Create metal text in Photoshop. How to draw metal

To give text a metallic embossed effect. First, let's write the word in a beautiful font, then apply different layer styles to it, simulating the embossing effect. At the same time, we’ll create a new pattern ourselves, then lightly decorate the background with a gradient. Let's give the text a glamorous gloss and decorate it with spectacular glowing dots.

Step 1.
Create a new document with a size of 600x400 pixels. Fill it with color #535559.

Step 2.
Use any suitable font (the font should not be too thin) to write a word. The font used in this tutorial is Bello. Size 188pt.

Step 3.
Double-click on the layer to open the layer style and set different styles sequentially. Let's start with the Drop Shadow tab. Let's set the values ​​as in the figure below. Blend mode “Overlay” (Overlay).

Step 4.
Tab “Inner Shadow”. Blending mode “Multiply” (Multiply).

Step 5.
The “Pattern Overlay” tab. But first we'll make a new pattern. Let's create a new 5x5 px document and fill it with color #07212c. Enlarge the image as much as possible and use the Pencil tool to paint over the pixels, as in the picture below. 3 dark pixels #000b10 color, 3 light pixels #3b4e58 color and 2 corner #283942 colors. After that, go to Edit > Define Pattern. Now in the layer style, select this pattern.

Step 6.
Tab "Stroke" (Stroke). We make a one-pixel gradient stroke on the outside.

Step 7
This is the intermediate result.

Step 8
Now let's slightly decorate the background of the document. Go to the background layer, open the layer style and set the following parameters for the “Inner Shadow” tab. Blend mode “Soft Light” (Soft Light).

Step 9
In the “Gradient Overlay” tab, set the following colors for the gradient: from dark #475e68 color to light #667c85 color.

Step 10
The picture will look like this.

Step 11
Let's add a gloss effect to the text. Create a new layer on top of all layers. Hold Ctrl and click on the text layer to select it.

Step 12
Now take a gradient from white to transparent and drag the mouse from top to bottom of the text. Then take the Elliptical lasso tool and select an area, as in the picture below.

Step 13
Now invert the selection Shift+Ctrl+I and press Del, deleting the excess.

Step 14
Change the blending mode to “Overlay” (Overlay).

Step 15
Now let's add a spot glow for the text. Take a soft brush, size 27 px, color white, and on a new layer, place white luminous dots in random order along the edges of the text. Then change the “Transparency” (Opacity) to 70% and change the blending mode to “Overlay” (Overlay).

The final
As a result, we got this original metallic embossing effect for the text.

Today we will do metal in photoshop. Then it can be used as a background or basis for letters, frames and various kinds of clipart.

Let's create a document. I mainly use A4 format, as the result is of good quality. If necessary, the format can always be reduced, but enlarging it without losing quality will be problematic.
After the document is created, fill it with a gradient. Choosing a tool Gradient and use colors:
1 #434037
2 #575447
3 #8a8374

Now fill the background from bottom to top, or top to bottom, whichever you prefer, and move on to the next part of the work.

Now we need to add a new layer: Layer / New / Layer… Fill it with white.
Next, add noise to the new layer: Filter / Noise / Add Noise… Set the value Amount – 200% Choose Gaussian and put a tick on Monochromatic

Add a filter - motion blur. Filter / Blur / Motion Blur… Meaning Angle - 90%, Distance - 204px

Please note that along the edges the stripes will be more distinct than in the middle part, so we need to remove them. I'm just dragging this layer out. In order for the deformation grid to appear, check the box next to Show Transform Controls , on the top panel.

It remains to change in this layer Blend Mode to Overlay and everything is ready. For convenience, you can merge layers by clicking Ctrl+Shift+E We got the effect metal. It can be used as a background or blank for further work.

And, as I like to do, a short video to help newbies understand the whole process more clearly.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create bronze text using layer styles in Photoshop. So let's get started!

Final result

1. Create the background

Step 1

Load the black_background.pat texture by double-clicking on the source file.

Step 2

Create a new document, let's go File - New(File > New). Set value Widths(Width) to 600 px, and the value Heights(Height) by 500 px. Permission(Resolution) should be 72 dpi(ppi).

