Dream interpretation of firewood of different shapes beer. Why do you dream about firewood: what do the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Oracle and others say?

From ancient times the ability to use firewood as fuel for the hearth came to us. Firewood was used to heat the kitchen stoves, to heat the home, and to heat the baths. Now they have been replaced by gas and electricity, but previously firewood was a means of essential necessity for humans. However, even now, in our modern world, firewood finds its admirers: some are not averse to enjoying meat or porridge cooked over a fire, while others like to sit by the fireplace, watching the flames lick the logs, or listen to the quiet crackling of wood while falling asleep . And they have wonderful dreams. Sometimes even about firewood. But not everyone knows why people dream about something like this! But this is not a problem, especially when you have a wise dream interpreter at hand - a dream book! He knows everything about night visions! Let's take a look at the most famous interpreters and find out what the firewood seen in a dream portends to us!

“One plank, two planks...”

Seeing a large armful of firewood in a dream means failure in business and quarrels with a loved one, Miller’s dream book predicts.

I dreamed of a large log prepared for heating the fireplace - a sign that on the coming holiday your plans and dreams will become reality.

If you dream that you are putting firewood in a woodpile, some profitable business awaits you soon.

A bundle of brushwood seen in a dream means that you risk “getting involved” in a dubious deal bordering on a scam. The dream book warns you about the danger of losing a large amount of money.

If you dreamed that you were stacking logs in a huge pile in the yard - expect uninvited guests; if you see dead wood in the middle of the forest - you will be the guest.

“The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying...”

Cutting branches for a fire in a dream - such a dream means that in order to achieve your goals, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Chopping wood and heating the stove with it means well-being and understanding in the family, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

If you dreamed that you were sawing a large log and then chopping it into splinters, in reality a long period of joy and fun awaits you.

Chopping wood with a dull ax means a long and painful explanation of matters to your colleague. Most likely, you will be assigned one job for two, and you will have to explain to your colleague what needs to be done and how.

Dreaming that your late grandfather is chopping wood means the revival of old relationships.

If you dreamed that you had to chop wood for a neighbor, a friend or relative will need your help.

“Burn, burn clearly!..”

Seeing that you are lighting a fire in the hearth means losses, the dream book warns.

If you dream that you are watching wood burning in the fireplace, it means pleasant romantic meetings and dates.

I dreamed that you were carrying brushwood to light the stove and cook dinner on it - for a noisy and hearty party. Perhaps you will be invited to some kind of celebration.

Burning coals foretell pleasant surprises and surprises for you, the dream book promises.

Seeing charred firewood in a dream means boredom and sadness, and perhaps even disappointment.

Chopping old logs and burning them on a fire - in real life you will get rid of the burden of problems that have fallen on you recently.

“Now a birch tree, now a mountain ash...”

Cutting down a dry tree in a dream means you are on the threshold of a new stage in life, you will have a fight with competitors, from which you will emerge victorious. If the tree was alive in the dream, it means loss and trouble, as Miller’s dream book foretells.

If you have a dream in which you carry chopped birch chips from a barn into the house to light a fireplace with them - be careful in the coming days when communicating with unfamiliar people, there is a high probability that you may be robbed.

Stacking small branches of a birch or other forest tree means minor troubles; fruit branches mean small joys and amenities.

Sawing or collecting coniferous branches and heating a bathhouse with them is a sign of good health or a speedy recovery for those who are sick, the dream book pleases.

“We will survive this trouble”

Seeing that you have to steal firewood means a quarrel with a colleague.

If you dreamed that some man was cutting down your fence, this means gossip and slander; if you destroy someone’s fence, you will slander and weave intrigues, the dream book warns.

Carrying boards in a dream and injuring an arm or leg - the interpretation of this dream is clear in all dream books - means illness.

Why do you dream about firewood? Fuel for the hearth - this function was performed in the past by logs, until they were replaced by electricity and gas. Most dream books interpret this symbol as very ambiguous. A dream in which firewood appears can promise changes for the better and for the worse. So, what details will help you understand the secret meaning of the dream?

Why do you dream of firewood: Miller’s dream book

Miller believes that their appearance in a dream predicts conflicts that will soon occur or are already taking place in the circle of the dreamer’s close people. Why dream of firewood if a person sees a whole armful? This indicates his dissatisfaction with his life, problems in his relationship with his other half.

