Essay on the painting “Winter has come. Childhood"

Let us consider in this essay the description of Tutunov’s painting “Winter has come. Childhood". Including the reader will also be able to familiarize himself with a short biography of this Soviet artist.

Brief biography of the artist

The famous artist was born on September 30, 1925 in Moscow. His father was from Armenia, engaged in poultry farming, and his mother was from a priest’s family. Boy with youth showed talent not only as an artist, but also as a sculptor. And at the end of the 30s he entered the Moscow Art School. From 1945 to 1951 he studied at the Moscow Institute named after. V. I. Surikova.

The following years after graduation, the artist devoted long journeys across the vast expanses of his homeland, as a result of which beautiful sketches were written. The author especially liked the outskirts of the northern part of the country. In 1988, the artist demonstrated his own exhibition, which took place in Moscow. Canvases painted by Tutunov can be seen in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, in the Russian Museum in Kyiv and in neighboring countries.

Detailed description of the painting

In 1960, Tutunov’s painting “Winter has come” was released. Childhood". Children's essay - This is a special work of a creative nature that allows a child to express his thoughts on paper. It will be especially interesting and easy to do this if the theme of the film itself is dedicated to childhood. After all, it’s easier to write about what you know and feel. The essay on the painting “Winter has come” meets this criterion. Childhood".

Tutunov really tried and painted a bright and unforgettable picture. On this canvas we see a child, a small blond boy four years old, who froze near the window. Soft light pours into the room from the street, giving comfort and warmth. The kid looks into the courtyard of his house, he froze in surprise. The reason for this behavior is the beautiful picture of a winter morning. White snow covered the entire yard. Perhaps it is the beginning of winter, and the first snow has probably fallen. The latter is a gift, a kind of fairy tale, clean and bright, a time of fun, sledding and skiing. In the artist’s painting, the joy of the morning snow is especially felt, and a feeling of triumph is conveyed. In the foreground - the figurine of a child, tender, pure, like the very nature of a winter morning, like a harbinger winter holidays: New Year and Christmas. This is the beginning of a new year and the beginning of a new young life. It is this that should be noted first of all in the essay on the painting “Winter has come. Childhood". Tutunov filled the canvas with freshness, tenderness and quiet joy.

Impressions from the painting

The image on the canvas is positive. You feel a visit of joy and peace, you see such beautiful and natural moments of life itself: this is a wonderful winter morning, and a cheerful little man who looks at this world with wide eyes, sees moments of a fairy tale and a small miracle in the simplest things. This is exactly what needs to be noted in the essay on the painting “Winter has come. Childhood".

Tutunov shared in full the positive feelings that arose when writing this work. With great gratitude you remember the name of the artist, with the sincerity of a child you appreciate his work. This should also be noted in the essay on the painting “Winter has come. Childhood". Tutunov really showed the strength of his talent in this case. Looking at the creation of a master of his craft, I would like to once again note his rich creative experience and talent.

Tutunov - Winter has come childhood, 2nd grade

In the foreground is a boy who has obviously just woken up. He looks out the window in fascination at how the yard has changed overnight. There is a white curtain hanging on the window, which the child must have pulled aside to look outside. In the background we see a yard where everything is covered with snow. It shows a fence, neighboring houses, and trees that have not yet completely shed their leaves. To show a snowy morning late autumn, the artist used cool shades of gray, brown and blue colors. And, of course, white plays a significant role.

The atmosphere of this picture makes us remember our childhood, when we also got up early in the morning, went to the window, and found ourselves in a fairy tale. Those emotions and sensations from how the world was transformed in just one night. This is an omen of upcoming holidays, gifts, and slides. You may not like winter, but the first snow is something completely special.

Childhood is that time when seemingly completely simple and ordinary things seem magical. Probably because everything seems new and unusual to a child, and the child’s rich imagination only plays into his hands. Let's imagine ourselves as children for a moment. Remember the magic of the changing seasons? When, after a long winter, the white cover slowly disappears, the world around becomes warmer and more welcoming, the air is filled with the chirping of birds, and the trees dress in their green outfits.

