Sun in Gemini. Which planet rules you according to your zodiac sign?

Libra - Libra. September 23 - October 23. Seventh . Its symbol is two scales. This means the desire for stability, harmony, awareness of the highest Law of the universe, and objectivity of judgment. Libra symbolizes the sunset. Air sign, cardinal, diurnal, warm, humid.

Typical representatives of the sign Libra

Such people strive for balance, harmony, order and beauty. Their activity is associated with the desire for peace, hence their peacefulness (there is no desire to worry and quarrel). Libras strive to resolve conflicts through compromise. If they can’t do it, they leave and shy away.

They do not like and avoid scandals. They are endowed with a refined view of the world, love beauty, nature, are highly impressionable, sensitive, and receptive to nature and everything beautiful. They are reasonable and diplomatic. These are romantics, very amorous. They love company and easy pastime. They are courteous, kind, noble, pleasant to talk to.

Advantages in character- know how to appreciate goodness and be grateful. They are talented, ambitious, impressive and trust their first impressions when meeting people. Characterized by sincerity in love, friendship, marriage.

Characteristic lack of confidence in one's own strengths. With a partner they become more self-confident. At the same time, they achieve high positions through partnership and cooperation. They do not like physical labor, but have a penchant for social activities.

Negative features of severe solar damage: may lose good opportunities in life due to lack of confidence in their strength (this is a lack of energy). Because of this, inconstancy, variability, and betrayal are possible. Such people constantly need approval. This is a painful desire to be recognized, because the will is weak. Sublime theories are only in the head, not in practice. Isolation from reality and commercialism are possible.

Weak side(vulnerability)– feel bad without a partner, it is difficult to make decisions on your own without consulting your partner or other people.

Planets in the zodiac sign Libra

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Libra (rising sign)

Others see you as a compliant, gentle, harmonious and generally wonderful person. You are sociable, easily enter into a conversation, sincerely say what you think, but do not impose your opinion, outwardly you are inclined to agree and give in, nod your head as a sign of approval during a conversation, your speech is expressive, intonated, with pauses, beautiful, moderate gestures. You don't like being alone and don't feel comfortable when you have to rely only on yourself. Marriage has special meaning for you. You always avoid extremes in anything. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to magnetism.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday.
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects- combinations of harmonious colors, arrangement of bouquets, connection with various fabrics and materials.


Assessment, examination, tendency to be in tune with our Self, always a symbol of an acquaintance, issues of marriage and business cooperation, consulting and legal procedures, social and public activities, humanities and architecture, jewelry and design, fashion and beauty salons, culture, painting, sports associated with beauty and grace.

Business - consulting and PR companies, marriage and legal agencies. Raiders, opponents, competitors.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

The personal planet Venus is responsible for beauty and the feeling of love.

Venus function- symbolizes our sensual emotions - what we like and what we don’t like. Shows our ability and ability to love another person, as well as express our feelings in art, literature, poetry.

Qualities of Venus– this is our attitude of love towards people, nature, art. How deeply we can experience feelings of tenderness, be soft, affectionate, pliable and flexible.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, recognition of ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, what he likes, what attracts him, what are his artistic, aesthetic and ethical (for men - erotic) aspirations.

Seventh - VII house

Spouse. DSC - Sunset

Planets in the Seventh House

The seventh house is identical to the sign Libra and the planet Venus.

Seventh house in the horoscope, cooperation and co-authorship, the process of taking into account the interests of partners, competitors and opponents, issues related to marriage and personal relationships, legal matters, rights and equality, cultural entertainment. A time of love and harmony, reconciliation and cooperation, the ability to get along or not get along with people, competitions, tests, competitions. Serious agreements and contracts, recommendations and consultations.

Seventh housedefines personal relationships of a person, his connection with other people, partners (including marriage). Analysis of the seventh house through relationships with other houses answers questions such as:

  • what are the main motivations for marriage
  • will there be a marriage or not?
  • there will be an early marriage, a late marriage, with disruptions or delays
  • how many marriages will there be
  • what kind of marriage partner will he be?
  • can widowhood
  • if there are indications of misalliance (a person lower in position, education or age)
  • financial motivation for marriage
  • whether the partner will be of foreign blood or a foreigner
  • marriage is for love and love is the main motivation
  • tendency to destroy a marriage or friendship with a partner
  • the possibility of a fictitious marriage or secret relationship
  • adultery, etc.

