Dream interpretation of what the earth is dreaming about. The earth is black according to the dream book

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Why do you dream about the Earth in a dream according to 53 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Earth symbol from 53 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

English dream book

Owning land in a dream- good sign. It portends you wealth and an independent position.

To dream that you are giving notice of the sale of land- to a change of place of residence, possibly to moving to another country, and if you receive a tax notice, etc. in a dream, then this means a change in your affairs for the worse.

Assyrian dream book

If in a dream a person sits on the ground- honor and respect await him.

If he eats loose soil- Trouble and hunger await him.

If he eats earth like bread- he will lose his position, troubles await him, he himself will succumb to fate and weaken.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about the Earth in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing damp earth (especially sitting on it or picking it up with your hands)- to someone’s serious illness, or even death.

New lands - dream of change: fertile, in flowers and trees- to change for the better; desert, rocky- for the worse.

Cultivate the land yourself- to success in business, profit and material well-being.

Seeing in a dream how the soil has been eaten away by erosion- means that you can expect conflicts in the family, quarrels over trifles.

If in a dream you saw your plot of land- this means that in reality an interesting job awaits you, which will bring you both moral satisfaction and material profit; someone else's plot - an unsuccessful or ill-considered waste of money awaits you. Such a dream may also mean your inaction, unwillingness to make additional efforts to achieve your goal.

Azar's Dream Book

Earth - humiliation

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream- a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life.

If you dreamed of a desert land- then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought.

Seeing the whole Earth in cracks in a dream- a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream- evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth- then in the not so distant future our planet will experience icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you- a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Open a new land in a dream- a sign of good luck in all matters.

Dream book for lovers

Fertile land- portends good luck in matters of the heart and a strong, reliable marriage.

Barren land where nothing grows- portends loneliness and separation.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Earth is a melancholic element.

Dreams about land devoid of vegetation (plowed, cracked), about recently dug beds with damp soil- danger to life.

A plot of land - circumstances will arise associated with a danger to life, anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Digging the ground in a dream- to the funeral.

Fertilize the earth in a dream- to a life-threatening illness.

A plot of land - for a long life on earth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing plowed land in a dream- to the harvest.

Fertilizing the soil means worries.

A plot of land - theft is possible in your dacha or garden.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Digging in the ground means fertility.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about the Earth in a dream?

Covered with greenery or moss- money, rich marriage.

Digging the ground means a quick funeral.

Lying on the ground means minor troubles in life.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fertile land in a dream- good sign.

If the land is barren and rocky- then failures and failures await you.

If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance- this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden- promises you prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are soiled- then you will have to leave home, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Chinese dream book

Movements of the earth - portends a change in duty station, happiness.

Appearance of cracks in the ground- portends illness, malaise, great misfortune.

Digging the ground means wasting your money on little things.

Pick it up and sprinkle the ground- your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look.

You will be covered with earth- you are petty and picky beyond the point.

Earth (planet) - you are drawn into everyday life.

Erotic dream book

The dreamed land indicates that- that soon you will try to replace the lack of spiritual communication, spiritual intimacy and understanding with carnal pleasures with a new partner. You should understand that your expectations are in vain, in your soul you strive for stability, but in reality you only change sexual partners.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Earth according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets the earth- like your worldview and passions, which are determined by your upbringing.

More interpretations

If she is dehydrated, without signs of life- an unfavorable period in life awaits you; changes will only sadden you.

Dreaming that you are sowing the land- you should pay attention to the possibility of running an agricultural business; you can even succeed.

If it is full of life, it brings a generous harvest- your life will begin to flow in a more favorable direction.

If it's dug up- your life will change in the near future, a change in marital status is possible.

A dream in which you fell to the ground from somewhere- warns that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation for you, your sense of dignity will be infringed.

Dream Interpretation believes that flying above the ground- these are prospects for young people; older people should burden themselves less with housework.

Sleeping on the ground - the unkind attitude of colleagues undermines your energetic activity.

Scatter the earth in a dream- discord among household members. Divorce between spouses who have lived together for a long time.

Buy land - improve your standard of living, increase your well-being. Such a dream promises profitable investments.

I dreamed of digging in the ground- receive an inheritance, a fortune, win a big jackpot in a casino.

The ground is collapsing- intuition will play a big role. Do not forget about your interests and views on life, express your opinion.

Black earth, as the dream book says- these are hopeless relationships, fruitless projects. Everything has its time, we will have to take a wait-and-see attitude.

Lying on the ground - competitors feel a sense of envy towards you. They will try to ruin your impeccable reputation at all costs.

Plowed land- the future wife will be beautiful, courteous and gentle, she will be an excellent housewife and affectionate mother.

A dream in which I happened to plow the land- be satisfied with your fruitful work. The end of routine tasks.

Damp soil is an unpleasant event that will negatively affect your well-being; it will take you a long time to come to your senses.

Digging the ground is a bonus for a job well done, bonuses for the results achieved. Successful investments will bring unprecedented profits.

Video: Why do you dream about the Earth?

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    hello, I will be grateful if you decipher my dream:
    I was in the courtyard of my former house, where I grew up, and was crossing the school field (where physics lessons are held) which was between my house and my school.
    this field was strange - the ground was cracked black and blood was seeping out through the cracks in the ground all around, and along the path along which I walked there were small puppies lying on them, blood was also seeping out from the inside. I felt fear and regret - what does this mean?

    Dream, I’m in the forest or the outskirts of the forest, the trees are dense, tall, I’m cleaning the surface of the earth with a shovel, my mother is nearby, I don’t remember if she’s cleaning. I keep the surface of the ground clear of grass. There was also a place nearby where nothing was growing, I began to peel the surface, it turned out that this place was covered with some kind of crust, I peeled off this crust. Who can tell me what this dream means, I saw this dream from Wednesday to Thursday

    I walk through some high area and find two nests and in each there is one chicken egg, I straighten these nests and know that the hens will come now. then I look down, there is a cliff and an open area below. I take the earth from above into the bag and throw it down several times with great indignation. The earth is flying and I see it falling below.

    Hello. I dreamed of the ground with pieces of grass, which I carefully, for a long time, raked out of the bird’s broken beak. The ground was very black and loose. The bird, whose beak had broken in a fight with another, was worried nearby and asked to return it. That is, the beak is separate (in my hand) the bird is separate. I was determined to clear out all the ground, insert a beak into the bird, thereby saving and curing it. There was too much earth for the little bird's beak. But my grandfather (who died) came and demanded that I give him the beak. I refused, and so as not to take it away, I threw it away, firmly remembering the place. Then I wanted to get it and return it to the bird. Grandfather turned away and left, but at the same time he was completely calm. My subconscious was trying to tell me something important, but I couldn’t put the puzzle together. Maybe you can help with advice? Thank you.

    Hello guys) it was like this: Morning, leaving the house I find out that the end of the world is coming, in the form of fire (everything burns to ashes). Focusing on the people around me, I saw panic, joy, etc. I met a beautiful girl with whom I decided to spend my last day together. They went kissing, laughing and much more. Along the way I saw my friends (a group of 10-15 people). On their way to meet us, they greeted me, but did not stop and moved on. Being confused, I began to think why is this?!. Soon I lost sight of the girl too. In desperation, I decided to go to a store for cars, motorcycles, mopeds, etc. (the only store I saw in my city, it was with bikes) / When I got there, I took the most powerful one, I was glad that he sat on a two-wheeled horse for the first time! On the way home, passing under a bridge, I couldn’t cope with the agility of the bike, and instantly rolled head over heels into the oncoming traffic... At one point I notice that two KamAZs are coming towards me (but I manage to escape from under their wheels by some miracle. In the end I crashed into a concrete wall (whoever lives in Krasnoyarsk has heard about the collapsed wall) and it was into it that I was carried with the left side of my body / My arm, leg, ribs on the left side were broken and seeing that I was bleeding, through pain and suffering I gathered my thoughts and began to limp home. Moment “X”. Having hobbled to the entrance door, I notice that all the foliage and insects begin to lose gravity, as a result of which it all smoothly and slowly begins to rise to the top. (In films where witches brew a potion and throw a leaf at them, they magically burn in the cauldron) A similar phenomenon happened in front of my nose! Going up to my apartment, I see my family (mom, dad, brother).

    Good afternoon Today I saw a strange dream, a cliff, dark land, and under the cliff (below) the sea. I could barely hold on, I was very scared to fall. There were enemies nearby, Germans or something. And also, for some reason, they had to bury my husband standing waist-deep in the ground, supposedly this was necessary to eliminate enemies, and some woman told me not to worry, this would only last for a few days and she would feed him (he wouldn’t be able to get out all this time). But in my dream I didn’t see my husband being buried, I only heard about it, or rather, that it needed to be done. I remember very much in a dream I was worried about how he would stand there, there were worms in the ground.

    I’m in the old cemetery, there are a lot of broken graves. I kneel down next to the grave of my dead father and see him slumped through the ground. Some people are around and I ask someone for a bucket of earth. They bring it to me and I pour it on the grave. It turns out to be a grave with a slide. I do it mentally evenly. I’m on my knees again and I’m suffering. I ask for another bucket. BUT THEY DON’T GIVE IT TO ME. I SEE A SICK FATHER AND HE’S NOT GOING WELL.

    I found myself in some corner of the building, there was only one exit, it was opposite me, I see black, loose earth under my feet, and it seemed like I was barefoot and felt that it was warm, the weather was like rainy, but it didn’t rain, I didn’t feel the cold, suddenly a tractor with a large bucket drives into this passage, scoops up this earth along with me, and does not drive away to tip it over with me, but begins to shake this bucket, and suddenly, out of nowhere, an iron pipe appeared in my hands, it’s long, and I stuck it into the ground and held on to it while I was shaking, I held on and somehow got out of this bucket, please explain what this is for?

