Contents of Turgenev's story Asya. “Asya”, a detailed retelling of the story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

N.N., a middle-aged socialite, recalls a story that happened when he was twenty-five years old. N.N. then traveled without a goal and without a plan, and on his way he stopped in the quiet German town of N. One day, N.N., having come to a student party, met two Russians in the crowd - a young artist who called himself Gagin, and his sister Anna , which Gagin called Asey. N.N. avoided Russians abroad, but he immediately liked his new acquaintance. Gagin invited N.N. to his home, to the apartment in which he and his sister were staying. N.N. was fascinated by his new friends. Asya At first N.N. was shy, but soon she started talking to him. Evening came, it was time to go home. Leaving the Gagins, N.N. felt happy.

Many days have passed. Asya's pranks were varied, every day she seemed to be a new, different well-bred young lady, now a playful child, now a simple girl. N.N. regularly visited the Gagins. Some time later, Asya stopped playing pranks, looked sad, avoided N.N. Gagin treated her kindly and condescendingly, and N.N.’s suspicion grew stronger that Gagin was not Asya’s brother. A strange incident confirmed his suspicions. One day N.N. accidentally overheard a conversation between the Gagins, in which Asya told Gagin that she loved him and did not want to love anyone else. N.N. was very bitter.

N.N. spent the next few days in nature, avoiding the Gagins. But a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin, who asked him to come. Gagin met N.N. in a friendly manner, but Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away. Then Gagin told his friend the story of his sister.

Gagin's parents lived in their village. After the death of Gagin's mother, his father raised his son himself. But one day Gagin’s uncle arrived and decided that the boy should study in St. Petersburg. The father resisted, but gave in, and Gagin entered school, and then into the guards regiment. Gagin came often and once, when he was twenty years old, he saw a little girl Asya in his house, but did not pay any attention to her, having heard from her father that she was an orphan and was taken by him “to feed.”

Gagin did not visit his father for a long time and was only receiving letters from him, when suddenly one day news arrived about his fatal disease. Gagin arrived and found his father dying. He bequeathed to his son to take care of his daughter, Gagin’s sister Asya. Soon the father died, and the servant told Gagin that Asya was the daughter of Gagin’s father and the maid Tatyana. Gagin's father became very attached to Tatyana and even wanted to marry her, but Tatyana did not consider herself a lady and lived with her sister along with Asya. When Asya was nine years old, she lost her mother. Her father took her into the house and raised her himself. She was ashamed of her origin and at first was afraid of Gagin, but then she fell in love with him. He also became attached to her, brought her to St. Petersburg and, no matter how bitter it was for him to do this, sent her to a boarding school. She had no friends there, the young ladies didn’t like her, but now she’s seventeen, she finished studying, and they went abroad together. And so... she plays pranks and fools around as before...

After N. N. Gagin’s story, it became easy. Asya, who met them in the room, suddenly asked Gagin to play them a waltz, and N.N. and Asya danced for a long time. Asya waltzed beautifully, and N.N. remembered this dance for a long time afterwards.

The whole next day Gagin, N.N. and Asya were together and having fun like children, but the next day Asya was pale, she said that she was thinking about her death. Everyone except Gagin was sad.

One day N.N. was brought a note from Asya, in which she asked him to come. Soon Gagin came to N.N. and said that Asya was in love with N.N. Yesterday she had a fever all evening, she did not eat anything, cried and admitted that she loved N.N. She wants to leave...

N.N. told a friend about the note that Asya sent him. Gagin understood that his friend would not marry Asa, so they agreed that N.N. would honestly explain to her, and Gagin would sit at home and not show that he knew about the note.

Gagin left, and N.N.’s head was spinning. Another note informed N.N. about the change in the place of their meeting with Asya. Arriving at the appointed place, he saw the hostess, Frau Louise, who led him to the room where Asya was waiting.

Asya was trembling. N.N. hugged her, but immediately remembered Gagina and began to blame Asya for telling her brother everything. Asya listened to his speech and suddenly burst into tears. N.N. was confused, and she rushed to the door and disappeared.

N.N. rushed around the city in search of Asya. He was gnawing at himself. After thinking, he headed to the Gagins’ house. Gagin came out to meet him, concerned that Asya was still not there. N.N. looked for Asya all over the city, he repeated a hundred times that he loved her, but could not find her anywhere. However, approaching the Gagins’ house, he saw light in Asya’s room and calmed down. He made a firm decision - tomorrow to go and ask for Asya’s hand. N.N. was happy again.

The next day, N.N. saw a maid at the house, who said that the owners had left, and gave him a note from Gagin, where he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. When N.N. walked past Frau Louise’s house, she gave him a note from Asya, where she wrote that if N.N. had said one word, she would have stayed. But apparently it's better this way...

N.N. looked for the Gagins everywhere, but did not find them. He knew many women, but the feeling awakened in him by Asya never happened again. N.N. remained longing for her for the rest of his life.

