doesn’t fall out, we will lose the entire deposit, which will not be so easy to win back.

Roulette system "Heads or Tails"

It must be said that the above systems appeared relatively recently and, unfortunately, are not used by individuals for noble purposes. Against the backdrop of general paranoia that the results of the drops are rigged (after all, one color cannot appear 10 or more times, etc. nonsense), scammers allegedly came up with a system of protection against such long chains, namely, to contrast the RNG with a random RNG in in the form of a coin tossed repeatedly and cards.

Actually, this is the same martingale with the same doubling of the bet in case of a loss, except that the color of the next bet is chosen by the player not according to the system (in case of a loss of the same with doubling), but randomly, based on which side of the coin falls out.

Roulette system bet on “Stretched Martingale”

In general, this system is positioned everywhere as one of the varieties of martingale, however, due to the fact that it has significant differences, I decided to separate it into a separate strategy.

As part of the game according to the above system, first we need to determine what we will actually bet on. Bets on one number are considered a classic, with the initial bet being 1 gaming chip the first 35 spins inclusive, then if the number we need does not appear, the bet increases by 1 unit and spins are made from 36 to 53 spins inclusive, then bet 3 on spins 54–65, bet 4 on spins 66–74 and 5 on spins 75–81.

Accordingly, the player has 81 spins in reserve for his bet to win.

The disadvantages of this system include a small increase in winnings and a fairly large deposit. With the above bets and table limits it would cost $557.

If you win at any stage, the session starts again with the first bet; if you lose, a bet is made according to the table below.

The bets on the “street” will be as follows:

On the left are the serial numbers of the spins, on the right is the bet size:

1–11 (1)
12–17 (2)
18–21 (3)
22–24 (4)
25–26 (5)
27–28 (6)
29–30 (7)
31 – (8)
32 – (9)
33 – (10)
34 – (11)
35 – (12)
36 – (13)
37 – (14)
38 – (15)
39 – (16)
40 – (18)
41 – (20)
42 – (22)
43 – (24)
44 – (26)
45 – (28)
46 – (30)
47 – (33)
48 – (36)
49 – (39)
50 – (43)
51 – (47)

Roulette system "Buffster Winning Strategy"

This system, in principle, is not anything complicated, but it requires concentration and attention and is not a game of equal chances.

In order to start playing, first of all you need to decide on a bet, which remains unchanged throughout, while the table limits should allow you to make it on the “six-line”, “street”, “split” and just “numbers”. As a rule, the lower value of the table limit is suitable. In general, the recommended size is 1 chip, but accordingly it can be 0.1, 1 or for example 10 dollars. After you have decided on the bets, make sure that your deposit is calculated for such a game, and this is not so easy to do. Based on the maximum number of spins provided by the system - 35, and if the unnecessary dozen comes up that many times, which is quite unlikely in principle, you will lose 572 dollars based on bets of 1 dollar and 2860 based on 5 dollars.

To start the game, write down your deposit and make a single spin, after which remember the dozen that came up, your first bets will be on the other two, but not on the dozens themselves.

1) within 5 spins of roulette, bet $5 on the 4th six-line;

2) within 6 spins of roulette, bet $5 on 8b street (a line of three numbers);

3) during 6 spins of roulette, we bet $5 on split (pairs of numbers) – 3 pairs of numbers that are on the same six-line;

4) over the course of 18 spins of roulette, we bet $5 on each number out of two dozen.

Thus, a loss will be the loss of the remaining dozen and, accordingly, “zero”.

If we lose, we begin to play further according to the above progression, until the next bet provides us with a positive balance compared to the initial one, while if we lose, we do not change dozens, and if we win, we place bets on those that did not fall out. So until we get into the black or all 35 spins end.

When you get a profit, we start the gaming session from the beginning; you don’t have to do a single spin, since we know the last number that came out.

Roulette system "Bet on one number"

First, you need to choose any number that you like and place bets on it throughout the entire gaming session according to the sequence below. This system is somewhat reminiscent of the Makarov system or the Stretched Martingale. In total, you will have 95 spins for the bet on your number to play. If this does not happen, you will have to record the loss and start all over again. Actually, the sooner your bet lands, the greater your winnings will be.

The casino chosen by the player must satisfy the requirements of this system and allow betting on one number both 1 unit and 12. Based on this, your bets can initially be 0, 1 and the last 1, 2; and 1 and 12. In this particular case, bets will start from 1 euro.

Of the minuses: this system is very slow, i.e. you will have to play a lot, but the chances of success are still quite high. Of course, this does not mean that any number may not appear 96 times, it may still happen.

Bets are made according to the following progression and the minimum required deposit for such a game at the rates below must be 346 euros.

1) during the first 35 spins of roulette, you should bet 1 unit per number;

5) then 7 starts, you should bet 5 units per number;

6) then 5 spins of roulette, you should bet 7 units per number;

8) then 3 launches, you should bet 9 units per number;

9) then 3 launches, you should bet 10 units per number;

10) then 3 spins of the roulette, you should bet 11 units per number;

11) and the last 2 spins, you should bet 12 units per number.

This is where the progression ends.

If you win at some stage, the progression starts anew and there is no direct prohibition on betting again on the same number as before, or you can choose a different number.

