How many villages are there in the Altai region? Population of the Altai Territory

Altai Territory... You can often hear about this region from various sources. And this is not at all surprising, since he is very interesting. It is probably best known for its unique nature. The magnificent mountains impress many tourists. However, this is not all that this region can boast of. Industry and economy are well developed here, as well as cultural life. The article will look at the population of large cities located here, as well as much more.

Altai Territory - general characteristics

First you need to get to know general information about the region. This is one of the subjects of our country, which is included in the Altai Territory. It is quite large, it occupies a large territory. Its area is about 166,697 square meters. kilometers.

The center of the region is the city of Barnaul, which will be discussed a little later. This region has existed for a long time; it was formed in 1937.

The region is located in the southeast. It has a common border with Kazakhstan. Its neighboring regions of Russia are the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions.

It is worth saying a few words about such an important component as the population Altai Territory. Different areas of the region show different trends related to the number of residents. This will be discussed a little later.

It is also important to note the extraordinary local nature. Of course, the climate here is quite harsh, mainly due to large differences. The difference between the temperature in the warm and cold seasons can be about 90-95 C.

Population of the Altai Territory - how many people live here?

So, we got to know the region itself a little. Now is the time to talk about its population. We can say that these are quite serious numbers. According to data at the beginning of 2016, the number of residents of the subject of the country was 2,376,744 people. Indeed, if you compare the Altai Territory with other regions, you can see that it is a fairly populated place. Most people live in cities. Their share is about 56%. Despite this, the population density in the region is extremely low - only 14 people per 1 sq. kilometer.

If we talk about the dynamics of the number of people in these places, we can say that in Lately there is a steady downward trend. This process has been going on here for a long time. It started in 1996 and continues to the present day. Thus, we discussed a little the population of the Altai Territory. Now it’s worth moving on to a more detailed consideration of it.

National composition of the population

General information about the number of residents and its dynamics in recent times was discussed a little higher. Now it's time to talk about the national composition of the local population. You can immediately tell that he is incredibly rich here. Representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in these places. For the most part, this diversity of peoples is associated with the history of these places.

The majority of the population is Russian (almost 94% of all residents). Often there are Germans (just over 2%), Ukrainians (1.3%), Kazakhs (0.3%), Tatars (0.3%), Armenians (0.3%).

Thus we see that National composition is rich and represented here different peoples who have been living here for a long time. Of course, as in other regions of the country, the population here is unevenly distributed between regions. The same can be said about the distribution of all the peoples living here throughout the Altai Territory.

Administrative-territorial division of the region

Now it’s worth talking about how governance is carried out in this region of our country. On this moment there are many units that are part of the region. It is important to note that the administrative center here is the city of Barnaul. Altai Territory includes the following territorial units: rural districts - 58, village councils - 647, cities of regional significance - 9, cities of regional significance - 3, national district - 1, intra-city districts - 5, ZATO - 1, district significance - 4, rural administrations - 5.

Also, in order to understand what regions of the Altai Territory exist, we need to talk about the municipal division. The region includes the following components: municipal districts - 50, rural settlements- 647, urban settlements - 7, urban districts - 10.

It is also worth talking about where the administration of the Altai Territory is located. It is located in the city of Barnaul. Her address: Lenin Avenue, 59.

Major cities and regions

So, we talked about what areas the region where the administration of the Altai Territory is located includes. Now it’s worth talking about the major cities that are located here. Naturally, the largest city is the administrative center - that is, the city of Barnaul.

However, there are other large settlements that need to be considered separately. Among them are Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaisk, Zarinsk and others. Of course, they are much smaller than Barnaul, but they also deserve attention. We'll talk about some of them in more detail later.

It is also necessary to note the largest districts of the region. Their list includes Kamensky, Biysky, Pavlovsky, Pervomaisky and other areas.


Start off detailed story, of course, stands from the largest settlement, which is included in the Altai Territory. The cities here vary greatly, both in size and population. So, let's start with the city of Barnaul. It appeared quite a long time ago; its history goes back several centuries. The settlement was founded in 1730, and in 1771 it already received the status of a city. Thus, we see that such a wonderful city as Barnaul has existed for many years. The population, according to data obtained in 2016, is about 635,585 people. If we compare it with other large settlements in Russia, it ranks 21st.

The city also has great importance in industrial, economic, cultural and scientific life region. Various educational institutions and research institutes are open here. Also in the village there are many cultural monuments that date back to the 18th-20th centuries.

The city's transport networks are well developed, as it is an important junction at the intersection of many routes. The airport of the same name is located not far from the village. It is located 17 kilometers from the city.

