Dentist training period. How many years does it take to study to become a dentist, where can this be done, is it difficult to undergo such training

Dentist is a profession that will be popular at all times. However, the disadvantage good specialists This direction has been noticed not only in Russia, but also abroad. Dentists usually have permanent career and wages. Many people prefer to work on a flexible schedule, but it is worth considering that this work must be carried out responsibly and in good faith. It is an attentive and caring doctor who often establishes himself as the best in the eyes of the patient.

A person who has received a diploma and completed residency cannot be called a good dentist if he does not develop further. To enhance knowledge and skills, any specialist must take additional courses and master newer working methods.

Before mastering such important profession, it is important to know where and how long to study to become a dentist.

Types of educational institutions and the best places to study

The table shows the types of educational institutions offering training for dentists, as well as places that have proven themselves with the best side in Moscow. In a particular educational institution, admission requirements and training conditions may be supplemented; the table shows general criteria on the given examples.

Type of educational institution/examples/how many years to study/specialty Documentation What subjects do you need to take, how much does it cost to study?

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (study for 5 years).

Training in the following specialties:

  • dentist - endodontist;
  • clinical dentist;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • orthodontist;
  • hygienist;
  • dentist.
A standard set of documents, a certificate based on grade 11. To enter this educational institution at the Faculty of Dentistry, you must pass the following exams:
  • chemistry (major);
  • Russian language;
  • biology.

Full-time form of education. Price school year– from 400 thousand rubles.


Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (5 years old).

Training in several specialties:

  • hygienist;
  • dentist-therapist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • orthodontist.
A standard package of documents, a certificate of completion of 11 classes or a diploma of first higher education. What exams do you need to take:
  • chemistry (major);
  • biology;
  • Russian language.

Full-time training.

The price for a year of study is from 400 thousand rubles.

Passing score - 262


First Moscow State University named after I.M. Sechenov (6 years old).


  • reconstructive dentist-surgeon;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • general dentist;
  • periodontist.
Standard set of documentation, diploma of completion of 11 classes. The most popular university in Russia. It produces many different specialists, including quite rare ones. To get into this institution, you need to pass a competition and have 3 courses of study in another educational institution.

Full-time training, cost per year - from 400,000 thousand rubles.


  • chemistry (major);
  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • additional tests.

Passing score - 320

Medical College No. 5 (2 years 10 months after 11th grade).

Dental technician training.

11th grade certificate, passport, SNILS, application for admission. Training at this dental college is full-time, the cost for a year of knowledge is from 200 thousand rubles.

Applicants undergo entrance tests of a psychological nature.

Dental College (medical-technical).

Medical College of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT, 2 years 10 months after 11th grade).

Dental technician training.

11th grade certificate, passport, SNILS, application for admission Training is carried out on the basis of 11 classes, full-time.

The price of an academic year is from 200 thousand rubles.

Exams: interview on biology.


Institute for Continuing Education of Medical Workers “Modern educational technology" (1 month).

Increasing the classification level for the following professions:

  • dentist - orthopedist;
  • dentist - surgeon;
  • dentist - therapist;
  • dental nurse;
  • Dental Technician.
Educational diploma, passport, SNILS, certificate of employment. The courses are held with a full group for 1 month, increasing the level of knowledge of specialists. The price for training is 11,000 rubles.

Now it becomes clear what you need to study to become a dentist, what subjects you need to know and take for the Unified State Exam.

In St. Petersburg the best places for training are the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova (about 300,000 rubles per year, passing score 135), St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute (from 200,000 rubles per year, passing score 120), as well as Medical College No. 3.

Career, place of employment

It is worth understanding that a newly minted specialist may not be accepted into decent clinics, but provided with a place in government agency with a small wages. But, nevertheless, this is an advantage, since the dentist has established working hours and can work good experience and have regular customers who will be happy to visit it.

Some, having completed their studies and completed residency training, gain initial experience in public hospitals and determine their future place of work.

The most optimal solution for a young doctor with connections would be to carry out his activities in commercial institutions that specialize more narrowly or, conversely, in different directions. This method of employment is possible if you have a document confirming completion of one of the listed places of study. Paid clinics can provide a young specialist with a more powerful practice and high qualification experience.

Some choose a management position, which is also possible after graduating from one of the institutions. Many remain in the place where they were trained in order to develop in theoretical and applied developments.

