See what “Management” is in other dictionaries. Top management and its role in society

In the last couple of decades, the terms “management” and “manager” have thoroughly entered our lives, but often people use them without understanding the meaning. In this article we will talk about what management is.

Management: definition of the concept

The term “management” comes from the English “management”, which literally translates as “direction, management”. There are several management concepts:

  1. Management is, first of all, a science. This is a whole system of knowledge that represents a theoretical and practical basis for managing any resources.
  2. Management is the management process itself, which is carried out through the following functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control and analysis.
  3. Management is the art of management. In addition to scientific knowledge, management requires talent and the ability to apply this knowledge; science provides knowledge and practical training in management, but in a specific situation you need to feel how to act.
  4. In addition, management is understood as the administrative apparatus, that is, the totality of all divisions of management personnel.

In accordance with all these concepts, a manager is a professional manager who has special knowledge, skills, and ideally, talent and his own management style.

There are three levels of managers: top-level, middle-level and lower-level managers.

  • Top managers include the so-called top managers, these are the direct heads of enterprises and government bodies.
  • Middle managers include managers who report to top managers and manage line managers.
  • Lower-level managers include line managers who directly manage performers.

In addition, the question often arises: What is organizational management? The answer to it is simple - it is the direct management of an organization, an enterprise, the use of the organization's resources to achieve its goals, through the implementation of management functions.

What is a management system

A management system is a system for managing various resources of an organization, be it human, technical, financial and others, to achieve its goals.

High-quality management systems are based on such fundamental sciences as mathematics, psychology, statistics, econometrics, and computer science. The management system is a dynamic system; it adapts to changing conditions, that is, it develops.

A modern company sets itself and solves a whole range of tasks, which determined the structure of modern management, which includes the following main subsystems:

  • Financial management
  • Investment management
  • Strategic management
  • Information management
  • Innovation management
  • Marketing
  • Project management, which includes: personnel management, design management, quality management.
  • Risk management
  • Environmental management

Let's look at the terms most commonly used in our lives.

What is financial management

This is a subsection of management that studies financial resources and ways to manage them in order to increase and multiply them. Financial management includes both the acquisition, distribution, use of financial resources, as well as control and analysis of their use.

What is strategic management

Strategic management deals with the development and implementation of development strategies for enterprises and organizations. After all, it is the right goals and the right ways to achieve them that are the basis of quality management.

What is investment management

This area of ​​management deals with the management of investment activities of various scales, from an individual investment project to investment on a state scale.

What is innovation management

This is a management subsystem that studies and implements innovations in production and enterprise management. In addition, using various methods and tools, the need for changes, readiness for these changes and the economic effect of their implementation are studied.

What is quality management

This is a direction of management that deals with the development and implementation of a quality system in an enterprise or organization. Quality standards are recognized throughout the world, and in order for a company to enter the market with its product or service, it is necessary to comply with these standards.

Now you know what management is, the definition of management, and you can use it correctly. Remember that each area of ​​management should be studied in depth; this discipline will be useful to anyone who wants to build their career. At the same time, each of us is a manager of our own life, because every day we are faced with questions: how to live, how to achieve our goals, how to use our time rationally, and the quality of your life depends on the right decisions.

Hello! In this article we will talk about what management is.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is management;
  2. What is related to management? What is his role in the enterprise, and why do managers need him;
  3. What are the types, functions, methods and tasks of management;
  4. Practical application of management in the management of an organization.

What is management

The word “management” translated from English means “the ability to lead”,

Management is a set of actions, measures and methods of managing people at an enterprise, aimed solely at achieving the assigned objectives.

It is easy to guess that the set goals are considered to be increasing profits, increasing competitiveness, etc. The successful existence of an enterprise in modern market conditions indicates that its leader fully understands the essence of management.

The concept of “management” includes:

  • Ability to manage. It is important to outline the path of development of the company, develop specific tasks, and find ways to achieve them;
  • Control over task completion. It can be carried out in the form of appointment to a position and the assignment of a certain range of responsibilities, motivation and punishment of employees for work performed, the direction of their actions, requesting reports on the work done, etc.;
  • Ability to organize and rally a team;
  • Be able to correctly distribute and identify the importance of both human and material resources;
  • Constant study of the market and its forecasting, the ability to quickly make decisions, and their result should be minimum costs, maximum benefits.