Unfavorable 7th house rivalry, enmity, conflicts, obstacles in marriage, love relationships, struggle with competitors, communicating with people through conflict or denial, inability to get along and reconcile in relationships, difficulty in expressing oneself in relationships with others - fighting, swearing, fighting. Inconsistency in relationships, eternal problems and bad luck with partners.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Libra

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen to different points of view, to look at an issue from a different point of view. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you are more likely to try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than highlight differences. You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in anything. You have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personifying the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and fairness. You really want to be loved, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily influenced by other people's opinions, especially in your youth. You are so eager to please that you often neglect interests and feelings just to avoid offending others. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style. From the furnishings of your home to your clothing choices, everything should be aesthetically pleasing, not just functional or utilitarian.
Your shortcomings: You have a tendency to become extremely dependent on your partner - to the point that you may not be perceived as an independent person outside of the relationship. The problem for you is to find a balance between being yourself and being another person. Characterized by vanity, vanity, exaggerated self-image, fear of work, and lack of independence.

Allegory for Libra

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Libra, I give a mission of service so that a person can remember his responsibilities towards other people, so that he can learn cooperation, as well as the ability to think about the other side of his actions. I will place you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra retreated to its place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Libra - Venus - Seventh House:

Sociability, mutual understanding, beauty, grace, art, business proposals, official marriage, wife or husband, contracts, alliances. Peacekeeping, consulting, PR promotion, betting, official agreement, proposals on a competitive basis. Royal combination in the horoscope.

tell friends

Tags: Libra, Sun in Libra, Synthetic sign Libra, Libra zodiac sign, Libra talisman stone, planet Venus, Seventh house, functions and quality of Venus

Significators or symbolic lords of houses in astrology are always the same for all cosmograms. So the significator of the first house is always Mars, and the fourth is the Moon.

Rulers of houses in astrology table 1:

Symbolic ruler or significator



Pluto, Mars

Uranus, Saturn

Neptune, Jupiter

Each planet is the ruler of a specific sign or house. The planet that rules the house tells us about the character of the house, even if there is not a single planet in it.

Rulers of zodiac signs table 2:

Briefly about all significators

The ruler and his sign (how?)

Significator and his house (where?)


Energy will manifest itself openly, demonstratively, theatrically, brightly, lively, interestingly, creatively.

Responsible for creativity, manifestations of one’s “I”. Children.

The 5th house is responsible for creativity, self-expression, children, entertainment. Accordingly, the sun, as the significator of the 5th house, is also responsible for this. For example, if in the natal chart the sun is in the 4th house in Leo, then a person can express himself without leaving home (4th house.) Brightly and creatively (Leo.)

Shyly, modestly, childishly, tenderly, lovingly, softly, depending on the mood.

Responsible for the home, family.

The 4th house is responsible for family, parents, home. Accordingly, the moon, as the significator of the 4th house, is also responsible for this. For example, if in the natal chart the moon is in the 7th house, then the person’s environment can act as a family. With care (Cancer)

Bright, lively, sharp, fast, without thinking, emotional, impulsive.

Responsible for the personality itself.

The 1st house is responsible for personality and its manifestation. The presence of Mars in the horoscope will indicate where a person will put his energy. For example, Mars in the 10th house in Aries indicates that a person will make efforts to achieve career heights. At the same time, he will do it intensively (Aries)



Hurrying, not collected, back and forth, a little late, quickly, talking a lot.

Responsible for communication skills, close trips, intelligence.

The 3rd house is responsible for communication, short trips, close relatives. Mercury in the horoscope will show where a person is active and sociable. For example, Mercury in the 5th house in Gemini will tell us that a person likes to talk about love and creativity.

Slowly, thoroughly, beautifully, according to instructions.

Responsible for material wealth.

Venus, as the significator of the 2nd house, will show us our financial situation and a sense of beauty. So, if Venus is in the 8th house in Taurus in the horoscope, then a person can earn money thanks to other people’s assets. He will do this thoroughly and leisurely (Taurus)

Purposefully, without being wasted on trifles, with enthusiasm.

