Dream interpretation of killing a hare in a dream. Why do you dream of a white hare - interpretation of sleep from dream books

In our nightly dreams we encounter many images. Some capture our imagination, others we treat with caution, and others make us smile a little. But whatever you see in a dream, all this has a special meaning and can tell you about the future and the present.

The Slavs considered the hare to be the fastest and at the same time the most cowardly. This animal was distinguished by cunning, dexterity and agility, as well as the ability to avoid unpleasant situations. He symbolized bright, fast young energy in Rus'.

But what is the meaning of this image in a dream? Let's try to find out why the hare dreams. To do this, let's look at the dream book; the hare is associated with internal fear on the one hand and luck on the other.

The final meaning of the dream will be influenced by different accents. Therefore, do not be lazy to write down the entire dream upon awakening, since during the day the images are forgotten or replaced by others.

Here's what you should pay attention to when analyzing:

  • White or grey?
  • Where did you meet?
  • Was he afraid or attacked?
  • Catch the hare or kill it?


To understand why a hare dreams, it is important to remember the color of its fur coat. In visions it may not always be the color you are accustomed to, so don’t be surprised.

If the hare was white, then expect success in business. You will be able to become a very influential person in one moment. Just as the Slavic dream book believes, a white hare is a symbol of your patience, the ability to wait and not get into trouble. The gray bunny, on the contrary, speaks of possible rumors at work. Do not give in to provocations and behave as restrained and collected as possible, carry yourself with dignity.

If you dreamed of a red hare, then know that this is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If at the moment you do not feel sufficiently wealthy, then everything is ahead of you, a little more and you can touch the star with your own hands.

Seeing a pitch black hare means that a small problem awaits you. Moreover, you will spend a lot of effort and time on solving it, but once everything is resolved, a new door will open in front of you.

If you dream of hares of strange, heterogeneous colors, then this means that a period of uncertainty awaits you. In it, pleasant events will replace less pleasant ones, and a certain period of time will pass in such a cycle.

Next, to understand why the hare is dreaming, pay attention to its size. Small is a symbol of your kindness and sensitivity. But seeing a huge hare means that great success awaits you. Also, such a dream may indicate that you are perceived as a person of great soul.

Next, pay attention to where you met him. If you saw a rabbit in its natural environment, in, it means that you will soon find yourself in a place where you will be very comfortable. If you dreamed of a hare in the city running along the sidewalk, it means that a difficult week of work awaits you. You have to give it your all to achieve results.

If you have a white rabbit, it means that your home is your fortress, where you spend most of your time. But you should at least sometimes go outside so that the energy inside you does not stagnate, but circulates.

Seeing a hare in a cage means that you have driven yourself into a corner and are suffering from it. You shouldn’t exhaust yourself and torture yourself, it won’t make you feel any better. On the contrary, give yourself some slack, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Who did what?

Next, when understanding what the hare is dreaming about, pay attention to its behavior and condition. If the animal was afraid of you, then it’s time for you to loosen your grip and show generosity towards others. If a rabbit bites you in a dream, it means that you trust your loved ones too much. Some may not appreciate your concern and behave aggressively.

If the animal did not pay attention to you and walked calmly, it means that you are stagnating. You need to start moving, start creating and producing something, otherwise this stagnation can develop into a swamp that will swallow you up.

If a rabbit was chasing you in a dream, then you should be careful. Do not take any serious actions in the near future and avoid making important decisions. Because you are not in control of the situation at this time.

If you dream of a hare jumping into your arms, then expect good news. Also, such a vision can predict a gift from a loved one.

To clarify for yourself the dreams that the scythe visited, pay attention to your behavior. How you reacted to the animal, how you behaved and how you felt.

If you followed the tracks left by a rabbit, it means that soon a real patron will appear in your life, and in some ways even a stalker. He will show you a new, completely unknown world, which will allow you to become a more successful and lucky person.

As you can see, night dreams can tell us quite a lot. The main thing is to be able to correctly interpret what the unconscious whispers to you. Remember, the more you recognize your dreams, the better you understand yourself.