Step 3

Being on the background layer, duplicate it, for this we go Layer - Duplicate Layer(Layer > Duplicate Layer) and click OK. Name the duplicate layer Background Pattern(Background Pattern).

Step 4

Go to (Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay), select the 'black_background.pat' texture from the dropdown menu, set Scale(Scale) 50%, and click OK.

Step 5

To add lighting effects from above, select a layer style Embossing(Bevel & Emboss). Apply the settings for this layer style, which are shown in the screenshot below:

2. Create the text

Step 1

Write the word 'Round' or any word of your choice using the 'Stonecross' font. Install Font size(Font Size) 132 pt, and also set Tracking(Tracking) 20 pt. To improve quality, change the method Antialiasing(anti-aliasing) on Sharp(Sharp). Name this layer with text ‘A01’.

Translator's note: The anti-aliasing method can be changed in the lower right corner, in the font settings.

Step 2

Next, select a tool Moving(Move Tool), select the text layer and the background layer, and then in the settings of this tool, select the following options: Aligning centers horizontally(Align Horizontal Center) and Aligning centers vertically(Align Vertical Center) to align the text.

Step 3

Duplicate the text layer and name the duplicate layer ‘A02’. Arrange the layers as shown in the screenshot below. Temporarily hide the 'A02' layer so that it is convenient for you to work, because... We won't use this layer until part 4 of this tutorial.

3. Apply styling to the main layer

Step 1

Load the texture 'scratched_metal.pat'.

Step 2

We will be working with layer 'A01'. Go Layer - Layer Style - Pattern Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay), click on the box Pattern(Pattern) to select the ‘scratched_metal.pat’ texture from the drop-down menu. We use this texture as a base to create a metallic effect.

Step 3

To get a realistic bronze color, we go Layer – Layer Style – Color Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay). Change the blending mode to Multiplication(Multiply), and also set the following values:

Step 4

You will need to create the contours of the curves yourself to get the volumetric effect. Please read the screenshot below carefully and also apply the values ​​indicated in the right column.

Step 5

Select the 'Cove - Deep' path from the path set.

Step 6

Now we'll improve the metal's shine effect by adding a glow. Let's go Layer - Layer Style - Inner Glow(Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 7

Next, we need to add shadows to separate the text from the background. Let's go Layer – Layer Style – Outer Glow(Layer > Layer Style >

4. Apply styling to the second layer

Step 1

Now we will work with layer 'A02', do not forget to turn on the visibility of this layer! Next, let's go Layer – Layer Style – Outer Glow(Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2

To improve the 3D look, we will emphasize the light and shade on the edges. Let's go Layer- Stylelayer— Embossing(Layer >Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below. Create your outline using the values ​​shown in the right column.

Step 3

This is a very important step. We'll create perspective using a central vanishing point in perspective.

Let's go to the bookmark Symbol(Character) and change Horizontal scale(Horizontally Scale) by 98%, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4

To make the colors of both text layers match each other, go Layer - Layer Style - Color Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 5

Tip: To add a gradient stop, you need to click below the gradient bar. By clicking on the gradient's control point, you can edit Positions(Location) and Colors(Color) control point.

Step 6

In this final step we will add some depth to make the text more expressive. Apply a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow) using the following settings.

Great job, we have completed the lesson!

In this tutorial I showed you how to create a metallic background as well as bronze text using layer styles.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and can use what you learned in your projects.

What You'll Be Creating

X-Men Week continues, and we decided to show fans of the steel-skinned Russian Colossus how to turn his skin into metal in Photoshop.

1. Prepare a Depth Map

The huge, muscular Pyotr Rasputin in the X-Men movie is also known as the super-strong, steel-skinned Colossus. Therefore, we will need an image of a large, muscular guy, reminiscent in his physique of our favorite bulletproof X-Men character. We use this image to create a depth map, which will become a 3D sketch of the body.

Step 1

Almost any image of a bare-chested bodybuilder will suit us. I chose this image. Download and open it in the program Photoshop.

Strong attractive young bodybuilder.

Step 2

Create a duplicate background using the command Layer > New > Layer Via Copy (Control-J) and then using the command Image > Adjustments > Desaturate Convert the image to black and white.