It is important to understand the fact that a successful leader in the process of his work must always make decisions based on the interests of human relationships. For example, if his area of ​​activity is sales, then the interests of the client, and not the company, should be taken into account first. Only building a trusting relationship will help both the client and the company get the maximum benefit from working together.

Management tasks at the enterprise

Management has specific tasks. These include:

  • Making decisions that will be aimed at preserving and developing the company, and maintaining its competitiveness;
  • Recognize the company in the market as a successful partner, strive for leadership, develop new areas of development;
  • Searching for new ways and means for the development of the organization;
  • Constant work with staff aimed at stimulating their work through all kinds of incentives;
  • Perform a constant analysis of the needs of the enterprise, establish an uninterrupted supply of everything necessary;
  • Reach a certain level of profit. Be able to remain in the achieved positions and take measures to improve the results;
  • Calculate risks, overcome difficulties without causing damage to both the enterprise and personnel;
  • Conduct a daily analysis of the work performed, control and setting additional tasks both to strengthen what has been achieved and to reach a new level of development.

The main principles of management include:

  • Segregation of duties. Each enterprise has certain departments that perform their specific tasks. For example, the legal department deals with legal issues, while the finance department is responsible for funds. Each of these units has a range of responsibilities and its own specialization, but their work is aimed at achieving one goal. Correct division of labor will allow you to solve a maximum of problems;
  • Despite the fact that the company has a huge number of departments, work instructions must come from one supervisor. Confusion in instructions from superiors can significantly reduce productivity;
  • Compliance with company regulations. Success in an enterprise depends on discipline and order. Every employee is required to know and strictly follow the job description. Don't be late for work, be at your workplace. The material assets of the enterprise must also be stored strictly according to regulations. The task of the manager in this direction is to exercise control over the performance of duties. Those who are guilty must be punished, and those who distinguish themselves must be rewarded;
  • Ability to correctly distribute and empower employees with the necessary powers. Responsibility for the work performed lies directly with the manager, as well as with those to whom the tasks were assigned;
  • Justice. It is important to make decisions from a fair perspective. This factor should be especially taken into account when determining punishment or reward. If the manager’s actions are fair, this will allow employees to trust both their superiors and the company more;
  • It is important to set an example for staff. For example, the interests of the team should come before personal ones;
  • It is necessary to always remember the fact that dedicated and conscientious work for the benefit of the enterprise should be rewarded;
  • Maintaining initiative. The ability to listen to an employee’s proposal will help the company find new solutions;
  • Ability to maintain corporate spirit. Creating a friendly team by spending time together and holding holidays will make the work of the enterprise easier and will also eliminate staff turnover.

Management functions

In order to fully understand the importance of mastering the art of enterprise management, it is enough to study the functions of management in detail.

These include:

  • Focus on results. The correct setting of tasks will allow you to achieve maximum benefits in the process of enterprise activity. It is this method that will allow you to choose a development strategy and orient the activities of employees. The process of achieving goals will help the manager to form a corporate spirit.
  • Planning. Every enterprise has its own goals. In order to achieve them, the manager needs to determine the range of required resources. These can include both material costs and the availability of workers with certain knowledge. The purpose of the planning function is to ensure that everything you need is available in advance. This function also includes the development of methods to achieve the best result. For example, to increase the number of sales, the manager needs to determine how to achieve this. Obviously, his solution will be the release of promotional products and holding. These steps, although considered effective, require certain monetary costs, as well as employees who will carry out promotions.
  • Organization of activities. This function includes the distribution of tasks among workers. The manager needs to organize activities in such a way that, despite the fact that each employee does his part of the work, in general their work should be joint. It is also necessary to develop criteria by which the work performed will be assessed.
  • Control. This function is considered one of the most important. This is dictated by the fact that only the presence of constant control can lead the enterprise to its intended goal. Any area of ​​activity in an enterprise needs control. Whether it is compliance with regulations, supply of raw materials or the quality of work performed, etc. The manager needs to constantly analyze the performance of employees. This process will help determine which decisions were correct and which did not bring the expected results.
  • Coordination. This function is additional, although no less important than the others. She is responsible for the consistency in the work of all component parts. After the work is divided into departments, it is necessary to assemble all the links in the chain into one whole. Despite the fact that there are many different departments in the enterprise, they all need close dialogue with the manager. The task of a successful manager is to establish such a process. In this way, all errors in operation are identified and existing interference is eliminated in a timely manner. Coordination is carried out through meetings, conferences or drawing up plans.
  • Employee encouragement or motivation. A successful manager knows that if you motivate employees, including financially, this will increase productivity. An employee's work should be based not only on personal interests, but also in the interests of the organization. You can motivate your team not only with the help of cash payments, but also with certificates, awards, maintaining corporate spirit, etc.

