Dream interpretation of gray crow. The magic of numbers

Since ancient times, people considered the crow to be a very smart bird. And today you can sometimes see her as a pet. But what if you dreamed about this croaking creature? In order to find out how such a dream should be interpreted, we decided to seek advice from several well-known dream books.

Why do you dream about a crow?Freud's Dream Book

As you know, this dream book examines most phenomena and images from a sexual point of view. Likewise, a raven or crow seen in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in your personal life the inner essence is completely blocked by external factors. This means: you and your partner feel very good intimately, but you are not sure that there is something more behind this relationship. It is quite possible that you literally have nothing to talk about. Be sure to think about this and analyze your connection.

Why do you dream about a crow?Modern dream book

According to the interpretation of this, the raven or raven is a sad messenger who, with its appearance and croaking, announces future disasters. If in a dream you hear the caw of a crow, then in real life you may make irreparable mistakes due to some external interference. If such a young man, then he should be careful in relationships with women who can weave intrigues and resort to unpleasant tricks. If you dream that a huge flock of crows covers the ground, then you should expect higher food prices and a lean year.

Why do you dream about a crow?Medieval dream book

If in a dream you are chasing a raven, then in real life you will not stop at any dangers or obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If you hold a bird in your hands, then great luck awaits you. If you see a raven flying over you, then in real life beware of temptations, as in the future they can turn into big troubles. If you pick up little crows, then a quiet life awaits you.

Why do you dream about a crow?Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing bad news and sad events in a dream. Croaking birds are a warning that under the influence of others you can make a number of unforgivable mistakes. If in a dream you catch crows, then in real life you may lose mutual understanding with one of your loved ones or relatives with whom you have always had a good and harmonious relationship. If you see a flock of crows sitting on a tree, then you are in for a meeting or social event that will only be a waste of time.

Why do you dream of a raven?: Vanga's dream book

This dream book, like most others, also considers a dreaming raven as a sad messenger, announcing future problems, misfortunes and misfortunes. A flock of these birds circling in the sky can mean the onset of hostilities in which people will die. A screaming raven is a symbol that someone close to you is in danger of death. To avoid this, you need to pray regularly. Why do you dream? Such a dream signals a possible serious illness of one of your loved ones or relatives, so it is worth recommending that they pay increased attention to taking care of their health.

Every time we lie down in a warm bed, we have no idea what we will see in our sweet dreams. The images drawn by our subconscious can be both the most ordinary and the most surprising. In today's conversation we will talk about feathered night guests. We will turn to interpretations about what a crow dreams about, and also talk about what to expect if the dreamer happened to see a large raven in a dream.

Of course, for a more accurate explanation of the dream, it is necessary to remember all its details:

  • You dreamed of an adult black bird or a baby crow.
  • Have you seen one feathered guest or in your dream there were many birds, a whole flock.
  • You dream of birds in their natural habitat or in your house (a crow flying through the window).
  • How the bird behaved: I happened to see a calm bird or an aggressive one that attacks.
  • Your actions in relation to the overnight guest.

Birds in night vision

Let's start the review of interpretations with the female half of the representatives of the raven family. On the one hand, a crow in a dream promises receiving news. Moreover, the darker the color of its feathers, the less pleasant the news will be. On the other hand, a black bird in night vision symbolizes gossip and slander from others. A conflict may arise, the source of which will be a certain female person.

As another dream book says, a crow, which you saw in sweet dreams, personifies vicious and depraved people. You should stay away from such characters; communicating with them is unlikely to bring positive emotions.

Black raven, why are you hovering over my head... Why do I dream of a raven? Some dream books agree that such a night visitor is a harbinger of troubles, sad events or lies on the part of a loved one. Other publications see his image as a symbol of wisdom.

Why do you dream about a little crow? If you hold a chick in your hands, a calm, measured life awaits you. A vision in which the little crow acts as a food product has a similar interpretation. As another dream book says, a crow and other chicks may portend the onset of pregnancy. A vision can also tell you the gender of the unborn baby: if, for example, you knew for sure in a dream that the chick was female, then a girl will be born; masculine, expect a boy.

