Sports games for women on March 8th.

Not only women, but also men can take part in these competitions in order to support their ladies and help them.

Hungry hedgehogs

“Hedgehogs” need to be made in advance: for this you will need small planks and nails. We drive nails into the boards so that the sharp edges go right through and stick out on the other side. These are “needles”. Such a board is placed in front of each participant, teeth up. Each player is tied to an apple, orange or some other fruit on a string at waist level. Ideally, the apple should be hanging near your knees.

The task is to feed the “hedgehog” as quickly as possible, that is, to prick an apple onto its “needles”, because, as we know, this is how hedgehogs get their food.

Hide money

This competition involves couples - a man and a woman. The presenter distributes the same number of candy wrappers to the men - this is “money”. The following describes the situation: a husband and wife are sitting at home, and suddenly the tax office is knocking on the door! You need to hide all the money as quickly as possible, and only your wife is at hand. During the allotted time, participants must place as many candy wrappers as possible on their partner’s body: they can be put behind the ear, put in a pocket, etc. There is one condition - only one “bill” can be placed in each secluded place.


Players are given blank sheets papers, pens, pencils, felt-tip pens - in general, any drawing supplies. Then, secretly from others, the presenter informs each participant of the situation that he will have to depict. The more abstract and funnier the situation, the better. For example, you can think of the following: “strong excitement”, “ adultery”, “falling into childhood”, “presumption of innocence”, etc. If the task seems too difficult, then for a warm-up you can give the artists the task of drawing a proverb or a well-known phraseological unit: “carry away your feet”, “bury talent in the ground”, “without It won’t take much effort to catch a fish out of a pond,” etc. After the “pictures” are painted, arrange an exhibition - all the art is put on display for everyone to see, and the rest of the participants must guess what is encrypted in the pictures.

Obstacle course

Each participant is given the following items: a cocktail straw and a ping pong ball. A “track” is built on the floor: bottles are placed in a row. There may be several such “tracks”, in which case all players will compete at the same time, or one, in which case everyone’s time will need to be timed and then the winner will be determined. The participants' task is to blow on the ball from the tube so that it moves forward. Thus, you need to get around all the bottle obstacles. The one who does it faster wins.


For this competition you will need baby feeding bottles with nipples on the necks. The holes in the nipples need to be slightly enlarged with a needle, otherwise it will take too much time to complete the task. Participants are divided into pairs: “mother” is a woman and “baby” is a man. Girls should sit on a chair, sit or place young men on their laps, tie their caps and feed them from a bottle. The caring “mother” who gets her “child” drunk the fastest wins. In this case, the content can be not only milk, but also lemonade, beer, wine and even vodka - just do not overdo it with the quantity, otherwise the “babies” may not calculate their strength and not cope with the load.

Balls with a secret

You need to prepare tasks in advance, written on pieces of paper, and place them in balloons, which should then be inflated and hung around the room. This way you will decorate the hall, and towards the end of the holiday you will also entertain the guests. Let participants choose one or two balloons, pop them, read them and complete the tasks. Write something simple, for example, “make a toast in honor of all the women gathered,” “sing a song with the words “spring” and “love,” etc. Thus, the old good game in forfeits it becomes more interesting and varied.

Hobbled horses

Players are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. Then right leg one partner and the left hand of the other must be tied together, so the participants turn out to be a single three-legged whole. In this position, the “horses” must “gallop” to a chair standing at a certain distance from them, take some object there and walk back. The task is performed at speed.

Flying boxes

To conduct the competition you will need several empty matchboxes. If you pull it halfway and blow hard, bringing it to your mouth, the box will fly forward. Having taught participants to “throw projectiles,” you can hold several types of competitions:

2) who can get the box into a basket standing at some distance;

3) which of the “shooters” is the most accurate: you need to shoot down some target made of paper or cardboard.

Wild fantasy

Prepare several blanks in advance: on sheets of paper A3 or larger, draw any geometric figure, such as an oval or a square. Then call the participants, who will have to complete the picture within a certain time - a congratulation on the theme of women's holiday. The one whose imagination is better developed wins, and the “creations” can be hung in a prominent place, and then they will delight everyone for a long time.

“I’ll be riding my bike for a long time...”

