Social advertisement. Types of social advertising

Image advertising. Its role is to familiarize society with the name, characteristics, advantages of a social product or service, consolidating it in the consciousness wide range people with a positive image of a company or administration that cares about the population. Commercials on television and radio, billboards, advertising on transport and in newspapers, and participation in charity events are effective for image advertising.

Advertising stability. It is aimed at a target audience moving forward in life, its goals are to make society healthy and successful, correctly perceiving the policies of representatives of local administrations, government bodies and institutions, seeing them as reliable partners and defenders of consumer interests.

Advertising is incentive. It is aimed at creating selective demand among target consumers for some social product or service by instilling in them that the advertised product is the best within the limits of their available funds. Incentive advertising is largely based on taking into account the psychological factors of consumer behavior social strata society, carries an emotional charge and affects the human subconscious; with its help, the advertised product can be presented in a favorable light, its brand is clearly indicated and it is argued and described what pleasure the consumer will experience by purchasing it within the available funds, or what benefits a person will receive by accepting the advertising advice.

Direct response advertising. This is a form of television marketing that involves filling out a coupon or calling the retailer's toll-free number. Usually purchased thanks to sponsors TV time, during which the possibilities of a social product are described and a toll-free phone number is provided to make a purchase at low prices or just get it for free. Such advertising is used when selling magazines about a healthy lifestyle, books, especially religious ones, audio and video cassettes, etc.

Comparative advertising. In this case, a direct or indirect comparison of a certain brand of product with other brands is carried out, and the results of positive and negative are reported. social behavior people, about the stages or dynamics of the administration’s work to improve the living standards of the population. To a large extent, comparative advertising is based on taking into account the psychological factors of behavior and perception of events of people in society and the attitude of the administration towards them.

By targeting the audience: advertising of consumer goods of local or domestic production, helping to increase sales of local industrial goods or services through certain professional groups, advertising that influences professional groups (doctors, teachers, military) to maintain the prestige of the professions.

In terms of audience coverage: international advertising aimed at foreign markets to promote regional goods, national advertising limited to the domestic consumer market, regional advertising aimed at consumers living in a given city or region, interpersonal advertising.

By distribution channels: print advertising (flyers, catalogues, prospectuses, booklets, brochures, business cards, posters, etc. Newspaper and magazine advertising, radio advertising, television advertising, film advertising, outdoor advertising (boards, light boxes, signs, signs, etc.) etc.), transport advertising, postal advertising, souvenir advertising, exhibitions, computer advertising.

By purpose: advertising of goods or services that help improve the standard of living of the population of the region, advertising of ideas, non-profit advertising (charitable foundations, religious and political organizations), advertising of a product image or lifestyle.

economy - production, trade, finance, supply work force, job search;

household services - repairs, production of household items, recreation;

intellectual services - education, medicine, books, press, fortune telling, tourism;

spectacles - circus, theater, concert.

religion - religious posters, appeals, invitations to ritual events;

politics - campaigning for candidates in elections, slogans of rallies, demonstrations, manifestations;

jurisprudence - reports of missing persons, searches for criminals, invitations to trial, execution, etc.;

science and ecology - scientific popularization in leaflets, prospectuses, booklets;

family and interpersonal relationships- marriage announcements, invitations to get acquainted, travel, enter into business.

charity - messages about charitable events, calls for donations;

Social advertising can be distinguished by the types of organizations that use it. Let us highlight three large groups: non-profit organizations, various associations, government agencies. Let's take a closer look at what kind of advertising these organizations place.

Advertising placed by non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations are, as a rule, hospitals, churches, and various charitable foundations. The nature of their activities - helping people who are sick and in need in many ways - also determines the nature of the social advertising they place. This, as a rule, is raising funds either for the construction of a temple, or to various funds, for example, the Red Cross, or targeted assistance to specific people in need of treatment. In addition, often advertising only states the existence of a problem, i.e. the goal is to draw attention to the phenomenon (for example, in advertising about blind people with disabilities). In advertising of hospitals or blood transfusion stations, in addition to focusing on problems, there is a clear call, for example, to join the ranks of donors or to vaccinate children against various diseases. Propaganda healthy image life, safe sex, despite its specificity, can also be attributed to social advertising placed by the AIDS Foundation. In general, we can say that among the total volume of social advertising placed in media mass media, it is the advertising of these organizations that occurs most often and, accordingly, finds a greater response among people.

