Essay on the picture z.e. Serebryakova "at lunch" primary school teacher mbou

“At Lunch” (the second title is “At Breakfast”) is one of the artist’s most famous works. The date of its writing is 1914. Today, the original painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery, and its reproduction and description can be found in this publication.

Brief biography of the artist

Before making “At Lunch” by Serebryakova, a few words should be said about its author. Zinaida Evgenievna was born in 1884 near Kharkov. Her parents were graphic artist Ekaterina Benois and sculptor Eugene Lanceray. She spent her childhood and teenage years in St. Petersburg. The girl grew up surrounded by creative people and has been drawing enthusiastically since childhood.

In 1905, Zinaida Evgenievna married railway engineer Boris Serebryakov. The couple had 4 children: sons Zhenya and Sasha and daughters Tanya and Katya. The artist was widowed early and in 1924 she left for Paris, remaining there forever. While living in France, she continued to write, putting her whole soul into her works. The predominant part of her paintings were portraits. Serebryakova died in 1967, leaving behind a solid creative legacy.

Main characters

All her life, painting remained the meaning of life for Zinaida Evgenievna. Serebryakova portrayed her children Zhenya, Shurik and Tanya at dinner. The artist’s youngest daughter Katyusha was still too small at that time and could not pose. The canvas captures the moment when the children were having lunch (or breakfast) in the dining room. A beautifully set table indicates that the Serebryakov family adhered to European traditions.

The description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch” should begin with the characteristics of its three main characters. The boys depicted on the canvas are the same age, their sister is several years younger than them. Zhenya drinks water thoughtfully. It is clear that he is not so much tormented by thirst as simply interested in the contents of the glass. At this time, the grandmother (only her hands are depicted in the picture) pours soup into his plate with a ladle. The rest of the kids look carefully towards the viewer. There is a plate filled with soup in front of Shurik. He had already managed to eat a little of it, but something made him tear himself away from the food and turn back. Little Tanya’s plate is empty, and she waits patiently for her grandmother to pour her soup. The girl carefully fixed her gaze on the same point as her brother. Curiosity can be read in the children’s large and expressive eyes.

Character and appearance of children

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was not only a talented artist, but also a subtle psychologist. “At Lunch” is not just a story-driven picture, in it the author conveyed each of her children. Her eldest son Evgeniy grew up as a calm and dreamy boy, Shurik was restless, and her daughter Tanyusha was a very active and curious girl. These of each of the children are clearly visible on the canvas.

Continuing the description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch,” it is worth paying a little attention to the appearance of the brothers and sister. The boys are dressed in blue shirts, the girl is dressed in a snow-white sundress, under which a dark blouse is visible. It is clear from their clothes that after lunch they were going for a walk. All the kids have very similar faces. Tanyusha has her hair neatly combed, but Shurik and Zhenya’s hair sticks out in different directions.

Dinner table

The description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch” allows us to see in Russians before the revolution. A snow-white tablecloth, napkins and beautiful dishes in those days were everyday attributes, without which not a single family meal was complete in decent houses. In addition to a large tureen, bowls and glasses, on the table you can see a decanter of water, a yellow jug, a sugar bowl, a salt shaker and small plates with fresh buns and chocolate cookies.

Despite the lack of bright colors, the artist created a very sunny picture. Serebryakova dedicated “At Lunch” to her children, so every stroke on the canvas is made with a special touch. The painting exudes warmth and comfort. Looking at her, you can understand that the real happiness of any woman lies in her babies.

Other children's portraits by the author

“At Lunch” is not the only work in which Serebryakova painted her children. After the death of her husband, the artist created her most tragic painting, “House of Cards.” Here she depicted grown-up and orphaned sons and daughters. Their faces show undisguised sadness and despair.

Children's themes slide into the films “Zhenya”, “Tanya and Katya. Girls near the piano”, “Portrait of A. Cherkesova-Benois with her son Alexander”, “Katya in a fancy dress” and many others. According to the artist A. N. Benois, Zinaida Evgenievna’s uncle, she had no equal in painting portraits of children.

2. Where are three children waiting for a meal? at the table Who are these children? children of the artist Zhenya, Shurik and Tata What is Zhenya doing? drinks water from a glass. Who has already taken the spoon? Shurik What is little Tata doing? put her hand on the plate. What is the table set with? snow-white tablecloth What do we see on the table? porcelain tureen, crystal decanter, napkins in rings, rosy buns Who pours soup into children's bowls? cook 3. What is your attitude to the picture? The painting depicts an ordinary scene from the life of the artist’s family. I think Z.E. Serebryakova loved her children very much. In this picture she conveyed her love for them.

Three children are depicted at the table waiting for a meal. These children of the artist are Zhenya, Shurik and Tata. Zhenya drinks water from a glass. Shurik has already taken the spoon. Little Tata put her hand on the plate. The table is covered with a snow-white tablecloth. On the table is a porcelain tureen, a crystal decanter, napkins in rings, and rosy buns. The cook pours soup into bowls for the children. The painting depicts an ordinary scene from the life of the artist’s family. I think Z.E. Serebryakova loved her children very much. In this picture she conveyed her love for them.

