Verbal jokes for April 1st. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

Lev Novozhenov: candy with a pebble

- Which of the April Fools' pranks do you remember most?

I started my career as a courier at Evening Moscow. There were no computers or faxes then, but there was a teletype. I had to tear off another news item from the paper tape and take it to the secretariat. And then the news came that the Chinese had crossed the Soviet border and the war had begun. I took it all. The editors were stunned, a purely human panic began. Then it turned out that someone was joking. By the way, for such April Fools' jokes at that time one could receive a very serious punishment.

- Did you personally organize April Fools’ pranks for friends and colleagues?

Never! There are simply no such good and harmless pranks. Pranks are usually evil. Their meaning is for a person to be horrified or, conversely, to hope for something and then be disappointed. "You have been awarded the Nobel Prize." "You're calling from Hollywood." And then it turns out that it was a joke. And when a person understands this, he is not very pleased. I believe that there is no need to traumatize people. What if a person has a weak heart or psyche?!

The archetype of a prank is when a child is given candy, he unwraps the candy wrapper, and there is a stone or some other nasty thing. Nice?

- You can’t even imagine the possibility of a good joke?

A good prank is one that, in theory, does not end in disappointment and disappointment, right? Well, for example. "Your wife is sleeping with your best friend." Or: “Your house is on fire.” You come running, and it turns out that all this is not so. You may even experience euphoria from the fact that something terrible did not happen. But is this a good joke? Don't know…

Of course, but it wasn't really a prank, it wasn't inventive, it wasn't catchy, and it was revealed instantly. “Your whole back is white,” “What’s wrong with your nose.” It was not interesting, and thanks for that.

There was an attempt on television to make a program of inventive pranks, and I remember how many of those being pranked there were tears and horror and fainting. I didn’t find a single plot that would make the prank pleasing. The only joy was that this horror was over, and for the moral suffering they were given flowers and a fee was paid.

You need to joke not just once a year, but throughout the year. And so that it would be funny for everyone, and not just the lucky ones or the scoundrels who laugh at those who just don’t feel like laughing for their amusement.

Vladimir Vishnevsky: Bulgakov's tram

I didn’t make jokes on others very often, especially on the “duty” day - April 1, but regularly, precisely for this unofficial national holiday, I came up with pranks related to me. And “MK” often helped me with this. We even had a mutual tradition... My favorite April Fools' genre is artistic hoaxes. One of the first in “MK” was this: the poet Vishnevsky, in order to make ends meet, works part-time as a stripper in a club. And the most ambitious and resonant one is “the poet Vishnevsky put an end to hateful freedom and got married to the charming deputy Irina Khakamada.” As a result of this “marriage”, she and I actually met and became friends, we are friends to this day, as well as with her husband... Then the consequence of this hoax was that for several years her voters called me as Khakamada’s husband and They tried to influence the deputy through me - for example, they asked her to tell her about the problems with the sewage system in Tsaritsyno. A year later, on the first of April, I successfully “traveled” to Italy to sing with my longtime friend and reader Luciano Pavarotti, and “MK” published a detailed story about all this, equipped with a photo montage, where he and I sing with all our might, and my head inserted into one of the tuxedos of the legendary tenor trio (it seems, instead of Carreras) with the verses: “He is “Sole”, I, of course, “Mio”... And further - higher to new notes! He brought me together with Domingo himself, I promised him with Buinov.” And a year later, MK reported that I had been given personal ownership of “Vishnevsky Passage” in the famous writer’s village of Peredelkino, and another time - that I had a fashionable tattoo salon, and people even began to look for it... In the April Fool’s hoax What is important is taste, moderation and precision in detail, which creates believability. Well, for example, somehow information was released that I was coaching a women's rowing team. “Eight” with a stroke... If it had been written there that she became the world or even national champion, everyone would understand that this was a joke. But it was there: “Vishnevsky’s students did not become champions, but they confidently entered the top five in the Moscow region.” Almost everyone bought it.

- How to make jokes about other people so as not to offend them, but to amuse them?

In my new book, I published my list for the first time - as it is impossible and harmful to joke today, “Vishnevsky’s Banality” is quite extensive and is constantly being updated. For example, in 2017, when meeting with a high-ranking official, you should not exclaim: “What kind of people are without security!” And to react to someone’s arm (leg) in a cast with a sympathetic question: “A bandit bullet?”... Even black humor has the right to life, but only if it is carried out in taste and moderation, is moderate and does not cause pain or anxiety.

-Can you remember how you were played?