Management methods

Based on the presence of management functions, its main methods can be identified:

  1. Economic. Methods related to this area allow the company to “survive” in modern market conditions, as well as resolve material relations within the organization.
  2. Administrative. The methods of this group allow for monitoring, planning, and establishing responsibility for violation of enterprise regulations.
  3. Socio-psychological. These methods are aimed at building relationships both within the team and with partners. It is important to remember that relationships should be built on trust. It’s not difficult to achieve this; the main thing is not to forget about incentive measures.

In the course of carrying out management activities at an enterprise, the manager uses a combination of all of these methods, depending on the specific situation.

Enterprise management

Management in the activities of the enterprise contains the main directions:

  1. Application of working methods that ensure the company achieves results in the shortest possible time;
  2. Constant administration - various organizational issues at the enterprise must be accompanied by control from management;
  3. Defining the goals and direction that the company should adhere to. For example, entrepreneurship.
  4. In the course of activities, a value system (integration) is created that will allow the team to work in a common direction and provide them with safe working conditions. The presence of such a system will allow the organization to exist in the market for a long time.

Each stage of production is not only special, it requires direct participation from the manager.

To be unique and be able to resolve any issues, it must meet the following requirements:

  • The boss, while managing the company, shows loyalty to his subordinates and bears full responsibility for the work they perform.
  • A successful manager must always be aware of the latest trends, constantly learn and improve their skills. Moreover, it is better to undergo training together with employees, this will allow them to discern their leader in the manager, and will create a special atmosphere in production in which each employee will be able to reveal their abilities.
  • Strict adherence to business ethics. A manager must be able to immediately get involved in the work process at all levels. His activities are carried out not only in the chair, but also in the ability to contact ordinary customers and managers of other enterprises. This behavior of the manager will create conditions for the integrity of the entire work process.
  • One of the main requirements for an enterprise manager remains not only knowledge of the basics of management, but also his ability to be honest and be able to trust people.

Enterprise management is a collection of component parts. For example, a large organization creates several small parts in one overall management system to solve its problems. This includes project management, production, design, personnel, quality of work performed, as well as analytical activities.

Types of management process

As you can see, various tasks may arise in an enterprise, and the methods for performing them are also different. Therefore, depending on the situation that arises, one or another type of management can be applied.

These include:

Production management. The range of issues that this type of management solves is related to the productive activities of the organization. In other words, issues of increasing the competitiveness of the company and increasing demand for its goods and services are being resolved. This type is used by commercial organizations, including banks. Production management involves organizing work, building a development strategy, and using new technologies.

His tasks include:

  1. Perform constant monitoring of work, prevent and eliminate technical problems in a timely manner;
  2. Establish production of products and take measures to increase production volumes;
  3. Coordinate the work of the enterprise’s employees, maintain compliance with regulations and discipline in the workplace, and apply incentive measures;
  4. Monitor the process of proper use of equipment and maintaining its serviceability.

Strategic management. The peculiarity of this type of management is to develop a certain type of event that will lead the company onto the path of development. After certain tactics are outlined, an action plan is drawn up.

An example of management at an enterprise is to increase income in different ways - by increasing the scale of production, improving the quality of goods, etc. Analyzing all possible options, the manager chooses the one that will bring maximum benefit at minimal cost.

The next step is planning events and distributing responsibilities between employees.

Financial management. In simple words, this type of management implies the process of distributing the material resources of an enterprise. This activity is carried out by the financial director. His responsibility is to manage the organization’s money, and its distribution must be competent.

By analyzing the expenses and income of an enterprise, the financial director draws conclusions about its solvency and builds a rational financial policy.

Based on the fact that the position is responsible, a specialist who controls cash flows must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Taking measures to keep costs to a minimum;
  2. Developing an action plan that will lead to minimal risks;
  3. Give a realistic assessment of the financial capabilities of the enterprise and analyze development prospects;
  4. Regardless of the state of the market economy, a specialist is obliged to implement an anti-crisis policy. The financial director is responsible for ensuring that the enterprise generates stable income at minimal costs and does not pose a threat.

Investment management. This type of company management involves activities in the field. Moreover, we are talking not only about attracting new investors, but also about profitable investment of the company’s own capital. The responsible specialist draws up a long-term project, looking for sponsors and grants.

