Stellar board game business life. Board game Stellar Business-Life Economic game

To the question How to play business life game given by the author Yomirnov Kostya the best answer is BEGINNING OF THE GAME
First, carefully cut the cards of enterprises and firms, “Notices”, “Surprises”, “Exchanges”, simulated banknotes and shares. Then place the cards of enterprises and firms on the corresponding squares on the field. “Surprise” and “Notice” cards can be placed in a stack in convenient place. Assign additional banking responsibilities to one of the game participants. Distribute, after shuffling, four large and five small “Exchange” cards, which are kept secret from other players. Choose a chip, get 250,000 from the bank and one share of each color.
Determine who starts the game and the order. Set the chips of all participants to “Start”.
When throwing the dice, move the number of cells corresponding to the sum of points on the top side of the dice, the next turn begins from where you left off last time. And so on in turn. During the game, all offers for sale, exchange, pledge, purchase come, first of all, from the player whose turn it is to roll the dice. Throughout the game, until you or your competitors go broke, the chips pass around the perimeter several times, and each time the player stops or passes through “Start”, the bank pays him 20,000.
For beginners, it is recommended to initially play along the outer perimeter of the field, since the inner circle is more complicated and requires additional playing skills.
The cell where the player stops as a result of rolling the dice, or in the direction of “Notice” or “Surprise”, can be purchased after paying the price indicated on it (at the bottom of the card) to the bank, or sold to any player at any markup that suits both.
The player who purchased the empty lot takes the property card located on the field. In order to start building branches and enterprises, you must first buy up all the empty plots of the same color located in a row on any side of the playing field. When building branches and enterprises, it is necessary to use the appropriate chips. On one plot you can build only a branch, then an enterprise, paying the cost of each to the bank.
The player cannot immediately build an enterprise on one site if there are no branches on others.
The company is acquired immediately and completely; nothing is built on it.
When a player ends up on a lot owned by another player for some reason, the owner of the lot will charge a rental fee at the rates indicated on the lot. If a player owns all plots of the same color located nearby, the rental fee is doubled. If a player forgets to claim payment before the next dice roll, no hiring fee will be charged. If a branch or enterprise is built on the site, the fee increases accordingly.
If the plot is pledged, no rental fee will be charged.
Before the start of his next move, everyone can exchange, buy or sell a plot to other players for the purpose of education at home full groups one color. It is recommended to make such trades because the players' profits increase the moment they build branches and enterprises.
Take the top card from the corresponding deck and, after completing the steps outlined on it, place it again under the deck. Keep your “Car Insurance” card until you need it. Card “Exchange”, after playing on the exchange, put the card in place.
Each time you land on the “Fine” cell, pay 30,000 to the bank. When you land on the “Win” cell, you receive 40,000 in the bank, “Profit” - you receive 50,000, “Gift” - you receive 3 shares of any color.
I will send the rest of the rules by email, check your mailbox. There is not enough space in the answer

