Stas Piekha left his wife. Stanislav, grandson of Edita Piekha: Dita is scary in anger! Children of Stas Piekha

Stas Piekha is primarily known to the public, since he is the grandson of the legendary and popular Edita Piekha. Few people don't know this famous singer, which is already long years gives his beautiful voice to the public. But what is Stas Piekha, who also achieved good success on the stage. He not only sings well, he is also a poet and musician. He has been delighting his listeners with wonderful songs for a long time, and writes some of them on his own. In addition, it is impossible not to notice that it was Stas Piekha who became the winner fourth season the most popular talent competition “Star Factory”. And although gossips they say that he won only thanks to his star grandmother, this is not so, the guy has enough talent and charm for this.

Height, weight, age. How old is Stas Piekha

Stas Piekha looks good, fit, always smiling, and strives to be positive. Fans are often interested in his height, weight, age, how old is Stas Piekha? The answer to such questions is quite simple, it’s hard to believe, but this smiling, charming guy is already 36 years old, that is, he is already an adult and accomplished man. The man's height is 172 centimeters and his weight is 73 kilograms. He is in excellent shape, and this is not only natural data. Of course, he inherited good looks from birth from his grandmother and parents. But, in addition, the guy constantly looks after himself, develops, improves, knows that in the world of show business there is no other way. He likes what he does, this is not surprising, because in his blood is a love of music and creative vocals. But just where did it all begin? Let's look at creative and life path Stas Piekha.

Biography of Stas Piekha

I would like to note that Stas Piekha received his name even before he was born. The fact is that his famous grandmother lost her son when he was still a child. And then Edita Piekha promised herself that when she had another son, she would name him Stanislav, in honor of her deceased son. She just had a daughter, who today has become famous actress and TV presenter Ilona Bronevitskaya. But when the daughter had already given Edita a grandson, the name issue was resolved immediately. From the very first years of his life, the biography of Stas Piekha began to take place behind the scenes of the theater, in a creative atmosphere. The famous grandmother doted on little Stas; he always accompanied her on tour. At the age of seven he began studying at music school, then he took his grandmother’s surname instead of his father’s surname. Of course, it’s unlikely; he decided it on his own at the age of seven, but apparently none of the adults objected. Therefore, Stas turned into Stas Piekha.

When is it time to get higher education? musical education, he went to study at the Gnessin School, where he entered the pop and jazz department. But after some time, the guy was expelled for numerous absenteeism. The young man himself explained this by saying that he did not want to become pop singer, that they say that during his childhood he was simply “fed up” with the singing atmosphere, and now he wants something else in life. If his beloved grandmother had not insisted on participating in the Star Factory program, he most likely would never have decided to do it. And although they say about the Piekha dynasty that everything there is based on connections, musical and singing career he did it on his own, although he understood that he would not escape the surname “Piekha” and the stereotypes associated with the great grandmother.

His Star Trek began when he managed to pass the casting for “Star Factory” in 2004, when the fourth season was taking place. It also needs to be said that during participation, young man I had my own personal problems. The producer of the show was none other than Igor Krutoy, who, for his own reasons, disliked Stas. Krutoy did not hide his hostility, he even spoke openly about it during various talk shows. But despite all this, Stas was able to reveal his potential and show talent that delighted the jury and audience. The fourth season for young Piekha ended with a real victory, because he was able to take third place. Having received good prizes, he could also now move forward because he now had the perfect start that many aspiring singers dream of.

A year later, Stas Piekha released his first project, which brought him popularity. It was solo album, which was called "One Star". The young man recorded one of the songs together with his grandmother Edita Piekha. His mother refused to take part in compiling the album, but at the same time she acted as an expert, carefully and meticulously listened to the record, made comments, and checked that there were no “jambs.” It also helped the singer’s career that he performed together with the singer Valeria more than once, they sang a duet.