Information management. For the normal functioning of an enterprise, modern software is needed that will allow you to analyze, receive and distribute the necessary information. A specialist in this field provides the company with relevant information that plays an important role in business development.

Its functions also include:

  1. Establishing the process of document flow and office work of the enterprise;
  2. Analytics of consumer expectations and collection of information on market conditions;
  3. Representation of the company on the world stage;
  4. Work with employee information, finances, etc.

Risk management. Management activities in this area are necessary in every enterprise. This is due to the fact that the activities of a commercial organization, one way or another, are associated with risks.

The tasks of a risk manager are to make forecasts and take measures to avoid possible losses. If troubles have already arisen at the enterprise, then the responsibility of minimizing losses and accelerating the stabilization process falls on the shoulders of the risk manager.

The job of a risk manager looks like this:

  1. The fact of risk is determined, the degree of danger is analyzed and what consequences it has for the organization;
  2. Methods and methods for eliminating the troubles that have arisen are selected;
  3. A plan is being developed to reduce losses;
  4. A constant analysis of the work carried out is carried out and, if necessary, the strategy is refined. A specialist in this field must have a high level of knowledge and experience. His activities are very important for the company. The ability to calculate risks reduces the probability and strengthens its position in the market.

Environmental management. The management activities of an enterprise in the field of ecology are designed to organize the organization’s work in such a way that its activities do not cause damage to the environment. The goal of work in this direction is the rational use of natural resources, waste recycling, and the prevention of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Personnel management. Being a professional manager means constantly working with people. Any goals of the enterprise are achieved with the help of human resources. Therefore, it is very important that the organization has competent employees. Human resources management is designed to resolve all issues with personnel replenishment, as well as its training.

International Management. A specialist of this type is called upon to regulate the attitude towards an enterprise on the world market. He analyzes the organization’s foreign economic indicators, is responsible for the import and export of products and controls cooperation with partners. The direction of his activity is the expansion of business in other countries.

Advertising management. It is no secret that in order for the goods and services produced to be in demand on the market, it is necessary to carry out constant work to promote them. This can be done using advertising. Based on this, the tasks of an advertising manager are planning and setting goals to achieve the desired result, organizing advertising activities, monitoring and evaluating what has been achieved.
What is organizational management, what types it has, and what is their role in different areas of the enterprise, can be seen in the table:

Types of management Functions Role Significance degree
Production management 1. Production control

2. Setting up production

3. Increase in production volume

4. Coordination of employee work

5. Monitoring the condition of equipment

Increases the competitiveness of the organization High
Strategic management Development of strategic development tactics, drawing up an action plan Develops activities aimed at developing the enterprise High
Financial management 1. Cost reduction

2. Minimizing risks

3. Financial analysis of development

4. Implementation of anti-crisis policy

Distribution of material resources of the enterprise High
Investment management Attracting new investors and investing the company’s own funds Activities in the area High
Advertising management 1. Organization of advertising activities of the enterprise

2. Control over such activities

Promotion of goods and services produced by the enterprise High
Information management 1. Establishing the document flow process

2. Analytical activities

3. Representation of the company

4. Working with information within the enterprise

Constantly updating and improving enterprise software, as well as ensuring its uninterrupted operation High
Risk management. 1. Determination of the fact of risk and its analysis

2. Taking measures to eliminate risks

3. Development of a plan to reduce losses

4. Constant analysis of the work done

5. Carrying out the necessary modifications

Drawing up tasks to avoid risks High
Environmental management 1. Rational use of natural resources

2. Waste recycling

3. Prevent leakage of harmful substances

Organization of the enterprise’s work to prevent harmful impacts on the environment High
HR management 1. Replenishment of personnel of the enterprise

2. Employee training

3. Reducing staff turnover

Work with human resources of the enterprise: dismissal, hiring, motivation, application of penalties, etc. High
International Management. 1. Analysis of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise

2. Import and export of products

3. Cooperation with foreign partners

Adjusting the company's relationships in the international arena High

As can be seen from the table, the management system at the enterprise has a different focus. At the same time, its functions, role and degree of significance are high.

Small Business Management

Small business is an entrepreneurial activity that needs effective management.

The head of a small enterprise knows what management is and applies its methods for the successful operation of his organization. He often resorts to psychological methods, focusing on collective relationships and personnel policies.

A feature of the management of a small enterprise is that it is not only easier to manage such an organization, but also covers a wide range of environmental factors.

