Dream interpretation of strawberries - what do you dream about? Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Strawberries can safely be called the ideal berry.

Tasty, beautiful with a pleasant aroma, it is a favorite delicacy of people of all ages. And sometimes we see her in our dreams.

Why do you dream about strawberries? What do dreams about this fragrant berry mean?

If she grew up in a garden bed

If you had a dream in which you saw a ripe strawberry in a garden bed, then love adventures await you. And green berries indicate your sexual dissatisfaction.

A large red strawberry on a bush foretells your popularity with members of the opposite sex. And small but ripe fruits promise a fleeting romance.

  • Picking from the garden and eating it right away means a pleasant acquaintance.
  • One berry on a bush - to self-realization.
  • A strawberry under a leaf means recognition from a stranger.
  • Stepping on it means dangerous curiosity.
  • If you can’t bend down to pick it, you’ll have a fun trip.

A good mood and joy are what spoiled strawberries mean in dreams. Rotten berries in the dirt are a pleasant surprise. And one large one is a valuable gift.

Eating rotten strawberries in a dream means appreciating what you already have. And you dream of a whole bucket of spoiled fruits for a trip to another country.

Did you see her in the house?

A plate of ripe Victoria on the table foreshadows a significant event. And one red berry on a saucer speaks of your superiority in the professional field.

Eating a treat with sugar in a dream means dreaming of bright love. And adding berries to cream or mousse means hoping for attention from an influential person.

  • A harvest in the refrigerator means a long-awaited meeting.
  • Holding it in the palm of your hand means long, pleasant memories.
  • Green strawberries on the table - for a holiday in the house.
  • Eating strawberry pie means unforgettable events.
  • Cooking strawberry jam means chores around the house.

A dream where strawberries got into another food promises the achievement of your goals. If this was the first course, then you yourself will achieve what you want. And if it’s a side dish or meat, then caring people will definitely help you.

Dreaming of a strawberry cocktail symbolizes changes in the home. And strawberry jelly means getting rid of routine.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Why you dream about strawberries is also described in Miller’s dream book.

Large, strong fruits portend prosperity and well-being. And small ones mean a small but stable income.

Harvesting from a neighbor's garden means being the object of sympathy from a work colleague. And at your dacha, you dream of strawberry beds as a sign of mental stability.

Growing up on the balcony means using your talents to help a friend. And the bushes growing in the room will be evidence that you are ready to step onto a new stage in your life.

  • Eating sour strawberries means testing.
  • Berries of incredible size - a desire to change your style.
  • Smelling strawberries is a sign of a romantic meeting.
  • Buying strawberries means harshness in relationships.
  • Wash - to a strong feeling.

Miller's dream book contains several more interpretations of similar dreams.

For example, a dream where strawberries are very sweet speaks of your modesty. And beautiful, but tasteless berries warn that you should try to control your behavior in public.

A strawberry harvest in a basket means that you have secret sexual desires. And the berries on the floor foreshadow their implementation.

As this dream book promises, strawberries in the hands of a child will bring you good news. And if an elderly person is holding it, then a very important event will happen in your life soon.

Dreaming of strawberries on a chocolate cake means a wish will come true. And semolina porridge promises a beautiful confession from a loved one.

If you know what strawberries mean in dreams, you can easily predict your future. When you see this delicious berry in a dream, you won’t have to guess what it was for. It is enough to remember all the details of the dream and read in the dream book what they mean. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Strawberries can safely be called the ideal berry.

Tasty, beautiful with a pleasant aroma, it is a favorite delicacy of people of all ages. And sometimes we see her in our dreams.

Why do you dream about strawberries? What do dreams about this fragrant berry mean?

If she grew up in a garden bed

If you had a dream in which you saw a ripe strawberry in a garden bed, then love adventures await you. And green berries indicate your sexual dissatisfaction.

A large red strawberry on a bush foretells your popularity with members of the opposite sex. And small but ripe fruits promise a fleeting romance.

  • Picking from the garden and eating it right away means a pleasant acquaintance.
  • One berry on a bush - to self-realization.
  • A strawberry under a leaf means recognition from a stranger.
  • Stepping on it means dangerous curiosity.
  • If you can’t bend down to pick it, you’ll have a fun trip.

A good mood and joy are what spoiled strawberries mean in dreams. Rotten berries in the dirt are a pleasant surprise. And one large one is a valuable gift.

Eating rotten strawberries in a dream means appreciating what you already have. And you dream of a whole bucket of spoiled fruits for a trip to another country.

Did you see her in the house?

A plate of ripe Victoria on the table foreshadows a significant event. And one red berry on a saucer speaks of your superiority in the professional field.

Eating a treat with sugar in a dream means dreaming of bright love. And adding berries to cream or mousse means hoping for attention from an influential person.

  • A harvest in the refrigerator means a long-awaited meeting.
  • Holding it in the palm of your hand means long, pleasant memories.
  • Green strawberries on the table - for a holiday in the house.
  • Eating strawberry pie means unforgettable events.
  • Cooking strawberry jam means chores around the house.

A dream where strawberries got into another food promises the achievement of your goals. If this was the first course, then you yourself will achieve what you want. And if it’s a side dish or meat, then caring people will definitely help you.

Dreaming of a strawberry cocktail symbolizes changes in the home. And strawberry jelly means getting rid of routine.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Why you dream about strawberries is also described in Miller’s dream book.

Large, strong fruits portend prosperity and well-being. And small ones mean a small but stable income.

Harvesting from a neighbor's garden means being the object of sympathy from a work colleague. And at your dacha, you dream of strawberry beds as a sign of mental stability.

Growing up on the balcony means using your talents to help a friend. And the bushes growing in the room will be evidence that you are ready to step onto a new stage in your life.

  • Eating sour strawberries means testing.
  • Berries of incredible size - a desire to change your style.
  • Smelling strawberries is a sign of a romantic meeting.
  • Buying strawberries means harshness in relationships.
  • Wash - to a strong feeling.

Miller's dream book contains several more interpretations of similar dreams.

For example, a dream where strawberries are very sweet speaks of your modesty. And beautiful, but tasteless berries warn that you should try to control your behavior in public.

A strawberry harvest in a basket means that you have secret sexual desires. And the berries on the floor foreshadow their implementation.

As this dream book promises, strawberries in the hands of a child will bring you good news. And if an elderly person is holding it, then a very important event will happen in your life soon.

Dreaming of strawberries on a chocolate cake means a wish will come true. And semolina porridge promises a beautiful confession from a loved one.

If you know what strawberries mean in dreams, you can easily predict your future. When you see this delicious berry in a dream, you won’t have to guess what it was for. It is enough to remember all the details of the dream and read in the dream book what they mean.

Why do you dream about a bed of strawberries: let’s look at the meaning

If a person dreams of strawberries, then this symbol can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, such a symbol promises a variety of pleasures, but in order to give a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the details and nuances of the dream.

Why do you dream of a bed of strawberries that a person is trying to weed? In fact, the dream has a positive meaning, and most often, foreshadows upcoming victories in career and personal terms. Often, such a dream can symbolize an original solution to a problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time.

If in a dream a person eats a patch of strawberries, then most likely he will have a lot of pleasures in the future, which he should not refuse. These pleasures will become a source of inspiration, both career and personal. If you see gigantic strawberries in a dream, then most likely the person will experience incredible pleasure in the future. Perhaps a great feeling awaits him, real, strong love, which was previously impossible to even think about.

If the strawberry is red, then, most likely, true love awaits the person, really strong and sincere. Still, it’s not for nothing that strawberries have exactly this color. In a dream, green strawberries symbolize the beginning of something good, perhaps a new relationship that will change a person's life. In general, the symbol is very positive, capable of influencing a person’s real life. Usually, after such a dream, a person’s personal life begins to bloom with bright colors. It is quite possible that you will even be able to meet your true love thanks to a dream.

It is important to note that strawberries in a dream do not always have a positive interpretation. This symbol can mean both grief and misfortune. That is why it is important to interpret the symbol in time in order to prevent future misfortunes predicted in a dream.

Very often, strawberries in a dream can be interpreted as a negative symbol. In particular, if a person sees only rotten berries in the garden, he should beware of betrayal and problems related to his personal life. It is likely that a loved one decided to leave the family, and that is why this symbol appeared in a dream. Having seen rotten strawberries, you should prepare yourself for future trials. Of course, you shouldn’t despair ahead of time, because sometimes this symbol never finds embodiment in a person’s real life.

Why do I dream that I am eating rotten or missing strawberries? Most often, this symbol means that a person does not notice the intrigues that reign around him. Most likely, the owner of the dream is being deceived by family members or close friends. That is why it is worth looking carefully at everyone who is nearby and trying to detect betrayal in its very beginnings.

If a person weeds a garden bed where there are no strawberries and only leaves, then one should expect misfortune in the future. Such a symbol can even mean infertility. Perhaps this topic worries a person very much, and therefore he should consult a doctor. Also, this symbol can mean health problems of a very different nature. Sometimes sleep helps prevent the development of the disease in time.

As noted above, a dream in which a person sees ripe and red strawberries foreshadows only joy in his future life. Very often, if a person dreams of picking strawberries, only joyful and bright prospects await the owner of the dream in the future. It is quite possible that he will succeed in his career. Also often, a dream can signify future successes on the personal front. The main thing is not to scare away luck with your persistence and try to use the symbol as efficiently as possible.

Strawberries almost always act as a symbol of future success in love. Perhaps a person will finally meet his soul mate. Such a positive interpretation of a dream always inspires optimism, but you should not rely only on the symbol. It’s better to make an effort to find your lover yourself so that the dream really comes true.

Sometimes this symbol promises large monetary profits. For example, if a person eats strawberries from the garden in large sizes, this can become a symbol of future career success. If a person eats dirty or rotten strawberries from the garden, then success may not be expected! Such attention to detail helps to correctly interpret the dream and prevent the negative consequences of the dream in a person’s real life.

It is important to note that only if there are various details in a dream, a person will be able to correctly interpret the dream. Sometimes details show the true outline of the events that await a person in his real life. You should not ignore even a small symbol, even an insignificant detail.

Strawberries are a positive symbol and often indicate a strong and incredible feeling in a person’s life. And yet, for a more accurate interpretation. It’s better to remember as many details of the dream as possible, and try to work with different dream books.

Large strawberries according to the dream book

An appetizing large strawberry in a dream usually looks tempting, and a person has no doubt why this stunningly aromatic berry is dreamed of - of course, for pleasure. However, if the premonition of happiness is clouded by anxiety, the need arises to look into dream books, and not in vain: some of their prophecies are quite unexpected.

Temptations and disappointments

The interpretation of a dream about a large strawberry depends, as often happens, on how you dreamed about it and remembered it:

  • Wild growing - to uncontrollable sensuality.
  • Sadovaya - to work.
  • Juicy - for a passionate date.
  • Very ripe - to worries about infatuation without reciprocity.
  • Rotten, overripe - to pay for immoderate sexual adventures.

Sweet plantations

A forest meadow strewn with large strawberries is a sign of sexual temptation, but seeing them in your own garden is a sign of upcoming spiritual or physical efforts. Vanga's dream book tells why you dream of growing Victoria in the garden beds: this means the need to evaluate yourself critically - some of the dreamer's views will shock others or, at least, seem unusual to them.

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, carefully caring for it in the beds, watering, weeding, means dull, low-paid work. It’s a different matter if you dreamed that others were doing this work in a dream, diligently cultivating the soil and berry bushes in the garden - it is to these people that the dreamer will shift his worries.

Temptation by ripeness

In order to bring bodily pleasures in reality, large strawberries must be in the dream, as they say, in the very juice - red, ripe, fragrant. Then in reality the lovers will have to meet on a romantic date, burning with impatience and passion. Loft's dream book predicts harmony in the marital bedroom for a married dreamer if he dreams of a sweet red berry.

For a lonely person, seeing delicious ripe fruits is a reminder of unrequited feelings; he still yearns for unfulfilled happiness. For young people, a juicy, ripe delicacy promises a love adventure. Why do you dream that among the red fruits you come across rotten ones? Love pleasures will entail annoying troubles.

