I dream of a personalized icon with a cracked frame. Interpretation in dream books

An icon is a symbol of faith. Seeing her in a dream is a bright omen. The dream book promises all sorts of life changes and reassessment of values. A number of other explanations for why such dreams occur are given below.

Icon in the house

If you dreamed of icons hanging in the house, but in reality there are none, this plot should be interpreted as a call for prudence. The modern dream book advises avoiding disputes regarding religious views, political beliefs and moral and ethical values. This dream reminds you that winning such an argument is an initially doomed undertaking, but a sure way to make enemies.

Various Saints

The face of the Mother of God is dreamed of by those who in reality feel an urgent need, if not for real help, then at least for moral support. Such a dream reflects your lack of confidence in your own abilities, perhaps not unfounded.

The plot in which the Matrona icon appears foreshadows serious trials. It is quite possible that their roots should be sought in past mistakes. On the other hand, this is a chance to fix everything and show yourself on the positive side.

The universal dream book believes that the dream of the Mother of God is a sign that at the moment you are under the protection of higher powers. You can safely use their favor.

A dream about an icon of Jesus is an important sign that you may receive in the near future. In general, this is a very favorable dream that promises changes and significant events.

If you dream of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker written, this means that in reality you will remain true to your principles. The plot seen in a dream will help you make a decision that is correct from the point of view of not only morality, but also common sense.

The Dream Book of Wanderers believes that icons of Saints are a symbol of the fact that you need help. The support of an influential person would be very useful to you now. Right now is the most favorable period for promising acquaintances.

An explanation of why the icon of Jesus Christ is dreamed of is given by Grishina in her interpreter. Grishina's dream book warns that at the moment all actions, words and even thoughts are endowed with special power. The dream promises that the result of every action will follow immediately. True, you will also have to reap the benefits.

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow in a dream suggests that in reality you recently managed to avoid serious danger. This plot symbolizes gratitude to fate and higher powers.

Prayer and worship

The Dream Book of the Seasons claims that praying in front of an icon is one of the most positive dreams. What you see in your night dreams means that you will soon receive an interesting offer, on which your material well-being directly depends.

If you dream that you happened to kiss an icon, then in real life you, without a doubt, have extraordinary organizational skills. Now you are especially successful in projects that require teamwork. The universal dream book promises support from management and understanding of subordinates.

Falls, breaks

If you dreamed that the face painted with paints fell, this means that in reality there is a fear of loss or destruction of values, and not necessarily material ones. The universal dream book believes that you are guessing about the intentions of a loved one or an authoritative person to commit an unseemly act that could greatly disappoint you.

If a woman dreams of a broken icon, this may be a reminder that she is missing out on the opportunity to have a child. Such a dream warns a man of the need to take control of the situation, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided.

The icon is lit

If you saw a burning icon in a dream, this should not frighten you. Vlasov’s dream book promises an extraordinary emotional uplift and surge of vitality. A combination of circumstances will provide a new incentive not to give up. This dream encourages you to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the sign of fate.

The plot of having to buy a holy canvas indicates impatience. You often try to influence the course of events without regard to external circumstances. Don’t be surprised if you make a request at the wrong time and get a refusal.

Myrrh streams

A dream in which an icon streams myrrh is very significant. The modern dream book considers it a sign that you can trust your intuition and penchant for mysticism. The dream suggests that it is these qualities that will show the right path out of a difficult situation.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that the icon is one of the most prosperous symbols. This sign means that circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, so use this favorable moment to realize your plans.

If you dreamed of a golden icon, this is confirmation that you have a high scale of values. Faith and religion play a very important role for you.

Miller claims that the ancient icon is a harbinger of epochal changes that will affect the whole family. Perhaps the start of a chain of events will be the receipt of important news.

If you dreamed of a saint with a stern face, this indicates dissatisfaction with oneself. Miller's dream book recommends looking for the root of evil not in the act itself, but in its motivation.

If you dream of icons in a church, it means you made the right choice. This means that now in reality all that remains is to reap the sweet fruits.

Various explanations

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that an icon is a harbinger of amazing changes that will happen to one person significant to you. As a result of a reassessment of values, his attitude towards you will change for the better.

