Report on ancient cities. The most ancient cities of Russia: list

The history of Russia is almost intangible. Despite the many facts and reliable sources, fully study everything important dates almost impossible. However, the story covers a lot interesting events, cultural heritage and architectural heritage, due to different cities. We suggest you consider the oldest cities in Russia. In this list you will see settlements that existed before the advent of our era. Many of these cities ceased to exist. Others received new names.

TOP 10 Oldest cities in Russia


Currently, the city's population is 532 thousand people. The name appeared at the beginning of the 11th century in connection with the name of the principality, which was located on the right bank of the Oka River. Nowadays, this city attracts many tourists due to its cultural heritage, history and land. Ancient territory The Russian Federation contains the St. John the Theologian monasteries. There is the Trinity Monastery and, in fact, the Ryazan Monastery. In addition there are many museums and a nature reserve.

The population of this, one of the oldest cities in Russia, is 603 thousand people. The history of the city dates back to 1010. In the past, the city of Yaroslavl was called “the city of a hundred churches” translated from Latin. On this moment The settlement includes 30 churches. But this does not reduce its cultural and historical value. To this day, this place has preserved many interesting cathedrals and amazing architecture. In 1516, the Transfiguration Cathedral was built here, which still attracts tourists to this day.

The population of this wonderful city is 1.2 million people. This settlement was founded in 1005. It stands on the border of the Volga region. It's about about the unique cultural heritage and heritage of Russia. Actually, for this reason the city is included in the UNESCO heritage list. One of the main assets is the Kazan Kremlin, which was built of white brick. At the same time, the main asset of the Republic of Tatarstan to this day is the Kul Sharif mosque.

Another oldest city in the Russian Federation is Vladimir, which consists of over 362 thousand people. We are talking about a city-museum, a city-ring Russian Federation. In this place you can find a huge number of different monuments and shops. For these reasons, this place is loved by tourists from different countries peace. This city also made it into the top 10 due to the presence of old houses. Some buildings are more than three hundred years old. The property includes the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the Assumption Church and much more.

Currently, the population of this settlement reaches 110 thousand people. Legends and various epics are composed about this place to this day. In addition, this city is even mentioned in the story “Seasons”. It is from this work that we can learn about the former greatness of the city. In ancient times, tribes of Finno-Ugric origin lived here. The first ruler of the city is Prince Vladimir. Later the throne went to his son.

The next five in the Top 10 oldest cities in Russia is Suzdal. Currently, the population reaches only 10 thousand people. It should be noted that in different sources The date of the city's founding is interpreted differently. Some inscriptions date back to 1024, others say the city was founded in 987. It is known for sure that the city appeared as a result of the merger of two settlements. Today the city is considered part of the Golden Ring of the Russian Federation.

The population of the city is 330 thousand people. First time about this locality mentioned in 946. The city is discussed in the story “Seasons”. It is believed that the settlement appeared thanks to the Krivichi tribe. And it all started like this. Prince Oleg acquired Smolensk and annexed it to Ancient Rus'. Later he made the ruler of this city his son Igor. He immediately could not cope with the management of the territory, which is why control over the city was carried out from Kyiv. The main attractions include the Boris and Gleb Monastery and the Church of the Theologian.

The number is 221 thousand people. We are talking about one of the ancient cities Russian Federation, which is rightfully considered unique. This is due to the presence of a huge number architectural objects. There are many monuments and amazing structures that are over 300 years old. For tourists, it should be said that this place has St. Sophia Cathedral. We are talking about the heritage of an entire nation. In addition, the city is considered religious, because the center of the country includes many churches. At the same time, all buildings attract with exquisite design.

Population globe began to settle in cities since ancient times. There are still cities on our planet that were founded several thousand years ago. And, what is most surprising, not all of them can be called extinct - life is in full swing in many of them. Of course, in such cities there is something for tourists to see - amazing sights, sacred places and the atmosphere of history make them very attractive.

1. Jericho (Palestine).

Estimated year of foundation: 9000 BC The most ancient city existing today. Archaeologists have found the remains of 20 settlements of Jericho, which are more than 11,000 years old. The city is founded on the west bank of the Jordan River. Now about 20,000 people live here.