Taste of passion

Freud's dream book, which interprets large strawberries as a harbinger of deep sexual experiences, foretells unrequited passion for those who harvest a fragrant harvest in a dream. Collecting overripe fruits in a basket prophesies the loss of hope for reciprocity, the absolute indifference of the object of desire.

However, if the dreamer eats it more than collects it, then the dream foreshadows mutual attraction, a romantic date that quickly turns into a close relationship. If you happen to eat juicy fruits beyond measure, dream books predict enjoying erotic pleasures to the point of satiety.

Miller's Dream Book about Love Expectations

Promising a person who saw a large strawberry in a dream crazy romantic adventures, Miller’s dream book specifies some points. He explains why rejected, rotten berries are dreamed of - a drama based on love fever. I dreamed of making jam from berries - a sign of readiness for an open expression of feelings. Watching other people's efforts over fragrant preparations means expecting active courtship from your lover.

Dream Interpretation Strawberry, why do you dream about seeing Strawberries in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Seeing Strawberries in a dream – See below for heightened eroticism symbols.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberries - Seeing a lot of strawberries on the bushes in a dream means a strawberry harvest.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberries - Picking and eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of joy.

Children's dream book What does Strawberry mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of Strawberry - You will have fun with friends at a disco.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Strawberries according to the dream book:

Strawberries – Eating strawberries means quickly passing days.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Strawberry – Sexual adventure.

Culinary dream book If you dream about Strawberries in a dream:

Strawberries - Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a great time; if, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.

Love dream book

Strawberry - Strawberry and strawberry in a dream. You will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal. If you dreamed that you were eating strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Strawberry:

Strawberry - Juicy, wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings. Strawberry jam is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion. Rotten, dry unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.

Berries according to the dream book

Berries seen in a dream can foretell pleasant meetings and disappointments. The dream interpretation of this symbol is sometimes very contradictory. Are you going to find out why you dream about something like this? Explore all your options.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to pick berries, then in the near future you will have a monotonous, painstaking task. The modern dream book promises that if you try to understand goals and objectives, work will not seem so boring.

Since you happened to eat berries in a dream, try to taste them thoroughly. Sweet, juicy and appetizing-looking fruits promise success in all endeavors. If they turn out to be inconspicuous, sour, and even more so rotten or dry, you need to be on alert, as you may be in serious trouble.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, it means that your patience and ability to wait will not go unnoticed. The dream can relate to any area of ​​life - both business and interpersonal relationships. You decide where the desired result is most needed at the moment.

Color and ripeness

The interpreter associates everything that a red berry means in a dream with family relationships. Red berries often appear in night dreams before relatives arrive from afar. It is quite possible that someone close to you is worried about you at the moment. A dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherry and raspberry

The universal dream book considers cherries as a sign of upcoming disappointments and even tears. One of the possible reasons is a not very successful attempt to eat the forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. The dream also speaks of a passionate desire to achieve some goal, although the light has not converged on it, and there are still many interesting things in life.

If you dreamed of raspberries, then you have excellent love of life and exquisite taste. The women's dream book considers raspberries to be a harbinger of many joyful events. A well-deserved reward and a pleasant rest await the dreamer, and the one who collected will soon have fun at a wedding, perhaps his own. The plot also warns of the likelihood of illness.

Strawberry and bird cherry

If you dream of strawberries, then it is easy to guess that it symbolizes a cheerful craving for pleasure. Strawberries can be a dream of adventures with erotic overtones that will bring extraordinary pleasure.

Cherries and blueberries

The universal interpreter believes that cherries growing on a tree dream of tears. Just don’t rush to get upset in advance: if you eat cherries in a dream, this portends good news. Dreamers born in the warm season should prepare to make a profitable deal.

If you dreamed of blueberries, in reality a real mountain feast will soon take place. Some upcoming event will bring a little romance into your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of your health, protect your eyesight, and not get upset over trifles.


Aesop's dream book does not give a definite answer, which foreshadows a vision in which wild berries appear. Collecting these gifts of the forest promises anxiety and trouble, which will ultimately pay off.

If you gape and walk through the berries, victory awaits you in reality. Unattractive fruits are an alarming sign; it’s time to worry about your health. There is also a way to “sweeten” the prediction - make jam from wild berries. Fragrant jam portends success in business and expected profits in full.

Strawberries and currants

If you dreamed of currant berries, try to remember how you disposed of them; this important detail will help you correctly interpret what you saw. If you collect currants, get ready to receive a decent reward for the work done. If you sell, temptation awaits. If you decide to just eat currants in a dream, it means that soon they will make you an interesting offer. Agree without hesitation.

Finding a strawberry meadow in a dream is great luck. The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that these berries appear in night dreams as a sign of pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, and unexpected luck. A joyful event may change your plans, but it will not upset you at all.

Various interpretations

The universal dream book will tell you without undue modesty what the Victoria berry portends. She promises great joy, a fun holiday and unforgettable sex. But if you dream of a rotten or unripe delicacy, then the fun will end in disappointment.

Miller's dream book views this symbol ambiguously: the berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in business and their successful completion. A similar plot may bring tears to your eyes. If in a dream the fruits are bright red, it is highly likely that you are expecting a visit from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

If you dream of a bucket of berries, then your body needs vitamins now more than ever. The Eastern dream book encourages you not to deny yourself a delicacy and at the same time combine business with pleasure. It is preferable to eat in a dream exactly those berries with which the dreamed bucket was filled.

in a dream I saw a lot of big strawberries... why is this??



strawberry? - love-carrots and all that, in any case achieving goals.

olga ivan

In general, a berry in a dream means tears, troubles

Isabella Marie

Strawberries - such a dream promises tempting prospects and pleasures.

Eating strawberries means mutual love and the absence of misunderstandings between lovers.

Trading strawberries means a bountiful harvest and prosperity.
Children's dream book

Strawberry - you will have fun with friends at the disco.
Idiomatic dream book

“Strawberry” is a symbol of eroticism.
Culinary dream book

Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure.

Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, anticipating a wonderful time; if, on the contrary, the strawberries are sour or overripe, then you will experience coldness from your partner, disharmony, and loss of all interest in intimate life.
Love dream book

Strawberries in a dream - you will be destined to experience strawberry pleasures and certainly achieve your goal.

If you dreamed that you ate strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.
Modern dream book

A dream in which you eat fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds, foreshadows sweet moments in the arms of a loved one.

Unripe or overripe strawberries are a sign of dissatisfaction with your sexual partner.

Cooking strawberry jam in a dream means that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you.

Cooking compote with strawberries is a warning; do not get in the way of those who could crush you and not even notice it.

Buying strawberries means shifting your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others and causing sidelong glances from your colleagues.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Picking, planting or eating strawberries is a surprise.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing strawberries in a dream is a sign of a pleasant, but useless pastime and fleeting pleasures.

If you saw a strawberry field, this may mean that small joys and pleasures threaten to pull you into their sweet nets, distracting you from important concerns.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of strawberries on the bushes in a dream means a strawberry harvest.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Picking and eating strawberries in a dream means joy.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Eating strawberries means quickly passing days.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Strawberry - a sexual adventure.
Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Picking strawberries means illness.

Eating strawberries means toothache.

Planting, watering or fertilizing strawberry bushes means boring, monotonous work that will not bring any profit.

In a dream, you watched someone plant, water or fertilize strawberry bushes - one of your loved ones will face boring, monotonous work that will not bring any profit.
Gypsy dream book

Strawberries are an unexpected wealth both at home and in business.
Esoteric dream book

Juicy strawberries - wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings.

Strawberry jam is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion.

Rotten, dry - unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.


Unfortunately, strawberries bring tears to your dreams! If this is not the case, please let me know!

Savlep Savlepych



I dreamed of strawberries that were ripe, red and very large; I picked them for a girl I knew. I tried one

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alexey, perhaps intimate relationships in your life will be filled with new freshness.


I saw in a dream that an acquaintance of mine brought me to a vegetable garden, where all the beds were so neat, we went to a bed with strawberries and he picked me 3 strawberries, gave them to me, they were so tasty and red, then I started myself pick and eat strawberries, pushing away the leaves, I saw a lot of berries

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Ksenia, probably your dream about delicious and red strawberries indicates that perhaps changes for the better will occur in your personal life.


In the dream, I was in my garden and literally all the beds were green with planted strawberries. And large red delicious berries, which I ate with pleasure))

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Angela, perhaps your dream about strawberries suggests that you will have a huge choice related to your feelings.


I dreamed of a field of strawberries, and the berries were not growing but lying around. There are many people around picking them, including me! I ate it periodically)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elena, strawberries in a dream can mean passion, a love relationship.


I had a dream twice in which I eat strawberries straight from the garden. They are all large and ripe. And I also treated my aunt and friend to these strawberries

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Olga, eating strawberries in a dream means hot mutual love.


In my dream, my nose itched terribly, I started sneezing and rotten strawberries began to fall out of my nose, mixed with blood, I think! What is this for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Angelina, perhaps your dream about rotten strawberries falling from your nose with blood indicates that you may have some problems with your health.


I dreamed that one large strawberry was lying next to me, but I couldn’t try it, my cat came up to it and ate it greedily, but I couldn’t touch it.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Artem, probably a dream in which you see a strawberry, but cannot get close to it, and a cat eats it, says that in reality someone may have their eye on something that belongs to you, but you cannot stop it.


I dream that I am at my sexual partner’s house, we wake up in the morning, his mother comes from the dacha (I don’t know her) and brings just unrealistically large, palm-sized strawberries, red, juicy, ripe. I don’t remember, but I don’t think I ate it. I don’t even like strawberries in real life.
help me understand what mom has to do with it?
Thank you!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Taisiya, perhaps a dream in which the mother of your sexual partner brings large strawberries, but you do not eat them, suggests that on a subconscious level you do not want to reach a higher level of communication with your partner’s family.


I dreamed of a lot of large red strawberries, but they did not grow, but berries lay there, berry by berry, and of very large incredible sizes in a small square in the city

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Oksana, perhaps a dream about a lot of large strawberries suggests that you are about to find yourself in a place with an abundance of something.


They sent (as a gift from the south) a huge selection of strawberries. Subsequently, it turned out to be laid out on the railings near the house in order to be better preserved - strange, but it was like that in a dream. I tried a few, the berries were very tasty

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Inna, perhaps such a dream suggests that in reality you can experience some kind of pleasure, possibly of a personal nature.


In a dream I walked through a private house. There were strawberry bushes (without berries) growing in the yard. Everything was well-groomed (no weeds, well-planted) and recently watered. The hostess appeared and said: “Get out of here, otherwise you’ll trample all the strawberries!”

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Sergey, strawberries are in your dream. probably foretells you tempting prospects for which you will have to fight.


I dreamed that I found a strawberry with someone, it grows almost like a bush, there are a lot of red ripe berries, and when we ate, I started looking to see if there were any left and I found a very large berry, so big that it didn’t fit in two hands, I picked it and took a bite and hid it from everyone, then hid it in some house

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Asiyat, you can probably find in this person a reliable companion in entertainment and relaxation.


I saw in a dream how I went into the garden and picked strawberries. Then, while eating it, I simultaneously make a wish in my sleep. I don’t know what this dream is for. I would like to solve it.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Tamil, the fact that there were strawberries in your dream most likely indicates that your life will soon be filled with pleasant events.


I had a dream that I was in my aunt’s garden. Auntie is not in the garden because it is autumn and all work in the garden is completed. I approach the garden bed and see just a huge strawberry (one berry). I pick it and eat it. I go further and see several smaller strawberries, but in comparison with ordinary strawberries they are much larger. These berries are in a liter clean jar - it feels like the jar was specially placed so that the berries do not fall to the ground. I also eat them.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Anna, the fact that there were strawberries in your dream probably promises you a rich sex life.


Hello, I dreamed that in the refrigerator of the person I broke up with in reality, I found 2 buckets of strawberries, in one bucket it looked like jam. Why such a dream??


