Dream about the apocalypse: the best interpretations. The magic of numbers

Whatever the magical world of dreams sometimes presents, keeping countless secrets and incredible plots with an unexpected ending! People often see natural disasters and global disasters in their dreams. Why do you dream about the end of the world?

People often see natural disasters and global disasters in their dreams.

Even deadly natural disasters, terrible catastrophes, about which films are often watched, appear to be quite realistic. Not only does what you see leave a bad taste in your soul and strange thoughts, it also means something, and, most likely, important. The dream book will tell you what it means to see the apocalypse in a dream.

It is not difficult to interpret such a dream: even if it looks large-scale and frightening, in reality it does not always foreshadow something bad. The main thing is to pay attention to the nuances and remember the scenario of events.

  1. Look at the end of the world as if from the outside;
  2. Dying due to Armageddon;
  3. Survive a disaster or experience a feeling of fear during the events taking place;
  4. Rescue yourself during a natural disaster;
  5. See a flood or tsunami;
  6. See ;
  7. Seeing a meteorite fall.

After such events in the world of dreams, emotions simply go off scale, but it is important to come to your senses, try to understand in time that this is a dream and ask what it is about.

The end in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about the end of the world: interpretations in dream books

When you contemplate Armageddon as an outside spectator, big changes await you in reality. Very soon something will change significantly in a positive way.

  1. Do you dream that you are dying during a disaster? Don't worry, it won't turn out bad. You will simply begin a new life, you will change yourself, and fate will be restructured in a new direction. You'll even have the opportunity to start over and correct some mistakes.
  2. If you dream that you are participating in the end of the world and at the same time experiencing great horror, it means that you are currently worried and afraid about something. These fears poison your life and greatly interfere with moving forward. Work a little on yourself, understand yourself.
  3. Escaping from a natural disaster means that at this stage of life you do not want to change yourself and change your own life, you create many obstacles to this only because you are afraid of change. This attitude will lead to stagnation and degradation, think about it, overcome your fear of the unknown and take a step forward to the new.
  4. The end of the world due to explosions is a warning dream. You will face disappointments and/or failures on your life path in the near future. Most likely, you are moving in the wrong direction and need to change it.
  5. I had a dream in which a meteorite falls to the ground - something very good and extraordinary will happen in reality soon. You will simply be shocked by such a surprise, but it will change a lot in a positive direction.

When you contemplate Armageddon as an outside spectator, big changes await you in reality

A world perishing in fire threatens great mutual love. You just need to not be afraid to open up to her.

What does apocalypse mean according to Vanga’s dream book

According to Vanga, Armageddon is dreamed of when a person is unsure of himself and what is happening now. Another interpretation says that such a dream speaks of the individual’s inability to find a non-standard solution to problems. As a rule, in her opinion, such catastrophes in a person’s dream world occur when he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

According to Vanga, Armageddon is dreamed of when a person is unsure of himself and what is happening now

In such cases, you just need to relax a little, calm down, and look at your problems from a different angle. Try to avoid overexertion and shock.

Seeing Armageddon in a dream: meanings in the Islamic dream book

For Muslims, the interpretation of dreams is of particular importance. A hadith from Abu Hurayrah says that on the eve of the end of the world, every dream of a Muslim is prophetic.

Some dream books under the end of the world imply renewal of life, reorganization of order in the world
  • Negative meaning. The Islamic dream book states that if you saw the death of the whole world in a dream, in reality people will laugh at you and your nonsense.
  • Positive value. Some dream books refer to the end of the world as a renewal of life, a reorganization of order in the world.

Why do you dream about a global flood?

World flooding is a large-scale sign. Why is he dreaming?

  • If you dreamed of such a thing, expect enormous changes on the path of life, and very soon. Not necessarily something will change in your daily life, but rather, you will change your own attitude towards certain people and things.
  • If you dreamed of a flood that you watched from the side, as if you were watching a movie, you are overwhelmed with feelings, you are unable to control them. It's not bad. It's much worse to live without feeling anything. But don’t forget to stay on the ground, try to take control of the situation yourself.
  • Seeing large expanses of land covered with water in your dream world means that very soon everything that worries you will go away, you will gain peace.
  • A flood that takes people with it is an alarming sign. It indicates your fear of losing someone you know. Often people are afraid of losing their loved ones.
  • If water quietly spills over the ground, slowly absorbing the earth centimeter by centimeter, serious changes are coming. Perhaps unforeseen circumstances will arise that will take the immediate situation out of control - be prepared for this.
  • If you are drowning in a flood, but trying to get out, your train of thought will change direction. Most likely, you will rethink your lifestyle, your attitude towards yourself, and current events. The subconscious mind tells you that you must understand that everything will turn out good or bad depending on your behavior and thinking. Think positively and everything will be fine.