Miller considers a good dream to be one in which a large log appears. It promises the fulfillment of desires that the sleeper was ready to forget about, considering them unrealistic. A person who faces a difficult test in reality can trade firewood in a dream. Time will tell whether he will be able to cope with them.

Chop wood

Why do you dream of a Good Omen - this is how most dream books characterize a dream with a similar plot. In reality, joy awaits a person, and it is also possible that he will be able to defeat enemies who have been harming him for a long time. There is no doubt that the black clouds overhead will dissipate. However, there are also dream guides that claim that chopping wood means suffering from your own carelessness.

Why do you dream of chopped firewood? If a person collects them, he will make a profit in the coming days. He may be unexpectedly returned an old debt or given a bonus. However, if they are scattered around the yard, you should prepare for minor troubles.

Stack firewood

Why dream of firewood if the dreamer is stacking it? His financial situation will soon cease to cause concern - this is what most dream guides believe. However, a dream can also promise changes for the worse. There is no doubt that the undertaking will be successfully completed if the firewood is stacked neatly and beautifully.

A woodpile of firewood - what does such night vision promise? Some dream books suggest that a person does not notice the danger that threatens him. Others claim that the dreamer’s affairs will finally be put in order, life will return to normal, and the turmoil will disappear.

Saw, chop, burn

What should a person who cuts wood in a dream prepare for? It is possible that the other half will soon have reason to suspect him of infidelity. The symbol can also predict mental suffering that will replace peace and happiness. If the dreamer watches someone else sawing wood, in reality he is tired of someone’s obsessive attention, he dreams of getting rid of him.

Why do you dream of chopping wood? This dream belongs to the category of bad omens. In reality, the dreamer will soon become dependent and will be used by a person with bad intentions. It is also possible that the sleeper will fail in a task that he recently started.

Firewood burning in a dream predicts an unexpected event. If the flame is dim, the dreamer is in for a change for the worse. A bright flame promises joy and success. What awaits the one who burns them at the stake or in the oven? Dream books claim that this symbolizes the trash that the dreamer is ready to free himself from.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about firewood if a person prepares it in the forest? He will have to enter into a confrontation with his rivals, which is most likely to bring him victory. Trying to put a log in the oven that turns out to be too large for it means the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Goats intended for sawing firewood appear in a dream as a sign of a successful deal. A firewood stand for married people predicts good relationships with friends and relatives of the other half. A burning wood stack seen in a dream promises trouble in reality.

Carrying firewood into the house means experiencing a strong surprise, which may or may not be very pleasant. Buying logs predicts dirty gossip that has nothing to do with reality. A person who is facing family conflicts may see himself selling firewood. Meeting someone with a bundle of firewood means suffering from dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. For young people, such a dream promises a quarrel with a loved one.


What can the dreamed log symbolize? The warmth of a family hearth? The mess that you are about to create in your life, having rashly “messed up the wood”? Or maybe some out-of-the-ordinary event with which fate will hit you, “like a log to the head”? There was and is no unanimity between interpreters about what firewood is for in dreams...

If, when you hear the word “log,” an image of fire pops up in your head, cheerfully crackling in the fireplace, and your soul is filled with warmth and comfort, then you are straight to the optimistic interpreters, who are confident that a dream involving firewood will certainly lead to happiness.

  • Vanga's dream book considers dreamed logs to be a symbol of plans, the implementation of which will require a lot of work. Don't dare give up halfway! In the end, your efforts will pay off handsomely in the end.
  • The French dream book brings good news: your well-being will unexpectedly increase, although you will not lift a finger for this. Fortune will simply turn its Horn of Plenty in your direction.
  • The Bitch's dream book predicts many joyful events and pleasures for dreamers.
  • The New Era Dream Book promises home comfort and tender family relationships. If you are single, don't miss the chance to get it all!
  • The collection of dream books sees in the future a person who has dealt with firewood in his dreams, a decisive victory over his opponents.
  • What else can firewood symbolize if not a cozy family hearth?

    But there are interpreters who consider the image of a log to be an extremely bad sign.

