Laughter - joke - fun. Mockery

  • You will laugh at others, you will cry at yourself.
  • After laughter there are tears.
  • There are smiles worse than tears.
  • Don't laugh at the old - you'll hunker down yourself.
  • Don't laugh, peas, they're no better than beans: if you get wet, you'll burst.
  • Don't laugh, kvass, you're no better than us.
  • The pot laughs over the cauldron, and both are black.
  • Don't laugh at someone else's misfortune: your own is on the ridge.
  • You won't get enough of laughter.
  • Laughter leads to crying.
  • Don't laugh at the beans, peas, you'll be under your own feet.
  • He who is funny is also tearful.
  • Some laughter echoes with crying.
  • Don’t laugh, brother, you’re a stranger to your sister: you belong in the girls.
  • From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.
  • It's funny to one, but to the other it comes to the heart.
  • Laughter through tears.
  • I swallowed the laugh.
  • The chickens laugh.
  • It's funny for a fool to have his nose on his side.
  • Laugh at yourself.
  • The fun started, my stomach was bursting with laughter.
  • Laughter is not a sin as long as it is pleasant for everyone.
  • He who laughs a lot has an easier life.
  • Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.
  • I would laugh at the fool, if it weren’t for me.
  • There's no point in laughing so as not to cry.
  • The one who laughs last laughs.
  • Both laughter and sin.
  • It's such a creepy joke.
  • The soldier laughs - the enemy will have to cry.
  • Cheerful laughter means health.
  • It's funny for a fool to have his mouth on his side.
  • There is laughter through tears.
  • Another kind of laughter is like a sin: it will break out, and the person will be offended.
  • If you don't like it, don't laugh, and don't bother others.
  • Laugh at the power brother.
  • Laughter is laughter, but business is business.
  • Laughter is laughter, and jokes aside.
  • You can't live forever laughing.
  • What you laugh about, beware of that too.
  • A good laugh is not a sin; With laughter, even trouble is not so bad.
  • Whoever makes the world laugh, the whole world stands for him.
  • Laughter - brother strength. (belor)
  • Then you will laugh when your soul rejoices. (mord)
  • He who is at ease in his heart, the whole world laughs. (ukr)
  • He who is cheerful always laughs. (mord)
  • Don't laugh at someone who has fallen. (Tuvin)
  • Don't laugh at the one who falls first. (Abkhaz, Adyghe, Kabard)

Proverbs about laughter

Proverbs and sayings about buffoonery, jokes, laughter

Humor makes life more fun. Jokes, laughter, smiles bring joy to the home, to the soul. With them, your health is better and things are easier. Proverbs and sayings speak about this. At the same time, they teach to distinguish between a cheerful state of mind and a cheerful, riotous lifestyle, good joke and one that can offend. A good holiday with laughter and jokes. It’s not for nothing that proverbs say that laughter prolongs life.