The women I pursued did this best. One Bulgarian girl made an appointment with me in the center of Sofia at an incredibly precise time: 16.42. In general, punctuality is not the main advantage of the Bulgarian brothers, this surprised me in a good way... I arrived just in time to see her, so slender and tall, and then I saw her, and... much taller than I expected, so she drove past me at on the tram, turning out to be a tram driver, and kept to the schedule - at 16.42... In her smile there was so much female triumph over the pranked man... Which, I won’t hide, I had to deal with later... And in this “tram” prank there was something Bulgakovian, although for me it all ended much better than for Berlioz...

Office jokes

For those who decided to prank their colleagues on April 1, we have collected a selection of popular office jokes from Western resources.

Traveling by time machine: replace your colleague's monitor - or better yet, the system unit - with the oldest model that your system administrators have in the back room.

Upside down screen. Simultaneously pressing Ctrl+Alt+down arrow. (To return everything to its previous position - the same thing, but the arrow is up).

Ghost on the ceiling. Instead of a ceiling panel, something absolutely terrible is inserted.

The evil spider wove a web. A cobweb, for example made from yarn, appears at a colleague’s workplace.

Chair redesign. A little tape, the rest is up to your taste.

There is another option, but it is quite labor-intensive.

We won’t recommend sealing the mouse sensor with tape or covering it itself with bacon - it’s too cruel.

April 1 is celebrated around the world as April Fool's Day, or April Fool's Day. It is not known for certain where the tradition of “honoring” the gullible and simple-minded came from on this particular day, but the holiday is still alive.

history of the holiday

The tradition supposedly comes from the Middle Ages, and the first written mention of the first of April as a day of practical jokes (Fools Holiday) was recorded in 1686. The fashion for pranking those near and far by publishing stupid advertisements in newspapers came from Britain: as you know, one of the first pranks of this kind was an invitation to wash the white lions in the Tower.

In Russia, the holiday appeared and took root with Peter I. It was he, according to legend, who was the author of the first national April Fool's joke - an invitation to an “unheard-of performance”, at which simpletons were greeted by a poster: “April 1st - don’t trust anyone!”

One of the most famous April Fool's jokes is a 1957 BBC News broadcast about spaghetti harvested from trees.

In Russia, making jokes in the media on April 1 has become fashionable since late Soviet times. Some jokes were successful, some were not so good, however, they were all quickly forgotten, and every year the media comes up with something new. Although Russia recently passed a law on fake news, potential pranksters have already been reassured that no one will be punished for innocent April Fools' pranks.

Cool April 1st pranks for the office

There are a huge number of resources on the Internet that promise to teach you how to play a sparkling joke on your colleagues on April 1st. Unfortunately, all these simple pranks revolve around the phrase “who lost a hundred dollars,” taping a phone over a phone, or gluing a computer mouse to a table.

One office worker, on condition of anonymity, told how he harshly pranked an employee, because of whose carelessness their department lost a lucrative order and was left without a bonus.

The lazy employee was not a fool to drink and in this altered state actively entered into close contacts with “girls of reduced social responsibility.” “On behalf of” one such girl, on April 1, he received a letter that he had become a happy father...

The guy, who had just gotten happily married and even quit drinking, was so scared that when he found out it was an April Fool's joke, he immediately quit.

However, as statistics show, office pranks are mostly innocent in nature.

Draws for April 1st for SMS

Here, too, Internet offers do not shine with originality. Basically, the content of supposedly humorous SMS messages is made in the spirit, they say, stop talking too much, otherwise your tariff will be called “Done.” Naturally, all this with one degree or another of obscenity, which, as you know, is now strictly prohibited in the media.

Here are some more examples of jokes that, according to the authors, can amuse your friends on April 1st.

“There are times in men’s lives when they are absolutely indifferent to women. These are the first, second and third periods of hockey.”

“Hello, dear subscriber! We would like to thank you for your loyalty, congratulate you on April Fool’s Day, and just for fun, we’ll write off a thousand rubles from your account. Your mobile operator."

“I found out what stone you have from your horoscope! Judging by your face, it’s a brick.”

“Look to your left. Look to the right. Look up. Don’t you feel like a fool?!”

Etc., etc. And that’s not even counting the outright obscenity.

So, rather than practicing idiotic pranks, it’s better to just congratulate your friends on April Fool’s Day.

Wishes on April Fool's Day:
Happiness, joy, success!
Let your dreams come true!
Let there be more warmth!

Let there be more smiles
May everything in life be sweeter.
Let the sadness go away
Have fun day and night!

We'll go a little crazy
Let's play the fool
Let's laugh too
We'll make faces at you!