The story "Asya" summary which is presented in this article, is written in the form of a story on behalf of twenty-five-year-old N.N., who completed his education in his homeland and went to see the world. He did not set out to visit well-known places - on the contrary, his journey took place without a specific route, and he sought to meet and communicate with new people. The plot takes place in a small town on the banks of the Rhine, where N.N. arrives after an unsuccessful romance somewhere on the waters. This is a fairly quiet place, where he meets the Gagins - brother and sister. The girl's name was Anna, but her brother called her Asya. The brief summary does not allow, unfortunately, to describe all the excitement of the acquaintance. It happened at a local student party where new friends were having a good time.

“Asya”, Turgenev: a summary of a love story

N.N. was completely fascinated by his new acquaintances and, despite the fact that he was shy of his compatriots abroad, he became a frequent guest of the Gagins. Asya (the summary depletes the events) plays pranks in every possible way, appearing before our hero in different images: sometimes she is a well-bred young lady, sometimes she is a simpleton, sometimes she is a playful child. But after a while Asya gave up the fun, began to avoid N.N., and looked upset. The main character had a suspicion that the Gagins were not actually relatives, and it grew stronger day by day. One day he overheard a conversation between brother and sister, which confirmed his guess: Asya convinced Gagin that she loved him more than anyone in the world and did not want to love anyone else. N.N. was bitter to hear this, and for the next few days he avoided his friends, but a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin asking him to come - this is its brief content. Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away, but Gagin greeted him very cordially. That day he spoke about his sister.

Asya: summary of life history

Gagin's parents had their own estate with a village. After the death of his mother, his father raised his son on his own, but his uncle decided that the boy belonged in St. Petersburg, and sent him to study - first to school, then to the guards regiment. Gagin often came home, and on one of these visits, already a twenty-year-old youth, he discovered at home a little girl, Asya, an orphan taken by her father to be raised. He paid little attention to her then. After for a long time the son could not visit his father - they were in correspondence, and one day a letter came about a serious illness. Gagin found his parent on the verge of death. His father told him to take care of Asa, his sister. After the death of the elder Gagin, it turned out that Asya was really her paternal sister, and her mother was the maid Tatyana. The father wanted to marry the maid, but Tatyana did not consider this possible and lived with her daughter separately, with her sister. When the baby was nine, Tatyana died. The parent took Asya to live with him. He gave it to the girl a good education at the boarding school, where she had no friends due to her strange, lively nature. After finishing her education, Asya went on a trip with her brother, where she never got bored because of the girl’s antics.

The denouement of a strange story

N.N. felt very at ease after Gagin’s story. Suddenly Asya appeared and asked her brother to play them a waltz. N.N. invited the girl to dance, after which he remembered this dance with warmth for a long time. The friends had fun the whole next day, but within a day Asya was sad again and avoided company. She said that she was thinking about death. After some time, N.N. received a note from the girl asking him to meet. Then Gagin came to him and said that his sister was in love with N.N., but was afraid and wanted to leave as far as possible. The brother understood that their friend would not want to marry Asa, so he asked him to explain himself to the girl as gently as possible. Arriving at the appointed place, N.N. did not find Asya; the hostess was there, who led him to the room where the girl was waiting. A scene occurred, Asya ran away, and N.N. searched for her around the city to no avail. Later, he saw light in the window of her room and, reassured, went home in the firm belief that tomorrow he would ask for her hand. But when he arrived the next day, he did not find his friends - two notes were waiting for him. Gagin wrote that he considered separation necessary. Asya - that perhaps it would be better this way, but if N.N. had said a word to her, she would have stayed. He looked for the Gagins everywhere, but could never find them. And not a single woman awakened in him the feelings that N.N. experienced for Asa.

N.N., a middle-aged socialite, recalls a story that happened when he was twenty-five years old. N.N. then traveled without a goal and without a plan, and on his way he stopped in the quiet German town of N. One day, N.N., having come to a student party, met two Russians in the crowd - a young artist who called himself Gagin, and his sister Anna , whom Gagin called Asya. N.N. avoided Russians abroad, but he immediately liked his new acquaintance. Gagin invited N.N. to his home, to the apartment in which he and his sister were staying. N.N. was fascinated by his new friends. At first Asya was shy of N.N., but soon she started talking to him. Evening came, it was time to go home. Leaving the Gagins, N.N. felt happy.

Many days have passed. Asya's pranks were varied, every day she seemed new, different - now a well-bred young lady, now a playful child, now a simple girl. N.N. regularly visited the Gagins. Some time later, Asya stopped playing pranks, looked sad, avoided N.N. Gagin treated her kindly and condescendingly, and N.N.’s suspicion grew stronger that Gagin was not Asya’s brother. A strange incident confirmed his suspicions. One day N.N. accidentally overheard a conversation between the Gagins, in which Asya told Gagin that she loved him and did not want to love anyone else. N.N. was very bitter.