A dream in which a crow is in the company of an adult bird suggests that the dreamer should seek advice from the older generation. Their life experience and accumulated knowledge will help you find answers to your pressing questions.

crow cawing

Do you hear birds cawing in your night vision? Hearing a masculine voice means pregnancy or bad weather conditions. If you dreamed of a crow making sounds, someone will have a bad influence on you, maybe you will do things that you will regret. Some publications see this vision as a warning about an upcoming illness. But do not be afraid, because the disease will recede after a while, the person will be able to overcome it.

What if in your vision there is a whole multitude of ? Many crows sitting in the trees symbolize a gathering in the family circle, where important issues will be resolved. Seeing a flock of crows circling in the heavens foretells hearing news of a military conflict in which people will suffer.

If you dream of a huge flock of ravens that completely covers the surface of the earth, then the year will be lean. A dream in which you are hunting a black raven has the opposite meaning. A flock of ravens also suggests that soon you will meet on your way a dishonest person, a swindler. Be vigilant - and communication with him will not bring you losses.

If you saw a dying raven in a dream, the dream book in this case foreshadows the appearance of a new acquaintance who will become a true friend for you. If you saw such a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday, expect pleasant changes in your personal life. A dying raven in a dream from Sunday to Monday means get ready to travel outside your country.

Why do you dream of a dead crow? A vision of this kind speaks of the advent of a new stage in the dreamer’s life. This will be a bright streak: luck will be on your side - both in your career and in your personal relationships. Also, such a vision personifies the dreamer’s victory over his ill-wishers. For a person who is struggling with an illness, such a dream portends improved well-being and relief.

Feathered guests

What should you expect if a bird ends up in your dream? A bird flying through the window promises the owner the arrival of unexpected guests. If the crow is black in color, their company is unlikely to be pleasant to the dreamer. But if a bird with white plumage flew into the apartment through the window, then guests will be welcome. The vision will also tell you the number of guests: many birds - many guests, and vice versa.

If, while basking in the arms of Morpheus, you see a crow knocking on the window, then be careful: such a vision is a warning of possible danger. Be careful on the road, do not plan long trips in the near future; When returning home at night, take care of the company. If a white bird knocks on the window of your house, there is no need to worry: it is a harbinger of good events.

If in your sweet dreams a bird behaves aggressively and attacks you, then in reality you should be careful: soon your ill-wishers will take active action. By preparing for provocations on their part, you can get away with it. Also, a bird that attacks a person symbolizes squabbles and gossip.

If a young woman drives away a crow that is attacking them from her children, then in real life she will achieve a lot and fulfill her cherished dreams. The fair sex will receive all this only thanks to her efforts.

If a black raven sits in your arms in a dream, then in real life you will meet an empty person. He is absolutely not worthy of your attention; you should not waste your precious time communicating with him. A love date promises a dream in which you pluck black feathers from a raven. It is quite possible that your lover will be a foreigner.

What if you managed to catch a raven in a dream? In this case, the dreamer will easily avoid problems and any unpleasant situations. If you killed a bird, then you will be able to defeat your ill-wishers. A good sign is a vision in which you are friends with a feathered guest. You will catch a person red-handed who encroached on your property.

If in your sweet dreams you happen to see a crow that is carrying something in its beak, but loses its prey, then this is a good sign. Soon you will increase your fortune. For example, get a bonus at work or make a lucrative deal. It is quite possible that the source of funds will be an unexpected find.

If you dream of crows leaving their nest, then be careful in your affairs. It is quite possible that your undertakings will not bring the desired result and it is better to abandon them now, so as not to count losses in the future. If a raven sits on a tall tree in a dream, then the dreamer should be patient and conserve his strength: they will be needed to solve pressing problems.

In general, dreams in which crows and crows act as night guests do not promise disasters for a person. Of course, there are negative aspects, but in each of these cases, dream books give tips that will help you avoid or minimize unpleasant consequences. If you saw chicks in your night dreams; birds that have lost their prey; birds over whom you have prevailed, then such meetings foreshadow positive changes in your life.