I look into the refrigerator, and there are large red strawberries in a bucket on the top shelf.


i dreamed that my boyfriend collected strawberries for me in a container (jar, box, etc.) (they looked so juicy and ripe), left them in front of my door with some kind of note and left, and then I took them into the kitchen and didn’t eat her!
thank you in advance!


Please tell me how to interpret my dream. I dreamed that I was in some kind of vegetable garden (in the village where I spent my summers as a child), making my way through soil dirty after rain, stepping over various plantings, and then I came across strawberry beds. I notice one, lift the leaves and see a lot of ripe berries. Then I notice the berries are simply huge - ripe, beautiful! She was carrying some other small boxes and collected some in them. I decided to take another berry - one of the big ones. I remembered that the garden was not mine and therefore I didn’t take the largest one. Then I went along the normal road, I even ran - but not from anyone, I just wanted to, it felt so good, free!
And before that, on the same night, I dreamed that I came to some dark hall with friends, similar to a museum. Soon some people in blue cloaks, similar to magicians, began to come in. They began to freeze everyone. I got scared, thought that the end had come for me, and hid behind the screen. They noticed me, I closed my eyes in fear, but I was not frozen. They began to look at me, surprised, delighted. They invited me to come with them, I went - I was not afraid with them, but interesting.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were strawberries in your dream most likely promises you a pleasant pastime, a lot of pleasure and joy.


I dreamed that there was a pot with a strawberry bush on the windowsill, like a house flower. I admired it - it was large, regular in shape, but red only on the side. I decided that it was too early to pick it, and left it untouched to ripen. What is it for? Thank you!


I dreamed that I was sitting at a table with two women, one of whom I knew. They eat ripe strawberries, but don’t give them to me. What does such a dream mean? Thank you in advance.


Hello! Tell me how to interpret my dream.
I dreamed that a huge number of strawberries grew in our dacha. They grew everywhere: on the ground and on the bushes... the berries were very large and red. I walked around with a basket and picked them with pleasure.
Thank you in advance.


I dreamed that in a small river with clear water at the bottom there were strawberries growing, of unusual size... (larger than grapefruit))))


Hello! I had a dream that I was freezing beautiful juicy strawberries and adding more sugar to them! What would that mean?


Hello! And what could it mean in a dream in which I see a huge box of strawberries, and I’m trying to choose the best one from it, since sometimes I come across rotten, dented ones... in the end I bought a whole bucket of very beautiful, fresh strawberries. What does it mean? Thank you very much in advance!


Good afternoon I dreamed that my friend and I decided to buy strawberries. Its cost was high: 1500 UAH (a man bought it before us). And I decided to buy a little. Having picked strawberries and weighed them, the price also turned out to be high: 500 UAH. And we refused. But I saw that we were walking with strawberries in a bucket. And I thought, who will return the bucket? The friend ate all the strawberries herself. And I thought, let me return the bucket myself.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream of this kind probably means that you will have doubts, but still buy this delicacy.


I dreamed that I had 1 strawberry bush growing in my garden and every 10-15 minutes one large, juicy, ripe berry grew there... I picked and ate these berries three times, and on the fourth I picked them, I wanted to eat them, but they turned out to be terrible black, long worms! Why is this dream???


I dreamed that I was walking along well-groomed, level beds, and on the bushes there were apparently small, unripe strawberries. And at that moment, when I noticed a more or less red berry that could be picked and eaten, my cousin called me and hurried me to follow her into the house.


Hello, please tell me why I have such a dream. I'm standing in some kind of diner kitchen and in the corner there's a box of frozen strawberries (the strawberries were in ice and were slowly melting).


In the dream, there were a lot of strawberries in the beds and I picked them with my grandmother, but didn’t eat them! And in the end we decided that there were too many strawberries for us and we needed to sell them!


I dreamed of a very large strawberry, probably larger than a pumpkin! It was ripe, but on the side it was a little rotten! Mom told me in a dream that it wasn’t ripe yet, I never tried it!


She collected the strawberry jam spilled on the table onto a glass plate, half broken, but also with jam. What could such a dream mean?


Hello! Help me recognize a dream in which my loved one, with whom I’m currently in a quarrel, and I are standing by a bed of green strawberry leaves that have just been watered; I find berries in the leaves, but don’t eat them. Then I find one very large berry, of an unusual shape, and I offer it to my beloved, but he didn’t take it. The berry on one side began to deteriorate a little. Thank you.


In a dream, my mother gives me a huge strawberry, it seems to be ripe, but I see it green, with the words that this strawberry is from my late father. I take the strawberry and see an ant crawling into it, I break the strawberry, and it turns out to be hollow and inside it is another berry, like a blackberry, but red. I taste this miracle berry - it is very tasty and ripe.


I dreamed that I was going to the garden and picking two strawberries from the garden bed. One is small and heart-shaped, and the other is incredibly large and juicy! I bite it, and it’s very tasty! at this moment I try the smaller one, but it is sour and I spit it out, and then continue to eat the larger one. My whole face was covered in juice from it. Why could this be a dream? I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ve been in love with one guy for a year.


hello.. I dreamed that I went into a bed with rows of strawberries, it was flooded with water, that is, mud. At first I didn’t see any strawberries, but I reached out and picked 3 strawberries. I felt that I had crawled into the mud, but my shoes came out unstained, then I looked at one strawberry for something black, I broke it off and there were big ants in it, out of fear, I threw this strawberry into the water, but ants climbed out of the water in a formation, towards me, but I walked around them. tell me what the dream is about. Thank you.


I dreamed of a bed along the asphalt, and in this bed there were very large and red strawberries and on the other half of the bed there were large and red raspberries. And this bed seemed to be located near the asphalt and there were a lot of people, both children and adults, on the asphalt, and there was some other building nearby maybe a school or something else. In general, the bed is located next to the road on which there are a lot of people, I think of different ages. And this bed is half strewn with large and red raspberries and half with ripe and red strawberries. Many people rushed to the bed and picked the berries and I am with them. I remember that the berries tasted delicious and the berries were so beautiful. When everyone was picking the berries, everyone was fussing, and so was I, I was afraid that I wouldn’t get enough


Today I had a dream that I was walking in golden shoes with high stilettos in the garden, there were different flowers growing there, it seemed like there were some other plantings and strawberries with flowers and already ripe berries


I went out into the garden and saw many beds with strawberries, but on some bushes they grew like beets; huge berries were sticking out of the ground, also the size of beets. I didn’t want to pick them and found a small, not quite ripe berry and I think I ate it


I dreamed of a very large strawberry, just the size of an apple. And I pick it up and start eating it, and there are huge bones inside, like in fish... What does this mean?


Hello! I had a dream that I was picking strawberries, but on one side the berries were rotten and dry, but then I turned around and on the other they were ripe and large, then I picked a very large berry, it seemed juicy and ripe, but still not quite ripe, I I want to eat it, but I stop thinking that I need to wash it first. Something like that. Thanks for the interpretation!


I was carrying ripe, juicy strawberries (a lot) in a minibus, and the passengers ate almost all of them... I was terribly upset and even promised to stuff one glutton’s face upon arrival


Scientists have created an invention that makes strawberries grow faster, but there are side effects. In the form of mosquitoes and bees, they guard the strawberries. I wanted to pick strawberries, but I couldn’t.


We were standing in the dining room serving and there was a whole bowl of red, almost black, juicy strawberries. I wanted to take it, but I saw the strawberry compote and took it. But for a long time at the table I was worried why I didn’t take strawberries, but I wanted to take a lot, and not just one at a time


Hello, I had a dream, I saw a bowl of strawberry jam on the table. The strawberries were very large, ripe, almost burgundy. It wasn't me who made him. I looked at this basin very suspiciously and with distrust, but I knew what it tasted like. It didn't taste like jam, but like fresh strawberries. But I wondered if they washed the strawberries before making the jam. In my dream I didn’t eat this jam.


I ate sweet strawberries boiled in water at 70 degrees, they boiled but did not fall apart. I was rushing to school at 11 o'clock to hand over something.


I’m eating overripe strawberries from the garden, and my deceased grandparents come out of the house, with their backs to me, and I understand that they are offended at me because I didn’t say hello to them.


I immediately dreamed that I gave birth to a child, a girl, and then she died, but I didn’t see the funeral, and then I dreamed that I was at my parents’ house and my stepfather was picking strawberries


I'm in a situation in reality. I dreamed that my husband and I were walking through a fruit market and many people were selling strawberries there; one seller treated me to strawberries, they were very sweet. and we moved on...


I dreamed of a lot of ripe bright red strawberries. I was going to collect it in a bucket. I went to another place and saw a lot more strawberries, but they were already overripe and I returned to the same place to collect the ripe ones


There are a lot of ripe and large strawberries in the garden. A lot of the same strawberries are collected in a large bowl. I ate strawberries, very juicy and sweet.


I dreamed of a vegetable garden where home crops grow, among which there were many strawberry bushes and many berries on them, I picked and ate strawberries without washing them first


I planted strawberries, they ripened in two minutes, I tell my beloved, look how cool the ones I bought are growing so quickly. You can eat it every day. and so red and delicious too


Hello! I dreamed of everything against some white background. I ate something sweet and also white. I remember that I didn’t really like the taste and then there was strawberry! so bright and juicy. I started eating it along with white sweets, and I remember that it was delicious. I remembered that everything was somehow light, and the strawberries stood out so much. And I remember that some tender feelings took possession of me...


I dreamed of beds with strawberries. There were a lot of them and they were beautiful and ripe. I wanted to pick them to make compote, but my grandmother (she is no longer alive) told me that they were missing, although I saw that they were ripe. Then I I thought that it would go into compote and started collecting it. At the same time, I ate it and collected it in some kind of container. When I collected it, it turned out to be not even bad, but a normal ripe, large, tasty, fragrant strawberry.


Hello. The other day I had an interesting dream. It’s as if I see young strawberry bushes, I look closely, they are blooming, I look further and see berries, semi-ripe, I pick them, I barely feel the taste, then everything is transferred to my grandmother’s “backside” (she lives in the village, plants potatoes in her backyard every year ), and instead of potatoes, strawberry bushes, young ones, are also blooming, I look closely and there is a ripe Victoria, I sat down, I look and there is a lot of it, I collect it, eat it right away, then it’s as if I’m already pulling it out of the ground like a carrot, I shake it off the ground larger, I eat right away. It’s as if my dear younger sister is nearby, her silhouette is glimpsed and her voice speaks where you find her, I say yes, there she is... Then I hear the voice of my grandmother’s neighbor (he has already died) threatening that I’m already collecting on his site... He often used to swear I was just not very happy with my grandchildren being slobs))
The dream is clear, colorful, the weather in it is clear. Can't get it out of my head. Help me explain, maybe it’s significant? It's really stuck in my head.


We were walking with the child. It seemed like we were going home, and on the way we saw several people pulling bags of strawberries, and several more bags lying on the way. I took the bag and pulled it, the strawberries were very beautiful, ripe, big)


I dreamed that my older sister bought a big house, and there was a garden in which strawberries grew, large, ripe, sweet) I ate them and couldn’t stop.


I was walking along the road and saw a flowerbed, and there were strawberries on it and they were so big, ripe, red, juicy! When I picked them, I saw my boyfriend in front, he just stood there and did nothing...


Hello, I am 40 years old. On Easter night I dreamed of ripe beautiful strawberries not on the bushes and unripe (very green) ones on the bushes, the fruits of which were raised up and not down, as usual. The dream was colorful, but not very clear, except for the fruits and bushes I don’t remember anything else. I would not have remembered this dream if I had not heard a conversation between 2 women on the bus, talking about dreams.
Tell me what this could mean?
Thank you in advance


I dreamed that in a clearing near small birch trees I was picking strawberries and mushrooms, the strawberries were ripe, juicy, with small drops of dew, but I didn’t eat them and collected them on a plate! There were also mushrooms in the clearing, a lot of mushrooms, I also picked them, and picked them all I did a lot!! then when I woke up I realized where I was, this forest I know very well!!!


