Dream Interpretation It is raining. Why do you dream about meteor shower?

Dreams can be very diverse, but what dreams of getting caught in the rain mean is interpreted ambiguously. Although the general meaning of rebirth and purification is present in many dream books. A more specific interpretation depends on the details.

The type of rain itself is important, and the impressions experienced by the dreamer when coming into contact with water are also taken into account. If the dream left an extremely pleasant impression, then in reality everything will turn out well, but if it’s the other way around, then you shouldn’t expect good news. For example, sparkling raindrops promise a date with an old friend. But if the water was dirty, this indicates an upcoming conversation with the enemy.

  • Rusty splashes promise slander.
  • Light rain are tears, and torrents are sobs.
  • Temperature: warm water will give new strength, cold- there is sadness ahead.
  • Thunder and lightning with thunderstorm- offensive quarrel.
  • Drops filled with sunlight– winning.

There is an opinion that dreams of getting caught in the rain are an echo of the daytime emotional experiences of the sleeper.. If the person is pleased at the same time, then the dream is interpreted as happy. After stress and a difficult psychological state, relief and peace of mind will surely come. Cold drops flowing down the body symbolize nervous relaxation, and warm drops will remove the resulting negativity.

If in a dream you experience frost on your skin from the rain, this has two meanings: tears (for ladies), spending (for men). Getting completely wet in the rain means you will be disappointed in the near future. Heavy rain that causes joy means that many pleasant plans are destined to come true; if the rain frightens you, expect danger. Lightning and thunder in a dream are an aggravation of the conflict, there will be a scandal and abuse.

Getting caught in the rain in a dream and seeing a rainbow at the same time is a great sign. Ahead lies happiness and successful completion of affairs. For lovers, such a dream promises a strong and faithful feeling. Dreaming of getting wet to the skin in the rain means new things, clothes to your liking, or a new environment. Getting wet under the drizzling autumn precipitation means facing in reality old problems that have already been forgotten.

For a young lady to walk in the rain without an umbrella and get wet - to a shaky honest reputation. And if you have a soiled dress, it will lead to unpleasant gossip. After such a dream, you should not be frank with strangers and unfamiliar people. If, after being under streams of water in a dream, you remain in dry clothes, then difficulties in your career will recede or a serious illness will bypass you.

Getting wet in a heavy downpour in a dream foreshadows dramatic changes in your lifestyle. Getting caught in freezing rain, according to Miller, will lead to a serious illness. It can fall on the dreamer or his relatives. Another option is news that will deeply touch the soul.

Rain in this source is interpreted as the development of new events in life. If you dreamed that you were running in the rain, but did not get wet, an ugly act on your part will not bring punishment. Seeing pouring rain means you will have to make important decisions; if you had to hide from it, this means that you will receive reliable protection in reality.

Walking in the rain in a hood, with an umbrella, or simply covering your head with something is a sign of careful actions and prudence. If someone else is caught in a thunderstorm, it will not be easy for them and they will need help. One cannot overcome difficulties. A light mushroom rain promises a favorable life. If you feel cold from the flowing streams, this is a bad omen and you may soon get sick.

For men and women, such a dream has different meanings. The psychoanalyst’s dream book explains why a man dreams of getting wet in the rain - this is a reflection of the dreamer’s excessive passion for himself. Girls show a huge need for their own children.

If a woman in a dream tries to run away from rain jets, then this a sign of fear of getting pregnant contrary to your plans. For a guy hiding from the rain, the dream is a warning, as difficulties in the intimate sphere are possible.

According to Vanga, when you dream that you are caught in the rain, there is nothing to be afraid of. Usually she did not warn anyone, claiming that rain was a sign of the dreamer’s good intuition. He is able to properly instruct people and help them with advice.

If a person gets caught in a thunderstorm in a dream, then according to this dream book, soon the conflict, which is very disturbing, will be settled. Although you will have to initiate its resolution yourself.

Rain that soaks a person thoroughly in a dream predicts a deterioration in relationships with the most beloved and closest people. Shereminskaya warns that there is a danger of conflict flaring up if we do not have a heart-to-heart talk. It could all end very hard.