A hare is a cute fluffy creature that can evoke in a dreamer or woman a feeling of tenderness, pity or trembling delight. This animal is also the personification of cowardice, which is why in some situations it makes you feel contempt or even hostility.

Such contradictions have led to the presence of a huge variety of different contradictory interpretations in such a dream. Such a simple and primitive dream at first glance is actually quite difficult to interpret. To avoid mistakes, it is important to pay attention to details.

For the most part, interpretations of dreams in which a hare appears are positive.

A hare is often a harbinger of a very important purchase. This could be buying a home or an expensive car.

A hare in a dream can also be a harbinger of an imminent wedding. Moreover, this could be either the wedding of the dreamer or the dreamer himself, or a joyful event in the life of someone from his or her circle.

  • Catching a hare in a dream is a favorable omen. Such a dream promises the dreamer or dreamer a quick receipt of what he wants without much energy expenditure or effort.
  • Hunting a hare in a dream, especially if the hunt was successful, is a very good sign. Such a dream promises a stable and prosperous future, the improvement of both the material and spiritual aspects of the dreamer’s or woman’s life.
  • A white hare in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful event. The dreamer or dreamer will be successful; he or she will receive a fair payment for painstaking, selfless work, which will bring not only physical pleasure, but also moral satisfaction with the fruits of his labor.
  • The white hare can also represent a good friend. Perhaps the dreamer or dreamer does not even notice how many people around him or her are ready to support and come to the rescue in a difficult life situation.
  • If in a dream the dreamer or dreamer has to run away from a hare, it means that in reality he or she has an influential patron who remains in the shadows, but helps him or her in all available ways.
  • For newlyweds, a hare in a dream is a symbol of marital fidelity.

Negative interpretations of sleeping with hares

However, such a dream also has a number of negative interpretations.

The hare is a symbol of cowardice. Its appearance in a dream is often associated with a feeling of fear that haunts the dreamer or female dreamer. The reason for this may be his or her own careless attitude towards seemingly unimportant, but actually necessary, little things.

The dreamer runs the risk of forgetting his mobile phone or wallet at home, not paying bills on time, not buying a travel pass, being late for a meeting, oversleeping, or becoming a victim of any other absurd accident.

Constant running around, work and household chores throw him or her out of balance and make him or her constantly feel nervous tension and discomfort. A short rest or even a long vacation will help you get rid of the haunting paranoia.

A brood of hares in a dream foreshadows empty troubles.

Useless activities take up too much time and vitality from the dreamer, and there is absolutely no time left for something more significant. The dreamer or dreamer should not get too carried away: in life it is important not only to improve material well-being, but also to solve your problems in your personal life. It is necessary to find a middle ground and in no case go from one extreme to another.

A hare in a dream can also serve as a harbinger of illness.

A gray hare in a dream portends deep melancholy or depression. A depressed state can be caused by failures in your personal life or overwork. In both cases, the dreamer should be distracted in the company of friends and relatives.

Idiomatic dream book

Hare - what symbolizes what he saw

What does it mean to dream in which you see a hare? In order to answer this question, let's remember the well-known idiomatic expressions in which this cute wild animal reacts. Cowardly as a hare - your dream fully suggests that in difficult times you will show cowardice and cowardice. Or, conversely, if you dream of a hare, the dream warns that you are about to meet an overly timid, cowardly person who cannot be counted on. If you see in a dream not one, but two or several hares, then you need to remember the well-known saying that if you chase two hares, you will not catch one. The dream often says that if you continue to scatter your interests, you may be left with nothing. Try to choose one of the two birds with one stone and concentrate your efforts on catching it. Only in this case will you be able to achieve success.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Bunny dreamed

Hare – (see rabbit)

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Hare in a dream, what does it mean?

If you suddenly dreamed of a hare, it means that the need to purchase a travel ticket for the next month has suddenly slipped your mind. Or, if you dream of a hare, this is a symbol of your fears about not doing your homework. Whatever it is, a hare in a dream is a sign that at the moment you are not too calm, but your soul, as they say. went to her heels, where she acquired the appearance of this fluffy forest animal. Try to start by eliminating the original cause.