Sections: Russian language

Lesson objectives:

  • teach students to compose a comparative description based on a group portrait;
  • show the features of constructing a comparative text;
  • enrich students’ speech with figurative and expressive means of the Russian language;
  • introduce vocabulary related to the theme of the portrait painting into the students’ dictionary.

Technical support:

  • Use of ICT tools:
  • Microsoft Word program for creating accompanying text for a presentation.

During the classes

1. Teacher's introduction

Preparing the teacher for the lesson. Material about the life and work of N.S. Leskova

The life of every family has its own traditions, those customs that determine the established patterns of behavior and everyday life. The family of the Russian artist Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, also had its own traditions. (slide number 2) One of them will be discussed in our lesson. Today we turn to one of the most famous paintings by Z. Serebryakova, “At Breakfast,” created in 1914. (slide no. 3)

What tradition are we talking about in this artistic canvas? (Probably when the whole family gets together for breakfast)

Right. Previously, in noble families it was customary for the whole family to gather during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A table was set for a meal (meal) in the dining room. Adults and children changed clothes for lunch and dinner and went down to the table.

The goal of our lesson is not only to describe the portrait painting and the characters depicted in it, but also to make a comparative description of them.

What is comparison and comparative characteristics?

Comparison- one of the types of reasoning where it is necessary to establish the similarities and differences between objects.

Comparative characteristics- identification of similar and different features in the character, appearance, speech, activities of compared people or heroes of a work of art. (slide number 4)

2. Conversation based on the painting(during the conversation, students make notes in drafts) (slide number 5)

1. Do you think the people depicted in the picture are relatives? (Yes, these are relatives. These are the artist’s children.)

2. By what signs did you determine that they were relatives? (The children are very similar, especially the girl and boy who are depicted in the foreground. They have almost the same eye color and face shape.)

3. What do these children have in common? (This is one family and at the moment they are united by the fact that they have all gathered to have breakfast together)

4. On the canvas there is a group of people (children) - several people sitting close to each other, together. The painting is made in the genre of a group portrait. What is a group portrait?

Group portrait- a type of portrait that depicts three or more characters in the same setting, connected by unity of action.

As we see, the picture depicts three children in the dining room of their house, connected by a single action - they are having breakfast. (Slide No. 6)

5. Judging by the picture, what kind of atmosphere reigns in the family? (Slide No. 7) (A good, friendly atmosphere. Peace reigns here. This can be seen from the expressions on the children’s faces. Most likely, everyone treats each other well, and the children in the family are very loved . And children do not quarrel among themselves).

6. Which of the children is older? (Probably the boy who is depicted in the background of the picture. He drinks water and does not pay attention to what interested his brother and sister so much).

7. Describe this boy. (slide No. 8) (Slim facial features, straight nose, dark brown hair, eyebrows running in a thin arc over the eyes. A slight blush on his cheeks refreshes his pale face. He lowered his eyes, and it’s difficult for us to say about the expression of his eyes, and we cannot determine the character of this boy. He is serious and concentrated. His face is a little sad.)

8. Now look at the second boy. (Slide No. 9) How is he different from the older one? (More sociable. He looked up from lunch, turned around and looked at us carefully. Something interested him. The first thing that stands out about his appearance is his large, dark brown, expressive eyes, outlined by thick eyelashes. It is clear that he is inquisitive .)

9. And their little sister? (slide number 10) What distinguishes her from her brothers? Describe the girl's appearance. (She is also attentive, looking at us. She was so carried away that she even put her hand on the plate. She has an open face, huge brown eyes. One of the eyebrows is slightly raised, which also indicates the girl’s interest in what is happening. But at the same time, she serious. A small nose, a bright blush on her cheeks. A small mouth with thin scarlet lips. The girl is wearing a beautiful, elegant dark blue dress and a white apron decorated with lace, as if she was specially preparing for the fact that she will be painted, this distinguishes her from her. brothers).

So, we are convinced that the children depicted in the picture have common features, but on the other hand, they are different. Can they be grouped according to common characteristics? To make it easier for you to cope with the task, let's make a table in which we highlight the similarities and differences of our heroes. (Slide No. 11)

Little brother and girl Senior boy
Pose They turned their heads towards the viewer, they sit half-turned, the boy is holding a spoon, and the girl has her hand on the plate, the other is holding on to the chair The head is tilted slightly to the left, he holds a glass of water in his hands, brings it to his lips, puts his elbows on the table
Face Subtle facial features, expressive, bright Pale, regular features
Eyes Brown, large, wide open, lively, shiny Squinted, lowered
Sight Facing the viewer, attentive, expressive, inquisitive Absent, focused on his action
Nose Small, snub-nosed Straight, sharp, medium in size
Mouth, lips Elegant, small, “bow”; bright, scarlet Small; thin, bright red, stretched out like a thread
Hair Brown, straight, naughty Light brown, short, neatly styled
Character Kind, flexible Dreamy
Cloth Dark blue dress and white apron with lace; navy blue with white stripes shirt Dark Blue Home Shirt

10. Why do the younger children look at the viewer so carefully? (The first assumption is that they are posing for the artist, the second is that dad has come and they are looking at him).

