Essay on the topic “Feat”: does it have a place in our lives? There is always room for exploits in life.

“There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.”
(M. Gorky)

What is a feat? What is a hero? What do these words mean? According to explanatory dictionary(you can write it out from the dictionary yourself). A feat is when someone takes risks own life for the sake of something or someone. “He died heroically in the performance of his military duty,” these words are in war time although scary, they are understandable. War is always death and fear. pain, tears. This common grief, it is in every home, in every family, and together it is easier to survive, overcome and survive. But when such words are spoken in peacetime, when parents who are not yet old in age, but at once aged from grief, are told: “You can be proud of such a son. Your son was...” When talking about your son in the past tense, it’s scary.

It is difficult for us, today's schoolchildren, to understand the contradictions of life: in history lessons and on TV we are told that there is no war, and we live in peacetime. And if it’s peacetime, why then “funerals”, why zinc coffins? Why do the young, beautiful, and brave leave forever? Why on rural cemeteries young guys in modern military uniform? And it seems to me that in their gaze there is the same question: why?

Eternally inscribed in history
Machine gun line of fire
And maternal pain
Bloody word: “Chechnya”...

“A combatant is awarded an order...” - these words were spoken in March 2010 to our fellow countryman. They echoed with pain in the hearts of his family and friends: “By Presidential Decree Russian Federation Major Ruslan Pavlovich Gorbunov was awarded the Order of Courage for his courage in combat... posthumously.” Such awards are not given through connections. Our fellow countryman accomplished a feat, the price of which is life. He died in an unequal battle on Chechen war, which does not exist. In that battle he proved what an officer's honor is. Taking the fire upon himself, he saved his soldiers, every single one of them.

Ruslan Gorbunov was born and raised in our village and studied at our Uzyarsk school. I sat at the same desks. He was an ordinary boy: smart, inquisitive, cheerful, resilient. Our teachers taught him, they, remembering him, say that he was purposeful, intelligent and very responsible, lived openly, and loved life very much. He loved life, and, apparently, that’s why, without hesitation, he gave it for the lives of his fellow fighters. For life to go on. As the poet said: “In order to help everyone out, someone must risk himself...”

We are proud of our fellow countryman, we sympathize with his family, no one will ever make up for such a loss. The Order of Courage is a tribute to the hero’s courage from the government, the obelisk at the place of death is a tribute from friends, the monument on the grave is a tribute from parents, success in studies, work, sports is our tribute to the memory of a fellow countryman.

Today's officers and soldiers are our fathers and brothers, they write with their lives, with their blood modern history armies and countries. And write it to us tomorrow. In three or four years, my classmates will join the army. I wish them a peaceful sky above their heads, worthy service and a happy return home on their own feet, alive and well.

Usually when we're talking about about exploits, everyone imagines heroic deeds - saving a child from fire, fighting for the freedom of the Motherland, selfless work for the good of society. However, is it possible to say about someone that he is in Everyday life accomplishes some kind of feat?

“Ordinary” feats in nature and in life

In order to answer this question, teachers of Russian language and literature ask schoolchildren the essay “In life there is always a place for exploits.” This topic will be relevant for those students who are interested in issues of will, determination, perseverance and determination.

In fact, even under the most ordinary conditions a person can accomplish a real feat. In the natural world, any transition from one state to another is accompanied by physical effort. For example, a chicken gradually develops muscles to crack the shell and emerge from the egg. No less ordeal there is the passage of animals and babies through the birth canal. Nature dictates strict rules. Anyone who fails to pass this kind of “exam” does not survive. In an essay on the topic “In life there is always room for exploits” you can develop this idea.

Challenges: An Opportunity to Build Character

Man, unlike animals, not only has a physical body, but he is also endowed with spirit and soul. And therefore, it faces tests of all three types. This can also be mentioned in the essay “There is always a place for exploits in life.” Usually, when they talk about exploits, they often remember ancient Greek hero Hercules, who proved his divine nature by great achievements. In the same way, each of us throughout our lives “passes exams” in order to be called a person in the true sense of the word. To do this you need to go through it with dignity. life trials, you need to step over your own fears, suppress unnecessary desires, overcome inertia physical body. In the process of working on the essay “In life there is always a place for exploits,” a student can use the following thought as the main one: victory over oneself is also a feat.