And without this - nothing!
He who is serious is a fool.
Everyone knows: on April Fool's Day
Sadness is a hindrance!

On this day there is no sin at all
Spread laughter everywhere
And make fun of someone,
To cheer up your friends!

So laugh together, people.
Let the joke be good-natured,
To smile from ear to ear,
At least sew on the ties!

Such April Fools' pranks are especially suitable for curious people who always need to know everything about everyone.

Place a small box on some high place, for example, on a closet (the main thing is that it is taller than human height). The top of the box should open, but there should be no bottom. On the outside of the box, stick a bright inscription that is visible from afar - for example, SEX, CONDOMS, DO NOT TOUCH WITH YOUR HANDS - anything that arouses curiosity. Fill the box itself with confetti. And when the person being played enters the room, leave so as not to interfere with him satisfying his curiosity. Of course, the “victim”, seeing a box with a defiant inscription, will remove it from the cabinet to look inside. But the box has no bottom. Firework!!! Return to the room with a broom and dustpan for those especially curious.

April 1st draw for a gullible secretary

This April Fool's prank is great for the office, especially if the campaign includes a naive, gullible secretary. Although, if you have an assistant and spectators, such pranks on April 1 at home can also be performed.

Someone from the next office calls the person being played and, in the most serious and stern voice, reports that they are calling to warn him from the telephone exchange. In order to clean the wires, hot steam will now be supplied under pressure through the telephone channel. Therefore, you urgently need to wrap all telephone handsets in the office with polyethylene or cloth (or simply let them fall to the floor). If the “victim” believes it, try not to give yourself away until she has “secured” all the office phones.

Funny thing about someone working at the computer

You need to do the following:

  • While the computer user is away, sit down at his computer.
  • Press the “PrintSrceen” key or “prt sc” for short, in other words, take a screenshot.
  • Open: Start -> Accessories -> Graphic editor Paint.
  • Insert the picture there, or just press the “Shift.Insert” key - it will be inserted automatically.
  • Save it to c:windows FUN.bmp and close the editor.
  • Go to “display properties”.
  • Make “PRIKOL.bmp” a background image for your desktop.
  • Select all the icons on your desktop and drag them off the screen.
  • For greater effect, you can remove the “Taskbar” along with the icons.

When the unfortunate user returns, sits down at his car, starts clicking on the usual monitor icons... oh, for some reason nothing happens, the icons don’t click, the folders don’t open!

Stuck, infection? We need to reload!!! Does not help! Again, reboot! Again….

The only thing that can help is “arranging icons by...” and, accordingly, restoring the background. If the owner of the computer is a complete idiot, he will end up running around the office asking for help and screaming: “It’s broken!” The main thing is to expose the April Fool's prank before the “victim” calls the IT service or complains to management about broken equipment.

Escaped mouse

  • the same mouse as the one being played, preferably one that has not been working for a long time (so that if something happens, it won’t be a pity);
  • a fairly long and fairly strong “tail” of the mouse - a connecting cord;
  • a chair on wheels that rolls easily;
  • It is desirable to locate the computer system unit under the table;
  • Greater absent-mindedness of the victim is welcome!

The total preparation time will take about a minute, in the absence of the victim, of course:

Replace the “victim” mouse with the same one, and tie a rope to the end of the “tail” (cord) of the mouse. Stretch a cord with a rope behind the table and tie the other end of the rope to the chair from below, so that in the retracted position of the chair, the mouse is in the usual place for the user, and the tail is almost “tight.” Try to adjust the length of the rope so that the mouse does not fall off the table when you pull out the chair. When the victim of the prank arrives at his workplace, seeing a chair pulled in, the first thing he does is begin to pull it out, trying to sit down. The mouse immediately runs away... The first reaction is confusion or even stupor. The second is to pull the mouse sharply towards you and catch it. The chair immediately drives up and hits the victim under the knees. Next, either the victim plops down on a chair with a completely stunned look, or involuntarily pushes the chair away with his knees and another “chase of the mouse.” In general, there will be something to have fun with!


A wonderful, although somewhat cruel, prank on April 1 in an institution where there is usually a fairly large number of visitors.

Attach a sign (leaflet) with the inscription “Toilet” to the door of one of the offices. That's the whole draw for April 1st. But imagining the expressions and indignation of the office employees is very funny. Imagine: the door constantly opens rapidly and another visitor rushes in, looking at everyone in surprise and muttering something unintelligible like: “Oh, sorry!”, “This is not a toilet!”, “Where is the toilet?”, and disappear behind the door. Such jokes and practical jokes on April 1 make fun not only of colleagues, but also of visitors. Although it’s a bit of a pity for the latter in this situation...