Surely all your participants remember the words of this old song very well, and they will enjoy this kind and fun competition. Have the players split into opposite-sex pairs. Women in this competition only play the role of “ladies of the heart”; they must stand still. Men are given children's tricycles on which they will have to travel. At the opposite end of the room or hall, chairs are placed (according to the number of pairs), on which you need to place a small bouquet or one flower. Then the music turns on (the very song for which the competition is named) and the men ride their bicycles into the “wild meadows.” It will turn out very funny, since the legs of young people will drag somewhere behind, but still let them try to turn the pedals. Having reached the chair, the player must take a bouquet from it and go back to his “beloved”. The first “knight” to reach his queen wins. In fact, the competition looks very fun from the outside and will be remembered by everyone present for a long time.


Check whether your women know how to manage their men correctly and effectively. For this competition, call several from the audience as participants married couples. If there are not enough of them, then simply opposite-sex duets can compete. The gentlemen are blindfolded and given brooms and dustpans. Crumpled pieces of paper are scattered across the floor. The ladies stand a little further away. They must control their men, shouting to them where to go and where to begin their revenge with a broom. The task for the pairs is the following: they need to collect as many pieces of paper as possible in a certain amount of time. The cleanest couple wins.

Famous couples

Two teams will be required to participate in this competition. Their task is to remember a famous couple (literary, acting or other) as quickly as possible. To do this, the presenter names only one “half”, and the participants – the second. The team that names the most pairs wins.

For this game you need to prepare a list in advance literary characters. For example, Juliet - Romeo, Isolde -. Tristan, Lyudmila - Ruslan, Mercedes - Count of Monte Cristo, Desdemona - Othello.

You can take well-known historical or modern pairs:

Josephine - Napoleon, Cleopatra - Anthony, Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky, Akhmatova - Gumilyov.

Competition for men

Men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent can take part in this competition. Their task is to name as many compliments as possible to a woman for a given letter of the alphabet. For example, “o” - “charming”, “bewitching”, “seductive”, “charming”, or “s” - “stately”, “sexy”, “pretty”, “stunning”, “seductive”, etc. e. Participants can name epithets in turn for one letter or for different ones chosen in advance.

Competition for couples

Call several married or loving couples onto the stage. Announce that this game will allow them to learn to listen to each other, act together and overcome difficulties together. To do this, each duo receives a small ball (the size of a tennis ball). Partners must hold it between their foreheads and in this position follow the instructions of the leader. This is enough difficult task, so the actions should be simple, for example, “squat down,” “take two steps to the right,” “turn 360°,” etc.

Longest ribbon

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare several types of ribbons of different colors in advance and hide them, one at a time, somewhere in the hall or room. Next, the participants are divided into pairs, each of which is assigned a color (yellow pair, blue pair, etc.). Players must find as many ribbons of their color as possible and tie them into one. The pair with the longest strip after the end of the game wins.


Participation in this competition will be accepted by men who want to congratulate beautiful ladies Happy holiday. Write in advance on the cards the rhymes to which the “poetsers” will have to add lines to make a meaningful congratulatory poem. Rhymes might be something like this:

… … … happiness,

… … … dreams,

… … … bad weather,

… … … flowers,

… … … Job,

... ... ... mistakes,

… … … worries,

… … … smiles.

The most talented “poet” receives a prize in the form of kisses from grateful listeners.

"Let's compliment each other"

2-3 couples are invited. The men start. They take turns (you can determine the order by drawing lots) to compliment their lady. Moreover, the first player should say compliments only with the letter “p”, the second - with the letter “l”, the third - with the letter “s”. After this, women should speak kind words to their man. Likewise, words must begin with one specific letter. The one who says the most compliments wins.

Different people celebrate holidays the way they are used to doing it. For example, there are individuals who celebrate their birthday alone. There are also those who prefer to celebrate all kinds of holidays in a narrow circle of close people, for example, with their husband or wife. But the vast majority prefer to celebrate celebrations in large companies of friends, relatives and acquaintances. What's remarkable is we're talking about about the celebration of almost all events, including March 8th. And if you are also planning to spend International Women’s Day in a noisy company, then you will be interested in funny and original games and competitions on March 8 for women.