If in a dream, being caught in a downpour, your head gets wet, then passion awaits you, capable of breaking out unexpectedly and in a very short time.

Is the rain you fell under in a dream drizzling? Then business problems are coming, which will be easy to understand. Trouble that persists for a long time is foreshadowed by a dream of rain.

Rain, according to Loff, is a sign of aggression towards you. Prolonged rain and thunderstorms in dreams are harbingers of unrest in society. Being in a house full of rainwater is good according to this dream book. Something that worries you very much will soon be resolved.

If a debtor dreams of a thunderstorm, then perhaps he will soon pay off his debts. For the patient, this is a sign of a speedy improvement in health., imprisoned - a symbol of the desired freedom.

If you dreamed that you were caught in the rain, this means successful operations and a dream come true. Getting caught in the storm is interpreted as the realization of many of your plans in the future. If at the same time your head gets wet in the dream or it is washed with warm water, then there is a possibility of a positive outcome even for the most risky undertakings. When the flow is cold, it is better to think through incoming proposals and not be led by emotions.

When you dream of a downpour during which you take a walk, should be regarded as a warning about concerns that will arise soon. If you think about it yourself, you can avoid them. Hasse's dream book interprets the meaning of a dream with precipitation through the sun's rays. According to him, to get tangible profits it is worth investing in gambling.

Standing in the rain - this symbol does not carry any threat or misfortune. On the contrary, according to Aesop, all dreams with showers lead to joy. Do you get wet while walking under rainy skies? Means, your deepest desire will soon come true. A dream where there is uncontrollable downpour may signal that you need to do your own work and not rely on anyone. It contains direct instructions to take independent action as a way to achieve victory with decent bonuses.

Perhaps you dream of getting caught in a meteor shower, then this clearly warns of a new life-changing stage. What it should be depends on the person.

What all kinds of walks in the rain can mean in a dream can be found out further:

  • Walking in the warm rain with positive emotions means harmony in relationships with loved ones lies ahead.
  • Running towards the storm torrents- upcoming changes. The doors will soon open to the unfree, and the sick will feel better.
  • Attempts to hide– this is a fear of responsibility and a desire to avoid making important decisions.
  • Have fun running in the rain– you will become the soul of the team, communication with colleagues will help promote.
  • Dance with an umbrella– have good life support. Difficulties and obstacles will be overcome with the help of friends.

Summarizing the interpretations of many dream books, we can firmly say: Dreaming of getting caught in the rain means positive changes in fate.

Every day we receive many signals from our subconscious. One of them is dreams. Psychologists say that a dream is just an interpretation of what has been experienced during the day. But is it? People have always attached great importance to the signs that come in dreams. Dreams related to the weather were considered especially significant. For example, there are several answers to the question of why you dream of heavy rain. Depending on your life experience and experiences, the interpretation of a dream about heavy rain depends. The dream book will help you choose the most likely one. It is interesting that not all weather phenomena in a dream are usually interpreted. Rain is an exception and you can and should pay close attention to it when analyzing your dream.

Got wet in your sleep? No problem!

Any dream associated with rain speaks of significant events in life. It is very important how you feel when you touch the drops. If the rain comes in a strong stream and does not cause discomfort, then great luck awaits you. Dancing in the rain also indicates imminent happiness and joy. If you are lucky enough to get caught in a warm summer rain, get ready for a romantic adventure. According to the English dream book, this promises young girls a quick marriage.

Keep your nose to the wind!

The interpretation of a dream about rain also depends on what the weather is like in the dream in general. Particular attention should be paid to the presence or absence of wind. For example, if there is no wind, you can expect luck, happiness and good fortune. If you get wet in such rain, then this promises harmony and peace in the family. Happiness will come from where you don't even expect it.

Wind and rain signals the need to calculate the consequences of your decisions

But if you dream of a real hurricane with wind and heavy streams of rain, this may indicate that you are taking too much on yourself. You try to do as much as possible without thinking about the consequences of your actions. The advice of this dream is to stop for a minute and calculate all possible scenarios after making one decision or another.