In order for entrepreneurial activity to generate a stable income, you need to know what a small business management system is. Obviously, the ability to adequately and timely respond to market innovations is more important than saving on management personnel, which is why a manager is always a profession in demand.

For the effective operation of the enterprise, managers set specific short-term tasks for the team. Typically they do not exceed a period of two years. This behavior allows them to set clear guidelines for achieving their goals, and the workers’ activities acquire the character of purposefulness and become the most productive.
The tasks of small enterprise management include:

  1. Study and analysis of facts affecting the operation of the enterprise, consumer research, diagnosis of internal problems of the team.
  2. Determine goals, set their level of importance and maintain constant control over them, develop a strategy for the company’s competitiveness.
  3. Organization of the company's work, including provision of everything necessary. For example, cars, materials, finances, etc. Maintain constant monitoring of equipment operation.
  4. As necessary, provide responsible employees with certain powers necessary to achieve goals.
  5. Working with a team. It is important to be able to select responsible employees, develop their abilities, train them, and get rid of unpromising employees.
  6. Ensure coordination of all specialists in the enterprise.

Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that, regardless of production volumes, the ability to properly manage work processes remains the main and primary task. Small business management has differences that are dictated by the specifics of production and the small size of the enterprise.

Problems of management at the enterprise

The presence of a high-quality management staff at an enterprise is the key to its effective operation. Successful business management depends on the manager, who must not only have certain skills, but also be knowledgeable in both the economic and technical fields.
Depending on what form of ownership the enterprise belongs to, its manager is vested with characteristic powers.
If we are talking about a small business, then the manager himself chooses management methods.
If the enterprise is state-owned, then management is carried out by the state through authorized employees. At the same time, they decide whether to give the team any rights or not.
As for joint-stock companies and cooperatives, where the governing body is the labor collective, the leader in such a company is elected by voting, however, the highest governing body will still be the council of participants.
Based on this, it becomes obvious that the head of the enterprise must be a person who has certain managerial skills.

The skills and qualities of a successful leader include:

  • High level of organization. Moreover, this character trait not only relates to the work process, but also to his personality. A collected person can always easily solve any problem in an enterprise. Be it the supply of raw materials, the release of advertising or staff turnover, etc. The stability of the enterprise depends on the organizational abilities of the manager;
  • Be a psychologist. Relationships within an enterprise between employees are an equally important factor on the path to the goal. The manager must know each employee well in order to resolve conflicts and stimulate their work. It is necessary to establish contact with each employee to ensure favorable relations between superiors and subordinates. Knowing certain psychological tricks will allow you to easily resolve issues that arise. For example, knowledge of body language will allow a manager to understand the mood of employees and make the right decision;
  • Must be a specialist in the manufacturing field. Moreover, this implies not only the presence of a diploma, but also the experience and knowledge gained while working as an ordinary employee. Only gradual movement up the career ladder will allow you to learn all the intricacies of production and help you become a real specialist. The knowledge gained will help the manager establish the work process;
  • Having leadership qualities. Being a leader means being able to unite a team, make decisions quickly, including in non-standard situations, and have influence and the ability to persuade. In addition, being a leader means not only being in front, such a leader must be ready to take responsibility for each subordinate;
  • Time management skills. In other words, he must be able to correctly draw up not only his own working day, but also the work schedule of the entire team. will allow you to effectively plan your working day, carry out and approve work plans in advance, and also monitor the implementation of the schedule by your team;
  • Be a speaker. As it may seem, the activity of a leader is connected only with the fact that he holds meetings with partners and speaks to the team. This is not entirely true, although the ability to speak is the path to success. The fulfillment of assigned tasks depends on how effectively the manager is able to convey his thoughts to each employee.
  • Stress resistance. Since the management apparatus bears enormous responsibility for every area of ​​activity in the enterprise, during the day it has to deal with a mass of issues of a different nature. These can be both conflict situations and negotiations with partners. Moreover, the time difference between these events may be insignificant. A competent leader will be able to pull himself together and cope well with any situation.
  • Be proactive. Success comes only to active people who are interested in the results of their work and value their reputation.

Be able to teach and constantly learn independently. Keeping abreast of the latest developments is a quality of a successful manager.

Working moments at the enterprise are accompanied by the fact that some workers quit and others come to their places. In order for newly hired employees to quickly become involved in the work process and be able to benefit the company, they must be trained. The ability of a leader to teach daily, relying on his own experience, is a paramount task that requires enormous patience.