Thus, we got acquainted with such a wonderful city as Barnaul. Population, history, transport, culture - all this, and some other points were discussed in detail.


It's time to move on to the next settlement, which is rightfully considered the second in the region after Barnaul. This interesting city is called Biysk. Its population is 203,826 people. Recently, there has been a tendency for the number of residents to decrease here.

This wonderful city was founded in 1709, during the reign of Peter I. Now it is a real science city (this status was assigned to it in 2005), as well as a large industrial center. The Biysk Thermal Power Plant also operates here, providing electricity to many enterprises and residential buildings.

Interestingly, the city conducts research in the field of chemistry, as well as its use in the defense industry. In addition, the city is also the agricultural center of the entire region. Biysk, like Barnaul, is a major transport hub at the intersection of several important highways. The street road network in the city is also well developed; the total length of roads is about 529 kilometers.

So, we have looked at the basic information about this interesting city like Biysk: population, economy, transport and much more.


Another large city in the Altai Territory is Rubtsovsk. Now it is a fairly large settlement. The number of its inhabitants is 146,386 people. Over the past few years, here, as in other cities in the region, there has been a decline in population. Despite this, it ranks 121st in terms of population among all Russian cities (it should be noted that a total of 1,114 cities are included in the list).

The settlement was founded in 1892, and in 1927 it already received city status.

IN Soviet times it was one of the leading industrial centers of the whole Western Siberia. However, in the 90s of the 20th century, many enterprises ceased to function.

Large areas of the region

So, we looked at the main settlements that are located in a region such as the Altai Territory. The cities we met are indeed large industrial centers and are of great importance for the entire region.

However, it is worth saying a few words separately about the regions of the Altai Territory. The largest of them is Kamensky (its population is 52,941 people). Its administrative center is the city of Kamen-on-Obi. Another important district is Pavlovsky. 40,835 people live here.

Thus, we got acquainted with the Altai Territory, learned about its population, as well as about the large cities and districts of the region.

How can the Altai Republic attract visitors? In fact, everything is here. Without exaggerating, you can really say so, because this is a land where you will find magnificent landscapes of nature in its original form, which is ideal for hiking.

Altai cities also have many attractions that do not go unnoticed by travelers.

General information about the Altai Territory

If you want to walk under clear skies and enjoy the warmth sun rays And fresh air, as well as explore caves, fish in lakes, swim or just look at mountain rivers and a large number of healing springs, then you simply need to go to Altai. Tourists who want to spend their holidays on the beach or take a look at new cities and their attractions will find something to do here.

Altai is located next to unique natural monuments. For example, it is in this region that the most high mountain in Siberia. If you want to look at the peak of Belukha or the most deep cave in a country called Ecological, you should come here.

What to do in the Altai Territory

Today, the Altai Republic offers the traveler to feel the benefits of the unique local flavor, without giving up comfort. Altai cities are developing tourism infrastructure, annually investing in it. Such events have their results, as guests come here even from abroad.

A holiday in Altai will truly not be forgotten for a long time, since everything here is unique: nature, local customs and cuisine.

Altai Republic: cities

If we talk about what the republic is, we should remember the largest populated areas. The capital of the region is Gorno-Altaisk. Thus, the cities of the republic have their own specifics, and in them you can feel the atmosphere of the entire region. Below you will find information about just some of them.

The city limits of Barnaul, for example, will not seem boring to you, as there are many historical, cultural and architectural monuments. Here you can go on various excursions to local museum complexes (local history, art, literature, etc.).

Altai cities also include Biysk, which is the second largest in the region. There are a large number of historical and architectural attractions that are intricately combined with modern buildings. From here they often go on excursions to lakes Teletskoye and Aya. The city has local history museum, where you can learn more about the history of the region.

The territory of Novoaltaisk, which is one of the administrative centers of the region, is located in the forest-steppe. Altai cities include this one, which is located on the coast of the Ob River.

The republic also has a resort called Slavgorod, which stands on two salt lakes. Their healing properties attract a large number of tourists every year.

The Altai region is simply a magical place, captivating with its pristine beauty and incredible natural reserves. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come here every year not only from Russia and the former Soviet republics, but also from foreign countries, where the healing power of the Altai land is legendary. Many tourists stay at numerous tourist centers for their holidays, but others prefer to live in cities. Exactly the most famous cities Altai Territory became the topic of this article.

Altai Territory: description

If you have never come to Altai, we advise you to do so as soon as possible. The energy of these places has been considered beneficial since ancient times. Historians and local historians call the Altai Territory the country’s treasury, where almost all natural areas. Here you will find mountains, plains, steppes and even tundra. There are only a few places like this on the entire planet. The indigenous inhabitants of Altai believe that their region is special, and it can indeed present many mysteries. This is where the most anomalous zones are located, and shamans can tell a lot incredible stories, associated with the spirits of these places who still live on earth.

