Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Problems of modern youth.” Young people's perspective on a changing world

Help. write an essay on the topic of life of modern youth

  1. On this moment People are increasingly asking the question: is the life of modern youth difficult? or is it more difficult for the current generation to live in our time compared to past centuries? This problem has become one of the most pressing in present period time.
    The life of modern youth can be considered more complex in many aspects compared to past centuries. This is due to the fact that the rules of the past simplified the choice many times over. Now school graduates have difficulty entering higher education educational establishments. Or even having difficulty deciding on the choice of university and profession.
    The current generation has much more freedom and independence than the previous one. It is not for nothing that the expression is heard more and more often: young people have gone the wrong way! - the eternal conflict of generations.
    Of course, the youth themselves are quite happy with who they are. And none of its representatives believes that they have degraded in comparison with their parents and older generations.
    Many teachers and parents are occupied with another problem for young people - the problem of reading. Yes, yes, it’s precisely that the current generation has begun to read very few books. Some explain this precisely by the wrong youth and degradation, while others believe that life at the moment has become much more diverse, because before there was less open information allowed by censors and entertainment programs. Some 100 years ago the whole family could gather around the table and read books out loud, which would have been unusual for modern people. Due to the diversity and colorfulness modern life, young people often neglect reading in order to be on time everywhere.
    Has the current generation become better or worse compared to previous ones? - Hard to say. In some aspects it is worse, in others it is better. And everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Perhaps the ideals have changed to some extent. Nowadays, honor and conscience play a smaller role. But money and personal well-being did not give up their positions. It cannot be said that previous generations assigned them last place. In addition, people have always been divided into decent and dishonest. And in our generation there are those who, first of all, think about other people’s happiness and well-being rather than about their own. And in the last century there were people who, for the sake of their own interests, often resorted to meanness and deception.
    A wide range of hobbies and life values from my contemporary! Yes, young people have changed compared to previous generations, but it is impossible to say for sure in which direction. In some ways it is worse, and in some ways better than the generations of previous centuries. The conflict between generations will remain unchanged. For my contemporary, the future youth will also not be the same...
  2. I watch people a lot. Behind school friends, classmates, teachers, and parents too. I am very concerned about the topic of relationships between generations, I am worried about the misunderstanding that has formed between me and my parents, they cannot understand me, and I cannot understand them. Modern youth (and I consider myself one of them) are very often criticized, and for a lot of reasons, deservedly and undeservedly. For frivolity, for any rudeness, absent-mindedness, internal callousness. Yes, you can go on for a long time, I think the idea is clear as it is... You see, if you dig a little deeper you can find an explanation for everything and improve all relations between generations, and leave all misunderstandings. Much depends on us. The preferences of modern youth are very deplorable: computer games, alcoholic drinks, smoking, discos (clubs) and all-round entertainment. And only a smaller percentage goes in for sports and pays attention to their health while thinking about the future. Personally, although I don’t play sports, I strive to learn, and bad habits I don’t have much, and I’m not drawn to them. We probably need to have some kind of inner core in order not to succumb to the temptations that life provides us, because often we have to pay very dearly for these temptations. It’s better to restrain yourself once again than to bitterly unravel all your efforts, but it may turn out that you will suffer not only yourself but also your loved ones. In addition to entertainment, there is a lot of sadness in my life, although my parents do not consider my problems at all to be something that can be discussed in family circle. But it’s still very difficult for me, be it even the betrayal of a friend or an unfair grade at school. And there’s no one to tell it to; you’re afraid to say something unnecessary at home so that there won’t be a scandal or misunderstanding later. I know that many of my peers have the same thing, and everyone is looking for help and satisfaction on the outside. Some people meet on the Internet and tell them their painful things there, some walk alone all day, some out of desperation end up in a bad campaign. We are left to our own devices, but if the family had at least a little understanding for today’s youth, everything would become much better. Nervous tension at school it makes itself felt, I myself already notice that I often take it out on my parents, and they, in turn, are very offended. This makes it even worse and you don’t know where to go. Still, let’s understand each other, it’s difficult at first glance, but by remaining silent and forgiving once again, you understand that nothing terrible happened, nothing irreparable, nothing that can no longer be corrected. Share some of your joy, trust your parents more and they will go to the meeting, they will be able to understand more and listen at the right time. Perhaps our generation should also change its priorities and values ​​a little, maybe it’s worth spending time in a narrow family circle once again, rather than going to the movies with friends? The world around us will immediately change, it will become much warmer and more joyful, so let’s be friends for generations.