In the metro with delivery

By teaming up with a partner, you can play a very funny prank on subway passengers, and at the same time the controller. Enter the carriage and, after waiting a little, go to the button to call the driver. Pressing it, or rather just pretending that you are pressing it, say loudly: “One hamburger and two cokes, please, in carriage No. …”. Now calmly wait for the next stop, where your accomplice is already waiting, who, upon entering the car, should loudly ask: “Who ordered a hamburger and two cokes?” Having handed you the “order” and received payment, the accomplice must leave. And you, as soon as the train starts moving, go to the call button again, and so that everyone can hear, say: “No stops until the final one”! I assure you, not everyone will recognize the April Fool's trick and will begin to be indignant, and maybe try to tell the driver that they will also get off at the next stop! The main thing is that you don’t get caught and become hooligans for your jokes on April 1st.

You can use double-sided tape to glue your colleague's computer mouse to the table. Or just go to the mouse settings and change the mode by checking the “left-handed” box.

You can ask several acquaintances whom your friend does not know to call her and say that they found her advertisement on the Internet for the provision of piquant services, they liked the description and photo, and most importantly the price, and they would like to come to have fun.

It will be funny if you print out a utility bill with a huge amount. It needs to be put in a friend's mailbox. Make your friend panic, and then tell him it's just a prank on you.

Or Fool's Day- this is the day when it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances or just joke.

April 1 - April Fool's Day

There are several theories regarding the origin of this holiday. The most famous of them dates back to the 16th century in France. Until the mid-16th century, the Julian calendar was in use, according to which the New Year began in April. However, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, according to which the new year began on January 1.

However, not everyone immediately accepted the new calendar and continued to celebrate the New Year from March 25 to April 1. These people became the subject of ridicule and practical jokes.

Ancient Rome also celebrated a similar holiday. Hilaria March 25th, and in India a fun festival is celebrated with the beginning of spring Holi when people joke and throw paint at each other.

If you decide to make fun of someone on this day, here are some interesting ideas.

Warning: DO NOT attempt to harm anyone or destroy anyone's property.!

How to prank a friend or colleague?

1. Plant grass in his keyboard. However, be prepared to buy your colleague a new keyboard if you decide to resort to this prank, or simply quietly replace it with an old and similar keyboard.

2. Attach horn using tape and watch your friend jump in complete delight.

3. Convert wipers in a colorful rainbow. Warning: This may be hazardous to your health.

4. Offer water in an original way. Pour water into a glass, cover it with a piece of paper, turn it upside down and place it on the table, and then take out the paper.

5. Improve your technology their colleagues.

6. Cover soap with colorless varnish and leave it in the bathroom.

7. Fill the office toy rats.

8. Make their worst fears come true by building imitation on toilet paper.

9. Show your colleague that he is too self-absorbed.

10. Make sure your colleague reads it morning newspapers.

11. Surprise with balls.

12. Leave them a big one. brown surprise.

13. Treat their taste buds by cooking onions in caramel.

14. Suggest a glass of water, or two, or several thousand.

15. Try to get your friend to work on time by setting a few alarm clocks that will ring at intervals of 5 minutes, and hide them throughout the house.

16. Remind him/her about his/her favorite actor or singer.

17. Apply tape to optical mouse sensor.

19. Do " head in a jar" by printing out a portrait of the head.

20. Change the signs on the restroom doors.

How to prank people on the street?

· Glue coin with superglue to the sidewalk and watch people's reactions.

· Start a normal conversation with a passerby, and then report that you have escaped from a mental hospital.

· In a busy place, raise your head up and, waving your arms, give instructions: “More right, more right, and now left, more left.” When several onlookers gather, shout: " Now quit!" and jump back. Watch the reaction.

· When you are traveling in a vehicle, passing a river or lake, exclaim in surprise: “ Look, dolphins!". Enjoy the reaction.

· Dress similarly with a friend. When the trolleybus starts its journey, run after it. At another stop, your friend runs into the trolleybus and says with relief: " I barely caught up!".

Here's another a few examples, how people get pranked on the street:

How to prank a friend on the phone?

· Let us know that you conduct a survey and ask random and funny questions.

· Call a random number and ask for "(any name"), when they tell you you made a mistake, hang up. Do this in different voices several times. Finally, call and say in a different accent that you are "(name)" and ask are there any messages for you?.

· Call a friend on the phone and tell him that you are his neighbor and you don’t have water. Ask him to wash, or bathe a cat or child.