Already in 2008, the second solo album was released, which has a mysterious and interesting name"Otherwise". Fans were able to understand the meaning after they listened to the songs included. The fact is that the second project was fundamentally different from the first album. Stas himself confirmed the listeners' guesses that he really wanted to experiment, so the songs are completely different, completely different from the songs from the first album. But in principle, this was beneficial, because the fans of the young Piekha reacted favorably to the compositions provided. But the singer did not stop there, because five years later his third solo album was released, which was also warmly received by fans.

Not only performances on stage allowed Stas Piekha to reveal his rich potential. Together with his grandmother, he becomes the face of a jewelry factory in Moscow, and the slogan there was “your sign of love,” saying that love is the main thing in life, therefore this feeling needs to be protected. Stas has also been involved in voice acting for cartoons on several occasions. He took part in the project “Masha and the Magic Nut”, and also gave the voice to the frog prince in the Disney cartoon “The Princess and the Frog” in Russian dubbing. In the television series “My Beautiful Family” he played himself, trying his hand at acting.

Fans of Stas Piekha know very well that most of the songs he performs are written by the singer himself. The most devoted fans are also aware that he also writes poetry, that is, he is a truly talented guy. He continues to take part in various talent shows, where he takes prizes. Under his leadership, a poetic collection of poems was published, that is, it continues to develop. Fans are especially interested in such moments as Stas Piekha’s wife’s wedding, that is, what’s going on with the singer on the personal front. Let's talk about this a little further, talking about the personal life of a musician, poet and singer. Grandson of the legendary People's Artist, like anyone a common person wants ordinary human happiness.

Personal life of Stas Piekha

Personal life Stas Piekha remained shrouded in mystery for a long time. This is explained by the fact that the singer himself prefers that his sympathies remain behind the scenes. Very little is known about Stas’s beloved woman, but in 2014 it became known that the lovers had their first child. little son named Peter, mother is model Natalya Gorchakova. Through a short time, the parents arranged a modest wedding ceremony, which took place in Spain.

They decided that they would invite only their closest relatives and friends. They did not advertise this event, believing that it did not concern anyone but them. Stas Piekha confidently states that only his works are in the public domain, but his personal life belongs only to him and those around him. But, unfortunately, in the end a divorce followed, which they also did not spread too widely.

Family of Stas Piekha

As mentioned above, Piekha does not like to talk about her personal life and family in public. But it is still known that today he is happy because he has a small son. Stas Piekha’s family is himself, his ex-wife Natalya Gorchakova, who is a model, and his little son, who was born several years ago, is their common child. Stas has repeatedly said that family plays a huge role for him, that you can build as much as you like musical career, but all this makes sense only if there is someone waiting at home, someone to please with their own successes. The singer managed to succeed not only as a singer and poet, but also as a father and husband. But, unfortunately, all this did not last long, as a result there was a divorce, perhaps now Piekha is in search of a new beloved.

Children of Stas Piekha

The children of Stas Piekha are his only son, who was born in marriage with his wife Natalya. He was born in August 2014. Today, he is a small, healthy, charming baby. The child grows up healthy, strong, cheerful and cheerful. It is too early to say whether he will continue the glorious Piekha dynasty. But in any case, if a boy wants to become a singer or musician, he has every chance to do so. Now the first-born is growing up in an atmosphere of love and understanding, the parents, although not together, try to please him, give him everything he wants, but at the same time they do not spoil him, so that the baby does not grow up capricious and spoiled.

Son of Stas Piekha - Peter

Stas Piekha's son Peter became his first-born, who was born in a marriage with his beloved woman. Stas preferred not to advertise his relationship, so the news that he had a family and had already had a son did not become known immediately. But since you can’t hide anything from journalists, it became known that he lives with model Natalya Gorchakova, and in August 2014 they had a son, whom they named Peter. The parents dote on their little child; most likely, great-grandmother Edita Piekha is absolutely delighted with the baby. In any case, little Peter has everything one could wish for, including a brilliant future. It is quite possible that fans of the famous dynasty will be able to listen to the songs of the next successor in the future.

