Compose a crossword puzzle of fairy-tale characters. Material (senior group) on the topic: Crossword puzzle on Russian folk tales

Crossword puzzles based on Russian folk tales for preschoolers

1. Consolidate familiar fairy tales in the children’s memory.
2. Develop thinking, memory, imagination.
3. Cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.

1. What kind of miracle is the root crop growing from the ground in the fairy tale? (Turnip)
2. The amazing Horse, who helps Ivan carry out the king’s difficult tasks. (Humpbacked Little Humpback)
3. Once upon a time there were three comrades: a bubble, a straw and .... (bast shoe)
4. “Are you warm, girl,
Are you warm red?
Who asked this? (Morozko)
5.Who owns the house on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga)
6. Master of swamps and swamps. (Water)
7. He languishes over gold. (Koschei)
Key word: kolobok

II crossword

1.Russian fairy-tale hero. Defender of the Russian land. (Bogatyr)
2. "The dense forest stood like a wall,
Fear walks behind your back...
Whether on horseback or on foot,
It will scare you at night......!” (Leshy)
3.Whose egg could only a mouse break? (Ryaba)
4.Who did Masha deceive and not let eat the pies? (Bear)
5.Who was the first inhabitant of the tower? (Mouse)
6. The serpent with three heads. (Gorynych)
7. She will grant three wishes, and besides, it’s golden. (Fish)
Key word: teremok

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Crossword "Russians" folk tales" For children from 6 years old.

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher at the Meshchovsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors, Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region.
Description: This crossword puzzle can be useful for educators and parents.
It can be used in individual and group work with preschool children.
Target: generalization of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
- develop memory, thinking, observation;
- enrich children's vocabulary;
- instill a love for Russian literature.

“A fairy tale is the great spiritual culture of the people, which we collect bit by bit, and through a fairy tale is revealed to us thousand-year history people" (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
All fairy tales arose a long time ago (more than a thousand years ago) - this is so long ago that now no one can even find out exactly when. For many centuries, folk tales played the same role in human life as books, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, the Internet and other common sources of information do in our time. Fairy tales are a real everyday encyclopedia of the past, present, and even, possibly, the future.

Russian folk tales are very diverse, each tale has its own special content, its own style and the images presented in it. There are fairy tales in which we are talking about animals, there are entertaining magical stories about amazing adventures the hero be it an animal (grouse, rooster, crane, hare, bear, fox, wolf, mouse, many other animals), fictional characters- Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Many-Headed Serpent, Sea king, Morozko, Kolobok... or serves as a fairy-tale prototype a common person: Ivan the Tsarevich, Khavroshechka, Elena the Wise, the soldier, the Tsar, children, parents, husbands and wives - you can’t list all the characters, heroes.
There are also short tales about lazy, stupid and stubborn people, telling about everyday life and they are often called everyday tales.

Crossword “Russian folk tales”

1 – What was the name of the girl who was molded by the old man and the old woman from snowball?
2 – Who, together with the cat, freed the cockerel from the clutches of the fox?

3 – The name of the long-lived fairytale king.
4 – What was the name of the peasant’s youngest daughter from the fairy tale “Finist - clear falcon»?
5 – Who built the ice hut?
6 – The name of the she-bear from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”.
7 – How many sons did the king from the fairy tale The Frog Princess have?

1 – What did the wolf use to catch fish in the river?
2 – The name of the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”.
3 – Name the third hero of the fairy tale “A Bubble, a Straw and...”

4 – Who drank some water from a goat’s hoof?
5 – Who was the first to live in a mitten?

6 – Who carried fish on a cart to the woman’s house?
7 – The name of the old man’s third son from the fairy tale “Po pike command».
8 – How many residents were in the mitten?

9 – The instrument the cat played.

Answers to the crossword puzzle “Russian folk tales”.
Horizontally: 1 – Snow Maiden, 2 – thrush, 3 – Koschey, 4 – Maryushka, 5 – fox, 6 – Nastasya, 7 – three.
Vertically: 1 – tail, 2 – Bug, 3 – bast shoe, 4 – Ivanushka, 5 – mouse, 6 – grandfather, 7 – Emelya, 8 – seven, 9 – harp.

Thank you for your attention!

Fairy tale crosswords suitable not only for those children who already go to school and can write on their own, but also for those kids who are just learning their letters, because their mother usually reads fairy tales to them and with their mother you can solve such a simple crossword puzzle. Now in the store you can buy entire collections of children's crossword puzzles that will be interesting to children, because in addition to traditional questions, there are funny pictures, and stories, and anecdotes about fairy-tale heroes.

For the little ones, you need to choose a crossword puzzle in which all the characters will be known. Crossword puzzle based on Pushkin's fairy tales, most likely suitable for schoolchildren, it can even be used during extracurricular reading, to consolidate the material covered. Surely children will enjoy the process of solving a crossword puzzle, especially if it takes place in the spirit of competition, and to interest children, you can prepare some bonuses or prizes.

You can create the best children's crosswords yourself. For example, let's remember the most famous cartoon characters, such as Pinocchio, Malvina, Dunno, Cheburashka, Ryaba Hen and so on, and start making a crossword puzzle.