Advertising placed by associations. Various professional, trade and civic associations also use advertising to achieve their goals. Often the purpose of such advertising is to create a positive public opinion and public peace.

Advertising placed by government organizations. In our country in Lately Government departments and government bodies have become active users of advertising media - tax office and police, traffic police. The volume of such advertising is small, but highly subject to fluctuations. For example, during April, last month filing tax returns, videos urging people to pay taxes are becoming more frequent.

The Internet is a global telecommunications network of information and computing resources.

The main opportunities and advantages of the Internet in marketing and advertising over other media:

Targeting (exact audience coverage) - geographical, temporal, by thematic sites.

Tracking is the ability to analyze the behavior of visitors on a website and improve the website, product and marketing in accordance with the findings.

Availability and flexibility - availability (24 hours a day) and flexibility (you can start, adjust and interrupt an advertising campaign instantly).

Interactivity - the consumer can interact with the seller and the product, study it, sometimes try it (for example, demo versions of programs).

A large amount of information - the ability to place a large amount of information (including graphics, sound, video, special effects).

Efficiency - the efficiency of disseminating and receiving information.

Low cost - relatively low cost.

Concentrated attention - more concentrated user attention in front of the PC, the ability to understand the details.

Virtual communities - the ability to create virtual communities of interests and professional knowledge.

Around 75 million people in the world have access to the Internet.

The Internet provides the opportunity to quickly and cheaply (compared to traditional methods) enter the international market without opening a representative office or store in each country.

The Internet operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day. During all this time, without direct participation in the process, you can introduce thousands of potential clients to the advertised business and offer them products or services.

The Internet provides direct selling opportunities. To do this, it is necessary to create an electronic store that provides the ability to select, order and pay for goods.

Unlike custom advertising in the media, Internet advertising is constantly integrated; it is flexible and instantly responsive to changes in the pricing policy, plans of the entrepreneur, the quality of products or the range of services provided.

The Internet provides instant Feedback from potential clients to the company. Thus, without significant costs, the idea of ​​a new product or a new type of service is tested, the expectations of potential customers from the service provided or the product produced by the company are determined, and, very importantly, the position of competing organizations in the market for the relevant product is assessed.

In modern society, advertising is increasingly used to solve pressing social problems. It goes beyond economic objectives and aims to achieve more harmonious relations in society; popularization of a healthy lifestyle; to combat pollution environment and other equally important goals.

Internet advertising is one of the ways to place non-commercial advertising, the purpose of which is to form certain psychological attitudes that contribute to the achievement of socially significant goals at various levels: from individual social groups to society as a whole.

Social advertising on the Internet contributes to the formation and implementation of the ideological values ​​of a given society in the minds of people and ultimately has a certain impact on the character public relations, in a certain way contributes to the improvement of culture.

Since Internet technologies are developing very rapidly, and the number of Internet users is growing, the audience to which social information can be addressed is increasing.

And that is why sites with social themes carry a very important information, so that society understands and is aware of the problems that may be happening throughout the world.

Conclusion: social advertising contributes to the formation and implementation of people’s consciousness of the ideological values ​​of a given society and has a certain impact on the nature of social relations. And the Internet is an advertising channel through which you can distribute advertising with social themes.

Advertising is a type of activity or products produced as a result, the purpose of which is to implement sales or other tasks of industrial, service enterprises and public organizations through the dissemination of information paid for by them, formed in such a way as to have an enhanced impact on mass or individual consciousness, causing a given reaction selected consumer audience.

Courtland L. Beauvais and William F. Ahrens define non-profit advertising as advertising sponsored by or for non-profit institutions and intended to encourage donations, encourage voting in favor of someone, or attract attention to public causes.

Public service (social) advertising conveys a message promoting some positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it would be more correct to talk about the ethical position of non-profit), space and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.

Ovchinnikova S.N. in the work “Social Advertising in Russia” notes that in the USA the terms are used to refer to this type of advertising public service advertising And public service announcement (PSA). The subject of a PSA is an idea that must have some social value. The goal of this type of advertising is to change the public's attitude towards an issue, and in the long term, to create new social values. Based on all the proposed definitions, it is obvious that the desire to change the behavioral pattern of society is both the purpose of PSA and the purpose of non-profit advertising. Thus, it is advisable to combine all the terms used by different researchers into one concept - social advertising.