  1. And it happened - and the goat ate the wolf.
  2. Without mischief for an hour.
  3. The armless man robbed the cage, put it in the bare-bellied man's bosom, the blind man spied, the deaf man eavesdropped, the dumb guard shouted, the legless man ran in pursuit.
  4. Be at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest.
  5. There was a mare - there was no collar; They took out the clamp - the mare was gone.
  6. He lived among people - he saw the world, he put an ax on his foot, he belted himself with an axe.
  7. There is an elderberry in the garden, and there is a man in Kyiv. I love you because Wednesday is a holiday.
  8. It was said as a joke, but it was meant seriously.
  9. You're laughing, but we're not even half laughing.
  10. You can't buy a cheerful disposition.
  11. Fun is not a hindrance to business.
  12. Fun is salvation from troubles.
  13. The winds blew - the hat was blown away, the caftan was taken off, the mittens fell off on their own.
  14. I saw jelly in a dream, but there was no spoon; I went to bed with a spoon - I didn’t see the jelly.
  15. The crow was flying, the dog was sitting on its tail.
  16. That's why it didn't fire: it wasn't loaded.
  17. Here's a fig for you: whatever you want, you can buy it.
  18. It’s all the same: it’s eighteen, it’s twenty minutes to two.
  19. Every joke is dissolved in two: it’s funny for the cat, but it’s bad for the mouse.
  20. They say that chickens are milked and cows lay eggs.
  21. Gol is wise, Gol is cunning, Gol has gone into inventions: the stockings are new, the heels are bare, she herself walks barefoot.
  22. Thunder rumbles, but not from a cloud, but from a dung heap.
  23. Chest wide open, tongue not shoulder.
  24. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.
  25. Let's go visit each other: first you call me, and then I will come to you.
  26. Let's be friends: then I come to you, then you take me to you.
  27. It's clear that this is a dark matter.
  28. Day to night - gasps in short.
  29. A good joke does not ruin a friendship.
  30. Okay, let's put the bucket together: the hoops are under the bench, and the staves are in the oven - it won't leak.
  31. Don't joke more than a ruble.
  32. I went for nothing, brought it back - nothing.
  33. If it weren’t for that, I would have been a general a long time ago.
  34. There is a fur coat, and it is sewn, and it is sewn on the wolf.
  35. The ride is not going and “well” there is no luck.
  36. Wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle.
  37. With bread and salt, any joke is good.
  38. A roll with kvass and yogurt with milk went on a spree.
  39. Hello, godfather! - I was at the market. - Are you deaf? - Yes, I bought a rooster. - Goodbye, godfather! - I gave five altyn.
  40. We know you, not the first time, you were with us, the boots disappeared that time, we didn’t think about you, only after you we didn’t have anyone.
  41. And the wolf mocks, not laughs.
  42. And we don’t slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes.
  43. And it happens that a sheep eats a wolf.
  44. Ivan, bridle my filly! - What about you? - Yes, you see, a chunk in your hands. - Well, put it in your hat! - It won’t interfere.
  45. Ivan, tell my horse “Whoa!” - And what about yourself? - Lips are frozen.
  46. The boot is made from a flea, and the ax is made from a match.
  47. Thirty-three lackeys came out of the wasp's pole.
  48. Some laughter echoes with crying.
  49. If only there were mushrooms growing in my mouth.
  50. No matter how the dog turns, the tail is behind.
  51. No matter how you turn it, one is shorter than the other.
  52. What is your name? - They call it a name, but they call it a duck.
  53. The goat disappeared: it was eight - it became nine.
  54. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
  55. The cow roars, the bear roars, but the devil himself can’t tell who is beating whom.
  56. They cut the cow in two: the backside was milked, and the front was boiled in cabbage soup.
  57. Kochet laid the egg, and the crow cackled.
  58. Anyone who sits on a nail has no time for jokes.
  59. Who ate the pie? - Not me! - Who else should I give it to? - To me.
  60. He who knows how to have fun is afraid of grief.
  61. Whoever makes jokes twists the whip on himself.
  62. Laziness, open the door - you'll burn! - I’ll burn, but I won’t open it!
  63. People praise - they won’t praise, people blaspheme - they won’t; the winds blow but will not dispel; the sun dries - it will not dry; The rains get wet, but they won’t get wet.
  64. The bear is not a dog pleaser; a pig in the garden is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd for the sheep; a bad judge is someone who is stupid or deaf.
  65. I caught the bear! - Lead here! - It doesn’t work! - So go yourself! - He won’t let me in!
  66. Mix business with idleness, spend your time with fun.
  67. We wet it, we wet it, then we started drying it. We dried it, we dried it, we threw it into the water to soak it.
  68. Like a fly with an ax, like a mosquito with a butt.
  69. It's freezing outside, but the money in your pocket is melting.
  70. They don't get angry at a joke.
  71. Attack is afraid of a smile.
  72. I don't care about the bed, you can sleep on the floor.
  73. Don't be afraid of the dog - the owner is on a leash.
  74. Not for anything, for anything other than other things.
  75. There is no time for jokes for a fish if you grab it under the gills with a hook.
  76. Dad didn’t buy a hat - let his ears freeze.
  77. Don't laugh, peas are no better than beans.
  78. Don't laugh, kvass, you're no better than us!
  79. Don't bother, Friday, before Thursday, wait your turn.
  80. Not so much, and not very much.
  81. It’s not funny that he came into the yard, it’s funny that he doesn’t leave the yard.
  82. Don't joke with fire - you'll get burned.
  83. Don’t joke with someone like you who is sensitive to every word.
  84. Neither this nor that was boiling, and even that was burnt.
  85. One foot is shod, the other is unshod, and if there had been a third, I don’t know how I would have walked.
  86. In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest.
  87. He doesn’t just speak: he spreads his word like a pitchfork, and remains silent.
  88. A bad joke is one that ends in a quarrel.
  89. Make fun of yourself: you'll laugh healthier.
  90. Let's live - we'll make a fur coat, but if we don't make money, at least we'll say that it was made.
  91. I hit my finger in the sky - in the very middle.
  92. Come visit me when I'm not at home.
  93. Rogozha, what not clothes, and there is also a festive bag.
  94. Sit down wherever you are.
  95. Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel! I sat down and drove off - oh, good! I looked back: only the knitting needles were lying there.
  96. There are no weddings without jokes and jokes.
  97. Clifftooths are not all kinds.
  98. Laughter through tears.
  99. Laughter is not a sin.
  100. You won't get enough of laughter.
  101. Laughter is laughter, but action is action.
  102. Dog, why are you barking? - I scare the wolves. - The dog has its tail between its legs? - I'm afraid of wolves.
  103. In front is the sea, behind is grief, on the right is moss, on the left is “oh.”
  104. Stop - stagger, walk - don't stumble, speak - don't stutter, lie - don't lie.
  105. So don't groan, groan again.
  106. It's funny to you, but it got to my heart.
  107. However, don’t joke about what there is no way.
  108. Titus, go threshing! - My belly hurts. - Titus, go and slurp some cabbage soup! -Where is my big spoon?
  109. He who trusts in God does not lose heart.
  110. You keep quiet, and I will assent.
  111. A fool has stupid jokes.
  112. Some people have nothing, but we have the same amount.
  113. For the gloomy, fun is boring, for the cheerful, boredom is fun.
  114. He has the devil in his lining, Satan in his patch.
  115. Whatever you like, whatever you like, or whatever you like, whatever you like.
  116. A smile helps a joke and lifts your mood.
  117. The mind says: it’s time to leave the yard, but the hop says: let’s wait for the beating, and go home together.
  118. Know how to do things, know how to have fun.
  119. Know how to joke - know how to stop.
  120. Know how to joke - know how to laugh it off.
  121. Smart as priest Semyon: he sold books, bought cards, climbed into the barn, and played alone.
  122. If you know how to joke, you can make people laugh.
  123. Smart girl, smart girl! The whole street knows about this, the rooster and the hen, the cat Ermoshka and me a little.
  124. Fedul, why are you pouting your lips? - Yes, the caftan burned. - Can you fix it? - Yes, there is no needle. - Is the hole big? - Yes, there is only one gate left.
  125. I wanted to sit on two chairs, but ended up on the floor.
  126. What are you bringing? - Hay. - What hay, it’s firewood! - And if you see, then why do you ask?
  127. What should we build a house: if we draw it, we will live.
  128. What are you doing? - Nothing. - What about you? - Yes, I’m helping him.
  129. Make jokes and be careful, otherwise you might get into trouble.
  130. Just joke, don't joke.
  131. Make jokes, don't bother people.
  132. A joke warms a person.
  133. A joke is a joke, but business is business.
  134. The joke takes a minute, but it charges for an hour.
  135. If you love jokes on Foma, then love jokes on yourself.
  136. A good neighbor is not defamed by a joke, but the tongue of a joke is sharpened like a razor.
  137. Making a joke makes everyone laugh.
  138. I am not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not the cab driver. - Russian proverbs and sayings