I dream that I seem to be with my grandparents, but the yard doesn’t look like their yard, in the dream I only see my grandfather. I’m walking around the yard and I see a garden and there are strawberries growing there, and they’re so big and red, girls I don’t know are walking around in the garden eating these strawberries, they saw me (my father also appeared from somewhere) they came out of the garden, and I told them “you’ve probably got all the berries.” ate it, why without asking?”, they apologized and left. We went into the garden and saw that the berries were still left, I wanted to try it, I picked a large, ripe strawberry, I tried it, it was very tasty, and the taste was somehow unusual, more like a watermelon, I took a bite and put it in a bag, I don’t remember what happened next, I woke up.


I dreamed from April 21 to April 22. In the store I saw large dark burgundy almost black frozen strawberries, I was happy and surprised and began to type to buy.


Good afternoon. I keep having a dream in which I see my grandmother’s house, I go there all the time, I dream about her garden, my grandmother died a long time ago, and the house was sold. I often dream about large strawberries in the fields and I eat them. And please tell me why I dream about my brother (he died), that he pulls out his hair and doesn’t speak. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed of people in the forest who were carrying huge strawberries or wild strawberries in baskets, I went there and saw a clearing where large strawberries or wild strawberries lay on the ground.


Good afternoon Today I dreamed of someone else’s dacha and as if I snuck in and stole the greenhouse. But I saw small chicken houses there and began collecting eggs. The eggs were brownish in color. Afterwards I don’t remember what I did with them. But I remember that it was morning at dawn and I seemed to be already at my dacha, I went to see if the strawberries were ripe, I saw reddish berries, but I don’t remember whether I picked them or not. Thanks for the answer!


Hello! I dreamed that I didn’t have a left arm. In the dream, I don’t feel pain, but I understand how disabled people with missing limbs find it inconvenient to live.


I dreamed that I was holding a large ripe strawberry in my hands, I wanted to eat it, but it was slightly stained with soil


I am in a closed area (prison) and suddenly a large red strawberry appears on the ground. I take it and eat it, it’s very tasty.


HELLO! I don’t remember the whole dream, but the most vivid impression was the moment when I ate large, ripe strawberries with a man, whom, unfortunately, I also can’t remember...


I dreamed that I was sitting in a car, it was raining heavily, and on the other side of the street a woman of gypsy appearance came with a huge cart of strawberries. I run out to buy strawberries, there are a lot of buyers and I’m afraid I won’t make it in time! Then the seller suddenly runs away while I was putting it in a bag and instead of strawberries in the cart there was raw meat and I put meat in the strawberries too! There was no one to pay so I took everything for free and left!


Hello. I saw a plate of large strawberries. Mom said that it was store-bought, so it was chemical and tasteless, but out of curiosity I decided to try it, I thought if it tasted bad I would spit it out, but the berry was sweet, although light inside


Hello, the whole dream before the strawberry was chaotic, I remember exactly from the moment of the strawberry. From somewhere I take out two large briquettes of frozen strawberries, they are all textured, bright red (unusual color), smooth, without a single black dot or greenery. I took it out to defrost. I placed one briquette on the radiator in the room (at home), the other in a tray and on a burner with a small flame (at home in the kitchen) to defrost. at that time there was some man next to me, but we didn’t have a relationship, we knew each other in a dream, I don’t know him in life. After some time, I went into the kitchen and saw that the tray with strawberries was not on the stove, I was afraid for the strawberries and asked the man, “Are the strawberries defrosted?”, He replied, “Yes. I took them off.” I looked at the table and saw a tray of strawberries, they were just as beautiful, selected and red, but they seemed to have already been steamed into jam. and then I woke up. the dream was simply imprinted in my head, and the strawberries are still before my eyes... so red...


I had a dream today, I was selecting beautiful large strawberries to buy, but there weren’t enough of them and the seller went for the next batch and while he was walking I looked at the white currant berries and said that I don’t like currants. They waited for the seller for a long time when I opened the door, that If I called him, there was a men's steam room and a lot of naked men. There was no money for the purchase, they lent me one thousand rubles


I drank fresh strawberry compote. rather not compote but lemonade with mint strawberries. it was in compote with fibers. the compote was bright red. I was in a house with many cozy rooms. bright colors. very intimate.


I have now quit my job. I haven’t informed the ex-director yet about where I’m going. And I dream that she supposedly had a lot of strawberries ripe on some plantation and I really want to pick
a little home for your child. But I want to do this secretly from the director...


I dreamed of a lot of colorful strawberries that my deceased mother treated me to. I ate it, it was very large and sweet.


I dreamed of a friend’s deceased mother who treated me to strawberries from a large basin


at first I eat strawberries in the neighboring yard, the neighbors don’t like it, then I dream that I’m choosing, tasting, eating and buying strawberries at the market, surprisingly at a very cheap price


Good afternoon Immediately after breaking up with my loved one, I had a dream. A woman older than me came to my home, she asked me to talk about him, allegedly he met with her, but deceived her about something, she said that she was married, her husband was pregnant, she cried and complained to me.. There was a little girl with her, like a daughter, then I see my daughter playing with her... Then I saw the road along which I was leaving him, waiting for some kind of transport, and around there were many women selling large, unusually beautiful strawberries... I buy it, try it, think that I should take more... The dream was unusually vivid and believable..


I ate strawberries with my husband... I ate very large ones, and my husband first ate smaller strawberries, and then huge ones, like me....


I dug up someone else’s strawberry bushes and was going to plant them for myself; they were green, strong, but still without fruit.


Good afternoon, Tatyana! :) I had a dream... I’m standing in the garden and there are a lot of strawberries in front of me, I go to see if there are any berries and I begin to move apart the large green bushes, there I see very large and red strawberries, There were very few ripe berries, I I was glad that I could pick berries :)


I dreamed of two strawberry beds in my garden on the right and left sides. All the brushes hung red and ripe. I was surprised how quickly and amicably everything ripened!


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking near some house and strawberries were growing around it (Victoria), I walked past and picked a couple of berries and ate them just like that, and then I picked a huge berry, the size of my fist. You can see from it that it is ripe, it will even soon become overripe, but it was dirty and it was impossible to eat it like that, and I was upset and took it with me to wash it. Then the dream ended


in a dream, I was picking strawberries with my parents in my city. But it was my first time in this house, as if they had moved there recently. The strawberries were large, ripe, and in some places there were also not quite ripe ones.


The garden plot is covered with a dump of wet, clean quartz sand, and from under the sand there are very large, beautiful strawberries. I picked 2 pieces and ate them, but they weren’t tasty or sweet.


I dreamed of a balcony in a multi-storey building, and on the windowsill there was a pot in which strawberries grew, they were ripe, red and very juicy


I only remember that I picked and ate strawberries, then I went somewhere and saw men, one of them was a friend of my ex-husband.


A woman in the image of a saint, most likely Matrona, chose the largest, most beautiful red 2 strawberries from the basket, and said to give them to the children (my son and daughter are adults)


I saw in a dream strawberries, ripe and not ripe, the ripe ones were red and not the ripe white ones, and they stood next to the grapes and it was raining, and at that time a relative called me and she said that my grandmother should come today for the holiday and then I told her okay and put I told my grandmother that you won’t go, we are not friends with her and she replied that she won’t go after that I caught a cold


In a dream, I was looking at new shoes on the shelves and came across a box of strawberries and I simply ate the red one, and while I was eating the second strawberry (in my opinion, a different color), I made a wish


I dreamed of several strawberry bushes in a pot, quite large in size, strewn with strawberries, in my house.


hello, there are a lot of strawberries... just the sea. Huge and small, I was stuffing my mouth full of them. Why?


The bees ate the strawberries on the bush and I also picked and ate them... and I was also walking up the steps and 2 of them broke off and, in order not to fall, I grabbed a young tree and pulled it out by the roots.

Olya Buzunova:

I see that my relatives seem to be picking strawberries, and I decided to pick a good one, I bent down to a green bush, pushed the leaves apart with my hand, the berries were not beautiful, crumpled, in some places they even began to fade, and below I noticed a large strawberry, but someone also noticed it and wanted to pick it , I got ahead and picked it, the strawberry turned out to be big as my palm in the shape of a heart, red, beautiful, ripe berry. Then I woke up.


Hello, I dreamed of a tree that looked like a large liana and on it grew a large, beautiful cranberry tree. This tree belonged to a friend whom I helped with housework and she had to pay me money, but I refused it. And in return I asked to give me seedlings of these strawberries and that woman willingly agreed.


I dreamed that I was buying sweet, tasty strawberries. They were not beautiful, but sweet. I bought 3 kilograms.


The strawberry bushes resembled small trees, and the berries were the size of a glass. The dream was colorful and so real. I didn’t eat anything, I just touched it with my hands and thought about how delicious it must be)))


I saw a whole clearing of large ripe strawberries and I collected them in a basket. The bushes were tall and all strewn with berries, the clearing was well-groomed.


We agreed in reality with a young man (married, not everything is good in his family, no children) to just drink beer, I like him very much. I dreamed about how we choose a beer, I take a dark one, open it in the store, drink it and snack on it with strawberries .He said that it was not tasty, how could that be. He paid for the strawberry juice and beer that we took.


I was collecting strawberries on a truck in a bucket and at the same time, I was eating them when I collected a full bucket, some elderly woman wanted to take them from me, but I didn’t give them, before getting off the trailer of the car, I gave my bucket to the man who was standing at the bottom, I don’t remember further.


I dreamed of strawberries, I was with my parents (they have a private house), they were large like apples and were already in vases on the table, picked and clean.


in a dream I was described as a bouquet of wildflowers, but they were purple and there was a flower with strawberry leaves


Suddenly I saw huge, very large, bright red strawberries in a garden bed at the dacha and began to pick them, and another girl came to pick them and she picked a big one for herself, which angered me because I was picking the berries for my son and wanted to surprise him.


Good morning! I dreamed about strawberries in a field, I don’t remember whether I ate them or not, before that I dreamed that I ate a pomegranate


I suddenly found myself in someone’s garden and there I see ripe, ripe strawberries. And there are so many more of them. I collected them, and from somewhere else a bouquet of yellow tulips and daisies appeared. I was so happy)


The dream was colorful, I was at my parents’ house, from the window I saw growing, bright red strawberries in the garden and how the kids were stealing them, I ran out and scared them, they ran away, and then I started eating them myself, as if I was eating them for the first time, and then I found myself at the sea, the water was very blue, most likely even turquoise, but I didn’t swim in it, I only filmed it with a video camera, the weather was sunny.


Walk through the private sector between houses. The houses are mostly warm colors, it’s summer, green trees, but it’s as if there are no people. On the plot of one house behind the fence there are several old graves, some for mother and child together. There are a lot of red strawberries growing in the neighboring plot; I pick them, but don’t eat them, although the strawberries are good.


in a dream I ate ripe and tasty strawberries. It was very tasty, although in real life I don’t really like this berry. I really clearly felt its taste, felt it on my teeth.

[email protected]:

I dreamed that I was eating ripe strawberries from the garden. There were so many of them. And some were red. and some not really. but they were still delicious. I enjoyed eating them in my sleep.


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking along an alley in my native village and stopped near someone else’s house and started eating raspberries, the raspberries were very large in the dream and juicy, in the last dream I ate raspberries along with strawberries, the berries were red and ripe, but they scared me away in the dream black-haired guy


Today I had a dream that I picked large and even red strawberries from a familiar building and started eating them, then I returned home and woke up


I dreamed of a big truck, there were neatly stacked boxes with large dry strawberries in it, it even shined... My dead father was nearby in this dream, he didn’t say anything….


My ex-man and I were sorting out the strawberries, they were big, red, probably delicious, he looked at me as if he wanted to say something, he treated me well, then there weren’t enough strawberries and I asked the neighbors for more, and they were also growing. I started to pull it out of the ground, the ground was wet and so good. Here


I don't remember the whole dream. I remember that I picked incredibly large strawberries and there were a lot of them, they grew between the trees. The strawberries were somehow unsightly and dry.


