How much does it cost to get into house 2.

Many people dream of being on TV screens, and most of them are ready to do anything to make their dream come true. If you want to become a participant in the reality show “House 2”, then you will have to go through several castings. Such a strict selection is necessary so that viewers do not lose interest in the project.

“House 2” has an official website, but you can find all the most interesting things on another resource. The website will help you learn a lot about the life of the participants during the project and after it.

How to get to the casting

All selections are conducted by casting editors. There are several main ways to get an interview:

  • come to the address indicated on the official website and fill out the form. Castings are held every Wednesday;
  • selection of participants for the island is also carried out every week;
  • Regional castings take place in different cities of the country. You can learn about the place and time of the selection from the broadcasts of the TNT channel;
  • fill out a form on the official Dom-2 website and wait for the editors to call;
  • make friends with one of the project participants, and then receive an invitation from him.

If you have firmly decided that you need to get on the television project “Dom-2”, then you need to be well prepared to participate in it. On film set delayed bright participants with your own point of view on what is happening.

What is needed to qualify

The main motto of the show is the phrase “Build your love!” But in practice, it turns out that those who declare their goal to be building relationships have little chance of getting into the project.

In order to interest casting editors, you need to come up with something unusual and interesting. But there are things you shouldn’t do during a casting:

  1. Dance, sing or show off your other talents. It’s good that you have them, you can write about this in the application form. When you get to the place of execution, you will be asked to do something.
  2. Claim that you will be interesting to viewers because you are beautiful. Ideas about beauty different people are different. In addition, the brightest participants are remembered not by their correct facial features, but by their character and extraordinary actions.
  3. It’s timid to talk about what a kind and sympathetic person you are. In life, these qualities are virtues, but viewers want to watch intrigues that evoke strong emotions.

To be sure to pass the casting, think over a strategy for behavior on the set and offer your vision to the editors.

Casting for “Dom-2” in St. Petersburg took place on March 23. To get to it, you had to call the phone number indicated on the TNT channel website and come at the appointed time to the appointed place with a passport and photograph. W journalists did just that. We were prepared for the painful queuing with hundreds of people wanting to get into the project. Prepared for conversations about bad and good heroes television project, having read in advance what they write about them on the Internet, and even stoically watched a couple of programs. We wanted to understand these people - an audience of millions, as the authors of the project say, who are watching people in a locked house, how they eat, drink and sort things out.

“Imagine how far your ex has come – he went to Dom-2!”

About 10 people have gathered in the narrow corridor of the business center on Nevsky, 32-34. Some are leaving, others are coming, but no crowd is observed.

A year ago, the casting for “Dom-2” took place here,” Danila from Rostov, who later turned out to be Ivan, tells me. “I came here, saw a huge line that stretched from the courtyard all the way to Nevsky Prospect, turned around and left. Much better today.

The casting process is simple: you fill out a form and go for an interview with two more applicants for participation in “House-2”. The casting is conducted by two ladies (everyone who has already seen them in the corridor claims that “they are bitches”), as well as a very pumped-up young man. The girls ask questions, and the guy silently watches. There were suggestions that he was guarding television equipment.

In addition to standard questions, the Dom-2 participant’s questionnaire includes, for example, “How many men/women have you had in your life?”, “What do you need for happiness (if money, then how much)?”, “Are you ready for your love? destroy other people’s relationships?”, “What was the longest period of your relationship and why did it fail?” There is also a question: “Have you participated in photo and video shooting of an erotic nature? If yes, then tell us more,” apparently appeared at the beginning of the project, when one of the participants turned out to be a porn star.

The questionnaire even includes a great question: “What kind of relationship are you in with your exes? Indicate their addresses and telephone numbers." He especially amused the tanned metrosexual.

This is to call and say, “Think about what your ex has come to, he went to Dom-2,” he decided.

This guy, by the way, behaved very self-confidently, and, I must say, the casting managers did not let him go for the longest time. They even caught it on camera, which everyone else didn’t get the chance to do.

“I’ll leave the children with their mother...”

Journalist W walked into the room where the interview took place along with two girls. We were met by the same trio that we had already heard about - two ladies and a muscleman. What caught my eye were the knees of the “casting” women, covered in fishnet tights, and the look of the jock exuding complete indifference.

Without addressing anyone in particular, the casting hosts asked the question: “What are you willing to do so interesting that the viewer will love or hate you?” The brunette with glasses was the first to answer.