Step 3

When creating a depth map, the program reads light areas as convex and dark areas as depressed. Thus, the highlighted areas of his skin will be turned into unnatural bulges and furrows. To fix this effect, go to Image > Adjustments > Curves (Control-M). Adjust the curves as shown to smooth out the highlights.

Step 4

Turn off background visibility and create allocation around the model. You can use different tools for this. I prefer Pen Tool (P), But Quick Selection Tool (Q) will do too. Using selection, create layer mask by using the command Layer Mask with Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection.

Step 5

Use black brush Brush Tool (B) with preset Soft Round(soft rounded). Reduce brush opacity ( Opacity) before 50% and click on the layer icon to switch from mask to layer. Use the brush to darken the outer edge of the model, so the depth map will create a curve along the entire outer edge.

Step 6

The details of the model's skin will create a very rough surface, to smooth it out, reduce the number of colors in the image using Image > Adjustments > Posterize. Install Levels on 8 .

Step 7

Temporarily unlink the layer mask by clicking on the chain icon between the layer icon and the mask icon. (To filter Blur did not blur the mask.) Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and in the field Radius write 10px.

Step 8

Using Brush Tool (B) black and white colors, form the surface of the skin. The lighter the pixels, the closer the surface will be to the viewer; the darker, the further away. Therefore, areas such as the eye sockets and the groove between the pectoral muscles need to be darkened, and the rounded areas of the biceps, pectoral muscles and head need to be gradually lightened. Using the brush, gradually create the shape of the body.

2. Add a cityscape as a background

Before continuing with the metal figure, it is worth choosing a background image. After all, any metal surface will reflect its environment.

Step 1

I chose this city background for the Colossus. What I find particularly interesting about the curvature due to shooting with a fisheye lens is how it will reflect off a metal surface.


Step 2

Go to File > Place Linked and select a city image. Photoshop will add it as Smart Object. Enlarge image and arrange it so as to fill the entire work surface.

Step 3

The background is too sharp and clear for a background. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and in the field Radius enter 2px.

Step 4

Go to Filter > Lens Correction and switch to the tab Custom. Move the slider Remove Distortion by about +18 to even out some lens distortion. In field Vignette Amount set value -56 .

3. Create seams

One of the most recognizable features of the metal Colossus figure is the horizontal seams that connect the metal pieces. Before creating the 3D shape, you need to include these seams in the depth map.

Step 1

Using a tool Pen Tool (P) installed on Path, start creating horizontal lines that follow the curves of his body. Don't include the lines of his head and arm for now. At the end of each loop use the command Control + mouse click to complete this circuit before starting the next one. The outlines can end outside the edges of the body, sometimes it is much easier to wrap the line at the desired angle at the edges.

Step 2

Create a new layer ( New Layer) on top of the colored figure layer. Create a clipping mask between it and the shape layer using the command Layer >. In brush presets, configure the tool Brush Tool (B) on Hard Round size 4px.

Step 3

Go to the tab Paths, right-click on the outline icon and select Stroke Path. For the path tool, select Brush. Set the layer blending mode to Multiply, A Opacity- on 50% .

Step 4

Add another layer and some more outlines for the seams on the fingers. In the brush settings, set Width on 2px and draw outlines on your fingers. Set the layer blending mode to Multiply, A Opacity- on 50% .

Step 5

Select the shape layer and both seam layers. Holding Alt, go to Layer > Merge Layers (Control-E) to create a single layer of shape and seam lines. Name this layer Depth Map(depth map). Make the shape layers and seams invisible.

4. Use a Depth Map to Create a 3D Shape

As incredible as it may seem, this strange gray shape will create a convincing 3D surface shape in the metal. The depth map feature in Photoshop is rarely used, but in cases like this it can be surprisingly useful.

Step 1

Make sure the layer is selected Depth Map, and go to 3D > New Mesh From Layer > Depth Map to > Plane. Photoshop will switch to the 3D surface and extrude the layer into a 3D shape based on the grayscale values.

Step 2

On the tab 3D select grid Depth Map. On the tab Properties click on the icon Coordinates and change the value scales Z for much less, for example, 40 .