Roulette system "Fibonacci System"

The uniqueness of these numbers is that the previous two add up to a third and so on ad infinitum. Of course, you may ask: “What does these numbers and the game of roulette have to do with it?” The most interesting thing is that someone will suggest using this sequence as a basis for raising bets in case of loss.

Now, in order, the numbers themselves are simple and look like this: 1–1–2–3–5–8–13–21–34–55–89–144 and beyond. I deliberately did not continue further, because when testing this system, they will be our bets. For this game the minimum required deposit is $376.

Unfortunately, in none of the descriptions of the systems did I find accurate information about how bets are made in terms of the need to change the equal chance when any event occurs, so during the game we will both change the color (if we win) and leave it unchanged.

First you need to choose some kind of equal chance, usually this is a color and make the first bet, which is the first in the chain; in case of loss, the progression bet follows, in this case again “1”, then if you lose “2”, then “3” and so on.

If at some stage we win, then we need to make a bet minus the last two, for example, if the bet “34” played, then the next bet will be “8”, etc., respectively, the color can be changed, or you can leave it, because there are no direct indications of this. If, for example, a win occurs on the second bet, then the chain of bets begins anew.

At its core, this roulette system is conservative, i.e., your winnings will grow slowly, and the downside is that there is also a possibility that you will hit the upper limit of the table and this will end the gaming session.

Roulette system “Bet on a dozen by progression”

This article will discuss a strategy in which bets are placed on one of dozens. At the same time, I specifically clarified its name, i.e. there is a similar system when playing, according to which, in case of loss, the bet is tripled.

As I already said, a bet is made on one of the dozens, and one of them is initially selected through idle spins 10 times. The dozen that appear more times than the rest is our goal. Unfortunately, the author does not indicate what to do if, for example, 2 out of 3 appear the same number of times (in this case, we will rotate further to determine the winner) and what to do with zero (I will simply not take it into account). In general, to further determine the dozen on which to bet next time, the author points out that there is no need to make 10 idle spins again, but you can take them from the previous statistics.

The progression itself in case of a loss has the following form: 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 15 – 20, i.e. in case of a loss, the bet is made on the same dozen according to the above chain. In this case, if the table limits allow you to do this, your minimum balance should be 63 dollars or euros.

Of course, some players may like this system, but remember when playing for one dozen, you close 33% and the probability of getting 2 open dozens is 9 times, and this is exactly maximum quantity bets on the chain, makes this system very risky.

Labouchere roulette system

I want to say right away that this game system has several varieties and in some sources there is slight disagreement regarding bets.

To play this strategy, the first thing you need to do is prepare a pen and paper for writing, since it is almost impossible to keep so many numbers in your head, unless of course you are a genius.

Secondly, you need to write several numbers from 0 to 36. The minimum number of numbers in this chain is four, the maximum number is not specified, but I think it should not be more than 6. This chain can consist of a sequence, for example “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, or “34”, “5”, “17”, “9”. At the same time, you must understand that the amounts of two bets should at least initially be invested in your table limits, including the minimum. I strongly recommend that you first play the Labouchere system with virtual money to understand all the nuances. Some sources suggest that the sum of all initial numbers should equal the goal of the session. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say.

The game itself is based on the principle of betting on equal chances according to the following scheme.

1) Your first bet will be equal to the sum of the first number “2” and the last number “5”, i.e. 7 dollars You bet on any equal chance, for example on “red”.

2) If you win, you cross out “2” and “5” from your list and you will have “7” and “4” left on your list, which will become the terms for your next bet 7+4=11.

3) The next bet will therefore be 11 dollars on black. If you are lucky again and the color black falls out, there will be nothing left from the chain, because... these numbers must be crossed out. To continue the game, you come up with a new chain and start all over again.

4) Now imagine that having bet $11 on “black” we lose. In this case, nothing is crossed out and “11” is placed at the end of the list, which will look like “7”, “4”, “11”.

5) So the next bet will be “7” + “11” = $18 on black.

6) If after crossing out one number remains, I will start a new “chain”. The description itself does not contain information regarding what to do in this case.

It is not difficult to guess that with each loss the bet amount increases and with each loss there is a risk of hitting the table limits or simply not having enough money for the next bet.

The issue of equal chances is also acute. It is clear that it is difficult to predict the consequences of, for example, losing a chain of even 10 matches of the same color. In principle, I don’t think it will change much if, for example, you change the color every time.

Very difficult question The question is when to stop the game, since there is actually no deposit at risk. This question remains at your discretion; it is either a certain period of time, or a percentage of the deposit itself.

Roulette system "Money method"

This system is very simple and suitable for beginner players.

To play you will need a bank of $100. Before the game, the player must select any five numbers on which bets will be made during a certain gaming session.

Next, you need to place a bet on each number in the amount of 1 unit and spin the roulette until one of the bets wins, and if you lose, a repeat spin is simply made without any changes.

If one of the bets wins, you need to bet one more unit on each number and spin further, a loss will follow: the bets and numbers also remain increased. If you win, the bet increases further by 1 unit.

This sequence of actions continues when the bet size on each number reaches 5 units. After which the gaming session ends, and the session also ends if you lose.

Roulette system "666"

In general, this strategy has a lot in common, for example, with such systems as “Cuban” and “10 numbers”.

To play, you will need a minimum deposit of $66, which will be our amount at risk.