If you dreamed of this, expect huge changes on your life’s path, and very soon.

If the stormy water of the flood pulls you along with the debris, temporary obstacles will appear on your path and the work you have started will slow down its development a little. But you have the power not to panic, but to approach the issue calmly and judiciously.

Interpretation of Armageddon from other cultural figures

The end of the world according to Freud

A person may dream of such a natural disaster when he has lost something. A job, a loved one, big plans have been ruined - this is a kind of defensive reaction of the subconscious to what is happening. For a person who has lost something, this dream is a cleansing of his subconscious from “garbage”, from negativity. After a natural disaster in the world of waking dreams, the individual loses the feeling that he is helpless and the pessimistic mood goes away.

According to Tsvetkov

The end of the world speaks of separation from a loved one. Although, most likely, this is for the best, since everything went out between you a long time ago. Don’t regret it too much, move forward to new acquaintances.

According to Felomen

An apocalypse in a dream means joyless and sometimes tragic events that will radically change the worldview of the sleeper. Perhaps in life you will make a serious, rash step that will miserably fail the business you have started and ruin you.

Almost no religion avoids the topic of the apocalypse. After the end of the world occurs, many of them assume a general renewal and complete reorganization of society with the distribution of people into certain groups. There are also beliefs that are more pessimistic in their forecasts, according to which the end of the world will be final for everyone, after which primeval chaos will reign.

Because of the unknown and mysterious nature of this phenomenon, people in their dreams refer to the apocalypse as some kind of terrible prediction or warning. The sleeper tends to transfer the events of the dream into reality; this strange feeling does not leave him for a long time. At the same time, the very vision of the end of the world in a dream can take the most incredible forms, from a flood to a solar explosion and the fall of many asteroids, since in reality everyone has their own individual vision of the universe. People who saw this dream have one thing in common: the days of the visible existence of people are numbered.

Such dreams should be interpreted depending on the cultural understanding and religion of the sleeper, the degree of development of his spiritual life.

The reason for a dream about the apocalypse can be a person’s uncertainty in life, the feeling that things are getting out of control. Other factors in such a person’s condition may include increased hormonal activity, loss of a loved one, dismissal, divorce and other breaks in existing relationships. A person’s internal devastation activates his defense mechanisms, one of which is a dream about the universal end of the world.

If, in the circumstances of the apocalypse, the sleeper sees himself in a crowd of strangers, then the most likely reason for the dream is the departure of one of his close people from his life.

In general, as cultural studies interprets, dreams about the end of the world are characteristic of social periods when the unpredictability of further development and, as a consequence, a feeling of general hopelessness intensify. A person subconsciously feels the fragility of the planet and its population, he is afraid. This fear is fueled by constant reports of tsunamis, global warming, critical environmental conditions and other conflicts. If a person has some kind of financial uncertainty, the likelihood of such dreams increases many times over.

Thus, apocalyptic dreams are largely not harbingers of inevitability, but only reflect subconscious hopelessness and uncertainty.

If you still want to get to the bottom of the reason for your dream, answer the question: whose fault were the events of your dream? Perhaps the answer will reveal the reason to you.

A dream about the apocalypse should be a reason to evaluate the rationality of your fears, their essence and the real threat to you from the outside.

Sometimes, along with the end of the world in a dream, a person sees some religious revelations. Some people see angels in their dreams, others see demons or even zombies. These images are very powerful, and each of them must be considered separately.

If a person is an adherent of some faith, most often the tenets of this faith either oppose what is happening in a dream, or are the initiators of all this. You should, first of all, understand your small significance within the vast universe that the apocalypse will affect. Do you consider yourself worthy of such a global sign? If the answer is positive, you should take care of your mental health, and if it is negative, ignore the dream.

The meaning of the dream the end of the world - Hasse's dream book

The end of the world is a dream of ridicule of the sleeping person because of some stupidity he has done.