3. Vocabulary and spelling work

How do you understand the following phrases (slide No. 12)

  • peaceful scene (calm, orderly life);
  • active state of children (their immobility, various actions);

Insert the missing letters into the words (slide No. 13): g e ice jug, soup bowl, adorable children, snow-white tablecloth, home tradition

Homework: write a comparative essay based on the painting-portrait of Z.E. Serebryakova “At Breakfast”.

"At lunch"

2nd grade

Lesson objectives:

    teach students to compose a comparative description based on a group portrait;

    show the features of constructing a comparative text;

    enrich students’ speech with figurative and expressive means of the Russian language;

    introduce vocabulary related to the theme of the portrait painting into the students’ dictionary.

Planned educational results:

Personal : are aware of aesthetic needs and values.

Subject: show a positive attitude towards correct oral and written speech as an indicator of a person’s general culture and civic position; know how to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its evaluation and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive : extract the necessary information from a work of art, consciously and arbitrarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form, carry out an analysis of objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features.

Communicative: express their thoughts orally and in writing.

Technical support:

Use of ICT tools:

During the classes

1Motivation for educational activities

Look at me everyone!
Today I work as a tour guide.
Without wasting a minute,
I invite you on a journey!
Take all your knowledge on the road!
And don't forget to smile!

2Setting up a learning task .

How many of you have been to an art gallery? What did you see there that made a special impression on you?

Let's imagine that we are in an art gallery. I am a tour guide.

3 Learning new ways of doing things.

* Here is the famous painting by Zinaida Serebryakova “At Lunch”. In some sources it can be seen under the title “At Breakfast.” On the canvas there is a group of people (children) - several people sitting close to each other, together. The painting is made in the genre of a group portrait.

What is a group portrait?

Group portrait- a type of portrait that depicts three or more characters in the same setting, connected by unity of action.

We see three children sitting at the dinner table. Zinaida Evgenievna portrayed her children. The boy who looks directly at the viewer is called Shura - that’s what his family called him. Shura is seven years old. The boy sitting on the other side of the table is called Zhenya, he is the eldest of the brothers. He is eight years old. And finally, Tata (Tatyana). She is only two and a half years old. So, we see three cute kids.

But, let me ask, how many people are in the dining room?

-Who is this woman? (pause) Maybe a maid? Or maybe the hostess herself?

Who do you think she is?

And again I address the listeners. Tell me, is there room at the table for a fourth person? Yes

How did you guess? ( We see an empty chair and a device standing on the table.)

It becomes obvious that this is the hand of the mistress of the house, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova. Now she will pour the soup and sit down in an empty seat to have lunch with her children.

4Physical training minute

5Independent work of students.

Let's look at the children's faces.

1. Are the children similar to each other? Yes.

2. Who are Shura and Tata like? (listen to your neighbor's opinion).

3. Who is Zhenya like? (listen to your neighbor's opinion).

*Yes, of course, having examined the children, we can confidently say that Shura and Tata look like their mother. Dark open eyes speak about this especially clearly. The shape of the nose and lips also indicates the resemblance to the mother. Zhenya, even with his eyes downcast, looks a lot like his father. And the color of sky blue eyes and the oval of the face.

*Let's continue to look at the picture. Pay attention to the dining table.

Yes, the table is big enough. It is covered with a white tablecloth. Elegant table service made of white porcelain with blue ornaments. A tureen, portion and soup plates, a salt shaker and other items from one set. Everything is simple and at the same time aesthetically pleasing, which indicates the good taste of the housewife.

Let's get back to the children.

    Guys, pay attention to Tata’s gesture. What is he talking about?

(Yes, the girl probably doesn’t want to eat, so she covers the plate with her chubby hand. Or perhaps she prefers a bun lying in the center of the table on a special dish to soup)

2.Look at the chair on which Tata is sitting. What do you see? A pillow.

3Why do you think they put a pillow on Tata?

Yes, of course, Tata is still small and the dining table is too high for her, which is why Tata was offered a special pillow. This suggests that in the Serebryakovs’ house they love children and take care of them, creating convenience and comfort. All children are depicted with blush on their cheeks.

4. Think about what they did before lunch? Now it’s clear why Zhenya drinks water. He ran around and got excited.

The viewer can discover many more secrets hidden in the picture. They can be read ad infinitum. To do this you need to be a very attentive and interested person.

Our excursion has come to an end. Thank you for your attention.

Using working materials, compose a story based on the picture and write it down. (Write the story as a draft, and then only in a notebook)

IV. Reflection

So what is the secret of Z. Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch”? (love for children and caring attitude)

Did you like the picture? How?

Working materials for an essay based on the painting by Z.E. Serebryakova

"At lunch"


Introductory part

What is shown in the picture?

Three children in the dining room, the artist's children

Main part

What do these children have in common?

Zhenya, Shurik, Tata all gathered together at the table to have lunch

How did you see the children? What are they doing?

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