Summer has passed, golden autumn is coming. Everything turns yellow, giving the world the last bright colors this year. Slowly the weather becomes more and more melancholy, the sky is filled with leaden clouds, rain pours, and as a result, dark, colorless days await us. And one day, having fallen asleep on such an autumn evening, you wake up in the morning, look out the window, and there... Winter. The first snow is magic, it is the promise of an upcoming fairy tale.

We see this moment in the painting by S. A. Tutunov “Winter has come. Childhood".

Essay describing the painting Winter has come. Tutunov's childhood

The artist gave his work a double title. Winter and childhood reflected on the canvas are identical “concepts”. WITHThe symbolism of depicting the winter season through children's eyes is found not only in painting. Russian literature provides many examples of writers addressing this topic. But it seems as if Tutunov is illustrating Alexei Tolstoy’s “Nikita’s Childhood.” For the main character, the boy Nikita, winter is the most charming, happiest period in life.

The picture is very mixed. Despite the seemingly completely traditional image of winter and the awakened boy, who hastily approached the window in the morning to admire the renewal of nature. But we also see the artist’s view of what is happening - he is only concerned about the emotionality of the child, his desire to quickly come into contact with a fairy tale, unknown, pure, light. An adult associates winter with the death of all living things, with cold and numbness. Thus, the confrontation between two worldviews, two worlds so different from each other, is clearly outlined. Accordingly, each of these worlds has its own attributes and symbolism.

The world of adults is a home, it is a window that fences off the street space. And no one except the boy has the desire to quickly find himself there, behind the glass, where there are no gray and boring frames and window sills and there are absolutely no conventions and restrictions. There, where you breathe freshly, where your thoughts are pure and your steps are light on the crystal-white, barely fallen snow, where the trees seem huge, magical, where sparkling snowflakes are like the minions of Santa Claus himself. In this world there is a place for endless and most long-awaited holidays - New Year and Christmas, where there is no place for worries and worries, from which sleighs and skates can so cheerfully and serenely take away. For an adult, this world is just memories, which is why he looks so reverently at the rejoicing of a child.

For a child’s worldview, winter is spirituality, for an adult it is a physical inconvenience: this is why Tutunov depicts trees with still green leaves - winter makes them die, and the snow cap formed on the roof of the building echoes it - as if testing the structure for durability, showing its power and superiority. But for the boy it’s all later, adult life, but for now... For now - childhood and it has the greatest advantage - spontaneity and faith. Faith in miracles!

Description of the picture

Winter has special meaning for children and adults. Through the eyes of children, winter is a time of magic and miracles. Many works have been written and created about this season. Tutunov’s work “Winter has come” personifies the magic of the winter season. The canvas depicts a little boy who just got out of bed early in the morning. On the canvas, a boy looks intently out the window. The boy notices an interesting sight while looking out the window. The sight left is different from what he saw yesterday. Through the window, the roofs of neighboring buildings, which were covered with white snow, were visible. The boy also noticed trees that were covered with fluffy snow.

The canvas depicts a fabulous winter. The snow swirls and dances, falling from the sky in large flakes. At the same time, you can see snowflakes stuck to the window on the canvas. The boy sees how winter manifests itself in all its glory.

Looking out the window, the boy dreams about the New Year, the gifts he will receive. Winter is also pleasant for a boy to sledding, building a snowman and playing with friends.

The author himself, S. A. Tutunov, in his work “Winter has come,” wanted to tell people about his fabulous impressions little boy who was looking out the window. The boy personified all the beauty, mystery and freshness of an early winter morning. This morning was beautiful under the glowing snow cover.

During the winter season, the entire soil becomes paper white. Every man and this boy is snow-white winter time bestows peace in the soul. Winter provides a huge amount of snow that can crunch under your shoes. The cold air has a sharpness that makes it impossible to breathe. For many people, winter means the smell of tangerine and green Christmas tree. Because it is in winter that the New Year comes. From the painting “Winter has come” you can imagine Full description this season. Almost all people enjoy winter time, from young children to adults.

Since winter is associated with magic, every person hopes for the fulfillment of wishes and dreams. A miracle may even happen in life that will be remembered forever. Tutunov’s painting helps you believe in miracles and the fulfillment of dreams and desires. This painting can be found at the exhibition of fine arts by the author himself.