If you dreamed of a new global flood, signifying the end of the world, then you subconsciously realize all the wrongness and unrighteousness of your own life and the lives of those around you. You understand that the world is deteriorating, but you have too little will to start changing it with yourself.

If in your dream a huge meteorite falls and the end of the world comes, it means that some unfulfilled promise weighs heavily on you. It still needs to be done.

Seeing in a dream how people around you turn into zombies and realizing that the apocalypse is coming means losing friends.

Why do people dream about the apocalypse or the end of the world, Longo’s dream book

A person dreams of the end of the world against the background of nervous stress, as well as the uncertainty and negativity of what is happening around.

Most often, a person sees that the end of the world is a global flood, a flood, which is determined by the memory of human history. Such a dream about a flood suggests that much of the sleeper’s behavior is determined by behavioral stereotypes; in life he is a follower.

If you dream that an apocalypse is happening, the end of the world because the sun exploded and fire engulfed the entire universe, then in reality you are now in a very unstable and highly dependent state on someone or something.

A dream in which you see a tsunami, how a huge wave covers the earth, after which the end of the world occurs, means that the number of affairs and responsibilities that you have not stopped piling on yourself lately is becoming critical.

For a girl, the end of the world in a dream signals the maternal instinct awakening in her; this is not a prophetic dream.

The destruction of the world is dreamed of when a person feels threatened, lives in a state of anxiety, but believes that he is powerless to do anything. There is a need to have more control over your life and the events that happen, and not just go with the flow. Although such a dream can also be a prediction of the future.

Interpretation in different dream books

Mass destruction, death of all living things, natural disasters - why do you dream about the end of the world?

  1. Oracle and Phelomen: a painful breakup with a partner or dismissal from work is likely - negative events that the subconscious already feels, but they have not happened yet;
  2. According to Miller: ruin, bankruptcy, large losses, if in a dream the dreamer was injured or saw his death. If he was an observer from the outside, prosperity and large profits await him.
  3. According to Freud and Loff: fear of another failure in reality. Usually, after such a dream, the body is freed from the negativity experienced, and the dreamer feels a surge of new energy.
  4. Home dream book: the beginning of another life stage. Everything old is destroyed to make way for new events.

Such stories are dreamed of by sensitive people who have a high level of empathy and take everything to heart. If the dream is painful and often repeated, then it makes sense to reconsider the degree of your participation in the lives of others and take more care of yourself, adding healthy selfishness.

Seeing the end of the world described in the Bible (the Last Judgment) in a dream means that in reality you will find success thanks to carefully completed work. Simply put, success is the result of effort, not just random luck. But there is a nuance. The dream book claims that if at the Last Judgment someone behaved impudently, was not modest and humble, then this promises big problems in reality.

Dreamed of a flood, tsunami or earthquake

What do natural disasters seen in a dream promise:

  • Flood or deluge dream of money and the threat posed by enemies. This is also a sign that you need to slow down, take your time, look around carefully and analyze what is happening;
  • a tsunami portends powerlessness, weakness, repentance for what they have done;
  • a landslide is a dream of a disruption of plans, a collapse of hopes;
  • earthquake - to receive unexpected news;
  • an avalanche symbolizes unwanted risky behavior;
  • Flooding promises problems with money. It will be necessary to obtain them with great difficulty, even to fight for them;
  • a tornado promises changes and associated trials. This will be a real test of strength;
  • a storm predicts an argument and a subsequent quarrel.

Someone close to you needs the help of a person who, in a dream, watched people trying to escape a natural disaster. Anyone who was saved himself is in reality in a difficult life situation and must begin to make efforts to improve his affairs. Those who watched cities being destroyed, but were in a safe place, will be faced with the need to protect loved ones from enemies.

An interesting fact: a person remembers dreams only if he wakes up in the REM phase of sleep. This explains why some stories remain in memory for a long time, while others are forgotten within minutes of waking up.

Apocalypse associated with fire, explosion

Explosions, fires and other destruction associated with combustion - what does such a dream mean:

  • a big fire promises help from an influential person. Help will come in very handy, as a result, things will go uphill;
  • lightning symbolizes fleeting happiness. That is, such a state will exist, but it will end quickly. Did a lightning strike in a dream lead to a fire? Then the one who behaves naively will be deceived;
  • a volcanic eruption is interpreted as the awakening of evil forces. We are not necessarily talking about something otherworldly; “evil spirits” can be understood as negative character traits - anger, envy, irritability;
  • Hell, Tartarus, fiery Gehenna warn: if you lend someone a large sum of money now, you will not be able to get a return. Although if you managed to escape from hell in a dream, then the debtor will provide a useful return service.