  • The Islamic dream book associates its appearance with slander - just as wood crackles in a fire, so will the chatter of gossip about your person be heard. In addition, you may encounter a stingy and not very smart person who will be unpleasant to deal with.
  • Hasse's dream book predicts that you yourself will begin to do stupid things.
  • Aesop's Dream Book advises turning your thoughts not to the future, but to the past. Once upon a time you really screwed up, but now you have to deal with the consequences of old mistakes.
  • Ivanov’s dream book scares dreamers with bad news...
  • Dream interpretation of the 21st century - with tears...
  • The Ukrainian even threatens with death.
  • There are also ambiguous interpretations.

  • According to Miller's dream book, one large beautiful log predicts the fulfillment of all the dreamer's secret hopes; and this should happen during the next big holiday. (This interpretation is associated with the European custom of burning a previously prepared log on the night before Christmas in an effort to gain good luck for the entire coming year.) But if you saw a whole armful of firewood, expect a quarrel with your loved one and frustration in business.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book assures: smooth logs predict an extremely successful completion of the planned enterprise, while crooked and splintered ones predict failure in business and quarrels with household members.
  • The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima also advises paying attention to the appearance of the firewood. Knotty logs with rough bark promise discord and squabbles, smooth logs, “without a hitch” - friendly warmth and participation.

    The appearance of the logs decides a lot

  • Freud's dream book has his own opinion on everything:

  • he associates logs with... female libido;
  • considers firewood stacked in neat piles to be an indication of the dreamer’s sexual life, moderately varied, moderately orderly;
  • calls a collapsed woodpile a sign of indiscriminate choice of partners;
  • associates damp logs covered with moss or spots of rot with an ailment affecting the intimate area;
  • Well, a dream in which a person saws, chops or otherwise interacts with firewood, in Freud’s interpretation, is a symbol of the sexual act itself.
  • Dreamed of a man or woman

  • Logs that appear in girls' dreams are interpreted as a symbol of rash actions that will bring the disapproval of others on the young lady.
  • A girl who had a dream in which someone was carrying a bundle of firewood through the forest should hold her sharp tongue. If a quarrel breaks out with a young man, mutual reproaches will lead the couple into such a jungle of grievances that it will be difficult to get back out.
  • But the firewood stand is a nice symbol. For a girl getting ready to walk down the aisle, she predicts complete approval from the groom's parents, and for the already “ringed” lady - excellent relationships with her husband's friends. Agree, this is an important condition for a strong marriage.
  • However, the logs themselves, piled up or scattered on the floor, warn a married woman about conflicts with loved ones.

    Interpretations of women's dreams about firewood are quite varied.

  • If a man sees firewood in a dream, he will have to deal with troubles in the service in the future.
  • If the dreamer happens to chop or chop large logs with his own hands, in the foreseeable future he will remain healthy, lucky, full of strength and ready for exploits - including sexual ones.
  • Although Freud dubbed firewood a symbol of the feminine principle, it is believed that a representative of the fair sex who chopped it in a dream has traditionally masculine determination and drive. Some even hint that this is how the dreamer’s secret bisexual inclinations can manifest themselves, regardless of her marital status and age.

    Explanation of the appearance of the logs

    Even though birch is considered a light and positive tree, this clearly does not apply to logs cut from its wood. Just seeing them in a dream means encountering many small troubles on your life’s path, and carrying firewood with remnants of white bark with black speckles into the house means becoming a victim of scammers and thieves. But fruit branches and chicks embody future joy, and firewood from coniferous trees symbolizes good health.

    Stacked logs serve as a reflection of the dreamer’s inner world. You are neat, organized and prefer to act according to plan, which is why you rarely have rush jobs.

    Firewood gathered in a sloppy armful is a warning. Do not allow yourself to get involved in dubious enterprises, it will be to your detriment.

    When you see firewood piled up in a pile, don’t plan anything important: homework will consume all your free time and you won’t be able to delegate it to someone else.

    Blocks of wood, scattered without any order underfoot, foreshadow annoying but minor incidents.

    Neatly stacked firewood shows your love for order.

    Chopped firewood promises profit, especially if in a dream you carefully collected it.

    A log split into splinters indicates the opportunity to spend time with classmates or fellow students. Receive an invitation to one of your anniversaries, do not refuse, you will get a lot of pleasant impressions.

    Small chips are considered a symbol of sadness.

    Burning wood predicts a quarrel with your significant other when it blazes in a stove or fireplace, and serious trouble if in a dream you saw a fire engulf a whole stack of wood.