The most important problem of management in production is the lack of a competent person who can occupy such an important position and correspond to it. Unfortunately, there is currently a shortage of personnel in this field.

Management (Peter F. Drucker) is a special kind of activity that turns a disorganized crowd into an effective, focused and productive group.

MANAGEMENT (Mescon, Albert, Khedouri) is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization.


All managers play certain roles and perform certain functions. But this does not mean that a large number of managers in a large company are busy doing the same job. Organizations large enough to provide clear divisions between the work of managers and non-managers usually have such a large volume of management work that this too must be separated.

In a large organization, all management work is strictly divided horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, specific managers are placed at the head of individual departments. Top managers coordinate the work of managers below them until they descend to the level of a manager who coordinates the work of non-managerial personnel, i.e. workers who physically produce products or provide services. This vertical division of labor forms levels of management.

The number of control levels may vary. Many levels do not yet determine the effectiveness of management. The number of levels is sometimes determined by the size of the organization and the volume of management work. Sometimes this is a historically established structure.

Regardless of the number of management levels, all managers are divided into three categories based on the functions they perform in the organization:

  • lower level managers,
  • middle managers,
  • senior managers.

It is usually possible to determine in an organization where one manager stands relative to others. This is done through the job title. However, the job title is not a reliable indicator of the true level of a given manager in the system. This observation is especially true when we compare the positions of managers in different organizations. For example: in some companies, salespeople are called regional or territorial sales managers, although they do not manage anyone but themselves.

There is a parallel division of leaders into three levels, introduced by the American sociologist Talcott Parsons:

  • technical level – corresponds to the grassroots level,
  • level – corresponds to the level of middle management,
  • institutional level – corresponds to the level of senior management.

The shape of the pyramid shows that at each subsequent level of management there are fewer people than at the previous one.


Subordinate managers, also called first-line managers or operations managers, are the organizational level directly above workers and other non-managerial employees. JUNIOR MANAGERS are mainly responsible for the implementation of production tasks to continuously provide direct information about the correctness of these tasks. Managers at this level are often responsible for the direct use of resources allocated to them, such as raw materials and equipment. Typical job titles at this level are foreman, shift foreman, sergeant, department head, head nurse, and head of the management department at a business school. Most managers in general are lower-level managers. Most managers begin their management careers in this capacity. Research shows that the job of a line manager is stressful and action-packed. It is characterized by frequent breaks and transitions from one task to another. The tasks themselves are potentially short: one study found that the average time a master spent on a task was 48 seconds. The time period for implementing the decisions made by the master is also short.


The work of junior managers is coordinated and controlled by middle managers. Over the past decades, middle management has grown significantly both in size and in importance. In a large organization there may be so many middle managers that it becomes necessary to separate this group. And if such a division occurs, then two levels arise, the first of which is called the upper level of middle management, the second - the lower. Thus, four main levels of management are formed: highest, upper middle, lower middle and grassroots. Typical positions for middle management are: department head (in business), regional or national sales manager, and branch director.

The nature of a line manager's job varies significantly from organization to organization and even within the same organization. Some organizations give their line managers more responsibility, making their work somewhat similar to that of senior managers. In many organizations, line managers are an integral part of the decision-making process. They identify problems, initiate discussions, recommend actions, and develop innovative, creative proposals.

A middle manager often heads a large division or department in an organization. The nature of his work is determined to a greater extent by the content of the work of the unit than of the organization as a whole. In general, however, middle managers act as a buffer between senior and lower-level managers. They capture information for decisions made by senior managers and transmit these decisions, usually after transforming them in a technologically convenient form, in the form of specifications and specific tasks to lower-level line managers. Although there are variations, most communication among middle managers takes place in the form of conversations with other middle and lower managers.


The highest organizational level - senior management - is much smaller than others. Even the largest organizations have only a few senior executives. Typical positions of senior executives in business are Chairman of the Board, President, and Vice President of a corporation. In the army they can be compared with generals, among statesmen - with ministers, and in a university - with rectors.

They are responsible for making critical decisions for the organization as a whole or for a major part of the organization. Strong senior leaders imprint their personality on the entire image of the company. Successful senior executives in large organizations are highly valued and well paid.

The main reason for the intense pace and enormous volume of work is the fact that the work of a senior manager does not have a clear end. Unlike a sales agent who must make a certain number of phone calls, or a factory worker who must meet a production quota, there is no point in the enterprise as a whole, short of a complete shutdown, when the job can be considered complete. Therefore, a senior manager cannot be sure that he (or she) has successfully completed his activities. As action continues and the external environment continues to change, there is always a risk of failure. A surgeon may finish an operation and consider his task completed, but a senior manager always feels that he needs to do something more, more, further. A work week of 60 to 80 hours is not uncommon for him.