Masters of Contemporary Art

For real original competition, which will surely interest guests. The fact is that it was invented relatively recently, so few people know about this competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare several Whatman papers on which you need to sketch out blanks for future paintings. However, there is no need to come up with anything supernatural. It is enough to draw various geometric shapes on whatman paper.

The presenter calls the participants one by one and asks them to complete drawing any figure or object on whatman paper, so that the end result is a picture that is somehow symbolized with the theme of women. For example, if a circle is drawn on whatman paper, then the participant can draw a smaller circle in it and say that the picture symbolizes a pregnant woman. If a triangle is drawn in the picture, then the lady can draw the same figure next to it, placing it acute angle to the corner of the first triangle. She can call such a picture “A fight between a man and a woman.” In general, it all depends on the girl’s imagination.

Beginner make-up artist

In this competition, women must participate in pairs with men. The presenter explains to the participants that according to the idea of ​​the competition, a woman is going to an important party. Before this, she needs to visit a beauty salon in order to get herself in order. Her favorite makeup artist, who is her husband or boyfriend, is waiting for her in the salon. The man's task is to apply beautiful festive makeup to his woman. This process itself can cause a lot of positive emotions. But the competition can be made much more fun. To do this, you need to ask men to apply makeup to girls wearing mittens. The result of the competition may be unpredictable. So only brave girls who are not afraid of having to fix their makeup should participate in it. The winner of the competition is the couple whose makeup artist was able to apply the most accurate and beautiful makeup to the woman.


Women along with men also take part in this competition on March 8th. Moreover, only those women who came to the holiday with their handbags can participate in the competition, because the competition will be based on them. Having divided the participants into pairs, the presenter asks the women to put their bags on the table so that during the competition the ladies cannot place anything on them. After this, the presenter asks the man to name at random ten items that he believes are in his woman’s purse, for example, a phone, a wallet, a cosmetic bag. The winner is the couple whose man was able to guess the most large quantity items from the bag.

Race cleaners with a navigator

Another pair competition for March 8th, which will amuse all guests. The presenter calls the first couple and blindfolds the man. After that, he scatters candy wrappers around the room, hands the man a broom and dustpan and asks him to clean the room. It will be impossible to do this blindfolded without the help of a woman who acts as a navigator. She tells how many steps a man needs to take. Well, when her “cleaner racer” reaches the trash, the woman must tell him to start sweeping. The winner is the couple that can clean the room faster than the rest. With this competition you can find out how well men and women understand each other.

Miss Marple

By participating in this competition, girls can try on the image of the famous amateur detective. The presenter calls five women and one man. The man’s task is to parade around women for one minute, and they, in turn, must remember all the little things that are present in his image. After one minute, the man leaves the room and, with the help of the host, changes something in his appearance. When the man returns to the room, the presenter must tell the women how many differences they need to find in his image. To prevent the ladies from shouting out their options, they need to write them down on a piece of paper. The winner is the Miss Marple who is the fastest to find all the differences in the man's appearance.

Princess Nesmeyana

A fun competition for March 8th, for which you don’t need any props. Its essence lies in the fact that one girl is selected who must try on the image of Princess Nesmeyana. Her job is to hold back her laughter for as long as possible. Well, the rest of the guests should try by any means to make the girl laugh, without touching her. Victory goes to the princess who managed to hold back her smile the longest.

Keep your money in a woman

Couples in love from among the guests who are present at the March 8 celebration can participate in this competition. Men are given the same amount of counterfeit money. Their task is to hide money anywhere on the woman. Men are given 30 seconds to do this. Main feature The competition is that you can hide only one bill in one place. After 30 seconds, the presenter recalculates the amount of remaining money the men have. Well, the one who managed to hide the most money wins.

And I will do this...

With this competition you can test how a woman will behave in a difficult situation. To carry it out, it is necessary to prepare in advance envelopes with notes that describe this or that difficult situation. For example, a woman comes home, and another lady is sleeping in her bed, but her husband is not at home. The participant must put herself in this situation and decide what she will do to resolve the problem. The winner is determined by universal voting for the most original and interesting solution.

Female driving

Emancipation has done its job and now women can do everything, including drive a car. However, there is a stereotype that women are extremely bad drivers. In order to refute this myth, on March 8, you can hold a competition for the best driver among women. However, participants will not need to drive real cars, but toy cars, which must be prepared in advance. In addition to the cars, you need to prepare obstacles for the race track. They can be water bottles, plastic cups, skittles or other items.