Maly Velesov dream book

Hare in a dream

Hare - Buy a house, son (for a pregnant woman), wedding, “water a horse”, what you want will come true // bad, failure, death, danger, fear, unpleasant relationships, losses (they will steal or die on their own), fish will be difficult to catch, fire; running - departure of a friend, loss; hunting - happiness // anxiety; catch - losses; kill - deception, loss; white - success, friend; gray – grief; many hares - fear; hare - daughter (pregnant); feeding the hare - wedding; eating hare meat - secret conversation with wife, health, pleasure, profit // illness; catching up - matchmaking.

The meaning of the dream about the Cowardly Bunny (Russian folk dream book)

The main meaning of such a dream can be characterized by the expression “cowardly as a hare.” It is quite possible that you are very frightened by something, you are tormented by certain fears, sometimes completely far-fetched. This is why the hare appears in your dreams. Or the hare symbolizes that you will have to meet with a person who is too cowardly and indecisive. You should not count on him, otherwise he may let you down at the decisive moment. When you dream of not one, but several hares, it is recommended to remember the popular saying that if you chase two hares, you will not catch either. Actually, this is the main meaning of your dream. It's probably time for you to make some choice, otherwise you will be left with nothing.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Animal

Hare - The image of a hare that appeared in a dream was evoked in reality by such well-known folk expressions as: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either” or “Cowardly as a hare.” Maybe in reality you encountered a two-faced person and thought that, like a hare, it is common for him to change his color.

There is also a well-known folk sign, which, having also been deposited in your subconscious, could cause the image of a hare to appear in a dream: “A hare runs around the village - to a fire.” Everyone knows that the hare is a cowardly animal, and how can he be brave if he is hunted by so many predatory animals? In a word, if you dreamed of a hare, then your subconscious reminded you of such human weaknesses as cowardice and excessive shyness.

Watching in a dream a hare, which, hiding, runs around a fox's hole - before deciding on a very important act, you should think carefully about whether it will become the cause of a great misfortune. The bitter experience of your loved ones will help you understand this. Chasing two hares in a dream means that in reality you need to follow the well-known folk wisdom: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either,” that is, don’t take on several things at once, because you won’t be able to do any of them perform as it should. Dreaming of a hare hiding under a bush is evidence that in reality you cannot rely on your friend, because, in all likelihood, he will lead you.

Hare - To see a hare huddled into a ball in a dream - in reality, you tend to be “in the shadows,” that is, not to interfere in any matters and try not to attract the attention of other people. The dream suggests that you need to fight your shyness, otherwise your life will be boring and unnoticed.

Watching a hare change color in a dream is a harbinger of your meeting with an unreliable, two-faced person who will not only deceive your expectations, but will also bring you a lot of grief. Dreaming of a hare in a cage is a prophecy that you will finally be able to cope with your shyness.

Hare - If you dreamed of a wounded hare, then in reality one of your loved ones really needs your help, but is embarrassed to turn to you.

Seeing a hare running around the city means that in reality you should be careful with matches. There is a real threat of fire, this is what you are dreaming about.

Seeing a Hare, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Hare - Running after a person - someone helps you, remaining in the shadows. A running hare - everything has its time, you need to be patient. If you had a dream in the first half of the week, do not take on other people’s responsibilities - no one will appreciate it. It’s best to pay more attention to your own responsibilities, you already have a lot of them. If you had a dream in the second half of the week, a mysterious and unknown pleasure awaits you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Hare mean in a dream?

If you dream about a hare, it has several different meanings. If you just saw a hare, for example, in the forest or in a zoo, or somewhere else, this often means that you are in danger or will soon be in some kind of danger. If you dream that you were hunting a hare in a dream, the dream is negative in nature and predicts some anxieties for you. There are events ahead that will make you worry. Seeing a running hare is a warning from fate against some rash actions. You need to calculate every step you take so that later you don’t have to flee like a hare. It was seen that you were eating hare meat - the dream predicts some kind of illness for you.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which the Hare dreamed

The hare you see is a symbol of the many fears you have about the future of your relationship. In most cases, they do not have any sufficient grounds; you wind yourself up and all because of your overly jealous nature. If you dream of a hare, take it as a warning. If you continue to torment your partner with mistrust and jealousy, constant checks, everything can really end very sadly. Such behavior can destroy even the strongest union.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a hare mean in a dream?