The main source of social advertising is modern public life which abounds conflict situations and confrontation at the level of social groups and therefore urgently needs creative incentives and processes.

Ignoring social advertising as one of the ways to work with public opinion, its educational and adaptive functions, affects the effectiveness of social services. In this regard, many social service institutions are already turning to social advertising, understanding its relevance.

Social advertising can and should be considered as one of the methods of social services. Since social advertising is one of the components of PR, it makes sense to consider it not as a separately existing phenomenon, but within the framework common system public relations.

On the website "SkoroReklama" - Social - a non-profit project created in 2003 on the basis of the Faculty of Public Policy State University - Graduate School Economics. One of the articles on social advertising highlights the main differences between social and commercial advertising. Table 1 shows the comparative characteristics of social and commercial advertising.

Table 1 - Comparative characteristics of social and commercial advertising

Information function

Dissemination on a mass scale of information about a product or service, its nature, place of sale, highlighting a particular brand or trademark, etc.

Informing citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and drawing attention to it.

Economic function

It consists of stimulating the sale of goods, services, as well as investment.

Social advertising in the long term is economically beneficial to the state, since the elimination of many social problems leads to the well-being of the state (for example, the health of the nation, full receipt of taxes to the budget, etc.)

Educational function

Provides for the promotion of various kinds of innovations in all areas of production and consumption, healthy lifestyle, etc.

Promotion of certain social values, explanation of the problem (its source, solution).

Social function

Aimed at developing public consciousness, strengthening communication ties in society and improving living conditions.

In the long term, it is aimed at the formation of public consciousness, as well as changing the behavioral model in relation to a certain social problem.

Aesthetic function

Aimed at shaping consumer taste. Some advertising products are created by talented designers, artists, directors and other creative people. Thanks to this, advertising sometimes becomes a work of art. Some advertising products can rival the creativity of greatest works art.

In social advertising, there are two types of aesthetic function - positive and negative. Positive: setting a positive mood, a favorable mood, which in turn should stimulate the solution of the problem (for example, the video “Call your parents”). Negative: Showing the ugly aspects of the problem. Such advertising is aggressive in nature. It usually shows “what will happen if not...”. (e.g. advertising to fight AIDS, traffic police advertising about injuries while driving in drunk etc.).

Social advertising uses the same set of tools as commercial advertising: television commercials, print, street, transport advertising, etc. The main difference between social advertising and commercial advertising is the goal. For example, if the ultimate goal of a commercial television advertisement for a new type of coffee is to change consumer habits, then the goal of a public service announcement, for example, to combat homelessness, is to draw attention to this problem, and, from a strategic perspective, to change the behavioral model of society. In addition, the target audiences of the two types of advertising being compared differ significantly: for commercial advertising it is a fairly narrow marketing group, for social advertising it is the entire society, or a significant part of it. .

Russian legislation gives precise definition the concept of social advertising. First of all, this advertising is distributed in order to convey to the majority of the population the necessary information, which notifies about significant charitable, public events held by city or federal authorities, investors, philanthropists and other persons wishing to provide assistance to groups of people in need. Social advertising can be distributed in any way, for example, shown on television, broadcast on the radio, published in the press or promoted through outdoor advertising. It is addressed to a large audience that can benefit from this information.

Obligations of advertising platform owners

Owners of advertising sites are required to place up to 5% of the main area per year on their structures. TV channels, outdoor advertising operators, media publishers are required to provide 5% of their airtime or printed space for social advertising per year.

Law on social advertising

The law on social advertising states that this is a type of non-profit advertising that is aimed at changing public behavior patterns and drawing the attention of the masses to social problems. Typically, the customers of social advertising are government agencies and special services responsible for order in society. Discounts are provided for the production of such advertising, or it is produced free of charge. There is also regional social advertising, which attracts the attention of residents of a certain region to existing problems. She calls for changing attitudes towards various difficulties and for the whole world to fight negative phenomena.

