Solo concert of Sofia Rotaru 70th anniversary. The secret of eternal youth of Sofia Rotaru: no fried potatoes, desserts or meat dishes

August 7, the favorite of millions - folk singer Sofia Rotaru celebrates her anniversary! Sofia Mikhailovna will turn 70 - but who can say?! Time has no power over this gorgeous woman!

Sofia Mikhailovna will celebrate her birthday, as befits an artist, with an anniversary concert in Baku as part of music festival"Heat". Just before the singer’s flight to the capital of Azerbaijan, we managed to ask her a few questions about the upcoming event, because the artist’s birthday is a real holiday for all her fans!

Big concert

Sofia Mikhailovna, tell us what the audience will see in Baku?

Concert, dedicated to the anniversary. (Smiles.) Young artists will perform covers of my hits, and I have prepared new versions well famous songs and, of course, the premiere!

In one of your interviews, you said that you want to devote this year to yourself. Will you be able to rest in the near future or will you continue to give concerts, because, as the media write, your concert schedule is already scheduled!

Preparing for anniversary concert took me more than three months. My team and I created concert costumes for this show, made arrangements, and recorded new songs. This is pleasant, but still a hassle. Of course, I will try to find time to relax with my family. Let's go travel. (Smiles).

How do you generally celebrate your birthday? Perhaps you are going to a large family table?

Yes, traditionally we celebrate this day with our family, my relatives cook for me pleasant surprises. Every year they come up with something new and interesting. (Smiles.)

And only round dates are celebrated magnificently, with concerts and numerous guests.

At the concert in Baku, of course, your fans will congratulate you. What was the most memorable gift you received from them?

The most precious gift from fans of my work is their support and love. When they send congratulations with warm wishes, I am very pleased!

Sofia Mikhailovna, you are an example ideal woman! Share your beauty secrets!

A lot of them! Well, for example, for the last few years, Sveta (Svetlana Evdokimenko - Sofia Mikhailovna’s daughter-in-law - editor’s note) or sister Aurika and I go to a wellness clinic twice a year for two or three weeks, where we stay special diet, we actively play sports and go to various massages.

This helps to cleanse the body, restore strength and clarify thoughts, which, of course, is reflected in appearance. (Smiles.)

The secret of youth

For her age, Sofia Mikhailovna, how true woman, is philosophical. When Katya Osadchaya once asked the singer about the upcoming anniversary, she answered with a smile:

“Well look at me. When I turn 30, then I will celebrate my anniversary!”

Indeed, looking at Sofia Mikhailovna, you involuntarily begin to think that she knows the secret eternal youth! And the point here is not about material opportunities (which, for example, many other celebrities have, but few look like Rotaru), but about their attitude towards themselves and life.

And also, according to the singer, beautiful appearance she also owes it to her family, who bathe her in love.

They are her rear and reliable support.

Son Ruslan is the singer’s concert producer, daughter-in-law Svetlana is the creative director. The couple gave Sofia Mikhailovna two grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, of whom she is very proud.

From left to right: son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana, granddaughter Sonya, grandson Anatoly

Young people are the same creative personalities, like their grandmother. Sofia has achieved significant success in modeling business, Anatoly is engaged in fashion photography.

The singer, in her few interviews, likes to recall how once, while still a schoolboy, Tolya came home very sad. “We are trying to find out what happened. And he: “They told me that Sofia Rotaru cannot be my grandmother. Because grandmothers are never that young. But I’m your grandson!”

How nice it was for me to hear such words... I am not afraid of the word “grandmother,” but it so happens that my grandchildren call me by name. They just don’t associate my image with this word...” Sofia Mikhailovna says with a smile.

Sonya-little and Sonya-big

Another forever close person for Sofia Rotaru was her husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko (passed away in 2002 - Ed.)

The story of their acquaintance and relationship is worthy of a book or film adaptation. For the first time, Anatoly saw a young girl Sonya... on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine” (Rotaru was published there as the winner of one of song competitions). I saw it and fell in love!

But the young man served in the Urals and only upon returning to his native Chernivtsi began searching for the beauty who occupied all his thoughts. Of course he found her! And became a lifelong companion!

Sofia Mikhailovna often recalls that without her Tolya she would not have dared to undertake many musical experiments: he was her advisor, mentor, friend...

Anatoly led the Chervona Ruta ensemble, where young Sonya was a soloist, and later acted as stage director for absolutely all of her concert programs...

Sofia Mikhailovna obeyed him in almost everything, with the exception of... the birth of a child!