· Call the office, introducing yourself as a telephone exchange foreman, and ask do not pick up the phone for 10 minutes, as you may get an electric shock. Call back, and if they pick up, start screaming heart-rendingly.

· Introduce yourself as the operator and say that due to non-payment turn off your phone.

· Call and say that today turn off the water. Ask to fill the bathroom, basins, and pots with more water. After half an hour, call back and ask: “Did you get water?” If the answer is yes, say: “Now let the boats go!”

Draws for April 1st.

“April 1st...” - how much fun and amusing is combined in this phrase... A more democratic holiday does not exist. They play pranks on everyone from the cleaning lady to the boss, from children to the elderly. The main thing is that everyone is funny and having fun.

The meaning of this holiday, like no other, is contained in one short word - laughter. And if so, then you can play anything, as long as the game or competition brings smiles to the competitors and spectators.

Some people are still delusional, hoping that beauty will save the world. But you and I know for sure that if anything saves the world, it’s laughter!

I congratulate you,

Happy holiday - prankster!

Nobody's tired of it

April Fools jokes

But rather the opposite:

People are happy to laugh!

Raffle “Desired Door”.

In a busy facility, place a sign indicating “Toilet” on the office door. It is advisable that the workers in this room go outside as little as possible - this way your sign will hang longer, and the workers will more often observe people rushing in, dumbfounded and running out. You can make several directional arrows so that people do not immediately find their way to the pseudo-toilet.

Raffle “Hang in there, student!”

On the eve of the important lesson on April 1, the following joke works well. Since the evening, the victim has been stuffed with all sorts of fables like: the teacher went wild, promised to teach him all the topics in class, being late is the end of the matter, etc. Then, when the victim, exhausted by anxious thoughts and intense preparation, falls asleep, the “caring” neighbors move the clocks forward several hours, turn off the lights and wait for the alarm to ring. When the bell rings, the neighbors jump up shouting that they are already late, get dressed, and just before leaving, in a voice full of hopeless despair, they inform them that nothing good will happen to their poor students, not everyone has such a clear head as the victim, and they will not dare to go to this lesson. After which, having sent the victim off with wishes of “not to worry…”, they go to bed to get some sleep. The clock is reset to its original position...

"Phone Hooligan" Raffle.

Call someone and ask them not to answer the phone for 10-15 minutes, as the telephone operator is on the line and could get an electric shock. A couple of minutes later you call back to the same number, and when the other end picks up, you let out a heartbreaking scream.

Raffle “Deer Hunting”.

One person portrays a deer by raising his hands to his head and spreading his fingers like a fan. With wild exclamations: “I am a deer! I am a deer!”, he runs past some crowd of people (this joke is best done on the street at bus stops). About 30 seconds later, armed with improvised guns, several “hunters” run by, simultaneously addressing people: “Have you seen a deer here?” Everyone who saw this will not forget this “hunt” for a long time.

Raffle “Now let’s get going!”

A firecracker is tied to the railings and doorknob of neighbors and the doorbell is rung. The result can be observed through the peephole of the door - just don’t burst out laughing so as not to get caught. As a rule, the neighbors hide behind the door for an hour or two after this and run out into the entrance every five minutes in the hope of catching the pranksters.

“Living Computer” draw.

Pranks with computers are very common, for example, if the person being pranked has a fairly long “tail” on the mouse, a chair on wheels, the victim may be very absent-minded; An “under-desk” option for the location of the system unit is desirable.

Preparation while the victim is away lasts about a minute:

- find the same mouse as the victim’s, but not a working one and put it in place of the working one for the victim (the “standard” mouse is hidden, for example, behind the monitor);

— a chair moves under the table. Using a rope, the tail of the mouse is tied to the chair so that the mouse lies in its usual place, and the tail is almost “tight”, but when the chair is pulled out, the mouse does not fall off the table, and the connector does not pull out of the computer. When a victim comes to the workplace and sees a chair pushed in, what is the first thing they do? That's right, he pulls out a chair. The mouse “runs away” from the victim... The first reaction is confusion and sometimes stupor. The second is to sharply pull the mouse towards you - a chair drives up and hits the victim under the knees. Then either plop down on a chair with a stunned look, or push the chair away with your knees.

Raffle "Reach to the ceiling."