What is management in simple words? The concept of “management” takes its origins from the English word Management. The word “management” has a rather capacious meaning and has a broad meaning, which implies management, leadership, administration. And not only by the state, enterprise, organization, but also, first of all, by the staff, that is, people. We attach such meaning to this word in the modern world, although the principle of management historically originated in ancient times, because people have long sought to create management structures for various types of activities and management of society.
So, what is management - definition: resource management using methods of planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, controlling and analyzing these resources to achieve set goals.

Science and practice of management

To answer the question: management - what is it? You need to learn the art of management, correctly understand and carry out the necessary steps of management. After all management is a whole science, a knowledge base that allows you to combine and systematize psychology, statistics, economics, computer science and other sciences for the foundations of quality management.
Initially, management developed in the direction of managing production processes, and later the direction of managing human behavior appeared.

Management is, on the one hand, a theoretical discipline that develops strategy and tactics, and on the other hand, practical activity for the effective distribution of material, intellectual and human resources.

Management involves various terms and aspects combined into a single whole.

  1. The management process of work, aimed at solving specific problems, through the continuous implementation of a chain of steps and actions leading to the set goal.
  2. A variety of management methods combined into a single process: creating forecasts, coordinating, stimulating activities, command, control and analytics.
  3. A management structure that deals with the activities of an enterprise, organization, group of people, country (state).
  4. Scientific theory on personnel management and studying the problems of personnel management. The study of behavioral reactions and psychological types of people, operational management, under stressful situations.
  5. The art of managing various material and intangible resources: intellectual, financial, raw materials, human, in order to make a profit from production activities.

What is meant by subjects and objects of management?

Subjects of management The speakers are managers - company leaders at various levels. They occupy managerial positions that allow them to make decisions regarding various areas of the enterprise.
Management objects represent directly who or what managers manage: production, sales, finance, personnel. These objects have a structural hierarchy within the enterprise, being divided into divisions ranging from the workplace to the entire enterprise.

What are the functions and methods of management?

In the process of activity at all levels of the enterprise structure, successive stages of management occur, which are reflected directly in the functions of management. The main ones include:

  • building goals;
  • creating an activity plan;
  • organization of work;
  • control of its implementation.

In addition, there are also groups of functions for motivation and coordination, groups of socio-psychological and psychological. All groups form a common system, but at the same time complement each other.
Management methods are divided by type:

  • economic (regulation of the activities of organizations at the state level, market regulation);
  • administrative, affecting discipline and responsibility;
  • socio-psychological, related to moral stimulation of personnel.

When determining the current situation within one enterprise, a manager, as a rule, combines and applies various methods.

What is organizational management?

A modern company requires specialists on its staff to manage its activities with the help of the organization's management. Actually, this is the direct management of an organization, an enterprise, the use of the organization’s resources to achieve its goals, through the implementation of management functions.

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Who is management and what does it do?

A specialist involved in management of an enterprise or a company is a leader, a professional manager. He must have the appropriate knowledge and management skills. There are 3 categories of managers, differing in level of leadership and being in direct interaction:

  • senior management or top managers, they are at the head, manage an enterprise, corporation or are members of government bodies;
  • middle management, managers managing line managers and reporting to top managers;
  • lower level or line managers who manage performers and report to middle management.

In order to increase productivity and increase the profitability of the enterprise, the manager manages performers or lower-level managers, giving subordinates specific instructions in their work. But in order to give the right instructions, the manager must have scientific knowledge, experience in developing production processes, and he must thoroughly understand the essence of the issue. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from such management; on the contrary, there will be harm and losses.

The main goal of a manager is to establish and organize work coherence for the effective functioning of both its external and internal elements.

Goals and objectives of management

There are global and local tasks that affect the essence of company management. Global are the general trends in the development of the enterprise. Local objectives of the enterprise are focused on the global goal:

  • develop the company while maintaining its market niche, and also find expanding opportunities for its sphere of influence on the market;
  • achieve final results, ensuring a decent level of profit;
  • create conditions for stable operation of the enterprise;
  • overcome risks and predict risky situations;
  • monitor the efficiency of the enterprise.