    I was walking on the street with either a red dog or a red kitten. A pack of black dogs (chow-chows) walked around me all the time. There were puppies and huge dogs. They are not aggressive, but it was scary. Then I looked, and the back of my dress was stained with black soil, and I also shook insects off my legs, I thought they were ticks. Then the pack stopped. A black fur coat lay next to them. I decided that this was my coat, and asked the man to give me this COAT. And I went in the other direction, but the dogs followed me. And one big dog stopped in front of me and put its paws on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I felt guilty.


    At first I collected potatoes in a bucket, it was half full, the potatoes were good, then they offered to get them from another place, there were 2 wireworms there. 2 colors white and black. Then I started collecting, scooped up the earth into this bucket, and then added the black dry earth into this bucket with my hands.

    I'm looking for someone. I'm walking and I see a lot of dry branches, I'm cleaning them up. There's a green field there, my daughter, a very handsome man, I don't know him. Two angry dogs jump out, they guard this land, growl and want to attack me. I take a stick. from dry branches and drive them away (they become old and weak). I'm leaving with this man, my daughter and a little boy who looks like me. Go ahead. The man says we need housing. The boy is in charge of the field. And we all walk together through the plowed field and new small shoots on the ground. The ground is very soft and fluffy, easy to walk. Then my mother calls me and asks me to buy wine. I'm already alone. There is no wine in the store and I go out to go to my mother and get ready. But at some point I get off the bus and wait. And in the distance this man in military uniform is walking towards me.

    I and my family (mom, dad, brother) ended up in my own apartment, but it was very beautifully decorated. There were windows throughout the entire space. in the dream it seemed that this was happening not in the present, but in the future. The time was approaching towards evening, the sunset was poisonous pink. but warm colors still predominated. I went to the window, and in front of me was a planet. very beautiful. but it scared me a lot. and everyone around you too. everyone was running somewhere. in the dream there were thoughts such as “maybe this is the end of the world?” The dream is extremely interesting and strange. I would like to know the meaning. Thank you! 🙂

    I dreamed that my boyfriend went for a walk with another girl, I found out about this, I cut off his dignity and he poured dirt on my head. I was standing at a bus stop, there was a strong wind that almost blew me away, but I got caught on something at the bus stop and held on.

    I was walking with some man along damp clay soil, as if we had climbed along this damp earth to a small hill to get out onto the road, but from the dirty ground I saw grass, but it was crushed but green, I rarely remember dreams, but I remember this.

    I dreamed that a tractor was digging trenches next to my former work, a kindergarten. The ground is wet. I wanted to dig the soil into a wheelbarrow myself, but the tractor began to help me. The first time I couldn’t pick up the soil with a ladle.

    I slept with my ex, but there was no relationship. He was angry with me and didn't talk. And in the morning I see his mouth, such black, rotten teeth. And I went for a handful of earth, which seemed to be supposed to help him. And I brought this land to him on a white plate.

    Hello! From the beginning, I dreamed of a deceased grandmother smiling at me, as if she was behind the glass or in the window, I still didn’t understand, but I cried that she had been gone for a long time and she was smiling. After some time, a day or two, I dreamed of cracked earth near my house ours but I don’t remember exactly near the house or not

    I ate the earth, I wanted it, but it didn’t seem tasty and I spat on it, then I started eating it again. I wanted to eat it. I liked the feeling when the earth crunched on my teeth, but it wasn’t tasty.

    I don’t remember the whole dream. I’m talking to someone and talking about adding more soil to the flower pots. At the same time, the soil is dry and black. It wakes up past the pot. I’m talking to someone about how we need to collect it. I’m collecting it. I think I use a rag and put it in the pot.

    I used to have a house in the village, where I spent my childhood. After my father’s death, we sold the house and left. Today I had a dream that the previous residents dismantled the house and only the foundation remained. I ask, did you sell the plot, they answered, No, and sold it to me.

    in one of the rooms there is dug up earth and from there we hear a voice. My husband is with me, the eldest daughter, the youngest daughter. The husband says “quietly” listens at that moment the antenna in the eldest daughter’s hands breaks. The husband says “everything is always breaking for you”

    It was evening. I was digging the earth with some woman and at some point she offered me to try the earth, I refused at first, but then I looked at the woman, she was eating it with pleasure and I decided to try it too. It tasted very sweet.

    I felt a burning core in the inside of the entire ball and checked with my feet, if it was very bitter, then I should leave or run where it was cool, I was worried that I needed to save the world’s daughter from some catastrophe, first of all. I often have dreams with icons in the sky, and also dreams about God, that he talks to me, and I simply enter into an enchanting light, I also study Kabbalah and understand it. Well, that's probably all.

    I dreamed that I collected soil in large paper bags (seedlings and fertilizers come in such bags in stores), pasted stickers on them, carried them and put them in one place, my hands were dirty with earth, I worked without gloves. There were acquaintances around, but I was the only one shoveling dirt into bags.

    I dreamed that I was lying on the bed and saw the sky instead of the ceiling (thick clouds, white), I put my hand there, and I felt the film, I began to tear it slowly. When I tore it, I felt a different temperature - it was warmer in the clouds! I decided to see what was behind this film! I saw our blue earth (the view was like from outer space, but it was so close) it was very difficult for me to breathe (the wind was very strong there) it was mesmerizing!!! then I woke up! and before that I dreamed of something else, but I don't remember! that's all

    They dug up the soil at the dacha and loosened it. I saw large piles of fertile soil with strawberries. The berries are red and varied in size. They leveled the beds, but when I wanted to pick the berries in a dream, my husband stopped me and I did not begin to harvest the strawberries.

    I was surprised to see a circle of earth (ours) in the sky, it was very large and like in 5D. On the sides it is brown in color (like land) and in the middle it is bright blue (like water, ocean) and then she starts spinning very hard and falls to the ground and starts jumping along a large paved road, and I stood on the ground and when she jumped, it was like an earthquake . Then I sat inside her, trying to stop her. but I was very interested in how she does this and they advised me to go to the doctor and ask about her, she told me that she was nervous and needed a sedative.

    hello, I dreamed of a man who is very similar to my late grandfather and I dreamed that large land works were going on and he looked at this land and said I would like to lie in my own land and asks me to bring him the land and today it’s 40 days since the day of his death what is it could it mean?

    Hello. the dream is like this: I leave the house and see my young man digging the ground, I ask him why, he answers it’s for the beds, then he starts kissing me. the whole dream. thanks for the interpretation

    I found out that in reality the deceased person had died, came to his funeral, he was lying in a shabby coffin, although during his life he was a wealthy person, his mother was lamenting something about the children, then he began to breathe and turned over on his side as if sleeping. I started to run away from this situation and he allegedly followed me. I ran into the apartment and someone else was with me. She ran out onto the balcony and decided to jump onto the street

    my house and garden, there were no trees in my garden, only pure green grass, and a fountain in the middle of the garden, one of the windows of the house was open, my brother was sitting on the windowsill, and a stranger to me, whether he was old or young, I don’t remember, I was standing below about something I was telling him how suddenly there was a noise, I turned around and saw how the earth was swallowing the fountain, then everything else, it became very scary, since I was standing below, and was not inside the house like my brother, I was very afraid that it would swallow me too, since at a fast pace was approaching the territory where I was standing, I started screaming for help to my brother, he saw and watched, as if he was making a plan to get out, so as not to get to him, I was in shock, I almost failed, when suddenly he stopped abruptly and I woke up at that moment, didn’t have time to swallow me in short

    I’m underground and I see a layer of earth above me that could collapse, I don’t have enough air, but I find a hole and get out to the surface. But I feel that someone else is there and I go down there again. Can dream 2 times during the night

    We moved into a rented apartment, the owner of which died a year ago. Last night I had a dream that my family and I were spending the night not in our usual place, but on the porch of the house because supposedly the house had been painted. In the middle of the night (in a dream), someone knocked on the window, the husband looked out the window and saw a woman with an empty bucket who was purposefully walking towards a tree under which there was a bathtub with fertile black soil, having filled the bucket, she began to move away towards the exit from the fence. The husband, seeing this, opened the porch door and followed her, cursing her and calling her name, the name of the deceased owner, without knowing her name. when my husband was no longer visible, she found herself near my feet and I saw scattered earth in the form of an arc and in a thick layer, and I had the feeling that she was pushing me or waking me up. after which I woke up.

    My girlfriend and I were walking down the street and I saw my old car, near which something was smoking. Having approached and opened the hood, I realized what the problem was and wanted to fix it immediately, when suddenly I fell into the ground. He shouted at the girl to lie down on the ground and help her get out, and then he fell even deeper

    The dream begins in a restaurant or in a registry office, I am a bride, but I don’t see myself in a dress, I only intuitively feel the beauty of my image. I don’t see the groom, only a lot of happy guests. Then I dream of a street with private houses (there is such a street in the town where I live). I see my godmother’s family - I go up to them, they congratulate me happy. And then I start running to the groom (I like this young man), running very quickly in heels. I run into the yard (very similar to my grandmother’s yard) - there are a huge number of people digging potatoes, and the ground is dark and fertile, some guy falls into the ground because it is wet. I didn't fail. I just wanted to take off my shoes, but I didn’t. I found out that my fiancé was in the courtyard house where they were digging potatoes, but this land separated me from him. I woke up

    I was hugged from behind unexpectedly, but very tightly by a guy to whom I am not indifferent. He hugged me in church, but I had such a feeling of peace and security that I didn’t want him to let me go

    I dreamed of a huge, simply incredibly huge piece, and maybe even an entire planet fell on me, and I was lying on my back and watching it approaching me from the sky with great speed, there was no chance of escape, so I didn’t even try to escape, my consciousness painted for me the outcome of what would happen to me after the collision, and I closed my eyes in anticipation, realizing that my end had come, it seemed to me that everything had already happened, but I could not realize or check whether it happened or not, afraid to open my eyes, I heard my heart beating and I didn’t understand whether I was dead or not, in the end, when I realized that I was alive, by some miracle, I couldn’t realize it.