“After a year of our marriage, I began to dream about a baby. And she hinted about this to Tolik from time to time,” the singer recalls. - But he made big creative plans and was in no hurry with the child. In addition, we lived with our parents in a 2-room apartment; he had not yet graduated from university. There was not enough money; asking our parents for it was not customary in our family. “Okay, okay,” I think... And somehow I tell him: “Listen, the doctor said that I will soon become a mother.” Although in reality I was not in a position at that moment - I had to use a little feminine trick. Tolik shook his head: “Well, good.” He relaxed, let down his guard and began to wait for the heir to be born.”

But he had to wait not nine months, but eleven, because Sonya became pregnant only two months after that conversation. Their son Ruslan was born in 1970.

Sofia ROTARU - Water is Alive 1976

“Now I believe that I did everything right,” Rotaru admits to the press. “Then I simply wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin... Although my mother kept asking me to give birth again: “Daughter, just give birth and continue working, and we will raise a second one.”

She also said: “You will really regret that you only have one child.” And I really regret it.

Therefore, when Tolya was born to Ruslan and Sveta, after a couple of years I already started pestering them to give birth again, and they did it seven years later.

I remember that little Tolya reported that Sveta was pregnant for the second time. He came and showed me a piece of paper - probably an extract from the antenatal clinic. He says: “Here, take it, you wanted it! I will have a brother or sister." And all I said was: “Glory to you, Lord.”

By the way, we were sure that a girl would be born the second time. And with the choice of name, everything was clear: the son and daughter-in-law immediately thought of naming their son Tolik in honor of their grandfathers (Svetlana’s father is also Anatoly), and the girl in my honor. And so that there is no confusion, at home they call me Sonya the big one, and my granddaughter - Sonya the little one. Although recently little Sonya has been taller than big Sonya..."

Sonya-little and Sonya-big

This is how the Rotaru-Evdokimenko family lives: with love for each other and a great passion for music.

And we would like to wish Sofia Mikhailovna many more anniversaries: her talent, femininity and wisdom serve as an inspiration for millions of people!

Just the facts:

  • The singer was born on August 7, but due to a mistake by the passport officer, her date of birth was recorded as August 9. So the singer celebrates her birthday twice.
  • Sofia Rotaru has two brothers and three sisters. They all sing very well. Little Sonya was instilled with a love of music by her older sister Zina.
  • Sofia Rotaru's repertoire includes more than 500 songs, including compositions in Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish and English.
  • She was the first Soviet singer to sing recitative.
  • In 2000, the Supreme Academic Council of Ukraine recognized Sofia Mikhailovna as the best Ukrainian pop singer XX century. Among her other titles are “Man of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, “Woman of the Year”.

Congratulations from loved ones

Svetlana Evdokimenko, daughter-in-law:

Every birthday of Sofia Mikhailovna is a real holiday for us. We try to get together on this day. What can we say about the anniversary: ​​we will definitely get together with the whole family. Anatoly will fly in from London, Sofia - from Paris, and we'll go fishing! Sofia Mikhailovna is a wonderful mother-in-law! I am inspired by her determination, ability to enjoy little things, respect people, value sincerity and friendship. And also a subtle sense of humor and boundless kindness of soul!

Ruslan Evdokimenko, son:

I would like to wish my mother good health, peace of mind and real friends! We love her very much! And I am grateful to her for everything! She is very strong man, and I’m glad that many of her character traits were passed on to me. For example, sincerity and kindness. She is a monogamist, she has loved and continues to love only my dad, Anatoly Kirillovich, all her life. Family is the main thing for her. I learned this from her and try to set the same example for my children.

Sofia Rotaru with her son

Ruslan Kvinta, composer:

I think I pulled it happy ticket, when I met Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. This artist radically changed my work, interest in me increased significantly. There were many highlights, stages in my career, but this is probably the most significant. It was a great honor for me when she took part in my benefit concert “The Sky is Me.” Working with her is a pleasure. I wrote 29 songs for her. It happened that I came to work at her house, and each time she first fed everyone, and only then went on to work. She even brought her signature cheesecakes to the recording studio!

She is irresistible!

This year the incomparable singer and charming woman Sofia Rotaru celebrates her seventieth birthday! But you immediately refuse to believe it as soon as you see photographs of this singer. She looks amazing despite her age. Today absolutely everyone knows her, and her compositions are still sung in many countries.