2. Byblos (Lebanon).

Founded: 5000 BC The city, founded by the Phoenicians under the name "Gebal", received its current name from the Greeks, who imported papyrus here. The word "Bible" has the same root as the toponym "Biblo". The city's main tourist attractions include the Phoenician temples, the Fortress of Byblos and the Church of St. John the Baptist, built by the Crusaders in the 12th century, as well as the old medieval city wall. International festival Bybla attracts many performers here.

3. Aleppo (Syria).

Founded: 4300 BC Most populated city Syria, home to about 4.4 million people, was founded under the name "Aleppo" around 4300 BC. On ancient place The city contains modern residential and administrative buildings, so almost no archaeological excavations have been carried out here. Before 800 BC the city belonged to the Hittites, then to the Assyrians, Greeks and Persians. Later, Romans, Byzantines and Arabs lived here. Aleppo was conquered by the Crusaders in the Middle Ages, then by the Mongols and the Ottoman Empire.

4. Damascus (Syria).

Founded: 4300 BC Damascus, which some sources call the oldest inhabited city on earth, may have been inhabited by people as early as 10,000 BC, although this fact is considered controversial. After the arrival of the Arameans, who laid out the network of canals that still form the basis of modern water supply, the city became an important settlement. Damascus was conquered by the army of Alexander the Great, it was owned by the Romans, Arabs and Turks. Today, the abundance of historical attractions makes the capital of Syria popular among tourists.

5. Susa (Iran).

Founded: 4200 BC Susa was the capital of the Elamite Empire and was later conquered by the Assyrians. Then they came into the possession of the Persian royal dynasty Ahmenids during the reign of Cyrus the Great. The scene of Aeschylus's tragedy "The Persians", the oldest play in the history of the theater, takes place here. About 65,000 people live in the modern city of Shusha.

6. Fayoum (Egypt).

Founded: 4000 BC Faiyum, located southwest of Cairo, forms part of Crocodilopolis, an ancient Egyptian city where the god Sebek, depicted with the head of a crocodile, was revered. In modern Fayoum you can find several large bazaars, mosques and baths. Near the city are the pyramids of Lehin and Hawara.

7. Sidon (Lebanon).

Founded: 4000 BC South of Beirut is Sidon, one of the most important and possibly oldest Phoenician cities. From here the great Mediterranean empire of the Phoenicians began to grow. They say that Sidon was visited by Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. Alexander the Great captured the city in 333 BC.

8. Plovdiv (Bulgaria).

Founded: 4000 BC Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria, was originally a Thracian settlement and later became an important Roman city. Later it passed into the hands of the Byzantines and Turks, and then became part of Bulgaria. The city is important cultural center, it boasts numerous ancient monuments, including a Roman amphitheater and aqueduct, as well as Turkish baths.

9. Gaziantep (Türkiye).

Founded: 3650 BC Founded in southern Turkey, near the Syrian border, Gaziantep's history dates back to Hittite times. The Ravanda fortress, restored by the Byzantines in the 6th century, is located in the city center. Fragments of Roman mosaics were also found here.

10. Beirut (Lebanon).

Founded: 3000 BC The capital of Lebanon, as well as its cultural, administrative and economic center, boasts rich history, which is about 5000 years old. Excavations on the territory of the city made it possible to find Phoenician, ancient Greek, Roman, Arab and Turkish artifacts. The city was mentioned in the messages of the Egyptian pharaoh back in the 14th century. BC. After graduation civil war in Lebanon, Beirut has become a vibrant, modern destination, ideal for tourists.

11. Jerusalem (Israel).

Founded: 2800 BC The spiritual center of the Jews and the third holy city of the Muslims, it is home to several key landmarks of great significance to believers. Among them are the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. For long history the city was captured 23 times, attacked 52 times, besieged 44 times and destroyed twice.

