Essay based on Vasilyev's painting "Wet Meadow". Description of the painting by Vasilyev, wet meadow. Analysis of the painting by Vasilyev, wet meadow.

Vasiliev F. " Wet meadow": History of the painting

Vasiliev F. “Wet Meadow”:
History of the painting

The phenomenon of “artistic origin” of the landscape painter Fyodor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev has always continued and continues to amaze everyone who in one way or another comes into contact with his work. Art critic L.I. Iovleva notes that he appeared on the horizon of Russian art in the 1860s at the age of eighteen, almost as a self-taught boy. But somehow unexpectedly, almost suddenly, he became an equal among the leading artists of that time. On “equal terms” he participated in exhibitions with them, on “equal terms” he won competitions and in two or three years he achieved such professional success, which others took years, and sometimes even a lifetime, to conquer.

A cheerful, witty, temperamental young man F. Vasiliev, as he appears from the pages of I.E.’s memoirs. Repin and I. Kramskoy, was sick with an incurable disease at that time - consumption. He went to Crimea and lived in Yalta for the last two years.

On the streets of Yalta, almonds were falling, roses were blooming, the “Judas tree” was dressed in a lush, dense pink outfit, magnolias were blooming, large clusters of wisteria were hanging from flexible lashes-branches. But the artist was possessed by an irresistible craving for his native land, for the discreet charm of Russian nature.

In Yalta, F. Vasiliev spent a long time depicting old, familiar and painfully dear northern motifs to his heart. Among the album drawings, where he made pencil sketches of the Crimean nature that was new to him, there are landscapes of central Russia sketched from his memories.

In Crimea, F. Vasiliev also painted the painting “Wet Meadow”, which became one of the masterpieces of Russian landscape painting. In it he wanted to express his feelings, all his love - everything that preserves the memory of his heart. There will be no mighty mountains, no cypress trees, no lush southern flowers, no azure sea - just a rain-washed wet meadow under a huge sky, a few trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running across the wet grass.

The storm is leaving, but the sky is still boiling and seething. With menacing haste, shaggy clouds rush and collide, peals of thunder can still be heard - everything in the picture is full of movement, everything lives and breathes: trees bending under the gusts of wind, and rippling water, and the sky... Even especially the sky, imbued with a typically Vasilyevsky mood , which is contrasted on the canvas with ominous clouds still pouring streams of rain onto the forest visible in the distance.

The sky in F. Vasiliev's paintings always plays a significant role, and in " Wet meadow“It is perhaps the main means of expressing the artist’s poetic thought. A sparkling warm opening in the clouds, reflected in the water and supported by reflections on the ground, fights against huge dark and cold clouds and shadows running along the ground.

As if in contrast to the intense life of the sky, the rest of the landscape is extremely simple and its drawing lines are softer and calmer. Each detail of the picture (and there are many of them on this canvas) is a variation of the main theme, but all the details are so dissolved as a whole that you can recognize them only with a very careful examination.

At first glance, “Wet Meadow” attracts the viewer with its simplicity and familiarity of the motif. In the depths of a wide depression rise two spreading trees. Far behind them, in the gray haze of the forest, a strip of sky appears. A steep slope stretches along the lowland, and in front - almost in the center - a swampy backwater with marshy banks glistens. That, in fact, is all that is depicted on the canvas by F. Vasiliev. But his contemporaries saw him in this picture as more than even a generalized image of the artist’s native northern nature.

The painting captivates the viewer with the extraordinary depth of the inspired landscape, the spontaneity of feelings and moods embedded in it. F. Vasiliev never presents nature as “cold, eternal and indifferent.” He constantly looked for harmony and purity in it, the artist warmed and spiritualized it with a deeply poetic feeling, and it was in his paintings that the intimately lyrical, sad and melancholy theme that froze with his death was first heard. The moods of struggle and resistance expressed in “Wet Meadow” - on the one hand, and on the other - sadness and melancholy captivate and involuntarily force one to return to sad biography its 22-year-old author.

The composition of "Wet Meadow" is simple and relaxed, and at the same time it is difficult to imagine a more thoughtful and monumental work. In the picture it is easy to distinguish the compositional center to which the main lines of the landscape converge - the outlines of a hillside, the banks of a creek, paths, the boundaries of light and shadow in a meadow, a strip of forest. The visual center that organizes the whole picture is the dark silhouette of two mighty trees. F. Vasiliev shifted it to the right of the geometric center, and that is why the picture does not look static.