Despite her age, Sofia Rotaru is not shy about unusual outfits. For example, her appearance at the “Heat” festival in Baku recently created a real sensation. Sofia Mikhailovna amazed everyone! According to the artist, preparation for this concert took her more than three months. Concert costumes were created for this show, arrangements were made, and new songs were recorded.

On the eve of the anniversary, the singer decided to leave for Italy with her relatives. She celebrated her birthday in a narrow family circle. It is worth noting that some of them had a hand in her current popularity. The singer’s son helps his star mother not only at home, but also at work. He serves as its concert director.

And the creative director and at the same time the artist’s stylist is her daughter-in-law Svetlana. But the artist’s grandchildren did not follow in the footsteps of the famous grandmother, although this does not negate the fact that they also made their choice in favor creative professions. The granddaughter, for example, is engaged in the modeling business, and Sofia’s grandson is a fashion photographer.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru turns 70 on August 7, but famous singer clearly doesn't look his age. It seems that she is like a good wine - it only gets better with age.
For for long years the singer sticks to one look: long straight hair parted in the middle.
But Rotaru did not always follow this style. Let's trace the evolution of Sofia Rotaru's appearance. Real success came to the singer in the early 70s. In 1971, she played one of the main roles in musical film"Chervona Ruta" At the same time, Rotaru created an ensemble of the same name.

Rotaru gradually becomes a popular singer in the USSR, and soon receives the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, People's Artist Ukrainian SSR and becomes a laureate of the LKSMU Prize named after. N. Ostrovsky.

Almost all of Sofia Mikhailovna’s outfits have ethnic motifs, and her makeup is always spectacular: red lips, wide eyeliner or bright shadows.

In the 80s, the artist began new stage not only in creativity, but also in life. She was “left” from the ensemble, she was losing her voice, but did not give up.

During this period, she appears on stage in typical outfits for that time - dresses embroidered with rhinestones, clothes with voluminous sleeves.

Hairstyle with a backcomb, bright makeup - all this did not go beyond the fashion of the time.

The collapse of the USSR had virtually no effect on Rotaru's activities - she remained the favorite singer of millions of people.

In the 90s, she often performed songs in Ukrainian, but to see her in national costumes is almost impossible now. Her wardrobe is based on concert costumes with gold embroidery and sequins.

In 2002, the singer lost her life partner - her beloved husband Anatoly Evdokimenko. At that moment she practically falls out of show business.

Upon returning to the stage, she appears in loose dresses decorated with sparkles and sequins and short jackets in various colors.

IN last years Sofia Mikhailovna increasingly prefers trouser suits, but remains faithful to sequins.

The modern image suits the singer best. You can admire the appearance of Rotaru endlessly!

Despite the fact that the singer’s birthday falls on August 7, she has already celebrated it at the international music festival “Heat” along with her sister Aurika, son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana and granddaughter Sonya.

Over the past few years, the star has rarely appeared on stage, so her appearance at the festival caused a sensation. The guests were delighted with Sofia Mikhailovna: she looked as if she had lost twenty years!

“When I see your smiles, hear your applause, I immediately feel young and cheerful,” the singer commented on her delight. The star delighted fans with her performance of everyone's favorite hits.

“Nobody calls me grandmother,” Rotaru admitted. “My grandchildren say that not a single person believes that I am their grandmother, I look so young.”
The singer considers love to be the secret of her unsurpassed appearance. Love for life, loved ones, viewers - that’s what makes her truly happy.

Looking at the truly folk singer Sofia Rotaru, it is impossible to believe that today, August 7, she is celebrating her 70th birthday.

Of course. Cosmetic surgeons can work wonders. And many observers claim that the artist owes part of her fabulous beauty and youthful appearance to them. But even spiteful critics admit: her activity, youthful enthusiasm, and mobility can be envied.

True, embarrassments do happen. In March of this year, the star Soviet stage included in the “shooting stars” rating. At one of the concerts she could not resist too much high heels and collapsed, fortunately, not on or off the stage, but into the reliable hands of composer Ruslan Kvinta.

Fortunately, he was also on stage at that time and provided support for the “comet” of Russian and Ukrainian show business in time. Rotaru was not at a loss then. We must give her credit, she recovered from the fall quickly. She asked the musician for forgiveness, and then joked: “Hold me tight!” And then she calmly continued her speech.

And Sofia Mikhailovna decided to celebrate her 70th birthday in a close circle of close people, away from the bustle, from annoying reporters and not always adequate fans. She and family members flew to Sardinia on a private jet.

The celebration takes place in a rented villa with a gorgeous, fantastic view of the Mediterranean Sea. Members of the star family have already started posting photos and videos about this little summer adventure on the Internet.