The car needs to be tied to a string and the woman must be asked to overcome a route with obstacles. The winner is the participant who managed to travel the fastest along the route, hitting as few obstacles as possible. For each touch on the pin or bottle, one second is added to the girl’s result.

No less common is the stereotype that women cannot park a car at all. You can find out this at the celebration of International Women's Day with the help of fun competition. To carry it out, you need to find a radio-controlled car. The woman's task is that she needs to park the car in specific place without hitting the rack.

As you know, March 8 is a holiday of spring and female beauty. And if this beauty is present in your team, it is simply necessary to organize a bright, memorable holiday for the ladies in honor of And in order for everyone to have fun and interesting, it is necessary to include competitions in the program. For a corporate party on March 8, this kind of entertainment is perfect. It will be a great addition to a traditional feast. So, let's consider the most interesting competitions, with which you can organize a cool corporate party on March 8th.

Competition "Second Half"

A fun corporate party on March 8 can be done as follows. All women in your team can participate. Before the start of the competition, prepare opaque ones. These can be scarves or scarves. The heroes of the occasion should be placed in the center of the hall and blindfolded. Then men need to be lined up around them, who, at the leader’s signal, must move in a circle or randomly. And at this moment the girls must catch their man. The result obtained can be presented in different ways: established couples can take part in other couples competitions, or the man who was caught must give “his” girlfriend an interesting compliment and congratulate her on the holiday.

Competition "Strongman"

Men must take part in this competition. Women will judge harshly. So, the point of the entertainment is that women need to determine the strongest man in the team. To demonstrate their strength, men will have to perform different tasks, for example, who can do more push-ups or pull-ups. Well, a pleasant prize will be friendly kisses from the fair half of the team.

Competition "Creators"

The participants in this competition are men. You will need to prepare a lot of balloons and inflate them, and the balloons must be of different diameters. Also prepare scissors and markers. Men need to be divided into 2-3 teams and each group should be given the necessary equipment. The task of the participants is to build from the balls female figure. The team whose sculpture is closest to reality wins.

Competition "Guess it"

You will need: printed letters, a gift box, surprises starting with the letters of the word you write next.

Cards with letters from which you can form the word WOMAN should be printed on sheets of paper. Each letter corresponds to its own surprise, which is in the box. For example, F - chewing gum, E - blackberry, N - manicure scissors, Sh - clothes brush, I - needles, N - handkerchief, A - accessory.

All girls of the team take part in the competition. The women's task is to be the first to guess what surprise is hidden behind the letter that the presenter shows. Such March 8th will not only diversify your event, but will also be an excellent training in ingenuity!

Competition "Super Prize"

You will need to prepare an interesting souvenir item that is packaged in beautiful paper. A note with a riddle is attached to the souvenir, then it is again wrapped in paper and a note with a new riddle is attached. You can make as many such layers as you like.

According to the terms of the competition, the presenter reads out the first riddle, and the women’s task is to guess. The one who guesses has the right to guess the next riddle. But if she answers incorrectly or does not know the correct answer, any other participant can guess. The woman who solves the last riddle receives a super prize.

Competition "Show off"

For this competition you will need various items that women use in life. It is necessary to attach a note with their name to each item. Each participant takes a note and tries to imitate the name of the object. All the other girls guess. The girl who guessed the name first gets the item. You can prepare items so that they are connected to each other, so that women would have a scene for March 8th at a corporate party.

Competition "Best Smile"

You will need a ruler or meter. The entire female half of the team must participate in the competition. Women need to stretch their smile as wide as possible, and the presenter will measure it with a ruler. Having measured the smiles of all employees, the presenter finds the owner of the widest one, for which she receives the Miss Smile medal.

Competition "Crawfish"

The following attributes will be required for the competition: two pairs of fins and two pairs of mittens, the same number of “Crawfish” candies for both teams, two chairs.

The competition must be held in the form of a relay race. Players from both teams, upon a signal, must quickly put on mittens and fins and run to a chair that is located on the opposite side of the hall, take a candy from the chair, unwrap it and put it in their mouth, then return to their place. The team that eats all the candy from the chair the fastest wins. The winners receive a kilogram of candy.