12. Tire (Lebanon).

Founded: 2750 BC Tire, according to legend, is the birthplace of Europe. It was founded around 2750 BC, according to Herodotus. In 332 BC. The city was conquered by Alexander the Great after a seven-month siege. In 64 BC. Tire became a Roman province. Today, the main industry of the legendary city is tourism: the Roman Hippodrome in Tire is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

13. Erbil (Iraq).

Founded: 2300 BC North of Kirkuk is Erbil, which at various times belonged to the Assyrians, Persians, Sasanians, Arabs and Turks. Erbil was an important settlement on the Silk Road, and its ancient fortress, rising 26 meters above the ground, still dominates the city's landscape.

14. Kirkuk (Iraq).

Founded: 2200 BC Kirkuk, located north of Baghdad, stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian capital of Arrapha. The strategic importance of the settlement was recognized by the inhabitants of Babylon and Media, who controlled the city. The ruins of the 5,000-year-old fortress can still be explored. The city itself is now home to many Iraqi oil companies.

15. Balkh (Afghanistan).

Year founded: 1500 BC Balkh, called Bactra by the ancient Greeks, is located in Northern Afghanistan. The Arabs call it "the mother of cities." The city reached its heyday in 2500 - 1900. BC, even before the rise of the Persian and Median empires. Modern Balkh is the capital of the region's textile industry.

16.Athens (Greece).

Founded: 1400 BC Athens, the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, is a popular tourist destination. Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Turkish monuments can be seen here, and the city's heritage is recognized throughout the world as the greatest.

17. Larnaca (Cyprus).

Founded: 1400 BC Larnaca, founded by the Phoenicians under the name "Sitium", is famous for its wonderful palm tree-lined promenade. Archaeological sites and numerous beaches attract many tourists.

18. Thebes (Greece).

Founded: 1400 BC Thebes, the main "rival" of Athens, led the confederation of Boethius and even assisted Xerxes during the Persian invasion (480 BC). Archaeological excavations have shown that before the founding of the city there was a Mycenaean settlement here. Today Thebes is primarily a trading city.

19. Cadiz (Spain).

Year founded: 1100 BC Cadiz, built on a narrow piece of land near the Atlantic Ocean, dates back to the 18th century. is the main city of the Spanish fleet. It was founded by the Phoenicians as a small trading post. Around 500 BC the city went to the Carthaginians, from here Hannibal began the conquest of Iberia. Cadiz was then ruled by the Romans and Moors, and during the years of the Great Geographical Discoveries it reached its peak.

20. Varanasi (India).

Founded: 1000 BC Varanasi, also known as Benares, is located on the western bank of the Ganges and is a significant sacred city for both Hindus and Buddhists. According to legend, it was founded by the Hindu god Shiva 5,000 years ago, although modern scholars believe that the city is about 3,000 years old.

Among the other most ancient cities in Europe, we also note Lisbon (about 1000 BC), Rome (753 BC), Corfu (about 700 BC) and Mantua (about 500 BC).

Every city has its own history of creation, but not every one of them can boast of centuries-old existence. Some settlements that exist today were formed a very long time ago. The age of many cities has been established with the help of archaeological and historical researchers, whose conclusions indicate the approximate time of their appearance. Based on these data, the rating was compiled: oldest cities in the world, where the most ancient urban settlements of our planet are considered.

This city is known to many residents of all countries, as it contains holy places of Jews, Christians and Muslims. It is also called the city of peace and the city of three religions. The first traces of humans on the territory of Jerusalem appeared already in 2800 BC. e., therefore it can rightfully be considered one of the oldest cities in the world.

During its history, Jerusalem has gone through multiple wars, two times they tried to completely destroy it, but to this day it delights us with its grandeur and beauty and happily welcomes pilgrims from all over the world. In Jerusalem, centuries-old traditions are mixed in a striking way different nations, which is expressed in historical monuments, culture local residents and in unique architecture.

Beirut ranks 9th in the ranking of the oldest cities in the world. According to various sources, the city appeared 3000-5000 BC. e. During its existence, Beirut was destroyed several times, but it was always possible to restore it.

Excavations were repeatedly carried out on the territory of the Lebanese capital, during which various artifacts belonging to the Phoenician, Ottoman, Roman and many others were found ethnic communities. According to research, written mentions of Beirut date back to the 14th century BC. e. Now the city is the tourist center of Lebanon. Its population is 361,000 people.