Hare – A hare in a dream is a sign of weakness. Seeing him in a dream means that in reality you will have to experience some kind of fear. A running hare dreams of wealth or profit; running after it means luck; driving it into a net means gossip; catching it means losses; feeding it means poverty. The white hare signifies friendship and success, while the black hare signifies grief. Why do you dream about a hare - For newlyweds and unmarried girls, a hare in a dream is also a symbol of love and marital fidelity. Dreaming of a rabbit - visiting guests, breeding them - fortunately. Skinning a rabbit or hare in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon find yourself in a hopeless situation.

Ancient French dream book

Hare - interpretation of a dream

Remember what exactly happened in which you saw a hare. If it was just some kind of hare, for example, in a forest clearing or forest edge, in most cases it symbolizes your own far-fetched fears. You are probably in a situation in which you feel vulnerable and unprotected, like a hare. When you dream of fighting hares, this is a dream foreshadowing financial difficulties or a lawsuit. You should probably be more careful with your finances and not get involved in any dubious enterprises, otherwise you may run into scammers. If you dreamed of a hare’s wedding, the dream suggests that you will soon have to face someone’s ingratitude.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Hares from your dream

We saw a hare in a dream - this dream can be called quite positive. It suggests that all those problems, difficulties or dangers that frighten you, to a large extent, exist only in your own head. You will have to go through some tests, but everything will not be as scary as you think. Don’t give in to imaginary fears and don’t behave like the hare you dream about. Then everything will end in complete success for you.

The meaning of a dream about Zaitsev (Modern dream book)

Hare - Safe exit from a dangerous situation

Why did you dream about the Hare according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

According to spiritual sources, seeing a hare is a bad omen. When you dream of a hare, it always warns you that you will have to endure some kind of loss or loss ahead. Maybe this will affect your material area, you will lose some money. But a hare in a dream may well symbolize the loss of loved ones, which is often much more serious. You can sometimes determine more accurately what exactly the hare in your dream was referring to by analyzing the events that happened in it. This is the area where you should direct your greatest attention.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Hare

Dreaming about a hare is a good sign. Usually, if you dream of a hare, it predicts receiving some good news about your friends. However, the interpretation of such a dream also has its own nuances, depending on the events that took place in it. Therefore, remember exactly how you dreamed about the hare. If you hunted and killed an animal. This indicates. that you are a cowardly person by nature and would really like to get rid of this shortcoming. If you dream that you scared a hare and he ran away from you, the dream warns that in the near future you should not count on the implementation of your plans. Be patient and postpone everything until a more favorable moment. There is too little chance that you will succeed, even if you think and plan everything carefully.

Esoteric dream book

Hare in night dreams

In most cases, if you see a hare, this is a positive sign.6 A living animal dreams of affection and tenderness. It is quite possible that in the very near future you will have a love date, where you will be able to enjoy your feelings. A hare in a dream foreshadows especially great luck for those born in the year of the Hare or Cat according to other sources (63.75, 87, 99). It is a sign that some truly unique opportunities are opening up for them. And the dream in which you saw a dead hare turns out to be a bad omen. He predicts exactly the opposite events.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Hare, what does it mean?

If you see a hare in a dream, it is a dual sign. On the one hand, the hare is a sign of your indecision, far-fetched fears, and sometimes outright cowardice. But on the other hand, a hare in a dream can also symbolize the increased heightened intuition that you possess. If you dream that you scared a hare and he ran away - often a dream speaks of some missed opportunities in reality. If you managed to kill a hare, this is a positive sign; you will make a quick leap to success. You caught a hare and held it in your hands, in most cases it predicts illness or some kind of trouble.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Hare?

Hare, rabbit - If you dream of a hare being chased by dogs, this means troubles and quarrels in your family, and only you can restore peace and tranquility to your loved ones. Seeing a running hare in a dream means losing something valuable to you. Catching a hare means winning the competition. Why do you dream about a hare - Shooting a hare in a dream foretells that you will be forced to resort to tough measures to restore your rights. If you like this animal, its appearance in a dream foretells friendship with pleasant, but not very intelligent people.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Hare in a dream?