Competition "Extra Colleague"

Props for the competition: 9 chairs, which must be placed with their backs inside the circle, and the same number of men sitting on them.

10 girls are participating in the competition. Under cheerful music the girls walk in a circle, and as soon as the music stops, they must sit on the men's laps. The girl who does not have enough chair leaves the game along with the chair and one man. The winner is the girl who gets last man on the chair.

As you can see, competitions for corporate parties on March 8 are varied. You can use the entire set presented here, or even remember something from your childhood. After all, competitions for corporate parties on March 8 don’t have to be for adults! On the contrary, everyone will be in favor of fooling around to their heart's content.

The corporate event on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, competitions and fun performances. There may be a guest presenter at the celebration, but it is not difficult to organize the celebration on your own.

We have selected several scenarios for a corporate party on March 8 to make the evening fun and memorable.

The corporate event begins with congratulations at the festive table.


“We all know that the most fickle and changeable thing on Earth is not the weather, but the mood of women. I wish you that your mood changes from elated to good, from good to joyful, from joyful to cheerful, and from cheerful to happy. And no more other changes! Happy March 8!”

After the banquet, it is proposed to act out a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.

Fairy tale

The text of the fairy tale is read impromptu by the presenter, the rest play out what they heard and pronounce their phrase every time their character is mentioned in the text.

Characters and lines:

  • Mirror: “We’ve seen better!”
  • Mary: “I want to get married!”
  • Joe: “They won’t catch us!”
  • Horse: “Give me something to drink!”
  • Murka the cat: “I’m on my own!”
  • Dog Barbos: “Well, woof, so what!”

Morning. A lonely housewife, Mary, sits in a small cozy saloon and constantly looks at the Mirror out of boredom. The cat Murka gently rubs against her legs, then sits on Mary’s lap and also looks into the Mirror. At the entrance to the saloon, the Dog is basking in the sun.

And somewhere on the prairie the elusive Cowboy Joe is galloping on his faithful Horse. And suddenly Joe abruptly stops his faithful Horse, because he remembers that today is a men's holiday, and it would be nice to stop by the beautiful Mary for a couple of drinks. The Cowboy turns his Horse sharply and gallops towards Mary. Mary continues to look in the Mirror and sigh.

Joe drives up, gets off the Horse, gives him a drink, and then Dog Barbos notices him, Joe scratches him behind the ear, the Dog pretends to be happy. Joe approaches Mary, looks in the Mirror, strokes Murka the Cat and hints to Mary that it would be nice to have a glass. Then the Horse kicked his hoof and neighed, apparently he also wanted a drink, which made the Dog slightly wiggle his ears, and the Cat wagged its tail. And Mary looked into the Mirror again, sighed, stroked the Cat, threatened the Dog, waved her hand to the Horse and, finally, poured Joe.

Joe drank, flushed, looked in the Mirror, then at Mary, who was nervously stroking the Cat, looking back at the Dog and the Horse. Then she began to preen herself in front of the Mirror, Joe drank more, then another and ... disagreed with the Mirror about Mary. And Joe decided, a holiday is a holiday, and it’s better to spend it in fun company Mary, faithful Horse, Cat and Dog, than to gallop like a fool across the prairies.

Carrying out March 8 in a women's group

Planning the scenario for March 8th in women's team, you will need to build a program that would include fun competitions, which will make the celebration interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

For the event, you can choose a cafe suitable for the number of participants. The holiday is hosted by the host. The peculiarity of the celebration in a women's group is that only ladies are present, which should be taken into account when planning the festive program.

Presenter: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will hold a bachelorette party dedicated to the holiday of spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the floor is given to the head of our company.

Presenter: It is very important for us women to always be beautiful. Let's check which of us is the best at doing makeup.

For the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters on which to draw woman's face. You also need to prepare cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick, and so on. The task is to put makeup on your face. The competition is held to cheerful music. The winner is determined by the volume of applause. She is awarded a prize - a set of cosmetics.

Presenter: There are many friends in our team. To prove your friendship, you must sing a song about faithful female friendship.

After this, the scenario on March 8 in the women's group involves singing a song about female friendship. To do this, you need to prepare in advance musical composition. The song is performed by all employees.