Proverbs about laughter

You won't get enough of laughter.

Where there is sin, there is laughter.

Some laughter echoes with crying.

It's funny to you, but it got to my heart.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

It's stupid to say - to make people laugh.

A fool turns crying into laughter.

Laughter is not a sin.

Even if you don’t like it, laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine.

An oath is scary to a smart person, but funny to a stupid person.

For some, passion is adversity, for others, laughter is fun.

Even subtle mockery bites.

Not everyone laughs who bares their teeth.

Small is laughter, but great is sin.

Quick haste - people laugh.

You laugh, but we don’t even laugh.

Where they laugh and cry.

It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.

Laughter is laughter, but action is action.

It’s not funny that the wife beats her husband, but it’s funny that the husband is crying.

About laughter

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.

There will be laughter and tears.

Without bread - death, without salt - laughter.

She cries with her eyes, but laughs with her heart.

And laughter and sin.

Sin is not laughter when death comes.

You won't get enough of laughter.

You are a hindrance to people, but laughter and fun for him.

You are a nuisance to people, but laughter and fun for us.

I would be glad to cry, but the laughter overcame me.

It's fun for some, it's not funny for others.

Don't laugh, peas: they're no better than beans.

Where there is sin, there is laughter.

He who laughs last laughs best.

Laughter is not smoke, it does not eat your eyes.

And the wolf grins, but does not laugh.

Don't laugh, horseradish is no sweeter than a radish.

Laughs are laughs, but business is business.

Even if you don’t like it, laugh.

A fool turns crying into laughter.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Small is laughter, but great is sin.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Neither weep to cry, nor laugh with laughter (i.e. grief).

To whom passion is adversity, to whom laughter is fun.

Don't laugh at the old, and you yourself will become old.

Laugh at a friend, you'll cry at yourself.

The right one's ears are laughing, but the guilty one's tongue is sad.

Joy Laughter is the brother of strength.

It’s not funny that the wife beats her husband, but it’s funny that the husband cries.

This makes the chickens laugh too. The chickens will laugh.

In a happy hour, death is not scary.

You're tenacious, you won't smile.

Live happily, but die happily.

Poverty is not a sin, and bondage is not laughter.

And it’s funny that my stomach feels so bad.

The heart is happy and the face blooms.

Every joke has a bit of truth.

Laughter leads to crying.

They led me to sin, and left me laughing.

With a fool there is laughter, but grief is here.

The laughs are good, but what kind of laughs will there be?

You can't pay for crying, but you can't pay for it with laughter.

Everyone burst out laughing. Don't burst out laughing.

The devil would joke with the demon, the merman with the goblin.

You can handle trouble with laughter, but you can't handle it with tears.

And not every joke suits a fool.

The grandfather dies, and the woman laughs.