In many cultures around the world, the crow holds a special place. A variety of mythical properties were attributed to her. Some folk tales indicate that this bird is a guide to the other world, and according to other legends it is considered a messenger from the afterlife.

To understand why the crow dreamed, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot. You should not think that this bird is a harbinger of sadness; dream books offer a variety of interpretations. It is very important to remember the appearance of the crow that appeared in your night dreams. Your behavior regarding the bird you saw in a dream is also important.

Seeing a crow from afar

If in a dream you saw a crow in the distance and did not touch it, then this is a very favorable sign. It symbolizes your confidence and fearlessness. At the present time, you feel like a powerful person and you can handle a lot.

Why do you dream of a black raven?

Very often the question arises as to why a black raven dreams. Such a dream can be a direct warning that in real life they want to deceive you. To avoid this for some time, you need to be safe and control everything that happens around you, as well as personally check any information that comes to you. But if you dream of a black crow in a cage, then this symbolizes that you have a strong influence on the people around you.

A large number of crows seen in a dream warns that the time has come to pay attention to your own health. And if in your night dreams you did not see the bird itself, but heard its croaking, then this warns that in reality you may commit a rash act or make the wrong decision. It is unlikely that this will lead to serious consequences, but there will be troubles.

dead crow

If you happened to see a dead crow in a dream, then there will be no troubles in the near future. You can calmly go about your planned activities. Other dream plots may mean the following:
    Many noisy crows jumping on the ground and sitting on tree branches foreshadow a noisy party with friends. A crow flying through the air foretells receiving important news. There is a high probability that you will not be ready for them, since they will be too unexpected. A crow flying out of the nest indicates that it is advisable to abandon the plan for a while. Flocks of crows in the trees are a harbinger of a large family gathering at which there will be discuss important issues.

A white crow seen in a dream is considered a good sign. He indicates that the dreamer’s merits will be fully appreciated in the near future and this, of course, can be expressed in material rewards. In addition, a white crow can symbolize an extraordinary person whom the dreamer will soon meet.

Actions of a crow in a dream

If you dreamed that a black crow was staring at you in a dream, you should not be afraid. Such a dream indicates that you will see something important in real life. But at the same time you will only be a witness, not a participant. And when a crow flies up to you in a dream and sits next to you, it symbolizes your sadness. Moreover, it may well be inexplicable and causeless. You need to force yourself to be more optimistic about life.

A crow flew into your house

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, a crow flew into the open window of your home, then this foreshadows a family reunion. But you should pay attention to the following:
    If a crow, having flown in, continues to fly around the room, then harmony and calm will come to the family, without any effort on your part. If the crow sits on the furniture, then in order to create a friendly family you will have to work hard.
If a black crow pecks at a window glass in a dream, then this warns that danger is looming over you in life. But if this is done by a white bird, then there is nothing to fear, but you need to wait for good news that will bring joy to your home. Other actions in a dream in which a crow appeared can be interpreted as follows:
    Killing a crow means winning a victory over enemies or competitors. Eating crow meat in a dream means you will soon fall in love and spin in a whirlpool of feelings and emotions. Hunting a crow is a harbinger of a good harvest. Catching a crow with your hands means entering into a serious conflict with someone in reality. Picking up little chicks means expecting a period of calm and prosperous life.

Aggressive crow

If you dreamed of an aggressive crow that attacks you, then this is an unfavorable sign. He foretells that the dreamer will have to experience feelings in reality that will be very unpleasant for him. And if the bird did attack and managed to defeat you, then this portends a separation from your loved one, due to the machinations of ill-wishers. But if, as a result of the battle with the crow, you managed to fight off, then you will be able to maintain your relationship with your loved one, although you will have to go through a difficult period. Also, a victory over a crow can portend bright victories in the business sphere.