Presenter: Despite the fact that our team is female, on this day we cannot remember about men. For this we offer a fun competition.

After this, the scenario for March 8 in the women's team includes holiday program a competition for which one of the women is invited. The task is to show one of the male professions. This must be done without words, that is, only with gestures. The presenter says the name of the profession to the participant who will show the words. The woman who guesses the word will show next.

As an example of the professions that will be shown, you can offer such options as mechanic, driver, tractor driver, plumber and many other options.

Presenter: Now let's remember about activities that are purely female. An excellent option for this is an interesting game.

Then the game is played. One of the women names a word, for example, “Washing,” then the person sitting next to her must name another female activity. In this case, the condition is to name a word that must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended, that is, in this case it is the letter “A”. You can name funny options.

Presenter: I propose to drink to such a festive day and congratulate the ladies on their holiday.

Presenter: What's a holiday without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

Sounds fun and dance music and all the guests go to dance.

Presenter: Each of us wishes to be in childhood again, at least for a moment. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a competition that will provide an opportunity to again experience the sweet taste of childhood.

In order to hold the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's kits in the form of construction sets.

The task is to assemble the construction set within the allotted time while the music is playing. The one who completes the task becomes the winner.

Presenter: Now it’s time to test your culinary and tasting abilities, which is so important for every woman.

Several women are participating in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not be on festive table previously. Participants are blindfolded. Their task is to guess which ingredients are included in the dish that will be tasted. The one who gives the most accurate answer will be the winner.

The celebration is concluded with a sweet table. For this, it would be good to prepare a birthday cake that can be decorated accordingly.

Scenario with competitions

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration is taking place, the nature of the banquet may change. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their seats immediately upon arrival at the holiday or after official congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition test “Real Women”

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, several participants are selected and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter asks any women's theme(for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names the last word, gets a bonus point.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Example situations:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, you bought it specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the lady of the house’s outfit turned out to be exactly like yours. What to do?

You are waiting for your husband's parents to arrive. To make an impression, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you - you over-salt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You don’t have time to fix anything because guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green color. There is one hour left until goodbye. What to do?

You came to a business buffet in a knitted dress. You are talking with a very important partner and suddenly you notice that one of the guests has caught a jacket button on a thread of your dress and the further he moves away, the more your dress is unraveling. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points receives a prize. In this case, it is advisable to expose the men in disguise and force them to perform a penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must use tape to sculpt a female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use Balloons various sizes and shapes.

It doesn’t matter what size the team is, whether there are men in it or it consists only of the fair half of humanity - they will help to organize a cheerful corporate event on March 8 good mood and involving all employees in the holiday.

Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in a team on March 8


Choosing games and competitions for a party dedicated to March 8 , It should be remembered that this is a holiday for women - they are the ones who need to be entertained and pleased throughout the evening!

Therefore, it is best to organize competitions among male guests or in pairs; any team games are also good. If ladies do participate in competitions, then the presenter should have a prize in store for each, a medal with a nomination or just a warm word, because among the ladies there simply cannot be losers on this day! All entertainment provided at the party should amuse the hero of the occasion, and not offend.

From among the guests they choose two real men who are able to talk not only about football and beer, but also know a lot about women's accessories (this can be determined, for example, using a simple quiz). And, like experts, they will have to race to collect the beads. Why they receive 15-meter ribbons, and guests are strung on the ribbon as beads. The threading process is explained in advance - we pass the ribbon exclusively through an element of clothing (through a strap, a sleeve, a belt loop on a belt, through a short trouser leg). The one who “fills” the entire length of the tape faster wins the first round.

In the second round you need to defeat the enemy with noise, that is, all the “beads” begin to stomp, whistle, squeal and make other loud sounds. Here, of course, it is more difficult to determine the winner. It is quite possible to get by by declaring a friendly “draw”.

Third round- dance: one “string of beads” performs a lambada, and the other performs a letka-enka (or other dances). It is important to show not only talent, but also dexterity so that the “beads” do not fall apart.

Last test consists of the fact that the “beads” need to quickly unravel and “come off” from the thread.

The presenter can announce the winners, since he knows better which of the two teams was more active and fun and emphasize that the real decoration of the competition was, of course, the “beads” - the ladies on both sides.