Overcome yourself

Human spiritual development is impossible without pain and suffering. Nowadays it is a very common opinion that everyone has their own comfort zone, beyond which it is difficult to go. In the essay “In life there is always room for exploits” one can describe specific examples such a situation. For example, a girl does not want to build relationships with young people, sitting all day long watching television series. She may have had a difficult past that is causing her to avoid relationships. Her life can develop according to two scenarios. This girl can sit alone until old age, or she will make an effort on herself and begin to at least occasionally get out of her “shell”, communicate with other people, engage in self-development and, of course, date representatives of the opposite sex. Developing communication skills will not be easy for her at first. But if she manages to overcome her fear and work through psychological complexes, a worthy reward awaits her in the form of a happy and prosperous life. This is one of the many examples that there is always room for exploits in life. In the essay that will be written by the student, other examples may be given, for example, an incident from personal practice, from the life of acquaintances, relatives.

Mastery training: another small feat

In addition, when writing a paper, you can mention this aspect human life like skill. In any form human activity perfection can only be achieved through effort and constant training. Without this, a mediocre worker will never reach the level of a master or manager; the athlete will not reach heights in his field; a foreign language will never be fully learned.

In fact, in order to achieve results, a person needs to learn to overcome himself and his laziness. That is why it is said that even in everyday life there is always room for exploits. Essay-reasoning on this topic can also be a small achievement for someone. Some schoolchildren find exact sciences easier, but they constantly experience difficulties with the Russian language. Getting out of your comfort zone, picking up a pen and forcing yourself to write this work - isn’t this a small feat of everyday life?

Kulinich Diana, 8th grade student, Novy Takhtamukaisky Republic district Adygea

As our minds become stronger, our knowledge and experience increase. This applies to students like Diana, who are thoughtful and reflective, judicious and reasoning. In Russian language and literature lessons, the teacher (including me) talks a lot about moral topics and important things. And then the students write, write about courage, about the Motherland, about heroism. And if they consider loyalty to themselves, the history of their country, and people’s memory a feat, isn’t this a victory? spiritual origin? A?



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 13"

P. Novy Takhtamukay district of the Republic of Adygea

An essay about

“There is always a place for heroic deeds in life”


8th grade student

Kulinich Diana


A feat is an act that always carries positive emotions. It's selfless and courageous act, which cannot be bought, downloaded, acquired or borrowed, it can only be committed. Many people think that, for example, an actor donating money to a fund for homeless children can be considered a feat. But not everyone knows that this celebrity only does what is required of her. A tribute to fashion, the availability of unused funds, and simply a good deed... Before I moved to the south, I lived and studied in the city of Nadym, and my class teacher was Zemfira Vladimirovna. Every Classroom hour The whole class sent SMS money for sick children. And it started when she inadvertently said about it. I consider this a feat. The teacher, not being rich, sent 25 rubles every day. She didn’t ask anyone else to do the same, but to this day, my entire former class sends some amount every Wednesday. I consider it the greatest featthe feat of our grandfathers and grandmothers during the Great Patriotic War. They went to a place from which they knew they might not return. It’s just that each of them thought, who else if not me! How bitter it is for me now to realize that many guys think that by getting up at six in the morning they are accomplishing a feat! And they don’t take into account the fact that in the most terrible time for the country people did not sleep for months... Modern people They consider an ordinary act that does not require effort to be a feat. In order to overcome this selfishness that has taken root in our generation, I would call narcissism, we need a strong, connecting thread... And I consider human memory to be this thread. Memory of true values, about the purity of the souls of people who voluntarily left their homes. The memory of the immortal heroism of these people...Feat is knowledge. The knowledge that today you can do something, albeit not on a global scale, but something that will make life easier for someone else, something that will make tears of joy shed... In our difficult timestime a person accomplishes a feat every day without realizing it. He lives, and life is the greatest feat. Yes, yes... Now, in our time, when the world is on the threshold of the Third World War, and people live insulting the feelings of others, humiliating, killing, cursing their own kind, you need to accomplish a feat - to live. Live without betraying yourself and the history of your country, live doing good. “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds...” - these are the words of M. Gorky. I completely agree with him. Accomplish a feat - do not be like anyone, live your life, do your actions, make mistakes, but correct yourself. Accomplish a feat - LIVE!!!

“In life there is always a place for heroic deeds...” This phrase, once said by the writer Maxim Gorky, long years became a mandatory essay topic for Soviet schoolchildren. If we open Ozhegov’s dictionary, we will read that “a feat is a heroic, selfless act.” Of course, in Soviet time the relevance of this topic was undeniable, because soviet man a priori he had to do something heroic from time to time. However, in the words of the well-known Kozma Prutkov, “sometimes diligence overcomes reason.” What is it about? That every action, even the most selfless and heroic, must have moral criterion, by which this act can be assessed.