Incredibly, seventeen thousand rivers flow through the Altai lands, and thirteen thousand large lakes with pure water are the pride of the region. Many cities of the Altai Territory are as original as the nature of this region. They can compete in beauty with recognized world capitals and provide tourists high level comfort. Moreover, each of major cities This area has its own characteristics.

Cities of Altai: general characteristics

Without exaggeration, the cities of the Altai Territory can be called ancient human settlements. Many of them were formed in places where shamans and local residents. This fact speaks of the incredibly beneficial energy of these settlements, because our ancestors knew how to choose places to live from the point of view of energy fields and were never mistaken in their choice.

Now there are eleven large cities in Altai. We will tell you about four of them, because they are more known to our compatriots than others (they are arranged in descending order of number of inhabitants):

  • Barnaul;
  • Biysk;
  • Rubtsovsk;
  • Slavgorod.

The difference between the population of Barnaul, which tops our list, and Slavgorod may surprise anyone. Judge for yourself - 652,000 people and 32,000 people. Moreover, the cities of the Altai Territory for the most part have a small population, despite the well-developed infrastructure and industry of the region.

City of Barnaul (Altai Territory)

Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Territory, this explains the large number of residents of the city. We could talk about this center of the region for quite a long time, but we decided to collect a few interesting facts, which most clearly characterize Barnaul:

  • ancient people settled on the site of today’s capital; their sites were found by archaeologists in large numbers;
  • the official founding date of the city is 1730, when a delegation led by a merchant arrived in these territories to build a metallurgical plant;
  • the city's infrastructure is very well developed, it even has its own modern airport;
  • The Demidov plant served as a kind of testing ground for a mass of inventions that managed to give impetus to the development of industry;
  • on the territory of today's Barnaul in different times more than fifteen different nationalities lived;
  • at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the average wealth of the city's population was so high that their houses often had more than twenty-six rooms;
  • at the end of the twentieth century, fabrics from Barnaul participated in prestigious French exhibitions;
  • The city became the birthplace of an extraordinary drink - milk champagne.

Barnaul has always been cultural center Siberia and Far East, the first libraries, theaters and museums opened here. We can say that even now the city holds the lead among all the others. settlements Altai Territory in terms of living standards and infrastructure development.

Biysk city, Altai region

Biysk is often called a science city; it ranks second in terms of population and amenities after Barnaul. Its population is 219,000 people.

The city is already more than three hundred years old, and it was one of six settlements built by the personal decree of Peter I. Initially, Biysk was built as a defensive structure and only a few years later began to grow with civilians.

Everyone who dreams of visiting the Altai mountains comes here. All routes to Mongolia begin here, because Biysk is the starting point of the Chuisky tract, which is a kind of trade route connecting the two countries.

There are a lot of people in the city educational institutions(more than fifteen universities), the population from nearby villages comes here to get an education.

Rubtsovsk: characteristics of the city

The city of Rubtsovsk (Altai Territory) appeared on the map of the country at the end of the nineteenth century, only then did it have the status of a village. Only in the twenties of the last century the village turned into a city and began to grow significantly. This was facilitated by the convenient location of the settlement, because the residents of Rubtsovsk enjoy on sunny days as much as the residents of Crimea. Amazing statistics, isn't it?

The city is the third largest in the Altai Territory, but at the same time one of the worst settlements from an environmental point of view. A large number of factories have turned it into something smoky and dirty. And the presence of a nuclear test site dangerously close suggests an undesirable presence in the vicinity of Rubtsovsk.

Slavgorod: a city next to the pink lake

The city of Slavgorod (Altai Territory) was formed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. It has a surprisingly harmonious layout, this is due to the lands on which it is built. The steppe gave great opportunities to the builders, because they were able to build a city that was symmetrical and geometrically correct.

Slavgorod is surrounded on all sides by lakes, most of them salty. Scientists link this fact with groundwater and chemical elements in the soil. Two large lakes, Maloe Yarovoe and Bolshoye Yarovoye, have a supply of healing mud and do not freeze even in severe frosts.

Burlinskoye Lake, which is part of the territorial borders of Slavgorod, is an incredible and fairytale picture- its shores are bright pink, and the water itself sometimes takes on a deep crimson hue. This is due to large salt deposits covering the bottom of the lake. It has been mined here since time immemorial.

Each city in the Altai Territory is good in its own way, so when you come to these blessed lands, visit at least one of them. And you will immediately be imbued with the spirit and energy of these ancient mysterious places making people happier.

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