    In the center of the home garden, running, covering the layers of earth with lava with my feet. Then suddenly a transparent whirlwind appears, everything is clearly visible. I begin to resist, I lie down on the ground, but the whirlwind lifts me high and I wake up.

    on the western side of my yard I saw a large planet very similar to planet Earth in color. only she had a thin stripe around her and little white flying streaks. and it became dark and alarming. I started looking for the sun and saw it a little to the left - where it was setting it was bright, as if it had risen

    I dreamed that I saw my husband with another girl, hit her (as if I killed her) and was walking home through some fields, suddenly there was no road in front of me, only rough land. the color of the dream was cold.

    I approach the gate to go into my yard and understand that someone has taken away part of my garden plot on the right side of the house, I see a line, as if outlined by a laser beam, with which part of my land was cut off. I don’t feel any regret, but I think that there are still fruit trees there... what could this mean? please explain. Sincerely..

    I dreamed
    that I am near the house of my grandmother and late grandfather. The house is five-story, ordinary, Khrushchev. In front of the house there is a square of land and a tree. And it’s cold, it’s getting dark, someone dug up (although it looked like they plowed) this area. Me and other people (me I knew that they were there, but I didn’t see them) they went to sleep on this ground very close to each other. On the left side of me lay a man. About a hundred meters from us there was an iron table for playing dominoes and on it was a mattress with a burgundy bedspread. Someone lay there, but I refused

    A day earlier I dreamed that my dead grandmother was lying in a coffin, then she turned around and told me that you were next. And today I dreamed that I was hanging laundry and from the top of the balcony the husband of my sister, my husband, swept garbage on me, but it was the ground

    I dreamed that I was at home in the village, digging in the garden in front of the house, the ground was dry and loose. I pull out old dried flowers, weeds, and rosehips, I cling to it and remove it from there, then I dream that I am pulling out the ground and there are pumpkin seeds there. Some of my relatives are nearby, but I don’t understand who. I see a sister who is walking first with her baby and then for some reason with a basket in which there are puppies - three puppies, they need to be given milk. At the beginning of the dream I saw my parents’ old window, which they were replacing with a new plastic one.

    I had a dream that the mother - I don’t know her - was burying 5 sons alive after she buried them, they dug out of their graves, as they explained to me in the dream that it was according to Abram’s legend that clinging to a rope, they crawl to the top, like they are reborn and may not follow their religion I dreamed of three houses, as if they were connected by a tunnel underground and there was another one through which you could get into some ancient one and it cannot be called a temple, more like a temple of the gods, there was a statue there and one of the 5 sons broke this statue

    First I see our yard overgrown with grass. Then suddenly weeds appear in the grass, which even sprouts in the parking lot, and street cats begin to crawl through the fence, which I drive away by throwing pebbles. But the two little ones don’t want to leave. And then I woke up.

    As if I was walking along a path, and then I fall into the ground, and it smacks me (like a swamp), and suddenly my father stretches out his hand to me and takes me out of there, getting me, and there are worms on me, some fall off, some I knock down myself, then I do not remember

    Hello! Today I dreamed that I was playing the button accordion to the guests gathered at my house, and they were singing, then it became more and more difficult to press the buttons on the button accordion.., then I stopped and said: “What is this? The buttons are stuck..” And I start shaking out the earth from the left keyboard of the button accordion..Then I look at my right leg, and there is a small depression on it (on the rectus femoris muscle) and from this depression I begin to get earth, garbage, some objects, but I got rid of them completely (the leg did not bleed ) What could this be? Thank you.!

    Hello! I woke up confused: in the dream, I first stood on the balcony of my apartment, but it was strongly tilted down on one side and I quickly went back into the apartment. but then I realize that the whole house is leaning and going underground. I went out onto the balcony, looked around and saw that the outside walls of my apartment were upholstered in burgundy velvet. there was no time to look: I jumped from the balcony to the ground and ran away (realizing that all my property was going underground, everything I had acquired). I run on. Many different animals gathered on part of the earth. under other circumstances, some of them would have eaten the others, but now they are huddled together in danger (hedgehogs, squirrels, lions, deer, hares, etc.). I see small spiders - these turn out to be ticks and they have climbed on me (I feel bad, but they don’t bite and I can’t get rid of them - the ticks have climbed under my clothes). I run further, seeing a huge building with columns (looks like the Bolshoi Theater). I run into it and suddenly it also goes underground, I run further again, managing to jump onto solid ground. I stand on the roof of a house that has already sunk underground and feel that it continues to go underground. and I go down on it, like on an elevator underground. I see layers of soil: grass with roots, then loose earth with torn roots that hang sticking out of the ground, clay... I’m scared and then I woke up.. considering that I had a dream on Epiphany night, I’m a little scared (it seems like dreams are always prophetic, but what what would that mean?).

    I had a dream that I was living again in the city where I left 5 years ago! Everything was excavated all around! big dug ditches, and there, in the midst of all this, am I baking something like pies or buns? Yes, and I also know that it’s raining, but I’m dry and I don’t see the rain?!

    Hello! In the dream I was somewhere not at home, there were people, there were several children around, and nearby there was a crumbling hut or barn made of adobe and earth, I wanted to go inside, but they said that it was old, the roof might fall off, but I still I came up and went in, I wanted to lift something or fix something, I don’t remember, but as soon as the roof tilted, the earth fell on me, I found myself underground, I raised my hands so they could see me, I thought I would die or suffocate under the ground, the earth was very heavy. but still, I understood that now they would save me, I wasn’t very afraid because there were people nearby. And then they immediately saw me and saved me, cleared the earth from me and raised me, I felt great. What is it for? Thank you in advance!

    In the morning I dozed off and dreamed that someone was sprinkling something on the ground... and after that the person seemed to be sucked into the ground, but this did not happen and I showed, look, and I began to be sucked in, as if the ground was becoming fluff and my leg began to sink into the ground... and woke up.

    I live in my house (and in real life) and I see my garden completely overgrown with weeds (knee-deep grass). She asked the worker to clean everything up and went into the house. But I decided to turn around. I turn around, but there is no worker and the garden is all clean and evenly plowed.

    It’s spring, we plant a vegetable garden on previously dug soil. I’m standing at the end of the fence near the fence and I’m carried underground (earth mixed with clean water), a guy pulls me out, everything is fine. But he says that they will save me three more times, and on the fourth I will drown or burn in a fire in a neighboring village. The whole dream I was in the input as after a flood and I dreamed of the betrayal of a loved one with whom nothing connects me in real life.

    I saw bright red raspberries in a bucket and ate handfuls of them, they were so tasty and juicy. At the same time, I planted raspberries in the ground, the branches on which were roots. I planted three in a row, I don’t remember how long the rows were. The ground was soft and I dug the holes myself. The place where I planted raspberries was someone else's plot. I wanted to plant potatoes next to the raspberries, but I didn’t because... awoke.

    I dreamed of a balcony that was partially covered with earth. I begin to shovel this earth out of there to free up the balcony, pack the earth into some tubs and take it out. Then, when there is very little earth left, I find some 2 large piles on the floor of the balcony, I look closely to see if it is a solution, or some kind of dried shit. Well, this is where I wake up!

    I dream that I am digging up the earth, but not with a shovel, but with a semblance of it. The land is fertile. Tree shoots grow on it. They're green. I'm trying to knock them out. The second section is very difficult. The soil is dry and almost unyielding. I ask my mother-in-law for a shovel. She brings me some kind of scoop.

    I woke up in the courtyard of my grandmother’s house (the house was sold a long time ago), slept on a cot, I saw that the gate to the street was open and a girl of 9-10 years old was walking along the street, and there was a very washed out road, the mud was so greasy that it was difficult to pass, I had an idea in my head that I need to put comfortable shoes on my feet so as not to slip, I go into the house and try not to introduce flies, but I hear that one has flown in and is buzzing anyway, I go into the back room and draw the curtains on the door so that at least a fly does not fly into this room. In a dream, I know that my grandmother has gone somewhere (although she is no longer alive) Help me interpret the dream and how to protect myself from the consequences of the dream if it carries negativity

    There was earth all around, and a wall of earth with some projections. The wind was blowing and I was carried onto the ledges of the wall. A little higher on the ledges of the wall (made of earth) my childhood friend was standing with her back to me and doing something, I didn’t see. In order to go down without breaking, I grabbed my friend’s sweater and it stretched enough for me to fall to the ground. Suddenly the earth shook, and a giant ran in front of the blast furnace. I remembered his huge bare feet. I didn’t feel any fear, on the contrary, some kind of curiosity. The soil was fertile and not wet.