Activities, specializations

Dentist is a general name for doctors who are somehow connected with this field of activity. Ordinary patients are seen by a dentist-therapist, more serious problems are decided by specialists of a narrow focus. Specialties in dentistry:

  1. accepts patients with carious cavities, treats dental tissue canals, restores dental defects using filling materials.
  2. provides treatment in case of any inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  3. affects dental tissues that cannot be treated, removing them. Performs surgical interventions if the installation of artificial teeth is required, or in case of diseases of the oral cavity that require surgical intervention.
  4. The orthopedist helps the patient choose the right prosthetic areas for the oral cavity.
  5. An orthodontist treats dental malocclusion.
  6. A pediatric dentist treats only minor patients, having a broader knowledge of the child's jaw.
  7. — deals with the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, as well as protecting the health of patients in general.
  8. A general dentist deals with various activities that are performed by more specialized dentists. Such a doctor can treat a patient without resorting to anyone's help.

When thinking about these professions, young people consider how much a dentist earns. Wage for these specialists in the center of Russia is 37,000-200,000 thousand rubles, and everywhere else 25,000-120,000 thousand rubles.

Some people want to know what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist. Today, at least in Russia, there is no difference; there was in past centuries.

What qualities do you need to have?

It’s difficult to study to be any doctor, because we're talking about about human health. The choice of this profession assumes that the student can responsibly approach the task at hand, complete it with the utmost care, using his hands and mental abilities. Each specialist must have a highly developed fine motor skills hands, be kind and attentive to the patient. Also strive for more, constantly developing and studying new technologies.

It is important to understand what a dentist should be like.

Anyone who has chosen this direction in his life must have deep knowledge of the structure human body, his physiological properties, it is necessary to understand the structure of the oral cavity and be able to explain it in simple words to the patient. The dentist must have an excellent understanding of medications, x-rays, and the ability to use dental instruments.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

After receiving a diploma, not many people say that they like this job. Therefore, before studying to become a dentist, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of this specialty.

  • relevance of the profession at all times;
  • greater financial independence;
  • the opportunity to get your own workplace;
  • developing a permanent customer base;
  • There is virtually no mortality among patients;
  • good working conditions;
  • it takes a long time to study to become a doctor and acquire skills;
  • there are competitors (statistical results show the emergence of a large flow of specialists in this field);
  • there is a risk of being called outside of working hours;
  • for some it is a disadvantage high level responsibility for the health of patients.

In addition, thinking about your abilities and desires will help you understand whether it is worth studying to become a dentist. You must like the profession - this is the key to success.

How to become a dentist: stages of becoming a specialist

All doctors study long enough. Training to become a dentist can take several years, ranging from 4 to 22 years. First, the student enters a lower educational institution, after finishing it, he goes to an institute that is already training specialists. This stage lasts approximately 5 years. Next, the student is required to undergo residency, then graduate school, which is replaced by doctoral studies at the student’s request.

The residency itself lasts 3 years, after which the graduate decides whether to go to work or continue his studies. Residency is an integral part educational process higher educational institution, where the in-depth development of a doctor takes place.

Those who want to get a dental education by correspondence may be disappointed to learn that this option does not exist, since performing manipulations in class requires the full presence of the student.

Correspondence training for any doctor, regardless of specialization, is impossible.

The dentist profession is first and foremost a calling! These specialists bear enormous work and great responsibility for the “quality” of life of patients after contacting them.

IN modern world It’s hard to meet a person who has never been to the dentist. These people accompany us at all stages of life and adjust the comfort and aesthetics of our smile.

Who is a doctor - dentist

A dentist is first and foremost a doctor. specialist in the field of problems of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area.

He checks the condition of teeth and treats patients, advises on issues of implantation, growth, changing teeth, and gives recommendations on further oral care.

Types of dentist specializations

Based on the fact that there are many areas of work in the field of dentistry: basic treatment, treatment of inflammatory processes, restoration of missing teeth and extraction, planned or surgical intervention, maxillofacial operations, the profession is divided into specializations.