    Large logs are associated by interpreters with good health; small ones predict the illness of a relative; dry ones predict loss; damp ones embody depressing thoughts and ailments.


    Firewood stacked in a barn, according to versions of various dream books, predicts either wealth, or a peaceful life not overshadowed by any shocks, or stupid actions with which the dreamer himself will complicate his existence. Draw conclusions and try to act prudently, then both prosperity and peace will not be slow to visit you.

    The woodshed - a special shed filled with logs - serves as a symbol of danger if, after waking up, you felt “out of place.” But those who got out of bed cheerfully and cheerfully will win: the dream promises them the purchase of real estate.

    If a car with firewood “drives” into your night dreams, your financial situation will strengthen.

    By action: chop, stab or saw, see burning, wear, etc.

    The one who, while in the kingdom of dreams, energetically chopped logs, will be able to defeat all enemies and conquer any peaks, but only with hard work. Luck will not fall into such a person’s hands by itself! In addition, the dream is an advice to once again try your hand at something that you once failed: this time the chances of achieving success will increase significantly.

    If you see a saw in a dream, get ready for reproaches

    To cut wood means to expose yourself to unfair attacks - someone will pester you with reproaches for an offense that you did not commit.

    It’s a completely different matter if a chainsaw appeared in the dream! Most likely, you are at the peak of mental torment, although it is thanks to them that you are ready to make decisive changes in your life. There is an important nuance here: if you yourself have wielded a dangerous tool, feel free to proceed with any undertaking, success awaits you. But if someone else did this, hide and do not take decisive action - you are in danger.

    Seeing a woodcutter in a dream means sacrificing your interests for the good of your family.

    Did you have to prepare firewood at night? Here are the possible options:

  • collecting them from the ground means taking measures to improve the current situation;
  • dragging with armfuls - to losses;
  • to pull into bundles - to difficult work forced on you against your will;
  • carry on your back - to money, for the sake of the possession of which you will have to shed a lot of sweat;
  • if you carried firewood to the fire, you will be surprised by an unexpected event;
  • if they were pushed into the oven, a colossal scandal is coming with the participation of all family members;
  • if, while moving firewood from place to place, you scattered it, get ready for trouble;
  • and if you are injured, it means illness.
  • Buying firewood promises long, boring conversations and gossip.

    Selling predicts tough competition associated with a large number of conflicts, but in the end you will emerge victorious.

    Prophesies quarrels and a dream in which you happened to steal firewood. A disagreement will occur with one of your colleagues and will complicate relationships in the team for some time.

    Breaking with the past decisively and in a timely manner is a useful skill

    What if in a dream you used logs for their intended purpose, throwing them into the fire? The most popular interpretation says: the one who burned wood in a dream subconsciously gets rid of old attachments and opens up to new things. But options are also possible:

  • burning wood in the stove means frost;
  • in the fireplace - to losses;
  • in a fire - to family troubles;
  • if the wood burned with smoke, new worries will fall on the dreamer’s shoulders;
  • with a pleasant warmth that warmed you - to a long successful journey;
  • with sparks - to rumors for which you yourself will give reason.
  • Speaking of rumors! If in a dream you dismantled someone’s fence for firewood, it means that the source of dirty gossip about someone is you yourself. Watch what you say so as not to inadvertently ruin a person’s life.

    In a dream, you heated a bathhouse with wood, and the fire flared up the first time? Z the dreamed business will end in complete success. The flame kept going out, and the logs were rolling out of the oven? Fortune is not on your side. Have you heated a steam bath with a friend? There is already or is about to appear someone in your life who can give you their warmth and a tender, trusting relationship.

    Other dream options

    Goats for sawing firewood not only serve as a symbol of a successful deal, but also characterize the dreamer as an enterprising person, capable of calculating possible scenarios and choosing the most profitable one.

    A woodpile predicts abundance. The need to account for every penny will finally disappear, and you will be able to afford some excesses.

    Bringing firewood to a deceased means getting into trouble. True, there is no need to worry. In the end, it will benefit you, allowing you to draw the right conclusions for the future.

    It would seem that what could be simpler than a log? But no, the interpretation of this symbol can be complex and extremely confusing, so you should not rely only on the readings of dream books. Never discount your personal intuition! The feelings you experienced at night or immediately after waking up will tell you exactly whether the dream was for good, for bad, or did not mean anything at all.

