Compose and explain proverbs where the pine tree has grown. Where the pine tree grows, there it is red



Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds - a flock...

This one is a finch. This one is a swift.

This one is a cheerful little siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds - go home!

And the two-year-old girl quickly lies down on the floor, funny shows horror on her face and deftly crawls under the bed...

This is how my acquaintance with the poetry of Irina Tokmakova began. My daughter crawled under the bed, and her mother read the poem “Ten Birds - a Flock” with an expression.

Ten years later, I saw Tokmakova’s article in the Pravda newspaper. She wrote that modern children’s literature, and especially those addressed to children, should first of all teach... an adult, teach him how to treat a child! The writer was right, and I knew it already own experience.

Irina Petrovna works for the youngest listeners and readers - for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Writes poems, songs, stories, fairy tales and plays. And in all her works, reality and fable go side by side and are friends. Listen, read the poems “In a Wonderful Country” and “Bukvarinsk”, “Kittens” and “Patter”, other works, and you will agree with me. For example, the fairy tale “Bukvarinsk” - and the fable about unusual country, and an entertaining rhyming alphabet. Two stories about one girl: “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter “A” and “Maybe zero is not to blame” are fascinating alphabetic and digital detective stories. These are not even fairy tales, but game stories. Girls and boys read them and do not notice how Irina Tokmakova teaches them to read and count.

Tokmakova's poems are simple, short, sonorous, and easy to remember. You need them as much as your first words.

How does Irina Petrovna, an adult, know children’s first words so well?

Or does she invent them, make them up?

Good children's books come only from a writer who has not forgotten what it's like to be small among adults. Such a writer clearly remembers how children think, feel, how they quarrel and make peace - remembers how they grow. If I didn’t remember, I wouldn’t find words that you would immediately believe.

How much do you need to remember! - some of you may be surprised.

There really is a lot to remember. But he can’t even remember everything about his childhood children's writer. And then he composes, comes up with interesting stories, which could very well be real.

For twenty-five years, Irina Tokmakova has not parted with poetry, fairy tales, stories, and therefore with you, her readers, for a single day.

We talked a little about special adults.

Now let's talk about special children. It's easier because children are all special. Only special person plays doctors and astronauts, “mothers and daughters” and princesses, teachers and robbers, captains and salesmen. In such games, everything is as in reality, as in life - everything is “true”: serious faces, important actions, real grievances and joys, real friendship. This means that a children’s game is not just fun, but everyone’s dream about tomorrow. Child's play is the confidence to imitate better deeds and the actions of adults, this is the desire to grow up as quickly as possible. So Irina Petrovna helps children: she writes, composes books about everything in the world. But he doesn’t write just to entertain the child, no. She teaches you to think seriously about life, teaches you to act seriously. About this, for example, “The Pines Are Noisy”, “Rostik and Kesha”, the poems “I Heard”, “Conversations” and many, many others.

Everyone has their favorite toys. Growing up, children do not part with them for a long time; placed on cabinets, shelves, seated on the sofa, on the floor. And they do it right!

Favorite toys, especially dolls and animals, are part of childhood, Child's world, the children themselves composed it around themselves. You can live in such a world as long as you like, because you have friends all around. This world is inhabited by beautiful heroes - mischievous and obedient, funny and touching, honest and loyal. Why part with them!

Children's books - your best friends and advisers - live exactly the same life. Ask a toy, such as Thumbelina or a bear, about something. You give them a moment to be silent and think, and you yourself answer for them. Interesting! But the book itself answers any questions we have in the voices of its characters. In my opinion, even more interesting! You are holding one of these books in your hands now.

Any famous work Tokmakova, included in the book “The Pines Are Noisy,” will definitely make you find and remember other poems and prose by Irina Petrovna, her translations of works for children from Armenian, Lithuanian, Uzbek, Tajik, English, Bulgarian, German and other languages. Tokmakova generally translates a lot - she helps writers from other republics and countries bring their books to children who read in Russian. This is how readers and writers, with the help of books, learn good things from each other, understand better and faster that a person is born and lives for happiness - for the world, for people, and not for grief - for war and the destruction of all living things. And if a person does not understand this, his life is wasted and brings no joy or benefit to anyone. So, I was born in vain...

And yet, joys and sorrows often go hand in hand in our lives. Adults who have lived a long time say:

This is how the world works.

It’s interesting that writers and children, without saying a word, most often respond to ego like this:

And we want to make the world a better place!

Correct answer.

There is no such thing as someone else's grief, there shouldn't be. Therefore, children's writers are always looking for the reasons for the good and bad actions of adults and children:

I hate Tarasov:

He shot the moose.

I heard him say

At least he spoke quietly.

Now the big-lipped elk calf

Who will feed you in the forest?

I hate Tarasov.

Let him go home!

When a person strives for better life, he wants justice not only for himself, but also for others. And “others” are not only people, they are all living things around. Irina Tokmakova writes a lot about nature, she knows how to make the personal state of her heroes - children and adults, trees and flowers, domestic and wild animals - interesting to every reader. Even in a short poem, she wisely humanizes nature, reveals the content of the daily worries of both the tree and the beast. And the wonderful story-fairy tale “Happy, Ivushkin!” the author even gives us a very important, perhaps huge secret: how to get out of a hopeless situation!

It turns out that you don’t have to lose heart for this.

In one of her articles, Irina Petrovna wrote: “Children, as always, react sensitively to today. They began to develop an interesting, some kind of maternal feeling towards living things. They began to feel responsible and involved in the need to save and preserve nature.”

Why is the book called “The Pines Are Noisy”?