N.N. spent the next few days in nature, avoiding the Gagins. But a few days later he found a note at home from Gagin, who asked him to come. Gagin met N.N. in a friendly manner, but Asya, seeing the guest, burst out laughing and ran away. Then Gagin told his friend the story of his sister.

Gagin's parents lived in their village. After the death of Gagin's mother, his father raised his son himself. But one day Gagin’s uncle arrived and decided that the boy should study in St. Petersburg. The father resisted, but gave in, and Gagin entered school, and then into the guards regiment. Gagin came often and once, when he was twenty years old, he saw a little girl Asya in his house, but did not pay any attention to her, having heard from her father that she was an orphan and was taken by him “to feed.”

Gagin did not visit his father for a long time and was only receiving letters from him, when suddenly one day news arrived about his fatal illness. Gagin arrived and found his father dying. He bequeathed to his son to take care of his daughter, Gagin’s sister Asya. Soon the father died, and the servant told Gagin that Asya was the daughter of Gagin’s father and the maid Tatyana. Gagin's father became very attached to Tatyana and even wanted to marry her, but Tatyana did not consider herself a lady and lived with her sister along with Asya. When Asya was nine years old, she lost her mother. Her father took her into the house and raised her himself. She was ashamed of her origins and at first

Gagina was angry, but then she fell in love with him. He also became attached to her, brought her to St. Petersburg and, no matter how bitter it was for him to do this, sent her to a boarding school. She had no friends there, the young ladies didn’t like her, but now she’s seventeen, she finished studying, and they went abroad together. And so... she plays pranks and fools around as before...

After N. N. Gagin’s story, it became easy. Asya, who met them in the room, suddenly asked Gagin to play them a waltz, and N.N. and Asya danced for a long time. Asya waltzed beautifully, and N.N. remembered this dance for a long time afterwards.

The whole next day Gagin, N.N. and Asya were together and having fun like children, but the next day Asya was pale, she said that she was thinking about her death. Everyone except Gagin was sad.

One day N.N. was brought a note from Asya, in which she asked him to come. Soon Gagin came to N.N. and said that Asya was in love with N.N. Yesterday she had a fever all evening, she did not eat anything, cried and admitted that she loved N.N. She wants to leave...

N.N. told a friend about the note that Asya sent him. Gagin understood that his friend would not marry Asa, so they agreed that N.N. would honestly explain to her, and Gagin would sit at home and not show that he knew about the note.

Gagin left, and N.N.’s head was spinning. Another note informed N.N. about the change in the place of their meeting with Asya. Arriving at the appointed place, he saw the hostess, Frau Louise, who led him to the room where Asya was waiting.

Asya was trembling. N.N. hugged her, but immediately remembered Gagina and began to blame Asya for telling her brother everything. Asya listened to his speech and suddenly burst into tears. N.N. was confused, and she rushed to the door and disappeared.

N.N. rushed around the city in search of Asya. He was gnawing at himself. After thinking, he headed to the Gagins’ house. Gagin came out to meet him, concerned that Asya was still not there. N.N. looked for Asya all over the city, he repeated a hundred times that he loved her, but could not find her anywhere. However, approaching the Gagins’ house, he saw light in Asya’s room and calmed down. He made a firm decision - tomorrow to go and ask for Asya’s hand. N.N. was happy again.

The next day, N.N. saw a maid at the house, who said that the owners had left, and gave him a note from Gagin, where he wrote that he was convinced of the need for separation. When N.N. walked past Frau Louise’s house, she gave him a note from Asya, where she wrote that if N.N. had said one word, she would have stayed. But apparently it’s better this way...

N.N. looked for the Gagins everywhere, but did not find them. He knew many women, but the feeling awakened in him by Asya never happened again. N.N. remained longing for her for the rest of his life.

Almost every famous Russian classic in his work turned to this literary genre As a story, its main characteristics are an average volume between a novel and a short story, one developed plot line, and a small number of characters. The famous prose writer of the 19th century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, more than once throughout his entire career literary activity turned to this genre.

One of his most famous works, written in the genre love lyrics, is the story “Asya”, which is also often classified as an elegiac genre of literature. Here readers find not only beautiful landscape sketches and a subtle, poetic description of feelings, as well as some lyrical motifs smoothly turning into plot ones. During the writer's lifetime, the story was translated and published in many European countries and enjoyed great popularity among readers both in Russia and abroad.

History of writing

Turgenev began writing the story “Asya” in July 1857 in Germany, in the city of Sinzeg on the Rhine, where the events described in the book take place. Having finished the book in November of the same year (the writing of the story was a little delayed due to the author’s illness and overwork), Turgenev sent the work to the editors of the Russian magazine Sovremennik, in which it had long been awaited and published at the beginning of 1858.