I don’t exactly remember the whole dream, but I definitely remember about the strawberries. A field of strawberries (not a vegetable garden), planted in even rows, the strawberries themselves are so big and I ate them. There were some women, they looked after her...


I ate from the bushes, as it turned out, the strawberries I had grown were the size of an apple, so juicy that when I bit into them, the juice flowed down my hands.


before that, my mother told me not to touch the strawberries, then the next day I dreamed that I was sitting in a garden bed and eating strawberries


I dreamed that I was picking strawberries. I don’t remember whether I collected it into something or not, but I definitely tried it. It was juicy, red, and somehow grew on a vine around the post, curling.
email: [email protected]


I dreamed of a large field with huge strawberries, almost the size of a watermelon, and the bushes and branches were as big as a sunflower and very tasty, ripe, red, beautiful.


I ate strawberries straight from the garden. And they were bright scarlet, rich in color, tasty and sweet, and I was happy when I ate them.


I don’t really remember the dream, I remember that they brought a lot of strawberries in bags, probably 2 bags, my dad was there, my mother said that I needed to sort it out... I was smeared all over in these strawberries


I found a red strawberry in the garden and showed it to my husband and father-in-law, but they didn’t believe me, they said it was lying on the ground, I yelled at them and showed them that there were strawberries growing all over the garden. and I picked the first strawberry, took a bite and threw it away


i dreamed of picking and eating huge strawberries, but I put the biggest one in the basket to show my mom!!


I don’t remember how it all started, but I see my lover, who is bringing me and himself two bowls of porridge, in which there is a bright red strawberry. It is cut in half. We are sitting at a table somewhere in a public place and eating.

my name is Meryem:

I lay there and was fed strawberries. The strawberries were big and red. I was also surprised that it was so big and tasty. And I remember that I was sick. Who fed me strawberries told me to eat strawberries, you need to gain strength. I obeyed and was fed. I only saw the hands that gave me strawberries.


I dreamed of my dead parents, we were working at the dacha, my dad felt bad, he just collapsed, we took him into the house and my mother and I ate huge sweet and juicy strawberries, then it started to get dark, I called my daughter, she appeared on the road while walking home at the dacha and chased after her a huge gray wolf, I covered it with my body, he rushed at me to get the child, then I opened the door to the house and threw her in there, I went in and closed the door, but my mother followed me and the wolf slipped into the house, rushed towards the child, I grabbed his mane and With horror I restrained his zeal for the child, I held him back and then woke up!!! what would that mean


Hello, I dreamed that I was eating strawberries, and as I lifted the leaves, the strawberries became bigger and redder and tasted very tasty. I also dreamed that I was flying to Turkey, my mother was sitting next to me, most people did not have time to buckle up and the plane took off sharply, most people fell and got bruised. I would like to understand what all this is about. Thanks in advance.


An 8-year-old child, a girl, had a dream. She saw a huge strawberry bush with large berries in the garden bed, and around this bush there were small strawberry bushes.


She was eating strawberries from the bushes while running away from someone with a friend. It was very beautiful and tasty, and I wanted more. As a result, I hid in some cave.


I dreamed of a strawberry, such a huge one, on the bushes, I looked for a ripe one, picked it and tasted it, it was very sweet...


I’m packing my travel bag somewhere, I’m about to leave some public place (either a hostel or an inexpensive hotel). Everyone has already gathered and left the room, lastly I see there is a bucket full of water and in it at the bottom there is a strawberry bush and on the surface a floating branch covered with a bunch of large strawberries. And I think that I should take it with me and plant it in my garden. This is where I woke up.


I dreamed that during the war I had collected a whole bowl of strawberries and was worried that they wouldn’t take it away and tried to hide, but the big bowl didn’t seem to be taken away, and before that I dreamed of some explosions that caused terrible pain, but I felt happy that I survived, and then strawberry


In the cold season, late autumn, rainy and cold, green strawberries grow in my grandmother’s garden with large berries, some pink not yet ripe, some red, and the size of a berry the size of an apple, one piece fits in your hand


I dreamed of a late grandmother, she asked me to take care of strawberries, to pick the berries so that they would not rot on the bushes, and I picked them, and then my grandmother was sitting in the car and I got into the car and talked to her


Early autumn, I went out into the garden and saw strawberries growing in front of the house (by this time our strawberries were no longer bearing fruit) and there were a lot of bright, large berries on them. We began to collect - this is my mother, grandmother and me. At this time, someone came and the grandmother gave all the strawberries to that person. Then I went to look for strawberries again and found and ate one.

[email protected]:

I’m on a new site where I built 3 foundations for a house, 2 women came to the site, one is the mother of my friend, the second I don’t remember when during the conversation I turned around and saw two large beds of red and white Victoria and before that a police officer came and asked about a person unknown to me, I answered I often bought it recently and I don’t know who it is


Hello! I dreamed that I was in a large market where they sold a lot of fruits and berries. I went up to the shop to take a closer look and saw that they were selling strawberries and each berry was packaged separately. I looked and walked away. And near another shop I saw a lot of unusual green berries. But I didn’t buy or eat anything.


I dreamed that at the dacha there were beautiful, even rows of strawberries and the strawberries were blooming white, there were a lot of flowers, it was a sunny day and a wasp wanted to bite me, but I was gone.


I dreamed as if I was in my old house, which was sold two years ago. and my mother harvested a large harvest of strawberries, the berries were large and sweet, and we sat with my ex-boyfriend and his friends on the veranda, eating these strawberries


Mom sent me to take a package with something to my aunt, I took my friend with me, when we were already approaching my aunt’s house, I didn’t recognize it, it was newly built, we entered it, renovation work was underway, a huge field of strawberries grew near the house, and the strawberries were big, they fit in the palm of your hand. After I gave the package, my friend and I picked some of these big strawberries and left; on the way I took a bite of one berry.


My husband and I were walking down the street and near one of the yards there were strawberries with unrealistically huge berries growing, the owner was nearby, we were surprised by the huge berries, he said that they would ripen in a week, we could come and sell them to us, there was one berry that was very ripe, but it was bitten by a running kid nearby and the owner gave it to us to try, the berry was very tasty and we decided to return in a week.


I dreamed of one huge strawberry. She was white. it tastes so hard, but inside there is a worm (why would such a dream?


So, let's begin!
I was walking with my child on the playground and I saw many, many red strawberries, there weren’t even any green ones, I ate them and felt...
that it was very sweet, I ate it some more, and then I woke up


Good afternoon I dreamed that my mother and I were walking through the garden, and in the beds where strawberries grew, we saw a red berry, but in some places there were still green ones. We pick it and eat it, it tastes like it’s not quite ripe. And then I have a desire to weed the beds, and I don’t find any weeds.


My brother-in-law and I went down the slope and found very large and ripe strawberries. And already at the foot of the mountain there were still green strawberries growing. But also very large.


I dreamed that I came to the garden, where my grandmother said that I would help myself, and began to pick strawberries from the beds, my boyfriend was there, who came up and hugged me tightly. It was not convenient for me to pick the berries, but I did it anyway this, I picked a couple of green ones, but then I started picking ripe beautiful berries and putting them in a basket. My cousin was also there, the cat said, “Look, you missed another ripe bush there.” I picked them there too. The sleep was very warm, soft. Before I have this unpleasant delusion every night and I wake up thinking it’s nonsense, but that one was different... please tell me its meaning. Thanks in advance)


a long table, many dishes, someone's celebration. I don’t remember people, but I hear conversations and laughter. Mom and I are sitting at the table, talking about something, and I am eating salad. it is incredibly tasty. what is it made of? I look and see very large strawberries in sour cream or cream... I eat them again. Later, my mother, stepfather and I are sitting at the other end of the table. I understand that this is their holiday. Mom is happy for her husband that he won five hundred thousand in the lottery. I am happy too.


I live in a private house. In a dream, I go out into the yard and see a huge strawberry lying along the path, a little unripe. The size of an apple. I follow the trail of strawberries and come out to the old neighbor’s fence, behind which dead neighbors, old grandfather and grandmother, stand in their garden. The grandfather has a full bucket of those huge strawberries in his hands. I tell them not to come into my yard and I don’t like it. He says he didn't go. I point to the strawberries and say that they are from their bucket. Then I find a loophole in the fence with my eyes and show them. He silently watches. The dream is bright and colorful. The dead are smartly dressed, surrounded by young, bright greenery, and a blue sky.


I dreamed in real time how a friend went to the store for groceries at 7 o’clock in the morning and returned to strawberries and cream. And the three of us ate strawberries and cream


It was evening. I was running through a strawberry field from someone, then I sat down lower. So that the strawberry leaves would cover me from the drivers, then I heard these people talking to each other, that they had already caught enough and that they would leave me alone for now. I think I would try strawberries, but I don’t remember exactly


I dreamed that I was somewhere in a place unfamiliar to me, with some young man unfamiliar to me in reality, although in the dream I did not know this, but realized it when I woke up. This was a person close to me, because in his presence I behaved freely and calmly. But the dream is not about him. I saw a large, long table on which there was an abundance of sweets, among which strawberries stood out as bright spots. It was in several places on the table and in different forms: separately in a vase, ripe, fresh, very appetizing, and as a filling for cakes and something else, but I don’t remember how, but I remember that it was not fresh, and not in the filling of a cake. I walked around the table and began to look at all this with pleasure and anticipation. And I knew for sure that I wouldn’t stop, and I would definitely eat something, and just try something. I really wanted to try it all and especially eat the strawberries. Then I woke up. I never managed to try it in this dream.


My ex-husband and my former store and I opened the door from the store to the street and there was an all-metal gazelle standing with its back to the store, the door was open, and they were bringing a huge box of strawberries into the store, a very large box and a lot of large, ripe strawberries, and a man was standing next to me at the car. face, and behind me my ex-husband, a joyful feeling from sleep.


Help me interpret the dream! This is the second time I’ve dreamed that I’m biting into a beautiful ripe strawberry, but it turns out to be wormy! What does that mean?


I dreamed of an unrealistically huge ripe strawberry. Our entire summer cottage was strewn with it. And my ex-young man showed this entire harvest. I was very surprised that such a huge one does not exist in nature. Then I tried the berries, started picking them and woke up.


I was walking through the market, and the traders had large, juicy, ripe strawberries for sale, the size of apples. I even remember the feeling that looking at it, my taste buds woke up and I wanted to buy it, I even remember this wonderful strawberry smell that was shrouded in the dream)))


I bought strawberries on a vegetable basis for sale in my store, the strawberries were large and red in a branded box, but suddenly they fell out of my hands, I wanted to leave them, but then I thought that I’ll take another box, and I’ll take this one home and make jam .


I dreamed of a bright green summer, I stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus, there was a bench at the bus stop, I looked under it and there was a huge and juicy strawberry growing there, I ate it to my heart's content!


after winter, when all the snow had melted, I saw thawed red strawberries in the garden, there were a lot of them and they were very big, it was hard to pick them because they lost their shape when you touched them. but still I tore it and ate it.


I dreamed of strawberries in a garden bed, red, small, as if they had not yet grown, but at the same time they were frozen, as if frost had struck and they were under wet snow, and I picked them and said, well, it’s okay, we buy frozen ones and eat them and this one Let's eat. This is such a dream.


Hello, last night I dreamed of a lot of strawberries, these strawberries are brought to my house in buckets, freshly picked from the bush. Why did I dream about strawberries?


I had a dream that I was planting strawberries, then onions, and then that I was plowing grain with my hands or something, I was dragging something behind me, pulling and plowing the field like that! And then I said that I’m not a horse so I can plow))) that’s how then so))


I dreamed that I was tasting strawberries combined with cheese. and I like it, and I’m very surprised by it. I don't remember anything else..