Talking Crow

When, according to the plot of your dream, a talking crow flies into your home, you need to remember its croaking. If the bird warned of danger, then in reality it is necessary to exercise caution. Some dream books focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that the louder the crow’s croak, the greater trouble a person can expect in reality.

A black raven is pecking you

When the storyline is based on the fact that a black raven pecks at some part of the dreamer’s body, this portends serious illness. This is a very disturbing dream that is of a warning nature. Therefore, it is better to undergo a medical examination after such a dream.

Feed the crow

If in your night dreams you have to feed a crow, then you will easily overcome any obstacles on the way to your goals. This will be due to the fact that no enemies will be able to interfere with you. You will be able to uncover all the intrigues of your enemies, and you will definitely achieve success.

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which is a good dream and which is negative? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? A modern dream book opens the door to the wonderful world of dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible.

Why do you dream about Crow?

Crow in a modern dream book

Appearing in a dream, a crow brings negativity into the dreamer’s life: grief, illness, bad news. Crows flying in a cloudless sky promise success. If the sky is overcast and not only crows, but also birds of prey are circling in the air, you should prepare to repel enemy attacks and receive unwanted news. Discord and inconsistency in actions foreshadow a dream in which you are trying to catch a crow with your bare hands. Unconditional triumph over ill-wishers is symbolized by killing a crow in a dream. A flock of birds sitting on a tree predicts the urgent need to resolve difficult issues at work, in the family, with relatives. A crow's croaking is a bad omen. Eating crow meat foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.

Crow in Miller's dream book

The crow is a symbol of mourning and sadness. A dreamer who hears the cry of a crow in a dream may fall under bad influence in reality and commit a daring act. For a young man, such a dream carries the threat of female intrigue aimed at undermining his reputation.

Crow in Vanga's dream book

To dream of a flock of crows rising into the sky and soaring in the air foreshadows military action with a large number of casualties. The cry of a crow heard in a dream marks the imminent visit of death to your home. A massive disease of people and animals is heralded by a dream in which crows build nests on tree branches. A countless number of crows descending on the fields portends a shortage of crops.

The one who snores falls asleep first.

“Trouble, death, illness and sad news” is how this bird is usually interpreted. Why do you dream about a crow? Are blood-chilling events really in store for you? Often a crow in a dream is a sign that you need to be more vigilant in real life. Let's find out what your dream promises you. To do this, you need to remember all the details, even those that seemed insignificant to you.

In most cases, a crow dreams of grief and tears, but there are exceptions to this rule...

It’s good if you manage to remember all the circumstances of the dream. But even if after waking up you only remember that you saw a big crow in a dream, it doesn’t matter - such a dream can also be interpreted quite accurately. As the dream book says, a crow is interpreted depending on the size, color, behavior of the bird and the location of the action.

The black crow is a messenger of sorrows and failures

It is believed that a black crow that comes to you in a dream is the embodiment of the soul of the deceased, who thus visits his relatives. If in your dream the crow speaks in human language, then its words may turn out to be a real prophecy. Pay attention to what she tells you in your sleep.

If you met an aggressive black crow in a dream, such a dream warns you of impending changes that will change your affairs for the worse. This is an important warning; in the next 28 days, fate may present you with unexpected surprises, some of which may be unpleasant.

There is another interpretation of why a black crow dreams: if a bird pecked something before your eyes, you will soon experience mortal fear. Such a dream is a real warning, be very careful.

If a bird flew into your house

As the dream book says, a black crow in your house is a harbinger of bad news. If you watch a crow fly into your house, then there is a person next to you who wants to seem like your friend, but in fact has completely different intentions. Be attentive to your friends and acquaintances.

We continue to study the dream book: a crow flew into the window - soon you will receive the long-awaited news. A black crow is a sign of sad news, a white crow is a harbinger of joyful events.

Why do you dream of a crow that flew into the window but landed on the windowsill? Here the forecast is more optimistic. A bird sitting on the window symbolizes the end of a protracted black streak in your life. This can also be interpreted as the end of an illness or prolonged depression. But if the crow remained on the window and did not fly back, in order to turn your life back in the right direction, you need to make every effort. Therefore, do not expect miracles, help yourself.