Essay Winter has come

Winter is the most mysterious time of the year and the most magical, the most festive for me.

In winter, everything becomes different: the water becomes hard, the air becomes prickly, the days become short, the New Year, and the old one leaves. The sorceress winter works wonders everywhere, filling everything with her magic. Everyone is waiting for winter, snow, gifts and holidays, winter fun and Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Everyone expects holiday and fun from winter. It snows and everyone goes sledding, and if the pond is frozen, then they go skating.

Winter is a magician for me, it made me sad and the snow melted, I got angry and it started to snow, I became happy and it became frosty. Winter makes even the air extraordinary, takes a little frosty freshness, adds a handful of small pieces of ice and we breathe the cleanest air.

What I love most about winter is my mood; in winter it is cheerful and festive.

Essay on the arrival of winter or winter has come

Winter has finally come. Snow has covered the ground and there is no more dirt on the street. The view from the window became beautiful. The puddles froze and then became covered with snow. I came to enjoy the skates and sleds.

I like to sled with my friends down the hill near the school. I have a pink sled, my friends also have blue and green ones.

My parents and I go ice skating at the skating rink. There are usually a lot of people there, but that only makes it more fun. I'm not skating very well yet.

After a winter walk, our whole family always drinks hot tea or eats hot soup to warm up faster.

2nd grade

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In the picture S.A. Tutunov’s “Winter has come” depicts a boy standing at the window. He stands with his back to us, so we can only guess at the expression on his face. It can be thoughtful, dreamy, or even enthusiastic. Maybe the boy was really looking forward to this snow, the coming of winter, so he could sled down the mountain, play snowballs, and frolic with friends in the yard. Dreams appear about New Year's holidays, gifts. Fantasies are filled with the light of garlands and the aroma of pine needles.

We see that the snow lying on the trees has fallen onto the unfallen yellow-green leaves. Outside the window there is an amazing, beautiful picture. The entire yard is covered as if with a snow-white velvet blanket. We see a fence that seems to be shrouded in a snowy white haze. It is not visible very clearly. The boy peers into the distance, perhaps thinking that just yesterday the yard was dark in color, but today there have been such changes that he cannot stop looking at.

Large flakes of snow slowly fall, spinning and hanging in the air, as if in a dance. If you go out into the yard to play, you can get great pleasure walking on freshly fallen, crisp snow. Winter has finally come, because children love it so much. The ground is covered with a snow-white carpet, the trees are decorated with armfuls of snow and frost. The frosty air gives the atmosphere calmness, and you just want to breathe it in.

I think that this picture once again reminds us that winter is the most magical time of the year. It is full of mysteries. Winter has its own specific beauty. I think that all people love winter, regardless of age. After all, it is at this time that miracles happen, the most impossible dreams come true. The winter months bring us a maximum of new emotions, impressions that we can remember all year, waiting for the next miracle. They are no less beautiful than summer memories.

Abstract "Essay based on the painting by S.A. Titunov" Winter has come. Childhood" was developed for a Russian language lesson on speech development for 2nd grade students (MK "School of Russia", textbook "Russian Language" by V.P. Kanakin, V.G. Goretsky), will help teach children to write an essay based on the artist's painting.



Speech development. Preparing to write an essay on a painting

Sergei Andreevich Tutunov “Winter has come. Childhood".

2nd grade

Target: teach children to compose a descriptive story based on a painting by a famous artist based on a plan.

Planned results:

  • Cognitive

introduce you to the artist's paintingSergei Andreevich Tutunov “Winter has come. Childhood";

  • Regulatory

teach children to comprehend the content of the picture; improve the ability to select the words necessary for description and narration;improve the ability to collect working materials for an essay.

  • Communication

Organize an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort in the lesson, develop oral and written speech students, listen carefully to others, learn to accept another point of view;

  • Personal

develop children's powers of observation, visual attention, logical thinking and creative imagination.Look for your position in the diversity of positions, aesthetic and cultural preferences.