“I’m a very kind, sincere and sympathetic person,” she babbled, but no one listened to the girl, one casting manager was looking at something on her phone, the other did not take her eyes off some form, and the presence young man was rather nominal.

But when the applicant for participation in the show fell silent, she was asked a question:

Why do you think our boys will pay attention to you?

Because I'm... beautiful.

Stop, everyone's idea of ​​beauty is different, so for us your beauty is last place, - said the casting host, a dyed blonde with bright makeup. - We need individuals!

“And I’m a natural blonde,” said another contender for getting into the walls of “House-2”. - Two months ago my husband left me for another woman. I was left alone with two children, my son is almost a year old, my daughter is six years old. Since in personal life I’m quiet now, I started looking at your project and thought it would be nice for me to get there. I have a chance to find there a good man, show yourself, look at people. I'll leave the children with their mother...

What can you surprise us with besides the fact that you are such a young mother of two children?

I have a difficult character. And I single out Wenceslaus. This is an interesting case.

Why does the project need you? – this question was addressed to me.

Since beautiful people are not needed, then I’ll say that I’m smart, I decided, and I did it.

“We don’t choose based on diplomas,” the manager answered. - We need an interesting one inner world, some special individual qualities. And the fact that you know a lot is a plus for you, but the viewer is not interested in it. He is interested in emotions, non-standard human reactions to a variety of situations. We don’t choose by type, we look for the living, emotional people that are different from others.

Apparently, here it was necessary to scream, cry, or perform some other emotional act.

Can you dance a striptease?

I didn’t say that I came to the casting out of journalistic interest, and not out of love for “Dom-2”. Those who left the casting were asked on the street what and how, and at the same time my photojournalist colleague took pictures of them.

19-year-old friends Yulia and Zhenya dreamed of getting into the casting of “House-2” back in school. And then, they say, such a chance has arisen; they are looking for participants for the show in their native St. Petersburg. The girls put on their best outfits, made a parade, and off they went. Only their efforts were not appreciated.

You have to try everything in life,” said Zhenya. - But this was my first and last casting for a television project. They killed me with the question “Can you dance a striptease?” I didn’t come to “Vacations in Mexico”, you generally have to go to them naked.

And they asked me who I wanted to go to,” added Yulia. - I answered that it was to Lesha Samsonov. And I was told that his task is “to love the rich.” I'm not coming.

Another contender is Artem, he is 23. He is from Belarus and now lives and works in Kingisepp. I went to the casting of “House-2” on the advice of friends. And he left the room where the interview was taking place, very saddened.

“Dom-2 is not only a TV show on which love is built, it is also a platform on which you can become famous, because you are under cameras around the clock,” he explained. - I love to sing, and my friends say that I have good voice. I thought that I could become a singer with the help of a television project. True, at the casting I was not given the opportunity to sing. I was asked what I could do to amaze the project participants and viewers. I replied that I know how to look after girls and speak beautifully. But the casting presenters were not satisfied with this. There are actually two overdressed dolls sitting there, they don’t listen to you, they talk to each other about the weather, constantly interrupt, and fiddle with their phones every now and then. It feels like they don't care about anyone.

Do nothing and get paid for it

Do you also want to go to Dom-2? Then pay these dolls 200 thousand rubles and they will take you,” Dima began to be indignant. - Now it’s clear why the project has ceased to be interesting! Because complete bitches take people away. They are looking for some black people who will talk nonsense, but they don’t hire normal people. And if you say that you want to build a relationship at Dom-2, they say that it is uninteresting and banal. You probably have to do some kind of homosexual activity to stay on the show.

But Victor is 30 years old, and he wanted to come to Dom-2 with his own philosophy.

When you turn on Dom-2, you see nothing there except dirt, but their motto is “Build your love,” he said. - I wanted to show how it should be done. Building a new nation begins with a woman. A mother is a child's first teacher, so one must be very careful with women. Plus, I told the casting managers that I liked two films, The Truman Show and Keeping Up with the Johnsons. And the ideas of these films could be implemented in the project. But, as I understand it, they only need action. I asked what action was for them. He said that I could get up, throw something, start fighting. And they told me that they only have adequate people. Imagine, at Dom-2 there are adequate people, those who attract the audience with all sorts of abomination.

And this is not the first casting in the life of 28-year-old Kostya. Before that, he tried to get to the “Battle of Psychics.” I wanted to prove that this show was a setup, I came to the casting with a statement that I could see the future, but I didn’t make it.