Stas Piekha's ex-wife - Natalya Gorchakova

Ex-wife Stas Piekha Natalya Gorchakova became Stas Piekha’s beloved wife and desired woman. For a long time nothing was known about the personal life of Stas Piekha, so very little is known about Natalya. The young woman is a model, most likely they met at some kind of joint party where celebrities gather. The marriage took place after they had their first child, and they got married without any extra poshness or pathos. They didn’t advertise the wedding too much; they arranged it all only for their family, relatives and friends. True, this did not stop them from going to Spain and having a holiday abroad. However, after some time, the couple’s union broke up.

For many years Stas was not married; in his few interviews he completely refuses to discuss the topic of love. But what does this have to do with?

Some media sources suggest that Stas, who knows about the unhappy family destinies of his mother and grandmother, simply does not want to repeat their path in life and is afraid of any relationship. His eminent grandmother, Edita Stanislavovna Piekha, married three times and none of the marriages could be called happy. The first husband exchanged the singer for another, the second was hunting for profit from her popularity, and the third simply ran away. Stas's mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya, raised her son without a husband, and the singer did not even know as a child who his father was.

Stas Piekha long time was in a relationship with Timati’s cousin, the beautiful Victoria Smirnova. The young people met at the Ostankino television center during a concert of the Star Factory project, after which the singer became popular in Russia and abroad. V. Smirnova is not only a relative of Timati, she is a well-known actress. Her first role, although not the main one, was the role of Katya in A. Balabanov’s film “War”. She later played a serious role in the film “Love in the Distant Sea.”

When talented actress wanted to go abroad, Stas did not go with her. This was the reason for the separation in 2008. Then the singer vetoed any information about him. Is this related to his failed relationship with Victoria? Rather, this is another myth...

When the Singer, together with his grandmother and mother, arrived at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk, the audience began to whisper again: next to popular singer there was his wife, rumored to be named Natalya. Blurred photos, in which you can’t make out the blonde girl’s face, allegedly confirm this.

Journalists who traced the registration of Stas and his supposed “wife” at the hotel found out that the young person’s last name was Piekha. Stas's mother I. Bronevitskaya also confirmed that her son has a girlfriend named Natalya, but she did not say a word about his wife.

Just contradictions! And, alas, there is too little evidence.

But recently Stas finally introduced his wife to the whole world.

Piekha's colleagues were amazed; Natasha turned out to be a very sweet and pretty girl.

Stas Piekha and Natalya Gorchakova not long ago became mother and father of a beautiful son named Peter!

And later they formalized their relationship in Spain, where Natalia now lives with her baby.

“They simply signed their names in one of the local registry offices, without pathos or pompous celebrations.

Stas never flaunted his personal life, and everything that happened in it was hidden from prying eyes. Even when he got married, for a long time no one knew exactly who Stas Piekha’s wife was or how his family life was going. The news that the successor to the famous creative dynasty divorced his wife put everything in its place, and it became clear that the singer’s marriage to model Natalya Gorchakova was unsuccessful and collapsed, having lasted a little more than two years. However, this time was enough for Stas Piekha to become a father - his wife gave birth to his son Peter, who turned three this year. For a long time after the birth of the child, the singer’s wife and son lived in Spain, where he rented them an apartment near Barcelona. It was there in Spain that his and Natalya’s wedding took place - the celebration passed quietly and unnoticed - Stas simply signed with his beloved in one of the local registry offices.

In the photo - Stas Piekha with his wife

When they arrived in Russia, at first they lived in St. Petersburg, then they moved to Moscow and even began to build a large Vacation home, in which, however, they never had to live together. The singer took the blame for the breakup of the family, saying that, despite his age, and Stas Piekha turns thirty-seven this year, he is not yet ready for family life and will not be able to make his soulmate happy. He admitted that his career was more important to him than communication with his wife, but after breaking up with Natalya he maintained friendly relations with her. Moreover, Piekha does everything so that his ex-wife and son Peter do not need anything.