What else can you say? bets are made in a combined manner, both on equal chances and on numbers, but the point is to close it as soon as possible more numbers. In this case, we will have 4 numbers left open, which we can choose ourselves from the following numbers “4”, “6”, “15”, “22”, “24”, “33”, “35”. As you already understand, if one of these numbers falls out, it will lead us to a loss, and our losses will be 66 dollars. Accordingly, it will be difficult to win back.

Now about the rates themselves:

1) $36 for “red” (strictly).

2) $4 for splits: “0 and 2”, “8 and 11”, “10 and 13”, “17 and 20”, “26 and 29”, “28 and 31”.

3) 2 dollars for 3 numbers. You can choose three numbers from the following numbers: “4”, “6”, “15”, “22”, “24”, “33”, “35”.

Actually, if you win, the profit is $6, and if you lose, the loss is $66.

Also, there is no point in doubling or even quadrupling your bets when you lose, since in any case, if you do nothing, you will need 11 successful spins to win back. Increasing your bets even if the table limits allow you (although 11 times you won’t find such table limits) will not give you anything, and in case of another loss you will find yourself at a serious disadvantage.

Hunter roulette system

The author of the strategy suggested that the maximum possible number of consecutive occurrences of one equal chance is 20 times. Why he got it and why he decided it this way remains a mystery to me. Apparently these are his personal observations. In fact, the entire system is built on this axiom.

Accordingly, from this value you will calculate the ratio of equal chances to other bets. This is described in detail in the brochure itself.

2) Dozen (or column is my note) 1–28 spins.

3) 2 dozens (or columns, my note) 1–14 spins.

4) Sixline 1–61 spin.

5) Four of a kind 1–91 spin.

6) Straight 1–21 spins.

7) Split 1–181 spin.

8) Number 1–361 spin.

The next key point is the formula by which the game takes place:
A – D = H, where A is the approximation (last value), D is the deposit (but not its amount, more on that below), H is the start number.

Let's move on to the deposit. “D” will mean the number of bets that you are going to make on certain odds, for example, your deposit is 100 dollars and you are going to play Martingale, then your bets will be (let’s assume, although the author doesn’t say anything about this, that the table limits are 1 –100): 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. There are 6 bets in the chain. This means the value D = 6.

Bets on other odds are calculated in a similar way. Thus, we get 21 – 6 = 15. Of course, everyone is of course interested in what this number means and why all these calculations were carried out.

Well, now about the main thing. "H" is the start number. The author suggests dealing with long chains by simply skipping them. And how many times in a row should one or another chance occur before you start betting on it. In this particular case, 15, i.e. we wait until 15 times, for example, one color or another equal chance appears and we begin to bet on the opposite.

As you already understood, this idea is not new, this scheme was used under Chernyshov, and many also play this way for dozens.

The only thing that Hunter introduced was that he came up with a formula and now you don’t have to think about how long to enter. It is clear that this is not a panacea; the same color can appear more than 20 times. He calls such cases anomalous and suggests increasing the approximation number, although it is not clear when this should be done.

Also, if you estimate his calculations, the entire game will essentially consist of many hours of idle scrolling, which probably not many will like. Well, if you still run into a chain of more than 20, “Hunter” will not save you.

Roulette system "Rent"

In general, this system is also not complicated. To play using this strategy, as the author indicates, a minimum balance of $100 is required and the final result is determined to be $15 or 15%.

During a gaming session, the player will place bets according to a certain progression on such types of equal chances as (over or under), as well as on sixlines, or under certain circumstances, sixlines can be replaced by dozens.

Learn more about the progression, which is 5 – 10 – 20 and is the sum of the bets of each spin. In principle, if the deposit (and table limits) allow you, then you can continue this progression. The only question is whether this makes sense, since each time the chances of winning remain the same, but the amount of loss accumulates.

In this case, there are several rules: the session starts from the first stage, if you win it does not change, if you lose, the player must move to the next stage and remain on it until he wins back the lost 5 units, this will require 3 winning spins, because In the second stage, the winnings for each spin are $2. If there is a loss at the second stage, then the player moves to the third stage where he remains until the wagering lost money or complete loss of the deposit.

First stage: $3 on (over or under) and $1 on uncapped sixlines.

Stage two: $6 on (over or under) and $2 on uncapped sixlines.

Third stage: $12 for (over or under) and $4 for open sixlines).

So, to start the game, you need to make a single spin to get any number. After that, the first bet is made on more or less than the opposite number of the dropped number in the amount of 3 dollars and 1 dollar on the remaining open sixlines.

As you already understood, 6 numbers and zero will be your losing numbers.

Thomas Donald-Nathanson Roulette System

This system was named after the names of their authors, famous mathematicians who, like many others, set themselves the task of finding a system for playing roulette.

Initially, Thomas Donald came up with the basics of this strategy. The game is played on equal chance bets, but does not contain martingale principles.

To begin with, the player chooses one of the equal chances, usually this is the color and size of the minimum bet (when choosing, pay attention to the table limits), let’s say it will be a dollar (in testing, the minimum bet will be 5).

If there is a loss, then we increase the bet on this color by the size of the minimum bet (for example, by “1”), and in case of a win, we reduce the chance of the minimum bet.