According to Turgenev himself, he was inspired to write the story by a fleeting picture he saw in Germany: an elderly woman looks out from the window of a house on the first floor, and the silhouette of a young girl can be seen in the window of the second floor. The writer, thinking about what he saw, comes up with possible fate It is for these people that the story “Asya” is created.

According to many literary critics, this story was of a personal nature for the author, since it was based on some events that took place in real life Turgenev, and the images of the main characters have a clear connection both with the author himself and with his immediate circle (the prototype for Asya could have been the fate of his illegitimate daughter Polina Brewer or his half-sister V.N. Zhitova, also born out of wedlock, Mr. N .N., on whose behalf the story is told in “Ace”, has character traits and a similar fate to the author himself).

Analysis of the work

Plot development

The description of the events that took place in the story is written on behalf of a certain N.N., whose name the author leaves unknown. The narrator recalls his youth and his stay in Germany, where on the banks of the Rhine he meets his compatriot from Russia Gagin and his sister Anna, whom he takes care of and calls Asya. The young girl, with her eccentric actions, constantly changing disposition and amazing attractive appearance, impresses N.N. is very impressed and he wants to know as much as possible about her.

Gagin tells him the difficult fate of Asya: she is his illegitimate stepsister, born from his father's relationship with the maid. After the death of her mother, her father took thirteen-year-old Asya to his place and raised her as befits a young lady from a good society. After the death of her father, Gagin becomes her guardian, first sends her to a boarding house, then they go to live abroad. Now N.N., knowing the unclear social status a girl who was born to a serf mother and a landowner father understands what caused nervous tension Asya and her slightly eccentric behavior. He feels deeply sorry for the unfortunate Asya, and he begins to experience tender feelings for the girl.

Asya, like Pushkin’s Tatyana, writes a letter to Mr. N.N. asking for a date, he, unsure of his feelings, hesitates and makes a promise to Gagin not to accept his sister’s love, because he is afraid to marry her. The meeting between Asya and the narrator is chaotic, Mr. N.N. reproaches her for confessing her feelings for him to her brother and now they cannot be together. Asya runs away in confusion, N.N. realizes that he really loves the girl and wants to return her, but cannot find her. The next day, having come to the Gagins' house with the firm intention of asking for the girl's hand, he learns that Gagin and Asya have left the city, he tries to find them, but all his efforts are in vain. Never again in his life N.N. does not meet Asya and her brother, and at the end of his life path he realizes that although he had other hobbies, he truly loved only Asya and he still keeps the dried flower that she once gave him.

Main characters

The main character of the story, Anna, whom her brother calls Asya, is a young girl with an unusual attractive appearance (a thin boyish figure, short curly hair, wide-open eyes bordered by long and fluffy eyelashes), a spontaneous and noble character, characterized by an ardent temperament and a difficult, tragic fate. Born from an extramarital affair between a maid and a landowner, and raised by her mother in severity and obedience, after her death she cannot get used to her new role as a lady for a long time. She perfectly understands her false position, therefore she does not know how to behave in society, she is shy and shy of everyone, and at the same time she proudly wants no one to pay attention to her origin. Left early alone without parental attention and left to her own devices, Asya begins to think about the contradictions in life that surround her at an early age beyond her years.

The main character of the story, like others female images Turgenev's works are distinguished by amazing purity of soul, morality, sincerity and openness of feelings, craving for strong feelings and experiences, the desire to perform feats and great deeds for the benefit of people. It is on the pages of this story that the concept of Turgenev’s young lady and Turgenev’s feeling of love, common to all heroines, appears, which for the author is akin to a revolution invading the lives of the heroes, testing their feelings for perseverance and ability to survive in difficult living conditions.

Mr. N.N.

Main male character and the narrator of the story, Mr. N.N., has the features of a new literary type, which Turgenev replaced the “extra people” type. This hero completely lacks the typical “ extra person» conflict with the outside world. He is an absolutely calm and prosperous person with a balanced and harmonious self-organization, easily amenable to vivid impressions and feelings, all his experiences are simple and natural, without falsehood or pretense. In love experiences, this hero strives for peace of mind, which would be intertwined with their aesthetic completeness.

After meeting Asya, his love becomes more intense and contradictory, in last moment the hero cannot completely surrender to feelings, because they are overshadowed by the disclosure of the secrets of feelings. Later, he cannot immediately tell Asya’s brother that he is ready to marry her, because he does not want to disturb his overwhelming feeling of happiness, and also fearing future changes and the responsibility that he will have to take for someone else’s life. All this leads to a tragic outcome: after his betrayal, he loses Asya forever and it is too late to correct the mistakes he made. He has lost his love, rejected the future and the very life he could have had, and pays for it throughout his entire joyless and loveless existence.