  1. And it happened - and the goat ate the wolf.
  2. Without mischief for an hour.
  3. The armless man robbed the cage, put it in the bare-bellied man's bosom, the blind man spied, the deaf man eavesdropped, the dumb guard shouted, the legless man ran in pursuit.
  4. Be at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest.
  5. There was a mare - there was no collar; They took out the clamp - the mare was gone.
  6. Every joke has a bit of truth.
  7. He lived among people - he saw the world, he put an ax on his foot, he belted himself with an axe.
  8. There is an elderberry in the garden, and there is a man in Kyiv. I love you because Wednesday is a holiday.
  9. It was said as a joke, but it was meant seriously.
  10. You're laughing, but we're not even half laughing.
  11. You can't buy a cheerful disposition.
  12. Fun is not a hindrance to business.
  13. Fun is salvation from troubles.
  14. The winds blew - the hat was blown away, the caftan was taken off, the mittens fell off on their own.
  15. I saw jelly in a dream, but there was no spoon; I went to bed with a spoon - I didn’t see the jelly.
  16. The crow was flying, the dog was sitting on its tail.
  17. That's why it didn't fire: it wasn't loaded.
  18. Here's a fig for you: whatever you want, you can buy it.
  19. It’s all the same: it’s eighteen, it’s twenty minutes to two.
  20. Every joke is dissolved in two: it’s funny for the cat, but it’s bad for the mouse.
  21. They say that chickens are milked and cows lay eggs.
  22. Gol is wise, Gol is cunning, Gol has gone into inventions: the stockings are new, the heels are bare, she herself walks barefoot.
  23. Thunder rumbles, but not from a cloud, but from a dung heap.
  24. Chest wide open, tongue not shoulder.
  25. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.
  26. Let's go visit each other: first you call me, and then I will come to you.
  27. Let's be friends: then I come to you, then you take me to you.
  28. Even subtle mockery bites.
  29. It's clear that this is a dark matter.
  30. Day to night - gasps in short.
  31. A good joke does not ruin a friendship.
  32. Okay, let's put the bucket together: the hoops are under the bench, and the staves are in the oven - it won't leak.
  33. Don't joke more than a ruble.
  34. I went for nothing, brought it back - nothing.
  35. If it weren’t for that, I would have been a general a long time ago.
  36. There is a fur coat, and it is sewn, and it is sewn on the wolf.
  37. The ride is not going and “well” there is no luck.
  38. Wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle.
  39. With bread and salt, any joke is good.
  40. A roll with kvass and yogurt with milk went on a spree.
  41. Hello, godfather! - I was at the market. - Are you deaf? - Yes, I bought a rooster. - Goodbye, godfather! - I gave five altyn.
  42. We know you, not the first time, you were with us, the boots disappeared that time, we didn’t think about you, only after you we didn’t have anyone.
  43. And the wolf mocks, not laughs.
  44. And we don’t slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes.
  45. And it happens that a sheep eats a wolf.
  46. Ivan, bridle my filly! - What about you? - Yes, you see, a chunk in your hands. - Well, put it in your hat! - It won’t interfere.
  47. Ivan, tell my horse “Whoa!” - And what about yourself? - Lips are frozen.
  48. The boot is made from a flea, and the ax is made from a match.
  49. Thirty-three lackeys came out of the wasp's pole.
  50. Some laughter echoes with crying.
  51. If only there were mushrooms growing in my mouth.
  52. No matter how the dog turns, the tail is behind.
  53. No matter how you turn it, one is shorter than the other.
  54. What is your name? - They call it a name, but they call it a duck.
  55. The goat disappeared: it was eight - it became nine.
  56. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
  57. The cow roars, the bear roars, but the devil himself can’t tell who is beating whom.
  58. They cut the cow in two: the backside was milked, and the front was boiled in cabbage soup.
  59. Kochet laid the egg, and the crow cackled.
  60. Anyone who sits on a nail has no time for jokes.
  61. Who ate the pie? - Not me! - Who else should I give it to? - To me.
  62. He who knows how to have fun is afraid of grief.
  63. Whoever makes jokes twists the whip on himself.
  64. Laziness, open the door - you'll burn! - I’ll burn, but I won’t open it!
  65. People praise - they won’t praise, people blaspheme - they won’t; the winds blow but will not dispel; the sun dries - it will not dry; The rains get wet, but they won’t get wet.
  66. The bear is not a dog pleaser; a pig in the garden is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd for the sheep; a bad judge is someone who is stupid or deaf.
  67. I caught the bear! - Lead here! - It doesn’t work! - So go yourself! - He won’t let me in!
  68. Mix business with idleness, spend your time with fun.
  69. We wet it, we wet it, then we started drying it. We dried it, we dried it, we threw it into the water to soak it.
  70. Like a fly with an ax, like a mosquito with a butt.
  71. It's freezing outside, but the money in your pocket is melting.
  72. They don't get angry at a joke.
  73. Attack is afraid of a smile.
  74. I don't care about the bed, you can sleep on the floor.
  75. Don't be afraid of the dog - the owner is on a leash.
  76. Not for anything, for anything other than other things.
  77. There is no time for jokes for a fish if you grab it under the gills with a hook.
  78. Not everyone laughs who bares their teeth.
  79. Dad didn’t buy a hat - let his ears freeze.
  80. Don't laugh, peas are no better than beans.
  81. Don't laugh, kvass, you're no better than us!
  82. Don't bother, Friday, before Thursday, wait your turn.
  83. Not so much, and not very much.
  84. It’s not funny that he came into the yard, it’s funny that he doesn’t leave the yard.
  85. Don't joke with fire - you'll get burned.
  86. Don’t joke with someone like you who is sensitive to every word.
  87. Neither this nor that was boiling, and even that was burnt.
  88. One foot is shod, the other is unshod, and if there had been a third, I don’t know how I would have walked.
  89. In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest.
  90. He doesn’t just speak: he spreads his word like a pitchfork, and remains silent.
  91. A bad joke is one that ends in a quarrel.
  92. Make fun of yourself: you'll laugh healthier.
  93. Let's live - we'll make a fur coat, but if we don't make money, at least we'll say that it was made.
  94. I hit my finger in the sky - in the very middle.
  95. Come visit me when I'm not at home.
  96. It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.
  97. Rogozha, what not clothes, and there is also a festive bag.
  98. Sit down wherever you are.
  99. Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel! I sat down and drove off - oh, good! I looked back: only the knitting needles were lying there.
  100. There are no weddings without jokes and jokes.
  101. The heart is happy and the face blooms.
  102. Clifftooths are not all kinds.
  103. Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.
  104. Laughter through tears.
  105. Laughter is not a sin.
  106. You won't get enough of laughter.
  107. Laughter is laughter, but action is action.
  108. Dog, why are you barking? - I scare the wolves. - The dog has its tail between its legs? - I'm afraid of wolves.
  109. In front is the sea, behind is grief, on the right is moss, on the left is “oh.”
  110. Stop - stagger, walk - don't stumble, speak - don't stutter, lie - don't lie.
  111. So don't groan, groan again.
  112. It's funny to you, but it got to my heart.
  113. However, don’t joke about what there is no way.
  114. Titus, go threshing! - My belly hurts. - Titus, go and slurp some cabbage soup! -Where is my big spoon?
  115. He who trusts in God does not lose heart.
  116. You keep quiet, and I will assent.
  117. A fool has stupid jokes.
  118. Some people have nothing, but we have the same amount.
  119. For the gloomy, fun is boring, for the cheerful, boredom is fun.
  120. He has the devil in his lining, Satan in his patch.
  121. Whatever you like, whatever you like, or whatever you like, whatever you like.
  122. A smile helps a joke and lifts your mood.
  123. The mind says: it’s time to leave the yard, but the hop says: let’s wait for the beating, and go home together.
  124. Know how to do things, know how to have fun.
  125. Know how to joke - know how to stop.
  126. Know how to joke - know how to laugh it off.
  127. Smart as priest Semyon: he sold books, bought cards, climbed into the barn, and played alone.
  128. If you know how to joke, you can make people laugh.
  129. Smart girl, smart girl! The whole street knows about this, the rooster and the hen, the cat Ermoshka and me a little.
  130. Fedul, why are you pouting your lips? - Yes, the caftan burned. - Can you fix it? - Yes, there is no needle. - Is the hole big? - Yes, there is only one gate left.
  131. I wanted to sit on two chairs, but ended up on the floor.
  132. What are you bringing? - Hay. - What hay, it’s firewood! - And if you see, then why do you ask?
  133. What should we build a house: if we draw it, we will live.
  134. What are you doing? - Nothing. - What about you? - Yes, I’m helping him.
  135. Make jokes and be careful, otherwise you might get into trouble.
  136. Just joke, don't joke.
  137. Make jokes, don't bother people.
  138. A joke warms a person.
  139. A joke is a joke, but business is business.
  140. The joke takes a minute, but it charges for an hour.
  141. If you love jokes on Foma, then love jokes on yourself.
  142. A good neighbor is not defamed by a joke, but the tongue of a joke is sharpened like a razor.
  143. Making a joke makes everyone laugh.
  144. I am not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not the cab driver.

