Stephen Tyler sang with a street musician. The guy who sang with Tyler will learn the Aerosmith hit by heart

Tyler came to Moscow to give a concert for City Day. Aerosmith will perform on Lubyanka Square on September 5. The City Day concert will begin at 15:00 and end at 22:30. Aerosmith will sing for about an hour and a half. Admission to the concert will be free. The concert will also feature British singer John Newman and Russian artists Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarina and the Gorky Park group.

During a press conference ahead of the City Day celebrations, 67-year-old Tyler confessed his love for Russian cuisine, and the band's guitarist Tom Hamilton said he found Red Square a "beautiful and peaceful place." “My grandmother is German, my grandfather is from Ukraine, when they met Russia and Ukraine were one country. My grandfather always considered himself Russian, and I grew up eating borscht, I adore Russian food. And today I’ll go eat it,” the Rossiya Segodnya agency quotes Tyler.

Tyler compared the Moscow stage, 35 meters high, with Hollywood sets: “It’s amazing, it’s really chilling!” Drummer Joey Kramer said that he was amazed by the scale of Moscow, but he himself could not live in such a city. Hamilton added that “in America they are used to seeing Red Square on TV, with military parades.”

Moscow did not spend a penny on inviting Aerosmith and other artists, said the head of the Moscow department of trade and services, Alexey Nemeryuk. Meanwhile, RBC writes, with reference to the competition documentation on the government procurement website, that the Moscow government will spend more than 500 million rubles on celebrating the 868th anniversary of the city - twice as much as last year. The amount did not include the city hall's expenses for the Moscow Autumn festival and for clearing clouds. The concert was paid for by unknown entrepreneurs who love Aerosmith.

Due to bad weather, some events during the holiday had to be postponed, reports the Interfax agency. Thus, the procession of 1,200 participants of the Spasskaya Tower festival along Tverskaya Street was postponed. “A powerful atmospheric front approached Moscow from the west, 350-400 kilometers wide and about 300 kilometers deep,” explained Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Public Utilities and Landscaping Pyotr Biryukov. He said that a weather reconnaissance plane had taken off in the morning. “But due to difficult weather conditions, heavy fog and rain, the planes that were supposed to provide good weather conditions over Moscow took off only at 06:00,” he added. At first, aviation operated at a distance of 150 kilometers from the city, on the first line of the atmospheric front, then at a distance of 75-100 kilometers. “Now planes are operating in the sky along the Moscow Ring Road,” the official said. Later the group of aircraft was increased to 10. The work, according to the deputy mayor, continued in extreme weather conditions.

Stephen Tallarico (Tyler), Joe Perry and Tom Hamilton decided to form a group in 1970 in Boston. Guitarist Brad Whitford and Kramer later joined the band. Aerosmith recorded their first album in 1973. In total, the group sold 150 million albums during its existence. In 2001, the musicians were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Rolling Stone magazine and VH1 included them in their list of the 100 greatest musicians of all time.

A simple street musician from Kuznetsky Most, Alexander Anisimov, suddenly became a star of the Russian and world Internet. It’s not surprising, since none other than Steven Tyler himself decided to sing a duet with the Muscovite. The recording of the Aerosmith frontman performing a song from the band’s repertoire with Alexander was destined to become a hit. And LifeNews managed to find the newly minted rock hero and ask about the details of the joint performance.

Alexander noted that he never tires of reviewing the moment, which he will remember for the rest of his life. According to him, Steven Tyler stood and listened to him perform songs of other authors for 20 minutes and no one recognized him in the crowd. The audience only realized who was standing next to them when one of them asked the musician to sing something from Aerosmith. Alexander decided to amaze the audience with a hit from the soundtrack to the Hollywood blockbuster “Armageddon” - and really amazed everyone.

“Someone said, “Come on Aerosmith,” and he came out. Before that, I stood and played there for two hours, and everyone was filming me on their smartphones, everything was as always. And even when Tyler was in the crowd, everyone was filming me, they simply didn’t recognize him. At first I also didn’t understand who was standing next to me. I look - a man is standing in a hat and his face is very familiar,” said Alexander.

The musician admitted that he could not find an answer why on the evening of September 4, Steven Tyler, walking along Kuznetsky Most, decided to stop and sing with him just like that. On the Internet, many have already accused the authors of the video of staging it, but Alexander rejects all such attacks. According to him, his cameraman friend filmed Tyler in the crowd because he had been standing there for a long time and no one was paying attention to him. And when he approached Alexander to sing together, he specifically went online to make sure that he was next to his friend, simple guy with a guitar, there really is a living legend of world rock.