There were strawberries growing in the neighbor’s yard, although it was already winter, and I walked past and there were rich bushes with large strawberries, I was surprised, the owner of the house suggested I try it, when I tried it, it smelled like valerian,


I dreamed of large strawberry bushes with very large berries. There was also a rotten one, but I only collected the whole one. and I also came across one side red, the other green


In my dream everything was in shades of gray. Possibly fog. My mother and I saw a small field of weeds, came to the owner and offered to remove the field for her if she paid 500 rubles each. She agreed, and I saw green strawberry leaves between the weeds, but there were no fruits there.


I’m walking down the street in winter, and I see strawberries on the side of a dump like potatoes. And the same size as a potato. The berries are ripe, bright and almost completely frozen. I ran up and began to choose and got my hands full. I’m in a hurry, I wasn’t walking alone, but he was in a hurry with a friend. I climb over, almost fall, and lightly crush one berry, and eat it so that it doesn’t spoil.


An acquaintance throws strawberries at me, I remember big ones, instead of a debt I take them from the ground, a little broken and dirty, but I took them thinking that it would be good to wash, one strawberry got into my shirt and got dirty, I scold my friend that I lost more money than I threw in instead of a debt, I remember number 3, that is, 3 strawberries, waiting for interpretations


I walked along the path, very large ripe strawberries the size of large plums hung on the bushes, I picked one and ate it and moved on. and people with children were walking towards me and I knew that they were going to pick berries


I dreamed that a neighbor picked a strawberry from her garden and gave it to me. I eat it, it’s big, juicy, but it’s kind of whitish inside!


They brought me a lot of frozen strawberries, they were very ripe red and looked very juicy


I dreamed that I bought dark purple and red strawberries, but I tried the dark purple one and it was delicious


A field of strawberries, the right half of the field is cultivated, the left half is wild, there are a lot of strawberries, they are very large. The smell was felt through the dream. My husband brought me and my daughter there


I had a dream that in the house, in the room, there were a lot of red strawberries, they were even on the walls, in general, the whole room was covered in large strawberries


I am in the city of my youth. I make all sorts of small purchases, go into a small room in a supermarket store and there they sell such beauty! paintings, home fountains, and for some reason purebred kittens. My gaze is focused on the Sphynx kittens, but then their mother appears from the depths of the box. We feel something like we were really looking forward to this meeting (though the cat’s fur is very fluffy and gray - well, it’s also a dream). There are hugs, she caresses me, I hug her, stroke her - bliss. But since I can’t buy it, the hostess offers to buy some jewelry. I’m ashamed, I don’t have enough money, I have the last 2 thousand in my wallet (in fact, I have the last 2 thousand in my wallet and I won’t have money for a very long time), I have to part with it and ask that when you count, give me change, otherwise I have nothing to go home with to another city. I left the store in my hands with 200 rubles and a bag with dirty frozen strawberries, the strawberries are already flowing, I look and I’m thinking how I can bring this disgusting thing home, because I need to go to my grandmother’s sister (I don’t know if she’s alive, but it feels very name). I walk with unpleasant feelings - there is no money, trinkets do not warm my soul. Strawberries are disgusting. There was an even larger box of chocolates in my hands, but I didn’t want to give it away, I needed to bring it as a gift for my mother. (I always brought something). I also carry 2 raincoats. I don’t remember if they were new or not, but they were clean and ironed. I wrap the sweets in my raincoat and in my armpit, in my other hand I have the bag of strawberries sent to me. I go into the entrance hall, it’s as bright as day. a woman comes towards me, she speaks as if she were an acquaintance, I vaguely remember her, she explains something about our acquaintance, but I don’t listen to her, I rise a few steps higher. She sees strawberries and says - * Oh strawberries, how good, I adore them and everyone will be happy* - they will take it away, I give it away with longing in my heart. And then the door opens and I see a bunch of people, but I have to step aside to let my great-aunt’s father-in-law through. Then I go in myself. Someone greets me and hugs me. And the grandmother didn’t recognize him at first, but she squinted and saw her, hugged her, and was delighted. And there’s a sweet thought in my head (I don’t give away candy without a gift, but I think I should give it as a gift, but I can’t get the strawberries out of my head, and I see this dirty red mess. But then that woman comes in carrying sliced ​​fruit, my washed and beautiful strawberries and grapes. Everyone sat in a circle on the sofas and began to eat these fruits. On the one hand, my heart was relieved. But looking at them, the thought did not leave me. What are they? And is my cousin Tomara alive? With this thought, I opened my eyes. Sleep slowly slipped from my eyes, but in my soul there was still that unpleasant feeling - dirty strawberries,


in the supermarket on the shelves there were a lot of red, large strawberries, packaged in plastic containers... We chose them with the whole family, me, my wife and daughter.


I had a vivid dream. It was as if everything was green all around in summer, everything was blooming, and I found a bed with very large strawberries, I had never seen such a big one in my life, and having picked them, I began to eat them... they were so juicy and tasty. That when I woke up, it was as if I I could still taste her


Sunny day. In the yard I saw a bright orange but limp apricot lying on something. and thought I’d go and look at the tree to see if there were any more. I wanted to keep it for a snack. When she reached the tree, she saw ripe apricots on it (although she mentally understood that it was not the season). Then my mother appeared in the garden, she was either picking some berries or weeding. And then I saw bright ripe strawberries in the garden! (surprised, where from?)


I dreamed about how I was picking strawberries in my aunt’s garden, in the dream she allowed me to pick, I had one bucket, and a transparent pink bag around my neck, at first I picked in a bucket, but for some reason I thought that everything would be mixed in there with other berries , and collected strawberries in a pink handbag, I was just looking for them, the strawberries weren’t just lying around, they were hiding under the leaves, I didn’t find a lot of them, but it was okay, they were big, red, and ripe, sometimes I ate them, then I said that You can’t eat it until you wash it, I really wanted to eat it, but I held it back for later so I could eat it clean.


I’m standing in a garden bed, and there are a lot of strawberry bushes around me. I want to eat strawberries, I bend over to pick them, but they are very large, on every bush. I choose which one to eat, because I come across overripe and rotten ones, I look at them and throw them away. I find a juicy and ripe strawberry and eat it. Then I walk further and see a tree on which a large strawberry also grows. I pick the berries and eat them, and all the strawberries on the tree are juicy, woven and large.

Nurakhmetova Zhuldzai:

I see some unfamiliar yard and vegetable garden, I see a plantation of ripe strawberries, I pick and am surprised, and on the porch I see my late father sitting and looking in my direction, I don’t remember his facial expression, but I see him as I remembered him during his life.


Today I had a dream that I was walking around the garden and eating strawberries, at first there were few of them, then when I went further there were more and more of them, they were big and red but not at all sweet, not at all.


The table was covered with a white tablecloth and filled with dishes with bright, juicy strawberries; she ate, dipping the berries in sugar.


It’s as if I found hidden frozen strawberries in bags and a bowl in the barn, and a lot of frozen fish, also in bags, and herring in oil in a pan. I gave my children strawberries to eat, they were very tasty.


I walked and saw a hill when I got there I saw strawberries growing there and many other plants, I don’t remember them, I know that everything was green and blooming. I began to look for strawberries under the leaves, but they were unripe and there were several ripe berries that were also overripe. I also had the feeling that I was not alone there; there was someone else there, most likely male. [email protected]


I saw in a dream how my mother was making strawberry jam! there were a lot of strawberries in the dream! I wanted to eat, but I could only eat jam! in the end I ate one strawberry, but that’s where the dream ended and I don’t remember any further(


I dreamed of a whole field of red strawberries, my sister and I sat in a circle around it and were surprised that so many children began to walk on it and I cursed so that they wouldn’t trample on it


I dreamed: I was collecting strawberries and currants together in one container, I decided to take the strawberries away from the currants for sale, in the process the container fell and I was picking the strawberries. I haven’t collected it all completely. what is this dream for?


I dreamed of large red strawberries, I ate them, and I saw they were growing in the garden, there were large bushes and there were a lot of them


I dreamed that they were judging me and spreading bad rumors about me. And then I sit down and sort through the strawberries and leaves in a plastic bowl.


Good afternoon I dreamed of beautiful, large, very ripe strawberries (Victoria) in my garden (dacha), there were a lot of them. I see a woman (very similar) to one artist and a guy, like her son, eating my berries on their haunches (they seem to be my neighbors in the country, but they don’t look like them in person). I tell them why are you eating my berries, and the woman replies that you are sorry. I answered her that I don’t feel sorry. I even wanted to collect and give them a whole bucket myself, but I don’t like this kind of thing, that they didn’t ask and they eat it. I drove them away.


Hello. I dreamed that there were strawberries growing not far from a garbage dump. There is a lot of it, the berries are large and ripe. I sat on a bench about 10 meters from the berries and smelled the aroma of the berries. Then I went to pick them and eat them. The berries are large, large, tasty, aromatic


My deceased grandmother shows me what grew in my garden at the dacha. Strawberries, pumpkins and peppers grew and ripened there. Some of the strawberries were overripe and there was a lot of everything.


I dreamed of a summer day, I saw strawberries in the beds, medium, large and small. I ate only medium and small ones, the large strawberries were rotten, but not completely rotten, they looked as if they were tasty and juicy, but as soon as I approached them they were soft, you know, it was as if the strawberries had been in the refrigerator for a very long time and acquired such softness and appearance she had one when I was standing near that strawberry, I wanted to pick it out, but a girl came up and pulled it out with such ease and ate it, well, that’s where my dream ended with the answer as quickly as possible.


Dad forces me to eat strawberries by forcefully pushing them into me and I resist as best I can. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems there were 2 other guys there


Growing strawberries in the ground. Part of it was collected. Some of the tubers are ripe, others are half-rotten. I taste the half-rotten berries.

Madalieva Alexandra:

I was walking around the market with my loved one, I saw strawberries and wanted to buy them. She was so large, beautiful, ripe. I say let’s buy it and he points to me at the cherry, let’s better take it, we haven’t eaten cherries for a long time. I say I don't like cherries. In general, in the end he bought cherries and I bought strawberries

Fokht Inna Rafisovna:

I dreamed of our garden in the village and there were beds of strawberries, I looked at them and ate them, they were red and one big one was not yet ripe, I did not pick it. I have dreams like this with strawberries quite often. and even before that I looked at the sky and there were clouds with rain. and only then I ate strawberries


I dreamed of strawberries in the garden after the rain, they were red, ripe, but splashed, I picked them and ate them, they were delicious, large, and then I looked, and in the garden there were a lot of spoiled ones from the barrels, and I thought, well, I’ll cut nothing and it will be delicious.


I had a dream about how I went to the garden and there my ex-boyfriend and his cousin were cleaning up my strawberries and the strawberries were red and very large and the ground was black and black and this time was at the end of March, I was surprised that there were strawberries after he my sister left him and me alone and we started quarreling with him


A friend invited me to her yard and I look at her strawberry beds and see a large, beautiful berry. She treats me to it. Could this be related to my “interesting situation”?


I dreamed of a market where there were a lot of juicy red strawberries on a shelf and I chose a large one and put it in a box, then I went to the seller and it was my grandmother (she died 2 years ago) but she said that something was wrong and went somewhere, she told me to sit on her place and so that no one sees me


I dreamed that I saw beds with red and ripe Victoria. But it’s not summer around and, in principle, it shouldn’t grow


Hello))) I dreamed that it was still winter, there was snow everywhere, but in an instant I found myself in a garden in which there were a lot of beds with strawberries, the rich red color of the berries in combination with dark green leaves seemed to me something unusual, especially since in the dream it was like a miracle in the middle of winter and I understood that it was too early to observe such a phenomenon))) the berries were of medium size and there were a lot of them, under each leaf I found more and more berries, but I didn’t pick them and I didn’t eat, I just watched and admired...