    I see a baby in a dream, as if he was being dried, ropes were attached with wood chips, I picked him up in my arms, I went, I stumbled, as if I had fallen into a hole, I raised my foot and stepped on the soft ground and went, I went into the room as if I was carrying him to his mother, I walked in, she was sitting dressed in a scarf and smiling slightly

    I dreamed that the earth was all covered with snow, everything was white, and suddenly the earth began to collapse, like an avalanche, that is, the earth began to go into a funnel, to a certain depth, and everything stopped. And I had to go to the other side, and I was afraid of all this, but then she slowly walked along the right side of the funnel, being careful not to fall there, but still she walked through, then she found herself in some building, among people, and began to look for a way out of the room, but still came out of there. Please explain the meaning of this dream, it doesn’t give I need peace

    I am in the schoolyard, at school age, where there is no one. I see a flowerbed without flowers, where there is an earthen pattern (like a horizontal stretched drop, the wide end on the left is narrow on the right) which rises (like a small earthen mound). I throw something into this mound and it falls along its entire length and depth. I don’t go near the flowerbed. I look from where I stood. I have a feeling of fright and fear, I’m afraid that someone will find out what I did and I don’t tell anyone. And then I see another similar flowerbed in another section of the same school yard, schoolchildren are walking here. There are two girls on it, one of them is my sister. Suddenly this pattern also fails. I see a girl with her legs in the ground and she is holding half of a broken guitar. This freaks me out and I almost start screaming loudly that this is dangerous and first-graders will also fall in here. Both adults and children hear me. This is after sleep - I wake up and think I saw a girl in the ground, but where was my sister? I didn't see her. Thank you)

    I started digging something up with a shovel.
    there was water at the bottom, I hit it with a shovel, it turned out to be a crack, and then I saw as if the cellar was filled with water, but the dirty water began to go away. There was a man standing next to me, he said something, I don’t remember.

    I dreamed of a house where we used to live and in the kitchen, in place of the stove, there was like a pillar of earth measuring 1m*2m, pressed from floor to ceiling, there were two workers who said that it still needed to be painted, at the request of my dad (he died a year ago) .

    Hello, today I had a dream in which I was at school, and the person I loved threw dirt at me jokingly. What does it mean? At school, that person also seems to show sympathy for me.

    as if my late husband dug beds for me and these beds are lying on the floor and shelves. I wanted to plant sprouted green onions, but I can’t - there’s not enough land, and my husband is standing in a white shirt and laughing

    There is some kind of construction around and large piles of freshly dug earth. Moreover, he was a special guy. equipment (tractors, excavators) and I walk around this construction site and just can’t get out of there and I constantly hear some talk about work, loans.

    I met gypsies in a dream and they asked me to build them a building. I agreed and offered them my version and drew it with a stick in their yard. They approved my option and agreed

    Hello! I dreamed that I was standing with someone female by the road and on the ground there was a white bag with black soil, but something else was melting, unfortunately I don’t remember what, but it seems to me that it was something white. We didn’t take the package in our hands, we just looked inside, but when we handed it over, my husband was squatting and looking at something) Please explain what this could mean!

    there was black soil, not dry and not sticky, good, fertile soil, I took it with my hands and admired it, it was not an ordinary field, there were a lot of dandelions, they burst in on their own and melted in the air, just like the earth, as if they wanted to show me their miracle, so I went with my hands and dug the ground, there were potatoes and all sorts of things and 2 guys crawled out of the ground alive and they were laughing and supposedly hid there and I found them

    Olive tree planted in a bucket. The tree was quite large and fruit bearing. Then two men broke it in front of the crying owner (an opera singer) and dragged him away. Then I dug the earth in this bucket with my hands and tried to plant this tree or revive it from what was left. There were also two work colleagues. True, one colleague has already quit.

    I had a dream from Friday to Saturday: the land in which dead animals, cows, pigs were buried. I don’t see them, but I know that they are buried there and are decomposing. This makes me feel like the ground is not solid and it’s not pleasant to stand on, I’m afraid of falling through

    I dreamed that I was standing on the ground in a village, it was not solid, because dead cattle were buried there, they were already decomposing and therefore the ground was not solid. I don’t see these animals, but I know that they are buried there throughout the garden. It's late autumn. And it’s not pleasant for me to stand on such swaying ground, I’m afraid of falling through to these decaying cows. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. Thank you!

    I dug the ground with my hands, it was very rocky and some of the stones were large. While I was digging, I couldn’t leave the feeling that I was looking for something when I was already digging back this formed hole, or rather, I didn’t see the hole itself, but I was already leveling the ground, I realized that I was looking for the dead year back from my son, I turned back and saw a large window through it, my mother and uncle and aunt were looking at me, they were all alive and my mother told them, look, the poor thing dug all night, but at least thank God she had already buried it and I cried all night doing all this, and then I realized that In my dream, my living youngest daughter died and I was still digging all this in the house and they looked at me through the window from the street

    at night I’m in an establishment with my friends, and suddenly the building begins to rise, as if there was an earthquake, I go out the door, it turns out the ground began to rise under the building, I manage to run out of the building, sliding down to a flat surface, and then everything around the building, houses begin to rise

    8 days ago I buried my husband and became seriously ill - I caught a cold - I still can’t get the registration done either in the registry office or in the church. I had a dream that I was covering a mound with bags of earth, and it was falling apart. I dreamed about it all night, even after I woke up

    Ancestral village old house. There are walls and a roof. There are window openings, but no glass. I want to caulk, but some voice says that there is no need to caulk. This voice also said that the size of the land plot was 1 hectare 440. My husband had a dream

    I had a dream. That I seem to be indoors. Room on the ground. And I see that water is rising along the edges of the earth. Like a flood. The water is dark. I start dragging things to the other side of the earth where there is no water. I have time. I walk along the earth and see that the water around the edges is drowning the earth more and more. The ground is dry and cracked. No greenery. But I don't touch the water. I don’t remember how it ended. But I didn't get into the water.

    I'm running on asphalt with lava underneath. 4 men in black hats and cloaks descended into the opened earth (underworld). The sky was black, then it rained. I'm in a room without renovation. The only furniture I have is a sofa. I’m giving it to someone and I promise to clean it (our dogs sleep on the old sofa). Water is running down the wall, I look out the window, I say, why didn’t Sergei (the deceased uncle and his room) tell me. There’s a hole here. then for some reason I'm on the roof

    twilight sleep. I make my way along the loose earth on the seashore. the ground is waist-deep or thigh-deep. I'm making my way from the sea. and this is strange, because... a sailor and his whole life is devoted to sailing, yachting and working near the sea.

    I made a round planter from black soil and prepared flower seedlings for planting (I have already planted a couple)
    Second dream. Suddenly a little boy appeared next to me, completely unfamiliar and very cute.

    I found my man's things buried in the ground, the edges of his clothes peeking out of the ground. I didn't look for them, I saw them by accident. The dream was kind of unpleasant and gray. The man is not nearby at the moment, away for a long time. The ground was without snow, there was no grass, no trees.

    Good afternoon, today I saw in a dream a huge quarry dug by excavators. The quarry is black, loose and warm (it felt like warmth was coming from it). I went down into it barefoot along a smooth descent, easily to the very bottom, but then I realized that it was very deep and decided to climb up. I couldn’t get up because this smooth slope along which I went down crumbled with every step I took and I found myself in the same place below. I decided that I needed to gain strength and quickly get out of the quarry, but at this point I woke up,

    People were needed who could carry the earth. as if for the construction of a swimming pool, but I didn’t see a hole or a swimming pool under construction, we went to hire people, went into some dilapidated building, they were covering the floor with earth. There was already a lot of earth, the earth was clayey brown, but they refused to work for us because... They will already get tired at this site. I was upset that I couldn't hire people.

    I’m walking along the road leading to the house where I grew up. (I now live in the regional center, and my younger sister and children live in that house) The road is without dirt and gullies, but it’s from the past. On the right side, near certain fences of the owner, there are pigs, as if in formation, and absolutely everyone had their backs towards me, not a single one turned or moved. The pigs are clean and not covered in dirt. I bit off a melon from somewhere a couple of times, I understand this only because it’s in my mouth and it’s so delicious, sweet. But I took a bite along with the skin. On the left side in the garden I see a woman, I know who she is, she still lives on this street but on the right side in the direction of my movement. Her mother’s garden used to be there, in the dream I had a feeling of some kind of shame towards this woman - it’s like I bit her into a melon.. For a certain period of time I was pushing a stroller with a child along the road , a girl, not quite a baby, wrapped up warmly. On the way to the house I spit out two melon skins so that they would hide in the grass. At the gate to the yard (the gate from the past was solid wood, painted green) now it’s different, I see a pile of earth (it seems not very old, fresh) left behind by the lifting of a grader’s shovel - when the country roads are cleared. I don’t see how I entered the yard, but in the yard in the former garden I’m looking for a kitten, like mine, under a pipe that once stood there and I find under it a cat with kittens, both black and red, so beautiful, and only one tri-colored one that is somehow lost, seedy and It’s like the cat doesn’t accept it, she feeds them. But mine is not there, and mine seems to be older and brindle in color. I also find him under the pipe but a little further away. He sits alone, hidden, his eyes are playful, not frightened. I calmed down and left him there.

    my house (apartment) is on the bank of a big river. Through the window I see the shore with blooming flower beds. The weather is summer, warm, sunny with bright colors. I walk along the shore and look at the shoots of future flowers in the well-groomed flower beds. Some flower beds are already blooming. There is a desire to loosen the ground where there are no seedlings yet, so that later it will be easier to prepare it for planting seeds. I take something like a hoe (some kind of plastic attachment, like for removing apples) and easily, with one hand, I scroll through the ground with it. The soil is loose, without litter, it gives in easily, and there are also rows with bright flowers, which I also loosen as I move along the shore. The size of the flower beds is impressive, they can be seen far to the horizon, I am happy to easily walk along the river and continue to loosen the flower beds without making any effort, enjoying the colors of nature

    The dream was that I supposedly came to visit my daughter in another city, and to get into the apartment I had to walk under an apricot tree, behind which my mother-in-law was lying on the square-shaped ground. She said (I don’t have long left), and then there were the same humps for the rest of the family members (son-in-law, daughter, father-in-law), but I didn’t see them except my daughter.