Vivid examples of such advertising are the well-known campaigns to combat drunkenness, domestic violence, calls for compliance with the rules of public order, and adherence to traffic rules. Big role Social advertising also plays, calling for a healthy lifestyle and the protection of natural resources and resources. Social advertising is also important, calling for care for loved ones, for attention to your parents, who live alone and often need the love of their grown children. Watch a New Year's video about mom:

Points of the law on social advertising

  1. Both individuals and legal entities can submit social advertising, as well as government agencies, local governments, municipalities.
  2. It is important to note that social advertising should not contain specific brands of goods, or advertise trademarks or brands. Any means of individualization of goods or organizations should not be emphasized, except for the cases specified in the fifth subparagraph of this law.
  3. Persons or organizations distributing advertising must necessarily enter into an agreement for the distribution of social advertising within 5% of the volume of all advertising distributed per year. The procedure for concluding such an agreement is established Civil Code RF.
  4. If social advertising is distributed in radio or television programs, then the duration of the mention of the advertising sponsors should not exceed 3 seconds, and the mention or display of the sponsors itself should not be allocated more than 7% of the frame area. When distributing advertising by other means, this information should not occupy more than 5% of the advertising space. If advertising is submitted by government agencies, municipalities or local authorities, then these restrictions do not apply.
  5. In social advertising, references are allowed to those organizations that are aimed at improving socially significant objects, at supporting people in need who find themselves in difficult situations, who require treatment or other assistance.
  6. Social advertising allows display individuals who found themselves in difficult situations in need of charitable assistance or treatment.

Social advertising functions

The main functions that social advertising performs are increasing the humanity of society, changing public opinion and directing it towards increasing consciousness. With the help of social advertising, you can achieve goals that improve the life of society.

This type of advertising, like all others, performs the function of influencing the formation of certain views and aspirations, changing the behavioral types of people in relation to any object, and creating new values. The laconicism and emotionality of advertising evokes a response from the audience, finds its adherents and followers, draws attention to the problems existing in society and encourages society to fight them.

Types of social advertising

  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, drawing public attention to the need to eat right, exercise, and be examined by doctors on time. Attention is paid to such problems as protection from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, protection from unwanted pregnancy, and family planning. Another goal of this type of advertising is to motivate society to eradicate such negative factors as alcohol addiction, drug addiction, smoking;

  • Appeals for charity and mercy. This type of advertising encourages to provide assistance to public organizations, people in need, to allocate funds for the construction of objects that are significant for the entire society, for example, churches, hospitals, health resorts, etc.;

  • Promoting respect for law and order and laws. Advertising posters create in society a desire to comply with constitutional laws, fulfill their duties to the state and other people, and introduce aspects of legislative acts;
  • Event advertising is issued to familiarize citizens with upcoming events, city holidays, special occasions, the purpose of which is to unite society and satisfy its need to celebrate important dates for everyone;
  • Information advertising that directs to those that are significant to society state organizations, services. Here you can find telephone numbers, addresses, links to sites that provide services, where you can leave complaints or suggestions, and where you should contact in certain cases.

Each type of social advertising can be divided into subtypes, and in each specific case the advertising is aimed at a specific goal. Therefore, the detailed classification may change depending on the current problems of society, the chosen course of government policy and other internal and external changes.

The phrase “Social advertising” comes from the English. Social Advertising, translated means attracting interest in significant problems or phenomena. This is one of the types of advertising, the purpose of which is to change patterns of social behavior. In other words, it is a form of impersonal representation, a way of disseminating social ideas among society. They, in turn, should contribute to the humanization of society as a whole, and to the conquest of new peaks that are useful from the point of view of social life.

Social advertising uses the same means of development as commercial advertising. However, there is a difference between them related to the purpose of their use and application. Social advertising has an important strategic task, the essence of which lies in changing the behavioral model of society, and not only in relation to the subject of advertising, but also in creating completely new and complex values. The object of this type of advertising is considered to be a social product. It can be presented in tangible and intangible form. Such products most often include ideas, attitudes, and values. All of them should influence a change in the consciousness of citizens, as well as mass behavior.

Social advertising, unlike the commercial variety, is necessary to represent government interests. For this reason, it is not presented to a specific group of citizens, but to a large audience. The people who are part of it are not related to each other in any way. social status, neither the level of earnings, nor the activity performed.