Essay “Problems of youth through the eyes of the young”

2nd year students of IUBPE gr. EA 11-11 Ignatenko Christina

The problems of youth have worried society at all times. I think this is the most actual topic in our time, one of the main ones, because the future belongs to the youth. It is difficult for the younger generation to adapt in the present time, since they do not yet have their own value system, and if there is one, it is conditional...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they look for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or look for them in the wrong places? Probably because the sense of responsibility is not so strongly developed in today's youth, or it has not yet been deeply rooted in young souls. When you are eighteen years old, it seems that your whole life is ahead of you, and even if you make any mistakes, there is so much time ahead to correct them.

Youth is the path to the future that everyone chooses for themselves. Choosing the future, planning it is characteristic our younger generation. Everyone chooses their own path in life, and it does not always turn out to be correct and prosperous for us. Most young people still choose the right one life position who sets goals and strives to achieve them. By leading a healthy lifestyle, we want to get everything out of life in order to live with dignity and contribute to the development of our society. But there is also a negative side of young people among us, who drive themselves into a corner from which they cannot get out on their own. They have many problems that they cannot solve themselves. And I would like to talk about the bad habits of our generation, such as problems with alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It is these bad habits that have become widespread among young people. Nowadays their consumption is characterized by huge numbers, and the whole society suffers from this. After all, alcohol, tobacco and drugs have a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it. Moreover, bad habits have a negative impact on the life of society as a whole, as well as on the life and activities of individuals individually. At the moment, this problem has become truly global.

Having chosen this path, they strive to escape from real problems into an illusory world. Or teenagers often start drinking and smoking when they find themselves in new company, where this is a kind of test - “if you don’t want to drink or smoke, then you won’t be with us.” So they gradually get hooked, their comrades force them, and then they get used to alcohol - it’s impossible to do without it at fun meetings. After a while, these habits become a necessary part of relaxation, peace and a cheerful mood. Then the doses consumed increase, because the initial volume seems insufficient. Thus, alcohol becomes an integral part of life and is involved in all vital processes of the young body. This is especially true for girls - female alcoholism becomes more powerful. After all, female alcoholism is virtually incurable. I think everyone has seen a young girl with a stroller and a bottle of beer, a cigarette, or worse, a pregnant girl. And this “harmless” activity can cause irreparable harm to her unborn child - drinking alcohol can lead to deviations in the development of the fetus, deformities and abnormalities in the child. For example, incomplete development of the cerebral cortex, mental retardation, congenital heart defects. And what can such a mother teach her child in the future?

But what can we talk about when almost every child can buy beer and cigarettes, which are mainly preferred by teenagers and young people. Sellers sell without hesitation - the main thing for them is to sell, they need additional revenue. And there is no responsibility for your actions. Health in literally words are drunk by young people, who sometimes still do not understand what serious damage they cause to their unformed body.

But the problem of alcoholism does not come alone - the problem of drug addiction follows on its heels, the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances is increasing, which have a great impact on the health of the young body and from childhood turn healthy children into sick, mentally unstable individuals. What is drug addiction? In my opinion, this is not only a loss of human appearance, but also a breeding ground for the “plague of the 21st century.” Drug addiction is the misfortune of the drug addict himself, it is the tears of his family and friends. Is it worth ruining the lives of yourself and your family? After all, drugs make a person weak and weak-willed, and drug addiction drives him into slavery. The person can no longer help himself, and is ready to do anything for a new dose. Thus, drugs lead to theft and violence. Drug addiction is directly related to crime.

Greater risk of getting into drug addiction, adolescents from low-income families are susceptible, dysfunctional families, and on the contrary, families in which wealth is at high level. Teenagers whose parents have problems with alcohol move from a very early age in an environment of misunderstanding and problems, and, in search of a way to escape from them, may begin to use drugs. On the contrary, those teenagers who are accustomed to never needing anything can try the drug as a fashionable antidepressant. With the help of drugs, teenagers sometimes try to drown out some of their personal experiences, for example, first love. And of course, there may be a genetic predisposition to drug use. Moreover, there is a lot of drug propaganda: books, magazines, the Internet. Literally everything pushes you to try the “forbidden fruit”. Drugs are especially popular among the “golden youth”, although many of them are not even 20. In fact, I don’t blame people who want to try everything in this life, but there should always be a sense of proportion, if you don’t have it, don’t even think about it do things that will drag you down. You should do only what you need, and not what society demands of you. And yet, those most susceptible to drug addiction are weak-willed people who cannot defend their point of view or simply confused people who are broken by the weight of the world. A person should always be able to say “no”; if you don’t want to take powder or a cigarette, don’t take it, you don’t need to think about what others will think of you, you need to do what you think is right.