Gaziantep is one of the oldest cities in Turkey and the world. It is located close to the Syrian border. Its settlement occurred in 3650 BC. e. Until 1921, the city had a different name – Antep, after which the title “gazi” was added to it, which means brave. In ancient times, crusades passed through the city, and in 1183, during Ottoman Empire Mosques and inns began to be built in Gaziantep, and later it became a shopping center.

The modern city is inhabited by Turks, Arabs and Kurds, their approximate number is 850,000 people. Every year, Gaziantep is visited by crowds of tourists from different countries. There is a lot to see here: ruins of ancient cities, museums, bridges and other unique attractions.

The first settlements in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv appeared 4000 BC. e. According to some reports, it is the oldest city in Europe, which is why it is ranked 7th in the ranking of the oldest cities in the world. In 342 BC. e. Plovdiv was called differently - Odris. This name can be seen on ancient bronze coins.

In the 6th century the city was under the control of Slavic tribes; later it became part of the Bulgarian kingdom and was renamed Pyldin. During its subsequent history, the city fell under the rule of the Byzantines several times and returned again to the Bulgarians. In 1364, Plovdiv was captured by the Ottomans. The modern city is famous big amount historical monuments architecture and other attractions known far beyond the borders of Bulgaria.

This Egyptian city appeared around 4000 BC. e. It is located on the territory of another ancient city of Crocodilopolis, southwest of Cairo. The fact that it is one of the oldest cities in the world is evidenced by excavations that confirm the visit of the city by the pharaohs of the 12th dynasty. In those days the city was called Shedet, which translated means sea.

Currently, Al-Fayoum is filled with numerous markets, bazaars and mosques. The city has an unusual infrastructure with various attractions. Rose oil is produced here, Exotic fruits and cereal crops.

Most Old city in Lebanon began its existence 4000 BC. e. It is located 40 km from the capital. According to historical data, it is known that Jesus and the Apostle Paul visited it. During the time of the Phoenicians, it was the largest trading center in the Mediterranean. The seaport built in the Phoenician era has survived to this day.

Sidon was part of various states and empires many times. It was considered one of the most impregnable cities. Now about 200,000 people live here.

The very first settlements in Susa appeared in 4200 BC. e., the city is mentioned in the ancient Sumerian chronicles, as well as in the Old Testament and other sacred writings. The city had the status of the capital of the Elamite Empire until it was captured by the Assyrians. In 668, a battle took place during which the city was sacked and burned. Ten years later, the Elamite Empire disappeared.

One of the most ancient cities of Susa suffered bloody massacres and destruction many times, but each time it was rebuilt. Currently, the city of Susa is called Shush; its population is about 65 thousand people, mostly Muslims and Jews.

One of the three oldest cities in the world is Byblos, not known as Jebeil. This Lebanese city was founded in the 4th-5th millennium BC. e. It was built by the Phoenicians and gave it the name Gebal. On its territory there are many Phoenician shrines, as well as the Church of John the Baptist. The city began to be called Biblios by the ancient Greeks, who visited the city and purchased papyrus here. In ancient times, Biblios was the largest port.

The Biblios writings have never been translated; they still remain a mystery left by the ancient city. They bear no resemblance to any of the writing systems of that time.

The second position is occupied by the ancient city of Damascus. The first mentions of it date back to the 15th century BC. e. During this period of time, Egyptian pharaohs ruled here. Later the city was the center of the Damascus kingdom. During the rest of its existence, Damascus repeatedly became part of different states and empires. It is known that the Apostle Paul visited Damascus, and it was then that the first Christians appeared here.

Currently Damascus is cultural capital and the second largest Syrian city, home to more than 1.5 million people.

The top of the pedestal rightfully belongs to the oldest city in the world - Jericho. Historians have discovered on its territory the remains of ancient settlements that settled here back in the 9th millennium BC. e. The city is located on the banks of the holy Jordan River and is known to many from the biblical scriptures.

Modern Jericho is a real living museum of ancient monuments. Here you can see the ruins remaining from the palace of King Herod, visit the source of the holy prophet Elisha and visit various Orthodox shrines. IN given time its population is more than 20,000 people.