We have to tell the truth at the casting: I’m tired of working, I want to do nothing on TV, eat for free and get paid for it,” Danila, who is actually Ivan, was either joking or opening up. - And I go to the project for love and fame. It’s easier to build relationships and become famous there. My parents are already waiting to see me. I hope they call back. True, during the interview I was not able to reveal all my talents. But they noticed that I looked like Kolyan from “Real Boys.” And in general, I am worthy.

There is hardly a person in Russia who has not heard about the popular television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. And some even watched a reality show. A correspondent for Irkutsk Online news agency attended the casting.

When I was 14 years old, the second part of the television project had just started and, I admit, I watched it avidly. It took me two years. Since then, when I come across “Dom-2”, switching channels, I never cease to be surprised: “Is it still on?” 13 years have passed, and the reality show has no plans to close and is only gaining ratings.

WITH youth I’ve always wondered: how do participants get there? Why do they choose these guys and girls? I found out that the project’s host, ex-participant Andrei Cherkasov, was coming to Irkutsk to conduct a casting, and curiosity got the better of me.

The selection was scheduled for 19:00 on January 30. Before this, they planned a live broadcast from the front office in Moscow and a press conference with Cherkasov. Of course, I was prepared. The evening before the cherished day, I went to the project website to choose a free young man, to whom, according to legend, I would go. I re-read the biographies several times, but could not decide.

I turned on the last episode: “The 5012th day has come on the television project “Dom-2” ....” I mentally tried to translate this into years, but immediately abandoned the idea. Of course, I couldn’t watch the entire episode (it was a pity to spend a whole hour on this) and settled on their evening meeting at the Execution Ground. From there I learned that the couple Sergei Kucherov and Yulia Efremenkova were having temporary difficulties. Without thinking twice, I chose this participant. I’ll say, I’m going to Sergei to add fuel to the fire - to their relationship with Yulia. It should work.

I decided that I would not introduce myself as a journalist. I figured out that I worked on a flexible schedule - as a restaurant manager. Skirt, makeup, heels - done.

The direct broadcast from the frontal place took place in the cinema hall of one of shopping centers. I was no longer surprised by the full hall, but by the fact that half the audience were men. Have worked " open mic“- interested Irkutsk residents came up and asked questions to their household members. The girl Oksana lit up the hall.

Show me Yabbarov,” she demanded, taking the microphone. The camera was pointed at the participant.
- Tell me, aren’t you ashamed? Don't you understand that you are taking someone else's place? - Oksana suddenly “ran over”. - Why did you come back to the project again?

Ilya Yabbarov was slightly confused, but retorted:
- I came so you could look at me!
- And I hate to look at your face! - the Irkutsk woman snapped.

After a verbal altercation, the young man backed down:
- Girl, I don’t understand what you want from me. Let's end this conversation.
“Then sing a song,” the girl continued.
- I don’t sing for free.
“Then give me your number and I’ll throw you a hundred rubles on your phone,” Oksana was not embarrassed, which completely captivated the audience, the presenter and those present.

Then she demanded another participant - Valery Blumenkranz, to whom she expressed everything she thought about him. After that, Andrei Cherkasov publicly invited the Irkutsk woman to the project.

The live broadcast ended, and everyone poured in to take pictures with the star. Then the casting participants were given questionnaires. While filling it out, I never ceased to be surprised by the items “Passport details” and “Your Instagram account and number of subscribers,” and came up with a reason why I was worthy of participating in the project. Having managed, I went to the queue of 32 people. Andrei Cherkasov gave a short briefing; this, apparently, was the announced press conference.

Write down everything clearly, including your phone number. Your life depends on the contacts through which you can be contacted,” the presenter frightened. - There were cases when a person passed the casting, but we could not reach him by phone. If you are suitable, they will call you within 2-3 weeks. We buy you tickets, fly to Moscow. Come in three people, each is given 2-3 minutes. Sit down, tell us about yourself, who you like at Dom-2. Be brave, daring - go straight into battle. I'm filming you, smile and show more emotions.

Finding myself in a threesome with a girl and a young man, I looked at the casting participants. This girl is silent, the other is beautiful, but the guy is immediately obvious - arrogant. There were strange shots, and there were a lot of them. A tall blonde, alone in the center of the hall, suddenly began to make some passes with her hands, or rather dance. The red-haired girl kept adjusting her crown, which she apparently put on to attract attention. The guy with whom I was in a group of three was holding in his hands the book “Moscow and Muscovites” by Vladimir Gilyarovsky. “Is he going to read an excerpt?” - I thought. Although everything is possible here.