If the minimum bet was made when winning, then the next bet should be zero, in this case we make a single spin, or by betting on both equal chances, which is less preferable.

Over time, another mathematician Nathanson criticized this strategy and decided to make one significant addition, the fact is that there was a gap, what to do if you win with a single spin, then it turns out you need to make a minus bet, but since this is impossible, Lev Nathanson suggested this case, make a minimum bet on a different color.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this system, but it is easy to get confused after some time.

This system behaves well in cases where the chances are approximately equal, if for a certain number of spins there is a clear bias towards another equal chance, this will kill the system, at best there will be a drawdown, so it is advisable to have a large deposit.

Roulette system "McKinley or silver method"

To play using this strategy, you will need a casino, preferably with the ability to make idle spins without bets, but in principle, any other one that you like will do.

At its core, the strategy provides for constant idle spins with tracking of dozens falling out, and as soon as one of the dozens does not fall out 7 times in a row, the player must begin betting on it starting from the minimum bet of the table limit and further multiplying by 1.5.

It is clear that bets can be rounded and there is nothing wrong with that. In principle, this system is very similar to the “modernized dozens” system, only the only difference is that there the bet is on two dozen, here on one.

Pros: Less deposit required.

Of the minuses: the game becomes extremely risky. As a rule, a player has 10 bets left up to the upper limit of the table. Total 7 single spins + 10 chain of 10 bets. In my opinion, this is very risky.

Of course, if you are not a genius, then you will need to constantly write down which of the dozens you got.

Albert Suarez roulette system

At its core, the system is built on the principle that “if a number has not been drawn for a long time, then it should appear soon.” It must be said that many systems are built on this principle.

Before starting the game, you should stock up on paper on which to mark the number of spins and the numbers drawn.

First you need to choose a casino. It is highly recommended to choose a casino that offers free spins, as you will need to make a lot of them. Table limits don't really matter.

Having decided on the above, you need to make 75 idle spins, crossing out the numbers that came out each time. If after 75 spins there are still numbers that have not been drawn, then we start the game; if there are none left, even before reaching 75 spins, we start all over again.

Having identified the non-drawn numbers, as a rule, their number is no more than 8, we place a bet of any size on them, but not the maximum table limit. Let’s say the numbers 1-4-8-32-14 didn’t come out. A bet of, say, $5 is placed on each of these numbers.

Then it is considered that during the next 30 spins the number or numbers must be played. It is not stated anywhere exactly how many rotations to make. In this case, if any number appears, you should increase it in the next spin or throughout the entire game (by how much is also not said).

In any case, playing for a number is highly risky and I am sure that it will not lead to anything good.

Roulette system "3 for three spins"

So, first of all, I would like to note that this strategy got its name because its principle is based on the principle of earning 3 dollars for three successful spins and then leaving the casino.

By its very nature, the player forces, by placing several bets, almost the entire field with the exception of some numbers, and more specifically, 3. Accordingly, when these numbers appear, the player’s entire bet is burned.

In general, $17 is required to play, but you can play for other amounts, observing the proportions in the bets. To start the game, you will need to place a bet on the “under” in the amount of 9 dollars, bet 6 dollars on the third dozen and the corner of the numbers 19, 20, 22, 23. Accordingly, the losing numbers will be zero, 21 and 24. You can also do the opposite, 9 over , 6 for the first dozen and, accordingly, the corner of the remaining open numbers.

Despite the fact that the chance of getting three open numbers seems low, its loss will deprive the player of $17, but if he wins, his amount will only be $1.

Thus, over a long period, naturally, this ratio will lead to the loss of the deposit.

This is probably why the author suggests leaving the casino after 3 spins. The real question is, will 3 dollars suit anyone? Moreover, there is no guarantee that an open number will not appear on the first spin. It is pointless to increase bets when losing, because in order to win back the 17 lost dollars you will have to raise the bets very much, and it is not a fact that the table limits will allow you to do this.

Roulette system "Unnamed system"

So, to begin with, you will need any casino, and also choose any number; there are two approaches, either do idle spins to determine a number that has not appeared for some time, or simply choose at random.

After you have decided on the number, you make the first bet on this number, as well as on two more numbers that are adjacent to it on the roulette wheel, so if, for example, you take number 8, then the adjacent numbers will be 30 and 23.

Having placed equal bets on these three numbers, say $0.1 each, you need to make 10 spins or stop in case you win. If after 10 spins none of the bets win, then there are two options, either re-search for any number and adjacent ones and start all over again, or simply double the bets and make another 10 spins. If again the bets did not work out, then start all over again.

At some step, the bet will win in this case, the bets are doubled + two bets of the same denomination are made on those adjacent to the field with the dropped number. In total, there are five closed numbers with the same bet. By the term “neighboring along the field,” the author most likely means those located on the same field line. Another 10 spins are made. If you lose, everything starts again: a number is selected, etc.

If within 10 spins one of the bets wins, then all bets are doubled, while the same five numbers remain on the field and again 10 spins. If within 10 spins there is a win, the bets are doubled again and the author recommends not doubling this way. more than 3–4 times. If at some stage you lose, then go back to the very beginning.

Domination roulette system

The first thing you need to play is a minimum deposit, which classic version equals 39 dollars or euros depending on the currency of your account. At its core, this is a game where you bet on one of the sixlines. At the same time, the author of the strategy suggests a very original way of determining this sixline. To do this, you will need a better roulette with the ability to make idle spins.