Social advertising functions

  1. Economic function. Any category of advertising has an impact on economic phenomenon, and it doesn’t matter what goal is set during advertising. It creates demand for a specific product or category of products. Social advertising has a great influence on the development of completely new ideas or procedures;
  2. Social function. Thanks to it, with the help of advertising it is possible to consolidate the necessary values, behavioral forms, and interests in the subconscious of people. Of course, its sphere of influence is narrow, but it penetrates deeply into all layers of society, informing them and influencing them. Advertising information deeply affects the human subconscious, as well as the behavior of society as a whole.
  3. Communication function. Its essence is to notify a large number of people about certain events or data. This is a specific form of notification, which represents an impersonal exchange of data. During its presentation, advertising not only informs about a certain subject, but also transforms all data into an image that is memorable to the consumer;
  4. Marketing function. The main purpose of this function is to promote a certain value or information. In other words, social advertising can be considered as a set of means necessary for non-price stimulation, as well as the creation of interest.

These four basic functions apply to all types of advertising, but in addition, the social variety has certain aspects of its impact on society. This:

  • It helps shape values ​​and standards of thinking. Thanks to its influence, mass traditions, as well as established habits, are consolidated and returned;
  • Social advertising shows all human capabilities in terms of humanism, cultural values, general development. Its task is to create a desire to use and apply these opportunities correctly. As a result, it is possible to implement many changes that cause an increase in living standards;
  • The main goal of this type of advertising is considered to be to influence consumer behavior;
  • Among the techniques used in advertising when viewing it, there is an indirect method of influence. With its use, the level of consumer culture begins to increase;
  • Social advertising has a great impact on human consciousness. She introduces new knowledge into him, with the help of which he can improve himself individually, as well as make his life better.

Types of social advertising

  1. Non-commercial variety. It is advertising sponsored by non-profit institutions or charitable donations. Its task is not to promote a product or service, but to influence human consciousness. The ultimate goal is not considered to be profit or benefit, since the object of advertising is a non-commercial product. Despite this, for its distribution, it uses the same methods and techniques as the commercial variety. In contrast, non-commercial advertising has two goals. 1) impact on the behavioral model of society, 2) clear focus on a large audience;
  2. Social variety. This type of advertising is used to promote a certain positive phenomenon. This message is created by professionals for free, it is an ethical refusal to make a profit. Thanks to the public subtype of social advertising, it is possible to influence big number people, create new social values ​​and idealize behavior;
  3. State variety. As a rule, this type of advertising is used by traffic police infrastructures, police, tax forces and similar social institutions. Advertising promotes their interests and opportunities related to the activities they carry out. This is an existing practice that has a great influence on a person and his thinking in general. Ideas about these areas of life are changing, attitudes towards the relevant bodies are being re-evaluated;
  4. Social variety. This is the most extensive category, as it has many tasks. Thanks to it, you can attract a large number of people to current problems or phenomena occurring in society. The main purpose is considered to be the humanization of a large number of people, as well as the new formation of everyday and moral values. This variety is divided into two more types. 1) advertising necessary to introduce and reinforce certain norms of behavior, 2) advertising demonstrating the image of the whole world. It is aimed at improving existing moral standards. For example, it describes not just the fact that you should not throw garbage on the street, but shows all big picture, from which the consumer independently finds out and uses it.

Methods for implementing social advertising

Social advertising is a non-commercial area, for this reason it can be implemented and displayed in any form. These are mainly leaflets, banners, posters, postcards, badges, as well as many other paraphernalia. Social advertising can also be presented in the literary field, for example, writing a poem or short story.

The greatest impact can also be achieved using television commercials. In turn, they are divided into three categories. These include: staged videos, documentaries, as well as information records.

The following areas are considered the most popular methods for implementing social advertising:

  • Oral advertising, transmitted via radio. With its help, each person builds his own visual picture or image that has a positive effect on the human subconscious;
  • Photography is also considered one of the elements of advertising distribution. Thanks to it, the text acquires greater authenticity, people develop a feeling of empathy for the image;
  • Social poster- a remedy with deep historical roots. With their help, you can show the whole depth, the whole meaning of the problem;
  • Leaflets – specific genre and the form of implementation of social advertising. They depict a photo along with text calling for a specific action.