Responsible for religion, higher education, long-distance travel.

As the significator of the 9th house, Jupiter is responsible for long-distance travel, higher education, spirituality and religion.

Being, say, in the 1st field in Sagittarius, such Jupiter will say that it is important for a person to receive higher education and travel. To do this, he will study a foreign language for a long time and will not give up halfway (Sagittarius.)

By working hard, investing your strength, knowledge and resilience.

Responsible for career, for social elevation.

Saturn, as the significator of the 10th house, can tell you in what area you can build a career. For example, being in the 3rd house of the horoscope in Capricorn, such a Saturn will say that communication skills and short trips will contribute to a career if the person is persistent (Capricorn)

Proserpine or Mercury

Using your mind, logic, accuracy, daily routine.

Responsible for work, health and animals.

Being the significator of the 6th house, Proserpina will show us the areas of work and health. For example, if Proserpina is in the 9th house in Virgo, then long trips for work are possible, which will require logic and accuracy.

Chiron and Venus

Gently, accepting the point of view of all sides, fairly, not according to the law, but according to personal feelings.

Responsible for partnerships, surrounding people and marriage.

Both are responsible for partnerships and marriage. So if in the natal chart, Chiron or Venus is in the second house in Libra, this may indicate the importance of the partner’s material wealth.

Shocking, unusual, original, strange.

Responsible for friends and like-minded people. And also an area where we can bring something truly new and unusual.

Being the symbolic ruler of the 11th house, Uranus in the natal chart will show the area where we can bring something new and think more broadly. Also responsible for our like-minded people. For example, being in the 10th house in Aquarius, such Uranus will give an unusual idea about a career, and friends can help in career matters in a strange and unusual way (Aquarius)

Empathically and intuitively, gently skirting obstacles, not logically, based on feelings.

Responsible for spirituality, the understanding that everyone is equal. Supreme love and creativity. In the low version, withdrawal into oneself, the desire only to enjoy.

Neptune will give us the ability to intuition, the highest love for all living beings, mysteries and secrets. Being, say, in the 7th house in Pisces, such a Neptune can give a relationship where the partner is often absent due to business trips or problems with alcohol. Or, on the contrary, a partner can engage in creativity or spiritual practices.


Intense, deep, getting to the core, strong.

The 8th house is responsible for crises and disasters that help to change and rethink life.

Pluto, as the symbolic ruler of the 8th house, will point us to areas where global changes, disasters, crises, and transformations are possible. For example, being in the 9th house in Scorpio, a person may have a complete rethinking of religious and spiritual concepts.

An example of identifying real and symbolic house rulers

What does the ruler of a house mean in astrology? The ruler of a house in astrology is the planet (or planets in cases of dual control) that rules the sign in which it stands house cusp. The definition seems quite complicated, but in practice everything is very easy.

The cusp of a house is the very beginning of the house. For example, in the picture above, the cusp of the 1st house (ASC) is in Scorpio at 20 degrees, and the cusp of the second is in Sagittarius. The third is in Capricorn, the fourth in Pisces, the fifth in Aries, the sixth in Taurus, the seventh also in Taurus, the eighth in Gemini, the ninth in Cancer, the tenth in Virgo, the eleventh in Libra and the twelfth in Scorpio.

From table No. 2 We know that the sign of Scorpio is ruled by two planets - Mars and Pluto. Respectively ruler of the first house Mars appears in Virgo in the 10th house (MK) and Pluto in Capricorn in the second house. These two planets will be the real rulers of the first house.

Let's define all real managers:

2nd house – Jupiter in the 11th house in Scorpio;

3rd house – Saturn in the 2nd house in Sagittarius;

4th house – Neptune in Pisces in the 4th house;

5th house – Mars in Virgo in the 10th house;

6th house – Venus in Virgo in the 10th house;

7th house – Venus in Virgo in the 10th house;

8th house – Mercury in the 11th house in Libra;

9th house – Moon in the 8th house in Cancer;

10th house – Mercury at 11th in Libra;

11th house – Venus at 10th in Virgo;

12th house – Pluto in the second in Capricorn;

Let's define symbolic rulers

From table No. 1 we see that symbolic ruler The first house is always Mars. In this chart, Mars is in Virgo in the 10th house. The symbolic ruler of the 2nd house is always Venus. Here it is also located in the 10th house in conjunction with Mars.