Hare, rabbit - Seeing a hare running away from you in a dream means that you will mysteriously lose something valuable. If you catch him. You will win the competition. If hares are your favorite animals, you will be surrounded by nice, but not intelligent friends. A dead hare in a dream portends the death or illness of one of your friends. Seeing hares being chased by dogs means trouble and quarrels among your loved ones, and only you will be able to restore the old friendships. You shot a hare - this portends that you will be forced to resort to tough measures to restore your violated rights.

The meaning of the dream about Gray (Dream Book of the healer Fedorovskaya)

Hare - If a woman catches a hare in a dream, then this means pregnancy. A hare will give birth to a boy, a hare will give birth to a girl. A man dreams of hares to death.

Seeing a Hare, especially a white one, means bad things, but if a pregnant woman catches a hare in a dream, she will give birth to a boy, and if she catches a hare, then a girl.

Seeing a Hare - Seeing in a dream is a sign of weakness; killing a hare means deception and loss; eating a hare is a sign of health; The white hare signifies friendship and success, and the gray hare symbolizes grief.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Hare as an image in a dream

If you dream of a hare, then Fate is giving you a sign that you cannot stay still, you need to act and rush towards your happiness. In most cases, if you dream of a hare, this is a positive sign. You will be able to achieve success, but only on the condition that you yourself do something to achieve it. However, when you dream that you were hunting and shot a hare, this is a warning that you should be more careful on the road. Some kind of incident may await you here, however, it will not be too serious. But eating hare meat is not good. Obviously, you have to separate from your friends.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a hare mean in a dream?

The hare has different meanings. In a dream you see a lot of hares - it means that you are on the right path to success. Don't stop, keep moving, hurry to your happiness. If there was only one hare in the dream, it predicts a successful outcome in a dangerous situation in which you may find yourself. A dream where you hunt and shoot a hare suggests that you should be careful, especially if you go on the road. Various minor but unpleasant incidents may await you here. Seeing how you prepare hare meat is a sign of receiving guests. But eating a hare yourself is a negative sign. The dream warns that you will quarrel with your friends and finally break up with them.

The meaning of the dream about the Herd (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

When you dream of a herd of hares or rabbits, unfortunately, the dream turns out to be an unpleasant prediction. He says that your hopes are in vain. The promotion you were hoping for will go to someone else. You will not receive the expected position, you will not be assigned to the place. If you dream of hares, expect defeat and failure. Especially when you try to catch them, and they run away from you.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Hare in a dream?

If you saw a hare in a dream, this warns you that in reality you will have to experience some kind of fear. Seeing a lot of hares in a dream, a whole herd - according to popular beliefs - is a negative warning. Often a dream predicts problems and aggravations in personal relationships. You may be breaking up with your loved one. In other cases, if you dream of hares, this means some kind of loss - monetary or loss of property. You should be wary of theft or death of your pets. Catching a hare in a dream means losses await you. Dreaming that you killed a hare in a dream is a good sign that predicts some happy events. Eating hare meat in a dream means you will get satisfaction. If you dream of a hare, expect failure in business.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Hare mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, what does it mean to dream of eating a hare - to offend a weak person or a child. Little Bunny - To danger.

In the summer, why did you dream about a hare or little bunny - to make a fundamental decision. Eating hare meat in a dream means a festive dinner.

In the fall, why did you dream of seeing a hare and a bunny quickly running away as fast as they could - an attempt to avoid responsibility.

In winter, what does a hare dream about - To a dead person.

It's no secret that the hare is a symbol of cowardice and shyness. At the same time, he is also very cute, which arouses great sympathy among both children and adults. We also know that hares tend to change their color, so this cute animal is also associated with duplicity. Let's try to figure out why the hare dreams, depending on many details of the dream.

What if you dreamed about a hare?