Step 3

Select Current View and take the tool Move Tool (V) in the icon Slide 3D Camera on the tab Properties. Adjust the camera view to match the composition of the original image.

Step 4

The next step requires metal. If you have not yet installed additional content from Adobe, they . Download and install Versatile Materials to add them as a set of metal shaders to the 3D library.

Step 5

On the tab 3D select tab Materials, there should be only one material in the list. On the menu Properties open the dropdown menu Shader to select a metal shader, for example, Metal Steel2 (Stainless).

Step 6

In the same link where there were additional shaders, there is also additional image based lighting for HDRI lighting. Download the Creative IBLs set and extract the download package.

Step 7

On the tab 3D select line Environment. On the tab Properties Click on the document icon next to the IBL icon. Select Replace Texture and choose one of the new ones Creative IBLs to illuminate the stage. I especially like Creative IBL-07-LightRigB. Then turn around HDRI widget to change the angle of the texture.

Step 8

Go to 3D > Render 3D Layer (Alt-Shift-Control-R) to render. This may take some time, please wait.

Step 9

When rendering is complete, go to Select > All (Control-A), and then click Layer > New > Layer Via Copy (Control-J) to copy the rendering to a new layer.

Step 10

For now, make the render layer invisible and go back to 3D layer. Make it on the spot IBL textures there was a background image of the city. Rotate the texture until the model is illuminated by the sky in the background. This texture will also appear on the reflection after rendering.

Step 11

Render the model again with new reflections and copy the rendering to a new layer by clicking Select > All (Control-A) And Layer > New > Layer Via Copy (Control-J).

Step 12

Disable again 3D layer and make the layer visible Render. Add an adjustment layer (adjustment layer) Curves and create a clipping mask between it and the Render layer by clicking Layer > Create Clipping Mask (Alt-Control-G). Move the bottom point of the curves about one square to the right to deeply darken the shadow areas of the render.

Step 13

Move the layer reflections render above the curves layer and add a clipping mask ( clipping mask) and for him. Set the blending mode to Soft Light.

Step 14

Create a copy of the layer (Layer > Duplicate Layer) original image of a muscular model. Move this copy to the very top and attach it to the rest of the layers. Go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (Shift-Control-U) and change the blending mode to Overlay.

5. Metallic effects

It's smart to create a metal shader using 3D tools, and it may seem like the metal effect has already been achieved. But with a few more techniques we can really enhance the metallic effect.

Step 1

Make a copy of the desaturated model image layer. Don't attach it to others and set the blending mode to Normal. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. In field Radius put 5px.

Step 2

If you still have the outlines you used to create the mask for the model layer, load the selection again. If not, hold Control, click one of the rendered layers to create a selection over them. Then use it to create a mask for the blurred layer by clicking Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection.

Step 3

Add an adjustment layer Curves (adjustment layer) And secure it onto the blur layer. Then adjust curve so that the leftmost point is at the very top of the grid, and create several peaks and valleys in the middle of the curve. Now the model will look quite strange.

Step 4

Select an adjustment layer Curves and layer Blur And group them together by pressing Layer > Group Layers (Control-G). Set the blending mode to Difference and reduce Opacity before 47% .

Step 5

Create another copy of the blur layer and move it to the very top, outside the previously created group. Then click Filter > Filter Gallery and open the set Sketch. Select filter Chrome and install Detail on 0 , A Smoothness- on 10 .

Step 6

Set the Blending Mode of the chrome layer to Soft Light and reduce Opacity before 40% .

6. Final effects

Our Colossus definitely looks like it's made of metal, but there are a few more effects to help us polish it up and complete the project. We'll do some reflections and paint a couple of strokes and highlights on the metallic skin.

Step 1

Let's start with reflections. Insert the city image again by clicking File > Place Linked. Set the smart object layer's blending mode to Soft Light and reduce Opacity before 50% . Go to Edit > Transform > Warp and adjust the deformation mesh approximately to the curves of the figure.

Step 2

The reflection should not be sharp at all. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and install Radius on 5 pixels.

Step 3

Copy layer mask from the chrome layer to a new layer with reflections, holding Alt and dragging mask icon from one layer to another.