One of the interpreters believes that the icon appears in the dreams of those people whose future will be very prosperous. If the faces evoke positive emotions, then the dream strengthens its positive message.

A dream in which you happen to find a holy canvas means that someone dear to you needs to enlist your approval, your blessing, if you like, in their endeavors. Someone's success or failure can depend only on words.

If you dreamed of a holy face, it means that you are ready to begin doing what you have been planning for so long. Such a dream often contains details, for example, dates, names, numbers, which should be interpreted as signs.

If an unmarried girl sees many icons in a dream, it means that her wedding is not far off. Small Velesov's dream book warns that the marriage will be successful in all respects. The dreamer expects a full house and the joys of family life.


    I dreamed of a large ancient icon in the middle of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Apostles Peter and Paul descending from heaven. There was a voice behind me, kiss the icon, it’s real, and I kissed it, after which it disappeared. What is this for?


    I dreamed that in my village my icons were broken, and we put them on the table, but the image of the Saint remained and began to fly in the wind, then we caught him and his eyes began to turn red, and it was as if I was in the icon, and my eyes were turning red , because they did something wrong to the icon. What is this for!?

    I dreamed that I was at my grandfather’s house. He has a corner with icons. In a dream, something incomprehensible begins to happen at home. I get scared. And I run to this corner to take the icon with my name. She is not there. I start looking for her. I look under the cabinet, there are a lot of different keys, but there is no icon. I took another ordinary icon and kissed it. Then I continued searching with my name, but I couldn’t find it. Why do you dream about this???

If the face of a saint appears in a dream, then this is an omen of significant changes in the near future. Different dream books interpret what they saw differently. Why do you dream icons - it all depends on which saint’s face was seen in the dream, whether the icon was large or small and other important details.

Icons in the house

Why do you dream of icons in the house?- the interpretation of what is seen may be different. Most often in dream books you can find the following interpretation: the dream calls for prudence and the need to avoid disputes, especially if they relate to religious views. And even if they arise, it will not lead to anything good. The main thing is to remain calm.

Faces of saints in a dream

Why you dream of icons of saints in a house depends on what kind of saint you saw.

Regardless of what the dream is about, or who exactly the person sees in the dream, this is an omen of good changes. In addition, the face of the saint suggests that in the present we had to go through a problem, but now it is in the past.

The situation in the church

According to dream books, interpretation of why dream of icons in church, may also be different. But they all say that the dreamer’s purification is coming. Such a dream does not come by chance.

  • If a woman dreams of a face in a church, then this is an omen that she will soon get married.
  • If you see a church with a lock on the door, then this is a bad dream.
  • I dreamed of an empty church without icons - a harbinger that changes for the better would have to wait a long time.
  • According to the interpretation of Vanga’s dream book, the icon may mean that in the near future a conflict will arise in your home, which is better to prevent at the initial stage than to get rid of such a situation for a long time and painfully.

Dreams in which icon painting is seen in a church indicate that if problems arise in the family or at work, the only salvation will be the church.

The glass and frame on the image broke - expect a serious illness.

If you have seen ancient images, then you need to know why you dream of ancient icons.

An ancient icon may indicate that if problems arise, only blood relatives will help you solve them.

In addition, if you saw a dream about an icon, then you need to remember what relation the dreamer had to it.

Actions with images

The interpretation of what was seen also depends on what the person did with the icon in the dream. The closer iconography is to a person’s heart, the more he needs the help of the Almighty, and it will come at the right moment.

It is also worth paying attention to what the image of a saint came to you with in a dream. The decoding depends on what else was seen in the dream along with the image.

  • Together with candles, it means that you are being watched from above and no matter what you say or do, the Almighty sees all your actions.
  • Church - we need to wait for changes that are associated with the messages of the Almighty.
  • In the hands of a gypsy - someone is trying to lead you astray.
  • Witch - you shouldn’t turn to black forces, they won’t help anyway.

No matter, the face of which saint will come in a dream, you only need to wait for the good, since such dreams don’t just happen. All dream books, according to which the dream will be interpreted, indicate that a person will face serious trials sent by higher powers. The main thing is to remember all the little things from the dream, since your fate will depend on it.