Russia - ancient country. And on its territory there are many cities whose age has exceeded a thousand years. Historical and cultural heritage, which they preserved, is an invaluable gift from generations already gone to future generations.

We present to you the oldest cities in Russia.

The official founding date of one of the cities that now make up Golden ring Russia is considered to be 990. And the founder is Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Under the leadership of Vladimir Monomakh and Yuri Dolgoruky, the city became an important stronghold for the defense of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. And under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vladimir became the capital of the principality.

During the Tatar raids (1238 and later), the city surprisingly did not suffer much. Even the Golden Gate has survived to this day, although in a slightly different form from its original form.

On the territory of Vladimir there is the Vladimir Central prison, glorified by Mikhail Krug, built under Catherine II. It contained the following famous personalities, like Vasily Stalin, son of Joseph Stalin, Mikhail Frunze and dissident Julius Daniel.

9. Bryansk -1032 years

It is not known exactly when exactly the city of Bryansk arose. The approximate date of its foundation is considered to be 985.

In 1607, the city was burned so that it would not fall to False Dmitry II. It was rebuilt and for the second time survived the siege of the troops of the “Tushinsky Thief”.

In the 17th century, Bryansk was one of the most important shopping centers Russia. And currently it is an important industrial center of the country.

8. Pskov – 1114 years

The founding date of Pskov is considered to be 903, when the city was first mentioned in the Laurentian Chronicle. Olga, the first Christian princess in Rus' and wife Prince of Kyiv Igor Rurikovich, originally from Pskov.

For a long time Pskov was one of the most major cities Europe and was an impregnable barrier on the western borders of the country.

And in March 1917, while at Pskov station, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne and became simply a Romanov citizen.

7. Smolensk - 1154 years

In September, beautiful and ancient Smolensk will celebrate its anniversary - 1155 years since its founding. It is only one year behind its closest rival in terms of mention in the chronicles (863 versus 862 for Murom).

For many centuries, this “key city” protected Moscow from attacks by a number of European countries. IN Time of Troubles Residents of Smolensk heroically held a siege for 20 months in the fortress, which was besieged by Polish troops. Although the Poles still managed to take the city, King Sigismund III, who spent all his money on the siege, had to abandon the idea of ​​going to Moscow. And the Moscow garrison of Poles, who did not receive military assistance, surrendered to the Russian militia under the leadership of Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin.

6. Murom – 1155 years

This small town, standing on the left bank of the Oka, is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. Its name supposedly came from the Muroma tribe, although historians do not exclude inverse relationship. One of the main characters of the Russian epic epic, the legendary hero Ilya Muromets, originally from the city of Murom. The townspeople are proud of this and even erected a monument to the hero in the city park.

5. Rostov the Great - 1156 years

Rostov, the current center of the Yaroslavl region, dates its official chronology from the year 862. After its founding, the city became one of the most important settlements in the Rostov-Suzdal land. And the prefix “Great” appeared to him thanks to the Ipatiev Chronicle. In it, when describing the events of 1151 (the victory of Prince Izyaslav Mstislavich over Yuri Dolgoruky), Rostov was called the Great.

4. Veliky Novgorod – 1158 years

At the beginning of June 2018, Veliky Novgorod will celebrate the 1159th anniversary of its founding. Here by official version Rurik was called to reign. And in 1136 Novgorod became the first free republic in the history of feudal Rus'. The city avoided the fate of many Russian cities and was not affected Mongol invasion. Precious architectural monuments of Rus' from the pre-Mongol period have been preserved in it to this day.

3. Old Ladoga - over 1250 years old

In 2003, the village of Staraya Ladoga celebrated its 1250th anniversary. Until 1703, the settlement was called “Ladoga” and had the status of a city. The first mention of Ladoga dates back to 862 AD (the time of the calling of the Varangian Rurik to reign). There is even a version that Ladoga is the first capital of Rus', because Rurik reigned there, and not in Novgorod.

2. Derbent - over 2000 years

If you conduct a survey about which is the oldest city in Russia, then the majority educated people will be called Derbent as such. This sun-drenched city, the southernmost in Russia, located in the Republic of Dagestan, officially celebrated its 2000th anniversary in September 2015. However, many Derbent residents, as well as some scientists conducting excavations on the territory of Derbent, are confident that the city is 3000 years older.