Laughter is the only test of the serious, and seriousness is the only test of the funny. A subject is suspicious that cannot stand ridicule, and a joke is false that does not stand the test of seriousness.

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

It’s amazing how the priests-foretellers, looking at each other, can still refrain from laughing.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is nothing more stupid than a stupid laugh.
Catullus Gaius Valerius

Who stops you from laughing and telling the truth?

With their faces people laugh with those who laugh, and with those who cry they weep.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

A cheerful laugh is often hidden under the heir's crying.
Publilius Syrus

It’s hard to believe, yet women even take lessons in laughter and here they also try to be pretty! When laughing, you should open your mouth moderately: two dimples should be visible on your cheeks and your lower lip - slightly open the bottom of your upper teeth... Laughter should be, so to speak, light and somewhat feminine to the ear! There are women who disgrace their mouths with excessive laughter. Others, laughing, shake; you might think they are crying. Still others have a kind of hoarse, disgusting laugh. When they laugh, you think it’s the nasty braying of a donkey at a millstone.

It is better to give reasons for laughter than ridicule.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

It's not far from laughter to ridicule.

We recognize a fool by frequent laughter.
Unknown author

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him.
Confucius (Kun Tzu)

And when you laugh, sometimes your heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Do not mock a person who is in the sorrow of his soul.
Old Testament. Sirach

It is better to write laughing than with tears, because laughter is a special sign of a person.
Francois Rabelais

Laughter is the essence of man.
Francois Rabelais

You can blame people, but not revile or ridicule them, for gossip, which confuses many, is still bad if it digs a hole in even one person.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Let us laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing.
Jean de La Bruyère

Laugh at smart people- this is the privilege of fools; They are the same in the world as jesters at court: no one takes their example.
Jean de La Bruyère

What could be more ridiculous than the sight of a hearse rolling through the streets?
Jonathan Swift

Anyone who laughs and makes you laugh at the same time is doubly funny.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh.
Joseph Addison

Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh.
Joseph Addison

All fools are eager to ridicule someone.
Alexander Pop

Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad upbringing.

If I ever wise up, no one will ever see me laugh.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they, if they want, can laugh at me.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

What has become funny cannot be dangerous.