The most interesting interpretation was given to a dream about an explosion: a loved one will make a mistake. And not just one, but several. This will cause a surge of irritation. If you fail to contain him, then your relationship with this person will be at risk. This applies equally to family, friendships and work.

Were there human sacrifices in the dream? If yes, then in reality you should keep your mouth shut and not talk too much. Otherwise, as the cops in the movies say, “anything you say can be used against you.”

Why do you dream about preparing for the end of the world?

Let’s say you didn’t dream about the end of the world itself, but its anticipation: people are fussing, trying to do something, saying goodbye to loved ones. This dream is not a prediction of the future at all: in fact, it reflects the current emotional state of the dreamer. There is fear of failure, fear of change, anxious anticipation of something, as well as fear of making mistakes and becoming the subject of ridicule. It is recommended to focus on the joys of the upcoming changes and think about what benefits they will bring.

A dreamer who often sees prophetic dreams may view this plot as a harbinger of a threat.

This is interesting: the science that studies dreams is called “oneirology.” True, she does not deal with the interpretation of dreams, but with the mechanism of their occurrence.

What does a dream mean for a woman, a man?

If a woman dreams of an apocalypse, then in the near future she will be responsible for raising a baby: she will become a mother, grandmother, godmother, or perhaps a nanny. This dream warns a man about risky financial transactions, and they cannot be avoided. It makes sense to prepare some amount in reserve to get through difficult times.

It's interesting what scientists think about this. In their opinion, a dream is a set of images that arise from received impressions. The brain processes them to form its attitude towards current events. That is, you dream about the end of the world when it seems that life is collapsing. It's time to get things back on track and improve your peace of mind.

Dreams are a reflection of our inner, mental state. They often prophesy various changes in a person’s life. It is worth listening to them in order to anticipate joyful events in time and prevent tragic ones. Why do you dream about the end of the world? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about the end of the world - basic interpretations

For many, the end of the world is associated with terrible events that could destroy life on the entire planet. Having such a dream is not a pleasant sight, but do such dreams always promise something terrible? It's worth looking into.

You should not be afraid of such dreams; they do not at all foreshadow terrifying events; on the contrary, they often indicate that a person himself creates a catastrophe in his life. Such dreams indicate a person’s problems that constantly torment him. What could a dream about the end of the world mean:

A new stage in life;

Opportunities that a person does not want to accept;

Tragedies in reality;


Often such dreams appear to a person who is full of negative emotions, anxieties, and fears. His life is literally full of failures and troubles, and he rushes about, not knowing how to get out of the vicious circle of unforeseen events and disasters.

Why do you dream about the end of the world? A person is afraid of making a fatal mistake. This may apply to situations in love and financial matters. Often such dreams come to young mothers who are trying their best to give everything to their child, but it always seems to them that they are somewhere falling short of the standards. A dream about the end of the world promises them troubles in the future that have no good reason. Also, such dreams may indicate a sharp deterioration in health.

Why do you dream about the end of the world according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book contains a huge number of variations of interpretations of what the end of the world means in dreams. Thus, he believes that seeing a disaster from the outside indicates that a person, after long work, will finally be able to rest. All adversity will pass him by, and he will simply watch what is happening.

Seeing your death as a result of a cataclysm in a dream is a bad sign. Even if you dream that you were simply injured as a result of an accident, such a dream promises:

Financial plan losses;

Exacerbations of chronic diseases;

Other troubles.

Seeing the end of the world as a result of a total flood in a dream means making huge profits. Transparent water sweeping everything around is an opportunity to erase the negativity of the past and start a new, bright life.

If the water is muddy and quickly floods everything around, demolishing houses and trees, such a dream promises losses in the business sphere, stagnation in business, unexpected expenses or credit bondage are possible.

If you watch from the side how the water element is raging, you will receive good news from afar. A flow of money will burst into your life, which will be very difficult to stop. If a person has unrealized projects, it’s time to implement them. Also, such a dream may indicate an emotional outburst in a person’s life. Pleasant events, fateful. But you should learn to restrain your emotions, otherwise you can harm not only yourself, but also those around you.