Grandpa Freud would be pleased

Looking at the dream of rain a little deeper, we note that in all cultures it symbolized fertility and creative power, something that gives life. Therefore, if a woman gets wet in the rain in a dream, it means that subconsciously she wants a child and is ready to become a mother.

If a woman gets wet in the rain in a dream, it means that she is ready to become a mother.

Accordingly, if she is hiding from the rain, most likely she is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. If a man gets wet in the rain, he should pay attention to the sexual sphere. If he hides from the rain, this most likely indicates problems with potency. If the older child dreamed that he was holding an umbrella over his mother and protecting her, then he subconsciously does not want and is afraid of other children appearing in the family. At the same time, Freud argued that if you got wet and cold in a dream, it means that the blanket just slipped off of you, and there is no point in looking for hidden meaning here.

The most important thing is the weather in the house

If you check the intimate dream book, then the duration and temperature of the rain will play a very important role here. For example, a warm short rain that does not even cover the sun indicates the onset of idyll and harmony in the family. If the rain lasts for quite a long time, then this is an omen of a protracted conflict or quarrel. Cold rain indicates that there is a crisis in the relationship and you are under stress because of this. If it rains like a solid wall, perhaps there is no mutual understanding between you and your partner.

Did you dream of cold, persistent rain? Pay more attention to your chosen one or chosen one

The only way out of this state is to wait out this rain together in the warmth. If in a dream a cloud with rain “hangs” only above you, it means that most of the problems in the relationship are far-fetched. Look around, smile at the world and your partner. No rain lasts forever. After a thunderstorm there is always clear weather. It will happen in your relationship too.

At the same time, if we interpret a dream about rain for the family as a whole, its meaning changes somewhat. For example, if raindrops fall on one of your relatives, it means that Fortune favors him. If a person finds himself in cold and unpleasant rain, it means that he needs to reduce his ambitions and for some time come to terms with the fact that not everything is achieved immediately and in a hurry. If a child is left in the rain and cannot hide from it, it means that he is experiencing an excess of guardianship, attention and care. In this case, you just need to give him a little more freedom. If an adult is left in the rain, this may be a signal that he feels misunderstood and experiences a lack of communication. If a woman sees rain from her window in a dream, then this means tears.

Looking at the rain from a window in a dream means sadness.

These tears can be triggered by anything. For example, if cloudy, grayish or brownish drops are visible from the window, then tears will be caused by betrayal within the family or adultery. If the drops form foam on the asphalt, then the tears will be associated with minor problems, which, nevertheless, will occupy everyone’s thoughts for quite a long time.

With esotericists, everything is not like with people

In most dream books, getting caught in the rain means changes, some events, and so on. In contrast, from an esoteric point of view, rain is always a blessing. This is a necessary cleansing, renewal and the beginning of something new. The nature of the rain indicates how this very renewal will occur. Rain with thunder, thunder and lightning indicates dramatic changes, that something very deep and significant is leaving your life. This could be the destruction of perception patterns, the rejection of programs imposed by parents, or leaving someone’s care. If the streams pouring on you do not cause discomfort and the streams of water gently wash you, then everything is going as usual. You have worked off some of your negative karma, and now it is leaving, washed away by the rain. In this case, the rain may simply wash away the imaginary “dirt” from you in a dream. Among esotericists, a dream in which streams of rain pass through a person is considered especially favorable. This is usually interpreted as the deepest and highest quality cleansing.

The Slavs are a businesslike and practical people

The Slavic dream book is an ideal example of how plowing peoples interpret any phenomena. For them, everything is connected with work on the land and seeing rain in a dream means wasting time. Besides, a little rain is an excuse for something, but a heavy downpour is a huge setback. If a person got wet in a dream, then in Rus' this promised him illness and other troubles.

But for our ancestors, the Slavs, a thunderstorm in a dream meant a warning from the gods

Blind rain was considered an omen of pleasant changes. At the same time, seeing a thunderstorm and lightning was considered a serious omen, because the main god of the Slavs, Perun, was in charge of thunder, lightning and precipitation. Therefore, if a person dreamed of a thunderstorm, it was regarded as a warning from the gods.