Step 4

After rendering, it appears that the fingers are merging with each other. They should be visually separated. Add new layer and call it Fingers Touch Up, take Brush Tool (B) with a small soft round brush to make some dark lines between the fingers.

Step 5

Add a new layer - Dodge and Burn. Go to Edit > Fill and set the value Contents on 50% gray. Set as layer blending mode Overlay. Take Dodge Tool (O) With midtones And Exposure V 8% to manually add highlights to a metal surface.

Then switch to Burn Tool (O) to darken shadow areas. This is a very flexible way to hand-paint light and dark areas on a metal surface.

Step 6

Create a blend layer at the top by holding Alt and going to Layer > Merge Visible. Name it "Highlights" and turn it into smart object using the command Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Objects.

Step 7

Go to Image > Adjustments > Threshold. Set this value Threshold Level so that only the lightest areas of the image remain white, approx. 225.

Step 8

Change the blending mode to Screen to see how highlights appear in the drawing. The Threshold adjustment style makes them too sharp and the edges become too noticeable. Add Gaussian Blur ( Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to smooth the edges. Will do Radius V 4 Pixels.

Step 9

Add a new layer on top and name it Flares, fill it up black. Convert it to a smart object by clicking Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object, and select a blending mode Screen. Then go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare. Use Prime 105mm at Brightness V 64% . Try placing the highlight on your knuckle.

Step 10

In using flare in the form Smart Filter The good thing is that it can be easily moved. Just open Lens Flare settings under the layer Smart Filter and move the center of the highlight to the desired location. Then add another highlight by setting it to Brightness by about 51% , and place it on your collarbone.

Step 11

Add a new layer above the city background image. Set the blending mode to Multiply, A Opacity- on 50%. By using Gradient Tool (G) add some round dark blue gradients to tone down the background and make the Colossus stand out more.

That's all!

Our Colossus from the X-Men team is ready!

In this tutorial we looked at several different techniques for creating a metallic effect on skin. Although we used several methods for this project, you can achieve the desired result using only one of them. Share your lesson results in the comments below so we can see how you put these techniques into practice!

Gianluca Giacoppo shows you how to create vibrant metallic text using just a couple of styles. Let's start!

Final result:

Lesson materials:

Step 1

After launching Photoshop, download and install decorative fonts and grunge brushes (read how to install brushes). After that, create a new document of 1800 x 1300 px in RGB mode, 72 DPI and fill the background with dark gray color #1f1f1f:

Step 2

Create a new layer and name it "Texture". Using white color and downloaded grunge textures, create a similar pattern as in the image below:

Step 3

Double-click the Texture layer icon to open the Layer Style panel. Go to the "Blending Options" section.

Reduce “Fill” (Fill Opacity) to 0, and then turn on the “Drop Shadow” and “Inner Shadow” styles. Set the style options as shown below. This will add a realistic embossed look to the texture.

Step 4

Click on the “Add Layer Mask” icon, and then press the “Ctrl + I” keyboard shortcut to invert.

Take a large soft brush (Hardness: 0% - Size: 950px) and in mask mode, click in the center of the document. This way the texture layer will be shown only in the center, disappearing along the edges of the document:

Step 5

Using "Type" (T) (Text) write the word "Othello" or any other. If the text settings window does not appear, select Window > Character. (Window - Symbol)

Step 6

After that, apply styles to the word as shown below. Under each style you can see a preview of the effect:

Step 7

Once you have applied and configured the styles, click OK. Now activate the Type (T) tool and select all the letters except the capital one and reduce the tracking to -5 as shown in the image below. You can find this option in the Character window Window>Character.

Step 8

Duplicate the text layer by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + J”. Right-click on the layer icon and select “Clear Layer Style” to clear the styles. Now we have two layers with the same text - one with styles and the other without styles. Thanks to this, we can enhance the effect by applying new styles to the duplicated text. My favorite way to work with two layer styles is to make basic adjustments to the first and then enhance the effect of the second by adding lighting and reflections.

Step 9

Step 10

The metal effect is almost ready, all that remains is to make it more realistic. Just customize the following styles as below:


Keep in mind that when you save your work in JPG format, the final effect may look different, for example metal will look sharper with a large bevel.

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