In general, to begin with, it is better to prepare images of the roulette field to mark the drawn numbers. The idea is quite simple: the player makes 15 idle spins, while noting the numbers that come out. If three straight numbers and one adjacent straight number come up, then this is the sixline we need. In fact, in theory, two such sixlines can be formed, as well as a not quite “ordinary” sixline, and the author of the system does not specify what to do in this case. If such a sixline does not appear behind the spins, then the next 15 spins are made.

After the sixline is found, the player begins to place bets on it according to the progression:


It is clear that based on the table limits, these bets can be increased or decreased proportionally. When testing, I increased them five times and accordingly received a total minimum deposit of $195.

The bet is always placed on the identified sixline and if you lose, it increases according to the above progression. If you win, you should probably start again with 15 idle spins. If after 14 attempts the selected sixline does not appear, the player loses.

Essentially it all comes down to one question: can one sixline not land 14 times in a row?

Roulette system "Carsch"

The system is not widely used, however, it is quite simple and based on the assumption that the dropped numbers depend on each other. Whether this is true or not and how the casino RNG works is extremely difficult to say, but the main thing is that you need to analyze the drawn number each time to determine whether it belongs to the “higher” or “lower” and its color. Bets are made depending on this. In order not to describe in words, I provide below a table that describes the betting algorithm.

If the number is "red" and "higher", then 20 on the "higher" and $1 each on red numbers 1-18, plus zero.

If the number is "black" and "higher", then 20 on the "higher" and $1 each on black numbers 1-18, plus zero.

If the number is "red" and "less", then 20 for "under" and $1 each for red numbers 19-36, plus zero.

If the number is "black" and "less", then 20 on the "under" and $1 each on black numbers 19-36, plus zero.

I think the principle is clear. It is important to maintain proportionality of rates. The amount of bets on numbers + zero must be doubled less rate to "more" or "smaller". Accordingly, the rates can be any.

When you win, we re-analyze the drawn number each time and place bets according to the above algorithm.

In general, the system provides three options for the development of events in case of loss. If you lose, it is best to leave the outside bet in the same place and double it; bets on numbers are also doubled, but change color.

Yes, this is not a panacea for ills, because due to the existing table limits, most likely you will be able to increase no more than twice, however, if this principle is not applied at all, it gets worse.

Roulette system "1.5 dozen"

This system is a variation of the game for dozens. As the name suggests, we will play for one and a half dozen.

You must bet on 1 dozen or more when numbers 13–18 are rolled, and on 3 dozen or “less” when numbers 19–24 are rolled.

The game itself goes as follows. The player makes idle spins until one of the numbers appears, either 13–18 or 19–24, after which another idle spin is made and, depending on the number drawn, bets are made according to the above cheat sheet.

In this case, the bet on an even chance (“over” or “under”) must be equal to the bet on a dozen.

If an equal chance occurs, the player remains with “theirs”; if a dozen is rolled: with a win in the amount of the initial bet.

After that, idle spins are made again to determine a dozen and an equal chance.

If there is a loss, a blank spin is made and the bets are doubled. It is at this point that the biggest drawback lies. The fact is that even if a repeat bet results in a win, the previous loss is not compensated, since doubling the bet is not enough for this.

In general, in essence, we have an open sixline every time.

The system also provides insurance against the loss of a zero, for example, by an additional bet on the zero itself and the same bet on an even chance, but since this requires additional mathematical calculations, I did not use this.

When testing the system, the bets will initially be 25 euros, and then 50 euros and increase proportionally. Ambiguous system.

Bally's roulette system

This strategy refers to systems that, in case of loss, increase bets progressively. Its essence boils down to closing most of the numbers and, in case of loss, increasing bets according to a certain progression.

The bets themselves are very similar to bets using the Snake system. There are 4 betting stages in total. The minimum deposit for these bets must be $156.

At the first stage:

$2 per line 1–0.

$1 for split 4–5

$3 for sixline 10–15

2 dollars per corner 20–24

$1 for split 22–25

$1 for split 30–33

2 dollars per corner 31–35

Total at stake is $12. If you win, the bets and their size do not change.

If we lose, we move on to the second step. The bets remain the same, but their amount increases 3 times, respectively: 6 dollars, 3, 9, 6, 3, 3, 6 dollars.

If you win, we go to the first step of the progression, and if you lose, we move to the third, at which we again increase the bets three times.

If you win at this stage, we go to step No. 1, if you lose, we again increase the bets three times.

The last step, which most likely you will not be able to do due to the table limit.

$54 per line 1–0.

$27 for a 4-5 split

$81 for sixline 10-15

$54 per corner 20–24

$27 for split 22-25

$27 for split 30-33

$54 per corner 31–35

Of course, the size of the bets itself needs to be adjusted to the limits of the casino table where you play, the main thing is that the proportions are maintained.

I don’t think that this system could show any results, unless in a very short period of time, the probability of hitting a number that was not covered by bets three times in a row is, in my opinion, quite high.

Roulette system "1-3-2-6"

Bets are placed on any equal chance, but it is unclear whether to change it every time you win, lose, or not change it at all. I think during testing I will decide on this and try different options.