  • Universal learning activities

teach to relate artistic text And artistic media paintings; develop children's thinking, horizons, imagination,enrich children's vocabulary with new vocabulary, promote the formation of interest in painting and careful attention to the choice of words, cultivate a love of nature.


computer, multimedia projector,reproduction of a painting by S.A. Tutunova “Winter has come. Childhood"(textbook “Russian language” 2nd grade by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky,Art Gallery), portrait of the artist; 1-2 reproductions of paintings famous artists (genre painting: still lifes, portraits, landscapes); supporting picture plan for compiling a descriptive story about the picture; recording of the work “Winter” from the cycle “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky; CD with a recording of a song from the cartoon “Plasticine Crow” (words by A. Kushner, music by G. Gladkov), spelling dictionary.

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Lesson topic

Today in class we will get acquainted with a reproduction of the painting by Sergei Andreevich Tutunov “Winter has come. Childhood" and make up a story about what is depicted on it.

III. Conversation about the artist and his painting.

  1. A story about an artist.

Painter. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Author of thematic paintings everyday genre, portraits.

Born on October 30, 1925 in Moscow. Mother - Elizaveta Nikolaevna Tutunova (nee Sakharova) from the family of the priest Fr. Nikolai Sakharov. Father - Andrei Vasilyevich Tutunov, from Russified Armenians, was a major specialist in the field of poultry farming.

Studied at MSHS (Moscow Secondary art school, 1939-45).

In 1945 he entered and in 1951 graduated from the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. In 1988, a personal exhibition took place in Moscow.

S.A. Tutunov died on October 12, 1998 in Moscow, and was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

The artist’s paintings are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum in Kyiv, and many museums in Russia and neighboring countries.

  1. Expressive reading of poems.

A piece from the cycle “Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Winter” is played

* * *

It rained yesterday morning

He knocked on the glass windows,

There is fog above the ground

Got up like clouds.

...At noon the rain stopped,

And that white fluff,

To the autumn dirt

Snow began to fall.

The night has passed. It's dawn.

There is no cloud anywhere.

The air is light and clean,

And the river froze.

In yards and houses

The snow lies like a sheet

And the sun sparkles

Multi-colored fire...

I. Nikitin

First snow

The first snow hugs the grass,
The wind is like something out of a fairy tale.
And I am happy and joyful because
That I laugh and live in reality.

I tousled the hair of the birches
The wind is violent.
There's laughter.
And no longer from fairy tales and dreams,
The first sparkling snow fell.

Nikolay Seleznev

3. Conversation.

  • About what time year goes by speech?
  • Name the winter months.

December, January, February are winter months. They cannot be confused with each other. Each has its own character and color.

  • What winter colors did the poets mention? (white, sparkling, multi-colored)
  • Explain the meaning of these words.
  • How do you see winter when reading the lines of poets?

We saw how poets “colored” winter with words, and fell under the spell of this time of year. Now let’s look at the artist’s reproduction, pay attention to the colors and feel the mood conveyed by him.

  1. Looking at the painting.
  • What colors predominate here?
  • Are the lines of the poems consistent with this picture?
  • What are your impressions of the picture presented?
  • We have to describe the picture of S.A. Tutunova. What makes it unique? (Unusual, fabulous; snow-white miracle)

5. Intellectual warm-up.
- Guys, let's listen to a fragment of a song from the cartoon “Plasticine Crow” and remember the names of the main genres of painting.

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or snow avalanche,
Or a field and a hut -
Required picture
It's called landscape.

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know that this is a still life.

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.

Now try to determine what is in front of you: landscape, still life or portrait?
(1-2 reproductions of each genre are placed on the board in random order. Children determine.)

  1. Physical education minute

(development of facial and pantomimic movements, relaxation).

To create the appropriate mood for children, you can use musical composition P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter" from the cycle "Seasons".

- Let's try to get into the picture. Close your eyes and listen to wonderful music. Imagine that we went to the window and saw falling snowflakes, trees covered with the first snow. Place your palms and catch a snowflake. What do you hear? What smells can you smell? What do you see around you?

Children take turns giving answers.
- Open your eyes. Did you enjoy the journey into the painting?

IV. Working with the presentation. Collecting working materials.

Look at the picture and answer the questions.
- Is this a still life, a landscape or a portrait? Why?
- Where does the film take place?
- What is depicted on it (what is in the foreground, what is in the central part, in the background)?
- What time of year did the artist depict? By what signs can this be determined?