Even in Rus' there were many beliefs associated with these paintings of holy people. Some of them said that if you break the image, there will be seven years of misfortune and illness. Other signs say that the icon is a faithful guardian of the home from evil spirits and demons, a mentor in difficult situations and a healer for ailments. Many people have already experienced similar beliefs on themselves and realized that there is truth in them. The same applies to dreams, because they serve as a kind of transmitter of messages from another world. As a rule, what an icon means in a dream is a sure sign of changes in life. The most important thing is to remember in what form she appeared in your dream. Let's find out what changes we can expect.

Seeing the faces of saints in a dream - what could this mean?

First you need to restore the dream image. If you have observed bright and joyful images of saints, this marks a pleasant event associated with your family. Be prepared for the fact that your plans will come true in the near future, that disturbing diseases will begin to recede, and you will have more friends and well-wishers. Usually such dreams come to the minds of positive people, for whom kindness and compassion are not an empty phrase.

Seeing the image of the Virgin Mary is considered a sign of prosperity, family happiness and the birth of a new life. According to many interpreters, it is also a symbol of love and pure thoughts of a person.

The dream books also indicate that if you dream of an icon in a beautiful and elegant frame, then the dreamer’s financial well-being will improve significantly. For girls, this dream symbolizes a fateful meeting or marriage. After such a dream, men should be ready to make an important decision.

Disassembling a frame or glass indicates that financial difficulties, perhaps even poverty, will overtake you for a long time. Dream books also say that this is a sure harbinger of discord in the family and circle of friends. So that the effect of the dream does not affect your life, go to church and light a candle for your family well-being and mutual understanding.

Finding an icon in your dream - what to expect?

This is a very auspicious sign, symbolizing happiness and prosperity. You will forget about your sorrows and illnesses. Family relationships will give warmth and joy.

Accepting images of saints as a gift means that there is a person in your environment who wishes only good things for you and is doing everything possible to make your life better.

Losing an icon in a dream means that you have become a victim of gossip and intrigue. It’s as if you have lost your energy protection and become disarmed. Also, be on alert, for three months after such a dream, your body will not be able to resist various ailments, take care of your health. During this period, try to think more positively and do good deeds more often. In this way, you can protect yourself as much as possible from the negative consequences of this dream.

Based on these interpretations, it becomes clear that the faces of saints appear in dreams for a reason. These are harbingers of either positive events or a warning about worries, illnesses and troubles. It would be useful to remember that kind and bright people dream only of the best things, which in turn attracts only joy into real life. Let this time you dream of a beautiful and pure icon that brings goodness and happiness.

The icon symbolizes the spiritual life of a person. Dreams in which religious images are present emphasize the dreamer's faith in the best. Seeing an icon in a dream is a message from above, informing that cherished desires will come true, or warning about a possible illness or mistakes made. To correctly decipher night vision, you need to remember whose icon you dreamed about, what condition it was in, and also restore the events that took place in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Why do you dream about an icon - interpretation according to dream books

Did you know that bowing before an icon in night vision means losses.

Who dreamed about the icon: a child, a girl, a woman or a man

If in your night dreams you happened to kneel before a holy image, then your wish will come true.

Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Seraphim of Sarov, Panteleimon the Healer and others

A big role in the interpretation of night vision is played by which saint was depicted on the icon, where exactly it was located, and what it looked like. Therefore, remember all the details of the dream, and then you will easily find its solution.

  1. Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God with the baby? This symbol serves as parting words or a message from above. For women, night vision promises a happy marriage and the joy of motherhood.
  2. If a person who recently got married saw a dream, then he will soon have children. According to Medea’s dream book, you succumb to temptation and deviate from the true path.
  3. If you dreamed about the face of the Kazan Mother of God, then you will make peace with your loved one. According to the Slavic dream book, you will find harmony in your relationships with people around you.
  4. The “seven-arrow” icon of the Mother of God is dreamed of by people who have turned away from the righteous path. Anger and envy are the feelings that prevail in the dreamer. You should get rid of bad thoughts, otherwise they will lead you to darkness.
  5. The face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, seen in night dreams, prophesies prosperity and good luck in any endeavor. According to the English dream book, fortune will smile on you.
  6. The dreamed face of Matrona of Moscow prophesies happiness in love. Your dreams will come true. According to the dream book of the healer Akulina, great luck awaits you.