For such a prank you need a fairly naive person, an assistant and a room with a not very high ceiling. Next, you can make a comic bet with that same naive person that he will jump higher with his eyes blindfolded than with his eyes open. Naturally, you invite him to try. First ask him to jump with his eyes open. Then you blindfold the victim of the prank and make him face you. At this time, an assistant comes up from behind - with a plywood board or a wooden seat from a chair in his hands. Then you ask the victim to jump. The victim jumps, but the ceiling is missing. The assistant lifts the board over the victim’s head and holds it at such a height that the victim can obviously jump to it. You are asking for another jump. The victim jumps and reaches the “ceiling”. This is followed by a flurry of applause from the admiring spectators, after which the blindfold is removed from the “champion’s” eyes.

Raffle “Guess where you are?”

One person sits with his back to everyone else. An inscription is attached to his back indicating a place, establishment, etc. for example, school, kitchen, stadium, sobering-up station. The person to whom the inscription is attached does not know its purpose. However, he will have to answer the questions that others will ask. The questions could be like this.

- What are you doing over there?

- How did you get there?

— How often do you go there?

- Who are you meeting there?

Usually it turns out very funny, since the answerer does not know where he was “sent”.

“Cruel Prank” draw.

This prank is reserved for the moment when guests or colleagues express a desire to drink tea. You need to prepare two kettles in advance. One kettle is put on fire and water is boiled, and not hot water is poured into the second (to half the kettle or to the top - as desired). The person being played must sit in such a way that he cannot immediately escape, and preferably closer to the door into which the teapots will be brought in. The actor enters the room with two teapots in his hands (it’s better to hold both teapots through a towel) with the words: “Careful, boiling water!”, Very quickly puts the kettle on the victim’s lap (you can put it on your stomach or give it to your hands). It is better for the rest to move back at this moment, as the victim’s reaction can be quite violent.

Raffle “Clean up, wash the floor.”

Water is poured into the saucepan, covered with a sheet of paper on top, turned upside down, placed on a flat floor or even better on a table, and the paper is pulled out. Water does not flow out. The victim sees an ownerless pan that is disturbing everyone and picks it up... The result is obvious. As an option, instead of a saucepan, take a 3-5 liter glass jar and place it where it will interfere with the potential victim, who sees the water, and just has to puzzle over how to deal with the least casualties.

Draw “With hand”.

Everyone, probably, during their school years, entertained themselves (sometimes) by tracing their hand on a sheet of paper with a pen and asking them to put their hand to the sheet to compare the size (shape) of the hand. We take a sheet of paper and begin to trace our hand, tracing the little finger, stop (do not trace the edge of the hand), shift the hand so that we trace the little finger again, and finish tracing the hand. As a result, the sheet should show an image of “your” hand with 6 fingers; if possible, you should outline your hand as realistically as possible. Next, this drawing is offered for “comparison” to any person. It's very funny to see how long it takes a person to realize that something is wrong here.

Raffle "Tricky matches".

Is it possible to lift five matches with both hands at the same time? Definitely yes, if you know how it's done. This trick can be performed by betting on a symbolic prize or forfeit. And it is performed like this: the first match is lifted with two thumbs so that they rest against them, the second - in the same way with two index fingers, the third - with the middle fingers, the fourth - with the ring fingers, the fifth with the little fingers. You just need to practice a little.

Drawing “Funny round dance”.

Everyone who wants to take part in this prank game stands in a circle and firmly takes each other’s hands. The presenter says that he will name a flower in everyone’s ear, and then begin to name one out loud. The one whose flower is named must sit down sharply, while those standing next to him must prevent him from doing this.

The joke is that the name of the same flower is spoken into the ears of all players - chamomile. And when the presenter calls him, everyone sits down abruptly and, unable to maintain their balance, falls. It is advisable that there are no sharp objects nearby that could cause injury.

Raffle “Samarkand Donkey”.

First, the presenter explains to the participants the rules of the game: the driver goes into another room, the rest choose the “Samarkand donkey”, after that they call the driver, who asks the question: “Who is the Samarkand donkey?” Everyone shouts loudly: “Me!” The driver’s task is to guess who the “Samarkand donkey” is. Three attempts are given for this. After the driver leaves, the leader announces the real rules: when the driver tries to guess the “donkey” for the first time, the person he pointed to says that he was mistaken. The second attempt ends with the same result. But on the third attempt, any person pointed at by the driver must say: “Yes, indeed, you guessed right, I am that same Samarkand donkey.” After this, the person who was “guessed” becomes the driver, and the previous driver joins the rest of the players. The most important thing is to warn everyone that the second time, when the former driver is already standing in the circle, to the question “Who is the Samarkand donkey?” everyone must remain silent. The joke is that the driver, not knowing the real rules of the game, will shout at the top of his voice - “I am!”

"Ladies' Stream" raffle.