If you had a dream in which the end of the world occurs as a result of an explosion, then in reality the person will be cruelly deceived. He will be disappointed, and the behavior of those around him will be incredibly annoying.

If you dream that a flame is scorching you and destroying you, rumors will destroy your business reputation. There is a liar among your friends. If in a dream the end of the world occurs as a result of a cosmic body falling to Earth, such a dream promises good news and events. It is possible to establish new connections and make new acquaintances. A passionate romance is possible, which can ultimately develop into a wonderful relationship, but most likely it will be fleeting and leave impressions for a lifetime.

If the end of the world appears in a dream as a result of the overactive activity of the Sun, a person is too concerned about his health, although there are no special reasons for this. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to current events. One stage of life must end, another must begin.

Also, a bright flame in a woman’s dream can promise pregnancy and easy childbearing. For a man, such a dream promises financial losses. Although things will go smoothly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid failures in financial calculations.

Why do you dream about the end of the world according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga repeatedly predicted the end of the world. In her prophecies, she was able to predict a huge number of cataclysms. She believed that if a person dreams of the end of the world, then he is close to disaster himself. It is worth thinking about whether a person lives correctly, perhaps he offended someone and this does not give him peace.

Vanga also points out that you need to look for non-standard methods of resolving problems and conflicts. Why is it important? A person has exhausted his reserves, he needs alternative methods of solving problems. If you dream that a flame is blazing, you should speed up and make decisions with lightning speed. If you dreamed that everything around you was submerged in water, you need to take a closer look at the circumstances. Slow things down.

Why do you dream about the end of the world according to Freud's dream book?

Freud pointed out in his dream book that catastrophes in dreams, like the end of the world itself, are nothing more than a human defense mechanism. Its origins lie in the subconscious. For example, if a person is not doing well in business, he will feel suffocated while sleeping or have difficulty breathing. Just as the stranglehold of debt crushes him in real life, so in his dreams.

If the problem is in your personal life, you will dream of the sea, the ocean, a stormy stream that will overwhelm and sweep everything around into the abyss. Sometimes dreams come in which everything is flooded with clear warm water and a person walks on it barefoot. Such a dream means that feelings are deep and fill the person completely. You shouldn't be afraid of them.

Freud also pointed out that you should be attentive to such dreams, since if they carried negative information, then a person after this dream may fall into depression and melancholy. His blood pressure may change, he may feel so bad that he cannot find a place for himself.

Why do you dream about the end of the world according to other dream books?

Loff indicates in his dream book that a person who sees the end of the world in a dream experiences enormous remorse in reality. It seems to him that there is a worldwide conspiracy around him, and he always blames himself for something. Loff gives a hint - the solution to a problematic situation lies in turning to someone more powerful, wiser.

Felomen indicates that such dreams promise tragic and gloomy events in a person’s life. But these events will allow a person to rethink his life path, rethink his purpose. You should also be especially careful with your finances, as you can make a stupid mistake and be left with nothing.

Tsvetkov in his dream book he insists that such dreams promise quarrels and disagreements with a loved one. But this disagreement is not without reason - the time has come to replace the old with the new. Regrets should have no place in this situation. There are new relationships ahead that will fill your life with love.

Hasse it says that disasters and natural disasters tell a person that it’s time to come to his senses and behave decently. His actions only cause outright laughter and bewilderment among those around him. It's worth taking life more seriously.

In the wanderer's dream book it is indicated that the end of the world promises a break in past ties that have outlived their usefulness, but this break will be painful and long-lasting. If a person has his own business, such a dream promises him financial losses. And, at the same time, such a dream may indicate the need to prepare for a meeting with friends. This meeting will be long-awaited and will bring a lot of positivity and pleasure.

So why do you dream about the end of the world? It is worth carefully studying the entire dream, all the signs present in it, all the clues. The very mood of the dream. If a person is seized with horror and fear after it, it means that in reality he will fear for his life, love, and finances. If, despite the disaster, a person is in a joyful mood, it means that troubles will pass him by. There's definitely no need to panic. It is worth considering all the clues that the dream gave. Often they are really important and help a person improve his life, relationships, and finances. It is also worth remembering past events that could be reflected in a dream.

On television screens, in cinemas and books we can find apocalyptic motifs. But why does a person dream of the end of the world who did not encounter similar stories the day before?