The system itself got its name “1–3–2–6” based on the nominal bets, which naturally can be proportionally reduced or increased.

The strategy itself is very simple, we choose any equal chance, place the first bet in my case, it is 10 euros, if we lose, we repeat it again until the first win; if we win, we increase the bet according to progression, betting 30 euros. If there is a loss, then we return to the initial bet; if there is a win, then the next bet will be 20 euros, and with another win, 60 euros. If we win 120 euros, we start the chain again. When a “zero” lands, I personally consider it a loss and start the chain over again. The author is also silent about “zero”. If you lose at some stage, it also means returning to the original bet.

Roulette system "Fugitive"

To begin with, we choose any type of roulette, since idle spins are not used here, you can choose any gaming platform.

After this, we place a bet on any number. The bet size is also chosen arbitrarily, taking into account the player’s capabilities and table limits. If the bet did not work, we place the same bet on the number that was drawn; if it did, then we leave everything as it was and make a new spin. Essentially, when we lose, we add new number, if you win, we leave everything as is. As the player plays, he will push the gaming table more and more, winnings will happen more and more often, but the winning amount itself will decrease. Thus, in the end, only one open number will remain, and then you should end the gaming session, since the amount of bets will be equal to the winnings on them. The author himself does not specifically indicate when to stop playing, but in any case, I think it’s better sooner than later. In any case, the likelihood that a player will remain in the black when playing using this system is very small.

Magnet roulette system

This system supposedly got its name because it should attract the chains we need. In general, the game itself is based on equal chances in the amount of three, and they should not be antipodes, i.e. you cannot simultaneously play for more or black-red. For testing, I personally chose the following equal odds: “black”, “even” and “less”.

For the game itself, in principle, a small capital is sufficient, since the size of the bets itself can be quite small. Almost all sources mention bets from 1 to 8 chips. In principle, if desired, they can be indexed.

Idle spins are not used when playing according to this strategy, so there can be any casino that suits you.

The player's first bet is 8 units for each even chance he selects. The further size of the bets will depend on whether this bet was successful or not. If you play, then its size is doubled, and the maximum size in any case is 8 units, but if there is a loss, then the size is halved, and minimum size 1 unit. Everything is quite simple if you write down the bets and do not remember them in your head.

Roulette system "Power of Zero"

It is difficult to understand the logic of the developer of this strategy. Apparently the author assumed that the casino was “cheating” and when the even odds were closed, a “zero” would appear and this could be used. In some ways, this system is reminiscent of another strategy, “Zero Patience.” So the whole calculation comes down to making only three bets (more on this below) and playing according to a certain progression. Any casino and any type of roulette except American roulette are suitable for the game.

So in total the system involves 6 stages. Before playing, make sure that your table limits allow you to place bets on all of them.

So, at the first stage, the player bets 1 unit on “red” and “black” or any two other equal chances and 2 units on “zero”. Next, 30 spins are made during which, the faster the zero appears, the greater the winnings. The author recommends that if you win at this stage and achieve a winning of 30 to 50 units, you should end the game or change the type of roulette.

If the “zero” does not fall out, you should move on to the second stage. Bets on equal chances will be the same at 1 unit, as well as at all subsequent stages, but the bet on “zero” will be 3 units. 10 spins are made regardless of whether the “zero” lands. Accordingly, “zero” can appear either once or all 10 times. To speed up the game from this stage, you can use the autoplay function.

If there is no winning, we move on to the third stage, where we also bet 1 unit on equal chances and 4 units on “zero”. Also 10 spins.

At the fourth, fifth and last sixth stages, bets on even chances remain unchanged at 1 unit, and bets on “zero” will be 6, 8 and 18 units, respectively. Also 10 spins.

Thus, if it is not your day, with such bets you can lose 460 units, which will be your risk amount.

Freddy Roulette System

Freddy developed a betting system for 6 splits depending on the number drawn.

According to the system, you need to make 6 bets on splits according to the picture below, while the value in the table of the bet number is located at the top or left, depending on the location of the table to the player. Zero goes with "2". The description itself is quite short and some points are not entirely clear. Since it is supposed to play according to the progression 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, it is not clear whether to change the numbers each time or leave them, increasing only the size of the bets.

Freddy's Triangle roulette system

The system itself is very simple. We don't need any calculations. There is a ready-made triangle in which there are numbers, which are also designations of the bet size.

The player starts at the top and works his way down. As soon as the game reaches the bottom of the triangle it ends.

The first bet is the top of the triangle and is an even chance bet that does not change throughout the game. If you lose, you go down one level and start placing bets from left to right. If you win, move to the number on the right of the same row. If the numbers run out and you continue to be lucky, start betting this row again.

As you can see from the numbers, we will need any casino with table limits of 1–200 for an equal chance. It is somewhat problematic to calculate the amount at risk, but I believe that it will be a number equal to the sum of the left numbers of the triangle - $1371.

Roulette system "Locked up number"

This system is found under different names and as a “closed number (number)”, “locked number”, sometimes as a “safe number”. The meaning of the strategy is based on betting on an area around a certain number, gradually narrowing it down to this very number.

There is a certain sequence of bets, while the size of the bets itself does not change either up or down throughout the gaming session.