Girls participate in this competition. Contestants are invited to move from one wall to another along an impromptu stream (a strip of wallpaper laid on the floor), “without getting their feet wet,” that is, with them widely spaced. After this, all participants are taken to another room and invited one by one. Now they have to go the same way, only blindfolded.

When the girl follows the same path, her eyes are opened and she sees a man lying face up on the wallpaper. The girl is usually very embarrassed. But when the next participant is brought in, she laughs heartily along with everyone else at the prank, which consists in the fact that the man lies down on the wallpaper after the girl has passed the test, but her bandage has not yet been removed.

Drawing "Let's tell fortunes for life."

Explain to those present that you can tell fortunes using the lines of your hand in a special way - using ashes (cigarettes), which makes the lines clearer.

If the volunteer does not smoke, find a helper for him. With your right hand you need to knock the ashes from a burning cigarette onto your left palm (it won’t be hot). The more ash, the better. Then ask the victim to rub the ash across the palm of her hand strictly counterclockwise, with the thumb of her right hand, making as many circles in the ash as she/he is old (thus, the diligent victim smears both upper limbs in the ash almost elbow). With a deep look, squinting, you peer at the patterns on your palm, mutter something about an extremely rare combination of lines and, finally, pronounce your verdict on the victim: “Well, what can I tell you... You turned out to be a very bad ashtray!”

“Do you want to earn money” draw.

Two players call. They are seated near a chair on which the presenter places a banknote. He announces that on the count of “One, two, three!” they will have to grab the bill as quickly as possible. Whoever does this first will be able to take it for himself.

When the first round is completed, the presenter announces the second, which will take place blindfolded. Participants, after they are blindfolded, can touch the bill to be sure, in order to more accurately remember its location. After this, the presenter begins the countdown, and at this time the bill is removed and a tomato is placed in its place.

Raffle "Pharaoh".

A blindfolded man enters the room. His hands begin to move over the lying “Pharaoh” from bottom to top. The role of “Pharaoh” is played by one of the initiated participants. The rest of the “Victims” are waiting outside the door. Mournful music and words sound: “This is Pharaoh, these are his legs. This is Pharaoh, these are his thighs. This is Pharaoh, here is his belly, ..., here is his head, this is Pharaoh, here is his brains! With these words, the victim’s hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, cones, etc.) mixed with ketchup. The effect exceeds all expectations.

Raffle “With matches”.

The prank is offensive, so it is necessary that the “victim” has a good sense of humor. So, the victim is asked to take a coordination test (dexterity, sobriety, etc.) The essence of the test is as follows: you need to lift a box of matches using two matches. Holding them by the heads with two fingers each, rest different sides against the center of the box and thus lift it. As a rule, after several attempts this is successful. After this, it is proposed to complicate the task: at the moment when the box is already lifted and held, the victim must stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, the attempt is repeated. Very quickly the victim will stomp his foot on the floor with a satisfied look and hold a box of matches in front of him with two matches. The face in this case is usually very stupid and happy, especially if you first bet that the victim will never succeed.

This is where the presenter turns to face the audience and announces in the voice of an entertainer: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse...”

"Flour" draw.

An inflatable ball is placed in the middle of the table. The two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. The ball is quietly removed, and a plate generously filled with flour is placed in its place. Participants blow on the plate until they suspect something is wrong...

Draw for students “Controversial”.

Especially for students! How to earn money for a glass of beer by arguing. Of course, you need to choose the appropriate moments and company.

  1. I bet you can't step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor, and you won't be able to step over it!!! (How to win an argument? Place a pencil on the floor flat against the wall).
  2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we don’t stand on the same newspaper opposite each other. Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does not open. Try it, you'll definitely win a glass of beer!
  3. You bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator? Solution: jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

“Pilot” draw.