If a crow sits on the window and looks at you intently, this means that you are obsessed with a sense of justice. Such people often bring trouble upon themselves by exposing the actions of others. There is a lot of injustice in our world, and unfortunately, we cannot always influence it. Try not to react so sharply to the behavior of others, at least for the sake of yourself and your loved ones.

If you saw a dead bird or killed it yourself

Why do you dream of a dead crow? It would seem that this is a bad sign. But in fact, the death or killing of a crow foreshadows your complete victory over your enemy. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you had a similar dream. But there is another interpretation, unfortunately, not as optimistic as the first - sad news awaits your loved ones.

Bird size: adult or growing chick?

If in a dream you saw a very large crow, then the future problems will be major.

Seeing a crow of unusually huge size in a dream means experiencing sad events in reality. For a man, this may be intrigue from the female side. If a large bird croaks loudly, then the dream is interpreted as the harmful influence of a person from your environment. Under the influence of others, you make mistakes that negatively affect your career or family affairs. It is believed that if a large crow builds a nest in a dream, then a long-term illness awaits you in one of your children.

We've dealt with the adult birds, but here's what concerns the chicks:

  • If in a dream you saw a weak, sick crow, this means that your daily affairs will be delayed. The result that you planned to get in the near future will be delayed by weeks, or even months.
  • If in your dream the chick was strong, noisy and healthy, then such a dream promises you an increase in vital energy, increased strength and improved health;
  • The little crow, huddled in the corner of the cage, promises important negotiations;
  • And little funny crows in a dream are a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship or light flirting.

Number of birds seen: one or many

A dream in which there was only one crow may mean that in your relationship with your other half you are happy only on the surface, and if you dig deeper, it turns out that you have nothing in common. You have sexual compatibility, but you don’t know whether there is love in your relationship.

Think about whether there is something more connecting you than just passion? Do you have much in common, and what chances do you have for a happy future together?

Why do you dream about a lot of black crows? It is believed that seeing a flock circling in the air in a dream is a sign of military conflicts or terrorist attacks. Such a dream means that events will occur in the near future that will lead to a large number of deaths. If in a dream a flock of black crows completely covers a field or land, it means that a lean year awaits ahead.

If the bird croaked loudly

Probably the worst dream in which you can see a crow is if it caws loudly above your house. The dream book interprets this as the approach of death. It is believed that only constant sincere prayers can help in this case.

If in a dream it seems to you that you are screaming along with a crow, then in reality you need to carefully monitor your words. Your speeches offend your loved ones and hurt them to the very heart. With such behavior you won’t be left completely alone for long, this is what the dream warns you about. Before you say anything, think several times, because one carelessly thrown word can forever destroy even the strongest friendship.

If you killed a screaming crow, then such a dream may mean victory over the enemy. This is also interpreted as suppressing gossip that was spreading behind your back. Most likely, you yourself will be the cause of such events, so do not be afraid of bold actions, but let your risk always be justified.

If a bird of prey attacks you

If the crow that attacked you was aiming at your face, expect a quarrel during which you will hear words that will touch you to the quick. Do not despair, most likely, these words are the bitter truth spoken to your face. Perhaps it's time for you to change for the better.

A dream in which a crow circles overhead, preparing to attack, foreshadows unexpected bad news that will fall on you out of the blue. Also, an attack by a crow is interpreted as evil intrigues that “well-wishers” are preparing for you. If in a dream you manage to defeat a raven, then spiteful critics will not be able to realize their plans. Therefore, the outcome of such a dream is very important for a more accurate interpretation.

Interpretation of a dream about a raven in various dream books: Miller, Freud, Vanga, Modern

The crow has long been considered an unlucky bird associated with death. Most dream books interpret the image of this bird as an omen of various kinds of failures. Let's see how the compilers of the most relevant dream books today interpret the dream about a raven and compare their interpretations with each other

Miller's Dream Book - you have an ill-wisher

According to this dream book, a black crow in a dream is a harbinger of sad events. Hearing crows cawing means falling under the bad influence of another person who clearly does not want the best for you.