Types of management

Taking into account the specifics, each enterprise organizes a management system for a particular area of ​​activity. Thus, management is divided into several types of management. There are 7 of them in total: production, financial, strategic, investment, risk management, information, environmental.


The understanding of “production” refers to any commercial activity that is aimed at making a profit, be it the production of products or the provision of services. The goal of such management is the sale of competitive goods and services provided by the enterprise.

Effective management depends on how accurately strategic forecasts are drawn up, the production process is properly organized, and the innovation policy is competently implemented.

The manager, head of production, is faced with the task of managing this process:

  • control of work, timely detection of failures and malfunctions;
  • optimization of production volume;
  • monitoring the correct operation and serviceability of equipment;
  • eliminating conflicts within the company and preventing such conflicts;
  • control of labor resources, discipline and consideration of the interests of company employees.

A competent manager will be able to compare the real capabilities of the company with its prospects and skillfully build further steps in this direction.

Financial management

The manager who is responsible for managing the enterprise's budget is a financial manager. He deals with financial flows and their rational distribution within the company. Such a specialist must analyze and study the company’s profits, its income and expenses, solvency and capital structure. Applying a competent financial policy, he is obliged to work to increase the profit and welfare of the company and prevent it from going bankrupt. This is the global task of a financial manager.
What his local tasks include:

  • optimize financial expenses and turnover;
  • minimize the financial risks of the enterprise;
  • accurately assess financial prospects and opportunities;
  • ensure sufficient profitability of the enterprise;
  • solve problems in the field of crisis management.

Strategic management

This type of management involves the development and implementation of development paths for the enterprise, carrying out strategic activities in various areas: maximizing the quality of products within the occupied market niche, increasing the volume of products, expanding their range, and so on.
To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the assigned tasks by drawing up a clear action plan and various methods. Thus, after the outlined strategy, the manager moves on to tactics that implement the specific steps of this plan.

Nike,, General Electric and many other companies have achieved incredible success through effective management. So what is management and why is it so necessary to improve the performance of enterprises?

What is management

To date, there is no clear definition for this concept. Nevertheless, the most common explanation of what management is is the following: management is the most effective management of an enterprise and personnel. Some businessmen, such as Terry Alexander Gibson, call management an art: “Management is the art of achieving goals under conditions of limited resources.” .

Effective enterprise management consists of:

  1. Setting tasks and goals.
  2. Detailed task planning.
  3. Organization of work.
  4. Regulation of production capabilities.
  5. Increasing the motivation of subordinates.
  6. Performance monitoring.

Management: why organizations need it

One of the main goals of the art of management is to achieve assigned tasks in the shortest possible time with the highest productivity. With an effective management process, the company's management involves each employee in the work of the company, motivating him to “give his best” in order to obtain maximum benefit.

For example, there is a design organization that designs and builds bridges and roads. This company has four main departments, each with different responsibilities: 1) financial; 2) design; 3) department for external economic relations; 4) department for internal economic relations.

It is difficult for the president of the company to whom they report to keep track of the implementation of assigned tasks. The fact that a company has a positive result does not mean that the organization’s production activities are as efficient as possible.

Sometimes department heads do not complete their tasks, making excuses that they “forgot”, “the task was set incorrectly” and similar things. In order to avoid such cases and increase the efficiency of the company, the president introduces electronic project management. It consists in the fact that all employees have a program on their computers in which they conduct their projects, and they are visible to everyone.

Now none of the subordinates can say: “I forgot, I didn’t understand.” Its tasks and the process of their implementation are available for everyone to view and comment on. The president can monitor the work of his subordinates at any time convenient for him.

Another example. The working day at the company begins at eight o'clock in the morning. But some employees really like to be late for no apparent reason. Since the company employs a large number of people, it is impossible to keep track of everyone.

Therefore, management introduces electronic cards, according to which, at the end of the month, missed work hours are read and a fine is charged. Moreover, if an employee is not late every day for a month, he receives a small cash bonus.

The result is increased productivity and increased employee motivation. Justin Menkes is right: “When unraveling the secret of managerial success, you should look not at the solution, but at the method that allowed you to arrive at it.”

To see a perfect example of effective management, it is worth reading Jack Welch's (CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 2001) book, A Manager's Story. It is noteworthy that his method is used by most managers.

The method is simple - divide businesses into categories. How Welch did it: he drew three circles on a napkin, in which he entered the directions of his businesses. What went beyond the three circles required reform, or it was worth getting rid of these enterprises. This is what Welch did, thus increasing the company's efficiency.

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