    If you dreamed of the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”, then at the right time you will be helped

  7. Did you dream about the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary? This means you need help from relatives. You do not feel confident in your abilities, you are afraid to take on new things.
  8. The “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, suggests that you are hiding something from a loved one. Open up and you will immediately feel better.
  9. The face of the Mother of God “Vladimirovskaya” seen in a dream informs that it’s enough to dream and fantasize, and it’s time to start solving practical issues. The time has come to improve relations with household members and put an end to quarrels and disagreements.
  10. A dreamed icon of Jesus Christ notifies you of changes in life. How life will turn out in the future depends on previously committed actions. According to the Vedic dream book, you know that your actions are wrong and you regret them.
  11. The image of Nikolai Ugodnik, seen in a dream, indicates that you need to listen to yourself. Only in this case will you solve the problems that have arisen. According to Danilova’s dream book, accept the trials that befall you calmly and do not lose faith, higher powers will come to the rescue.
  12. The face of Seraphim of Sarov, seen in a dream, informs the dreamer that now difficult times will come in his life, but there is no need to give up. Turn to God for help, and not to friends, and then problems will be quickly solved, and a bright streak will come in life. Many icons warn you against rash actions.

    The “Unexpected Joy” icon encourages you to visit the temple and pray for your loved ones

  13. The icon “Unexpected Joy” that appeared in a night vision suggests that your soul is overwhelmed by despair and sorrow, but you should not lose heart. Go to church and pray, light candles for the health of yourself and your loved ones, seek advice from a relative or friend. Life will definitely get better.
  14. Did you see the image of St. George the Victorious in a dream? This means that the enemies are plotting behind their backs. Try to be as careful as possible, do not be offended.
  15. The face of Panteleimon the Healer, seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, is a good sign. Sick people will soon recover after such a dream.
  16. The image of St. Luke, seen in night dreams, promises good health. It is especially good to see it in a dream for a seriously ill person. This means that his affairs will improve and his illness will recede.
  17. Did you dream about the icon of the Holy Trinity? You need the support of your family. Don’t shut yourself down and don’t try to solve the difficulties that arise on your own. This will only drive you further into a corner. Talk to your loved ones, tell them about the difficult situation you find yourself in, and then they will be able to help you.
  18. The Burning Bush icon, seen in a dream, warns that you need to be careful with fire. There is a possibility of a fire.
  19. Dreaming about the “Unexpected Joy” icon indicates that you are experiencing feelings that negatively affect your internal state. Try to think positively.
  20. If in the night vision the icon was faceless, then you need to refrain from rash actions and not be fooled by provocations. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, you will have problems communicating with other people. Try to be more reserved and think before you say anything.

If in a dream you saw ancient icons, then you need the help of relatives.

Location of the holy face: in a house, including someone else’s, in the sky, in a church, in water, on a grave

  1. I dreamed of an icon in the house - get ready for difficulties. According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, great trials await your family.
  2. Did you see a holy image in someone else's house in a dream? Someone close to you will be in trouble and will need help. According to Miller's dream book, you have to fight your own weaknesses.
  3. Why do you dream about an icon in the sky? Seeing the face of a saint above your head in a dream means turmoil and chaos. Difficult times will come soon in life, and it will take a lot of effort to solve problems.
  4. If in a night vision you saw the face of a saint on a grave, then be prepared for trouble. You or a relative may become seriously ill. According to Solomon’s dream book, disagreements with friends are coming, and in a dispute it will be difficult for you to come to a common denominator.
  5. Did you dream about an icon in a church? Happiness awaits you in your personal life, and you will have the opportunity to realize what you have long planned. According to Vanga, you will achieve success in new projects and undertakings.
  6. Seeing a holy image in water in the kingdom of Morpheus means dramatic changes in life. But if the icon was lying on the ground in a night vision, then you are turning off the right path and taking a slippery path. Come to your senses before it's too late.