You can't hate a person you can laugh at.
Samuel Johnson

Is laughing bad? And isn’t it possible to laugh while maintaining complete seriousness?.. Laughter preserves our sanity better than annoyance and grief.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

If, in our opinion, there was something missing from the meal, or if we didn’t like something in the house, don’t mock it on the side.
Adolf von Knigge

Ridicule, that is, moral indignation, must be combined
with constant sublime feeling.
Jean Paul

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once.
Thomas Carleidy

There is no power more destructive than the ability to make people look funny.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

I take funny things seriously when I present them in a funny way...
Karl Marx

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

There is nothing more that a person is afraid of than laughter... By being afraid of laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no force could stop him from doing.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

It’s a bad sign when they stop understanding irony, allegory, and jokes.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then delve not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or how he is excited by the noblest ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. A person laughs well means he is a good person.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Humor is the wit of deep feeling.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A smile is always good, because it opens up the simple inner world person.
Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov

Where there is no bile and laughter, there is no hope for renewal. Where there is no sarcasm, there is no true love to humanity.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.
Kozma Prutkov

Horror is incompatible with laughter.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

To be afraid of the funny is not to love the truth.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

A sense of humor is a great thing. Going through life without a sense of humor is as absurd as riding in a carriage without springs.
Henry Ward Beecher

A scoffer is always a superficial creature.
Honore de Balzac

Laughter corrects morals.
Honore de Balzac

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart.
Brothers Goncourt

Laughter is the face of the mind.
Brothers Goncourt

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.
Victor Marie Hugo

Making fun of something that is not subject to ridicule is, in a sense, the same as turning good into evil.
Joseph Joubert

Anyone who laughs at evil, in any of its manifestations, does not have a very healthy moral sense.
Joseph Joubert

Ridiculing smart people is the natural privilege of fools.
Alphonse Lamartine

When you laugh at people, you don't get angry with them. Humor teaches tolerance, and a humorist - sometimes with a smile, and sometimes with a sigh - would rather shrug his shoulders than judge.
William Somerset Maugham

Sometimes you close your eyes to truth, goodness and beauty, because they provide little food for the sense of the funny.
William Somerset Maugham

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.
Oscar Wilde

You can laugh at anything, but not at any time. We joke about the deathbed, but not at the deathbed. Life is always serious, but you cannot always live seriously.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers.
George Bernard Shaw

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide a long time ago.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A sense of humor is a sense of proportionality.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

Laugh until you cry - advice to optimists and pessimists.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh. And bringing people together is the main task of art.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Laugh at yourself - don’t be afraid, self-criticism is as necessary as washing your face.
Maksim Gorky

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health.
Maksim Gorky

You become an adult the day you first truly laugh at yourself!
Ethel Barrymore

I believe that the power of laughter and tears can be an antidote to hatred and fear.
Charles Spencer Chaplin

Learning to use the weapon of laughter is one of the subtlest and most difficult things in the formation of moral views, beliefs, and tastes.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The ability to laugh correctly is an indicator of the moral health of the team and the individual. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Before you laugh at people, you must learn to love them with all your heart.
Jules Renard

Laughter is invulnerable because it laughs at itself.
Jules Renard

He who mocks others is himself afraid of the ridicule of others.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Of all animals, only the hyena is capable of making sounds that closely resemble our laughter.
Elias Canetti

Loud laughter has always exposed civilization. Cinema and radio no longer need to pass themselves off as art.
Theodor Adorno

We mock and laugh at a person not because he is funny, but because we need to have fun and laugh.
Lev Shestov

From funny to great is also only one step.
Lev Shestov

Everything is permitted to the jester. When he cries, they don’t believe him, and even his blood is considered cranberry juice.
Lev Karsavin

When we laugh at childish absurdity, our laughter only covers up the shame we experience at the sight of the state to which we reduce life when it emerges from nothingness.
Georges Bataille

Laughter also grows up.
Georges Bataille

Laughter teaches: by wisely avoiding the elements of death, we are only trying to preserve life; whereas by entering the region from which wisdom tells us to flee, we live life.
Georges Bataille

A child laughs the happiest laugh.
Georges Bataille

A man who laughs is funnier than his victim. Sacrifice requires not only victims, but also those who make the sacrifice.
Georges Bataille

Executioners rarely laugh, and their laughter is not the same as everyone else’s.
Gilles Deleuze

Of all the animals, only man is capable of laughing.

Laughter is the most sophisticated way to show your teeth to your opponent.
Werner Fink

Laughter is exclusively or almost exclusively caused by the designation or indication of something obscene without obscenity.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Delirium that occurs along with laughter is less dangerous, but serious delirium is more dangerous.

There is nothing more mysterious than laughter in a foreign language.
William Golding

Middle age is when you start smiling at things you used to laugh at.

Nothing reveals a lack of a sense of humor like laughter.
Oliver Hassenkamp

The laughter stops when the echo doesn't respond.
Julien de Falkenare

Before I had time to open your book, I burst into laughter. Someday I will definitely open it.
Groucho Marx

Laughter is a disinfectant.
Maurice Chaplin

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Victor Borzh

He who laughs forgives everything.
Vasily Zhukovsky

You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh.
Agnes Replayer

With whom you can laugh together, you can work together.
Robert Orben

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a great mood.
Mikhail Genin

Even if there is no reason to laugh, laugh for credit.