  • Spring. Dug up vegetable garden, beds. The soil is dark gray in color and crumbly. I step on it carefully, afraid of damaging the beds. The late uncle is walking behind me. I stop at a tree; it has no leaves or buds. Only two fruits hang on it, resembling small watermelons. I point to the fruit and say: “Uncle Sasha, look at the watermelon!” He replies: “Yes, he’s good, but he’ll grow even more.”
    In general, you always have colored dreams, but this one was black and white, and only the watermelons were green and striped.

    Today I dreamed that I was showing someone crumpled wedding cars. I remember one: a huge beautiful wedding BMV with a big dent in the middle of the hood. The car was white, clean, shiny, as if new. I also dreamed of some kind of vegetable garden; my mother, daughter and I seemed to be digging it. The earth was black, good, soft, without weeds and stones. Then a tired dad came and started digging an underground garage for someone. I also saw from the side of the cliff and huge caves in them. I think I walked through them. The surprising thing is that I had absolutely no feeling of fear, on the contrary, some kind of calmness.

    My ex-mother-in-law brings into the room where I am lying on the bed with some other people, a tray with a mountain of earth on it and she sprinkles it with salt and hands it to me. And I shout indignantly, look, she brought me land!

    I dreamed of my 25-year-old nephew, who is currently in Manila - Philippines, who supposedly came home to his place and there in the house and in the yard began to change and lay cream-colored ceramic floor tiles. At some point I saw him talking to me, smiling, when he was up to his head in the ground. Literally as soon as he started talking to me, he suddenly seemed to spread the earth and jumped out laughing, as if he was making fun of me. I remember that when he was in the ground up to his head, the ground around was black, and when he jumped out of there, the ground became green, as if covered with green grass.

    Earth was poured into a clean open window. The black soil was just right for flower seedlings. And a stone flew into my head, but it didn’t hurt, I just felt it. I looked out onto the balcony and below, an unfamiliar man was digging a knee-deep, even square hole, but not under my window, but next to it. And apparently he threw the earth from the shovel over his shoulder and it hit the window. Even if it’s the 3rd floor. My boyfriend silently began to clean it off, and I scolded the man and threw three medium-sized stones from the sofa onto the floor, which apparently also flew in. At least I felt one stone.

    I dreamed of a huge, neglected estate, there was a deceased grandfather nearby, on the direct road to the estate, there were many men, blacks in work clothes, and I told them that they were no longer slaves, but free people, after which they went to prepare the land for planting sugar reed, and my grandfather and I looked at where and what to plant, we approached the plot and my grandfather began to sow wheat on the ground and then on to the strawberry bed, showing that it was necessary to sow all the land

    I dreamed that I had chosen a plot of land in a deserted area for a new home. Part of this plot is a country dirt road. The plot is narrow and long. Without vegetation. There are cut bushes at the boundary of the plot and behind it is a ravine. Nearby there is another plot of someone else. Just as narrow and long, but without a road. I slept poorly. Even before this dream I woke up from suffocation. If it’s paid, I won’t be able to pay

    While all my sisters were at school, I was walking with friends near the house. Suddenly a meteorite appeared in the sky and began circling above us, followed by Saturn. The meteorite started falling on us, we ran through the streets and it fell. We turned around and saw a huge destructive wave that covered us. After which I found myself in space. My gaze was directed at the half-destroyed Earth. After a few moments, it began to recover, grass and trees began to grow on it again, lakes, rivers, and seas began to appear. And suddenly I began to fall to the Earth. I heard a voice that said: Choose where you want to be born! I chose Korea and woke up in a crib. Literally a second later I was already 14-16 years old and I decided to go through my pockets. There I found a phone with all social networks. I decided to look into one, but there was no one there except a couple of my friends. Then I realized that these were those who remained alive after this disaster. I decided to go to where the school used to be. There I found four bunkers. Suddenly one of the bunkers opens and my sisters come out, but they didn’t recognize me, no matter how much I proved to them that I was their older sister.

    I dreamed that in the yard of my house there were hills of dug up loose earth and I was running from the house to the yard and back to the yard with a little sand or stones (pebbles) in my hands, which I threw into a certain piece of land. Why is this dream?

    Oh, I dreamed about this today. Until I forgot that I remember.
    I am in the apartment of my mother, who was in my childhood (she is no longer there). Summer, Windows are open. There is noise in the yard, I look out onto the street on the Tsiolkovsky road, a huge car higher than the 1st floor drives up (there is no such thing in life, I have never seen one) and a huge hood rolls off it like a prince and princess, I understand this is a wedding. The sea of ​​people was crowded. They roll slowly and fall slowly. The groom wears fluffy, voluminous shorts on top of his suit, like they wore in the old days (they resemble diapers). She is wearing a simple white dress and a red-pink transparent chiffon cape on top, the second dress. They fall slowly, swear, and they hit and get dirty
    And suddenly she runs past the whole crowd towards me. I’m on the second floor looking, but strangely from the farthest window of the house, and I explain to her that run to the 3rd entrance to apartment 45. How did my third entrance become the last one to view? It’s not clear?
    He comes with a basket of soil with a high handle; they usually hold flowers in them, but there were no flowers. I thought usually whoever catches the first bouquet from the bride gets married, but that’s not quite...
    Panic, she’s sobbing, I don’t remember whether they left her festive cape outside the door on the stairs, but then when I was about to go out and look for an outfit, under the door there was lying a mannequin of a man with legs pressed to its left side (like we have at work, only our bodies are naked without legs). Mom doesn’t pay attention to us, she’s busy in the kitchen. I ask her to distract herself and give coffee to the frightened girl while I run away to resolve the situation.
    And then the neighbor woke up from the cold...
    It seems to me that I have never had such plot dreams.
    For a reason?
    But it only now dawned on me that the bride gave me an empty basket with soil without flowers.
    When with flowers, I know for a wedding, but here...

    I dreamed about my own sister coming down from the sky in a wedding dress, and then she had already died, I was crying, I saw that she was lying underground on our bench, a lot of people were all crying, I was terrified in the dream, it was very bad... I cried so much, as if this is true, and then I see her being carried in dead in a coffin.. she’s wearing a headscarf.. I scream and then she opens her eyes, comes to life, and my mother and I calm her down, and she says I won’t jump with a parachute anymore, how could I and cries. The dream is very clear and scary.

    My son is driving a car, in front there is a man in a white suit and me. On the road, he decided to turn around and drove into a field to do so. I got out of the car and warned him that he was definitely stuck now. I went out onto the road, and he started trying to get out and went completely underground. And he buried himself in the ground - you couldn’t even see the car.

    I'm at my sister's apartment, the apartment is in warm colors. Something happened to me and I came to her for help. We began to perform a ritual where it was necessary for the soul to separate from the body; after we completed the ritual, my body smelled burnt. And I got away with everything. And traces from clean shoes with white soles left traces with black earth.

    Good afternoon. I crushed the loose, black, wet soil with my hands... with someone... I don’t remember who, I tried to sprinkle tea on top... like, oh, like... but, as it turned out, we didn’t sow anything... that is, we don’t need it it was time to sow.. there was a worm.. and I left it.. I’m afraid of them... an earthworm, well, like in the ground.. there was also some kind of cross or grave nearby.. no, not a grave, but like an altar about my dead aunt ... I don’t remember whether she was with me, crushing the earth with her hands or not.. In short, the main point is the earth.. and next to it is something about her about her aunt

    I met my husband, he was going to see a prophetess so that she could help him sort out his life. When he came out, he said that he needed to be with someone else. There would be an icon on a high mountain, I asked her forgiveness for swearing. Shoaipo and told my husband that we needed to separate. I had an orange in my hands. The field is plowed with a path and a dog rolled across it. I rolled the orange so that he would show me where to follow. One time it didn’t roll far, but the second time it rolled across the road and rolled into an earthen hole. After that I'm in a room with some woman who is about to die. She says that they predicted death for her, she lay in the coffin, but did not get into it. I asked her to get out of there and that I felt that she would live for a very long time. She was close to me, but I knew that she was not my mother. She crawled out of the coffin and lay down on the floor, there it was spread out like a bed...

    I came to pick up my child’s school with my son, we looked for it for a long time, but we found it, and when we left the school, the whole earth began to fold, and when I saw this, I hugged the children and said a prayer, and everything stopped! What is this for?

Why do you dream about earth?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fertile land in a dream is a good sign.

If the land is barren and rocky, then failures and failures await you.

If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden promises you prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will have to leave the house, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Why do you dream about earth?

Freud's Dream Book

Earth is a symbol of the female genital organs. Digging the ground means having sexual intercourse.

Barren land - conflicting relationships with children.

Fertile land is usually dreamed of along with a crop growing on it, and therefore requires appropriate interpretation depending on the type of plant. Most often this indicates good health of both children and parents.

Seeing land from a ship means meeting the desired partner.

Why do you dream about earth?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life.

If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face a terrible famine as a result of a long drought.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God - and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will face icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about earth?

Family dream book

Fertile soil is a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures.

If you dream that while sailing at sea you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream that foreshadows sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, you will soon have to leave your home.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Earth in a dream reflects the state of your affairs and shows your prospects.

A fertile piece of land indicates that your current plans will certainly lead to success, you just need to not be lazy and get down to business more boldly.

If the area is overgrown with weeds, this is also a good omen. The dream shows that you will have to work hard, but the reward for your efforts will be an inevitable increase in prosperity.

Seeing people clearing a plot of fertile land is a harbinger of great, although not very immediate, success. Good luck in business will accompany you.