What does the Muslim dream book say about rain?

Despite the fact that the Slavs and Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony, both have a generally similar attitude towards rain. So, according to the Muslim dream book, seeing rain in an area where it falls quite rarely means war. At the same time, attention is drawn to the cleansing power of water. So, if rainwater floods a house from floor to ceiling, then it cleanses the home, taking with it all problems, troubles and sorrows. If a person sees dusty or simple rain in a dream, it means that he will always have abundance in his house, and he will be able to get all earthly blessings at his disposal.

For Muslims, rain could mean abundance

If a sick person dreams of rain and thunder, then this can and should be regarded as a sign of a speedy recovery. Interestingly, if a debtor sees such a dream, then he must immediately pay off his debt. Seeing rain in a dream is a very favorable sign for a prisoner. According to the Muslim dream book, he will soon receive his release.

The French are loving people. And their interpretation of dreams is appropriate

According to the French dream book, rain is an omen of depression, sadness and despondency. Perhaps this attitude developed due to the peculiarities of the architecture of Paris, because in the rain Parisians practically could not go outside. If a Frenchman dreams of golden streams of rain, he will not be happy at all. The fact is that, according to the French dream book, such rain does not promise good luck, but quick adultery. Warm rain can be an omen of imminent profit or speak of upcoming pleasant chores. It is interesting that the French dream book interprets a strong thunderstorm, downpour with terrible wind as a very good sign for people who do honest work and earn their living with their own hands. If you dream in a dream that thunder is thundering right above your house, the Frenchman will only be happy for you, because in the French dream book this means that Fate is protecting you from shocks and problems.

The French are convinced that seeing lightning in a dream is a sign of new love.

In the same way, if lightning flashed above you in a dream, be prepared to meet new love.

Indian dream book: rain is a helper to hardworking people

According to the Indian dream book, heavy rain is a very good sign for honest and hardworking people. It promises them relaxation and quick fun. Light rain is an omen of a good season for farmers and losses for traders. In the Indian dream book, rain is always interpreted in two ways.

For some it always brings something good, but for others it always brings losses, losses and disappointments.

As you can see, every nation has its own ideas about what rain means in dreams. A reasonable question arises, which interpretation to follow? It's really simple. Alternatively, you can simply choose the option that you like best and that you want to believe in. Whether a dream comes true or not largely depends on whether a person believes in it. Therefore, if lightning flashed above you in a dream, check the French dream book and wait for your soulmate to appear on the horizon. The second interpretation is a little more complicated. First, analyze the events that have happened to you recently and, based on this, choose the interpretation that will most harmoniously complement them.

Water is a symbol of emotions in the esoteric tradition. When a person is upset, he cries - sheds tears. Why do you dream of getting caught in the rain in a dream? Dream Interpretations see in this plot a reflection of a person’s emotional sphere, the experience of daytime emotions and worries in a dream.

Interpretation of the folk dream book

The image of rain in night vision can portend both happiness and misfortune. What is this connected with? The interpretation depends on the dreamer's emotional reaction to the events in the dream. A dream about rain expresses a person’s emotional experiences and is an echo of the day’s events.

If rain in a dream caused pleasant sensations and filled the soul with happiness, this dream can be interpreted as positive. This plot is especially important for a person who is under the yoke of emotions and has experienced stress: relief will soon come, worries will give way to peace of mind and serenity:

  • cold raindrops in a dream are a symbol of relaxation of tension;
  • warm streams of water wash away accumulated negativity and relieve suffering.

If Streams of heavenly water caused unpleasant sensations, chills down the spine: for women, this plot foreshadows tears, and for men, unplanned expenses.

Get wet to the skin in the rain - to troubles and disappointments. If in a dream you had to get wet together with your loved one, then, with a positive perception of this event, the dream foreshadows harmony and trust in the relationship.