To answer this question, you need to thoroughly remember all the details of the dream and not worry about what you saw, because the end of the world in a dream serves as a harbinger of truly global changes in the internal or external life of the dreamer, which are difficult to comprehend and accept. A dream book will help you understand what a dream in which an apocalypse happened means and determine how to behave in the near future.

Interpreting a dream about the end of the world is not an easy task. A dream about an apocalypse means that the person who saw the dream is unprepared for decisive action in a rapidly changing environment, or an unwillingness to change, or a fear of not being able to cope with the challenges of life. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between dreams in which the dreamer was an active participant, and dreams where he observed more of what was happening.

Watching the apocalypse unfold from the outside symbolizes peace and prosperity. The dreamer will be able to correctly use all the changes that will happen in life to realize his goals. The dream book advises remaining calm and self-possessed in the face of any major external changes - in the end, they will only benefit the dreamer.

Active participation - events occurring in reality captivate the dreamer, haste prevents making informed decisions. If a person behaved courageously and tried with all his might to survive, while helping others, then he will achieve quick success thanks to hard work and self-control. If the dreamer quickly gave up, then in reality he lacks willpower, which should be cultivated.

What's happened?

The interpretation depends on what kind of cataclysms occurred. A dream in which all living things are buried under a huge thickness warns that under no circumstances should you give your life to the will of fate. The dream book advises trying, if possible, to control the changes in life and your reactions to them.

The emotional state during dramatic changes in life can be greatly destabilized, and streams of water act as a symbol of overwhelming emotions, so it is very important to harmonize your own state, periodically rest and relax.

To give the correct interpretation, you need to remember how clean the water was. If the water was dirty and cloudy, it means that the dreamer cannot accurately discern the consequences of his actions, but is forced to act quickly due to external circumstances. In this case, the dream book advises taking the path of minimizing the bad. A quick analysis of the situation and choosing a path that may not bring great benefits, but will protect you from big failures, is the best course of action in the near future.

To see crystal clear water that floods everything around in a dream - in reality the dreamer is sufficiently aware of the state of his affairs and has many options for their development. You need to be patient and gradually implement your plans, avoiding adventures. The work that has been started is nearing completion.

If the dreamer fell into the water and could not get out of it, it means that in reality the person who had the dream often has problems controlling emotions. Major life changes can lead to stress. If the quality of life of the dreamer suffers from episodes of anxiety or attacks of aggression, the dream book advises to analyze oneself and the reasons that lead to uncontrollable reactions.

In a dream, the end of the world could come as a result of a nuclear attack. In this case, the dream book advises to be very attentive to any unforeseen events: soon the dreamer will face fundamental changes in life. Moreover, if a person became a victim of an explosion, then waking events will force the person who saw the dream to change many of his views on life. And seeing an explosion from the outside means that soon the dreamer will be able to get to know his acquaintances or friends better, which will affect his attitude towards them.

An apocalypse caused by a bomb explosion can also foreshadow the emergence of very strong feelings in reality, which will serve as the foundation for a reassessment of values ​​and the beginning of a new stage in life. If in the dream explosions occurred as a result of the outbreak of hostilities, then the dream book advises paying attention to relationships with colleagues and friends. Conflict situations greatly worry the dreamer, making him feel helpless and weak.

If you understand why you dream about the end of the world caused by changes in the Sun, then it is worth considering each of them separately. When the Sun absorbs the Earth in a dream, then in reality the dreamer is too busy with business, literally “burning” at work and does not notice that this is affecting his health. To avoid serious consequences in the form of disruptions to the body’s functioning or burnout, you should set aside time for proper rest.

The extinction of the Sun, causing the apocalypse, is a symbol of dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in reality, a lack of strength to perform one’s duties efficiently. A person is in dire need of new impressions that would be able to inspire him and fill him with energy.

Other options

  • The end of the world caused by fires is a symbol of love, longevity and glory.
  • If the end of the world occurred due to the destruction of the planet, then soon the dreamer’s worldview will change significantly, it will become more orderly and harmonious.
  • The destruction of the Earth by alien creatures is a symbol of unusual events that occur in the dreamer’s life. New acquaintances greatly influence his attitude towards himself and the world.

Dreams with world catastrophes reflect the unstable state of the dreamer's inner life. Thanks to the changes that occur in reality, new ways of realizing his desires and goals open up for a person. The only thing that is required of the dreamer is the ability to see favorable circumstances and take advantage of the gifts of fate, showing strength of character and perseverance.

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