Freud's Dream Book - you lack understanding

According to Freud, a crow in a dream is a sign of an affair.

A lonely crow in a dream suggests that in your relationship you are happy only on the surface. The sexual side is in perfect order, real passion has flared up between you. But mutual understanding is not achieved between you; in conversations you are intensely looking for common topics, but everyone’s life remains separate. In such a relationship, you will only be lovers; you will not be able to reach the next stage.

Vanga's Dream Book

The black crow is a sign of trouble and misfortune in the house. Cawing warns of the approach of death, and crows circling over the empty land foretell the death of many people at the same time. If in a dream you see flocks of crows making their nests in the treetops, Vanga’s dream book promises you long-term illnesses and epidemics that can affect both people and livestock. Salvation will be, as Vanga promised, in prayers, herbal decoctions and water.

Modern dream book

The crow is a harbinger of depression, mental suffering and a series of failures. The modern dream book claims that if you dreamed of a croaking crow, then most likely you made a rash large purchase under the negative influence of another person. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows her partner’s betrayal. If you see a large aggressive bird, it means that in your environment there is a person who is not trustworthy.


All dreams are a reflection of our reality. Don't take dreams too seriously. Without a doubt, a crow in a dream is an omen of bad news. Most likely, sad events will turn your life in a different direction, disrupt the usual course of events, and perhaps this should be regarded as a warning about an impending illness. But this is why we see such dreams, so that we can be fully armed. Be prepared for any twists of fate, because difficulties temper us and make us many times stronger.

Comments from site visitors

    My daughter dreamed that a crow was taking away her bread and greedily pecking at it, I actually read the description and now I’m worried about her, how can I protect her from problems? I asked her to be more careful on the road, she recently received a driver’s license, she doesn’t drive very well yet

    I dreamed that I was sitting at home in my kitchen and suddenly a white crow flies towards me, sits in my arms, and I stroke it like a domestic cat. I woke up in surprise. Are there even white crows?

    I dreamed that a lot of crows were flying near my house, and then one crow flew to the eaves, sat on an oak tree and began to croak, I began to look out the window and there was no one there, and then it seemed to me that I heard the rocking chair that my grandmother loved rocking, she was not in Alive for 7 years

    And I dreamed that I was a magician, you know the famous trick with a white dove, I do everything the same, but only with a crow, and when the cage closes, the crow disappears, and when it should appear, it does not appear. And during the day at work I saw a crow on the window

    I saw a creature sitting at the end of the window sill; it didn’t croak. She just sat there and I didn’t feel any threat. On the contrary, it was interesting. I gave her a cardboard box; she first played with it, then opened it and handed it to me. I looked and was surprised. The crow was kind and not evil as everyone usually thinks

    The dream occurred from Monday to Tuesday. The girl next door has a white crow, very beautiful, I have such admiration, like I want to have one too, but my mother doesn’t allow me pets, but I’ll ask anyway

    The crows somehow flew into the huge house I was in, and they behaved so consciously that sometimes it seemed to me that they were like people. It was as if they were conducting a search, opening the doors of closets and chests of drawers with their beaks, and taking out everything that was most expensive and attractive. I was in this dream as a spectator, I just watched, but I couldn’t do anything, although I had the feeling that I was in the same house and at the same time seeing everything from the outside. And they appear more and more and take decorations and fly away hung with them

    My sister once dreamed of a crow that attacked her, she was so scared, she screamed in her sleep. I woke her up immediately. But this is not a very good sign, it took a long time to calm her down, we even went to church and prayed, but thank God nothing bad happened!!! Often the subconscious scares us because of our stress

    I’m somehow skeptical about all the rituals to avoid the consequences of a bad dream. Yes, I agree that this is all due to stress or even due to watching horror films, because we all get scared and sit in tension for several hours, watching such films, supposedly to get adrenaline, I have forgiven such violence against my psyche)

    Well, it was night, I came in to read what my dreams promised. All night I suffered from nightmares, and there were several of them, since I woke up more than once. I remember only one of them, I dreamed of a flock of crows, circling and circling overhead, the sky was so dark, covered with clouds, and this cawing is still in my ears

    And last night I walked among the crows, and they were beautiful girls dressed in crow costumes, it was so natural, as if it should be so. They sang songs to me and danced like penguins, even looking a little like them in their costumes. In short, I woke up, laughed, I don’t really believe in interpretations, everything will be fine in any case!