A dug up piece of land, in potholes and holes, speaks of organizational shortcomings: your business may progress with great hitches and difficulties.

Why do you dream about earth?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Digging and moving soil means forgetfulness.

Why do you dream about earth?

Spring dream book

Carrying earth means serious news, after which you will lose your health.

Seeing burning earth in a dream means war, sabotage.

Fall to the ground - you need to go to visit your parents if they are alive, or to the cemetery if they are dead.

Fertilize - you will make a good decision, thanks to which you will have money.

A plot of land - circumstances will arise associated with a danger to life, anxiety.

Why do you dream about earth?

Summer dream book

Digging the ground in a dream means a funeral.

Fertilizing the earth in a dream means a life-threatening illness.

A plot of land - for a long life on earth.

Why do you dream about earth?

Autumn dream book

Seeing plowed land in a dream means a harvest.

Fertilizing the soil means worries.

A plot of land - theft is possible in your dacha or garden.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Digging the ground in a dream portends material benefits. Seeing someone digging or digging in the ground is a sign of mourning. Lying on the ground in a dream means minor troubles await you, but overall life will seem wonderful to you. Seeing land covered with greenery or moss in a dream foretells getting rich in the near future as a result of a profitable marriage.

Seeing in a dream how they plow the land - foreshadows the beginning of noble, but, alas, thankless work. Plowing the land yourself means a good harvest at your summer cottage. Digging a dugout in a dream or living in it means that in real life you will have to tighten your belt and get into debt.

Freshly dug up soil in a garden or vegetable garden portends prosperity and well-being; in a field - the beginning of an unreliable and too risky enterprise. Fat and fertile land in your dream is a good sign, foreshadowing abundance in the house and stable income growth. Overgrown with weeds and other weeds or completely barren rocky or sandy soil - foreshadows annoying failures and failures literally at every step.

Digging sod out of the ground - to a new friendship, shaking out the earth from the sod - you will cry your eyes out, transporting sod - beware of bad connections. Seeing excavation work at a construction site near your home in a dream means that a discovery awaits you: your rival lives almost next door to you.

Walking along a furrow in a dream means the emergence of new burdensome worries and obstacles in love, if at the same time damp clay soil sticks to your shoes - this foreshadows the appearance of unpleasant moments in the business that you have just started, and if the ground is hard, caught by frost, it means luck will not be slow to appear to you in the form of a lover.

Digging in a cemetery in a dream means that in reality someone’s dishonest act will cause you suffering. To stain your clothes with earth means that you will have to leave your home to escape illness or the law. Being covered with earth means that you are about to make an unforgivable mistake, which your enemies will immediately use against you. Covering someone with earth in a dream means that only by stepping over your principles can you feel yourself standing firmly on the ground.

To dream that you are falling from some height to the ground portends shame, humiliation and need. Seeing the entire globe in a dream, as if being in outer space - in reality this foreshadows a round-the-world cruise. If in a dream you also see the rotation of stars around the Earth, such a dream indicates the onset of severe fatigue.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Falling from a height to the ground is a shame, humiliation.

Covered with greenery or moss - money, a rich marriage.

Digging the ground means a quick funeral.

Lying on the ground means minor troubles in life.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You plowed the land in a dream - your endeavors will be profitable.

If you dreamed that you were digging the ground, your endeavors are doomed to failure.

Selling land means a very profitable offer.

If you dreamed that you were buying land, your life will soon change for the better.

Why do you dream about earth?

Esoteric dream book

Solid ground is confirmation of the correct move.

Loose, unstable to vibrations that interfere with the path, falling apart underfoot - to problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office).

Fall underground - check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis.

Digging the ground means wasting your money on little things.

Pick it up, sprinkle it on the ground - your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look.

They sprinkle earth on you - you are petty and picky beyond the point.

Earth (planet) - you are drawn into everyday life.

Why do you dream about earth?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Fertile land is a very good sign for the dreamer.

The land is barren and rocky - foreshadows failures and setbacks on the path of life.

Seeing land in the distance while sailing at sea is a sign of suddenly opening brilliant prospects in life.

Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being for your home.

If you dream that your clothes are stained with earth, you may have to leave your home due to unpleasant events.

Why do you dream about earth?

Some dreams are like beacons: they do not allow us to get lost in such a complex and confusing scheme of everyday life, they do not allow us to take the wrong step.

Many felt that through visions and images in dreams, it was as if higher powers were communicating with us sleeping and prompting us, giving us valuable advice and guidance, carefully protecting us from dangers and offering us a path to success. You just have to consider, notice, decipher the dream - there is an answer!

Natural phenomena and elements are undoubtedly the most significant and important symbols in dreams. Particularly significant are dreams in which the earth appears.

There are many parables, legends and sayings about the earth. She is called the mother, and for good reason - everything is born from the earth, people, animals and the entire plant kingdom feed from it.

The earth is a large-scale and comprehensive symbol that has a lot of interpretations. It can mean home - in the most global sense, indicating stability and calm, balance and confidence.

A dream book will help you understand why you dream about the earth, provided that all the nuances of the dream are taken into account as carefully as possible. After all, there can be a huge number of options - both appearance, and the state of the earth, and the actions of the dreamer.

The earth may be oily, fertile and moist in a dream, or dry and barren. The dreamer may see a hole or an abyss, a vegetable garden or plowed soil, or maybe he had to dig it himself with a shovel, plowing a vegetable garden or garden, or dig a hole... The options for “earth” dreams are as follows:

  • Just seeing the earth in dreams.
  • Fertile, black land in a dream.
  • Big hole in dreams.
  • Vegetable garden, greenhouse or beds.
  • I dreamed of plowed land.
  • Seeing dry or rocky soil in dreams.
  • Fertile land with vegetables or berries.
  • Soil covered with greenery, different flowers or just moss.
  • Plowing the ground with your own hands in a dream.
  • Get dirty with the earth.
  • Fall into a hole or end up underground.
  • Digging a garden with a shovel in a dream or just digging the ground.
  • Digging a big hole with a shovel in your dreams.
  • The earth disappears from under your feet in dreams.
  • Sowing in a dream or planting something in the soil.
  • There is land.
  • Digging into it with your hands.
  • Lying straight on the ground in a dream.

These options are individually valuable and have unique meanings. So remember the dream - and find out what the land you saw in your night dreams means.

Seeing earth in a dream

Dreams about the earth can be passive - those in which the dreamer himself does not take any action, but simply sees it as a symbol. It is not difficult to explain why the earth is dreamed of in this case - the main thing is to remember its appearance.

1. As the dream book will tell us, the land that we saw in our dreams is a symbol of balance and stability. Soon your life will find a stable flow, order, you will feel calm confidence in your actions and stand firmly on your feet.

2. A good dream, the earth in which was black, loose, and wet. This definitely portends you wealth, which will become stable and bring you a different, more desirable standard of living.

Of course, achieving this is worth making an effort. But such a dream can be an almost complete guarantee that all your hard work is not in vain, and will bear great fruit in the near future.

3. The hole is a symbol of work, and the deeper and wider the hole in the dream, the more effort you will have to put into work in reality.

This work can absorb you entirely - try not to get bogged down in endless work, do not forget about rest and take care of yourself so that the work does not turn out to be harmful, bringing no joy or benefit.

4. A vegetable garden in dreams is a great symbol. If you see in your dream a large vegetable garden, or at least a modest plot reserved for a vegetable garden, your home will soon learn what “full bowl” means.

Prosperity, stability and joy await you after such a dream, and farming will only bring satisfaction, and everything will go smoothly and carefree.

5. Plowed land, or dug up with a shovel, is a sign for the dreamer of quick luck, which will lead to complete well-being in the future. Your work and ideas are the right path, and if you continue without giving up, you will be very pleased with the fruits.

6. Seeing rocky, dry or cracked soil in your dreams is an omen of difficulties or fruitless efforts, but this is temporary. Let your new ideas, fresh views and strength become life-giving moisture for the soil.

And if you can now seriously get together and make efforts, then shoots will sprout - and your work will bear fruits, generous and desirable, those that you dreamed of.

7. As the dream book says, fertile land with vegetables or other fruits growing on it is a symbol of quick success and complete prosperity for you. You have all the conditions for developing a business, a business, for a profitable idea - you just have to work and believe in success, and great prosperity awaits you.

8. Seeing soil densely covered with green grass, moss or flowers in a dream is a good sign. It promises love and a happy marriage, harmony in a couple and in the family, a strong and harmonious union. Hold on to this relationship, take care of it - it is valuable and very rare, you are lucky!

Cultivate the land with your own hands

If you even touched the soil in a dream, with a finger or a shovel, and not just had to see it, it already takes on a different meaning - and in such dreams you should take into account not so much the type and quality of the soil, but your actions.

To find out why the earth is dreaming, you will have to remember all your actions. And also take into account the emotions with which you performed these actions in the dream. The emotional state in a dream will give the interpretation a special color, and may even change it, so take this into account.

1. As the dream book indicates, the land that you happened to plow in your dreams is a symbol of great and guaranteed wealth through your honest efforts.

Your hard work and integrity will soon bring rich fruits to your entire family. And you will be completely satisfied, so keep working, it will pay off.

2. If you get soiled in your dreams, expect unexpected profits from the outside, a monetary gift or help from someone. In the near future, someone from your circle will want to support you financially - and this will come in handy.

3. If the ground suddenly collapsed under you in a dream, or you somehow found yourself underneath it in some other way, you have to thoroughly understand your life, find important answers, and understand why certain events happen to you.

Give this the attention it needs now, it will certainly help you live more consciously, and understand what is happening and why - and therefore, control your destiny.

4. Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream is a good sign. Your ideas are very valuable, start implementing them immediately - even if it takes your time and requires effort, but know for sure that these ideas will bear fruit.

In addition, such a dream indicates your rare and enviable determination, and says that you will not deviate from your intended path - this is wonderful! Start taking action, you will achieve tremendous success.

5. The hole that you happened to dig in a dream may indicate danger. Perhaps, through some of your incorrect or insufficiently considered actions, you can seriously harm yourself.

Think before you do anything - otherwise you will have to figure it out later and get out of the deep hole of problems and mistakes.

6. As the dream book says, the land that literally goes away or slips away from under your feet in dreams is advice - be more attentive to your own inner voice, listen to your heart. You probably forgot that you have not only a cold mind, but also intuition - and now is the time to remember.

7. If you are lucky enough to sow in a dream, know that soon your affairs will be crowned with unprecedented success. You will be recognized, you will not only receive a very solid and very worthy position in the new society, but all your efforts will pay off significantly.

Continue to move calmly and confidently in the right direction you have chosen, it is the right one and will lead to fulfillment and happiness!

8. If you did a strange thing in a dream, namely, ate earth, do not be afraid, but rejoice - such a dream portends you wealth. And believe me, it will be so!

9. Digging with your hands in the ground is a dream that foreshadows successful and rewarding work. You will have to work a lot, but you will be satisfied with the process, which will not be stupid or meaningless at all, and even more so with the result, which will delight and enrich you.

10. If in your dreams you were lying on the ground, it means that in reality you will soon feel confidence, stability and calm. Try to maintain and consolidate this state - in it you will be able to perform any work more productively and easily, and achieve much greater heights.

It is easy to notice that the earth very often symbolizes wealth, prosperity and happiness - and it may seem that the interpreter is exaggerating, promising generous fruits. But it’s true - the earth is a symbol that rarely comes into dreams and is a happy sign.

But do not believe that after this dream wealth will simply fall on your head tomorrow - you have to work hard, show strength, optimism and perseverance, and then only reap the generous fruits of your own honest and hard work. Let such a dream cheer you up and add faith in your strength - act! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream of falling underground? The dream book indicates: you need to sort out important issues in your life, listen to your intuition, and get examined by a doctor. A vision in a dream warns of the machinations of colleagues, the failure of a business, but sometimes promises benefits.

Listen to your intuition, you may lose stability

Did you dream about how it disappeared from under your feet until you fell through there? The dream suggests: when planning something, you need to listen more to your own intuition.

Seeing the ground slipping from under your feet in a dream and you flying down means: your financial stability may disappear just as suddenly.

Work on yourself, get examined by a doctor

Why do you dream of falling underground? The dream book explains: the sleeper himself is to blame for his failures. Incorrect actions and careless words provoke retaliatory actions from others. You should learn to speak out more loyally so as not to offend anyone - then the attitude of your friends will change, and then, lo and behold, someone will give valuable advice in time.

Did you have such a vision? You need to pay attention to your health, get examined - the plot warns of the danger of respiratory tract or skin diseases.

Colleagues' intrigues, problems with authorities

Did you see how they fell down in a dream and were covered with earth from above? The dream book warns: you should beware of intrigues and machinations of colleagues behind your back. They are quite capable of meanness, which will come as a surprise to the sleeper.

A dream about falling underground indicates possible problems with government services or authorities.

The dream plot also warns against falling in the moral aspect - the danger of committing a negative or completely irreparable act.

Miller's Dream Book: find answers to important questions

Why do you dream of falling underground? The time has come to deal with the complexities of your own life, to give answers to questions that are significant to you. This will allow the dreamer to understand why certain events happen to him and begin to control his own destiny.

How did you fail?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account how you fell underground:

  • yourself - you can get seriously ill;
  • with someone - the joint business will fail;
  • in a car in a dream - you will lose control over the situation;
  • along with the house - be careful, you can lose yourself and things that are important to you.

Analyze mistakes, ask for forgiveness

Did you see how you ended up there in a dream? There is some work ahead, but before you take it on, analyze past mistakes so as not to repeat them.

Why do you dream that you are falling through it? The dream book explains: you feel strong guilt before someone, shame for an unseemly act. Ask for forgiveness from the one to whom you are guilty.

Dream Interpretation Earth Dreaming of earth indicates that you will soon try to replace the lack of spiritual communication, spiritual intimacy and understanding with carnal pleasures with a new partner. You should understand that your expectations are in vain, in your soul you strive for stability, but in reality you only change sexual partners. Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth Earth movements. - Portends a change of duty station, happiness. The appearance of cracks in the ground. - Portends illness, malaise, great misfortune. Peaceful landscape, village fields. - Great happiness and prosperity. The high relief gradually turns into a plain. - Foreshadows illness. You sweep the ground, removing manure from the yard. - The family will soon fall apart, there will be grief. You see a mountain of manure and earth. - Accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables. Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Dream Interpretation Earth EARTH - a dream of fertile land - promises a beautiful and virtuous bride. If the land you dreamed of was dry and barren, then your wife will be grumpy. If you saw vast lands in a dream, wealth awaits you. Land sown with grain dreams of fruitful work. The land on which vegetables grow is a dream of shallow sadness. Kissing the ground in a dream means meeting a hypocritical person. Ancient French dream book

Interpretation of sleep Earth In general - life foundation, financial situation; symbolism of the real (as opposed to the heavenly); past experience, ancestral roots, subconscious; mother, something who gives, nourishes a person; death. Dry, cracked - losses, material lack, loss of vitality, scarcity of emotional life, stagnation in relationships. Blooming land, flowerbed - a successful marriage, well-being and material prosperity. Plowed - successful, long-term work. Raw, dug up - danger; to someone's death. To bury something is to put it off. Digging the ground is a special activity, zeal in business (idiom: “digging the ground”). Digging is hard work; death. Being underground means wealth; deep self-knowledge. Dream Book of the Wanderer

Meaning of sleep Earth Land covered with greenery or moss is a rich marriage; digging the ground - there will be a funeral soon; lying on the ground means some kind of trouble. To see the earth black - sad, yellow or light in color - your life will turn out well. If you dream of an earthquake - a change for the better; danger in business. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Earth The symbol of the earth means work, the difficulties and eases of life itself. The earth is what is under our feet, our support, faith (it’s not for nothing that they say: to lose the ground under your feet). Fertile land is a very good sign for the dreamer. Barren and rocky land foreshadows failures and setbacks on the path of life. Seeing land in the distance while sailing at sea is a sign of suddenly opening brilliant prospects in life. Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being for your home. If you dream that your clothes are stained with earth, you may have to leave your home due to unpleasant events. Modern dream book

Dreaming Earth Seeing fertile land in a dream is a sign of good luck, but if it is barren and rocky, then the dream foreshadows troubles and failures. Seeing land from the sea when returning from a voyage means that prosperity and happiness await you. Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream Earth The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and that’s why , that in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “The earth stands on three pillars”, “Mother earth - gives treasure”, “Earth and water will remain, but us will not happen,” “Jerasulim is the navel of the earth.” Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good omen and means that soon you will have a strong blow that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time. Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task. If in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation. Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you. Throwing yourself into some kind of earth in a dream means that you are unnecessarily thinking badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream means that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery. Eating land in a dream means a successful deal or receiving a large inheritance. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Earth Land is a symbol of property; symbol of the basis of life; as well as thoughts about death. Take the expression: “Standing firmly on the ground” and its opposite image, when you are lying on the ground in a dream, which means being in a helpless situation. Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth, land, soil In a dream it has many interpretations. Each land is interpreted according to its form and essence: for example, seeing a land in a dream on which Allah, after the resurrection, will gather all His creatures together for an account (mahshar) means keeping secrets, the truthfulness of a promise and security. And sometimes it is a sign of guidance on the right path and repentance. As for the plowed land, it indicates fertility and productivity. If someone dreams that he has become the owner of a piece of land, then he, if single, will get married and be given a child. If he sees the ground shaking beneath him, then perhaps this indicates that the pregnant woman will have a miscarriage. And if he sees that the earth has collapsed along with those who were on it, then this is a sign of their pride, vanity and carelessness in following the commands of Allah Almighty. Whoever sees that he is on a spacious, flat land, unfamiliar to him and similar to a desert, will go on a journey. And whoever sees that he is hitting the ground with his foot or something, he will go on a journey on trade business. And whoever sees that he has moved from a dry and barren land to a fertile and green land, he will move from bida (innovation) to the Sunnah, and vice versa. And if someone who wants to go on a journey sees in a dream that he is moving from one area to another, he will go on a journey, and his condition on this journey will correspond to these places, their width, narrowness, barrenness and fertility. They say that if you see earth in a dream, it may foretell a meeting with your mother. Trampling the ground in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Seeing in a dream that the earth takes different forms means that your affairs will worsen. Seeing the earth opening up with fiery lava or something similar is a harbinger of evil and danger. But if an old man came out of the ground, then this is good. Anyone who sees in a dream a land on which beautiful plants grow, beautiful flowers bloom, and he rejoices in all this and thinks that it all belongs to him, will receive everything he wants from life, and then may die suddenly. In the Koran, the Almighty proclaims: And when they rejoiced in what was given to them. We suddenly grabbed the ha (6:44) Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth The ground is covered with greenery or moss: a rich marriage to dig: to lie on the ground for a quick funeral: some troubles to dig the ground: the benefit of plowing: to bow to the ground for a harvest: honor. New dream book 1918