9. Portrait of an “ideal”

At corporate events, it is useful to organize company unity events, those in which you can show team spirit or joint creativity. For this game you will need: 1-2 flipcharts or rolls of paper and pencils (markers), with the help of which you will create a collective portrait of an ideal man.

We divide everyone who wants to participate into two teams. For each of them, the “canvases” are set with their “backs” to the audience and participants. The first participants draw the face and hair of the ideal, roll up the sheet so that only the ends of the neck lines are visible. The second are the shoulders and chest, the third are the waist and arms, etc. Whether the portrait will be clothed or naked, the participants decide before the start.

Depending on the number of participants, drawing can be divided into smaller stages: the first - hair, forehead and eyebrows, the second - ears, cheeks and nose, the third - mouth and chin...

To create one portrait, those wishing to express themselves in co-creation take turns approaching the canvas. And to view the result, the sheet is straightened and examined. The toastmaster can make a fun analysis of the created collective portrait.

Even more fun is the option of team competition in this game - against the clock and blindly. In this case, it is better for all guests to observe the process and even guide the participants.

10. "Women's fashion connoisseur."

Two or three men who are well acquainted with the details of the ladies' toilet are invited.

To hold a competition for the best expert on women's clothing, it is necessary to prepare pictures of complex outfits, which feature ruffles, vents, bow folds, pleating and others, as well as a pointer. You can prepare a site in the style of the TV show “Own Game”.

The participant who can name the most details of a woman's dress becomes the undisputed winner.

For a company that is more advanced in this area, you can offer a more complex competition - pictures of medieval or national outfits, and for a more liberated company - also lingerie.

11. “The tunic is wearing lipstick.”

Prepare a large poster of S. Mikhailov from the front (you can use any other popular singer or the artist, depending on the preferences of the public) and the phonogram of his song “For all women”. Invite all his fans to participate. Each person must blindfolded approach the poster and kiss the portrait on the lips. In a small room you can spin the participants around before approaching the portrait.

The winner will be the one who kisses the poster closest to the lips of the audience's favorite. The prize can be either a “kissed” or an untouched duplicate of the poster of everyone’s favorite.

12. "King of the Ring."

The success of this entertainment largely depends on the artistry of the presenter, his ability to “wind up” the audience.

From the very beginning of this competition, the presenter demonstrates in every possible way that to participate in this terrible “massacre” he needs real men, otherwise you will not become “kings of the ring”. The presenter reminds that from time immemorial men have gone to great lengths for the sake of their lady love, and invites the participants to voice for whom he entered this fight. Then the presenter asks to remove metal items - watches, belts with buckles, tie clips - and gives the fighters a pair of boxing gloves.

All guests are asked to form a ring (stand in the shape of a rectangle), we place chairs in the corners, we call on the coaches to stretch the muscles of the fighters and give final instructions. Once again announce that the fight is until first blood. The gong sounds, the boxers come up for a greeting, the start of the fight is announced, and then they receive... each candy wrapped in a candy wrapper and the task - right in the boxing gloves - to unwrap it and treat your chosen one.

To the one who manages it faster, the presenter raises his hand up and in a loud voice declares him the winner of the “bloody battle” and the “king of the ring.”

13. “We understand each other perfectly.”

In accordance with the name of the game, all participants in this team game by March 8, we divide into pairs, and the division by “gender” is not of fundamental importance. The main thing is that the partners are able to understand each other perfectly, or rather, half-sound.

The essence of the game: one of the partners is blindfolded and released onto an obstacle course: pins, chairs arranged in a checkerboard pattern, etc. Another partner will help you through it. To do this, each couple comes up with their own conditional system sound signals that will help guide the movement. For example, “forward” - yay, “right” - ah, “left” - oh, “back” - ah, “stop” - tprrru. Or another option: “forward” - tygydym-tygydym, “right” - quack-quack, “left” - ea-ia, “back” - chuh-chuh-chuh, “stop” - woof-woof.

The winners are determined depending on the time spent completing the obstacles. It is quite possible to award not only first, but second and third places.

14. "The Princess and the Pea."

How sensitive are the guests at your evening?

You can check it the same way as in the fairy tale about the poor girl who became the royal bride

The Princess and the Pea.