    I once had a dream: my boyfriend and I are getting together, we’re putting on some beauty, I’m in an evening dress, he’s in a suit, and we find ourselves on board a huge ship like the Titanic, only it’s underwater, like the movie Poseidon. And on this ship we have a luxurious dinner, everyone is just as elegant, only crows serve us instead of waiters

    I had a friend, together we organized a small business selling clothes. Everything was going well. But one day I dreamed that a crow flew into the house. The next day, a friend said that the business needed to be sold because she had another more profitable project... I was shocked. Sleep in hand..

    My husband and I work a lot, we pay off debts, we are already so tired. Today I dreamed of a crow in my apartment, it flew into the window and sat on the windowsill and looked at me so carefully. It is written that this is the end of a protracted black streak and only positive changes are ahead! We will try with redoubled force so that white weather comes as soon as possible!

    Now I devote all my free time to work, I recently separated from a man, and this is a great help to distract myself. Yesterday I came home and fell asleep, and I dreamed of a big crow, and such a beautiful one. I dreamed that I was sitting at home reading a book, and she so brazenly flew home and sat on the back of the sofa and looked at me. But, unfortunately, I didn’t remember what color it was, for the life of me I can’t remember. It seems that the crow flew in to the news, I wish I knew what else.

    Do you often analyze your dreams? I dreamed of a crow in the house, black, scary, it flew in and I couldn’t get it out. I read the interpretation, it’s like a bad messenger. Well, I will be more attentive to the events taking place, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. The main thing is not to get hung up on it.

    You know, sometimes you wake up after a terrible dream and then for another 10 minutes you come to your senses and try to realize that this is just a dream. Today I dreamed of a flock of crows that were circling in an eerie cloud above me, periodically directly squeezing me, touching me with their wings, and periodically flying away. I hope that this does not indicate terrorist attacks or military conflicts

    All my life has been going on lately in the hustle and bustle of work and home! Therefore, I immediately fall asleep and usually do not remember my dreams. But the other day I had a dream about a crow on my shoulder, a very strange dream, to be honest. She was so beautiful, she even looked somewhat like a white parrot. I don’t really believe in dream books, and I didn’t have time to look for an interpretation. But it was some kind of peaceful dream, me with a crow on my shoulder and silence)

    My mother believes in all superstitions, dream books and so on, recently she dreamed of a raven on her shoulder, black, big. He sat and flew away, now he says that this is not good. I tried to calm her down, because we ourselves are the creators of our lives, maybe this is a warning, but nothing more. This way you can calm all your nerves, always believe in the best!

    Yesterday I came home from work without my hind legs, handed in a long-awaited project, fell asleep instantly and dreamed of a talking crow. I tried my best to remember what she said, but it was no use! So sorry. She listened to her so attentively, nodded, she said something about goals in life, about the meaning of life and the meaning of motherhood...

    I don’t really believe in the transmigration of souls and all that kind of stuff, but then I dreamed that a gray crow sat on my head, but didn’t attack, but sat peacefully. I even had the feeling that we were communicating with her on some extrasensory level and I felt comfortable with her, like with my own. I don’t know how to convey this... maybe it was the spirit of my dead grandmother...

    I’ve been dating a man for six months, we don’t see each other every day, but every meeting is just an emotional bomb... And it doesn’t subside over time. Recently I dreamed of two crows who were having something like mating games... And then I thought, maybe between me and my man there is nothing but passion... And do we have any future in this case?