The people have always had a need for heroes, but no matter the time, so are the heroes. In the era of developed socialism, to raise the prestige and authority of the Soviet state, a feat was simply necessary, so the leaders of production and pioneers became an example for everyone. In the post-Soviet era, around the 90s, the need for patriotism almost completely disappeared, and an absolute shift in values ​​occurred. Other “feats” and other “heroes” have become popular in society: crime bosses, members of the so-called brigades, who were distinguished by cynicism, cruelty, and indifference to their neighbors.

However, there is another side of heroism that has always been present in our people. IN modern society it is practically unnoticeable, but its significance at all times was very great. Spiritual life always involves achievement. After all, “feat” comes from the word “to move” (see V.I. Dahl’s dictionary), and the path to Christ is movement, and unceasing movement. It is precisely this kind of asceticism that Christianity implies. The Apostle Paul wrote: Do not slacken in zeal; be on fire in spirit; Serve the Lord(Rom. 12:11). Perhaps these are the main criteria for the life of a true ascetic.

The feat of martyrdom, the feat of monasticism and asceticism, the feat of having many children and raising children - this list can be continued endlessly. The Monk Simeon the New Theologian expressed one of the most important principles of Christian perfection in this way: “All the efforts and all the feats of a Christian should be aimed at acquiring the Holy Spirit, for this is the spiritual law and goodness.” It turns out that for normal life the feat is simply necessary. But what can be considered a feat in our time? How is feat understood? Orthodox tradition? Our upcoming materials are about this.

We addressed these questions to the Clinchians.

Feat is a high word, it must be used carefully. I believe that real feats are accomplished in war, where true heroism is manifested. Well, now a hero can be called a person who does not swear or drink.

Andrey, 27 years old

Today, a single mother can be called a hero, who accomplishes a feat every day: she copes with all difficulties, gets herself out of bed at 6 in the morning and works two jobs to feed her child.

Natalya, 25 years old

A feat is courage, responsibility, the ability to stand up for oneself, for loved ones and for the country, of course. The real heroes are the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the doctors who save people's lives.

Vladimir, 16 years old

A feat is when parents do not give up on a hopelessly ill child. It’s a feat when people take a completely stranger’s baby from a shelter, raise him, care for him, and love him like their own. What a feat! These are the real heroes who deserve respect.

Lyudmila, 35 years old

In our time, a feat is good relations to people, to the sick, the elderly, children. Moving an elderly person across the road or giving up a seat on the bus is already an act.

Anna Dmitrievna, 63 years old

To be continued

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Our life is full different events, changing daily, hourly, sometimes even every second. But there are many ways to live this life, to experience the events that inevitably come. As always, there is a choice. And only a person can do it.

Having uttered the word feat, many will immediately imagine war, bloody wars, the wounded and already dead who sacrificed their lives for the sake of other people and the Motherland as a whole. This is true. These people who then gave up their youth joyful life, the unborn children of the war, will forever remain among those to whom we should be very grateful throughout our lives.

But I would like to focus on something else. On the so-called invisible feats that rush past us every day, but are practically not considered something heroic. These include, for example, a mother’s care for her child. After all, even far before his birth, she is already taking care of him, already partially sacrificing herself for the sake of the imminent appearance of a healthy baby! After his birth, he does not sleep at night, protects his baby everywhere, wants to do only good things for her, to see the child forever happy. This is love when a person devotes himself entirely to another person. And he lives, consider it... for his sake.

A very similar example, but still having its own distinctive feature, is a feat of people when they live in recovery loved one and they do everything for this! But here it is no longer the child you gave birth to, but, for example, a spouse (in the past - people you didn’t know) who became disabled... And people who have been with each other for so long do not turn away from their loved ones. They calmly, humbly fight for life dear people, they are looking for ways to help them recover from their illness, and they are helping such people morally. After all, they live their lives, being healthy themselves, passing through all their pain: both physical and mental. I consider this a great feat, which is not expressed in the salvation of a people or a country, but in the salvation of one person who really needs this help. After all, without this, life would not seem to him more life.

Gorky’s statement can be supported by an example from his own story “The Old Woman Izergil”, where one of the main characters of the story, Danko, accomplished a real feat. He rips out his heart, thereby saving the people from old life and giving them sunlight and clean air better life, which they had been waiting for. But for some reason, even this insanely brave act did not find a response in the hearts of those people. Seeing new life, they forgot about the one who gave them this very life at the cost of himself. And “one careful man” even stepped on this heart with his foot...

Our life is not so long, but every day it proves that it is possible to accomplish feats, no matter what. You can save a puppy whose paws are injured, which is why he will not be able to move and survive on his own; you can save a person by pulling him out of the fire, or you can... Invent a medicine that would prolong our life for great feats. There is a choice. Everything is in our hands.

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