The main topics depicted in social advertising are the following:

  • Safe performance of life. The following goals are being pursued: maintaining cleanliness in the city, preventive measures against crime, and focusing on the development of urban infrastructure.
  • Problems related to achieving equality, as well as social guarantees. This is used to solve problems such as respect for women’s rights, as well as the rights of older people, respect for elders, tolerance for people with disabilities, etc.
  • Problems related to the environmental situation. This includes chemical safety, promotion of ideas directly related to the rational use of natural resources;
  • Development of society in terms of education, change, change.

Social advertising topics and its application

  1. Combating threats, preventing consequences, informing about good deeds and goals;
  2. Declaration of values. The priorities are family, child, relationships of members of society to each other, career and happiness in personal life;
  3. Creation. The desire to achieve an ideal state;
  4. Psychotherapy of society. This topic is rarely used, only in cases where it is necessary to extinguish a negative emotional state;
  • As social program, the focus of which is to quickly solve many problems of society;
  • As an element educational program, promoting issues of ecology, family, relationships within it, and many others.
  • Formation of a specific, personal, but humane position;
  • Translation of public priorities and values;
  • Attracting a large number of people to participate in social life the whole country and even the whole world;
  • Humanization of the entire population, changing their attitude towards many objects and situations.

However, there are also some problems associated with social advertising that affect only government services and not consumers. This includes financial side issue, since there are not always material means for its production and further placement. In addition, social advertising can never be placed on one stand, leaflet, etc. with commercial advertising. And its last disadvantage can be considered the fact that it will not be possible to evaluate its effectiveness.

Customers of social advertising

Today, the main customers of social advertising are:

  • Public companies. For them, social advertising is considered one of the methods for implementing their ideas related to social changes or promoting certain public values. Among all the advertising of this type that occurs, it is the advertisements of public companies that are most often encountered;
  • Charity organisations. Their main activity is to provide assistance to people in need. Social advertising can help with this, which is why they produce it. The main direction and task is to collect financial resources for needs;
  • Government agencies. They use social advertising for their own purposes, the main of which is to create contact between the state and society. Thanks to it, you can inform and communicate about the most important and pressing issues of our time, influence people's consciousness and their thinking. Because of this, government-sponsored social advertising can hardly be distinguished from the political variety of advertising.
  • Commercial firms. They use social advertising to develop and disseminate social responsibility programs of banking systems.

Social advertising groups

After the analysis, not only in Russia but also abroad, it was possible to identify several thematic groups, which can be used to distribute all social advertising. This:

  • Advertising promoting a healthy lifestyle. It covers a large number of topics, including attitudes towards smoking, alcohol and drug use, as well as topics related to AIDS, proper nutrition, and sports. Besides important place This category is reserved for environmental advertising. The main purpose of its display is careful attitude to animals and vegetation;
  • Advertising aimed at creating law-abiding behavior. Most of the information in this category has a political connotation, since one of its tasks is considered to be the preservation of human freedoms, as well as the demonstration of his constitutional rights;
  • Patriotic advertising. As a rule, its demonstration takes place on holidays or sporting events, in connection with which it is necessary to unite the entire nation as a whole.

Impact of social advertising

It was already said a little higher that it will not be possible to accurately determine the effectiveness of social advertising. Firstly, too large an audience is consumers of information, and therefore it is impossible to track each person individually. Secondly, their change in habitual principles or change in actions in the behavioral model may be changed after watching the social video, but not for this reason.

However, studies have been conducted in which several dozen people were present. They differed from each other in absolutely everything - race, social status, demeanor, etc. Everyone was shown a public service announcement that touched almost everyone deep down. Thanks to this, it was possible to find out that social advertising is not a form of monologue broadcasting, but a channel of oriented communication. He works and interacts between society and various interests and ideas. It forces people to reflect on the situation and the current problem.

Social advertising is widespread, but only abroad. In Russia, the level of its effectiveness is low. According to the results of one of the surveys, it was possible to reveal that the majority of all people who took part in the survey did not notice social advertising at all. Another 20% believe that it is necessary to decorate the city, and not to encourage action. The rest of the respondents, 10%, responded that social advertising was beginning to annoy them. 70% of people could not remember a single slogan that they would have met on the street or seen in a television commercial. Every third person believes that social advertising is an unnecessary type of activity, and also that it has absolutely no impact on the formation of new values ​​and attitudes.