The “rehearsal” for the anniversary was Sofia Rotaru’s creative evening, held as part of the “HEAT” festival, which recently ended in the Azerbaijani capital Baku. Together with the hero of the day, her granddaughter Sofia shone on stage. The singer's namesake is making a career as a model, and is already quite successfully mastering the European catwalks.


18:51 2017

On August 7, the favorite of millions - folk singer Sofia Rotaru celebrates her anniversary! Sofia Mikhailovna will turn 70 - but who can say?! Time has no power over this gorgeous woman!

As befits an artist, Sofia Mikhailovna will celebrate her birthday with an anniversary concert in Baku as part of the “Heat” music festival. Just before the singer’s flight to the capital of Azerbaijan, we managed to ask her a few questions about the upcoming event, because the artist’s birthday is a real holiday for all her fans!

Big concert

Sofia Mikhailovna, tell us what the audience will see in Baku?

Concert dedicated to the anniversary. (Smiles.) Young artists will perform covers of my hits, and I have prepared new versions of well-known songs and, of course, the premiere!

In one of your interviews, you said that you want to devote this year to yourself. Will you be able to rest in the near future or will you continue to give concerts, because, as the media write, your concert schedule is already scheduled!

Preparing for the anniversary concert took me more than three months. My team and I created concert costumes for this show, made arrangements, and recorded new songs. This is pleasant, but still a hassle. Of course, I will try to find time to relax with my family. Let's go travel. (Smiles).

READ ALSO: Sofia Rotaru's niece, singer Sonya Kay, was given a star in the sky

How do you generally celebrate your birthday? Perhaps you are going to a large family table?

Yes, traditionally we celebrate this day with our family, my relatives prepare pleasant surprises for me. Every year they come up with something new and interesting. (Smiles.)

And only round dates are celebrated magnificently, with concerts and numerous guests.

At the concert in Baku, of course, your fans will congratulate you. What was the most memorable gift you received from them?

The most precious gift from fans of my work is their support and love. When they send congratulations with warm wishes, I am very pleased!

Sofia Mikhailovna, you are an example of an ideal woman! Share your beauty secrets!

A lot of them! Well, for example, for the last few years, Sveta (Svetlana Evdokimenko - Sofia Mikhailovna’s daughter-in-law - editor’s note) or sister Aurika and I go to a wellness clinic twice a year for two or three weeks, where we adhere to a special diet, actively We play sports and go to various massages.

This helps to cleanse the body, restore strength and clarify thoughts, which, of course, is reflected in appearance. (Smiles.)

The secret of youth

Sofia Mikhailovna, like a true woman, treats her age philosophically. When Katya Osadchaya once asked the singer about the upcoming anniversary, she answered with a smile:

“Well look at me. When I turn 30, then I will celebrate my anniversary!”

Indeed, looking at Sofia Mikhailovna, you involuntarily begin to think that she knows the secret of eternal youth! And the point here is not about material opportunities (which, for example, many other celebrities have, but few look like Rotaru), but about their attitude towards themselves and life.

And, according to the singer, she also owes her beautiful appearance to her family, who bathe her in love.

They are her rear and reliable support.

Son Ruslan is the singer’s concert producer, daughter-in-law Svetlana is the creative director. The couple gave Sofia Mikhailovna two grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, of whom she is very proud.

From left to right: son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana, granddaughter Sonya, grandson Anatoly

Young people are the same creative individuals as their grandmother. Sofia has achieved significant success in the modeling business, Anatoly is engaged in fashion photography.

The singer, in her few interviews, likes to recall how once, while still a schoolboy, Tolya came home very sad. “We are trying to find out what happened. And he: “They told me that Sofia Rotaru cannot be my grandmother. Because grandmothers are never that young. But I’m your grandson!”

How nice it was for me to hear such words... I am not afraid of the word “grandmother,” but it so happens that my grandchildren call me by name. They just don’t associate my image with this word...” Sofia Mikhailovna says with a smile.

Sonya-little and Sonya-big

Another forever close person for Sofia Rotaru was her husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko (passed away in 2002 - Ed.)

The story of their acquaintance and relationship is worthy of a book or film adaptation. For the first time, Anatoly saw a young girl, Sonya... on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine” (Rotaru was published there as the winner of one of the song competitions). I saw it and fell in love!

But the young man served in the Urals and only upon returning to his native Chernivtsi began searching for the beauty who occupied all his thoughts. Of course he found her! And became a lifelong companion!