Meanwhile the line moved forward. Someone came out in confusion: “It didn’t pass,” and the presenter kept some of them with him. From the first three, he liked a lively girl who said that she was going to Dmitry Dmitrenko (she is married to Olya Rapunzel, who is now pregnant. - Author's note).

But they’ve been together for a long time,” Andrei admonished her.
“So what, we’ll fight,” the Irkutsk woman fearlessly declared.

The guy from Zima turned out to be even more fearless and stunned the host by saying that he was going to Olga Buzova (the host of the project).
- Do you understand that you have no chance? - Andrey laughed.
- Why not, she will fall in love with me! - the guy continued.
“No, no, it’s pointless to even discuss this,” the presenter continued to have fun.

He detained Cherkasov and Oksana, a girl who was throwing uncomfortable questions during the live broadcast. She left the hall happy and smiling.

The dancing blonde also received special attention Andrey. “The girl is simply without a brain. This is such a projectile in the head,” the presenter commented when we waited for our turn.

We entered the hall, I sat on a chair in the middle. The light of two spotlights was shining directly into my eyes. We started with a guy with a book.

He played football, he has achievements - a two-time regional champion, participated in the Victory Song Contest on Channel One,” the young man cheerfully reported. - Participant-volunteer of the “Coffee Grinder” competition, volunteer of the youth festival in Sochi, worked in youth theater"Bravo".
“I have exhausted myself due to different mental views and geographical movements...” the presenter slowly read, staring at the questionnaire.

A brief dialogue took place between them, from which Andrei concluded that the young man had chosen the wrong girl - Anastasia Balinskaya. He tried to prove the opposite, to which the presenter said:
- Boring... What is your main talent?
“Writing texts and poems,” the Irkutsk resident did not lose his fighting spirit.
- What would you read to Balinskaya? Let's try it.
- Hopes and dreams come true! And all fear goes away - there is no longing in the heart! Nowadays the movement has arrived! “Dom-2”: let’s build love - this is just the beginning,” the guy exhaled.
Cherkasov froze.
- It was the ending that pulled you out. You are too correct.

It's my turn. I told the prepared legend about the work, Sergei Kucherov, and dramatically rolled my eyes with the phrase: “There are no men at all in Irkutsk.”
- What don’t you like about men?
“Greed,” I blurted out.
- So you like generous men? - the presenter pressed.
“Yes,” I didn’t understand where he was leading.
- But Kucherov is not a financial match for Efremenkova. They have conflicts because of this. You contradict yourself,” Andrey revealed a secret that I had no idea about.

Mentally scolding myself for the fact that I should have read more about this couple, I tried to get out of the situation.
- So the girl next to him is not the same!
- Hm. If not Kucherov, then who? - Andrey’s eyes flashed with interest.
- To be honest, then this moment... - I drawled.
“...everyone is young for you,” Andrey summed up thoughtfully, tapping his pen on the table.

And then I felt offended, and I was even happy when the presenter moved on to last girl. She, without mincing words, said that she was married and had a child.
- You understand that we don’t hire married people, right?
“I’m in the process of getting a divorce,” the girl did not give up.
- What about the child?
- He lives with his grandmother! And anyway, how will they know?
“You will become famous throughout the country, all of Irkutsk will buzz,” Andrey opened his eyes.

But the girl continued:
- I’m so conflicted, I just love living in conflicts! My husband and I fought like this, even when I was pregnant!
“They’re not proud of this,” Cherkasov objected. - Who are you going to?
- To Yosik (Joseph Hovhannisyan - Ed.). Or there is a second option - Araik.
- Why are you drawn to Caucasians? Is your husband, by any chance, Caucasian?
“Well, he’s also non-Russian,” admitted the Irkutsk woman.

With that, Andrei Cherkasov let us go. I don’t know why, but after leaving the hall, I felt relieved. I realized that to each his own: for me - my favorite job, a familiar and familiar way of life, and for others - conflicts, wars and intrigues. I won’t be surprised that we will see some of the Irkutsk casting participants in the legendary “House-2”.

Daria Vasilyeva, Irkutsk Online News Agency


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Hundreds of people want to get into the famous TV show “Dom-2”. Castings for the project are taking place in many major cities Russia, but not everyone manages to get even to the first screening. In most cases, this occurs due to the lack of sufficient information. To help potential participants implement their plan to capture Dom-2, we have collected basic facts, knowledge of which can bring you closer to your dream.