Why do you dream heavy rain? The dream has a double interpretation and depends on the emotions of the dreamer. If the vision of streams of water caused joy, favorable changes and the fulfillment of all dreams and plans will soon come. If heavy rain caused fear, an unfavorable period and danger await the dreamer ahead.

Why do you dream rain or downpour? Lightning, thunderstorms and powerful flows of water express strong emotions. The dreamer expects an aggravation of the conflict situation or a conflict is brewing. A downpour with thunderclaps may foreshadow a noisy scandal. However, this interpretation of the plot takes place with a negative perception of the picture of the raging elements. If the dreamer experienced happiness, then in reality it is not far off.

Watch the elements from the window- to changes in fate. Whether they will be happy or unhappy depends on the emotional response to the picture they see. Seeing rain, getting caught in the rain in a dream always signifies important significant events in the dreamer’s life.

Other folk interpretations

What does it mean walk in the rain in a dream? Walking under warm streams of water, which evoke pleasant emotions, means good relationships with others.

Walking towards the rain— get ready to face changes in life. For patients, this plot portends a speedy recovery, for prisoners - release from prison.

Run in the rain and try to find shelter - in reality, you are afraid of responsibility and are trying to avoid solving important life issues. It's fun to run under streams of water - you know how to communicate with people, find a common language and are the soul of the team.

Open your umbrella during the rain - you have strong friendly support. The dreamer does not need to be afraid of difficulties - there is always someone to lean on in a difficult situation. The umbrella also symbolizes the dreamer’s prudence and foresight - with your approach to life, all problems can be overcome.

However, an umbrella can also have a negative meaning if in a dream the sleeper experienced unpleasant emotions from the rain. An umbrella is an attempt to hide from the world, protect yourself from communication, and isolate yourself in your own little world. This attitude towards life and people will inevitably lead to problems.

See unusual shower of meteorites- to surprise. If the dreamer experienced ecstatic emotions when seeing fiery rain, a bright and unforgettable event will soon await him. To experience fear when seeing fiery drops is a sign of a natural anomaly or disaster.

Interpretation of famous dream books

Dream book for the whole family interprets the image of rain as an omen of important events in the dreamer’s life. If you get caught in the rain but stay dry, you will avoid responsibility for your actions or bad events.

  • Seeing heavy rain means making responsible decisions that cannot be avoided.
  • Finding shelter from the rain means finding a reliable patron in life.
  • Walking in the rain with an open umbrella is a sign of prudent, prudent actions.
  • If a friend gets caught in the rain, he will have a hard time in life without help; he won’t be able to cope on his own.
  • Mushroom rain is a lucky dream.
  • Rare large drops of rain symbolize a meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • Feeling cold raindrops on your body and freezing means illness.
  • Getting caught in the rain but staying dry means quick healing.

See dirty raindrops- to slander behind your back. Getting caught in dirty rain means slander cannot be avoided. You will have to make efforts to cleanse your dirty name.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti considers this plot to be a reflection of the dreamer’s inner world. A wall of rain is an attempt to hide from the world, to withdraw into oneself due to an inferiority complex. A person underestimates his importance to the world and considers himself an outsider in life.

Autumn dream book interprets the image of warm summer rain as a harbinger of good luck in life. Rain and thunderstorms mean danger.

Russian folk dream book believes that summer rain with a rainbow symbolizes the fulfillment of a cherished dream, and downpour portends trouble. Getting caught in the rain in a dream means big trouble.

Erotic dream book interprets warm mushroom rain as a harbinger of harmonious and warm relationships in the family. Lingering autumn rain foretells a cooling in relationships with loved ones: a wall of misunderstanding and alienation will arise between you and your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets the vision of warm summer rain to good events in your personal life: love, joy, mutual understanding and happiness. To fall under the streams of heavenly water is a great delight. Inclement weather in autumn means obstacles in business.

Esoteric dream book interprets this dream as the cleansing of a person from negative energies. Getting wet in the rain means getting rid of the bad.

Why do you dream of rain in a dream?? In a dream, a sleeping person quite often sees various natural phenomena - this can be a direct reflection of reality, or it can carry a secret meaning. Why do you dream of rain in a dream?