For women whose profession is related to the office, computer, etc. this famous competition may be more “businesslike” in nature. For example, put a pack of printing paper on each chair and let the contenders determine how many sheets are in their pack to the accompaniment of cheerful catchy music (it is better to calculate in advance how many there actually are, so as not to delay the moment of determining the winner later).

Which of the ladies will be closest to the truth is declared “The Most Sensitive” or “Super Pro”, the other participants are also awarded nominations: “the most mischievous”, etc.

15. "Confession of a Secret Admirer."

Invite several guests to compose a declaration of love for a secret admirer from newspaper headlines (each participant receives a copy of the latest newspaper, a sheet of paper and a glue stick). You can choose clippings of a humorous nature, or you can choose a lyrical one - focus on the mood of the audience - it is better to have two sets of clippings and get your bearings on the spot.

Also on this day, the heroes of the occasion will enjoy any game related to the distribution of compliments, for example, “Melt my heart” or “compliment wand.”

A “compliment” wand. In this game, you can involve from 5 to 10 men (or all the gentlemen present, if there are few of them), who stand in a circle, a stick is placed in the center (about one and a half meters), the leader indicates who starts the game first.

The conditions of the game are as follows: the first player takes the lowest edge of the stick and says a compliment to the ladies present, then the next player grabs the stick and says his own compliment. So the hands of the participants move up; if they have completed the first circle, but have not reached the very top, they clasp them a second time. Anyone who hesitated and could not come up with a compliment is eliminated.

The last one who clasps the upper end of the stick - the “compliment card” - has the right to kisses from all the heroes of the occasion, the rest - grateful applause!

16. "Mimic comedian."

Men are invited for this fun, and the host reminds them that the ability to make people laugh and “make a face” at the right time can minimize the number of family scandals. To do this, you need to have well-trained facial expressions; we suggest you start training right now.

We put several elastic bands for money on the competition participants' heads so that it is at eyebrow level.

The players' task is to literally grimace desperately and get the rubber band to slide down onto their chin (whoever is faster). Naturally, helping with your hands is prohibited. Successful comments from the presenter will greatly decorate this already funny competition.

17. "Seamstresses are extremists."

The presenter calls five representatives of the fair sex and joins them in a “set” three to four times more men(as the hall allows). Rules of the game: ladies are given “buttons” made of something soft and dense, for example, foam rubber or floor insulation. Then they are given very large pins (many pins) and are blindfolded. In this form, they must sew, or rather, pin these “buttons” to the male participants (for each lady, respectively, there are three to four gentlemen).

The extreme of the game is that the presenter asks the men to “entrust” their participant with something very valuable for “sewing” - a part of the body below the back. Of course it's scary. But women usually show incredible accuracy, and none of the men suffer at their hands.

18. "Charming investors."

Couples participate in the game: ladies with their gentlemen, the latter will be “banks”, and the girls will make their deposits in them. How? In one minute, ladies will have to put “bills” (photocopies) in as many places as possible that they find on the body and clothes of their gentlemen (behind the collar, in pockets, in the belt, it can also be armpits, etc.).

The second stage of the game will be the decision of the “investors” to return their money, and they are so confident that they remember very well. How much and where exactly did they put it, that they are ready to do it even with eyes closed. The ladies are blindfolded and secretly change partners, so that each of the ladies tries to find “her money” from someone else’s man.

The “depositor” who manages to ruin the largest number of other people’s “deposits” wins.

19. "Where are my socks!?"

Props: 12 pairs new men's socks, not very bright colors, but all are different, mix them up and add a few extra pieces without a pair.

Two representatives of the strong half of humanity are participating.

The presenter’s summary of the competition: “I think such a sacramental question as: Where are my socks? - every married lady has heard more than once in her life. Fantastically, unless, of course, the wife takes care of it, men's socks have a tendency to lose their pair. The point of the competition is to find a pair for each sock. Each participant must quickly collect five pairs of socks."

Games and competitions for corporate events, dedicated to the holiday March 8 should bring joy and pleasure to all the heroes of the occasion, there should not be one single queen at this holiday, every lady present should leave with a feeling of celebration in her soul and with the confidence that she is the very best, at least in something, but she the best! Only in this case can a party in honor of Women's Day be considered truly successful!

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