Before the start of the game, the player chooses any number, nothing is said about zero, but I think excluding it. Then it determines which equal chance it belongs to from the “more than” category, which dozen, sixline, straight and split. It should be clarified that any number usually refers to several straights and splits, the player has the right to choose any of them.

Next, the size of the bet is determined; it can be anything based on your financial capabilities and table limits. For testing, I'll use 20. So the amount at risk would be $720.

Now directly to the system. If you win at any stage, everything starts again; if you lose, you move on to the next stage.

The first bet (one time) is made on the “higher” or “lower” of the selected number.

The second bet is also made once on the dozen to which the number belongs.

Then 3 times on the sixline, 6 times on the straight, 6 times on the split and finally 19 times on this very number. If there is a loss here, the player records the loss.

Roulette system "Cyclic castling"

This system is found under different names, including a bet on a dozen by progression, etc. Be that as it may, we will bet on exactly one dozen according to a certain system, but first we need to choose this very dozen.

After which the player has two progression systems with bets in the following order: 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5. In case of winning at some step, we return to idle spins. If you still fail to win, the second progression is used with bets of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. I have a suspicion that the bet of $1 on the second stage is either an error, a typo, or, to be honest, I I don’t understand something, because when you go to the second stage and you’ve already lost 12 dollars, it’s somehow pointless to bet 1 dollar again.

Thus, the player has 10 attempts to get the required dozen to appear. Whether it’s a lot or a little, it’s more likely that it’s a little and there will certainly be losses, and very often.

Roulette system "Cyclone"

Its essence lies in playing for an equal chance, which is selected only once and does not change in the future, only the bets change.

One of the features of the system is that the initial progression, which looks like: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, 37, can change depending on the number of zeros dropped. The more zeros you get, the shorter the progression in the initial bets becomes.

Since it is a progression, its bets can be changed by the player in proportion to his capabilities and table limits. In principle, bets can be continued further until the player hits the table limit or runs out of money.

If we lose, we move to a new level, and if we win, we take a step back or to the first level if the balance again becomes the same as it was before the progression started.

Of course, calculating the next bet on your own is quite tedious, fortunately the roulette assistant comes to our aid, which significantly simplifies the task when playing using this system.

The disadvantages of the system are a very long game and a very large possible drawdown.

Dustin's roulette system

This strategy refers to systems where the emphasis is on the fact that if something does not drop out, it should drop out soon.

The author of the strategy divided the roulette casino into 5 sectors, stipulating that the player himself can divide it at his own discretion, and any 2 numbers will still not be used. Such numbers in this particular case will be 12 and 28.

In general, on almost all sites where this system is mentioned, the sectors are broken down like this:

1 sector: 19, 0, 26, 3, 35; 15, 32

Sector 2: 17, 25, 2, 21, 4, 6, 34,

Sector 3: 23, 11, 36, 13, 27, 8, 30

Sector 4: 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20

Sector 5: 7, 29, 9, 31, 14, 18, 22

Then everything is relatively simple. The player makes idle spins until 4 sectors play, i.e., numbers related to any sector appear. Next, the player bets on these numbers according to the progression described below.

The first four spins are $1 for each number, then 3 spins are $3, 2 spins are $5, 1 spin is $7, 1 spin is $8 and the last spin is $12. Thus, the amount at risk is $301. Of course, the bets themselves can be changed proportionally, while keeping within the table limits.

If you win, everything starts all over again, taking into account the dropout of sectors during bets.

Every person who plays in a casino sooner or later begins to dream of a really serious win. By the way, according to existing statistics, 55% of all players prefer roulette, 35% prefer slot machines and only 10% prefer other gambling.

Game specifics

Any strategy will be ineffective if the ball lands on zero - Martingale, bet doubling system and many others. There are 37 numbers on the gaming table, any of which you can bet on. With a bet of 1 dollar per number, in case of victory, the player wins 36 dollars - the bet will be multiplied by 36 times, and since there are 37 numbers on the playing field, as a result, the casino always wins by one number.

How to beat roulette?

Alas, there is simply no universal, 100% working way to play roulette. Today, a huge number of different strategies have been developed, but none is effective enough to win this game of chance.

Very often professional players show solid success when playing in casinos, they use this strategy. The player stays in the hall all day and watches the speed of rotation of the roulette and the speed of the ball. Due to the fact that the rotating part of the structure has insignificant play, the frequency of some numbers falling out is much higher than others.

Based on such data, players place bets on the most frequently drawn numbers and win. However, this is not relevant for online casinos; roulette here is just a beautiful animation, the numbers are generated by a special program that displays the number.

Double bet system

So, roulette is mathematically number game and, theoretically, it can be calculated (but no one has succeeded in practice) to calculate it. A solution that shows sufficient effectiveness was nevertheless found.

As you know, roulette is governed by the theory of probability and in order to have a chance to win, the player must constantly double his bet. This works very well with bets on so-called “even” odds – black and red, even or odd. But don’t forget about zero - if the green sector appears on the roulette wheel, you lose in any case.

The doubling system is very simple. For example, we bet 1 dollar and the roulette starts spinning. If you win, we take the money and bet 1 dollar again. If we lose, we bet 2 dollars, which, if we win, will return the lost dollar to us and make a profit. And by analogy.

Why doesn't this work?