Features of compositional construction

Genre of this work refers to an elegiac story, the basis of which is a description of love experiences and melancholic thoughts about the meaning of life, regrets about unfulfilled dreams and sadness about the future. The work is based on beautiful story love that ended in tragic separation. The composition of the story is built according to the classical model: the beginning of the plot is a meeting with the Gagin family, the development of the plot is the rapprochement of the main characters, the emergence of love, the climax is a conversation between Gagin and N.N. about Asya’s feelings, denouement - a date with Asya, explanation of the main characters, the Gagin family leaves Germany, epilogue - Mr. N.N. reflects on the past, regrets unfulfilled love. The highlight of this work is Turgenev’s use of ancient literary device plot framing, when a narrator is introduced into the narrative and the motivation for his actions is given. Thus, the reader receives a “story within a story” designed to enhance the meaning of the story being told.

In his critical article“Russian Man at a Rendezvous” Chernyshevsky sharply condemns the indecision and petty timid egoism of Mr. N.N., whose image is slightly softened by the author in the epilogue of the work. Chernyshevsky, on the contrary, without choosing expressions, sharply condemns the act of Mr. N.N. and pronounces his verdict on those who are the same as him. The story "Asya", thanks to the depth of its content, has become a real pearl in literary heritage the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. Great writer like no one else, he was able to convey his philosophical reflections and thoughts about the destinies of people, about that time in the life of every person when his actions and words can forever change it for the better or for the worse.

Here is a short summary ( brief retelling plot) of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Asya". I hope the summary of the story will help you prepare for your Russian literature lesson.

Brief information about the story: Turgenev’s story “Asya” was written in 1857, first published in 1858 in the first issue of the Sovremennik magazine.

ASL - summary of chapters.

Asya. Chapter 1. Summary

The main character of the story is named N.N. He talks about what happened to him once. At that time he was twenty-five years old. In his own words, he " just got released and went abroad " The young man really wanted look at God's world ", N.N. speaks about himself during that period:

“I was healthy, young, cheerful, I had no money transferred, worries had not yet begun - I lived without looking back, did what I wanted, prospered, in a word. It never occurred to me then that man is not a plant and cannot flourish for long. Youth eats gilded gingerbread, and thinks that this is their daily bread; A the time will come- and you’ll ask for some bread.”

The young man traveled a lot and made new acquaintances. His life was easy and carefree. N.N. settled in the small German town of Z., which was located on the left bank of the Rhine.

During this period, N.N. wanted to be left alone, he was burdened by gloomy thoughts. He recently met a young woman, a widow. " She was very pretty and smart, flirted with everyone " But she preferred another person. N.N. was not too upset, but wanted to be alone for some time.

The town where main character settled down, was very attractive:

“I liked this town for its location at the foot of two high hills, its decrepit walls and towers, centuries-old linden trees, a steep bridge over a bright river flowing into the Rhine, and most importantly, its good wine.”

On the other bank of the Rhine was the town of L. One day N.N. was sitting on a bench and listening to music that was coming from the city of L.N.N. asked a passerby what was happening in another town. A passerby replied that these were students " came to commercial».

N.N. crossed to the other side.

Asya. Chapter 2. Summary

Kommersh is “a special kind of solemn feast to which students of the same land or brotherhood come together.” At the holiday N.N. heard Russian speech. He met the young man Gagin and his sister Asya. New acquaintances invited N.N. to visit them.

N.N. really liked the new acquaintances. And Gagin, and his sister Asya, or Anna (that was her full name), made the most favorable impression on the main character. N.N. also really liked the house in which they lived.

Asya was very active.

“She did not sit still for a single moment; she got up, ran into the house, came running again, hummed in a low voice, often laughed, and in a strange way: it seemed that she was laughing not at what she heard, but at various thoughts that came into her head. Her big eyes they looked straight, bright, boldly, but sometimes her eyelids squinted slightly, and then her gaze suddenly became deep and tender.”

N.N. was visiting for about two hours. Then he decided to go home. The young man was happy; his new acquaintance pleased him. That evening he no longer remembered the widow who had occupied his heart for so long.

Asya. Chapter 3. Summary.

The next day Gagin came to visit N.N. During an ordinary, meaningless conversation, he talked about his plans for the future. N.N., in turn, told about unhappy love, which, however, had ceased to occupy him. Gagin invites N.N. to look at the sketches.

Gagin's works seemed careless and incorrect to N.N. He expressed his opinion openly. The author of the sketches agreed:

« Yes, yes,” he picked up with a sigh, “you’re right; This is all very bad and immature, what should I do? I didn’t study properly, and the damned Slavic promiscuity is taking its toll. While you’re dreaming about work, you’re soaring like an eagle: it seems like you could move the earth from its place, but in execution you immediately become weak and tired.”

Asya. Chapter 4. Summary.

After the conversation, Gagin and N.N. went to look for Asya. They found the girl in the ruins. Asya was sitting right above the abyss. N.N. reproached the girl for carelessness. But Gagin warned him and said that if Asya made comments, she could even climb the tower.