Rain in a dream is a symbol of purification, ablution, deliverance.

In another interpretation - the depressive mood of the sleeper, the desire to get away from unresolved problems.

Miller's Dream Book


Heavy rain with thunderstorm and lightning- a harbinger of war.

Getting caught in a warm, drizzling rain is a sign that you are striving for self-improvement and spiritual cleansing.

Seeing a rainbow after rain is a divine sign, symbol of forgiveness. Changes for the better will soon come in your life.


  • Rain seen in a dream, is a harbinger of a feeling of security, comfort and coziness.
  • Get caught in the rain - you have to cleanse yourself, to wash yourself off spiritually, perhaps with tears of relief.


Dreams with rain mean deep depression or clearly marked introversion of the dreamer, capable of causing a persistent inferiority complex.


Seeing heavy rain in a dream accompanied by powerful gusts of wind - you have to work hard to achieve your desired goal.

Get caught in the drizzling, warm rain- to favorable life circumstances and mutual love.


In the universal understanding, rain is a symbol of sadness. So why do you dream about rain?

See the golden rain- to betrayal of the other half.

Dreaming of a downpour means receiving news from a loved one.

Drizzling, warm rain in a dream portends soon making a profit and achieving success.


In dreams rain is a symbol of tears and a harbinger of significant events in life.

  • We saw rare drops of rain in a dream- expect minor troubles to appear.
  • Cloudy, heavy drops– get ready for the fact that strong emotional experiences await you ahead; betrayal on the part of a loved one is possible.
  • Large raindrops disperse in circles on the water surface - such a dream predicts a quarrel with a loved one.
Heavy, powerful rain like a wall - a dream predicts the occurrence of unpleasant incidents and conflicts with work colleagues.
  • A dream about rain in which you managed not to get wet- in reality you will be able to avoid a major scandal.
  • Getting wet in a dream - intrigues that are being built around you, will achieve their goal and will affect your internal state and relationships with people around you.
  • I dreamed that I managed to hide from the rain- in real life you will have an assistant who will take on solving your problems.
  • In a dream you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain– you can protect yourself from troubles thanks to your forethought.
To dream that a person close to you is getting wet in the rain is an indication that in the near future he may have problems that will require your help to resolve.
  • Seeing mushroom rain in a dream– meet true love. Sparkling raindrops dream of a date.

Images in a dream may seem obvious and simple, but this does not mean that their interpretation will be so. Most often, they are not specific, but act only as an auxiliary means for transmitting information.

Natural phenomena are often dreamed of; they almost always signify a person’s desire to change something in his life.

The emotional state experienced by a person during sleep- and there is the main criterion by which you should navigate when solving dreams with weather phenomena.

Water is the source of life for all life on earth. But you don’t wish anyone to be at the mercy of the elements, under the torrential rain. We will find out why a woman dreams of rain in proven dream books.

Rain is the element of water, a symbol of change, cleansing, getting rid of something outdated and outdated. Water signifies variability, flexibility, but at the same time the preservation of its content, essence, and not properties.

Rain for a woman always foreshadows positive changes in the future, provided that in the dream the dreamer felt comfort, experienced pleasure and joy. These emotions will definitely turn into real life, which will bring many positive moments, fulfillment of desires, getting rid of bad habits, purification and enlightenment.

A negative meaning interpretation comes with those dreams where you were overwhelmed by a stream of dirty water, knocked down by a wave, after a downpour. You need to be prepared for unexpected troubles after a vision where you find yourself in the cold, autumn rain, dressed completely inappropriately for the weather, or caught in a downpour without an umbrella in the winter.

Many cultures describe the influence of water on the internal state of a person. Clean and transparent drops represent a surge of strength, energy, self-confidence and a bright future. A woman, after such a dream, is charged with health, optimism, hope for happiness, peace and tranquility.

In Buddhism, streams of fresh water represent the flow of material wealth. In this sense, the heavier the rain, the more profit and financial benefits the dreamer can expect. For a business lady, such a dream is a harbinger of a good period for profitable investment, increasing initial capital, and successfully developing her own business.