The space in “Wet Meadow” unfolds surprisingly smoothly and boldly. The sky with its boiling and seething, with its play of light and its cosmic infinity is depicted by an unsurpassed master and poet of the sky, as the artist F. Vasiliev was considered. And at the same time, each bush of grass in the foreground reproduces with botanical accuracy the vegetation of central Russia.

"Wet Meadow" was submitted to the competition of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists in St. Petersburg in 1872 and received second prize (the first was awarded to the painting by I. Shishkin " Pinery"). In relation to nature and art, both artists had much in common. Both of them were children of the land that they sang; both were closely connected with it, knew it with all its secrets and therefore knew how to see and so reverently convey its beauty .

When the head of the Itinerants, I. Kramskoy, saw F. Vasiliev’s “Wet Meadow,” he was shocked. And the clean spring greenery, and the flying light, and the silent breeze that rippled the water in the overgrown riverbed, and the invisible drops of rain on the wet foliage of the trees - everything spoke of an extraordinary artist and sensitive to “the noise and music of nature.”
"One Hundred Great Paintings" by N.A. Ionin, Veche Publishing House, 2002

F. Vasiliev is an artist whose wonderful creativity mesmerizing. When you look at his paintings, you can't tear yourself away. You look closely at every detail and, most importantly, you see familiar landscapes, because most often the author of the paintings depicted Russian nature. Vasiliev’s Wet Meadow is such a painting. We will use it to write a description for 8th grade.

Description of the painting Wet meadow

I will write an essay based on Vasiliev’s painting Wet Meadow with pleasure, because I have something to say. When I saw the reproduction, many emotions immediately appeared. The work impressed and captured my imagination and made me think about life. I don’t know who sees what in the picture, but first of all, I saw nature’s struggle with bad weather. It’s as if the artist, through his work, teaches us to resist adversity and difficulties that we encounter along the way.

It would seem that only recently there was a thunderstorm, perhaps it was blowing strong wind. The clouds are still seething, boiling, blackening in the distance, hanging over the forest. But the sun is already breaking through in the foreground, the sky is brightening, indicating that the elements will not return, despite the fact that it is still raining in the distance.

What did the rain leave behind?
The downpour has passed, the sky has ceased to rumble and spew lightning, nature has plunged into silence, only the wind is blowing slightly. All that was left in front of us was a wet meadow, silhouettes of several trees, and water in the form of a huge puddle in the center, which remained after the rain. The sun is not visible in the picture, but the author depicts sunlight, besides, we see the reflection of the sun breaking through from behind the clouds in the water. A little more and it will appear over the wet meadow and warm the rain-beaten grass and wildflowers.

On his canvas the artist depicts many small parts, but they all merged together, creating integrity and naturalness. The painting is beautiful, just like Russian nature, which Vasiliev so masterfully depicted on canvas, is beautiful.


Fedor Vasiliev

The phenomenon of “artistic origin” of the landscape painter Fyodor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev has always continued and continues to amaze everyone who in one way or another comes into contact with his work. Art critic L.I. Iovleva notes that he appeared on the horizon of Russian art of the 1860s at the age of eighteen, almost as a self-taught boy. But somehow unexpectedly, almost suddenly, he became an equal among the leading artists of that time. On “equal terms” he participated in exhibitions with them, on “equal terms” he won competitions and in two or three years achieved such professional successes that others took years, and sometimes a whole life, to achieve.

A cheerful, witty, temperamental young man F. Vasiliev, as he appears from the pages of I.E.’s memoirs. Repin and I. Kramskoy, was sick with an incurable disease at that time - consumption. He went to Crimea and lived in Yalta for the last two years. On the streets of Yalta, almonds were falling, roses were blooming, the “Judas tree” was dressed in a lush, deep pink outfit, magnolias were blooming, large clusters of wisteria were hanging from flexible lashes of branches. But the artist was possessed by an irresistible craving for his native land, for the discreet charm of Russian nature. In Yalta, F. Vasiliev spent a long time depicting old, familiar and painfully dear northern motifs to his heart. Among the album drawings, where he made pencil sketches of the Crimean nature that was new to him, there are landscapes of central Russia sketched from his memories.

In Crimea, F. Vasiliev also painted the painting “Wet Meadow”, which became one of the masterpieces of Russian landscape painting. In it he wanted to express his feelings, all his love - everything that preserves the memory of his heart. There will be no mighty mountains, no cypress trees, no lush southern flowers, no azure sea - just a rain-washed wet meadow under a huge sky, a few trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running across the wet grass.