N.N. comes to the conclusion that Asa has « something tense, not entirely natural». « She wants to surprise us “, - this is what the main character thought. And he doesn’t understand why such childish antics are needed. The girl seems to guess his thoughts. She behaves eccentrically.

For example, Asya bought a glass of water from an old woman who was selling nearby. And suddenly she announced that she did not want to drink, but was going to water the flowers growing around.

After that the girl

“with a glass in hand, she began to climb the ruins, occasionally stopping, bending down and, with amusing importance, dropping a few drops of water that sparkled brightly in the sun.”

N.N. cannot help but admit that the girl’s movements are cute. But he still cannot understand the meaning of her actions. She seems to be happy to scare those around her, because she puts herself in danger of falling and breaking. Asya’s whole appearance seemed to say: “ You find my behavior indecent; anyway, I know you admire me».

Gagin bought a mug of beer and proposed a toast to the lady of his heart N.N. Asya asked if she, that is, this lady, actually exists. Gagin replied that everyone has such a lady. Asya was embarrassed at first, but then she began to look at everyone defiantly, almost impudently.

The girl is acting strange; even passersby pay attention to her behavior. But after returning home, Asya changed.

“...She immediately went to her room and appeared only at dinnertime, dressed in her best dress, carefully combed, tied up and wearing gloves.”

N.N. understood what the girl wanted “play a new role - the role of a decent and well-mannered young lady ».

N.N. noticed that Gagin indulged her in everything. After lunch, Asya asked Gagin for permission to go to visit Frau Louise, an old woman, the widow of the former local mayor. Gagin allowed her to go.

N.N. stayed with Gagin. As the conversation progressed, Gagin got to know his new acquaintance better and better. And the more he got to know him, the more attached he became. N.N. realized that Gagin is a simple, honest, sincere person. N.N. noticed that he is smart, sweet, but he does not have any special energy, strength that distinguishes extraordinary personality. N.N. thought that Gagin was unlikely to succeed good artist because he is not used to working. But, despite all this, the new acquaintance seemed to N.N. a wonderful person.

N.N. and Gagin talked for almost four hours. When the sun set, Gagin invited N.N. to accompany him. On the way, he decided to stop by Frau Louise to find out where Asya was.

When they approached the old woman’s house, Asya looked out of the window, threw a sprig of geranium to Gagina and suggested: “... imagine that I am the lady of your heart ».

Gagin gave the branch to N.N. He put it in his pocket. When N.N. walked home, he felt a strange heaviness in his heart. He became homesick for Russia. At the same time, the young man realized that he no longer remembered the young widow who broke his heart. All his thoughts were directed towards Asya. He began to think that Asya was not Gagin’s sister at all.

Asya. Chapter 5. Summary.

The next morning N.N. again went to Gagin. He wanted to see Asya. When N.N. saw her, she seemed to him like a simple Russian girl, “ almost a maid" Asya was dressed in an old dress, her hair was also very simple. Asya sewed. Her whole appearance spoke of modesty and simplicity.

N.N. and Gagin went to write sketches. Gagin invited N.N. to accompany him so that he could give good advice if necessary.

While working, the friends talked about art again. The conversation was empty and meaningless. After returning, N.N. saw that Asya was also engaged in sewing. She was modest, quiet, her behavior was not provocative. N.N. thought that this girl was a real chameleon. He also began to think again about how Asya relates to Gagin.

Asya. Chapter 6. Summary.

Over the next two weeks, N.N. visited the Gagins every day, but Asya seemed to avoid him. Now she was no longer naughty as before. It seemed to N.N. that Asya was embarrassed or upset about something. N.N. noticed that the girl knew both French and German languages. But nevertheless, Asya’s upbringing cannot be called good and correct. The girl spoke very little about her life and answered questions reluctantly. But N.N. found out that in Russia she lived in a village for a long time.

N.N. watches Asya with interest. Her behavior seems strange to him, but this is precisely what arouses his strongest curiosity. In addition, N.N. sees that Gagin treats Asya in a completely different way from how sisters are usually treated.

One day N.N. accidentally overheard a conversation between Gagin and Asya:

No, I don’t want to love anyone but you, no, no, I want to love you alone - and forever.

“Come on, Asya, calm down,” Gagin said, “you know, I believe you.”

During the conversation, Asya kissed Gagin and pressed herself against him very tenderly. N.N. thought that his new acquaintances were pretending to be brother and sister, but could not guess why they needed to stage this performance.

Asya. Chapter 7. Summary.

The next day N.N. went on foot to the mountains. Here he intended to stay for a while. The young man did not want to see the Gagins. He was somewhat offended by their deception, because no one forced them to call themselves relatives.

N.N. “wandered leisurely through the mountains and valleys, sat in village taverns, peacefully talking with the owners and guests, or lay down on a flat warm stone and watched the clouds float, fortunately the weather was amazing.”