The Caspian Gate - that’s exactly what it is ancient name Derbent - how geographical feature mentioned back in the 6th century. Don e. in the works of the ancient Greek geographer Hecataeus of Miletus. And the beginning modern city was founded in 438 AD. e. Then Derbent was the Persian fortress of Naryn-Kala, with two fortress walls blocking the path along the shore of the Caspian Sea. And the earliest mention of Derbent as a stone city was in 568 AD or the 37th year of the reign of Shah Khosrow I Anushirvan.

The date of 2000 years is not exact, but more of an anniversary date, and refers to the time of the appearance of the first fortifications in Caucasian Albania.

Until 2014, when the Crimean peninsula returned to Russia, the title of oldest Russian cities wore Derbent. However, in 2017, the Rambler / Saturday media reported that The Academic Council of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recognized Kerch as the most ancient city in Russia. The ruins of the ancient Greek colony of Panticapaeum have been preserved on the territory of the city. Historically, Kerch is the heir of Panticapaeum and its age has exceeded 2600 years.

According to archaeological research, the foundation of Kerch dates back to the time range from 610 to 590 BC. e. Historical and architectural monuments belonging to different eras. These include: mounds with Bronze Age burials, the ruins of the city of Nymphaeum, the ancient settlement of Myrmekiy, etc.

Kerch did not immediately receive its current name, after Panticapaeum ceased to be the historical and cultural center of the Black Sea region.

  • In the 8th century, the city came under the rule of the Khazar Khaganate and was renamed from Panticapaeum to Karsha or Charsha.
  • In the 10th century, the Northern Black Sea region came under the control of the Rus. The Tmutarakan principality appeared, which included the city of Karsha, named Korchev. It was one of the most important sea gates of Kievan Rus.
  • In the 12th century, Korchev came under Byzantine rule, and in the 14th century it became part of the Black Sea Genoese colonies, and was called Vospro, as well as Cherchio. The local inhabitants also retained the name Korchev in everyday use.
  • In the 15th century, the merchant and diplomat Josaphat Barbaro, in one of the chapters of his work “Travels to Tana,” named the city Chersh (Kersh).
  • In 1475, the Turks captured the Genoese colonies and Cerchio became part of the Ottoman Empire. The city began to be called Cherzeti. He repeatedly suffered from raids by Zaporozhye Cossacks.
  • In the 16th century, ambassadors of the Moscow kings going to the Crimean Khan knew the city as “Kerch”.
  • In 1774, Kerch (already under its final name) became part of Russian Empire. This happened as a result Russian-Turkish War 1768-1774

In order for Kerch to officially top the list of the oldest cities in Russia, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian government. The management of the East Crimean Nature Reserve prepared the relevant documents last year.

Memphis, Babylon, Thebes - all of them were once the largest centers, but only the name remains of them. However, there are cities that have existed throughout human history, from the Stone Age to the present day.

Jericho (West Bank)

At the very foot of the Judean Mountains, opposite the confluence of the Jordan into the Dead Sea, is located the most ancient city on earth - Jericho. Traces of settlements dating back to the 10th-9th millennium BC were found here. e. It was a permanent site of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A culture, whose representatives built the first Wall of Jericho. The Stone Age defensive structure was four meters high and two meters wide. Inside it was a powerful eight-meter tower, which was obviously used for ritual purposes. Its ruins have survived to this day.

The name Jericho (in Hebrew Yericho), according to one version, comes from the word meaning “smell” and “fragrance” - “reach”. According to another, from the word moon - “yareah”, which could have been revered by the founders of the city. We find the first written mention of it in the book of Joshua, which describes the fall of the walls of Jericho and the capture of the city by the Jews in 1550 BC. e. By that time, the city was already a powerful fortified fortress, whose system of seven walls was a real labyrinth. Not without reason - Jericho had something to protect. It was located at the crossroads of three important trade routes of the Middle East, right in the middle of a flourishing oasis with a lot of fresh water and fertile soil. For the inhabitants of the desert, this is a real promised land.