Gains and losses

1) Seeing a hare in a dream, not in a hurry and calmly sitting in one place, is a sign that success and financial well-being await you in the future;

2) seeing a white hare or rabbit in a dream is a harbinger that you will very soon receive a large inheritance;

3) to see in a dream how a bunny runs away from you - to great news;

4) however, if the animal managed to escape from you, this is, on the contrary, an unfavorable sign, promising that your plans will remain unrealized, as a result of which you will suffer large losses;

5) if you managed to catch a hare, this is a sign that you will more than overcome all your losses and reach a new level. This dream also says that if you take part in any competition or tournament, you have a high chance of winning it, but everything has its time;

6) if a pregnant woman dreamed of a hare, which she managed to catch, this is a sign that she will give birth to a son; if a hare is caught, this is a sign that she will give birth to a daughter;

7) if you follow a hare into a dream, this is a good sign that promises you a happy and joyful future. Luck will definitely favor you, all your plans will be realized, you will gain a new status and recognition in society.

Family and health

1) If a hare is chasing you in a dream, this means that there is a person in your life who provides you with secret help. It is quite possible that you don’t even know that he exists, so use your powers of observation and try to identify your secret patron;

2) if you see a bunny trying to escape from dogs, this is not a good sign, promising problems and scandals in the family, and they will arise literally out of the blue. Each family member will consider himself right and fiercely defend his position, which will lead to a large number of conflicts and disruption of family harmony. In this situation, you should take the initiative and be the first to try to resolve conflicts, since no one else will do this except you;

3) if you are hunting a hare in a dream, this is a sign of deteriorating relationships in the family, the emergence of quarrels and misunderstandings;

4) if you shoot at a hare in a dream and kill it, this means that your spiritual and moral state is disturbed, and you will need a lot of time to restore your usual peace and tranquility within yourself;

5) seeing this animal dead means illness of relatives or friends;

6) to catch and pick up a dead hare - to illness. During this period of time, the dream book recommends being more attentive to your own health.


1) Stroking a hare in a dream is a sign that among your surroundings there are many simple, but very kind people;

2) tame the animal - soon you will meet a very reliable and faithful comrade, but at the same time a very boring interlocutor;

3) seeing a hare hiding in the bushes is a warning sign. Take a closer look at your best friends, some of them are clearly not who they say they are;

4) if you feed an animal in a dream - for some kind of celebration, probably a wedding. Also, this dream means large expenses on someone close to you;

5) giving a hare to another person - you can breathe a sigh of relief, you are truly loved;

6) seeing a hare with bunnies in a dream is a harbinger of serious changes in real life.

Color and quantity matter

1) Seeing a white hare in a dream is a good sign, promising true love, loyal friends and success in business;

2) if the hare was gray in color - this is a symbol of unrealized dreams and unrealized plans, there are many disappointments and troubles ahead;

3) the black hare is a symbol of sorrow and sorrow. Be very careful, there are many two-faced people and scammers on your way, there is a high probability of deception and unpleasant events;

4) to see a herd of these animals in a dream - to unfulfilled dreams, all your undertakings will not find continuation, there is a high probability of suffering serious losses.

Why do you dream about a hare according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing yourself admiring these fluffy little animals in a dream means having loyal and kind friends who, unfortunately, are not entirely intelligent;

If a hare runs away from you, it means the mysterious disappearance of something important and valuable to you;

Catching a hare means success;

Seeing a pack of dogs chasing a herd of hares means a serious quarrel in the family, in which you will eventually be able to reach a compromise and resolve misunderstandings;

Seeing a hare dead means illness or death of a comrade;

Killing this animal in a dream means you will have to show your tough position on some issue;

If you are bitten by a hare, it means illness.

Why do you dream about a hare according to Vanga’s dream book?

The famous clairvoyant Vanga believes that the image of a hare in a dream is a symbol of cowardice, timidity and doubt in making a decision.

If a man saw this furry animal in a dream, this is a sign that he may soon acquire real estate for himself;

If a pregnant woman saw a hare in a dream, it means that she will have a son, and a hare - a daughter;

If a hare runs away from you, your close friend will soon come to you from afar, and this will happen very unexpectedly. Also, such a dream foreshadows problems in business, material difficulties, losses;

Seeing a large number of hares - current failures keep you in constant fear and tension. It is quite possible that there are two-faced people around you who are spreading untrue rumors about you;

Seeing a white hare means good luck, a gray hare means sadness.