Drug addiction and alcoholism have acute social consequences: crimes and immoral acts are committed, degradation of the individual and the population as a whole occurs, mortality increases especially among young people, diseases develop and are transmitted, the birth rate of sick and handicapped children increases, families break up. It is minors, the younger generation, who are more quickly and more often susceptible to the above-mentioned negative social phenomena modern society.

However, one should not assume that modern youth does not think about the future at all, that modern youth is corrupted by a lack of morality, spoiled, vulgar and unbridled. It's not like that at all. A huge number of young people want to be useful to their country, they want to do what they love, receive decent pay for their work, they want to get married without fear, have children, without fear that tomorrow they will be fired during the next financial crisis, in the state of which, Unfortunately, our country is almost constantly...

But young people cannot cope with all the difficulties on their own. Only the targeted systematic participation of the state and all branches of government in the life of the younger generation will be able to solve the problems of social adaptation of young people in modern society, starting from alcoholism and drug addiction, and ending with army hazing and arbitrariness in the workplace.

And in conclusion, I want to say that every person should think about the future, and not live one day at a time, they must set goals and achieve them.

I watch people a lot. For school friends, classmates, teachers, and for parents too. I am very concerned about the topic of relationships between generations, I am worried about the misunderstanding that has formed between me and my parents, they cannot understand me, and I cannot understand them.

Modern youth (and I consider myself one of them) are very often criticized, and for a lot of reasons, deservedly and undeservedly. For frivolity, for any rudeness, absent-mindedness, internal callousness. Yes, I could go on for a long time, I think the idea is clear as it is..

You see, if you dig a little deeper, you can find an explanation for everything and improve all relationships between generations, and leave all misunderstandings.

Much depends on us. The preferences of modern youth are very deplorable - computer games, alcoholic drinks, smoking, discos (clubs) - all-round entertainment. And only a smaller percentage goes in for sports and pays attention to their health - thinking about the future.

Personally, although I don’t play sports, I strive to learn, and I don’t particularly have bad habits, and I’m not drawn to them. We probably need to have some kind of inner core in order not to succumb to the temptations that life provides us, because often we have to pay very dearly for these temptations. It’s better to restrain yourself once again than to bitterly unravel all your “works” later, but it may turn out that you will suffer not only yourself but also your loved ones.

In addition to entertainment, there is a lot of sad things in my life, although my parents do not consider my problems at all to be something that can be discussed in the family circle. But it’s still very difficult for me, be it even the betrayal of a friend or an unfair grade at school. And there’s no one to tell it to; you’re afraid to say something unnecessary at home so that there won’t be a scandal or misunderstanding later. I know that many of my peers have the same thing, and everyone is looking for help and satisfaction on the outside. Some people meet on the Internet and tell them their painful things there, some walk alone all day, some out of desperation end up in a bad campaign. We are left to our own devices, but if the family had at least a little understanding for today’s youth, everything would become much better. Nervous tension at school makes itself felt, I myself already notice that I often take it out on my parents, and they, in turn, are very offended. This makes it even worse and you don’t know where to go.

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  • People have always been capable of extravagant acts that defy any logic and break all analyzes and forecasts.

    Today's youth are the future of the entire Earth, since they will have to take the reins of its governance, accept priority goals, and not only those, and implement them. But, unfortunately, modern youth, who grew up on fast food, talk shows, soap operas, computer games and other elements of modern popular culture, may not be able to give an adequate response (adequate reaction) to the current circumstances in the socio-political life of the state, region, planet.