Jericho was the first city to be captured by the Israelites. It was completely destroyed, and all the inhabitants were killed, with the exception of the harlot Rahab, who had previously sheltered the Jewish scouts, for which she was spared.

Today, Jericho, located in the West Bank of Jordan, is a disputed territory between Palestine and Israel that remains in an area of ​​constant military conflict. Therefore, visiting the most ancient and rich in historical sights of the city is not recommended.

Damascus: “Eye of the Desert” (Syria

Damascus, the current capital of Syria, is competing with Jericho for first place. The earliest mention of it was found in the list of conquered cities of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who lived in 1479-1425 BC. e. In the first book of the Old Testament, Damascus is mentioned as a large and well-known center of trade.

In the 13th century, the historian Yaqut al-Humawi argued that the city was founded by Adam and Eve themselves, who, after being expelled from Eden, found refuge in the cave of blood (Magarat ad-Damm) on Mount Qasyoun on the outskirts of Damascus. The first murder in history described in the Old Testament also took place there - Cain killed his brother. According to legend, the self-name Damascus comes from the ancient Aramaic word “demshak”, which means “brother’s blood”. Another, more plausible version says that the name of the city goes back to the Aramaic word Darmeśeq, translated as “well-watered place.”

It is not known for certain who first founded the settlement near Mount Kasyun. But recent excavations in Tel Ramada, a suburb of Damascus, have shown that people settled the area around 6300 BC. e.

Byblos (Lebanon)

The third most ancient city is Byblos, known today as Jebeil. It is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, 32 km from Beirut, the current capital of Lebanon. It was once a large Phoenician city, founded in the 4th millennium BC, although the first settlements in this area date back to the later stone age– VII millennium.

The ancient name of the city is associated with the legend of a certain Byblis, who was madly in love with her brother, Kavnos. She died of grief when her lover fled to escape sin, and her shed tears formed an inexhaustible source of water that watered the city. According to another version, byblos in Greece was the name for papyrus that was exported from the city.

Byblos was one of the largest ports of the ancient era. It was also known for the spread of the cult of Baal there, the formidable Sun god, who “demanded” self-torture and bloody sacrifices from his followers. The written language of ancient Byblos still remains one of the main mysteries Ancient world. Proto-Byblos writing, widespread in the second millennium BC, is still indecipherable; it is not similar to any of the known writing systems of the Ancient World.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

The oldest city in Europe today is considered to be not Rome or even Athens, but the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, located in the southern part of the country between the Rhodope and Balkan mountains (the home of the legendary Orpheus) and the Upper Thracian Lowland. The first settlements on its territory date back to the VI-IV millennia BC. e., although Plovdiv, or rather, then still Eumolpiada, reached its heyday under the peoples of the sea - the Thracians. In 342 BC. it was captured by Philip II of Macedon - father famous Alexander, who named it Philippopolis in his honor. Subsequently, the city managed to be under Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman rule, which made it the second cultural center in Bulgaria after Sofia.

Derbent (Russia)

One of the top five oldest cities in the world is located on the territory of our country. This is Derbent in Dagestan, the southernmost and most ancient city of Russia. The first settlements arose here in the Early Bronze Age (IV millennium BC). It was first mentioned by the famous ancient Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus in the 6th century BC, who cites the most ancient name of the city: “Caspian Gate”. So romantic name the city owes its geographical location- he stretched out along coastal strip Caspian Sea - where the Caucasus Mountains come closest to the Caspian Sea, leaving only a three-kilometer strip of plain.

In world history, Derbent has become an unspoken “blockpost” between Europe and Asia. One of the most important sections of the Great Silk Road lay here. It is not surprising that it has always been a favorite object of conquest for its neighbors. The Roman Empire showed great interest in him - main goal campaigns to the Caucasus by Lucullus and Pompey in 66-65 BC. it was Derbent. In the 5th century AD e. When the city belonged to the Sassanids, powerful fortifications were erected here to protect against nomads, including the Naryn-Kala fortress. From it, located at the foot mountain range, two walls descended to the sea, designed to protect the city and the trade route. It is from this time that the history of Derbent as a large city dates back.

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