Why do you dream about a hare according to Freud's dream book?

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud has his own interpretation of the dream in which a hare appeared. Freud believes that such a dream means that you do not trust your significant other too much, and for this reason your relationship is not going well. You have a fear of betrayal from your loved one, and he has not given you the slightest reason for this. The psychologist believes that if you want to save your union, you need to do something about your boundless and stupid jealousy.

Why do you dream about a hare according to Hasse’s dream book?

Seeing a hare in a dream means success and great happiness;

Killing a hare in a dream means minor difficulties on the way;

Eating this animal in a dream means problems and quarrels in relationships, which, however, will improve very soon.

Aesop's Dream Book

The famous writer Aesop has his own point of view regarding such a dream:

Seeing a hare in a dream means that your subconscious is giving you a hint that in your environment there is a person who is not pretending to be who he really is;

If you saw a hare in a dream running past a fox hole, this is an important sign that you should pay attention to. Very soon you will be faced with a difficult choice; you will need to make a serious decision that will have a serious impact on your future. A hint for you may be the fact that a similar situation could have already happened to your relatives;

If you chased two hares in a dream, this, as in the famous saying, means that you should not take on several things at the same time, this will not lead to anything good;

Seeing a hiding hare in a dream means you should not trust the person on whom you have high hopes, he can let you down at any moment;

If you see an animal that has shrunk into a ball from fear, this means that your shyness and lack of initiative does not allow you to open up, you are always in the shadow of the people around you, and for this reason few people pay attention to you. If you do not reconsider your attitude on this issue, your life will remain gray and monotonous;

If you see a hare or rabbit that changes its color, be careful, you will soon meet an absolutely unreliable person, which can bring you a lot of trouble;

Seeing a dead hare in a dream is a warning sign. Take a closer look at your family, it is likely that some of them really need your help, but due to their shyness they cannot ask you for it.

Animals, birds and other creatures in dreams are especially interesting symbols to decipher.

In dreams, as we know, symbols and signs are commonplace. After all, there is no such dream that would not have a hidden, encrypted meaning.

And it is animals that are the most unusual and can carry a whole range of meanings. The hare is a character who, if he appears in a dream, does so for good reason.

This animal has a lot of traits borrowed from human character. It is not for nothing that he is so often present in fairy tales, legends and traditions of almost all peoples on Earth.

To determine why the hare is dreaming, it is worth, first of all, to draw such a parallel. The hare is associated with such qualities as cowardice and modesty, but also speed, as it always eludes predators. In addition, the hare is incredibly fertile, so it can symbolize offspring.

And these cute animals are monogamous, and many dream books associate this symbol with fidelity and devotion. To find the only correct interpretation of what the hare is dreaming of, it is worth remembering all the details that were in the dream.

The dream book offers the following options:

  • The bunny or rabbit was seen in a dream from the outside.
  • Beautiful domestic rabbit in dreams.
  • The hare is running somewhere.
  • He chews something in his sleep.
  • A couple of bunnies in their dreams.
  • A rabbit or hare runs away from dogs or other animals.
  • He sits quietly.
  • The hare was in a cage.
  • White rabbit in a dream.
  • Dreaming of a black rabbit or hare.
  • Follow him in a dream.
  • Catch up and even catch a hare.
  • Feed the bunny.
  • They gave you a hare.
  • There is rabbit meat.
  • Breeding rabbits in a dream.
  • Stroking his white fur.
  • Kill a hare in a dream.
  • To be among so many of these animals.

As you can see, there are a huge number of options for “rabbit” and “hare” dreams. You should carefully choose the closest one, perhaps combine several scenarios, and then find out what the hare is dreaming of, in your case.

See the little animal

To begin with, you should turn to the dream book in order to find out what the hare (or rabbit) is dreaming of, which was only seen in a dream.