Other symbolic rulers:

3rd house – Mercury in Libra in the 11th house;

4th house – Moon in Cancer in the 8th house;

5th house – Sun in Libra in the 11th house;

6th house – Proserpine in Scorpio in the 1st house or Mercury in Libra in the 11th house;

7th house – Chiron in Pisces in the 4th or Venus in Virgo in the 10th house;

8th house – Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house;

9th house – Moon in Cancer in the 8th house;

10th house – Saturn in Sagittarius in the 2nd house;

11th house – Uranus in Aries in the 5th house;

12th house – Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house.

All regular zodiac signs have basic characteristics and rulers, such as: belonging to one of the four elements (trigons), to one of the three triads (crosses), to one of the four seasons. In addition, the zodiac is grouped into two pairs of hemispheres: northern and southern, eastern and western. The position of the Sun on the ecliptic is of great importance, as is the relationship of the zodiac signs to the planets.

Rulers of the houses of the zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own ruling planet, which has the most noticeable influence on the formation of personality, character and destiny of a person.

Modern astrologers, as well as astrologers from the times of Babylon, are confident that a person’s entire earthly path depends on what signs the celestial bodies were in at the time of his birth.

Relatively speaking, the correct zodiac sign is a reflection of all aspects of the planets influencing it.

Table of planets rulers of zodiac signs

The Sun, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are masculine planets, active and outward. The Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo, Mars and Pluto are the rulers of the zodiac sign Aries and Scorpio. Abode of Uranus in Aquarius. Saturn is the ruling planet of the astrological signs Capricorn and Aquarius. The male planet Jupiter rules the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces.

Venus, Moon, Neptune are female planets, their energy is directed inward. Venus exerts its influence on the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra, the Moon rules the correct zodiac sign Cancer, and the planet Neptune rules Pisces.

Mercury is considered a sexless planet and is the ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo.

Aspects of the rulers of the houses of the zodiac signs

Jupiter is a strong masculine social planet, which in any aspect gives growth, scope, increase, the desire for possession, capture, expansion. This is especially clearly manifested in the character of those born in the sign of Sagittarius. Manager this zodiac sign pushes them into the world around them, expanding their social circle, gaining unconditional authority and honoring personal freedom as the highest value of life.

Saturn in intense aspects suppresses and limits everything it touches, be it the aggressive energy of Mars or the feminine manifestations of the Moon. The active planets Sun and Mars receive a positive effect from the influence of the harmonious aspects of Saturn. In such aspects, Saturn will give patience and the ability to achieve the desired results for a long time, which is always a plus.

In the modern system of sign rulers by planets, there is neither logic nor uniformity. There are nine planets, twelve signs. The relationship drawn between them in the form of control, exaltation, fall and expulsion is ambiguous and somehow unjustifiably intricate.

In 10 years of studying astrology, I have not used this system of rulers at all. Which I don’t regret at all.

A completely different picture emerges if we assume that there are not ten planets in the solar system, but still twelve (this idea has been in the air for a long time - there are supporters, and - rather dubious ones, but -). Taking this assumption on faith, the system of managers becomes surprisingly harmonious:

Mercury is the ruler of the sign of Pisces

Classically, Mercury in Pisces is considered to be in debilitation or exile; but if you simply compare the archetype of the sign and the planet, it becomes clear why:

Mercury archetype - communication, connection. The image of the Pisces sign represents two fish connected to each other (in the early Assyrian version - a fish and a swallow connected). Mercury is the god of trickery and deception; deception is the element of the sign of Pisces.

Venus is the ruler of the sign Aquarius

Classically, Venus is not related to Aquarius either as a ruler or as an exalter; she is not in decline or in exile there. But let’s compare the archetypes:

Aquarius is the element of friendship and freely expressed emotions. But the same emotions are a property of the planet Venus! Aquarius is also considered a sign of the future; the mirror - the glyph of Venus - has long been used for fortune telling - penetration into this most cherished thing that has not yet happened.