N.N. spent three days in the mountains. After returning, N.N. found a note from Gagin. He was surprised at his disappearance. He asked to come to them as soon as he returned.

Asya. Chapter 8. Summary

N.N. accepted the invitation. Gagin greets him with joy. But Asya again behaves unnaturally, to which N.N. immediately draws attention. Gagin was embarrassed by the girl’s behavior, called her crazy and asked N.N. to excuse her.

Despite the fact that N.N. is already accustomed to Asya’s antics, her behavior cannot but offend him. However, the young man pretends not to pay attention to these oddities and tells Gagin about his journey. During the conversation, Asya entered the room several times and ran away again, and after a while N.N. decided to return home. Gagin went to see him off. Before leaving, Asya approached N.N. and extended her hand to him. He shook her fingers and bowed slightly.

On the way, Gagin asks N.N. what his opinion is about Asa and whether he finds her strange. N.N. honestly answers that the girl’s antics cannot help but catch the eye. The conversation seems completely unexpected to N.N. Gagin makes excuses that Asya has kind heart, but “the head is in trouble,” explains that the girl cannot be blamed for anything. Gagin offers to tell Asya's story. N.N. listens to him with interest.

Gagin says that Asya is his sister. Gagin's father was a kind, intelligent, but very unhappy man. He married for love. But Gagin’s wife and mother died very early. The boy was only six months old at that time. Heartbroken, the father went to the village and remained there for twelve years. The father raised his son himself. He had no intention of parting with him. However, he came to the village brother father, he was important person In Petersburg. The uncle began to convince the father to give the boy to him to raise. The uncle assured his father that the young man should move in society.

The father had difficulty, but agreed with his brother. After arriving in St. Petersburg, Gagin entered a cadet school, then transferred to a guards regiment. Every year he went to the village for several weeks to see his father. He was always very sad and thoughtful. Once during his visit, Gagin saw a girl of about ten years old in her father’s house. It was Asya. The father explained that he had taken in an orphan. The girl was wild and silent. Gagin did not pay much attention to her.

It so happened that Gagin did not visit his father for three or four years. It was related to the service. Contact with my father was maintained only through letters.

One day Gagin received a letter from the clerk. He reported his father's fatal illness. After his arrival, the father turned to his son with one last request. He ordered Asya to be brought and told Gagin that this was his sister.

After his father's death, Gagin learned that Asya was the daughter of his father and his mother's former maid. The father wanted to marry Asya's mother, but she was against it. Tatyana, Asya's mother, died several years ago, after which her father took Asya into the house. He was going to do this before, but Tatyana did not agree.

Father loved Asya very much.

“Asya soon realized that she was the main person in the house, she knew that the master was her father; but she just as quickly realized her false position; self-esteem developed strongly in her, and mistrust too; bad habits took root, simplicity disappeared. She wanted to force the whole world forget its origin; she was ashamed of her mother, and ashamed of her shame, and proud of her ».

Twenty-year-old Gagin found himself with a thirteen-year-old sister in his arms. He became very attached to the girl, and she responded in kind. Gagin brought his sister to St. Petersburg. Since he was busy, he placed the girl in one of the best boarding houses. Asya understood that this was necessary. But it was very difficult for her at the boarding school. There she fell ill and almost died. However, the girl spent four years in the boarding school. Despite her strict upbringing, she hasn't changed a bit. The head of the boarding house repeatedly complained to Gagin about Asya.

The girl’s relationship at the boarding school did not work out, despite the fact that she was very smart and capable, and studied better than anyone. Asya had no friends.

When the girl turned seventeen, Gagin decided to retire, take his sister and go abroad. That's exactly what he did.

Having told this story, Gagin asked N.N. not to judge Asya too harshly, because she “Even though she pretends that she doesn’t care, she values ​​everyone’s opinion, especially yours.”

Gagin says that Asya certainly has her own quirks. For example, recently she began to assure him that she loved only him and would always love him. N.N. asked if Asya liked anyone in St. Petersburg. Gagin replied that “Asa needs a hero, extraordinary person- or a picturesque shepherd in a mountain gorge.” Since the girl has never met such people, she does not yet know love.

After Gagina’s story, N.N. felt almost happy. Gagin and his interlocutor returned home. Asya was pale and excited. N.N. realized that the girl was attracted to him, now he only thinks about her.

Asya. Chapters 9 - 10. Summary

N.N. invited Asya to take a walk through the vineyard. The girl agreed. They talked while walking. Asya asked N.N. what he liked in women. This question from N.N. seemed strange. Asya was embarrassed.

N.N. realized how romantic Asya is. Everyday life and everyday life depress her.

N.N. understands that love is arising in him. The next day N.N. came to the Gagins again. Asya was embarrassed when she saw him. N.N. noticed that the girl had dressed up. But she was sad. Gagin was busy with his drawings. Asya says that when she lived with her mother, she did not learn anything. And now he can’t draw, he can’t play the piano, he can’t even sew well. N.N. calms her down, says that she is smart, educated, and reads a lot. Asya says that she herself doesn’t know what’s in her head. She is afraid that she will be bored.