Characteristics of the profession - what it does, functions and responsibilities

Let's see what specializations dentists have:

  1. Therapist– the doctor to whom you have to turn first. The general practitioner analyzes the general condition of the teeth. Finds problem areas, treats caries, removes nerves, puts fillings and restorations, and prepares teeth for prosthetics.
  2. Surgeon performs operations in the oral cavity: removes teeth, restores the jaw after injuries, prepares the oral cavity for implantation, prosthetics, orthodontic and orthopedic treatment. Deals with problems related to inflammatory processes, cysts and tumors.
  3. Orthodontist corrects malocclusion - a situation when the jaws do not close exactly, but with a deviation to the right or left; corrects the curvature of the teeth - increased crowding, in which the teeth have “not enough space” and they run into each other or vice versa. The result of his work carries an important aesthetic point for the patient.
  4. Orthopedist– comes to the rescue when teeth are missing. Restores them with the help of dentures, removable or permanent, and fully reproduces the important chewing function. If it was possible to save a small part of the tooth, then it uses restoration technology using a crown. This doctor works in tandem with dental technician– a specialist in the manufacture of prosthetics and prosthetic elements for a specific case.
  5. Hygienist– a relatively new direction. Monitors the cleanliness of the oral cavity, carries out preventive and hygienic procedures to maintain oral health. Removes plaque, tartar, polishes enamel. Provides consultations regarding the prevention of dental diseases.
  6. Implantologist– deals with the restoration of lost teeth using implants. Innovative technology allows you to install tooth analogues that are no different from real ones. Conducts a full examination, preparation in several stages and the implantation itself. Observes the patient throughout the entire period of rehabilitation after the intervention.
  7. Pediatric dentist- a doctor who deals with children's dental problems. Removes and treats baby teeth so that the molars develop healthy; puts fillings; fights diseases associated with the oral cavity, which children are prone to at an early age. A pediatric dentist should not be a doctor, but good wizard, who will convince the child to have his teeth treated and will be able to perform all the manipulations without tears.

What a dentist should know and be able to do - personal qualities and skills

First of all, have a great desire to help people. There is no person who has never had a dental problem.

The doctor must find an approach to everyone, convey the need for the procedures performed and set them up for a positive outcome. Calm and support.

The profession is associated with the ability to work with a large amount of information on initial stage, in the future it is important to be able to successfully combine knowledge with practice. This is the basis for making a diagnosis - a decisive role in dental treatment.

A lot of daily work awaits the future specialist. The profession implies constant improvement and training, because modern dentistry does not stand still, new types of treatment appear every year.

What subjects need to be taken

To enter the Department of Dentistry, one must pass mandatory exams in the following subjects: biology and chemistry. An additional subject from the university and one of the applicant’s choice are also taken.

It is advisable to have at least a basic knowledge of Latin, which is the basis in medical terms. After 9th grade, you can go to college, where the requirements for OGE scores are much lower.

Like any university, medical schools have paid training (for those who do not pass the test) and budget training (available to certain categories of people and high-impact students whose Unified State Exam scores are close to 300).

The answer to the question of how much tuition costs should be found on the website of a specific university.

Which universities offer training in this specialty?

According to statistics, medical education in Russia is of the highest quality, and this is the key to a healthy nation. There are no special dental universities in our country.

Almost every medical school is recruiting for the Faculty of Dentistry. Depending on the chosen educational institution, they will be offered different shapes training: full-time, part-time, evening.

You can enroll after 11th grade. This specialty is also offered by medical technical schools and colleges, which can be entered after completing 9 grades.

As a rule, all educational institutions have budget places. To take them, you need to have a high score on the Unified State Examination, otherwise the cost of training will fluctuate up to 400 thousand for leading universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg and on average up to 250 thousand in the regions. Education in technical schools and colleges costs an order of magnitude lower.

How many years does it take to study to become a dentist?

Duration of training is 5 years to gain theoretical knowledge, after the second or third year, students will have their first internship and a year of full-fledged internship in their future profession.

After receiving basic knowledge, applicants each go in their own direction.

Is it difficult to study? - applicants ask. As elsewhere, it all depends on interest, abilities and desires.

Where can a dentist work?

Commercial dentistry is now leading the way in providing jobs. The state is pursuing a policy that supports medical workers, providing decent wages, high pensions and the opportunity to purchase subsidized housing.

This profession will always be popular and relevant, because every person has been a patient of a dentist for almost his entire life.

How much do dentists earn?

The average salary in public dentistry is 25 - 50 thousand rubles per month, bonuses and subsidies are paid depending on the length of service and qualifications of the doctor.

Commercial clients provide the opportunity to earn from 40 to 150 thousand rubles. These figures vary depending on the region.