    I dreamed about Firewood (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

    You see yourself chopping wood, seeing firewood in a dream is a favorable omen. It says that you will be able to overcome your enemies. The machinations of enemies who want to prevent you from achieving success will crumble, just as a log crumbles into pieces under the ax of a zealous woodcutter.

    Why does a woman dream about Firewood (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

    Women don’t see firewood in their dreams too often, but still, sometimes it happens. . If you see a bundle of firewood, an armful stacked near the stove, the dream predicts disorder in your affairs and thoughts, problems in relationships, a disagreement, a quarrel with your loved one.

    The meaning of the dream about Polentsy (Russian folk dream book)

    To see cutting wood - such a dream predicts the efforts that will have to be made in order to resolve a certain situation. When you dream of firewood, it means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation. Or they've already got there. And in order to mitigate the likely consequences, efforts will be required.

    Why do you dream about Firewood (Ukrainian dream book by Dmitrenko)

    According to popular belief, seeing firewood in a dream means death. If you dream of knitting firewood, putting it in bundles, an unpleasant task will be imposed. Seeing yourself burning wood means you will try to harm a person. If in a dream you saw someone else chopping wood, the dream warns of a possible epidemic among people or livestock.

    They were chopping wood and flying chips - this is a sign of some sad events in reality. Preparing firewood in a dream means problems in business and family troubles. And only if you dream that the firewood is already ready and neatly stacked in woodpiles - this is a successful outcome of the work.

    Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

    Seeing firewood is considered a good omen. The dream predicts an increase in wealth. If you dreamed of firewood, expect to receive profit from an unexpected source, which will help solve financial problems.

    The meaning of the dream about Drovishki (Assyrian dream book)

    If you dream of firewood, the dream suggests that you should prepare for not the best times in life. To see that you are going to light the stove, have prepared an armful of firewood and intend to throw it into the fire, some sad events await you. These will be failures in business, material losses or losses of loved ones.

    Why do you dream of Firewood, how to understand the dream (Dream Book of the 21st Century)

    • Firewood - Seeing firewood, boards in a dream - efforts will be useless,
    • build from them - to increase income and profit.
    • Firewood - Buying boards in a dream means sadness,
    • knocking them down means an improvement in your financial situation. 66n Breaking or cutting a board means a quarrel,
    • cutting or grinding - for the upcoming wedding.
    • Firewood - Walking on planks across a ditch or stream, as if across a bridge, means you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.
    • Firewood often dreams of family troubles or tears.
    • Cutting them in a dream means becoming dependent on a dishonest person in reality,
    • burning them means losses,
    • wear - to surprise.
    • Seeing scattered logs in a dream means trouble,
    • firewood collected in an armful - to the upcoming attempt to involve you in an unpleasant business.
    • Firewood - To see a woodcutter in a dream means that you will have to help your loved ones to the detriment of yourself.

    Why do you dream of Firewood (Small Velesov’s dream book)

    • Firewood (see Hay, straw) - Family troubles, sadness, dryness, death;
    • in the fire - clashes in the family;
    • in the oven - to frost; on a cart,
    • in an armful - a clash between individual family members,
    • they brought firewood - the woman will die;
    • scattered firewood or individual logs - hostility;
    • burn - harm, loss;
    • wear - for money, for good, surprise;
    • sell - quarrel;
    • buy - quarrel, gossip;
    • to stab - to defeat an enemy, fun,
    • chop - losses;
    • they cut down the forest - pestilence on people and livestock.

    Everyday interpretation of the dream about Drovnitsa (according to the writer Aesop)

    Firewood - If you dream of such a symbol, then keep in mind that it does not carry creativity. The dream will not be associated with the future, but with the consequences of the past, because firewood is the result of the destruction of the forest, a consequence. Feel free to add wood chips to the firewood and remember everything that the people’s mind has given birth to on this occasion.

    Firewood - Walking through a forest that is gradually becoming thicker and darker means that you should not count on a quick resolution of the issue, or receiving profits from the business you have started; there are still many expectations ahead.

    Firewood - It is easy to cut large wooden logs and prepare firewood - constant carelessness and recklessness harm you. Stop before it’s too late, draw conclusions from the mistakes that were made in the past, don’t risk other people’s lives.