    Currently, mass media play an important role in shaping the orientations and aspirations of the population of most countries of the world, except for the countries of the current socialist camp. Mass media can influence value orientations, the formation of everyday culture and the so-called “meaning of life”. Based on the degree of exposure, youth can be divided into four main groups:

    An important role is played by the choice of the younger generation in social terms and in what way it will achieve a certain social status and “worldly goods”. According to the methods used, youth can be divided as follows:

    • Near-criminal. Use rough physical strength and all forms of its manifestation. This group is numerous, and most young people strive for it, as they are idealized by television and courtyard “thieves’ romance”;
    • "With connections." Children of wealthy people and high officials who use the position of their parents to achieve their goals, but are unable to achieve them on their own (in fairness, it should be noted that among this part of the youth there are capable people, but these cases, unfortunately, are few in number, therefore they can be ignored);
    • "Nerds." They use exclusively their intellectual abilities, but often end up in the service of previous groups due to their cowardice;
    • Unskilled youth. A group of people into which those who did not realize themselves in previous groups will fall; they achieve their goals and acquire benefits “with sweat and blood.”

    An important role in the development of society is played by the value orientations of a generation, as they determine everyday culture and often the “meaning of life.” Approximate division of the younger generation in relation to priority goals and values:

    • Mercantile people. A group striving to achieve the greatest amount of material values ​​and maximum satisfaction of its, mostly far-fetched, needs (power, jewelry, elements of luxury, etc.);
    • Officials. A group that strives through career growth(with the help of money, connections, sometimes abilities) to achieve a certain social status and satisfy one’s personal ambitions. There you often meet people with “higher” needs, in addition to achieving material well-being;
    • Intellectuals. A group of individuals who, with the help of their knowledge, strive to achieve a certain material and moral satisfaction. They have a positive influence on society, developing science and society, and strive to “spiritualize” their physiological life;
    • “Philosophers” (I note that the specialty does not matter). Individuals who most objectively evaluate and react to reality and selectively relate to all values ​​- material benefits, social status, intellectual and spiritual development(according to the author, this is the most interesting and small group);
    • "Risk Group" Most of the younger generation, so to speak, has “fallen out of the loop,” who have not achieved their goals and can lay claim to the benefits of previous groups, that is, threaten coups or criminal seizure of values.

    All of the above is a consequence of ignorance of just the basics of the humanities, and philosophy in particular, since only it can add a spiritual component to a person’s biological life. Concerning external factors, like international organizations, then they can contribute to the spiritual and intellectual development of the younger generation, using their ample opportunities to help the state in educational companies.

    What continuation of events can be expected from modern youth, who have such spiritual emptiness and who will eventually replace the present generation?

    1. Pessimistic forecast: the next generations will be worse and worse, and the reverse process of evolution will take place, until the appearance of homo pitecus.
    2. Optimistic forecast: periods of stagnation and degradation always precede periods of cultural, spiritual and intellectual flourishing of an ethnic group, nation, etc.
    3. Realistic forecast: at all times and in all societies, only a certain group of people was highly educated (the intelligentsia in the broad sense of the word), and the rest of society (the largest) was a level or several levels lower, and, nevertheless, society was decaying, That's how it developed.

    Time will tell everything.

    Scientific work “Youth of the 21st century”

    What is the youth of the twenty-first century like? If you ask this question to the grandparents of modern young man, then they will say that this generation, which lives one day at a time, does not think about anything. They don’t need anything, they are not interested in anything - this is an opinion you can often hear from the older generation about modern young people. Perhaps they are right? Look at the guy or girl. They are sitting somewhere in a park, in the yard on a bench. They smoke and may have a bottle of beer in their hands. This kind of picture can often be seen today. But this does not mean that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

    Modern youth are very different from their peers living in the twentieth century. Firstly, they are much more informed than them, because the latest technologies allow them to receive a much larger amount of information than fifteen to twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that young people today are less educated. On the contrary, they know more because they can obtain knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time. But important human values ​​for modern youth remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, just like young people a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are different now, and their opportunities have changed significantly. Modern young boys and girls, as in former times, are ready to help, to lend a shoulder when things are difficult. Here is a boy saving a drowning man from a hole. He risks his life, but helps someone who is in trouble. A young man saves a girl from a burning apartment. He performs a feat not for the sake of reward or glory. The boy simply does what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds and their friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. There are many more such examples that can be given. That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, helping those in trouble, and others. And they also have a goal in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from before. And there have been and will be disputes about the fact that at other times everyone was not like that. And today’s young people, in thirty years, will tell their children that they were different and did not live like that. The eternal dispute between fathers and sons!

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