Hello! My name is Tatyana, I realized that we were walking along an alley in the evening with two men and we were trying to get over the mud, I jumped and ended up in the mud above a bone, one of the guys jumped and almost drowned, the other guy saved him. Then we move on and I saw a lot of strawberries in the garden, there were a lot of them and they were very large and ripe, then it started to rain, but the rain was pleasant and I began to wash away the dirt in the puddles, the water was clear everywhere


I came to my late stepfather and his mother at the dacha and picked large red strawberries and ate them, and then I remembered that my one-year-old daughter had never tried them and I went to pick them again, but they were no longer there, there were only unripe white ones and I began to chop the cabbage so that to leaven her at this time, my stepfather and his mother stood and smiled looking at me, I greeted my grandmother and asked how she was doing, and she just asked again - what? and then she brought me my clothes, supposedly something I had once left with them


This is not the first time I have dreamed of a dacha (our old one, we sold it a long time ago) and I pick strawberries there and there are a lot of them. Once in a dream they are very large and large and sometimes I can’t find them, but today I dreamed of this field with strawberries. At first I looked for it in the foliage and couldn’t find it. I found it and then my husband let me near the garden bed, after which he thinned it out and all that was left were sticks with strawberries, but they were white and not ripe! And the fact that I’m picking berries is often what I dream about: strawberries


I dreamed of rows of strawberries. The strawberries were ripe, small and large, I picked them, ate them and felt a pleasant feeling


garden with strawberries, ripe and a lot. There were also flowers there, pink and white. I saw the land too, black soil... please interpret, thanks in advance


I had a dream that I went to pick big red strawberries and there were a lot of them, I ate them and the strawberries next door, ripe red ones


there was a huge mountain of strawberries on the table. Not very large. More like Victoria


I dream of a guy stealing large strawberries from the garden, the size of two palms, I manage to drive him away and begin to collect the remaining strawberries in a bucket, and then I looked and saw that the strawberries were in juice and it turned out that there were currants in the bucket, and my grandmother and I strained and divided the berries separately . we were going to make jam after sleep, I don’t remember


ate beautiful strawberries


Hello. I dreamed that I was picking very ripe and large red strawberries - there were a lot of them.


I dreamed of a large garden bed and a lot of large large strawberries, I want to pick them but I come across small and not tasty


I treated my daughter’s teacher to strawberries, the strawberries were in a bucket, big, beautiful, red, there were also several branches of red and white currants


Green strawberry bushes are strewn with large bright juicy berries and I ask you to bring a bucket to collect the strawberries


dark green strawberry bushes are strewn with bright red large juicy berries and I ask my mother (she is alive and well, thank God) to bring me a bucket to pick the strawberries


I walked in a dream in the house of a nobleman that I like. I looked at the decoration of his house. In my dream I flew high on a carousel and ate strawberries


in my city there are a lot of strawberries growing, large and red, I ripen them.


I asked a woman who lives in her own house and has a plot where ripe strawberries grow, to pick some strawberries for herself.
I had a similar dream earlier, maybe a month ago, or less time ago.
The woman seems familiar, but at the same time I cannot understand who she is to me.


In my dream, a friend from her garden pulled a very large red strawberry from the ground and gave it to me. I took it and tried it


I picked three strawberries for my wife, they were a little in the ground, I thought that I would wash them and take them to my wife, the feeling was pleasant


From Sunday to Monday I saw a strawberry bush all in bloom, but it grew unusually in a flower pot


I was visiting my sister and was very hungry. I started looking for something to eat, I saw red strawberries growing in the beds, and then I saw a lot of trucks and there were already picked red strawberries lying there. There was a lot of it, but I couldn’t eat it. I wanted to eat secretly, but it didn’t work out either and I woke up!!!


Hello Tatyana, my name is Ekaterina, today I dreamed that I was supposedly going to the hospital and passing a kindergarten and there were big big strawberries growing there, I walked further and there was a bush with apples, I picked one apple and took a bite after the hospital, I walked back to the Patois road and there was some rough bullshit, I looked there and there were strawberries growing, I picked a couple of strawberries and ate them, and there were still some wires in this round piece of garbage, and the children were walking and that’s it, I woke up!!!


I came to my friends, they were on the streets and they had big strawberries growing in their garden and I started picking strawberries and then everyone ate them


Someone called me (maybe I know this person), then they offered me strawberries and I took them. The strawberries were juicy, ripe and red, but I didn’t have time to eat them.




Good afternoon! Today I dreamed of a lot of red, beautiful, identical strawberries. We were standing in the kitchen with my friend’s friend and I asked why he didn’t buy small strawberries, but showed me a large bed of strawberries.


Good morning Tatyana. Today I dreamed of a very large red strawberry, but it was not washed. The sides were dirty.


I dreamed that I was picking bright, ripe, juicy strawberries in the garden with a friend. I didn’t see my friend clearly, but I knew it was her.


I dreamed of my grandmother’s house, it was no longer there (it was demolished) and it was as if someone had collected a lot of strawberries and we started sorting them out, I don’t remember who was with me. It was a big bath or something else and light water


Mne prisnilos' chto ya u neznakomih lyudey vozle doma, i sboku bilo more...no ono kak budto bilo uze v ogorode i na plashadke doma...more krasivoe...i s boku kak budto stenkoy bila virashenna klubnika...i ya ee ela...ona bila krasnaya... bol'shaya…i potom hotela sorvat' eshe…i odna bila zelenaya..no ya ne rastroilas'…v real'nosti mne bol'she nravyatsya bolee zelenaya klubnika…chem spelaya…


I stood at the mirror and felt something in my hair with my fingers. I parted my hair and saw strawberries. Almost ripe. At that moment, my work colleague came in and said that I needed to cut them and picked the berries. They grew in a bunch in the form of chamomile flowers in the middle, the largest one. My colleague tried it and said that it was an ordinary one. strawberry. Same taste. At that moment I woke up.


Hello. I dreamed of my (deceased) sister and nephew when he was little. It seems that we are in the village with our nephew’s grandmother (also deceased). We are getting ready to leave for our place. I went to the garden and ate red strawberries there. The clusters are hanging ripe, and there are several clusters in a jar. I didn’t touch them, I just picked them from the bushes. and before this I bought a statuette with two birds and I can’t find it. Then I tell my sister that I will go home straight away, and not with her. She seemed offended. I explain to her. that it’s so convenient for me, but she still sits there offended.


Hello! In a dream, I washed the refrigerator from strawberries, the strawberry juice was absorbed into the walls of the refrigerator and into the shelves and I could not wash it.


I picked red strawberries on the black soil, ate them, they were very tasty. For some reason they grew on potato bushes, some lay on the ground and roots grew from them


There were strawberry bushes as tall as I was, I moved the bushes aside and ate very, very large strawberries, there were also other berries, red blackberries 0_0
What is it for?


There are a lot of large red strawberries in the beds. I bought it individually, counting how many pieces. and there were still a lot of people around


I saw ripe, large strawberries in large basins. Lots of strawberries. When I left, I took a few and ate them. It was delicious.


I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were eating strawberries from a bucket


My sister and I were picking strawberries in the forest. There were a lot of them. They were not rotten, but unusual, similar to strawberries. We filled the bucket very quickly. In the dream I didn’t feel the taste


I had a dream about strawberries. They look like unripe, large ones, but they taste sweet and sour. They offer me to pick them, and I eat them.


I walked along the sidewalk past a strawberry field and saw how women were collecting strawberries in buckets, several huge piles had already been collected, I found out the price of one bucket of berries - 60 rubles and decided to buy, at that time a bouquet of ripe strawberries was in my hands, and I began to eat it.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed of my great-grandmother (deceased), It was all somehow strange, I went into a small unfamiliar courtyard, where I found two unknown graves, I felt scared from this, at that moment my great-grandmother appears and tells me “Climb over fence this yard and everything will be fine!” I thanked her and did as she said, after that I ended up in a ravine between the mountains, where in the grass, or rather, I rolled there due to a steep descent. When I fell to the ground, in the grass I found two green growing strawberries, looked at them and then walked along the ravine, and then at the very bottom of the ravine I discovered a watermelon river, I saw many juicy watermelons in it, people who swam in it and had fun , everything was very bright, everyone was having fun, and that’s how the dream ended!


hello Tatyana...I dreamed that I was walking around the garden and turned my head and saw gorgeous beds with strawberries...but strawberries without berries...gorgeous green bushes but it’s not time for berries yet..


garden-vegetable garden... a lot of ripe strawberries... just red raspberry, bright, beautiful ripe... bushes like shrubs... then I find myself sitting on the eaves of the house... high up... in front of me there is a garden with a lot of green beautiful trees... wooden houses/houses, two storeys, beautiful, not old, well-groomed / next to me is a jar of water with a bouquet of beautiful fresh daisies and a large dish of ripe strawberries in it... it seems I wasn’t the one who picked the strawberries / maybe my mother died 5 years ago / I ate all the strawberries and didn’t leave them for anyone.... then I was no longer on the eaves of the roof / by the way, I realized that I was sitting high and dangerous and in order to get down I had to give this jar of flowers - I gave it to someone younger than me / so .. then I was already at the bottom and apologize to my mother ... like mom, I’m sorry, I ate everything, but there are still a lot of ripe berries in the garden you can pick….


I dreamed as if there was global warming, the snow melted in January and snowdrops were blooming in the garden, I picked one, I looked and tomatoes were growing in the beds and were already red, I picked one and ate it, it was very tasty and juicy, then I thought that probably strawberries with The raspberries were ripe, I went to look and woke up...


Hello. dreamed of tall bushes (unreal) of ripe strawberries from a matchbox


My daughter and I were picking strawberries at our dacha. There were a lot of berries, very large and plentiful.


I was in the garden picking and eating berries. The strawberries were large, but mostly the berries were either overripe or green. And nearby there were blackcurrant bushes strangely tied together, like a sheaf and pressed to the ground. And the berries were large.


the dream consists of several episodes 1) there is a two-story house with a party in it, I don’t see my beloved man’s face, but I know for sure he is on the second floor and a couple more, and he tells me that on the first floor he saw my grandmother and I answer that it can’t be because she died 3 years ago (and in fact she has been gone for more than 15 years) we go down and I really see her 2) episode of a woman with a man, a man is covering a hole in the end of a 5-story building with resin, a woman is standing next to her 3) the same woman and a man are working in a woman in a long, beautiful sheepskin coat leaves the store together 4) in the apartment in which I grew up, my mother and I, a woman of about 55 came to us, I lie with her on the sofa, I talk against the wall about my sorrows and experiences, she silently goes to my mother’s kitchen, I go up to I look at the window and see a cactus on the windowsill among the flowers and in its pot I bring strawberries into the kitchen to my mother and the woman, I take out the cactus and there are 7 small strawberries and the woman says I wish I could give it to the children who came to praise Christ.


I dreamed of strawberry beds and I picked one strawberry and took a bite, I turn around and the man hands it to me and I take a full bowl of ripe and available strawberries


I dreamed that at the market my grandmother advised me to try large frozen strawberries. I tried it, it's sweet. Moreover, she led me to the place in the market where all the berries were, and I needed very cheap ones for jam, an order of magnitude cheaper than anywhere else.


I saw a bucket of ripe, large, red strawberries in the hands of my mother’s deceased grandfather (cousin). Mom has cancer and is very unwell, with no options for recovery. Could these two things be related? Uncle was my mother's favorite.


Good day! I dreamed of a strawberry bed, seedlings full of ripe strawberries almost the size of a fist, and the bushes were entirely red due to the abundance of strawberries.

my name is Evgenia:

I dreamed of a lot of strawberries in large boxes. Beautiful, smooth and a lot. There were both very large and medium ones, but there were no small ones. The impression from what I saw was not bad. There didn't seem to be any heavy sediment.


Hello. I dreamed of large ripe strawberries. Very beautiful. My husband and I came to the garden and she was so beautiful there. We started collecting it. We lift the leaves and it’s so large and ripe inside the bush.


I saw a plot with ripe garden berries and went as if to get some dishes to collect them and woke up, it was the middle of the night


I dreamed of a lot of red strawberries and big ones, I ate them and picked them and was surprised that there were so many of them


Today I had a dream, I was buying strawberry seedlings and they had very large red berries that were a little dirty in places, I thought I’d buy them for my daughter, I’ll plant them, my daughter is 18 years old, what could that mean?