    Why does the dreamer dream of Firewood (Miller's Dream Book)

    Firewood, an armful of firewood - Seeing an armful of firewood in a dream means an unsatisfactory state of affairs and a disagreement, a quarrel with a loved one. If you dream of a log that is burned on Christmas Eve, the most joyful expectations are destined to come true on the days of great celebrations.

    Seeing wood cut - to accusations of infidelity.

    Seeing wood burning (stove, fire) - Burning wood in a stove or on a fire means freeing yourself from unpleasant attachments.

    Why do you dream of Firewood in a dream (according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnov)

    Firewood in a dream is a symbol of hard and diligent work in reality. If you see how you are preparing firewood, this means that the time has come to put things in order. If you dream of a stacked woodpile of firewood, it is an omen that promises that you will be able to complete the work and that your hard work will be rewarded.

    Why do you dream about Firewood (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

    If you dream of birch firewood, this predicts some troubles in your family life or personal relationships. A major scandal awaits with your significant other. It will not end in divorce or separation, but if you continue to escalate the situation in the same spirit, this will be the only solution. Sometimes you have to give in, even if you are sure that you are absolutely right.

    If a sleeper sees burning brands in a dream (from the book by Tatyana Lagutina)

    If in a night dream you saw firewood burning in a stove, the dream predicts prosperity and a happy family life. If you dream that firewood was cracking and sparks were flying in all directions, this warns of a quarrel during which both parties will show uncontrollable anger and aggression towards each other.

    Why do you dream of Firewood in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

    Seeing firewood blazing hotly in a fireplace or stove is a favorable dream. It predicts success in business, prosperity, and profit. If you see firewood in a dream, the dream does not predict great events, but when you dream of firewood burning in a stove, it is a symbol of comfort, gentle warmth and a calm family life. Prosperity and prosperity awaits.

    What does it mean to dream with Firewood (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

    In the spring, why dream of carrying firewood in a dream - to the deceased; sawing wood - to suffering; burn wood - free yourself from enemies.

    In the summer, dreaming of stacked firewood means that you are an organized person and your affairs are in order.

    In the fall, what did you dream of about firewood brought and dumped in the yard - to labor-intensive housework. To cut wood - they will cut for something.

    In winter, why dream of burning wood in a stove or on a fire - getting rid of unnecessary rubbish - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

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    Why do you dream about Firewood?

    Firewood in the modern dream book

    Firewood in a dream symbolizes the creative beginning of some stage in life. Usually, this is a new task that you just can’t finish. If the firewood in the dream was damp, it means that your plans are not fully thought out. A bundle of dry firewood portends spiritual growth, joyful events and ease of making a profit. The more evenly the firewood is selected in the woodpile, the more measured and harmonious your life will be in the coming days. Stacking firewood in a dream is a sign that you are becoming wiser and wiser with each new day.

    Firewood in Miller's dream book

    Carrying armfuls of firewood in a dream is not always good - most often such a dream foreshadows quarrels with a loved one or with household members on your initiative. You are not satisfied with the salary or behavior of your chosen one and constantly grumble about this. Carrying large logs is a sign of celebration of the soul and reconciliation with those with whom you have been at loggerheads for a long time. If in a dream you dump firewood into one pile, and it constantly falls apart, it means that your lover is cheating on you. Buying firewood means improving the dreamer’s financial condition. Selling means losing an item that is very dear to you, as a memory of a loved one. Rotten or damp firewood symbolizes mental hardships and experiences.

    Firewood in Vanga's dream book

    Cutting down a forest for firewood in a dream is a bad sign: your carelessness and frivolity will bring disappointment. Seeing chips flying at you when cutting down a forest is a sign of gossip and empty talk. Chopping wood with ease in a dream means you live as if you were playing, you get everything right the first time. Small and clumsy firewood dreams of illness. To dream of someone carrying firewood on a cart means the death of a loved one. Watching a woodcutter work is a sign that you have entered a period of spiritual growth.

    Firewood in Freud's dream book

    Filling the stove or fireplace in the house with wood is a sign of a cozy family atmosphere. Burning wood - to a stormy sex life. If you see sparks bouncing off firewood in a dream, expect scenes of jealousy and mistrust on the part of your regular partner. Logs scattered around the yard dream of promiscuous sex life.

    Those who boast that they sleep like babies usually don't have babies.

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