I don't know for sure, but I can guess. The writer entitled new book just like my story, placed here, I think that’s why. The story “The Pines Are Noisy” is an almost documentary story about life orphanage during the Great Patriotic War in evacuation, deep in the rear. In many ways, the story is autobiographical: Irina Petrovna writes about the events in which she participated. In memory of that harsh time, of her own youth, which coincided with the most terrible war in the history of the Earth, and with the hope that future generations will never know cruelty, Tokmakova probably called the book “The Pines Are Noisy.” Let us remember the proverb: “Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.”

And further. If you are in the forest, pay attention: when the pines make noise, slightly swaying their tops, it seems as if they are telling something...

The world of Irina Tokmakova’s new book is colorful and picturesque, cheerful and serious and always friendly. I'm sure readers will recognize their innermost thoughts in this book, or even just themselves and their best friends.

Let the pines rustle!

Vladimir Alexandrov

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Where the pine tree grows, there it is red.

  • - who. Simple region Joking-iron. 1. Smb. Due to his youth, he is not yet capable of sexual intercourse. 2. Smb. still too young, inexperienced. /i> The wife is the male genital organ. Podyukov 1989, 75; Glukhov 1988, 42...
  • - A house is valued not by its construction, but by its owner. Wed. All my capital... fifty rubles... Yes, sir: this is for life! dda-s; The hut is not red in the corners, and yet there are not many pies here.... Saltykov. Gubernsk. very good 2...

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    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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  • - who. Jarg. they say Disapproved Same as turning on armor 2. Maksimov, 45...

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  • - what in front of whom, between whom. Book About the cessation of communication between someone. Mokienko 2003, 110...

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  • - Kar. . About a woman who lived her life in one place. SRGK 1, 268...

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  • - People's Iron. About inconsistency with something. DP, 858...

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“Where the pine tree grows, there it is red.” in books


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Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.

  • - coniferous tree, lives up to 400 years, reaches 40 m in height, very undemanding to soil, moisture and climate. S. produces construction and ornamental materials, turpentine, rosin, resin, tar...

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  • - Rod 15...

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  • - river, pp. Don; Oryol, Lipetsk region. Etymology from Russian. pine contradicts the norms of Russian education. names...

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  • - Coniferous evergreen tree of the pine family with long needles and small rounded cones. One of the most common in the forests of Russia...

    Russia. Linguistic and regional dictionary

  • - a genus of coniferous evergreen trees and creeping shrubs of the family. pine. OK. 100 species, ch. arr. in the northern temperate zone. hemispheres...

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  • - Directness, vitality, fertility, strength of character, silence, solitude, phallic symbol. Being evergreen, it symbolizes immortality...

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  • - a river in the European part of Russia, the right tributary of the Don. 296 km, pl. basin 17.4 thousand km2...

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  • - wood widely used in shipbuilding. It is used for the manufacture of masts, spars, deck flooring, etc. Three types of pine should be distinguished...

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  • - I ́ genus of coniferous evergreen trees and creeping shrubs of the pine family...

    Big Soviet encyclopedia

  • - A house is valued not by its construction, but by its owner. Wed. All my capital... fifty rubles... Yes, sir: this is for life! dda-s; The hut is not red in the corners, and yet there are not many pies here.... Saltykov. Gubernsk. very good 2...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - See TALK -...
  • - see Evdokia ushers in spring...

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  • - ...

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  • - See YARD - HOUSE - FARM See ESSENCE -...

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  • - Kaluzh., Tver. Yes or no? SRNG 8, 352...

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“Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.” in books


Crimean pine, or Pallas pine - (Pinus pallasiana)

From the book Gymnosperms author Sivoglazov Vladislav Ivanovich

Crimean pine, or Pallas pine - (Pinus pallasiana) Crimean pine, which is named after the Russian naturalist Peter Pallas, has a great resemblance to Italian pine, grows in the mountains of Crimea. The crown is umbrella-shaped, raised on a dark, almost black trunk on

“The maiden is beautiful from the face...”

From the book Tenderer than the Sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

“A beautiful maiden from the face...” A beautiful maiden from the face, With a thin childish voice And with the soul of a scoundrel, He was a complete fool. Why don’t you tell him, From such a lackey You will only hear: “On......, Neither... and before...!” 1944 Silver Ponds, Moscow.

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In the world and death is red

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In peace and death, foreigners are still confident that Russians like to do everything together. To some extent, this is true: the centuries-old heritage of the peasant community is taking its toll. The community protected the peasants from the outside world. All important issues were resolved by

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From the book Another History of Rus'. From Europe to Mongolia [= The Forgotten History of Rus'] author Kalyuzhny Dmitry Vitalievich

Zodiac of the Red Sun Russian chronicles were not factual, simple-minded records that monks kept year after year, diligently continuing their work one after another, but compilations of various works, brought into their current form no earlier than the 16th century AD.

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Spring is red

From the book Ostap Cherry. Smiles, feiletonies, humoresques 1944–1950 author Tsekov Yuri Ivanovich


From the book All about the ordinary bow author Dubrovin Ivan

“SPRING IS RED” Place plantain and nettle in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain in a colander. Chop well and mix with chopped onion, grated horseradish, finely chopped boiled egg. Season with vegetable oil or sour cream, add salt and vinegar.You

In the world and death is red

From the author's book

Even death is red for the world...Well: after 16 hours of sleepless debate, the latest Minsk agreements on a truce in Ukraine have been reached. In meaning and content, they are almost no different from the previous ones, September 19, 2014. The only significant difference is that: – new agreements

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