Sofia Mikhailovna often recalls that without her Tolya she would not have dared to undertake many musical experiments: he was her advisor, mentor, friend...

Anatoly led the Chervona Ruta ensemble, where young Sonya was a soloist, and later acted as stage director for absolutely all of her concert programs...

Sofia Mikhailovna obeyed him in almost everything, with the exception of... the birth of a child!

“After a year of our marriage, I began to dream about a baby. And she hinted about this to Tolik from time to time,” the singer recalls. - But he made big creative plans and was in no hurry with the child. In addition, we lived with our parents in a 2-room apartment; he had not yet graduated from university. There was not enough money; asking our parents for it was not customary in our family. “Okay, okay,” I think... And somehow I tell him: “Listen, the doctor said that I will soon become a mother.” Although in reality I was not in a position at that moment - I had to use a little feminine trick. Tolik shook his head: “Well, good.” He relaxed, let down his guard and began to wait for the heir to be born.”

But he had to wait not nine months, but eleven, because Sonya became pregnant only two months after that conversation. Their son Ruslan was born in 1970.

Sofia ROTARU - Water is Alive 1976

“Now I believe that I did everything right,” Rotaru admits to the press. “Then I simply wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin... Although my mother kept asking me to give birth again: “Daughter, just give birth and continue working, and we will raise a second one.”

She also said: “You will really regret that you only have one child.” And I really regret it.

READ ALSO: Sofia Rotaru knows the secret of youth

Therefore, when Tolya was born to Ruslan and Sveta, after a couple of years I already started pestering them to give birth again, and they did it seven years later.

I remember that little Tolya reported that Sveta was pregnant for the second time. He came and showed me a piece of paper - probably an extract from the antenatal clinic. He says: “Here, take it, you wanted it! I will have a brother or sister." And all I said was: “Glory to you, Lord.”

By the way, we were sure that a girl would be born the second time. And with the choice of name, everything was clear: the son and daughter-in-law immediately thought of naming their son Tolik in honor of their grandfathers (Svetlana’s father is also Anatoly), and the girl in my honor. And so that there is no confusion, at home they call me Sonya the big one, and my granddaughter - Sonya the little one. Although recently little Sonya has been taller than big Sonya..."

Sonya-little and Sonya-big

This is how the Rotaru-Evdokimenko family lives: with love for each other and a great passion for music.

And we would like to wish Sofia Mikhailovna many more anniversaries: her talent, femininity and wisdom serve as an inspiration for millions of people!

Just the facts:

  • The singer was born on August 7, but due to a mistake by the passport officer, her date of birth was recorded as August 9. So the singer celebrates her birthday twice.
  • Sofia Rotaru has two brothers and three sisters. They all sing very well. Little Sonya was instilled with a love of music by her older sister Zina.
  • Sofia Rotaru's repertoire includes more than 500 songs, including compositions in Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish and English.
  • She was the first Soviet singer to sing recitative.
  • In 2000, the Supreme Academic Council of Ukraine recognized Sofia Mikhailovna as the best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century. Among her other titles are “Man of the 20th Century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, “Woman of the Year”.

Congratulations from loved ones

Svetlana Evdokimenko, daughter-in-law:

Every birthday of Sofia Mikhailovna is a real holiday for us. We try to get together on this day. What can we say about the anniversary: ​​we will definitely get together with the whole family. Anatoly will fly in from London, Sofia - from Paris, and we'll go fishing! Sofia Mikhailovna is a wonderful mother-in-law! I am inspired by her determination, ability to enjoy little things, respect people, value sincerity and friendship. And also a subtle sense of humor and boundless kindness of soul!

Ruslan Evdokimenko, son:

I would like to wish my mother good health, peace of mind and true friends! We love her very much! And I am grateful to her for everything! She is a very strong person, and I am glad that many of her character traits were passed on to me. For example, sincerity and kindness. She is a monogamist, she has loved and continues to love only my dad, Anatoly Kirillovich, all her life. Family is the main thing for her. I learned this from her and try to set the same example for my children.

Sofia Rotaru with her son

Ruslan Kvinta, composer:

I think I got my lucky ticket when I met Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. This artist radically changed my work, interest in me increased significantly. There have been many bright moments and stages in my career, but this one is probably the most significant. It was a great honor for me when she took part in my benefit concert “The Sky is Me.” Working with her is a pleasure. I wrote 29 songs for her. It happened that I came to work at her house, and each time she first fed everyone, and only then went on to work. She even brought her signature cheesecakes to the recording studio!

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