In the photo - Stas with his son

He tries to be with his son as often as possible, watches how he grows and enjoys his new achievements. However, since Stas Piekha spends most of his time in Moscow, and his ex-family lives in St. Petersburg, he does not manage to see Peter very often.

Before meeting Natalya Gorchakova, Stas had serious relationship with singer Victoria Smirnova, Timati's cousin, lasted almost four years, but Victoria was not destined to become Stas Piekha's wife - he met Natalya.

In the photo - Natalya Gorchakova with her son Peter

Now the singer's time is occupied new project- he invests a lot of time and money in the development of his own clinic, which will help people free themselves from harmful addictions. He shared with his fans that he is now trying to live very frugally, has given up shopping and even cut down on his diet, eating regular budget foods.

Stas is not thinking about a new wife yet - he has a lot of plans related to his career, and does not yet have time for his personal life.

Stas was born on August 13, 1980 in a family where all members were engaged in creativity, and his mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya, after the birth of her son began to actively develop solo career, so he spent most of his time with his grandmother, a famous Soviet pop singer Edita Piekha, accompanying her even on tours. When Stas was seven years old, he was sent to the choir school. Glinka, where he mastered the skill of playing the piano and the subtleties of choral singing. Stas Piekha continued his musical education at the State Music College named after. Gnesins in the pop-jazz department, and began to actively engage in his career in 2004, after he became a member television project Channel One "Star Factory".

His first solo album, “One Star,” was released in 2005, the artist’s producer was Viktor Drobysh, several of whose songs were included in Stas Piekha’s debut disc. The next album, among others, included a composition performed by Stas in a duet with Grigory Leps “She’s not yours,” for which the young performer received the Golden Gramophone. Later he became a member musical projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, and in February of this year he became a member of the jury of the international children's vocal project “You are Super!” on the NTV channel. Stas Piekha is also known as the author of poems included in his collections “Naked” and “I don’t remember what we laughed at...”.

Stas Piekha - famous Russian singer and musician. His appearance on stage caused a mixed reaction from the public. Someone admired musical abilities young artist. Someone said that without the patronage of his grandmother Edita Piekha, he would never have gotten on the big stage.

Today, the biography of Stas Piekha is still actively discussed by his fans. The media regularly publishes news and fresh photographs. What is known about Stas Piekha today?

Childhood, family

Stas Piekha was born in Leningrad in the family of artist Ilona Bronevitskaya and theater director Petras Gerulis. Immediately after the birth of her son, the artist’s mother began to tour with concerts, so Stas’s childhood was also spent on the road.

Ilona Bronevitskaya did not live long with Stas’s father. Soon she married Yuri Bystrov, Stas had younger sister Erica, who connected her life with design activities. Of the entire family, she became the only representative who was not attracted to musical creativity.

Stas Piekha in childhood

At the age of 7, Stas became a student at the Choir School. Glinka. Here he studied choral singing and playing the piano. At the same age, the boy changed his father’s surname to his grandmother’s surname, Edita Piekha. It was she who initiated this event, since her family was cut short during the war. Edita Piekha also encouraged her grandson to study music. And here she was right. From childhood, the boy demonstrated good musical abilities.

The singer with his grandmother Edita Piekha

Music career

After choir school, Stas Piekha became a student State school them. Gnesins. In addition to music, the guy was interested in sports. There was a period in the artist’s life when he decided to change his profession and went abroad to study as a stylist. However, fate still turned out in such a way that he continued to study music.

On big stage the artist appeared at the Star Factory in 2004. After graduation television show Viktor Drobysh began producing Stas. Thanks to this, already in next year the artist released his own collection of songs called “One Star”.

Singer at the beginning of his career

Stas Piekha was lucky enough to sing with such famous performers, like Valeria and Grigory Leps. Collaborative songs made the aspiring artist even more popular. For his performance of the song “She’s Not Yours,” Stas was awarded the “Golden Gramophone.”