The storm is leaving, but the sky is still boiling and seething. With menacing haste, shaggy clouds rush and collide, peals of thunder can still be heard - everything in the picture is full of movement, everything lives and breathes: trees bending under the gusts of wind, and rippling water, and the sky... Even especially the sky, imbued with a typically Vasilyev mood , which is contrasted on the canvas with ominous clouds still pouring streams of rain onto the forest visible in the distance. The sky always plays a significant role in F. Vasiliev’s paintings, and in “Wet Meadow” it is perhaps the main means of expressing the artist’s poetic thought. A sparkling warm opening in the clouds, reflected in the water and supported by reflections on the ground, fights against huge dark and cold clouds and shadows running along the ground.

As if in contrast to the intense life of the sky, the rest of the landscape is extremely simple and its drawing lines are softer and calmer. Each detail of the picture (and there are many of them on this canvas) is a variation of the main theme, but all the details are so dissolved as a whole that you can recognize them only with a very careful examination.

At first glance, “Wet Meadow” attracts the viewer with its simplicity and familiarity of the motif. In the depths of a wide depression, two spreading trees rise. Far behind them, in the gray haze of the forest, a strip of sky appears. A steep slope stretches along the lowland, and in front - almost in the center - a swampy backwater with marshy banks glistens. That, in fact, is all that is depicted on the canvas by F. Vasiliev. But his contemporaries saw him in this picture as more than even a generalized image of the artist’s native northern nature.

The painting captivates the viewer with the extraordinary depth of the inspired landscape, the spontaneity of feelings and moods embedded in it. F. Vasiliev’s nature never seems “cold, eternal and indifferent.” He constantly looked for harmony and purity in it, the artist warmed and spiritualized it with a deeply poetic feeling, and it was in his paintings that the intimately lyrical, sad and melancholy theme that froze with his death was first heard. The moods of struggle and resistance expressed in “Wet Meadow” - on the one hand, and on the other - sadness and melancholy captivate and involuntarily force one to return to the sad biography of its 22-year-old author.

The composition of “Wet Meadow” is simple and relaxed, and at the same time it is difficult to imagine a more thoughtful and monumental work. In the picture it is easy to distinguish the compositional center to which the main lines of the landscape converge - the outlines of a hillside, the banks of a creek, paths, the boundaries of light and shadow in a meadow, a strip of forest. The visual center that organizes the whole picture is the dark silhouette of two mighty trees. F. Vasiliev shifted it to the right of the geometric center, and that is why the picture does not look static.

The space in “Wet Meadow” unfolds surprisingly smoothly and boldly. The sky with its boiling and seething, with its play of light and its cosmic infinity is depicted by an unsurpassed master and poet of the sky, as the artist F. Vasiliev was considered. And at the same time, each bush of grass in the foreground reproduces with botanical accuracy the vegetation of central Russia.

“Wet Meadow” was submitted to the competition of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists in St. Petersburg in 1872 and received second prize (the first was awarded to I. Shishkin’s painting “Pine Forest”). In relation to nature and art, both artists had much in common. Both of them were children of the land they sang; both were closely connected with her, knew her with all her secrets and therefore knew how to see and so reverently convey her beauty.

When the head of the Itinerants, I. Kramskoy, saw F. Vasiliev’s “Wet Meadow,” he was shocked. And the clean spring greenery, and the flying light, and the silent breeze that rippled the water in the overgrown riverbed, and the invisible drops of rain on the wet foliage of the trees - everything spoke of an extraordinary artist and sensitive to the “noise and music of nature”

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Vasiliev - Wet Meadow, grades 8 and 5

Fyodor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev is a famous Russian landscape painter. The paintings of this master are distinguished by their penetration and harmony of colors. Vasiliev’s paintings occupy a worthy niche in the collections of the Trestov Gallery. In my opinion, the most amazing picture Fyodor Alexandrovich is “Wet Meadow”. After all, this painting was born thanks to memories of the homeland. In 1871, while in Crimea, Vasiliev, homesick for his homeland, created a landscape of a meadow after a thunderstorm. This painting takes second place in the competition.

The author captured for us the moment the weather changed. The clouds began to go into the distance, and the sun was already appearing in front. A wet meadow gives us all the freshness after rainy weather - the artist achieved this effect with the help of numerous green shades.