I dreamed of a strawberry that had grown into the palms of my little daughter and didn’t know how to remove them


In a dream, she gave her daughter a large half of a large red sweet strawberry to bite off.


from Friday to Saturday, a woman I knew gave me a whole plate of well-arranged strawberries; I ate one. Why? All this is in a dream.


I had a dream where I saw a whole plate of strawberries cut into pieces, I don’t remember anything else.

Natasha Azov:

I dreamed that I was eating blue strawberries, and next to me lay a red strawberry as big as an apple.


Hello! I dreamed that there was snow on the street, but in the middle of the road I saw a hole, I looked into it and saw a very huge red strawberry (the size of a melon) growing among the bricks and stones and piles of earth. But this alarmed me; in my dream I thought it was a radioactive strawberry.


I went into my barn and saw some large strawberries there, the color was some kind of brown. I started picking them, but they still didn’t end, I raised my head and saw a large gap in the wall, I went up and saw a neighbor’s barn full of these strawberries, and through this gap she poured into my barn, I saw the neighbors there, and began to hide, the neighbor entered my barn through this gap and also began to pick these strawberries, I could not stand it and asked her the question, why did you come here? She shuddered and saw me. Then the dream continued as if I started flirting with my neighbor, and kissed him, even the feeling happened as if it was in real life, it became so disgusting to feel his cold lips on me so quickly that I pulled away from him. and woke up.


I dreamed of a garden of land it was from 1.5 and there were strawberries growing there which I went to pick


I dreamed of a lot of strawberries of a very bright color, and I gave it to a friend to make compote for her daughter’s wedding.

Why do many people dream about

For most people, strawberries are associated with earthly pleasures, love and something else romantic. Citizens who are more “advanced” in matters of sex identify this berry with that very forbidden “strawberry”. It is logical to assume that sleeping with strawberries cannot promise any trouble. But is it really so?

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Miller’s dream book?

Everyone who saw this divine berry in a dream will experience indescribable sensations and new impressions. If you happen to taste juicy, ripe, sweet strawberries, then funny love adventures await the dreamer in reality. And when the sleeping person makes strawberry jam with his own hands, this foreshadows the establishment of a new romantic relationship, the initiator of which will be the dreamer. But if someone else is busy with cooking, then this cook will have to be subordinate to him. Spoiled berries portend all sorts of misfortunes.

Strawberries in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

If a person sees strawberries in a dream, then in reality great happiness awaits him, to which no one and nothing can be an obstacle. Eating aromatic, ripe berries foreshadows a perfectly smooth relationship with your chosen one, complete mutual understanding and versatile support. A merchant selling strawberries in a dream will receive some kind of reward from the Universe for his good deeds. And the person who grows this berry has a non-traditional outlook on life, which causes misunderstanding or even condemnation from others.

What does it mean: I dreamed about strawberries. Freudian interpretation

According to Sigmund, strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure. And if the dreamer dreams of this berry, it means that he desperately wants to meet his soul mate and have sex with her. When the berry has an unmarketable, unappetizing appearance, it is unlikely that the sleeper will be able to wait for reciprocity from the object of his desire. Anyone who is busy picking strawberries in their night dreams is simply doomed to non-reciprocal love. If the dreamer consumes berries in incredible quantities, then a period full of love and tenderness awaits him.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Loff’s dream book?

Married people who see strawberries of the proper quality in a dream will be very happy in their marriage, and single citizens will soon meet the one they have been looking for for so long. If you had to pick ripe strawberries, this means that the dreamer is haunted by his former love, which was not reciprocal. The sleeper is already very worried about this, and such a dream only intensifies this pain, pouring salt on an unhealed wound.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

A woman who devours strawberry-based dishes on both cheeks will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. A man who sees himself in this light can safely count on a salary increase. Rotten berries covered with mold symbolize troubles or even death. And if a person sees a lot of already picked strawberries, then he will soon learn something pleasant about himself.

Why do you dream about strawberries according to Hasse’s dream book?

A strawberry can be a harbinger of some minor, but very pleasant events in the life of a sleeper. If a person sees in a dream that he is eating this berry, it means that he will soon meet his true love. Have you ever sold strawberries at the market? This leads to increased income. And when the dreamer diligently looks after the bushes, he will soon take up some kind of work that will not bring him either money or moral satisfaction. Watching someone else do it is good. This means that this work will be done by an outsider.

Why do you dream about red strawberries?

A lonely person who dreams of a red strawberry will soon no longer be lonely. And if such a dream was seen by someone who already has an object of desire, then such a lucky person will experience unprecedented passion. Eating red berries in a dream means good news, and picking them means fantastic luck.

Why do you dream about big, large strawberries?

Huge berries seen in a dream foretell pleasure. When a girl eats a big strawberry, it means that she lacks thrills in life, but soon everything will change, and she will get everything she has dreamed of for so long.

Dream: eat strawberries

If in a dream you happened to eat strawberries straight from the garden, then soon there will be a romantic date, on which the dreamer will simply melt in the arms of his other half. Eating an unripe berry means dissatisfaction with your partner. Eating ripe, large strawberries means that the object of your desire will soon reciprocate.

Why do you dream about picking strawberries?

Did you happen to pick large, ripe strawberries in a dream? This is for future abundance. If the berries are small, unripe or rotten, then things will not go very well. Harvesting a record harvest means achieving your cherished goal.

Dream interpretation - strawberries in the garden

Ripe strawberries growing in the garden always dream of a new love relationship. Eating berries straight from the garden means drowning in the love of your other half, and if this is a joint meal, then there is a chance to go on vacation to distant countries.

Why do you dream about strawberries - other dream options

  • a lot of strawberries - agonizing anticipation of intimacy;
  • ripe strawberries - a full-fledged love relationship;
  • strawberry bushes - good mood;
  • A pregnant woman dreams of strawberries - the unborn child will be surrounded by love and care;
  • blooming strawberries - the birth of a new feeling;
  • strawberry field - little things will distract from more serious matters;
  • strawberries on the tree - get what you want;
  • strawberries in the forest - joyful events;
  • care for strawberries - do some work without much zeal;
  • making strawberry jam - you will have to communicate with unpleasant people;
  • buying strawberries means entrusting your responsibilities to someone else;
  • unripe strawberries - experience disappointment;
  • cook strawberry compote - the enemy’s plans are not destined to come true;
  • trading strawberries - prosperity;
  • grow strawberries - amaze others with your atypical views on life;
  • rotten strawberries - a love relationship will end badly: either with an abortion or an STD;
  • strawberry jam - a love adventure;
  • sour strawberries - partner’s indifference;
  • feeding someone strawberries - the appearance of a devoted fan;
  • strawberries with mold - the death of someone close;
  • weeding strawberries - you will finally be able to separate the wheat from the chaff (good from bad).

It is difficult to find a person who will be indifferent to strawberries. Only positive emotions and memories are associated with her. A similar positivity extends to dreams in which strawberries appeared. To obtain an expanded and most accurate interpretation, you must first analyze the dream, taking into account important details, for example, what the berry looked like, what you did with it, etc. In addition, it is worth comparing the information received with events that occur in real life.

Why do you dream about strawberries?

If you ate sweet berries in a dream, this is a harbinger of pleasure, as well as harmony in your relationship with your loved one. Selling strawberries means you can count on good luck in all matters in the future. Enjoying berries with friends is a symbol that you can rely on them in real life. A dream in which you are making berry jam indicates the emergence of a new romantic relationship, but it is worth considering that your partner may be insincere. Seeing a large field of strawberries means that in the future you may be distracted from important matters due to minor pleasures. If you watch the berries from the side, this is a positive omen of a fun time and pleasure.

A drink made from strawberries foreshadows the receipt of love news. If you saw small and tasteless berries, this is an indication that your partner’s feelings have cooled. A night vision in which you treated someone to strawberries predicts the appearance of a fan who will inspire and help in all endeavors.

Why do you dream about picking strawberries?

Such night vision may be a harbinger of the development of some disease, but only if the berries were rotten. There is also an opposite interpretation, according to which such a dream promises joy. If you pick strawberries, it means that in the future you should expect pleasant events that will happen quite spontaneously. A dream in which you pick berries from the garden beds and eat them right away is a reflection of desires associated with your loved one. Perhaps you will have a pleasant time together or a romantic evening.

Why do you dream about red spoiled strawberries?

If you see rotten berries, this is a bad sign that predicts the occurrence of various troubles due to recent love affairs. Night dreams in which strawberries are covered with mold have a negative interpretation, since they often prophesy the death of a loved one or your own.

Why do you dream of ripe strawberries?

Such a dream is a symbol of a strong and happy relationship with your lover. For single people, this can be considered a harbinger of meeting a worthy partner. Seeing ripe strawberries in a dream means that in reality minor joys will be able to distract you from serious and significant matters.

Why do you dream about buying strawberries?

A dream where you buy ripe berries warns that shifting your problems to another person will cause discontent. All this will negatively affect relationships with colleagues at work.

Why do you dream of planting strawberries?

In this case, night vision can be interpreted as a symbol that you can find an unusual way out of a critical situation. This may also be a harbinger that you will have to do uninteresting work that will not bring the desired profit.

Why do you dream about strawberries?

Large berries are an omen of romantic adventures, and are also to be expected in business. A dream where you are trampling berries reflects your fear of a new relationship. If in a dream you use berries to decorate some kind of dessert, this is a favorable sign that will tell you that a joyful event will soon happen that will give a lot of positive emotions and happiness.

Explanations from dream books about why you dream of picking strawberries anticipate some kind of romance. Ripe berries in a dream personify the languid and joyful feeling of the mood in which the sleeping person is. Almost nothing can disturb his joy. With the exception of any unique nuances of what happened, they will remember the twists of fate.

Sugar fruits

It is difficult to imagine that Freud, in his dream interpretation, would have been able not to attach significant significance to such a sweet berry with a romantic aura. At the same time, he interprets it as a sign of strong intimate satisfaction. A dreamer who sees large ripe berries in a dream is obsessed with passion. What do they mean, will the relationship between the dreamer and his soulmate be able to resume?

A big role is played by how ripe the tempting strawberries are. A slightly rotten one does not give a chance for a loving conquest of leadership positions to those who dreamed of it, especially when they happened to eat the berry - the one you love will not be disposed towards you in terms of spiritual and intimate interests. Therefore, we can predict that recently picked, large and ripe strawberries promise an inherent pleasure.

A similar explanation is given by Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima. According to their dream book, the dreamer will soon have the desired leisure time in the company of a representative of the opposite sex. They also point out that considering full fields or forest edges, where there is an opportunity to eat and pick a given berry, is explained as temptations into which the dreamer can plunge completely, without taking into account existing responsibilities.

Nostradamus's dream book of picking strawberries from a ridge for someone who is not married, explains that a successful relationship is foreseen, and complete mutual understanding in the family is foreseen for the spouses.

In the garden

Planting or harvesting crops in a dream is not so favorable in terms of future events. Monitoring the growth of plantings, moistening the soil, weeding the grass from the beds predicts endless low-paid work. If you dreamed that your friend was doing this, then he was expected to have hard work.

Collecting fruits that have mold and rot from a ridge in a dream is an unfavorable symbol that prophesies unfavorable news from relatives. Picking berries that are not yet ripe, slightly rotten or overripe predicts a lack of pleasure.

Anyone who picks strawberries for sale in a dream will have good luck in business. Picking a berry to eat is a sign that a passionate night will soon take place next to your lover or beloved.

In a forest clearing

The dreamer who dreamed of picking wild strawberries remembers his former soul mate and wishes for a repeat of the best things that happened in his previous life. When you happen to eat strawberries in a dream, your sweet dreams will come true.

A person picking berries in a clearing where there are also other types of berries and mushrooms will be active in choosing a partner, and her inner instinct will not let her down. Why does it seem like she is eating large amounts of fruit? According to Miller's dream book, this is a sign of mutual love. According to the Eastern Dream Book, lovers will be sincere and trusting.

It is not often that such a vision brings only joy and happy hopes. There is no reason to be disappointed - there are plenty of pleasures in the future. It is important not to succumb to the temptation of rotten berries in a dream.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...
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