Earth is the ruler of the sign Capricorn

Classically, the Earth does not participate in the system of rulers. But if you try to compare the archetypes, you get:

The earth is the homeland of the straightforward, logical man; a planet on which industrialization and a scientific and technological revolution took place. Plans here are often implemented to the detriment of the environment. And these qualities correlate perfectly with the sign of Capricorn - straightforward, ruthless towards oneself.

Mars is the ruler of the sign Sagittarius

In the classical system of rulers, Mars is not connected with the sign of Sagittarius - like Venus with Aquarius - in no way. Let's take a closer look at the archetypes:

Mars is the planet of action; a burst, a shot of focused energy. Sagittarius is an archetype with very similar qualities. Both Mars and Sagittarius are very combative, active and active archetypes.

Asteroid belt (Pallas, Ceres) - ruler of Scorpio

Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the solar system there is a belt of asteroids - numerous, but relatively small objects. It was presumably formed after a catastrophe that happened to the planet Phaeton. How do these events relate to the Scorpio archetype?

Scorpio is the sign of destruction, transformation, purification, suffering, accidents. The fate of the destroyed planet fits perfectly into the character of this sign.

Jupiter is the ruler of the sign Libra

In the classical system of rulers, Jupiter is in no way connected with Libra. But, if you draw parallels in the characters of the planet and the sign, everything fits:

Jupiter is a huge planet, a gas giant, surrounded by a large number of small satellites. The basic principle of Jupiter is popularity, authority (the same as a huge planet has among small retinues of satellites revolving around it). So is the archetype of the Libra sign - rarely entering into direct conflict; but giving great attention to questions of patronage and public authority.

Saturn is the ruler of the sign Virgo

The classical system of rulers does not connect the planet Saturn with the sign of Virgo, although the mutual correspondence of the archetypes lies on the surface:

Saturn is the planet of thoroughness, perseverance; the same qualities are present in the archetype of the Virgo sign. Virgo is characterized by various labor, work (primarily agricultural), the successful implementation of which requires competent planning and taking into account seasonal time cycles. And these are qualities that also relate to Saturn.

Uranus is the ruler of the sign Leo

Uranus in Leo is often considered by astrologers to be in exile. However, comparing the energies of this planet and this sign, you can come to a different result:

Uranus is the planet of authentic creativity, autonomy, independence and freedom. And these qualities correlate well with the archetype of the proud sign Leo - it is characterized by both active creativity and proud independence. Salvador Dali - the sunny Leo - illustrated this very well in one of his statements.

Neptune is the ruler of the sign Cancer

There is no relationship between this sign and this planet in the classical system of rulers. But if you compare:

Both the sign of Cancer and the planet Neptune belong to the element of water. The Egyptians called the constellation Cancer "Water Stars". And the crayfish itself is an aquatic animal. Both Neptune and Cancer are also related to the origin, origin, beginning, source of life processes - this is another important common feature.

Pluto is the ruler of the sign Gemini

Again, there is no correlation in the classical system of managers. Let's analyze:

Speaking about Pluto, it would be more correct to talk about the so-called “binary system” Pluto-Charon: Pluto’s satellite is so large that the center of mass of the system is located outside of Pluto itself. And this relates well to the archetype of Gemini - a dual sign. Pluto is considered the planet of cruelty, murder and mass unrest - but the biblical legend of Abel and Cain, who killed his brother, is also associated with the sign of Gemini.

There are two more hypothetical planets left - Vulcan and Proserpina:

Proserpina is the ruler of the sign Taurus

Proserpine is the planet of regeneration and gradual change. These qualities correlate quite well with the sign of Taurus - it is also characterized by gradual, stable growth and concern for the regeneration of the body.

Vulcan is the ruler of the sign Aries

The fictitious planet Vulcan is associated with the phenomenon of combustion, which perfectly correlates with the energy of the first fire sign - Aries. Aries impulsiveness is also one of the characteristic qualities of the Vulcan archetype.