Career growth of a dentist

Dentists are divided into categories: first, second and highest. To confirm the first category, you need experience (three years), protection of the following categories after seven and ten years, respectively.

Confirmation is carried out before the commission with a report on the work done. To promote career ladder you need to be a talented and hardworking doctor, your merits will not go unnoticed.

Is it worth studying to become a dentist - the pros and cons of the profession

The main thing is to have a great desire to treat patients’ teeth. Working with people is psychologically difficult, and the profession also involves enormous physical labor: working with your hands, in one position, under tension.

But it's worth it - nothing compares to the happy and grateful faces of patients.

Going to study based on the mere demand for a profession and fairly high wages is not entirely correct. It’s like an artist’s calling to become a musician, because they get paid more, even though he is only talented in drawing. It is better to find a profession you like and achieve success there.

Being a doctor is not only a calling; doctors take the Hippocratic oath, which says “do no harm.” This should be the basis when choosing the profession of a doctor, and a dentist - in the first place!

The dentist profession is becoming increasingly in demand and popular. Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile have become an integral part of an excellent appearance and the key to a person’s success.

Before completing the training, it is worth learning more about this specialty. How long does it take to study to become a dentist and is it difficult?

Pros and cons of the profession

You should weigh your decision before starting training. To do this, you need to consider all aspects of the dental profession.


  • prestigious;
  • high level of income;
  • flexible work schedule.


  • requires perseverance, patience, calm character;
  • good coordination and fine motor skills;
  • communication and psychological communication skills;
  • long training.

It is necessary to carefully weigh all aspects of the dentist’s activities. This is working with people and requires a lot of responsibility.

Types of dentist specializations

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Dentists have certain specializations. Each of them has its own narrow direction:

Where can I get training?

To obtain a dental specialty, you must undergo training at a special higher educational institution. There are several universities in Moscow that offer the opportunity to acquire this profession:

  1. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimova is a leading educational institution in Moscow. This institution offers the opportunity to study on a budgetary basis, a wide choice of specializations and the opportunity to undergo practical training in treatment centers at the university.
  2. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov can also undergo training at the Faculty of Dentistry. Here is a selection of specializations in the main areas of this section of medicine, and you can undergo special practice in a virtual clinic.
  3. The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov also provides an opportunity to become a dentist. Here special role focus on practical training on simulators or with real patients.
  4. The Faculty of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia also deserves your attention. Lectures are given by distinguished scientists, and laboratories are equipped with the latest equipment.

These universities are considered the most prestigious, in them big competition in place. The regions of the country also have their own medical educational institutions, where the opportunity to obtain this profession is presented. Many of them provide the opportunity to undergo paid training.

Secondary professional educational establishments can't give necessary knowledge for the dental profession. Such training will only allow you to become a dental technician or assistant.

What exams do you need to pass to study to become a dentist?

To study as a dentist, you must pass exams in the following disciplines:

  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • Russian language.

These disciplines are mandatory for doctors of any specialization. Some universities provide special testing in certain disciplines. The results of these tests are taken into account first.

How many years does the study last?

Training to become a dentist takes a long period of time and is quite difficult. You can start it only after receiving a certificate for 11 classes.

It all starts with studying at a university, which takes 5 years. It must be full-time; the correspondence form is generally not applicable to medical professions. Next you need to complete an internship, which takes 1 year. During this period, the young student gains knowledge and skills from experienced doctors in real conditions.

After this, you can continue your training in residency, where you acquire knowledge in a specific narrow specialization. This preparation takes 2 years.

Even after 6-8 years of training, a dentist must continue to learn throughout his or her practice. The dental industry is constantly evolving, new technologies, materials and equipment are appearing.

Advanced training can be achieved in different ways:

  • special courses;
  • trainings;
  • seminars;
  • visiting exhibitions;
  • Internet training.

Is it worth studying to become a dentist now?

Dental profession in Lately very popular and prestigious. Many teenagers choose it precisely because of the opportunity to make good money.

The medical profession is a very responsible activity that does not allow mistakes. Here you need to have a special calling and love your job. If a person realizes that he has certain limitations in terms of vision, coordination and communication with people, and also does not have any special interest in dentistry, then he should not get this profession.

Those people who are interested in helping people, are not afraid of difficulties and are well versed in human anatomy should become dentists. Highly qualified specialists will always be in demand.

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