Dream Interpretation Earth Digging the ground in a dream foretells material benefits. Seeing someone digging or digging in the ground is a sign of mourning. Lying on the ground in a dream means minor troubles await you, but overall life will seem wonderful to you. Seeing land covered with greenery or moss in a dream foretells getting rich in the near future as a result of a profitable marriage. Seeing in a dream how the land is plowed, foreshadows the beginning of noble, but, alas, thankless work. Plowing the land yourself means a good harvest at your summer cottage. Digging a dugout in a dream or living in it means that in real life you will have to tighten your belt and get into debt. Freshly dug up soil in a garden or vegetable garden portends prosperity and well-being; in a field - the beginning of an unreliable and too risky enterprise. Fat and fertile land in your dream is a good sign, foreshadowing abundance in the house and stable income growth. Overgrown with weeds and other weeds or completely barren rocky or sandy soil portends annoying failures and failures literally at every step. Digging sod out of the ground - to a new friendship, shaking out the earth from the sod - you will cry your eyes out, transporting sod - beware of bad connections. Seeing excavation work at a construction site near your home in a dream means that a discovery awaits you: your rival lives almost next door to you. Walking along a furrow in a dream means the emergence of new burdensome worries and obstacles in love, if at the same time damp clay soil sticks to your shoes - this foreshadows the appearance of unpleasant moments in the business that you have just started, and if the ground is hard, caught by frost, it means luck will not be slow to appear to you in the form of a lover. Digging in a cemetery in a dream means that in reality someone’s dishonest act will cause you suffering. Staining your clothes with earth indicates that you will have to leave home to escape illness or the law. Being covered with earth means that you are about to make an unforgivable mistake, which your enemies will immediately use against you. Covering someone with earth in a dream means that only by stepping over your principles can you feel yourself standing firmly on the ground. To dream that you are falling from some height to the ground foretells shame, humiliation and need. Seeing the entire globe in a dream, as if being in outer space, in reality this foreshadows a round-the-world cruise. If in a dream you also see the rotation of stars around the Earth, such a dream indicates the onset of severe fatigue. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Earth The whole Earth or part of it, its cities and countries, the Earth with its forests and seas. Matter itself is the feminine sphere: “Mother Earth” and “Great Mother”. The earth reflects the passive principle, warmth and peace in the family and is a closer and more familiar image than the sea. It is threatening only in extreme situations, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Dungeon. The lower regions of the soul, the hidden and inhuman realms. Also the area of ​​death and the past. Earthquakes. Destruction. Consciousness in anticipation of change or growth. Perhaps the individual shifts the focus (egoistic) of his attention to himself, life and reality. Image of the Shadow. The desire to receive sexual pleasure and fear of manifestations of sexuality. Dirt. The primeval swamp from which we emerged, and therefore the womb. If the dream does not indicate the avoidance of difficulties in the bosom of the earth: it, in this case, may have the opposite meaning, indicating an escape from an overprotective situation that suppresses the individual. Mud healing: Mud baths correspond to beneficial cleansing, understanding and acceptance through suffering. Sinking into a swamp or quagmire. Death. Can also be a sexual image, especially if limbs are submerged or brought to the surface, thus demonstrating that the unconscious views dirt as sex, since the limbs are associated with the genitals. Volcanoes. Subterranean forces that are repressed passions and impulses erupting to the surface. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth LAND - profit // not good; black - grief; light, yellow - life will go better; plowed land, plowing - harvest, to wealth // to the dead; overgrown - to guests, joy, profit, rich marriage // to poverty; measuring the land for a new house is for worse; under a garden or vegetable garden - happiness; arshin - funeral; fathoms - purchase or sale; sniffing the ground - the approach of death; whoever digs up the earth will die; dig, dig - self-interest // funeral; plow - someone will die; lying on the ground - minor troubles; bowing to the ground is an honor; fall to the ground - humiliation, poverty; earthquake - news // moving to a foreign land, danger, change for the worse, something is wrong in business, war. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth The image of the earth: personifies natural life, including family, social foundations, habits established in childhood. Seeing dry, rocky ground means failure. Dug up earth: anticipation of change, preparation for marriage (for women). Digging the ground yourself: success will come to you through work. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Earth EARTH: swamp, swamps, mud. Earthquake. Nature with depressing, unpleasant desert landscapes. Desert. Pits, fall into a hole. Radiation zones. Dry, cracked earth. This is typical for black magic dreams. Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Dream Interpretation Earth Fertile soil is a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures. If you dream that while sailing at sea you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream that foreshadows sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being. If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will soon have to leave your home. The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about the earth as follows. Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will face icing. To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters. And here is how D. Loff interpreted such dreams: “The image of the earth is distinguished by a variety of interpretative meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life. In a dream, the earth represents the source of our existence. In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the End of the World. Dreams in which you are afraid of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines." Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth Solid ground: confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable to vibrations that interfere with the path, falling underfoot: to problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Fall underground: check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis. Digging the ground: you waste your money on little things. Pick it up and sprinkle it on the ground: your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look. They throw dirt at you: you are petty and picky beyond the point. Earth (planet): you are drawn into everyday life. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth “Go underground” - hide, hide “be closer to the earth”: stability, solidity, balance “the earth will rest in peace to you”: peaceful death “fall through the earth”: curse, guilt, shame “favorable soil”: luck “erase from faces of the earth": destroy "knock the ground out from under someone's feet": deprive someone of a position, confidence "bury talent in the ground": ruin, not use abilities, postpone the matter "test the waters": get your bearings, find out the situation "ground (nose) dig": to actively act, to try with all one's strength, "the earth is disappearing from under one's feet" "the earth will not bear it": about a very bad person "to lose (or feel) the ground under one's feet": to gain confidence or lose life goals, guidelines " to fall or fall on fertile soil": success, the flourishing of one's abilities "down-to-earth person": realistic person, everyman "mother earth-nurse", "mother earth gave: mother earth took" Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth Falling from a height to the ground: shame, humiliation. Covered with greenery or moss: money, rich marriage. Digging the ground: a quick funeral. Lying on the ground: minor troubles in life. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Earth Earth: This image symbolizes your groundedness, your solid foundation. Do you feel like you're on solid ground in life? If not, start building support structures and invite people into your life who can help you. Earth: Can symbolize the earthly and sensual part of your nature. Do you wish to become more earthly? Or should you be more grounded? Spend more time in the garden. Walk barefoot on the ground. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Earth Earth: profit is not good black: light grief, yellow: life will go well land plowed, to plow: harvest, for wealth, overgrown for the dead: for guests, joy, profit, rich marriage measure land for a new house: for worse for a garden or vegetable garden: happiness arshin: funeral fathoms: buying or selling land sniff: the approach of death the earth who digs up: will die dig, dig: self-interest, funeral plow: someone will die lie on the ground: minor troubles bow to the ground: honor to fall to the ground: humiliation , poverty, earthquake: news, moving to a foreign land, danger, change for the worse, something is wrong in business, war. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth EARTH - in general - life foundation, financial situation; symbolism of the real (as opposed to the heavenly); past experience, ancestral roots, subconscious; mother, something who gives, nourishes a person; death. Dry, cracked - losses, material lack, loss of vitality, scarcity of emotional life, stagnation in relationships. Blooming land, flowerbed - a successful marriage, well-being and material prosperity. Plowed - successful, long-term work. Raw, dug up - danger; to someone's death. To bury something is to put it aside. Digging the ground is a special activity, zeal in business (idiom: “digging the ground”). Digging is hard work; death. Being underground means wealth; deep self-knowledge. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Earth The image of the earth represents natural life, including family, social foundations, and habits established in childhood. Seeing dry, rocky ground is a sign of failure. Dug up earth - anticipation of change, preparation for marriage (for women). Digging the ground yourself - success will come to you through work. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Earth Fertile land: a very good sign for the dreamer. The land is barren and rocky: foreshadows failures and setbacks on the path of life. Seeing land in the distance while sailing at sea means suddenly opening up brilliant prospects in life. Freshly dug soil in the garden: promises prosperity and well-being for your home. If you dream that your clothes are stained with soil: you may have to leave your home due to unpleasant events. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Earth Seeing the earth is a sign of wealth and power. If someone sees in a dream that he is drawing a plan of some building on the ground, then he will receive from God the ability to organize his worldly affairs, or he will master some science that will help organize his affairs in relation to religion. If someone sees in a dream that he is digging the earth and eating the dug earth, he will acquire property through cunning and deception. If someone sees that he is trampling the ground, it means that his death is approaching. If someone sees that he is digging the ground and drawing water from a hole, he will obtain a means of living through what is permitted. Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth Dream Interpretation Earth - Symbol of property; symbol of the basis of life; as well as thoughts about death. Take the expression: standing firmly on the ground and its opposite image, when you are lying on the ground in a dream, which means being in a helpless situation. Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation Earth The image of the earth represents natural life, including family, social foundations, and habits established in childhood. Seeing dry, rocky ground is a sign of failure. Dug up earth - anticipation of change, preparation for marriage (for women). Digging the ground yourself - success will come to you through work. What does it mean if we see earth in our dreams? This is a call to turn to the natural foundations of our lives. It matters what kind of soil we stand on: solid, strong or shifting, failing. People who are internally unsure of themselves often “lose the ground under their feet.” Sometimes in dreams people fall into the ground or see others sinking into the ground before their eyes. Typically this is a warning sign. It can foreshadow the illness of both the character and the dreamer himself. And it can serve as a sign of “precipitation” in the social aspect. Earth - natural, real life, including feminine nature, family interests, habits, earthly life attitudes. Soft, dug up earth reflects a woman’s maturity and readiness to become a mother. The land is dry, rocky - a symbol of life's difficulties. The earth (plowed) is a woman’s readiness to love and be loved. The earth is the foundations, the laws of social life.

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