“I especially remember that he was able to adapt to my playing, because I don’t remember the chords of that song very well. “He’s a great guy,” said Alexander.

According to other eyewitnesses interviewed by LifeNews, what happened on Friday was not staged. Tyler just really liked the way Alexander sang.

28-year-old Alexander Anisimov admitted that he has been studying music since he was 16 years old, but he never managed to make a career as a singer. The Muscovite gave up music when he got married and, to support his family, worked as a loader, salesman, and bartender. Now he and his wife are expecting their third child.

According to the musician, last summer he realized that playing the guitar could earn enough money for his family. On average, performing songs brings Alexander about 70 thousand rubles a month, and his personal record is 30 thousand per night, which he earned just on Kuznetsky Most.

By the way, Tyler didn’t leave Alexander any money, but that doesn’t matter. The very fact of what happened is already more valuable than any money. The musician promised that he would now learn I don't want to miss a thing by heart and it would be the most main song in his street program.

Let us remind you that the Aerosmith group the day before pleased not only Alexander, but also hundreds of thousands of other Muscovites who, on September 5, watched a free concert in honor of the 868th birthday of Moscow.

Sasha " Linkin Park" - is now a real star in the local crowd. Singing with world rock legend Steven Tyler is something not everyone would even dream of. And here it’s just a waking dream. It was late on Friday evening, the lead singer of the Aerosmith group was walking around Moscow. The next day he had to perform a concert at Lubyanka. A street musician was playing a guitar on Kuznetsky Bridge. Tyler decided to listen to the guy.

I’m playing “In the end” by my favorite band “Linkin Park,” 28-year-old Alexander Anisimov told KP. - A small crowd has gathered. In general, everything is as usual. In the darkness, out of the corner of my eye, I notice among the spectators a guy in a shiny leather jacket and long hair.

- Well? Did you find out who it is?

No! Some foreigner, a tourist, probably. He stood there for about 20 minutes, listening to me. He probably liked the way I played.

- How did he approach you?

Someone in the crowd shouted, “Play the song from Armageddon.” I started playing “I don’t wanna miss a thing” (“I don’t want to miss a moment,” trans.) And that’s where it started.

- He walked up to the microphone and you immediately recognized Tyler?

Nooo! I didn't recognize him at all. A foreigner came up to me and began to sing along. I was a little embarrassed and moved to the side. “Sings well,” I think. But when he sang more confidently and loudly, it dawned on me who it was. I was taken aback. I don’t understand how I played at that moment. Automatically, probably.

- In the video you seem to be singing together with him...

Yes, what is it! My breath caught in my throat, the words of the song flew out of my head. I didn’t sing very well, to put it mildly. I still can't believe it was Steve Tyler himself.

- Your friends let it slip that you have a big family?

Yes, my wife and I have two children, we are expecting a third, it is about to be born. The wife and children are now with their parents in Minsk. I myself am a Muscovite and am still here. I earn a living.

- Do you work somewhere?

I make money from music - I play in clubs, restaurants, and corporate events. I also go to Kuznetsky Most regularly. But this is the first time this has happened to me. I wonder if more will happen. You know, I consider this meeting fateful. Last years I tried to get away from music, self-indulgence is everything. And here it is! After all, music is my destiny.


What else was Steven Tyler doing in Moscow?

1) I went shopping, bought a shirt in a Moscow boutique, and got a good deal at New York, according to him, this one costs $2,000

2) He waved the mop, taking it away from the cleaner

3) Went to the Doctor Zhivago restaurant for dinner

4) Celebrated the 45th birthday of Limp Bizkit leader Fred Durst at a bar on Mayakovka

5) Walked around Red Square and took pictures with local police officers

Steve Tyler (Aerosmith) sang with a street musician. Steven Tyler sang with a street musician in Moscow Steven Tyler, an American musician, songwriter, better known as the leader of the group Aerosmith, sang the song I Don`t Want to Miss a Thing with a street musician in Moscow. Today, September 5, Steven Tyler and his band Aerosmith will perform on Lubyanka Square in honor of City Day. But yesterday Tyler gave another, unplanned, mini-concert. While walking on Kuznetsky Most, Stephen noticed a street musician who was playing the guitar and remained almost unnoticed by the crowd. Suddenly Tyler approached young man and together with him he performed to everyone famous song I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, immediately gathering a large crowd of listeners around itself. Some of them filmed what was happening on camera. Look, friends, how simple this world recognizable person, came out from the crowd and supported the street musician! Russian types of stars..., learn...)) Steve Tyler made this guy famous not only on the street;)), one of the eyewitnesses wrote on Facebook.

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