How to get to House 2

Fans of this TV show know how the castings take place and what can await the lucky ones who are selected for the selection of participants. But, nevertheless, the chances of becoming a “household member” are small even for the most devoted viewers. Why?

Because casting managers have certain criteria in choosing people. And the first character to be included in the list is the one who has his own story line for home". For example, if you say that you are going to build love with a specific participant, then it is better to choose a hero who already has a couple. And it’s even better to announce that you already had a relationship with him “in the wild.” And a completely ideal option for girls is to expect a child from one of the “household members”. Applicants with such profiles are among the first to come to the attention of managers.

But a scandalous story will not at all become a safety net for you, even if you pass the casting - it will not save you from being kicked out of the project. After all, passing the selection of candidates is just the beginning, and the berries begin within the perimeter of the “House” territory. In order not to leave the project at the very beginning of your promotion, you need to stand out noticeably. Therefore, when declaring your intentions in the questionnaire, remember that you will have to not only speak, but also actively act. No one needs inconspicuous participants on this project.

If you are full of healthy ambitions, keep in mind that the “old” participants will not be happy to see you. After all, everyone new character– this is a competitor for one of those already present. Therefore, no one will give you a warm welcome or open their arms cordially. And the more extraordinary the newcomer’s personality, the more difficult it will be for him to fight for his place in the sun. All kinds of provocations, too direct questions and open aggression await you. They may laugh at you, make evil jokes, and put you in an awkward position every now and then. If you are ready for such twists and turns in reality TV, go for it!

The main reason for leaving a project is the lack of a goal. If you don’t have a specific task, then you shouldn’t even try. Those who watch this show regularly will have noticed that almost all of the popular characters on House eventually achieve some degree of success. Someone becomes the host of other TV shows, someone opens their own business, and one of former members I even managed to become the host of Dom-2. And all these people were determined from the very beginning to achieve great results. So you should arm yourself with a carefully thought-out dream and not hope for “maybe.” But if you are planning to just appear on TV, then this show is not for you. Try your luck in casting extras for any other show - the result will most likely satisfy you no less.

Well, the technical side of the matter is not at all complicated. After the casting is announced in your city, you should come to the specified address and fill out the candidate form. The questionnaire will contain questions about the number of former partners, indicating their names and place of residence. You should also indicate the duration of your relationship with your ex. After this, if your application passes the selection, you will have a personal conversation with the producers of the project. This is where you have to show yourself as bright, unusual and quite strong personality with clearly defined goals.

As you can see, the path to the stars is very thorny and tortuous. But the answer to the question "How to get to House 2" received, which means all these obstacles are completely surmountable if you are full of firm determination and ready to go towards your dream, sometimes headlong and sometimes sneaking. Therefore, we can only wish you good luck - you will need it.

He opened the way to show business and made many of his participants famous. Some stars of "House-2" managed to organize their own profitable business and, of course, build relationships and create happy families. However, only the most purposeful people achieve such success, and this is exactly what the project needs.

How to get to the show

In order to become a participant in a reality show, you need to go through a fairly strict selection process. First of all, a potential star of the evening broadcast of the TNT channel must fill out a participant form on the official website of the television project You need to indicate in it not only contact information, but also personal information, such as height, weight, criminal record, etc. In addition, you will also need to upload your photo and a short video presentation there. If yours is approved, you will be invited to the casting - the second and most stringent stage of selection of participants. It is through personal communication and assessment of physical data that a decision is made about who will become the new participant in “House-2”.

How to behave at a casting

According to the casting managers, everyone who comes to the selection has the opportunity to become a participant in the project. The main thing is to feel relaxed, not to be shy or afraid. This is the only way to discern a person’s individuality in a fairly short period of time. Castings are held in Moscow every week.

Castings in other cities

Project managers conduct on-site castings in different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. However, the decision about who will take part in the project is, in any case, made in Moscow after viewing such selections.

Casting via Skype

Relatively new form selection of participants - these are castings via Skype in Russian cities. They are announced in advance in local media mass media. In order to take part in it, you need to call the organizers and fill out a form.

Who are producers looking for?

The organizers of the show do not hide the fact that they need heroes who can capture attention at first sight. A participant in a reality show must have charisma, be creative person and a good speaker, able to conduct a dialogue and defend his point of view. Preference at castings is often given to those applicants who have a clear goal and specific plans for the project, because how they come to life is interesting to watch for both the project curator, the participants, and the audience.

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