What would you call this painting?

And the artist called it “Winter has come. Childhood". Why do you think?

What genre? visual arts does this picture belong?

That’s right, it’s a landscape, but it’s a winter landscape (according to the time of year), a rural landscape (according to the location depicted).

What colors does the artist use to depict nature?

Now, looking at the picture, select suitable figurative expressions and signs for the words:
the snow is white, light as feathers...

trees - with black strong trunks, covered with the first snow, on some branches there were yellow leaves, ...
leaves - yellow, green, ...

Bushes - hidden under the snow, ...

- What do you see in this part of the picture?

  • What is shown in the picture? Let's characterize winter in the picture

S.A. Tutunov and fill out the table.

What is shown

Working materials




early morning,


magical, festive


fluffy and shaggy snow, the magic of snowflakes swirling in the wind, everywhere: on the trees and on the ground

Trees and bushes

Fabulous, unusual, like a snow-white miracle, mysterious, enigmatic,

Thin, flexible twigs, spreading, flexible branches,

Resembles a monster, a giant spider, covered in snow

Ground, fence

everything is white; snow covering the ground; The first snow fell on the ground,


clean, fresh air


Joyful, festive, enthusiastic

This is a plan according to which we will compose stories from parts of the picture. Today we will turn into writers and try to paint a picture with words and beautiful sentences.

V. Making a plan.

To make a story based on the picture, we will draw up a plan for the essay.

The memo “How to write a story based on a picture?” will help with this.

How to start an essay on a painting? (about the author, how the picture was painted, about nature in the picture).

What will we talk about in the main part? (describe the hero).

How to end the story? What to say in the final part? (about the mood, about the feelings that the picture evokes)


1. The artist and the painting.

2. Boy at the window.

3. Winter.

4. My attitude to the picture.

When writing an essay, it is not necessary to use all the supporting words. You can describe the hero in your own way.

VI. Write a story based on a picture based on a plan.

VII. Lesson summary.

  • What thoughts. Did you get any feelings while looking at the painting?

// Essay-description based on the painting by S.A. Tutunova “Winter has come. Childhood"

Tutonov wrote his beautiful picture"Winter has come. Childhood" in 1961. This is incredible bright picture, which depicts a boy coming to the window to look at the winter beauty.

In December, the first snow falls and covers the ground with flakes. Everything is hidden under a white blanket. This is exactly the landscape the boy saw from his window.

In the foreground is a boy standing by the window. It seems that he just woke up, opened his eyes and saw a white canvas outside the window. He's wearing a casual cotton shirt, his thick hair is tousled and his hand is pressed to the window. He seems surprised by these changes. Only yesterday he was jumping through puddles in rubber boots, and today he will already be wearing felt boots.

The boy's pose shows his charm before winter: he stands spellbound, not daring to move. He wants to quickly wait for breakfast and go outside, walking along an untouched snow-covered meadow. Be the first to leave your mark on the snow.

In the central plan we see the window itself: old, wooden, paint peeling off in some places. A green translucent curtain that illuminates the winter landscape gives a special charm.

In the background is the coming winter: time for children's fun. Soon the children will gather to make snowmen and play snowballs. Together with the neighboring children, they will fetch well water and fill the skating rink. And then they will invite other guys to attend. You can skate on the ice for hours.

We see the same landscape as the boy: wooden fence, thin trees, beating their branches against the window, as if they were asking to be let in to warm up. Always the first snow happy event, these are changes not only in climate, but also in lifestyle. Now you will need to dress warmer and you won’t be able to walk until late.

The picture turned out to be bright and inviting. The artist achieved this effect thanks to the landscape outside the window, which blinded the room with whiteness. Children love winter with a special love, because in winter, grandma bakes pies with jam, knits warm socks for everyone, and the whole family looks forward to the main holiday - the New Year. Every child loves this holiday for the magic, the fairy tale and, of course, the gifts, of which there are quite a lot.

The boy at the window did not even think of being upset by the cold, he fantasized about how he would spend this wonderful time. The artist managed to convey the boy’s mood, his trepidation for winter and the beauty of nature. He perfectly combined the winter landscape and rural life in one picture, which added color to the canvas.

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