While participating in the “Star Factory 4” program

In 2011 Stas became a coach music show“Voice of the Country”, which took place on one of the Ukrainian channels. The following year, he took part in the “Two Stars” project, where actress Maria Kozhevnikova became the musician’s partner. Unfortunately, the young people did not find mutual understanding, so they did not manage to take their rightful place.

Personal life

In the biography of Stas Piekha, the topic of personal life remained behind “seven locks” for a long time. The artist did not want to advertise it, so he was not very frank with journalists. However, in 2012, the media started talking about Stas dating singer Victoria Smirnova, Timati’s sister. Their relationship lasted 4 years.

A couple of years later, photos of Stas Piekha’s wife appeared in the newspapers - the biography and personal life of the singer began to worry fans even more. Natalya Gorchakova, a DJ and fashion model, became the legal wife of Stas Piekha. In 2014, she gave the artist a son, whom his parents named Peter. The family lived in Catalonia, where the singer rented an apartment for several years in a row.

With Victoria Smirnova

The happiness of the young did not last long. After 3 years of relationship they decided to break up. The initiator of the break was Stas Piekha. This is how he commented on the break with Natalya Gorchakova: “I have always had relationships, but they limited me in many ways. I did not develop creatively and spiritually. I'm not ready to sacrifice creativity for the sake of my family yet. Perhaps I still need to grow into this. Natasha and I remain friends, I support my wife and son financially, and visit them regularly.”

The singer's ex-wife Natalya Gorchakova with her son Peter

But little Peter’s famous great-grandmother Edita Pieha still hasn’t seen him. The reason for this is that they live in different cities - Petya and his mother in Moscow, and Edita Piekha in St. Petersburg. In addition, she regularly tours, so she does not have enough time to visit her grandson. It is still unknown when the long-awaited meeting will take place. In the meantime, the famous great-grandmother can only watch the life of her grandson and great-grandson in in social networks. Today Stas Piekha does not hide his personal life, so his feed contains photos of his wife and children: son, as well as little fans.

Prediction of numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva

Today Stas Piekha is free, he completely devotes his life to his career. Will the situation change in the future? How will Stas Piekha’s personal life turn out and will there be another wife in his biography, will there be children? Klara Kuzdenbaeva, a famous star numerologist, tried to answer these questions. “Stas has a complex character, so it’s difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex. He has a low level of vital energy, gets tired quickly during the day, and often changes his mood.

Stas Piekha with his son

Stas does not have a clear family line, so he cannot be called a good family man. As a person, he is secretive; he keeps his experiences and feelings behind “seven locks.” A girl with high level vital energy. She is the one who will help him get out of depression and believe that life is wonderful. Stas Piekha’s personal life will improve at the age of 39; a wife and another child will appear in his biography.

Literary activity

Stas Piekha decided not to limit himself only to music, so he released a book called “Naked. I don’t remember what they laughed at.” The book is addressed to an adult audience. It was presented as part of one of Stas’s concerts. It will be possible to purchase the collection only in those concert halls, where the musician performs.

Most of the works are provocative in nature, so sexologist and psychologist Inna Paustovskaya decided to comment on them. In her opinion, Stas is prone to depression and introspection. The title of the book suggests that the singer is dissatisfied with his life. With his provocative poems, Stas wants to attract attention to himself in every possible way.

The singer released his book called “Naked”

Some lines hint at the fact that the artist loves bold experiments in bed. The book contains a work dedicated to people. Regarding them, the singer allows himself to use curse words. It seems that the artist himself has something to hide.

Stas Piekha and singer Valeria on stage

Inna Paustovskaya made another interesting remark. Most likely, the singer is dissatisfied with his image on stage, this greatly depresses him. Pop songs are the most popular today, but he is not very close to Stas. He has to fulfill them in order to stay afloat.

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