I think, therefore I laugh.
John Polos

Man is the only animal that can laugh, although he has the least reason to do so.

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.
Heinrich Heine

Looks like Pavlovian conditioned reflex really exists. Every time a recorded laugh is heard on TV, the viewer involuntarily yawns.
Robert Orben

The Frenchman is cheerful, the Russian is mocking; The Frenchman ridicules because he laughs, the Russian laughs because he ridicules.
Vasily Zhukovsky

Half the people laugh at the other half, and both are equally stupid.
Baltasar Gracian

Ridiculing smart people is the natural privilege of fools.

We explain to people that if no one laughed at at least one of them, they may not be creative enough in their work.

You know, there are moments - not often, of course - when your intellect approaches the mind of a person.

Ridicule is the child of satisfied contempt.

Whatever ridicule they are not embarrassed to listen to, they themselves say.

Modern men don't cry! - Why? - They are afraid that the mascara will run!

Those are the kind of people who are mocked.

It's rare that a chicken will be able to peck at the grain without shitting on the plate...

Gay Pride in Jerusalem... Why don't they have a Gay Pride in Sodom and Gomorrah? It's not far, and the place has been targeted...

Ruthlessly mocking other people's weaknesses is one way to gain an advantage in the struggle called growing up.

Zoro, where should we go? - There. - Great, let's go in the opposite direction!

Mockery is the tongue of the devil.

The most easily subject to ridicule is that which does not deserve either strong hatred or special compassion.

Many people, due to their ignorance and lack of education, desecrate the faith of other people. It seems to them that if a person talks about God, then he is necessarily a sectarian or too obsessed with his religion. This is what those people say who love only themselves and do not value life at all; it seems to them that by spitting on people, they will live happily. Apparently life has not yet enlightened such people, but each has its own period of insight. Sometimes such people have to lose the most precious thing in the world so that they think about their unlucky soul.

Mockery kills fanaticism just as oil extinguishes fire.

Never mock your Motherland, mother and wife.

Don't laugh at the old man: you will become one yourself.

Mockery often solves important problems better and more powerfully than sternly accusatory speech.

Just recently people laughed at me... And now I myself have joined their cheerful chorus. And this is what hurts the most.

The worst mocker is the one who ridicules his own hobbies.

How can a thinking creature not understand that, laughing at a person who is sincerely disposed towards him, he is sliding into a swamp, from where no force can pull him out?

Only those shortcomings that you yourself have are successfully ridiculed.

Each nation mocks the other, and they are all equally right.

In order to live happily, some are ready to sing along with anyone.

A foreigner arrived in the Russian outback. The weather is disgusting, the roads are bad, the mood is lousy. How do they live here? A man in one boot is walking towards him. Satisfied... - Why are you happy, look: there is mud, slush all around, and you’ve lost your boot. - Yes, I didn’t lose it! Found!

It is believed that truth can withstand anything, but there is no test harder for it than ridicule. Only if truth has stood the test of ridicule can it rightfully be considered truth.

If a sharp word left marks, we would all be dirty.

You can't hate a person you can laugh at.

It is better to give reasons for laughter than ridicule.

The blind man to whom you gave the coin is not covered, he really does not see. - Why did you decide so? - He told you: “Thank you, beauty!”

Ridicule, even the most mediocre and stupid, can ruin any character, even the most beautiful and noble. Take, for example, a donkey: its character is almost impeccable, and it is a storehouse of intelligence next to other ordinary animals, but look what ridicule has done to it. Instead of feeling flattered when we are called donkeys, we feel doubtful.

A strong blow is dealt to vices when they are exposed to public ridicule. Reproach is easy to bear, but ridicule is far from so. Nobody wants to be funny.

Ukrainian vegetarians have proven that lard is a plant...

The red-haired man mockingly asks the bald man: “Why didn’t God give you hair?” - He gave me red ones, but I didn’t take them!

Never make fun of serious things.

Laugh with others, not at others.

They laugh from the heart. They mock - out of soullessness.

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they, if they want, can laugh at me.

Anyone who wants to maintain decency in ridicule must understand the difference between a painful addiction and a healthy hobby: ridicule of the former is insulting, while ridicule of the latter is received favorably.

Do you have buckwheat? - Yes, in the delicatessen department, right behind the black caviar!

Tolerate ridicule, but do not mock yourself. The first is a form of politeness, the second is pugnacity.

A scoffer is always a superficial creature.

This is all rubbish, rubbish - and rubbish are those people who throw dirt on their friends’ heads and make them laugh.

People tend to laugh at things that are beyond their poor understanding.

Beautiful as a gray horse; graceful as a gold tooth; as deft as an ironing board.

To mock fame, religion, love, everything in the world is a great consolation for those who do not know what to do.

Natanych! Don't be upset! She clearly got excited about her grandfather. You look more like your grandmother.

Scoffers are good prophets.

To know others there are two means: one is ridicule, and the other is flattery.

Superficial knowledge leads to ridicule, and in-depth knowledge leads to misunderstanding.

They say you love one thing, but you have to be content with what you have. So I love serenades, but I have to be content with a chorus of envious people.