If this is your case, in your dreams you had no contact with the animal, but only looked at it, remember the most important thing: its appearance, what it did, how it behaved. This will be the key to unraveling the vision.

1. As the dream book says, a hare in dreams is a symbol of self-confidence and excessive “agility.” This is probably a kind of warning - be more modest, remember that there are “predators” who can cause a lot of trouble. Assess your strengths more realistically.

2. A beautiful and cute rabbit is a good sign that foreshadows the dreamer’s wishes coming true. Moreover, if in your dreams, looking at the animal, you experienced tenderness or joy. Know that your dreams will come true soon, excellent circumstances will appear for this, and everything you have long wanted will begin to come true.

3. Such a dream, in which a hare is running somewhere, is also an excellent sign. This is for wealth and happiness. A new period awaits you, when your financial situation will begin to improve sharply, easily and without much stress.

4. And if the hare in the vision was gnawing on something, on the contrary, be prepared for a difficult period in life. There may be some difficulties with finances, you will have to be patient and live modestly. Treat this period patiently and wisely - it is a good and rewarding experience.

5. You are lucky if you saw a couple of adorable rabbits or hares in your dream. This is a symbol of love. In addition, it is not just a romantic infatuation, but real, strong love, fidelity and purity. This is a real gift that needs to be cherished!

6. If in your dreams a hare ran away from another animal - from a dog, from a wolf or a fox, for example - in reality you will have to witness some kind of conflicts and quarrels. Try to stay away so as not to fall under the hot hand.

7. A hare sitting calmly in your vision is a successful symbol according to the dream book. You will have a great chance to increase your own well-being in reality!

The opportunity will be rare and cannot be missed. But it is worth seeing, noticing and using it correctly! This is a very useful dream, now you should be more careful, you know what to do.

8. A white or other colored hare sitting in a cage in your dream, according to the dream book, promises career growth! Perhaps this is your dream - or you have simply been striving for it for a long time. This will happen soon, which means that you are now going in the right direction.

9. A rabbit or hare as white as snow promises an inheritance or a large cash gift. The dream book won’t tell you where, but a large amount will certainly “fall” into your pocket in the near future.

10. And the black animal is a warning symbol. The dream book indicates risky, dangerous situations related to money and advises not to take risks. If a situation arises in which something is not completely clear, or you feel doubts (and such a situation will arise), then feel free to refuse.

Don't take risks, don't contact lenders or gamble, don't lend. Now is not the right time for this; you risk becoming poor.

Contact with furry

If you not only saw a cute animal, but also somehow interacted with it in a dream, then what is important is not only what the animal looked like, but also your actions with it. They are the main part of the symbol, and the dream book will decipher them.

1. Following a hare in your dreams is a favorable symbol, according to the dream book. It promises great and completely unexpected happiness to the dreamer! Don't even try to predict where joy will come from, just relax and know that happiness is already nearby.

2. But if you caught him, or simply caught up with him, undoubtedly, great luck awaits you on the love front. This may promise a happy wedding, engagement or long-awaited proposal, or simply a happy and strong union.

3. Feeding an animal in a vision is also a very good sign. Great prosperity awaits you in all current affairs in reality. Everything will be fine, and difficulties will disappear without a trace.

4. Did you give a rabbit in a dream? This is for love, all dream books claim this. A new romantic interest awaits you, and it may develop into a great feeling!

5. Eating rabbit meat is a hint of some secrets or secret affairs. The secret, as you know, sooner or later becomes clear, remember this. Try to be more honest.

6. And if you bred rabbits in your dreams, rejoice, wealth awaits you!

7. Stroking an animal's soft fur is a symbol that in reality you will be in pleasant company. And you will receive great pleasure from communication.

8. And if a defenseless creature was killed, the interpreter says that in reality some difficulties will arise. And in order to achieve your goal, you will have to take quite tough measures.

9. Being among many bunnies in a dream is a symbol of noisy company and fun. There is some big holiday ahead!

Now that you have found out what your “hare” dream means, draw the right conclusions. What should you do - change your behavior or look around carefully so as not to miss a rare chance?

Let your intuition tell you, and your heart not let you make mistakes! Author: Vasilina Serova

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