The above correspondence between the signs of the zodiac and the planets of the solar system is much more integral and simpler than the generally accepted one. I hope that someone will dare to use it - and will enjoy it as much as I did :)

P.S. Or maybe it will even complement the proposed system - it will formulate the same simple and transparent analogies for exaltations, expulsions and falls. I'm waiting for your comments!

In this article Characteristics of the zodiac signs a brief and detailed author's description of the 12 Zodiac Signs according to the Solar Sign is described - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The sequence of zodiac signs and how to find out Are you a typical representative of your zodiac sign?? As everyone knows, the Zodiac sign in astrology is determined by the position of the Sun in the horoscope. The sun sign gives the main characteristics that are noticeable to others. The sun is our Ego. But sometimes the character traits that the Sun sign of the zodiac gives are not so pronounced. What does this depend on? If the majority of personal planets - the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars - are located in a zodiac sign whose characteristics contradict the solar zodiac sign, then the influence of the Sun in the horoscope is noticeably reduced.

For example, according to the solar zodiac sign, a person is Libra, but most of the personal planets are located in the zodiac sign Scorpio. Then in a person, the characteristics of Scorpio will be clearly visible to others, especially if Mars or Pluto have intense aspects in the natal chart. Such a person can be harsh and rude and sarcastic, which is not at all characteristic of the zodiac sign Libra.

The same will happen if the element of the Solar zodiac sign and the element of most personal planets are dissimilar. For example, the Sun sign is an air element, and most personal planets are in earth zodiac signs, then a person will be less characterized by the characteristics of the air element - lightness, openness, he will be more down-to-earth and practical.

The position of the ascendant in a certain zodiac sign and the planet in the 1st house also very noticeably influence the impression of people around a person. For example, if a person’s solar zodiac sign is Sagittarius, and his ascendant is in Scorpio, Mars or Pluto in the 1st house, then an astrologer can easily mistake such a person for Scorpio. Because he will express himself to the outside world in accordance with the planets in the 1st house and the sign of the ascendant - at first glance he will seem tough, domineering, or even overwhelming to others (if Pluto or Mars affects personal planets).

For these reasons, people sometimes do not recognize many of the characteristics of their sun sign. There are Sagittarians who are not attracted to travel, scandalous Libras, Leos who do not demonstrate their royalty, good-natured Scorpios, etc. Although the solar zodiac sign is very important, along with other planets in the horoscope, it can either be clearly expressed, or the characteristics of the solar zodiac sign will be muted by the influence of personal planets from other zodiac signs.

Sequence of zodiac signs

First comes Aries, after Aries Taurus, after Taurus Gemini, after Gemini Leo, after Leo Cancer, after Cancer Virgo, after Virgo Libra, after Libra Scorpio, after Scorpio Sagittarius, after Sagittarius Capricorn, after Capricorn Aquarius and after Aquarius Pisces. And again everything repeats itself - after Aries Pisces, etc.

Rulers of the zodiac signs:

All zodiac signs are influenced by the planet that rules that sign. Let us list the planets that rule the zodiac signs.

Mars is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries

Venus is the ruler of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra

Mercury is the ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo

The Moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer

The Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo

Pluto is the ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Uranus is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Neptune is the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces

What is the zodiac sign Aries

The planet Mars, the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries, gives the Aries zodiac sign belligerence, ardor, assertiveness, because. Mars is the planet of war and fire. If you are a typical Aries, then you have the following characteristics of the Aries zodiac sign - you know how to defend your rights, you are a decisive and self-confident person. The Aries zodiac sign has an unpleasant trait in its character - selfishness, because the Aries sign comes first in the circle of the zodiac and is symbolically a newborn child, and small children think only about themselves. Planet Mars is the planet of instincts and people born under the zodiac sign of Aries live on impulse.

The zodiac signs Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus.

What is the zodiac sign Taurus

For the zodiac sign Taurus, the ruler of this zodiac sign, Venus, gives the following characteristic - love for comfort, for sensual pleasures, such as food, drinks, sexual sensations, beautiful and comfortable surroundings. And for the sake of a comfortable life, a typical representative of the zodiac sign Taurus can work tirelessly. But sometimes this leads to Taurus becoming an inveterate materialist and he ceases to be interested in spiritual life, he begins to believe only in what can be touched and felt physically.