Like the players' loophole, the casino's solution was unique. The rules of the game of roulette cannot be played, however, gambling houses have changed the minimum bet for the table, in fact, simply reducing them. If previously a rich player could double his bet indefinitely, today the limit in each gambling house is limited.

You will have 12 turns to win and with a bet of $1 per color (and doubling it if you lose) on the 12th turn the bet amount will reach $1024. By the way, if you win, the player will be able to earn no more than a dollar.

Betting on Dozens

If the doubling bet system does not appeal to you, you can bet on dozens. So, there are three dozen in roulette - the first (numbers from 1 to 12), the second (numbers from 13 to 24) and the third (numbers 25-36). The casino has a zero advantage. Let us remind you that when you bet on a dozen, if you win, it is multiplied three times. We bet $100, get $300.

Before placing a bet, watch the roulette wheel for several turns and look at the numbers that come out. You need to choose the dozen that has not been drawn longer than the others. If it is not there, you can make idle moves in roulette (called “spins”) and wait so that one does not fall out longer than the others.

If, for example, the first dozen does not appear 4-5 times in a row, we will bet on it.

Here's a simple example

For the test, let's take a bet of 1 dollar - we put money on the first dozen. In case of loss, we bet $2 on a dozen. If we lose again, we bet 3 dollars, which, if we win, bring us 9 dollars (reversing our bet, costs 1 and 2 dollars from previous losses).

A combination has been developed on how to correctly bet on a dozen if it doesn’t come up - 1$, 2$, 3$, 6$, 12$, 24$, 48$, 100$, 200$, 400$, 800$, 1600 $ (for 12 moves). More accurate predictions cannot be made.

Roulette is an interesting, exciting game, widespread all over the world. But experienced players know that you can’t mindlessly bet on certain colors, numbers or even/odd. Most of them use a variety of strategies to play the game. And this brings the desired results.

Let's talk about strategies in detail

Martingame strategy.

The essence of the method is to double the bet after a loss. When using it, than more quantity slots and the higher the bet, the less likely it is to lose. The method has several varieties: with a shift, stretched Martingale, which requires a long game. Doubling the bets helps with constant defeats; at a certain stage, luck will definitely turn to face you. Required condition using the strategy consists in having an impressive amount that will allow you to play for a long time and the absence of limits in the online establishment for the number of bets.

Fibonacci strategy.

This method uses Fibonacci rads to calculate winning options. The Fibonacci series is the addition of previous terms in order to get the next one. Thus, the row looks like: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 21, 34, etc. This method and its application are discussed in more detail in a special review. The strategy is used by players who are limited by budget. This strategy is considered ineffective in cases where the player is constantly plagued by failure.

Its principle is to use a simple progression: 1, 1, 2, 4 and the ability to clearly remember the algorithm in order to change the game strategy when different situations arise. The strategy is suitable for those who have a significant amount of money to play for a long time (at least 30 bankrolls). To use it, you need to thoroughly study the possibilities and thoroughly understand the principle. Like all strategies, it is not always winning, but when used correctly, it significantly increases the player's chances of winning.

Biarritz strategy (Makarov system).

This tactic involves betting on certain number throughout the entire game cycle. For example, you bet on the number 14 and must repeat this bet for all 36 turns of the roulette. If you win, the winning amount will be equal to total amount bets minus money that was not won before the winning chance. If the number does not appear even once, you have the opportunity to double your bet and bet again on the same number or bet on a new one. The advantage of the strategy is its simplicity, the disadvantage is the lack of dynamics, because you just need to wait. At the same time, in an online casino there is little chance of beating a machine; in real conditions, such a strategy can bring positive results not so rarely.

Labouchere's strategy.

It is considered one of the most complex and consists of creating an arbitrary row, after which it is necessary to perform a series of actions. The last terms of the sequence are added up, and a bet is placed on this amount. If the outcome is positive, when the bet wins, these numbers are crossed out. If you lose, the sum of the first and last terms becomes last number sequences. The game continues with various additional conditions. The game ends when all pairs of numbers in the sequence are completed, as well as the last term if the number of digits remains odd. Labouchere's method is excellent for even bets and for players who know how to count correctly and do not lose track of the algorithm.

A fairly simple strategy. Its essence is to double your bets if you win, and if you lose, you should bet an amount equal to the previous bet. The strategy will not give big win, is great for traditional players, but like all strategies it does not provide a 100% chance of winning.

Lucky Seven strategy.

Recommended for players who do not want to take risks and place large bets. However, the deposit amount must be at least $120. The strategy is designed for a protracted game. If you win, it is recommended to place a bet in the amount of the previous one +50%. If the previous bet is an odd number, be sure to round up the 50% addition amount. The delivery is designed to win seven times in a row; if a loss occurs, it is recommended to start the game from the very beginning, with the first bet.

Thomas Donald's strategy.

The essence of the method is to wait a long time for a series of victories, the ability to get into the desired phase and, based on this, place bets on an increase or decrease. The disadvantages include the protracted nature of the tournament, which is not always allowed in casinos, as well as the player’s initial availability of a very impressive amount in order to make even a minimum bet.

Whittaker's strategy.

A controversial strategy that causes much controversy. Used in cases where the player does not have a large amount of money. The essence of the strategy is that if you lose, you should go back 2 bets and wait for a win, which a priori cannot be large. However, there is a possibility that the winnings may not come, in which case the player will lose the deposit.

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