Examples of social advertising

The emergence and, accordingly, the development of social advertising in Russia was determined by significant causal factors. Each example of social advertising given below speaks of many events that occurred in the Russian Federation. In 1992, the videos “Bees” and “Call Your Parents” appeared (I. Burenkov, Domino agency). The breakdown of social ties, economic and political crises in Russia, the rapid development of crime lead to demoralization of society, form new system relationships based on the primacy of property values. The public insecurity of the Russian population, the lack of support from the state itself and social systems caused the aggravation of existing problems and the emergence of another - social one. There was an obvious need for change. The instrument of such a policy was social advertising.

How social advertising began

In the Russian Federation, social advertising as a type of information and advertising activity has existed for more than ten years, in Western countries - for more than a century. In the Russian Federation in 1993, the so-called Advertising Council was created, its members included advertising firms, media (" TVNZ", "Trud" - printed publications; NTV, "Ostankino" - television companies; "Radio of Russia", "Europe Plus", "Mayak" - radio stations), and some public organizations - the Moscow Foundation of Mercy and Health and many others. The creation of this Council is the production of unified advertising products on the problems of society. Its members develop examples of social events for print media, produce audio and video clips. The basic position of the Council is based on the refusal to put its own brand on an advertising product.

What does it look like

  • Family relationships in the "Children-Parents" section. An example of a social one in this section: “They grew up and forgot their parents. Do you remember? Call your parents.”
  • Family relationships in the “Children in the Family” section: “It takes a lot of strength to grow a flower. Children are not flowers, give them more love.”
  • Attitude to life: “These are bees. Life decided everything for them. We build our lives ourselves. Don’t be afraid of change.”

Members of the Council regularly hold thematic press conferences and organize accommodation information material in other media, all kinds of presentations and excursions are held. They take part in special training for social workers, in the implementation of social scientific projects, provide all possible support for the creation of public organizations, unions, clubs, and take an active part in carrying out themed days: Children's Day, the fight against tuberculosis, Healthy Lifestyle Day, etc. In many Russian non-profit organizations Press services have emerged and are operating. The press service of the Social-Ecological Union was formed in 1999. The purpose of its creation was to disseminate environmental and social information in the media. The basis for the beginning of its activities was sending information about the existence and activities of the union, but now the press service functions in several directions. Employees prepare and distribute press releases about the actions of the authorities on issues of achievements in the field of environmental protection, innovative technologies, environmental legislation and other. SoES has a unique data bank on environmental issues, which comes from more than 250 members of the Union. And as a result, approximately 130 Russian and foreign media outlets constantly contact the union’s press service. A significant step was the establishment of the Social Information Agency in Russia. Russian authorities and the media turn to his services. Since the emergence of the agency in the life of society, one can now find examples of social advertising at literally every step (as in public transport, and in other crowded places).

Legislative regulation of social advertising

In Russia, the existence of social advertising is regulated by law. Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” of 2006 states that social advertising is aimed at state and public interests and pursues charitable goals. Legislative regulation of social advertising activities speaks about
creating a professional society that produces social products and helps increase public interest in significant social problems. An example of social advertising to increase the interest of the population is the emergence of the category “social advertising” in quite influential advertising competitions in Russia: Youth Festival advertising, advertising festival in Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

Social advertising, examples, its perception

The results of a sociological survey conducted in 2000 in Novosibirsk (60 respondents participated) indicate low knowledge of social advertising (25%), while videos about ACE and the relationship between parents and children (“Call your parents”) were cited as examples of social advertising. In addition to this, respondents recalled various rallies on the topic of drug addiction, AIDS, broadcast by the media. They expressed positive attitude to social advertising in 65% of cases. 20% did not see much benefit in advertising, and only 15% consider such advertising necessary in the formation of social opinion.

Social issues as topics or example of social advertising

All social problems, which need to be mentioned through social advertising, the surveyed audience distributed in such a way that it is impossible to determine the priority of the problems. So, the survey led to the following results:

  • the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism (this is the only problem ranked first in importance by respondents - 65%);
  • the problem of HIV-AIDS;
  • protection of motherhood and childhood;
  • environmental protection;
  • formation of a national idea.

Thus, the best examples of social advertising in Russia are those that are issued on paper, in or other versions and are put on public display in places where there are the largest concentrations of people.

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