If you have brittle hair, an ugly face, crooked legs and a nasty voice, don’t worry... You are a MASYANYA!

The most important thing is to be able to laugh at yourself. And don’t be afraid of ridicule from the outside.

Yes, a joke is more useful than a blow.

People with small pride do not know how to forgive ridicule, harsh tone, or lack of attention to themselves.

A person who is endowed with the gift of ridicule tends to find fault with everything that gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his talent.

The tendency to ridicule sometimes speaks of poverty of mind.

Ridicule is the most subtle way of exposing the shortcomings of others.

My young friend, don’t laugh at old age and don’t hope to stay young! Don’t waste time in empty ridicule, gain respect with deeds!

When we pursue wit, we often fall into stupidity. And not only into stupidity, but also into arrogance, bordering on contempt.

If the desire is real, then it is not afraid of ridicule.

Do you know what an order is? - Yes, that’s when they give orders! - As I understand it, at school compound word You didn't take "tautology".

The rhyme doesn’t fit me, I don’t know what to do... Let it burn in the fire! Since I don't understand her. And I tried this and that, but it turned out to be a complete joint... What can I do? Friends! I don’t know... And in, I read the periodic table...

My firmament is crystal clear and full of rainbow pictures, not because the world is beautiful, but because I am a cretin

If, in our opinion, there was something missing from the meal, or if we didn’t like something in the house, don’t mock it on the side.

Laughter is an integral part of our life; when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection of positive statuses about humor, laughter and smiling. Let them cheer you and your friends up! Read sayings and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, don’t forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. Whatever you say, there is some truth in this aphorism. Today there is even a science of healing with laughter, founded by Norman Cousins. It all started when Cousins ​​heard a fatal diagnosis from doctors. From then on, he began to regularly lock himself in his room and watch comedies. That's when a miracle happened - he recovered. This once again proves that laughter is the best medicine, and not only for problems, bad mood, but also about the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be sly. It’s much more difficult to laugh, dishonestly, but smiling is as easy as shelling pears. Don’t be disingenuous, give others only a sincere smile, the kind that a child can give. After all, children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all difficulties with a smile and enjoy life the way children do.

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an integral part of childhood.

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.

Laugh with your friends, not at them, and your friendship will last forever.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of incomplete higher education.

People with completed education always have a reason to laugh - the size of their salary...)

Humor is truth in life-safe doses.

Doses are safe as long as dark humor does not begin...

Those who often die of laughter live longer.

When we laugh until we die, we prolong our life.

Humor and laughter - along with love - are the main components of a healthy life.

Do you want to be healthy? Never let laughter out of your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person's face.

If you want warmth, then it's time to smile.

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose.

A person who has a sense of humor can come out of any situation gracefully.

Quotes of great men

Good laughter is sunlight in the house (William Thackeray).

Without laughter, the house will be cloudy even on the sunniest day.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter (Japanese proverb).

Give each other a smile, laugh more often and open the doors to happiness!

As long as we laugh, we're fine (Saul Bellow).

A man lives as long as he laughs.

Be double filled with kindness
And, so as not to offend anyone,
When you laugh loudly,
Be able to see through the wall with your heart (E. Yevtushenko).

Never laugh at something that causes pain.

Laugh with others, not at others (Elbert Greene Hubbard).

Laughter exists to lighten the mood, not to make fun of someone.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borzhe).

If you want to get closer, smile at each other!

Those who never laugh at themselves miss out on many great opportunities to laugh. (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes your own actions can be a great reason to laugh.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness (Belarusian proverb).

Fools are known to be happy, so let's laugh!

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger (Gregory Nazianzus).

When a person is overcome by anger, you just need to make him laugh.

Crazy and contagious laughter

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

It's better to get infected with laughter than the flu!

Some people have this infectious laughter that when they laugh, you laugh too, without even knowing what they are talking about...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great way to spend time)

It happens that there is no time for laughter here,
And before our eyes you deteriorate without a mood
The moment will jump, splashes of laughter will flow,
Then take it and, without hesitation, laugh out loud.

Let everyone have more reasons to laugh!

The boss has the most contagious laugh!

Especially when he gives out a salary...)

A sharp look, an infectious laugh!
Slim figure (ugh, ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it!)
And let modesty adorn only those
Who has nothing else to decorate themselves with!

Contagious laughter attracts more than any jewelry!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness.

If you want to feel like a doctor, infect people with your laughter and heal them of sadness...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

A child's smile is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears run down your cheek...

And if tears of laughter flow down your cheeks, it means you live in paradise.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly appreciated...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile - when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile... and you will immediately feel better.

Smile, and everything will be like in the song: “A smile will make everyone brighter...”)))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth is right up to the ears.
And burst into ringing laughter,
Like three year olds.

Learn to enjoy life from children...)

There is nothing genuine left in the world, with the exception of a child's smile.

A child's smile is the most sincere thing that can be.

Laughing for no reason is a sign that you are either an idiot or a pretty girl.

Why did they forget about normal guys?)

Watch the laughter small child, it is so natural, it comes from his depths, it seems as if joyful bells are ringing from the very heart.

Children's laughter is real life!

Let laughter and smile become your companions every day. Stock up on quotes and aphorisms about laughter and move forward to new discoveries!

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