    I came across this article by accident. I immediately remembered a story from my life. About five years ago, on an autumn night, I dreamed of a crow that flew into the house. The bird was black and broke the window. On the evening of the same day, my grandfather died. It turned out to be true that a black crow in a dream is a harbinger of troubles.

    When trouble comes, open the gate. More precisely, a window. A month ago I dreamed of a crow that flew into the house and sat on the chandelier. It was a terribly large, black bird with shiny plumage and huge eyes. I didn’t pay attention to this dream, but in vain. I looked at the interpretation and realized that immediately after this, problems began for many of my loved ones. This is a bad sign. The bird did nothing, it was just in the house and looked at everyone from above, thinking about who to “peck”. It used to be a bad sign for me to see a snake. Now here's another reason to worry.

    Today I dreamed about a lot of crows. Just a giant black flock, they circle over the city and croak deafeningly. When I woke up, I read the interpretation and got scared. I live far from the central cities, it’s unlikely there will be a terrorist attack, but we have volcanoes, some active, and now I can’t help but have an unpleasant feeling.

    The windows are always wide open in the summer, I love fresh air. At the dacha you can take a break from the dust and noise of the city. The weather outside is so good, March is a bit pleasant. Last night I closed the windows and saw a flock of crows outside the window. I was already thinking, maybe the rooks have arrived? I always confuse them. And at night I dreamed of a crow that flew into the living room window and began to destroy everything with its wings. Vases, chandeliers, souvenirs are all in pieces. I try to drive her away, but she destroys our house even more. I'm in a panic, I don't know what to do. I woke up with a feeling of deep anxiety. I think we should expect trouble.

    So don’t trust dream books after this. Everything was fine, it was going as usual, and then my former classmates called and said that our class teacher had passed away. But I dreamed of a black crow in the house the other day, a harbinger of bad news.

    My husband and I have been planning a pregnancy for a very long time, but still nothing. It seems to me that we have already tried everything... Just recently I dreamed of a crow with a baby crow, such maternal feelings awoke in a dream. And yesterday I found out that I’m pregnant! It looks like it was a prophetic dream!

    One day I came home from a corporate party, I was naturally tipsy and I don’t even remember how I fell asleep. And I dreamed of a hooded crow, and in my life I have practically never seen hooded crows, but this one just smelled of goodness, it flew in and sat on my shoulder like a parrot. I woke up in a great mood, what could this mean?

    The window opened due to the strong wind at night. I get up to close it and am horrified to find something soft under my feet. It turned out to be a dead crow. I had such a terrible dream today. A killed bird is unlikely to bring great happiness. In anticipation of bad news, I go to work. Very unpleasant sensations.

    All my life I have been very interested in birds, I was interested in knowing absolutely everything about them. I even had a pet crow as a child, we were best friends!
    But now she is no longer there, a wife and daughter have appeared...
    Recently, our family seemed to be going through a dark period: we were fired from our favorite job, our daughter got sick... But after I dreamed about my pet crow, everything began to get better. True, in the dream the crow was not black, but white. I really want to believe in such dreams.

    I saw a big crow in the park this morning. I was amazed by its size; the length of its beak was indescribable. I thought, what an unpleasant bird. In the evening I told my husband about this, to which he laughed at me and expressed his opinion that it was an old raven. At night I dreamed that a crow attacked me in this very park. I try to fight it off with my bag and run, but it chases me and pecks me right in the eyes. It was a very creepy dream.

    Yesterday I dreamed of a lot of crows over our house. They flew in a certain rhythm, as if drawing a pattern in the sky. And it lasted endlessly. And there is such fear in my soul - it’s already gut-wrenching... An anxious dream. Then I walked around all day like I was stung - I tripped over everything, my head couldn’t cook, everything fell out of my hands.. I hope this doesn’t mean something bad..

    I had a dream that I was walking across the square of some city and I didn’t know this city, but there were dead crows lying along me, they were lying very evenly, in rows just like that, and at the beginning of these rows there was a guy standing and folding them neatly

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