How to play the business life game

  1. I searched for a long time myself. Almost everywhere there is the same thing on 4 pages.
    Recently found detailed rules with pictures.
  2. can I please
  3. paipchr
  4. Can I do it too?
  5. send me
  6. And me please
  7. Does anyone have a scan of money and chips + bank, I just blew everything except the field, who can help, please post
  8. I'm also looking for scans... I can't find them. send it to anyone who has it
  9. send me
    First, carefully cut cards of enterprises and firms, Notices, Surprises, Exchanges, simulated banknotes and shares. Then place the cards of enterprises and firms on the corresponding squares on the field. The Surprise and Notice cards can be placed in a stack in a convenient place. Assign additional banking responsibilities to one of the game participants. Distribute, after shuffling, four large and five small Exchange cards, which are kept secret from other players. Choose a chip, get 250,000 from the bank and one share of each color.
    Determine who starts the game and the order. Set the chips of all participants to Start.
    When throwing the dice, move the number of cells corresponding to the sum of points on the top side of the dice, the next turn begins from where you left off last time. And so on in turn. During the game, all offers for sale, exchange, pledge, purchase come, first of all, from the player whose turn it is to roll the dice. Throughout the game, until you or your competitors go broke, the chips pass around the perimeter several times, and each time the player stops or passes through the Start, the bank pays him 20,000.
    For beginners, it is recommended to initially play along the outer perimeter of the field, since the inner circle is more complicated and requires additional playing skills.
    The cell where the player stops as a result of rolling the dice, either in the direction of Notice or Surprise, can be purchased after paying the price indicated on it (at the bottom of the card) to the bank, or sold to any player with any markup that suits both.
    The player who purchased the empty lot takes the property card located on the field. In order to start building branches and enterprises, you must first buy up all the empty plots of the same color located in a row on any side of the playing field. When building branches and enterprises, it is necessary to use the appropriate chips. On one plot you can build only a branch, then an enterprise, paying the cost of each to the bank.
    The player cannot immediately build an enterprise on one site if there are no branches on others.
    The company is acquired immediately and completely; nothing is built on it.
    When a player ends up on a lot owned by another player for some reason, the owner of the lot will charge a rental fee at the rates indicated on the lot. If a player owns all plots of the same color located nearby, the rental fee is doubled. If a player forgets to claim payment before the next dice roll, no hiring fee will be charged. If a branch or enterprise is built on the site, the fee increases accordingly.
    If the plot is pledged, no rental fee will be charged.
    Before the start of their next turn, everyone can exchange, buy or sell a plot to other players in order to form complete groups of the same color. It is recommended to make such trades because the players' profits increase the moment they build branches and enterprises.
    Take the top card from the corresponding deck and, after completing the steps outlined on it, place it again under the deck. Keep your Auto Insurance card until you need it. Exchange card: After playing on the exchange, place the card in its place.
    Each time you land on the Penalty cell, pay 30,000 to the bank. When you land on the Win cell, you receive 40,000 in the bank, Profit - you receive 50,000, and a Gift - you receive 3 shares of any color.
    I will send the rest of the rules by email, check your mailbox. There is not enough space in the answer
  11. send it to me too
  12. Well, me too... Thanks in advance.

Not long ago I was walking through a stationery supermarket and my eyes fell on colorful boxes of board games. I stopped to take a closer look - bah!, these are the types of monopoly games that we spent hours playing all over the street 23-24 years ago! I didn’t even think that games like this were being produced now. I remember how we called up the girls in the neighborhood, and at the appointed time, in the shade of the trees in our yard, we could play the so-called business for 4-5 hours straight. Now it’s even funny to remember how an ordinary cardboard board game could captivate us so much.

And so, after rummaging through the boxes, I chose one of the cheapest ones - Business-life from Stellar. It cost 450 rubles.

The set included banknotes in denominations of 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, and 100000. I advise you to photocopy them immediately without cutting them out, because if there are many players, there simply won’t be enough bills and this will overshadow the action.

Also included are notification cards, surprise cards, promotion cards, branch and enterprise chips, dice and multi-colored chips for players.

Maybe someone will find this information useful, I took a photo of the instructions for the game. The calculations for shares are not entirely clear; if you wish, you can play without shares at all - just if the player gets on the stock exchange, do not perform any actions. Also, I didn’t really like the inner circle of the playing field (the so-called foreign companies), it’s quite difficult to get there (only through Customs or through additional cards). But the names are cool - it's nice to become the owner of Apple, Ferrari or Shell))

The playing field itself has undergone changes. Now there is an inner circle of foreign companies, Customs, Roulette, Hotel, Expressway - so the game has become much more interesting.

The basic principle remains the same as many years ago - roll the dice, move around the field, collect three colors of each group of companies (for example, tourism, or the oil industry, or operators cellular communications) and after that you set up branches or enterprises there, after which other participants begin to pay you rent.

The game is very wonderful, suitable not only for a group of children, but depending on the mood - even for a group of adults with a sense of humor.

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