Asya leaves, then returns and asks:

Listen, if I died, would you feel sorry for me?

Her thoughts frighten N.N. The girl says that she often thinks about imminent death. Asya was " sad and worried" She expressed concern that N.N. considered her frivolous.

Asya. Chapters 11 - 13. Summary

N.N. thinks on the way home that Asya, quite possibly, loves him. However, these thoughts seem implausible to him. The young man cannot help but think about the girl. The next day Asya felt unwell and had a headache. N.N. was forced to leave.

The next morning the young man was walking around the city. A boy found him and gave him a note. The message was from Asya.

She invited him to the stone chapel at four o'clock. N.N. came home, “sat down and thought.” He was excited by the note from the girl. Suddenly Gagin arrived. He said that Asya fell in love with N.N.

Asya. Chapter 14. Summary.

Gagin was very worried about his sister’s state of mind. After all, Asya, despite all her antics, was a very close person to him. Gagin said that Asya fell ill from love. The girl wanted to leave immediately so as not to expose herself to torture.

Gagin asked N.N. if he liked Asya. And N.N. was forced to admit that he liked her, but he could not marry her. During the conversation, Gagin and N.N. came to the conclusion that N.N. should immediately go on a date with the girl and talk to her. N.N. is very worried, but, knowing Asya’s character, he is not at all eager to marry her.

Asya. Chapter 15. Summary.

On the way, N.N. again meets the boy, who gives him another note from Asya. The note informed the girl about a change in the place of the meeting. Now the meeting was scheduled at Frau Louise's house.

Asya. Chapter 16. Summary.

When the young man met Asya, something happened between them. serious conversation. Asya is very charming, N.N. cannot help but succumb to her charm. However, he reproaches the girl for telling her brother about her feelings. N.N. wants to do everything possible to make the girl forget about her love. He convinces her of that. that it is necessary to separate. Asya is depressed, she’s crying, it’s very hard for her. In fact, N.N. seems to be playing a role.

After all, it depends on him whether the relationship will develop further. He is frightened by Asya's wild, unbridled temper, so he chose to leave. However young man cannot help but touch the girl’s sincere feelings.

Asya. Chapters 17 - 18. Summary.

After the conversation, N.N. “got out of the city and went straight into the field.” He reproached himself for his behavior. Now N.N. regretted that he had lost such an extraordinary girl. When night fell, the young man went to Asya's house.

However, Gagin says with alarm that Asya has disappeared. N.N. and Gagin go in search of the girl.

Asya. Chapter 19. Summary.

Alarmed N.N. feels remorse and even love. He is sincerely concerned about Asya's fate.

Asya. Chapter 20. Summary.

After a long search, the young man, climbing the path, saw a light in Asya’s room. He immediately went there and found out that the girl had returned.

Delighted, N.N. decided that tomorrow morning he would ask for Asya’s hand. The young man anticipates his imminent happiness. “Tomorrow I will be happy! Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day - but a moment.”

Asya. Chapters 21-22. Summary.

The next morning N.N. came to the Gagins. He was struck by one circumstance: all the windows in the house were open, including the door. The maid told him that everyone had left early in the morning. N.N. was given a letter from Gagin.

In the letter he apologized and said goodbye.

“He began by asking not to be angry with him for his sudden departure; he was confident that, on mature consideration, I would approve of his decision. He found no other way out of a situation that could become difficult and dangerous.”

Gagin wrote:

“There are prejudices that I respect; I understand that you cannot marry Asa. She told me everything; for her peace of mind, I had to give in to her repeated, reinforced requests.”

The letter made a painful impression on N.N. Gagin misunderstood him regarding “prejudices.” Asya's origin did not matter at all to N.N. But Gagin interpreted everything in his own way.

N.N. went in search of the Gagins. He learned that they had boarded a ship and sailed down the Rhine. Before leaving, Frau Louise gave him a small note from Asya. The girl said goodbye to him. N.N. is depressed, he doesn’t know what to do. He went after the Gagins. But, alas, all searches would be in vain. He could not find Gagin and Asya.

Only once, several years later, N.N. caught a glimpse of a woman in the carriage who reminded him of Asya. However, he admits that this was a coincidental similarity. N.N. learned nothing more about Asya’s fate. She forever remained for him a young girl whom he recognized at the “best time” of his life.

However, it cannot be said that N.N. missed Asya for a long time:

“I even found that fate was good in not uniting me with Asya; I consoled myself with the thought that I probably would not be happy with such a wife.”

However, the feeling that N.N. Asya aroused in the soul was never repeated. N.N. never married and remained forever alone. He always kept notes from the girl and that twig that she threw from the window.

I hope this summary of Turgenev's story ASL helped you prepare for your lessons on Russian literature.

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