If you dreamed of an icon with a cross, then this is a good omen. You have overcome the trials that befell you and can now enjoy peace of mind.

Appearance: broken, burning, drawn with chalk or pencil, fallen, golden

  1. If in the dream the icon was broken, then you have forgotten about divine laws and are mired in sins. It's time to come to your senses, otherwise you will bring disaster upon yourself.
  2. A broken icon in night dreams is a bad omen. According to the folklore dream book, such a vision promises serious illness and death.
  3. A fallen holy image is usually dreamed of by people who have committed a bad act. According to the women's dream book, a vision symbolizes grief and sadness.
  4. A burning icon in a dream prophesies adversity and trials. According to the lunar dream book, a vision foreshadows illness and death. Dream interpreter Grishina is sure that you missed the chance to correct your mistakes.
  5. If the saint in the image smiled, then peace and tranquility will come in life. You can count on success and progress in business.
  6. A golden icon seen in a dream indicates that you are a deeply religious person who adheres to all God’s commandments. According to the esoteric dream book, you were able to avoid danger.
  7. If in your night dreams the icon was drawn with a simple pencil, then you will soon have new hobbies and interests. If you try, you can achieve success in your endeavors.
  8. Did you dream of an icon drawn with chalk? To achieve what you want, you need to work hard.
  9. A black icon in a dream is a sign that you want to take a slippery slope.

This is interesting! If the icon shone in the dream, then you are a believer and pious person. The Guardian Angel is always next to you. It protects you from serious mistakes and shows you the right path.

Did you dream about an icon embroidered with beads? You have to work long and hard to achieve your goal

Interpretation of other dreams about an icon: what does a dream mean in which a demon enters an icon, the dreamer is asked to burn the holy face

  1. If in a dream you were asked to burn the face of a saint, then they want to lead you astray from the righteous path. Do not react to provocations, otherwise you will regret it.
  2. Sometimes in a nightmare you can see that a demon has possessed an icon. Such a vision warns that something bad may happen to you. Put off long trips for a while, try not to walk the streets unnecessarily at night, and stop communicating with dubious individuals.
  3. Seeing an icon next to a deceased person in a dream means the illness of a loved one. You will have to put a lot of effort into helping him cope with his illness.
  4. If in your night dreams there was blood on the holy image, then trouble may happen. It’s worth going to church and praying for yourself and your loved ones.

Did you dream of a gypsy with an icon? Someone around you is pushing you to make mistakes. Don't follow his lead, keep your head on your shoulders.

Dream interpreters interpret the dream of an icon in different ways. However, most of them imply that the dreamer will have to face a test of strength or temptations sent to him by the Almighty. The main thing is to correctly decipher night vision and not panic. Remember that the Lord does not give us trials that we cannot handle.

Anchor points:

The meaning of dreams about an icon

Seeing an icon in a dream is generally very good sign– most often, icons appear in dreams during difficult moments of life, symbolizing hope and protection. However, in addition, a dreamed icon can mean your down-to-earthness and attachment to everything material: stop your running, think about your soul, this is what the icon in a dream calls for. Buying an icon in a dream predicts deprivation or loss of family, friends, or work. You held the icon in your hands - this dreamer, it foretells you the imminent news that you have been waiting for a long time. The icon that you received as a gift brings you protection and the patronage of stronger people. If in your dream you saw many icons in the house, this means that joy awaits you; if these icons were in the temple - this dream indicates that you are experiencing mental anguish and torment. who sees an icon in a dream can count on a quick marriage. The appearance in your dream of an icon with a certain, but absolutely any saint, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Virgin Mary, Matrona, the Mother of God, the Mother of God, etc., is always a positive sign; good luck, prosperity and happiness await you. It is important that the saint’s face be clean and bright.

Dreams when the icon is an unkind sign

An icon crying in a dream is a bad sign - it promises troubles and troubles. Icon on fire indicates a catastrophic mistake you made; if the icon fell, this is also a sign of an error. An inverted icon in a dream symbolizes temptation, and kissing an icon in a dream is an opportunity to avoid temptation. Grief, misfortune, misfortune, perhaps even death, is foreshadowed by a dream with a broken, damaged icon.

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