All participants leave the room, leaving only the presenter and his assistant. Two chairs are placed opposite each other in the room. An assistant sits, as if by chance, not far from the chair of the future “victim” with a soaked rag (handkerchief, etc.) hidden behind his back. The “victims” are launched one at a time. The “victim” comes in and stands near his chair (like the presenter). It is necessary that the chairs are behind them, and the leader and the “victim” look at each other. Next, the presenter greets the “victim” and says: “You entered flight school today, I am your instructor and we have practical classes today, you must repeat after me all the movements, sounds, etc.” then everyone sits down, and the victim, feeling a catch, looks at the chair, and finding nothing, sits down. Then the presenter says: “First lesson, they give us a corn cracker for it” (the presenter pretends as if he is holding the steering wheel in his hands, and begins to make the sounds of a winding up airplane, something like “Peck-peck-peck-peck.” Then he says “We’re taking off!” he gets up from his chair, and the “victim” also gets up, then both sit down. The same maneuver happens a second time, only this time they give “Boeing” (and the corresponding sounds for it, the third one). an SU-27 appears in the park (or something similar jet, with a loud sound) “By this time, the victim has already been distracted from the chair, and the assistant quietly places a wet rag on the chair (but not very wet, so that it doesn’t squish when it’s on). The main thing is that the “instructor-leader” at this time looks into the “victim’s” eyes, and not behind her back. Then the words of the leader: “The left engine fails, the right engine fails, and with these words everyone sits down!” The instructor and assistant laugh, but the victim at first doesn’t understand what’s going on (the clothes don’t get wet right away). Then the “victim” sits somewhere to the side and, without giving any sign, becomes a spectator. The next “victim” comes in and everything repeats again. And so on until the last participant looks at the laughing crowd of “departures”, waiting in bewilderment until he too is landed!

"Create Tension" Raffle.

If a new young secretary has appeared in your team, the following draw is offered. Someone from the next room calls the secretary and, in as serious a voice as possible, reports that they are calling from a telephone exchange and now, in order to check the wires, the telephone channel will be under high voltage, so you need to wrap all telephone handsets in the office with tape as quickly as possible. isolation purposes. The main thing is to pronounce this tirade absolutely seriously.

"Video joke" raffle.

Party. Agree with the owner of the apartment and film the toilet in advance by standing on a chair and raising the camera higher. It is important that the image does not shake. When someone goes to the toilet during the party, quickly instruct the company and turn on the recording. Upon returning, the victim will see on the TV screen (monitor) an image of the toilet where he had just been, and the whole company is rolling with laughter. Naturally, the victim’s first thought will be that “everyone saw everything”...

Raffle “Flight into space”.

For this game, several volunteers are called, who are taken to another room and invited one by one to carry out a “flight into space.” The newcomer stands on a chair, and two strong guys get ready to lift him. Another guy stands nearby, whose head will become the “ship control panel”, which the “astronaut” will hold on to. Then the participant in the “flight” is blindfolded.

The chair rises 10-20 cm, and the guy the participant is holding on to simultaneously squats. The person being played has the impression that he was raised 1-1.5 meters. The presenter shouts: “Jump!” It would be good to secure the player at this moment, because he will think that he is jumping from a great height. All participants are called in turn.

Raffle "Egg".

A raw egg is taken into the hand in front of the “victim”. It is better if the “victim” sits. Then we go behind the “victim’s” back, quietly hide the egg somewhere, and put our hand with the fingers in a “bun” to the “victim’s” head so that the fingers lightly touch the hair and quickly slap the back of the hand with the other hand. Then we run our fingers along the sides of the “victim’s” head from top to bottom so as to touch the hair. A complete illusion that an egg was broken on the head.

"Group Rhythm" Raffle.

Raffle for 4 or more people. The players sit in a circle. The leader places his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Everyone does the same with their own hands and their neighbors. You beat out a simple rhythm with your left hand (tra-ta-ta). Your neighbor on the left, hearing the rhythm, beats it with his right hand (on your left leg). Your neighbor on the right, hearing the rhythm, beats it with his left hand (on your right foot). And so on in a circle. You'll have a lot of fun before you all get the rhythm right.

Raffle “Who is this?”

Take each a piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Fold the sheet so that what you drew is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to your neighbor. Each participant in the game ended up with a blank sheet of paper with an image that he should not see. Next, they draw the upper part of the body, hide the drawing again and pass it on to the next neighbor to finish drawing the lower limbs. Now unfold all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them. It will be a lot of fun. Try to name the new species.

Raffle "Salute".

Place the small box in a high place (higher than human height), such as on a closet. The box must have an opening top and no bottom. On the outside, stick an inscription that is bright and noticeable from afar - for example, “Sweets, candies, gifts...” - and fill the box with confetti. The person being played enters the audience, sees a box with an appetizing name and what does he do? Of course, he takes it off the cabinet. And the box has no bottom. Hurray, fireworks!!!

Draw “Telephone Operators Competition”.

Two groups of players (10-12 people) are seated in two parallel rows. The presenter selects a difficult-to-pronounce tongue twister and communicates it (in secret) to the first person in each team. At the leader’s signal, the first rows begin to pass it to the ear of the second, the second - to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephone message,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that passes the tongue twister through the chain faster and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

“Drinker” raffle.

Fill the glasses with a teaspoon. Whoever completes the task faster gets the opportunity to make a toast and drink the contents.

To be continued..

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