1. What was the name of the longest-nosed boy? (Pinocchio)

2. A person who likes to drive a stove and do nothing all day long. (Emelya)

3. A girl with blue hair, to whom Pierrot dedicated his poems. (Malvina)

4. To kill him, it was necessary to get the egg hidden in the chest. (Koschei)

5. The most best friend Crocodile Genes. (Cheburashka)

6. Thumbelina's ugly groom. (Toad)

7. A round, naughty pie made from dough. (Kolobok)

8. The hen that laid golden eggs. (Ryaba)

Despite the fact that the questions are elementary, a child at an early age will find them interesting, and the process of solving them will be entertaining. And if your child develops a love for solving crosswords from childhood, this will significantly influence his development in the future, because thanks to these text puzzles, his horizons, vocabulary, and logical thinking expand.

Crossword puzzle on fairy tales with answers The child himself can compose it, invite him to make up questions based on a recently read fairy tale, which then, together, put together into a crossword puzzle. Does the task seem too difficult? In fact, the process is not only fun, but also an important part educational process, as it helps to better assimilate the material read.

Crossword puzzles for schoolchildren can be made based on the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. For example, to encrypt the name of the girl Gerda, you can use the following description: “Who didn’t leave the boy Kai in trouble?” And for the Little Mermaid, coming up with a description will not be difficult at all, because she was a girl with a fish tail. So many adventures happened with Thumbelina that in the crossword puzzle you can ask not only the name of the girl who lived in the big flower, but also about those heroes who met her on the way in the fairy tale.

Crossword puzzle based on fairy tales for primary schoolchildren

Crossword “Russian folk tales”

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSH" Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Description of material: This material intended for students primary school. Can be used by the teacher in extracurricular activities, when reinforcing the topic “Oral Folk Art” in the classroom literary reading in primary school.
Having guessed all the words, you can read new words vertically in the yellow cells of the crossword puzzle and find out what kind of fairy tales there are.
Target: Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk tales.
Develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive abilities of students.
Cultivate an interest in reading and oral folk art.

1. In which fairy tale did the characters live together in the same house until it was destroyed by a bear?
2. Who was able to drive the fox out of the bunny’s hut?
3. With what tool did the cat manage to save the rooster?
4. Who was deceived by the fox, who pretended to be dead and threw out all the fish from the cart.
5. In one of the Russian folk tales, who tricked the bear and left him hungry?
6. The name of the bear cub from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”.
7. Name a vegetable that a grandfather, woman, granddaughter, dog, cat and mouse were able to pull out of the ground.
8. What was the name of the boy who disobeyed his older sister and became a little goat.
9. In one of the Russian folk tales, who treated the fox to okroshka?
10. The heroine of a fairy tale who was afraid of heat and melted while jumping over a fire.
11. Which fairy tale hero said the words “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother?”
12. The hero of a fairy tale, who was told the words: “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie.”
13. Who was the frog that caught the arrow?
14. Who helped the fairy tale heroes pull out the turnip?
15. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who caught a pike and it fulfilled all his wishes?
16. What has “big eyes.”
17. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife?
18. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale, who went with her friends into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, got lost, and came to a bear’s hut.
19. The hero of a fairy tale who burst with laughter.
20. Ryaba, which laid a golden egg.
21. The hero of a Russian folk tale, who owns the words: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”

Answers to the crossword:

1. Teremok
2. Rooster
3. Gusli
4. Old man
5. Man
6. Mishutka
7. Turnip
8. Ivanushka
9. Crane
10. Snow Maiden
11. Kolobok
12. Bear
13. Princess
14. Mouse
15. Emelya
16. Fear
17. Frog
18. Masha
19. Bubble
20. Chicken
21. Fox

Crossword puzzle “Russian folk tales”. Horizontally: 1. In which fairy tale did the characters live together in the same house until it was destroyed by a bear? 4. Who was deceived by the fox, who pretended to be dead and threw out all the fish from the cart. 5. In one of the Russian folk tales, who tricked the bear and left him hungry? 6. The name of the bear cub from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. 9. In one of the Russian folk tales, who treated the fox to okroshka? 11. Which fairy tale hero said the words “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother?” 12. The hero of a fairy tale, who was told the words: “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat the pie.” 14. Who helped the fairy tale heroes pull out the turnip? 15. What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who caught a pike and it fulfilled all his wishes? 16. What has “big eyes.” 18. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale, who went with her friends into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, got lost, and came to a bear’s hut. 20. Ryaba, which laid a golden egg.
Vertical: 2. Who was able to drive the fox out of the bunny’s hut? 3. With what tool did the cat manage to save the rooster?

7. Name a vegetable that a grandfather, woman, granddaughter, dog, cat and mouse were able to pull out of the ground. 8. What was the name of the boy who did not listen to his older sister and became a little goat. 10. The heroine of a fairy tale who was afraid of heat and melted while jumping over a fire.

13. Who was the frog that caught the arrow? 17. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife? 19. The hero of a fairy tale who burst with laughter.

1. Teremok
2. Rooster
3. Gusli
4. Old man
5. Man
6. Mishutka
7. Turnip
8. Ivanushka
9. Crane
10. Snow Maiden
11. Kolobok
12. Bear
13. Princess
14. Mouse
15. Emelya
16. Fear
17. Frog
18. Masha
19. Bubble
20. Chicken

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