In Christianity, dew drops bring restoration, renewal, and cleansing. For those who dream of future offspring, feeling under the warm pouring rain is a good sign. A woman should hope for a quick pregnancy and happy motherhood.

If you dreamed of streams of mud after a typhoon, get ready for a series of troubles and problems. Sometimes it will seem that you are unable to stop all the negativity that may befall you. Count on the support of your loved ones and do not turn away from your relatives in difficult moments, showing your pride, independence and autonomy.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Everything connected with the water element represents the conception of future life. Rain in a man's dream can represent his active ejaculation. For a woman, splashes of rain falling on her body signify imminent pregnancy and childbirth.

Getting wet in a warm downpour means complete satisfaction from intimacy with your partner. Feeling the drops on your face means experiencing an orgasm in reality. Walking into a thunderstorm without an umbrella and not being afraid of bad weather means experiencing a strong desire to become a mother.

Hiding from bad weather by covering yourself with a raincoat means fear of an unplanned pregnancy. Your plans now do not include maternity leave and a sedentary lifestyle. Sex for you is a way to relax and get maximum pleasure.


A positive interpretation is predicted by the dream book. Rain in a woman’s dream is a symbol of insight, the revelation of one’s inner potential, the development of intuition, enlightenment and the acquisition of the gift of prophecy. I saw a thunderstorm - protracted conflicts and litigation will soon be resolved. Seeing a rainbow after bad weather is an excellent reason to enjoy life, expect happiness and prosperity.

To look through a rain stream means in reality to be able to foresee the situation in time, to guide loved ones, acquaintances and friends on the true path. During this period, you need to believe in your own premonitions and give advice to those who urgently need it.

David Loff

The soothsayer puts a negative meaning into his prediction. The uncontrollable water element is associated with a wave of aggression and violence against the people. Heavy rain in a dream is a harbinger of various wars, civil unrest, uprisings, riots and revolutions. Those days when you should not visit public places, so as not to be at the mercy of cruelty and injustice. The consequences can cause long-term suffering and be extremely dire.

Seeing such a strange phenomenon as a house filled to the roof with rainwater is a great sign. The dreamer's problems and adversities will be completely drowned in the bustle of the past. It's time to make plans, discuss new ideas, projects and goals. There will be a chance to change your place of residence, job or citizenship.

Thunderstorm and lightning for a sick woman are in reality a symbol of a speedy recovery. For those who are shackled by invisible shackles, feel dependent and doomed, such a plot personifies liberation, remission of sins, and universal forgiveness. The spirit of freedom and limitless possibilities will infuse you. Taking advantage of fortune now means completely changing your karma for the future.

If you dreamed of carrying full buckets of rainwater, in reality you will have the opportunity to get rid of all the obligations and overdue debts that have been weighing you down for a long time. Your well-being will gain momentum and lift you to a high level of the social ladder.

Watching the autumn rain outside the window, sitting under a warm blanket - in reality, you will be able to avoid all the hardships and troubles. You will recognize a dubious and unprofitable situation in time and refuse the offer. Possible conflicts after this will not affect your well-being and reputation.

Gustov Miller

Rain in a woman’s dream is a symbol of a new stage in life. That moment when you shouldn’t refuse unexpected, adventurous offers, or be afraid of deals that promise big profits. If you have the opportunity to go on a cruise, take advantage of it. Such a chance will expand your imagination, raise the bar of desires and needs, and motivate you to take action for the benefit of happy changes.

Dirty rain streams in dreams mean cash flows and financial stability for the dreamer. A good time to look for a new job. The position will require a lot of responsibility from you, but promises decent rewards. For those who own their own business, income will most likely be sudden and unplanned. But you shouldn’t spend all your money on current needs. Investing in new ideas will be very promising.

A girl trying to hide from a downpour but still getting wet is not a good sign. The dream warns you to avoid casual acquaintances and dubious connections. These contacts can lead to disappointment in people and prolonged depression.

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