What is the zodiac sign of Libra?

Ruler of the zodiac sign Libra, Venus gives the ability to find a common language with almost any person. Characteristics of typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra - they strive for harmony in relationships, they need a partner. But sometimes an excessive desire to please everyone, to compromise in any situation, results in hypocrisy in the character of the zodiac sign Libra. And sometimes it is not clear how a person of the Libra sign treats you - does he really feel sympathy for you or is he simply being a hypocrite out of a desire to please everyone?

What zodiac sign is Gemini

The ruler of the Gemini zodiac sign, Mercury, the planet of reason, information, movement, and communication, brings curiosity, mobility, and a love of communication to the character of a typical Gemini zodiac sign. But in the negative version, the excessive curiosity of the Gemini sign turns into superficiality - I know a lot, but not deeply. Also, the love of communication can make a person of the Gemini sign a gossip.

What is the zodiac sign Virgo

The zodiac sign Virgo, the ruler of this sign, Mercury, gives a tendency to analysis. Characteristics of typical representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign - they pay a lot of attention to little things, details, they are attentive, diligent, but excessiveness in this can make them unbearable pedants and bores.

What is the zodiac sign Cancer

The moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer. The Moon is the planet that is responsible for the subconscious, this planet of emotions. Characteristics of a typical zodiac sign Cancer - the Moon gives deepening into oneself. Cancer feels its vulnerability and is ready to hide in its shell from others. But the Moon is also the planet of motherhood and people of the Cancer sign, especially women, are inherently caring. Typical representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign have increased emotionality and sensitivity, but in the negative version this turns into hysteria and an inability to hear others; only Cancer’s own emotions begin to interest them.

What is the zodiac sign Leo

The sun, the ruler of the Leo zodiac sign, gives typical representatives of the Leo zodiac sign royalty, generosity, pride, a protective attitude towards others and the desire to show themselves and shine in society. The typical zodiac sign Leo cannot go unnoticed. With negative development, people of the Leo sign become unbearable in their desire to always be in the center, and excessive royalty degenerates into permissiveness - I am a king and everything is possible for me.

What zodiac sign is Scorpio

The planet Pluto, the ruler of the Scorpio zodiac sign, is responsible for transformation, sexual instincts, destruction of the old, gives typical representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign endurance, mystery, and increased sexuality. In the negative version, these influences result in jealousy, unbridledness and the desire to destroy everything, even to the detriment of oneself. People of the Scorpio zodiac sign are called upon to bring out everything negative in others; they can hurt where it hurts most.

What is the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the planet of great benefic, the planet of expansion, optimism and good luck. Jupiter endowed typical representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius with inexhaustible optimism, faith in a better future; typical Sagittarius will not remember their failures for long. The main characteristic of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is that Sagittarians can expand their horizons, both through travel and through acquiring new knowledge. That's why Sagittarians love to teach and give advice so much. A negative trait of people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is tactlessness and excessive love of teaching others, giving advice, even when they are not asked for it.

What is the zodiac sign Capricorn

Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn zodiac sign, the planet of patience, responsibility and discipline, gave all these qualities to typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. But Saturn is also the planet of time and limitations, and people of the Capricorn sign are often too serious, which makes them pessimists. They can see life in black tones. Although their ability to manage time and their inherent ambitions help them achieve their goals.

What is the zodiac sign Aquarius

Uranus, the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius, the planet of freedom and revolutionary spirit, makes typical Aquarians extraordinary personalities, incomprehensible to others. The main characteristic of people of the Aquarius zodiac sign is a love of freedom. Freedom in relationships (sometimes from relationships) is important to them, and freedom to move wherever they want; they cannot stand restrictions and boundaries. But an excessive love of freedom can leave them completely alone.

What is the zodiac sign Pisces

What the planet Neptune, the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces, gives, cannot be felt physically; it is something that cannot be clearly expressed in words. Neptune endowed typical representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign with inspiration, compassion, and creative abilities. But with a negative option, people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces can have their head in the clouds, break away from reality and live in their own imaginary world, in a world of dreams and illusions.

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