Vasiliev divided the sky into two parts. On the left the sun begins to peek through, and on the right we see dark, almost black Thunder Sky. The storm passes, but we continue to feel the heaviness of nature. To show the depressing, difficult situation, the artist gives the sky most of the canvas, and slightly reduces the space of the field. To create atmosphere, Vasiliev uses white and gray tones.

The rest of the picture contrasts with the gloomy sky. The strokes are soft and warm, the lines are smooth and flowing.

In the background we see several trees. They give the canvas a certain tragedy. The trees look so drooping and lonely.

It seems that time has stopped, but the picture is not static. Storm clouds are floating over the horizon. You feel like you can hear dull rumbles of thunder somewhere in the distance.

Vasiliev’s canvas is filled with its realism. The author was able to convey all the unpredictability of nature. You look at the picture and immediately feel the unique smell of rainy weather. You feel as if you are alone with nature, and your soul is so light.

Essay based on the painting Wet Meadow by Vasiliev

In the picture we see a fairly traditional Russian landscape, depicted by Vasiliev, like many landscape painters before him. But there is something so unusual and inexplicable at first glance about her.
The artist depicts the Crimean expanses after the rain. We feel his presence in the passing thick and gloomy cloud. How do we understand that the danger has passed? Most of it has already brightened and the bright sun is about to appear. The picture is clearly divided into two plans: as if it shows the events “before” and “after”. You can even mentally conduct vertical line in the center. On the left, everything has already become brighter and more vibrant, even the puddle remaining in the hollow after the rain seems to express its readiness to disappear and evaporate.

The landscape artist depicts a saucer-like meadow - the terrain is flat and flat, almost flat, however, in the distance there is a hint of slight hilliness. This is a kind of contrast between neighbor and long-range plans. Also, their contrast lies in the perceived transparency of the air - there, in the distance, it is still felt that it is raining like an impenetrable wall, such that it even formed a fog. But the contrast is not only in these two plans: the left and right parts differ sharply in the depiction of forms. So, on the left there is a small hill. It gives the feeling that something wonderful and mysterious is about to appear, gives hope not only for a change in weather conditions, but also for a change in the inner mood and state of mind.

The artist does not limit himself to depicting only changing weather conditions. We see two more acting “persons” on the canvas, united by loneliness - a path, once trodden, apparently, by village boys, crossing diagonally across a clearing, and a tree - spreading, wide, standing at a distance. It, as if lagging behind the others, strives to quickly leave the uncomfortable zone, covered with a cloud and sprinkled with rain.

The cloud is, of course, the main character of the picture. The mood, the state of the surrounding reality depends on her, she is the “arbiter of destinies.” But, as you know, its nature is changeable. It was just there and is no longer there, giving way to the bright, life-affirming sun, which with its rays occupied a much larger space...

8th grade. 5th grade.

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How beautiful the landscape of F.A. seems to me. Vasiliev "Wet meadow". Looking at the picture, I am immediately attracted by the variety of shades and colors that are simultaneously located on one canvas.

A thunderstorm recently passed over the meadow. It ended, and the dark thunderclouds were carried by gusts of wind further beyond the horizon. There are still accumulated dark clouds over the meadow, but they no longer pose a threat. They follow their brothers across the endless expanses of heaven.

The two parts of the painting - light and dark - create a magnificent contrast in the picture. Somewhere in the distance, the sounds of passing thunder are alternately heard and bright bursts of lightning are visible. Most likely, the distant forest is completely covered by a wall heavy rain. And the foreground is illuminated by the bright rays of the sun, which broke through the clouds.

Everything in this picture seems alive. The magnificent play of colors and colors creates a feeling of movement of trees, flowers and grasses.

The author gives most of the picture to the sky. And it’s impossible to stop admiring that palette, those magnificent shades that create the image of the sky after the rain. How much skill is invested in the ingenious combination of colors. How masterfully we see the awakening of nature after a rain storm. Everything is alive and enjoying life. The bad weather ended in this meadow. All living plants rejoice in the freshness that remains after the rain.

The painting “Wet Meadow” evokes a storm of emotions in me. How realistic everything is here. I cannot believe that the author reproduced all the details of the canvas from his memory. The distant forest seems blurry to us, not clear. But the bushes and green blades of grass in the foreground are clearly drawn and highlighted. Looking at the canvas, I feel the wet and fresh aroma of rain, I smell grass. And these sensations evoke the most pleasant emotions in me. Painting by F.A. Vasilyeva’s “Wet Meadow” is simply magnificent.

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